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卒業後、学生ローンの返済に苦しむ アメリカの大卒者たち。 

2011-10-22 | アメリカ国内
School Debt A Long-Term Burden For Many Graduates  

by Jennifer Ludden


Students attend graduation ceremonies at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Two-thirds of college students now graduate with debt, owing an average amount of $24,000. アラバマ州ツカローサのアラバマ大学での卒業式に参加している学生、学生は、今や平均2万4千ドルの借金を抱えて卒業する。

October 21, 2011
With the nation's student-loan debt climbing toward $1 trillion, it's taking many young people longer than ever to pay off their loans. Two-thirds of college students now graduate with debt, owing an average of $24,000. But some borrow far more and find this debt influencing major life decisions long after graduation.
国の学生ローンの負債額が1千億ドルに上るなか、多くの若者がかってないほど長い期間その返済に追われている。 いまや大学の卒業生の3分の2が借金を背負っており、その平均額は2万4千ドルになる。 しかし、なかにはもっと多く借金している学生もおり、この借金が卒業後の長く、人生の主要な決断に影響を及ぼしている。

"I was very naive, and I realize that now," says Stephanie Iachini, of Altoona, Pa. She was the first in her family to go to college and financed it herself. "Basically I was just signing papers because the education part meant a lot to me."
Between her undergraduate degree and law school — both at private institutions — Iachini owes about $160,000. She's now 31, and, only half-jokingly, says she's grateful her debt didn't scare away her husband when they were dating.

"He realized what he was taking on," she says, "but I don't think he realized the long-term impact, that this wasn't just something that we could pay off in three years and be done with it."
"About a third of bachelor degree recipients this year have enough debt to have a 20-year or longer repayment plan," says Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of and, leading Web sites about paying for college.
「彼は自分が引き受けるものは理解していたと思うけど、その長期間にわたる重さについては認識していなかったと思う。 それは3年やそそこらで完済できて、ケリのつくようなものではなかったわ。」と彼女は話す。
「今年の学士号取得者の約3分の1が20年以上の返済計画の借金を背負っている」とマーク・カントロウイッツは説明する。 彼はファストウェッブ・ドットコムとフィンエイド・オルグというサイトの出版者で、いずれも大学の学費支払についての有名なウェブサイトである。

He says for students who need help, debt is almost unavoidable these days. Yet, "nobody is teaching these students how to manage their money. The schools aren't warning them, very strenuously, about borrowing excessively."
Iachini's debt is certainly extreme, and she had no idea what kind of monthly payment it would mean. Turns out it's $1,200. And, since Iachini chose nonprofit work over the law, that's more than half her take-home pay.
ラチニの借金は確かに極端だ、そして彼女には月々の支払いがどんなものになるかの全く考えていなかった。 ふたを開けてみれば1万2千ドル。 そのうえ彼女は法律に関して非営利を職業として選んだので、この額は彼女の手取りの半分以上になっている

"Basically all of our financial decisions are made based on his salary alone," she says. That means decisions like buying a house and even having children. Starting a family doesn't seem possible for now — maybe ever, as Iachini and her husband have explained to relatives.
"It's not what they like to hear," she says. "We get the pep talk, 'Well you guys can make it work.' I know everyone says they don't know how they're going to afford children, but we really don't."
「基本的に私たちの経済的な決定は給与だけを基準になされています。」と彼女は言う。其のことは家を購入したり、子供をもうけたりする決心も意味しています。 家族を持つことは当分不可能に思えます。・・・・多分ずっとかもしれません、とラチニと彼女の夫は親戚にそう説明しています。

Iachini says it weighs on her conscience that she's not the only one constrained by her debt. Her voice catches with emotion as she describes the difficulty of having to watch her husband pay all the bills every month.
"He has dreams that he wants to fulfill," she says, "and he really has to put them on the back burner, because there's not much else I'm able to contribute."
それは彼女の良心に負担となるという、つまり彼女の借金で苦労するのは自分だけではないというのである。 彼女は感極まって声を詰まらせながら、夫が全ての給料を毎月支払いに回すのを見る辛さを説明した。

Stopping The Clock  時間を止めて
Annie Spencer, who lives in New York City, was also the first in her family to go to college — a small state school, then private graduate school.
"I can't lie, I often fantasize about just fleeing the country and being a debt fugitive in Canada or Europe or somewhere," Spencer says.

