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ギリシャ危機 11月まで様子見 (負担が大きすぎる?)

2011-10-04 | ギリシャ
Haircut under review, no new aid until November

by (Reuters)

Jean-Claude Juncker, the chairman of Eurogroup

4 Oct 2011
Eurozone finance ministers are reviewing the size of the private sector's involvement in a second international bailout package for Greece, a move that could undermine the aid programme and hasten the threat of a default.

Ministers also agreed after a meeting in Luxembourg that Greece could wait until mid-November until it receives the next installment from its existing emergency aid programme, piling more pressure on Athens to tackle its debt problems.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the chairman of the Eurogroup ministers, said they were reassessing the extent of the private sector's role in the planned second package for Greece, a centrepiece of the deal struck on July 21 to rescue Athens.

Under that deal, private creditors agreed to take a 21 percent write-down on their holdings of Greek debt via a plan to lighten the debt burden. Now that Greece's economic growth and deficit situation has worsened, that deal needs to be reviewed.
その協定のもとで、ギリシャの負債軽減の計画に沿って、民間の債権者は彼らが保持するギリシャ国債の21%の減価について同意した。 ギリシャの経済成長と財政赤字の状況が悪化している現状で、この協定は見直す必要がある。

"As far as the PSI (private sector involvement) is concerned, we have to take into account the fact that we have experienced changes since the decisions we took on the July 21, so we are considering technical revisions, so yes," Juncker told reporters, although he would not elaborate.

Juncker also said the European Central Bank was not the main avenue being explored to increase the firepower of the European Financial Stability Facility, an acknowledgement that is likely to undermine confidence that the bailout fund can be sufficiently scaled up to calm febrile financial markets.

Despite more than six hours of talks, the meeting produced few concrete steps and is likely to provoke more uncertainty among investors, with expectations rising that Greece will end up having to default on its 357 billion euros of debts.

The only immediately positive development was that a months-long dispute over Finnish demands for collateral for new loan guarantees for Greece was resolved.

The next finance ministers' meeting on Oct 13, when they were expected to sign off on the next, 8 billion euro payment to Greece, has been cancelled, and EU and IMF inspectors will have several weeks in which to report back on Athens' budget cuts.

"Greece told us that the funds will have to be made available during the second week of November," Belgian Finance Minister Didier Reynders told reporters after the meeting, establishing a new, later deadline for the aid to be paid.

"We reviewed the Greek plan and we will now wait for the final report from the troika since we have time to decide."

Budget goals missed  達成できなかった目標
Greece's admission on Sunday that it will miss its deficit target this year despite ever deeper cost-cutting measures provoked a sharp sell-off in stock markets and has raised new doubts over the second, 109 billion euro bailout.

European bank shares suffered the heaviest falls on fears that private sector bondholders may be forced to absorb bigger losses than agreed in a July rescue plan for Greece, which was based on more optimistic growth forecasts.

The worst performing bank was Franco-Belgian group Dexia, whose shares fell 10 percent on concerns over its heavy Greek exposure and after Moody's said liquidity problems could lead to a downgrade of its credit rating.

The draft budget sent to parliament on Monday showed this year's deficit would be 8.5 percent of gross domestic product, well above the 7.6 percent agreed in EU/IMF bailout programme, the benchmark for future EU aid.

Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said the 2012 fiscal targets would be met in absolute terms and Greece would have a primary surplus before debt service for the first time in many years. That may be enough to convince the troika that the next, 8 billion euro tranche of aid to Athens can be paid.

However, next year's deficit is projected to be 6.8 percent of GDP, rather than the 6.5 percent EU/IMF goal, because the economy is set to shrink by a further 2.5 percent after a record 5.5 percent contraction in 2011.

A deeper-than-forecast recession means public debt will be equivalent to 161.8 percent of GDP this year, rising to 172.7 percent next year, by far the highest ratio in Europe.

The likelihood that Greece's funding needs next year will be greater than forecast when a second 109 billion euro rescue package was agreed in principle in July reopened a fraught battle over who should pay -- taxpayers or financiers.
7月に2回目の1090億ユーロの救済が原則合意を見て、ギリシャの来年の救済基金が予想を遥かに超えそうだなったことが、誰がこの資金を負担するのかという議論が再燃した。 納税者(国民)かそれとも銀行や金融機関か・・・

Steeper haircut?
Deutsche Bank chairman Josef Ackermann, head of the International Institute of Finance (IIF※), which negotiated a "voluntary" bond-swap by investors as part of the bailout plan, warned at the weekend against changing the terms now.

