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ギリシャ危機 政府提出緊縮財政法案は成立するか?ギリギリの攻防

2011-10-16 | ギリシャ
Government vows to pass cuts in 'fight for existence'


14 Oct 2011

Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos pledged on Friday to pass austerity measures in parliament next week in a "fight for our existence", rallying lawmakers despite mounting opposition from labor unions and within the ruling party's own ranks.

The country will but by a 48-hour general strike called to coincide with the vote on Thursday. Union leaders hope to sink the package of pay cuts, tax hikes and public sector layoffs by undermining the resolve of ruling Pasok.

At least two MPs have threatened to vote against part of the package. Nevertheless, the government's slender majority will probably hold up.

Venizelos said there was no alternative to the measures, which the government says are needed to fend off bankruptcy.

"This is a fight for our existence ... we will do anything," he told lawmakers in parliament.

Inspectors from the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank troika left Athens on Tuesday, indicating they would recommend releasing an 8bn euro tranche of aid that the country needs to keep paying its bills past mid-November.

But they warned the government that the country was slipping behind on its targets and needed to lift efforts to cut costs and reform its stricken economy.

Rebels 造反
Venizelos, who said he was working to build support among IMF members including new economic powers like Russia, India and China, said the wave of strikes could lead to a breakdown in order. "We must urgently come to our senses," he warned.

"The general accounting office doesn't work because it's occupied, the general data system center doesn't work because it's occupied ... society is turning against itself," he said.
「国の会計検査院は占拠されて機能していないし、国のデータシステムセンターも占拠され機能していない ……. 社会が自ら首を絞めている。」とも・・・

Pasok has seen its approval ratings drop sharply as the crisis has continued and there have been growing signs of revolt from within the party with at least one deputy threatening to quit.

"I will resign on Monday, let somebody else take my place," Pasok deputy Thomas Robopoulos told a private radio station. "I can't be part of a parliament in which I have nothing to say."

Two other Pasok deputies have said they will vote against a provision in the draft law which would suspend sectoral wage deals in certain sections of the economy until 2014 to boost company-level agreements.

The government has only a narrow majority with 154 seats in the 300-member parliament but would be able to replace any deputy who resigned with another member from its own ranks.

A small center-right party has also said it may support the government in Thursday's vote.

Robopoulos, a car dealer and one of the few independent businessmen in the Greek parliament, has made several threats to resign in the past but has held back at the last minute to avoid triggering a government crisis.
ロボポウロス議員は、カーディーラーであり、ギリシャ議会では数少ない企業経営者出身である。 過去にも何回か辞意を漏らしていたが、最後になって政府危機の引き金を引くわけにはいかないとして自重していた。

However his comments underlined growing disillusion by many deputies in the ruling party, which has seen its position in parliament eroded by a steady trickle of desertions over the past year.

A total of six Pasok MPs have become independents in protest against austerity measures since the 2010 bailout. Another two resigned and were replaced by others from party lists.

New Democracy, which has repeatedly attacked the austerity measures as pointless and counterproductive, has called on the government to resign, but Venizelos said the criticisms would only make the ruling party more determined.

"I am sure this will steel the resolve of Pasok lawmakers," he told parliament.

ギリシャ危機 アテネ・ニュースから市民生活の実態が窺える2つをアップしました。

2011-10-16 | ギリシャ
Eating on a budget


by Kathy Tzilivakis
14 Oct 2011

The findings of a new survey of 1,250 Greek consumers by the Consumer Protection Centre (Kepka) suggest that 90 percent of Greeks have started to swap their steaks and meatballs for beans and lentils.

The research by the Thessaloniki-based consumers group also found that red meat and fish are consumed just once a week, while lamb is served only once a month.

Back in 2006, meat was considered a staple and could be found on the dinner table at least twice a week. Beans, pasta, chicken and eggs are now the cheaper and most frequent alternative.

Kepka suggests the price of food is the main factor influencing a food purchase decision.

About a quarter of consumers surveyed also said they look for the cheapest product and the best discount when shopping at a supermarket. Meanwhile, the number of Greeks dining out has dropped seven percent since 2006.
今回の対象消費者の4分の1の人達がスーパーで買い物をするときに、一番安い商品や一番値引きしている商品を探すと答えている。 一方で、外食をするギリシャ人は2006年以降7%も減っている。

Minister signs urgent order on garbage


by (AthensNewsWeb)
14 Oct 2011

A man searches in a pile of garbage in front of a bank branch in Athens (Reuters)

Municipal employees and others who block the collection of rubbish from the streets of Athens face heavy fine and even prison sentences under an emergency order signed by the health minister on Friday.

The order, signed by Andreas Loverdos, is expected to come into force later on Friday after it is published in the Government Gazette.

Under the order, mayors and regional authorities are instructed to proceed with the removal of rubbish from Athens’ streets immediately, in the interests of public health.

In the event of noncompliance, the order allows for fines and prison sentences of up to three months, with obstructers facing criminal proceedings.

According to reports, the police are on alert and awaiting instruction from the state prosecutor to open Fyli landfill.

On Wednesday, the Hellenic Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Kelpno) said the mounds of uncollected waste represented a public health hazard.

For over a week, municipal workers have been on an unofficial strike and have blocked the entrance to Fyli landfill.

On Wednesday, the Attica regional council voted to engage private garbage collectors to clear the mounds of rubbish from the streets of Athens that have accumulated as a result of a fortnight-long strike of municipal workers.

Speaking on private Skai TV this morning, a union representative said that “blood would flow” if private collectors got involved in rubbish disposal.

On October 7, Athens public prosecutors Eleni Raikou ordered the arrest of anyone blocking garbage trucks from entering and unloading rubbish at the Fyli landfill site.