She saw higher education as a way out of the precarious paycheck-to-paycheck existence she'd grown up in. So, despite merit scholarships and working 30 hours a week, Spencer racked up $85,000 in student-loan debt.
"From the minute I graduated from my master's degree," she says, "my job prospects were completely limited to the jobs that would help me pay back my loans."
彼女は高い教育を受けることは、彼女が育った月々の給与が全て生活費で消える不安定な生活から抜け出す道だと考えていた。 奨学金のと週30時間労働のメリットにも関わらず、スペンサーは85000ドルの学生ローンの借り入れの方をとった。

She gave up on social justice work and landed a decent paying government job. But in New York City, with high rent, plus $600 a month in loan payments, it was tough.
"There were months when I was really having to watch my budget in terms of grocery shopping," she says. As with many repayment plans, hers is graduated, meaning payments increase as time goes on. She worried that at some point groceries would have to go on a credit card.
彼女は社会正義の仕事を諦め、給料の良い公務員の仕事に納まった。 しかし、家賃の高いニューヨークでは、月々600ドルのローン返済をしながらの生活は厳しい。
「食料雑貨ていどの買い物でも、財布と相談する月は年に何回もありました。」と彼女は言う。多くの返済計画に関して、彼女の返済計画は累進制になっている、つまり後半になればなるほど支払いが増加する返済方法だ。 彼女は、ある時点で食料雑貨もクレジットカードで後払いにしていくしかないと心配している。

Spencer's boyfriend also has substantial student-loan debt, and she says this burden hangs over any future she tries to imagine for the two of them.
Unlike most other debt, even if you declare bankruptcy, says aid expert Kantrowitz, student-loan debt does not disappear.
"Education debt has often been highlighted as good debt, because it's an investment in your future," he says. "But too much of a good thing can be harmful."
「教育ローンは良い借金だとしばしばもてはやされてきました。なぜならそれは将来への投資であるからです。 しかし、良い借金も多すぎるとマイナスになります。」

Last year, Spencer's student-loan debt helped push her into an unlikely course — back to school for a Ph.D. No loans this time; she's on a teaching fellowship. But Spencer figures if she's always going to be strapped for money, she might as well feel good about her career. And, it lets her defer those loans.
"Honestly," she says, "it was just becoming such a day-to-day stress. So being back in school gave me a chance to stop the clock."
A chance, she says, to figure out a better strategy to pay down her crushing debt
昨年、スペンサーは学生ローン対策のため、異なったコースを選択した・・・PHDを取るために学校に戻ったのである。しかし、今度はローンなしで、教育を担当しながらの研究員という立場である。 スペンサーは、金のことでつまずきそうになる時はいつでも彼女のキャリアに好いことを考えることにしている。そして、そのローンの支払いを遅らせている。


2011-10-21 | ロシア及び周辺国
Warming Revives Dream of Sea Route in Russian Arctic  

地球温暖化がもたらした思わぬ恩恵。極圏のツアーも普通に楽しめるようになるかも知れない。また生ものの輸送には赤道を通らないぶん冷蔵コストも抑えられるのでは? 新しい可能性・・
Published: October 17, 2011

ARKHANGELSK, Russia — Rounding the northernmost tip of Russia in his oceangoing tugboat this summer, Capt. Vladimir V. Bozanov saw plenty of walruses, some pods of beluga whales and in the distance a few icebergs.

The tanker Vladimir Tikhonov in the Bering Strait.

The Northeast Passage Opens Up 北東航路が開く

With an icebreaker leading the way, the Vladimir Tikhonov, carrying gas condensate, passed Cape Dezhnev in late August. 砕氷船が進路を導かせて、濃縮ガスを運んでいるウラジミル・チホノフが8月下旬にデズネフ岬を通過した

One thing Captain Bozanov did not encounter while towing an industrial barge 2,300 miles across the Arctic Ocean was solid ice blocking his path anywhere along the route. Ten years ago, he said, an ice-free passage, even at the peak of summer, was exceptionally rare.