アイ‐アイ‐エフ 【IIF】
《 Institute of International Finance 》世界の大手民間金融機関が参加する国際的な組織。1983年設立。本部はワシントン。国際金融システムの安定を維持するため、ソブリンリスクを含む金融リスク管理の支援、規制・基準の策定などを行う。国際金融協会。

"If we reopen the voluntary accord of July 21, we will not only lose precious time but quite possibly also private investor support," Ackermann told the Sunday edition of Kathimerini.

"The impact of such a move will be incalculable. This is why I am warning in the most forceful way against any material revision," he said.

Private bondholders agreed to a 21 percent write-down on their debt holdings but EU and German officials have suggested the "haircut" may have to be increased -- possibly to as much as 40 or 50 percent -- in light of a new funding shortfall and changed market conditions.

"Ultimately, Greece would need to see its debt written down by more and with that you need probably some kind of shoring up of the banking sector," said Alec Letchfield, chief investment officer at HSBC Asset Management.

Political resistance to pouring more public money into eurozone bailouts is growing across northern Europe.

"Greece is bankrupt," said Michael Fuchs, a deputy parliamentary floor leader in German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats, reflecting a growing mood in Berlin.

"Probably there is no other way for us other than to accept at least a 50 percent forgiveness of its debts," Fuchs told the Rheinische Post newspaper.

Flight to safety 
Uncertainty over the extent of damage to the already fragile European banking sector from a possible Greek default has been driving investors to take refuge in safer assets.

Yields on Spanish and Italian government bonds rose and the cost of insuring their debt against default spiked on the news from Greece, while money poured into safe-haven German Bunds. The euro fell to an eight-month low in Asia.

"The markets continue to conclude that a default for Greece is an inevitability and a question of when rather than if," said Nick Stamenkovic, strategist at RIA Capital Markets.

In Luxembourg, eurozone ministers discussed ways to leverage their EFSF bailout fund, but will not reach a conclusion on Monday, officials said. They also discussed how to maintain pressure on Greece to implement agreed structural reforms and privatisations to try to get its economy growing again -- one factor which might help it.

Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn said Europe faced a triple challenge of "stalling growth, stressed sovereigns and still vulnerable banks.

Ministers would review options to enhance the financial firepower of the rescue fund, some of which involved leveraging with money from the European Central Bank, he said.

The debt and GDP projections illustrate how Greece has fallen into a vicious spiral of recession, falling revenues, soaring unemployment and declining consumer purchasing power.

Officials expect the next aid tranche will be paid, because the eurozone will not be ready to cope with the fallout of a Greek default until its bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), gets its new powers of market intervention ratified in the next two weeks.

Even then, however, while the 440 billion euro fund will be able to buy government bonds from the market, recapitalise banks and extend precautionary credit to sovereigns, it may not have enough cash to cope with all the financing needs.

Among the ideas under consideration is allowing the EFSF to refinance itself at the ECB's liquidity operations for banks. The EFSF could also guarantee to cover a percentage of potential losses investors could incur in case of a hypothetical sovereign default.

ギリシャ危機 国民はその特有の柔軟性で危機を乗り越えるか?

2011-10-04 | ギリシャ
Despair and resignation as more pain looms
絶望と忍従 より大きな苦痛にむけて


3 Oct 2011

A high-school student is detained by riot police during a protest march against economic austerity and planned education reforms in Athens October 3, 2011. (Reuters/John Kolesidis)

With news on Monday that the recession will last at least a fourth year -- and the government promising ever tougher reforms that will bring even more hardship -- labour unions have vowed to call citizens out into the streets.

They will turn out in their thousands, but despite escalating rhetoric and the prospect of unrest, Greeks express little hope that their public expressions of outrage can change their fate.

"What can you do? Throw stones? Throw oranges? Even if you spat on the politicians all day long it would accomplish nothing," said Amalia Dougia, a 45-year-old single mother, resting wearily on a bench in downtown Athens, where she was waiting to see a lawyer to find a way out of debt.

She has been unemployed for two years since the economic crisis forced her to close down her shop selling household goods, leaving her with nothing but unpaid bills and a benefit cheque of 175 euros a month.

Two daughters are at university studying cosmetics and project management, but these days they have little hope of a job in those fields when they graduate. The best they can find now is temporary work in the summer, waiting tables or handing fliers to tourists.

