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ギリシャ危機 ベストセラー作家がギリシャ政治家、労働組合を痛烈批判

2011-10-25 | ギリシャ
A moral collapse  モラルの崩壊


by Paris Ayiomamitis

GREECE is a society in moral collapse, according to American author and journalist Michael Lewis. In contrast to other countries faced with a financial crisis, Lewis asserts, Greece’s problem is far more than a financial one: it is also a cultural one in which the role of the state within society is viewed differently.

※ マイケル・ルイス(Michael Lewis)

The Greeks, he says, rely on the government for handouts on the one hand, but cheat it out of taxes, on the other.


Judging from the behaviour of trade unionists in recent decades, his observation is not that far off the mark. And this is because every time a government dares to touch or disrupt this crooked setup - it is faced with the fury and violence of trade unionists.

Empowered by successive governments - and Pasok in particular - in the post-1974 period (metapolitefsi), Greek trade unions have enjoyed a comfy power-sharing situation that over time has developed into a scourge, opposing any changes or reforms that would threaten the status quo.


Trade unionists have effectively hijacked the country, purporting to be fighting for the interests of workers when, in fact, they are fighting to maintain and expand their own privileges at the expense of society at large. The recent disruptions caused by taxi and Public Power Corporation (DEI) unions, to name just a couple, are a point in case.
労働組合は、労働者の利益を守るために戦っていると言いながら、実は大方の社会の犠牲のもとに自らの特権を維持拡大するために戦い、国を効果的にハイジャックしたのです。 最近のタクシー業界や公共の電力会社の労働組合による交通マヒは、その二つの例として名前をあげますが、その典型です。

Tax evasion - the country’s most pressing problem - cannot be tackled unless everyone gets on board, including the unions.

It’s up to the political establishment to break the shackles imposed by unions if Greece is to put itself back on track.

But given the bizarre inability of the country’s main political parties to reach some form of political consensus on finding a way out of the crisis, the future is indeed bleak.

Even its EU partners are dumbstruck. And a frustrated European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso - among many other leading EU politicians - recently urged the political establishment to get its act together before it’s too late. “Greece,” he urged, “needs consensus, not short-sighted partisan politics.” But his words are falling on deaf ears. Prime Minister George Papandreou and main opposition New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras, who met on October 19, failed once again to reach any agreement.
EUのパートナー各国も呆れ果てている。欧州委員会のジョセ・マヌエル・バロッソ委員長も、多くの他のEU指導者同様、業を煮やして最近ギリシャの政治家に対して手遅れになる前に一緒に行動を起こそうと呼びかけました。「ギリシャは、近視眼的に党派閥政治をするのではなく、皆のコンセンサスが必要なのです。」と彼は呼びかけたのです。しかし、彼の言葉は「馬の耳に念仏」でした。 ジョージ・パパンドルー首相と主要な野党である新民主党の党首アントニス・サマラスは10月19日に会談し、なんの妥協点も見出せずに会談は心配におわりました。

Faced with a disaster, Papandreou has clearly failed to rally the political establishment around the cause of a viable exit from the debt crisis. Meanwhile, Samaras has obstinately stuck to his policy of cheap populism, promising a renegotiation of the terms of Greece’s bailout if he comes to power, despite the clear message from international creditors and eurozone leaders that this will never happen.

But political impotence and irresponsibility are not limited to the country’s main political parties. On the one hand, the Greek Communist Party is calling for Greece’s exit from the eurozone and the EU as a way out of the crisis, while Syriza is demanding the resignation of the government on the other.

But neither has bothered to explain how this would help the country get back on its feet. In the meantime, protesters run riot outside parliament with firebombs and stones, causing mayhem as the country is plagued weekly by strikes.

And all this at a time when creditors and analysts believe it is a foregone conclusion that Greece will eventually default on its debts with disastrous consequences for the country. Greek politicians are still busy playing the blame game and it won’t be long before they are faced with not just a moral collapse, but a total collapse.
債権者やアナリスト達が、ギリシャが事実上、悲惨な結果をもたらす負債で事実上デフォルトすることが自明の結論だと考えている時に、全てがこのざまである。 ギリシャの政治家は未だに非難の応酬ゲームに明け暮れている。この国がモラルの崩壊に止まらず、全面的に崩壊するのもそう遠くのことではないであろう。