But environmental scientists say there is now no doubt that global warming is shrinking the Arctic ice pack, opening new sea lanes and making the few previously navigable routes near shore accessible more months of the year. And whatever the grim environmental repercussions of greenhouse gas, companies in Russia and other countries around the Arctic Ocean are mining that dark cloud’s silver lining by finding new opportunities for commerce and trade.
環境科学者は、今や地球温暖化が北極の氷を溶かしており、それが新しい海洋航路を開くことで、以前は殆ど航行できなかった海岸近くの行路を、年間で何か月以上も航行可能にしていると言っている。 温室ガス効果の影響による厳しい環境問題がなんであれ、ロシアと北極海を取り囲むその他の国々の会社は、新しい商業と貿易の機会を求めて、この暗い悲観的な状況の中にも希望の光を見出している。

Oil companies might be the most likely beneficiaries, as the receding polar ice cap opens more of the sea floor to exploration. The oil giant Exxon Mobil recently signed a sweeping deal to drill in the Russian sector of the Arctic Ocean. But shipping, mining and fishing ventures are also looking farther north than ever before.
この恩恵を最も被るのは石油会社かもしれない、北極の氷が後退することで海底の探索可能エリアがより広がるからである。 巨大石油会社エクソンモビルは北極海のロシア海域での掘削のための広範な契約を締結した。しかし、航行、採掘、漁業などのベンチャー企業はこれまでより以北のビジネス機会を求めている。

“It is paradoxical that new opportunities are opening for our nations at the same time we understand that the threat of carbon emissions have become imminent,” Iceland’s president, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, said at a recent conference on Arctic Ocean shipping held in this Russian port city not far south of the Arctic Circle.

At the same forum, Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin of Russia offered a full-throated endorsement of the new business prospects in the thawing north.
“The Arctic is the shortcut between the largest markets of Europe and the Asia-Pacific region,” he said. “It is an excellent opportunity to optimize costs.”
This summer, one of the warmest on record in the Arctic, a tanker set a speed record by crossing the Arctic Ocean in six and a half days, carrying a cargo of natural gas condensate. The previous record was eight days.

Scientists say that over the last 10 years the average size of the polar ice shseet in September, the time of year when it is smallest, has been only about two-third the average during the previous two decades. The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, a Norwegian group studying the Arctic, forecasts that within 30 or 40 years the entire Arctic Ocean will be ice-free in the summer.

And so business plans are being drawn up to capitalize on changes in a part of the world that for much of seafaring history was better known for grim final entries in diaries of explorers like Hugh Willoughby of England. He died with his crew in 1553 trying to navigate this shortcut from Europe to Asia, known as the Northeast Passage.

The Russians, by traveling near the coast, have been sailing the Northeast Passage for a century. They opened it to international shipping in 1991, after the breakup of the Soviet Union. But only recently have companies begun to find the route profitable, as the receding polar ice cap has opened paths farther offshore — allowing larger, modern ships with deeper drafts to make the trip, trimming days off the voyage and saving fuel.

In 2009, the first two international commercial cargo vessels traveled north of Russia between Europe and Asia. This year, 18 ships have made the now mostly ice-free crossing.
The voyages included a scenic cruise through the Northeast Passage, departing from Murmansk and arriving in Anadyr, a Russian port in the Pacific Ocean across the Bering Sea from Alaska. “The voyage offered attractions such as abandoned Russian polar stations,” the Australian operator, Aurora Expeditions, noted in its promotional literature.
2009年に、二隻の国際商用カーゴ船舶が初めて、アジアと欧州間のロシア北部海域を航行した。 今年は18隻が、ほとんど氷がない、この海域を通行している。

On some routes, the trip over the top of Russia is now competitive with the passage from Europe to Asia via the Suez Canal. The voyage from Rotterdam to Yokohama, Japan, via the Northeast Passage, for example, is about 4,450 miles shorter than the currently preferred route through the Suez, according to Russia’s Transportation Ministry. (Of course, the Arctic route has a way to go before catching up to the 18,000 ships a year sailing through the Suez Canal.)

But the primary use of Arctic Ocean shipping has been to support other industries heading farther north, like mining and oil drilling, according to participants at the Russian conference.
Tschudi, a Norwegian shipping company, has bought and revived an idled iron ore mine in the north of Norway to ship ore to China through the Northeast Passage. The voyage to Lianyungang in China took 21 days in 2010, compared with the 37 days typically required to sail to China through the Suez. Tschudi executives estimate they save $300,000 a trip.