"The oldest wants to leave the country, but where would I get the money to help her out? I've given up planning for the future. I just accept life as it comes," she said. "I've thought about suicide, but I have to look after my children."
「老人たちは、この国を出たいと思っているわ、でもどこで国を出るための金をもらえるの? 私は将来を計画することを諦めたわ。これから起きる人生を受け止めるだけ。自殺も考えたけど、子供の面倒をみなくちゃいけないの。」と彼女は話した。

More pain 更なる痛み
Three years into a recession that has seen wages tumble, unemployment surge and living standards eroded, the government has little to promise the public but more pain.

To satisfy EU and IMF inspectors that it can sort out its debt, the government has imposed wave after wave of public sector wage cuts and tax rises but has yet to get its finances in order.

On Monday it announced that the deficit this year will be worse than expected and the economy, once predicted to finally grow next year, will instead shrink by a further 2.5 percent. The newest package of austerity measures -- tax hikes, layoffs and pay cuts -- failed to make a dent in this year's deficit.

You can hear the pain articulated almost at random as you walk through the streets of Athens. At a busy intersection, nobody even glances up when an elderly man crossing the road shouts out, to no one in particular: "The 300 members of parliament have stolen everything!"

Yet there is virtually no support for abandoning reforms and turning back on membership of the euro single currency. Polls show four out of five Greeks want to keep the euro, although more than half expect the country to default on debt within months.

Public sector layoffs, a headline part of the latest reforms, break a 100-year-old taboo in a country where the constitution guarantees state workers jobs for life. Labor unions have vowed to fight it, and the next few weeks will see at least two mass strikes.

The general secretary of public sector union Adedy, which represents half a million workers, told Reuters it expected a massive turnout in the next big strike on Wednesday.

"There is nothing people in despair cannot do. We've lost our jobs, our children are unemployed, we are outraged. This government is hurting the country and it must go," said Ilias Iliopoulos.

Heroes in slippers  スリッパのヒーロー
The power of street protests to bring about political change is a revered part of Greece's national mythology, perhaps more so than in any other country in Europe. Younger generations lionise their parents, who took to the barricades in the 1970s and helped bring down a military junta.

Violence by militant leftist groups and urban guerrillas -- deplored by most citizens -- has also been a perennial feature of the political landscape for decades.

Every day, protesters of one kind or another trundle through Syntagma Square in the centre of Athens. Sometimes it's blackshirted self-proclaimed anarchists shaking fists in unison, sometimes uniformed military reservists.

On Monday it was the turn of about 300 high school students, who took a break from occupying their school building and boycotting classes to come to the square. They shouted "Cops, pigs, murderers!" and scuffled with a cordon of riot police.

Alex Stathopoulos, 16, said he did not know enough about economics to say whether Greece should stay in the euro and keep trying to pay down its debt, or declare itself bankrupt and set up its own currency. But he knew that crooked politicians had squandered his future.

"We need education so that we can have jobs and build the future of the country. And what have we got? If they cut our parents' pay, how can they pay for university? Even if I go to university, I can't find a job. I have nothing.
「 我々は、仕事をするためにも教育が必要だ、そして国の将来を担っていく。なのに何を我々は得ている? もし、国が親の給与をカットすれば、どうやって大学の学費を払えばいいんだ? たとえ大学に行っても、仕事も見つからない、何も得られないんだ。」

"I will study, for example, psychology. And I will be a pizza guy."

More than 100 people were hurt in clashes between protesters and police on Syntagma square in June. But that violence paled in comparison with massive riots that took place before the crisis in 2008.

It is almost as if the crisis -- rather than inspiring political ferment -- has reduced it. The rhetoric has got hotter, but the scope for real political alternatives has shriveled. Opinion polls show opposition parties have benefited little from anger at the ruling Socialists.

Katerina Grillaki, 40, a public sector worker shopping in central Athens, expressed a common sentiment: "This government must change, they must go home. The only problem is that there is no alternative."

Greeks will probably accept reforms in the end, seeing no other way out, said Antonis Makrydimitris, a politics professor at Athens university.

"Greeks, in a general sense, are flexible people. They have suffered a lot in the past. They have encountered very tragic events in their history and they have survived," he said.

"Greeks would be able to tolerate the dire measures of the day. But they have to be persuaded that the measures are just."

Sitting on her bench, single mother Dougia said she didn't care which party was in power. When she thought about politicians, she saw only greed. If she could have a cabinet minister's salary for a single month, she could support her family for three years, she said.

"If we can survive just this year, I will build a statue of myself. I will put it in the middle of the living room and bow to it every day, because I will be a hero," she said.

"We are the heroes. Heroes in house slippers: the ordinary people." (Reuters)