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ギリシャ危機 みなデモばかりしている訳ではない(2)伝統食で女性起業家

2011-10-14 | ギリシャ

Making tradition trendy

by Helen Varvaritis-Tourikis

Business partners and in-laws Nancy Lazarou (R) and Anastasia Aroney see their job ‘as more than a job’  ビジネスパートナーで親戚でもあるナンシー・ラザロウ(右)アナスタシア・アロネイは彼らの仕事に、仕事以上の意義を見出だしている。

26 Sep 2011
ONCE upon a time, when people lived off the land, when each fruit was available in abundance for only a few sweet weeks, every home used traditional methods to preserve those flavours and traditional ways of serving them. Visiting family or friends, you would invariably be treated to a delicious dish of glyko tou koutaliou, which literally means “sweet of the spoon”. Made from either fruit or vegetables, the jars full of colourful translucent fruit in their own syrup were a staple in every Greek kitchen.
昔、人々がその地に住んでいた時、フルーツは、その数週間の収穫期だけ豊富に食べることができた、家々はそれらの香りの良い果物を伝統的な保存し、伝統的な方法で供してきた。 家族や友人を訪れると、決まってグルコ・トウ・コウタリオウの美味しい食べ物でもてなされる、その名の意味は文字通り「スプーン一杯のスィーツ」。果物や野菜から作られ、自家製のシロップ漬けの色とりどりの半透明の果物はギリシャのキッチンの定番だ。

Up until a few years ago, it was hard to find glyko tou koutaliou on the market that was not mass- produced, a glucose-based plastinated fruit in syrup that bore no resemblance to the one grandmothers throughout the country made.

Fourteen years ago, two women set out to rectify the situation and restore the wonderful tradition that had been sidelined by the Greeks obsessed with foreign flavours. From this cause, Idiston Handmade Tradition was born.
14年前、二人の女性が状況を建て直して、外国のフレーバー漬けになっているギリシャ人がすっかり忘れている素晴らしい伝統を取り戻そうと立ち上がった。 そういうことで、「イディストン・ハンドメイド・トラディション」が産まれた。

Business partners and koumbares, or in-laws, Nancy Lazarou and Anastasia Aroney took up the mission of making the unique glyko tou koutaliou fashionable. “We see our job as more than a job. It is a crusade to bring back the traditional foods, made in the traditional way,” says Aroney, the 51-year-old Greek-Australian who moved away from a career in the clothing industry to join Lazarou in confectionery business. At the time, Lazarou, an economics graduate and mother of two, was operating a small cake-and-sweets bakery, made to order, from a store below her home.
ビジネスパートナーであり仲間、そして親戚の関係にある、ナンシー・ラザロウとアナスタシア・アロネイはユニークなグルコ・トウ・コウタリオウをファッショナブルにしようと取り組んだ。「私たちは、この仕事を、仕事以上のものと考えています。 それは、伝統的な方法で作られた伝統食物を取り戻すための十字軍なのです」と、51歳のオーストラリア系ギリシャ人のアロネイは言う。彼女は、このスウィーツビジネスのラザロウを助けるために、元の服飾関係のキャリアをなげうってきた。

Recognising the gap in the market, Lazarou refocused the business with the help of Aroney. “In the mid-90s there was a shift in people’s perception of Greek cuisine. Suddenly it had become trendy again. People were again interested in eating traditional food, eating regional products. They were talking about graviera Kritis and all the other Protected Designation products,” says Aroney.
市場のギャップを認識するために、ラザロウはアロネイの助けをかりてビジネスを再検討した。 「90年代半ばに、ギリシャ料理に対する人々の見方が変わった。突然またギリシャ料理がトレンディになってきた。 人々は再び伝統的な食物や地域の名産を食べることに関心を持つようになってきた。彼らはギリシャチーズや他の守られてきた指定産品を話していた。」

Focusing on the popular glyka tou koutaliou, Lazarou and Aroney produced vysino (sour cherry), kydoni (quince) and pergamonto (bergamot orange). By selling to restaurants and cafes, they slowly started to penetrate the market because they steadfastly held to the traditional recipes, according to which the fruit is preserved only in sugar and nothing else.

Idiston products do not have added preservatives, glucose syrup or food-grade lime, also known as pickling lime, which is often added to harden the fruit so it does not break apart. The pickling lime, a chemical additive, invariably leaves an undesirable finish, therefore it is not used at Idiston. This results in a softer-textured product, especially evident in the walnut.

“We have been using the same suppliers for years and source all the produce from the best growing areas - and of course only make each type of glyko when the fruit is in season. For example, the quince and the crab apple are from Volos, the cherries from Tripoli, and so on,” she adds.

Interestingly, although there is consistency in the product, Aroney acknowledges that because of the fruit itself, there are the slight variations within the products. “We measure the sugar content of the fruit with specialised equipment and that determines the amount of sugar we add,” says Aroney, debunking the traditional myth of 1 kilo of sugar for every kilo of fruit. “Playing it by ear, so to speak, is still necessary, even though we have specific recipes, because the fruit itself changes. Even within the season the fruit is different. Quince, which has a two-month season, is very different at the beginning of the season compared to the end.”

Preparing the fruit in small batches of between 8 and 10 kilos, the fruit is captured at its optimum before being preserved and bottled. In the case of the citrus fruits, where the peel rather than the flesh is needed for the glyko tou koutaliou, the flesh is used to make natural cordials. The mandarin cordial, called mandarinada in Greek, is made from naturally sweet mandarins from Chios.

The cordial concentrate is mixed with four parts water or soda for a truly refreshing soft drink. Apart from the spoon sweets and cordials, Idiston has also launched a range of savoury sauces, such as the piquant plum sauce, that is perfectly suited to roasted pork fillet.

For Aroney and Lazarou, the mission to rediscover the flavours of Greece doesn’t stop. “This is not just a business, it is promoting the idea of eating traditional, regional, natural and seasonal food - Greek food.” A concept at the forefront of the international food scene.
アロネイとラザロウにとってギリシャの風味探索の使命は終わらない。「これは単なるビジネスではない。それは伝統食、地域に根差した自然で季節の食物を食べる思想の普及です。そうギリシャの伝統食物を」 それは国際的な食糧事情で最も進んだ考え方でもある。
Idiston Handmade Tradition
10 Al Zaimi St, Nea Filadelfia
Phone 210-253-3698

How to serve spoon sweets
Traditionally, the glyko tou koutaliou was a way of preserving the abundance of fresh fruit in season for the year ahead. Every homemaker had jars of delicious spoon sweets that were served to guests.

A generous spoonful of the spoon sweet on a delicate cut crystal dessert plate, with a glass of cool water, was a traditional kerasma, or treat. Apart from adding it as an indulgent topping to icecream or yogurt, spoon sweets can also be used in all manner of desserts. Only a little imagination is needed.
スプーン大盛りのスイーツを洒落たクリスタルカットのデザートプレートに盛って、冷たい水を一緒に添える。これが伝統的なおもてなしだ。 アイスクリームやヨーグルトのトッピングの他に、このスプーンスイートはデザートの色んな方法で使われる。少しの想像力があれば十分。