“Very few people in the shipping community know about this route,” Felix Tschudi, the chairman, said in an interview.
The Russian company Norilsk’s nickel and copper mine can now ship its metals across the Arctic Ocean without chartering ice breakers, as in the past, saving millions of rubles for shareholders. In northwest Alaska, the Red Dog lead and zinc mine moves its ore through the Bering Strait, which is less often clogged with packed ice than in past decades.
ロシアの会社であるノリルスク・ニッケル&コパー鉱山は、今はその金属を北極海を、以前のように砕氷船をチャーターせずに運ぶことが出来るため、数百万ルーブルの経費削減が株主に還元されている。 アラスカの北西部では、レッドドッグ・レッド&ジンク鉱山は過去数十年ほど氷に閉ざされなくなったベーリング海峡を通して鉱石を運んでいる。

Citigroup’s Moscow office has identified five Russian companies as well positioned to benefit from global warming in the north, where temperatures are rising about twice as fast as the global average.
Besides Norilsk, they included Sovcomflot, the state shipping company, and the nation’s two largest natural gas companies, Gazprom and Novatek. The fifth is Rosneft, the state oil company that has entered the joint venture with Exxon Mobil to drill in the Kara Sea, a part of the Russian sector of the Arctic Ocean. Russia is retooling a military shipyard outside Arkhangelsk that built the Soviet Union’s nuclear submarines to make ice-capable oil and gas drilling platforms.
ノリルスクの他に、ソブコムフロート(国営船舶会社)と国の二大天然ガス会社であるガズプロムとノバテクなどが含まれている。 5番目はロスネフトという国営石油会社で、エクソン・モービルとジョイントベンチャーの契約を結び、北極海のロシア海域の一部であるカラ海で掘削をする。 ロシアはアークハンゲルスク近郊のソ連の原子力潜水艦建造施設であった造船所の設備を一新して、氷結下でも稼働できる石油とガスの掘削基地を建造している。

For the international fishing industry, the target is the so-called Arctic Ocean doughnut hole — the millions of square miles in the ocean’s center that are beyond the 200-mile exclusive economic zones of the coastal nations. Until 2000, the entire doughnut hole was frozen year round. Now, large portions north of Alaska and eastern Siberia are usually ice-free in the summer.
The specter of hungry southern nations fishing the newly navigable doughnut hole prompted a recent report by the Pew Environment Group to warn that without a new set of regulations for the region, Arctic cod populations might be decimated.
国際的な漁業産業にとっては、ターゲットはいわゆる、北極海のドーナッツ・ホール・・・つまり沿岸諸国の200カイリの排他的経済水域を越えた北極海の中心部だ。 2000年までは、このドーナツホールの内側は年間を通じて凍結していた。しかし、今はアラスカ北部と東シベリアの北部の大部分は夏季を通じて氷結していない。
南の国々の、これらの漁場を狙った船団による、この新しく航海できるようになったドーナツホールでの漁がピュー環境監視グループの報告の最近の警告を呼び起こした。 即ち、この地域に新たな規制を設けなければ、北極のタラの数は激減してしまうという。

Meanwhile, because ice floes still menace shipping even in the otherwise open sea lanes, authorities in the United States, Russia and Norway are studying the business potential of overhauling ports on both sides of the Northeast Passage to transfer containers from ordinary freighters to ice-class vessels that would ply the Arctic Ocean, serving Asia, Canada, the United States West Coast and Europe.

Under this plan, now hopelessly remote ports like Kirkenes in Norway or Adak in Alaska, south of the Bering Strait, might be transformed into bustling logistics hubs for Arctic shipping.
Alaska’s lieutenant governor, Mead Treadwell, was among those who attended the Russian conference. He noted that about $1 billion worth of goods passed through the Bering Strait last year. “The ships,” he said, “are coming.”

リビア情勢 カダフィ死亡

2011-10-21 | リビア
Qaddafi Is Dead, Libyan Officials Say

相当の戦死者と市民の犠牲者を出したようだが、ひとまずけりはついた。 これからの国の再建というか新たなゼロからの国家づくりを世界は注目している。資源豊富で相対的に豊かな国だから国民が団結すれば復興は早いだろうが、それも一に指導者にかかっている。

Esam Omran Al-Fetori/Reuters

Libyan government fighters celebrated after routing the last remaining forces loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi from the coastal town of Surt on Thursday.カダフィ大佐軍の残党を、木曜日に海岸都市シルトから駆逐したあと気勢を上げるリビア政府軍兵士達

Published: October 20, 2011
TRIPOLI, Libya — Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the former Libyan strongman who fled into hiding after rebels toppled his regime two months ago in the Arab Spring’s most tumultuous uprising, was killed Thursday as fighters battling the vestiges of his loyalist forces wrested control of his hometown of Surt, the interim government announced.

Al Jazeera television showed what it said was Colonel Qaddafi’s corpse lying on the ground, with a bloodied face, lifeless open eyes and an apparent gunshot wound to the side of the head, as jubilant fighters fired automatic weapons in the air. The images punctuated an emphatic and violent ending to his four decades as a ruthless and bombastic autocrat who had basked in his reputation as the self-styled king of kings of Africa.
アルジャジーラ・テレビは血まみれの顔で、生気のない見開いた眼をして、明らかに銃で側頭部を撃たれて地上に横たわっている死体の映像をカダフィ大佐の死体だと伝えた。その横で歓喜に沸く戦士たちは上空に向けて自動小銃を発砲している。 その映像は、アフリカのキング・オブ・キングという我流のスタイルで名声に浴してきた冷酷かつ尊大な独裁者としての彼の40年間に対する、断固かつ暴力的な結末を強く印象付けた。

“We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Muammar Qaddafi has been killed,” Mahmoud Jibril, the prime minister of the interim government, told a news conference in Tripoli.

Libyans rejoiced as news of his death spread. Car horns blared in Tripoli and in the eastern city of Benghazi, where the rebellion against Colonel Qaddafi began in February, as residents poured into the streets to celebrate.

Mahmoud Shammam, the chief spokesman of the Transitional National Council, the interim government that replaced Colonel Qaddafi’s regime after he fled Tripoli in late August, said: “This is the day of real liberation. We were serious about giving him a fair trial. It seems God has some other wish.”
マフマド・シャマム、リビア暫定評議会(8月末のトリポリ陥落後カダフィ大佐の政権に代わって設置された暫定政府)首席スポークスマンは「今日はリビアが真に解放された日だ。 我々は彼を公正な裁判にかけようと真剣に考えていたが、神は別の意思を示されたようだ。」と述べた。

Abdul Hakim Belhaj, the leader of the Tripoli military council, said on Al Jazeera that anti-Qaddafi forces had Colonel Qaddafi’s body and were transporting it to an undisclosed location. Al Jazeera also quoted another unidentified official of the Transitional National Council as saying Mussa Ibrahim, the former spokesman of Colonel Qaddafi, had been captured near Surt.

There were unconfirmed reports that one of Colonel Qaddafi’s feared sons, Muatassim, had been captured or killed with his father. But the whereabouts of another son, Seif al-Islam, who has also been on the run since the fall of Tripoli, remained unclear.
更に、カダフィ大佐の恐れられた息子たちの一人である、ムアタシムが逮捕された、或いは大佐により殺されたとの未確認の情報がある。 しかし、トリポリ陥落以降行方をくらましているセイフ・アル・イスラムの行方は依然として不明。

It was also not clear precisely how Colonel Qaddafi died. Mohamed Benrasali, a member of the national council’s Tripoli Stabilization Committee, said fighters from Misurata who were deployed in Surt told him that Colonel Qaddafi was captured alive in a car leaving Surt. He was badly injured, with wounds in his head and both legs, Mr. Benrasali said, and died soon after.
どのようにしてカダフィ大佐が死んだかの細部については正確な情報はない。 国民評議会のトリポリ安定化委員会のメンバーのモハメド・ベンラサリは、シルトに展開しているミスラタからの戦士達の伝えるところとして、カダフィ大佐はシルトを去る車の中で生きて逮捕されていたと伝えている。 彼は頭と両足に重傷を負っており、まもなく死亡したとベラサリ氏は語っている

Colonel Qaddafi had defied repeated attempts to corner and capture him, taunting his enemies with audio broadcasts denouncing the rebel forces that felled him as stooges of NATO, which conducted a bombing campaign against his military during the uprising under the auspices of a Security Council mandate to protect Libyan civilians.
カダフィ大佐は彼を追い詰めて捕えようとする反乱軍の試みを何度もかいくぐり、ラジオ放送を通じて反乱軍をNATOに操られている傀儡だと痛烈に皮肉っていた。 NATO軍は、リビア市民を守るために国連の安保理決議の要請に基づいて紛争期間中を通じ、カダフィの軍に対して空爆を実施していた。

There were unconfirmed reports that Colonel Qaddafi may have been wounded when NATO warplanes struck a convoy trying to spirit him away from Surt. NATO officials in Brussels declined to comment on the reports.
Libya’s interim leaders had said they believed that some Qaddafi family members including the colonel himself and some of his sons had been hiding in Surt or in Bani Walid, another loyalist bastion that the anti-Qaddafi forces captured earlier this week.

There was no immediate comment on the news of his death from the Obama administration, a major supporter of the rebel forces that ousted him. Victoria Nuland, the State Department spokeswoman, traveling with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in Afghanistan, said the department was aware of the reports “on the capture or killing of Muammar Qaddafi.”
At the European Union headquarters in Brussels, President Herman Van Rompuy said Colonel Qaddafi’s death “marks the end of an era of despotism,” Agence France-Presse reported.
大佐の死亡のニュースについて、大佐を追放する反乱軍の主要な支援者であったオバマ政権は未だコメントを発表していない。 ヒラリー・クリントン国務長官のアフガニスタン訪問に随行している国務省スポークスマンのビクトリア・ヌーランドはモンマー・カダフィの逮捕及び死亡についての報道は承知していると答えている。

Officials of the post-Qaddafi government had said that the death or capture of Colonel Qaddafi would allow them to declare the country liberated and in control of its borders, and to start a process that would lead to a general election for a national council within eight months.
Libyan fighters said earlier on Thursday that they had routed the last remaining forces loyal to Colonel Qaddafi from Surt, ending weeks of fierce fighting in that Mediterranean enclave east of Tripoli.

A military spokesman for the interim government, Abdel Rahman Busin, said, “Surt is fully liberated.”
The battle for Surt was supposed to have been a postscript to the Libyan conflict, but for weeks soldiers loyal to Colonel Qaddafi, fiercely defended the city, first weathering NATO airstrikes and then repeated assaults by anti-Qaddafi fighters. Former rebel leaders were caught off guard by the depth of the divisions in western Libya, where the colonel’s policy of playing favorites and stoking rivalries has resulted in a series of violent confrontations.
シルトの戦闘はリビア紛争の最終章と位置付けられていたが、何週間もの間カダフィ大佐軍は激しい抵抗をしてシルトを固守したため、当初はNATOの空爆で同軍を疲弊させ、そのあの後で反カダフィ軍による突撃が繰り返すという攻撃がとられた。 前反乱軍の指導者達はリビア西部の部族間の分断の深さで思わぬ攻撃頓挫に見舞われた。そこでは大佐の依怙贔屓や競争心を煽る独特の政策の影響で部族間の暴力紛争が途絶えなかった。

Surt emerged as the stage for one of the war’s bloodiest fights, killing and injuring scores on both sides, decimating the city and leading to fears that the weak transitional leaders would not be able to unify the country.
The battle turned nearly two weeks ago, when the anti-Qaddafi fighters laid siege to an enormous convention center that the pro-Qaddafi troops had used as a base.
シルトはこの内戦の最も流血を見た戦場となった。 双方に多くの死傷者を出し、市民にも多くの犠牲者を出した。そして、そのことが力不足の暫定政府指導部が国の統一を為し得ないのではないかとの憶測に発展していた。

The interim leaders had claimed that the ongoing fighting had prevented them from focusing on other pressing concerns, including the proliferation of armed militias that answered to no central authority.
Kareem Fahim reported from Tripoli and Rick Gladstone from New York. Steven Lee Myers contributed reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan, and J. David Goodman from New York.

米国大統領選挙 共和党立候補者の一学期の通信簿は?

2011-10-20 | アメリカ国内
Who's Winning 'The Media Primary'?

October 17, 2011


Herman Cain (right) speaks as Texas Gov. Rick Perry looks on during a GOP presidential debate at Dartmouth College on Oct. 11. ハーマン・ケインが、テキサス州知事リック・ペリーが見守る中、10月11日のダートマウス・カレッジの共和党の大統領候補者討論会で意見を述べている。
Think of the past few months — since the beginning of May — as the prologue to the 2012 presidential election story, or as the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism puts it, "that weeding out period before citizens ever vote or caucus."

The Project is releasing a study today titled: "The Media Primary: How News Media and Blogs Have Eyed the Presidential Contenders During the First Phase of the 2012 Race."

Weed it and reap.  整理して要約してみよう。
In this preseason, according to the report, the presidential candidate who has received the most — and the most positive — coverage of all the Republican contenders is Gov. Rick Perry of Texas. But the report hastens to point out that following the Florida straw poll, businessman Herman Cain began his surge to the top of positive coverage — even before his poll numbers started to spike.

The candidate who has received the most negative coverage? President Obama. The Pew Research centurions found that negative assessments of Obama — as president and as candidate for re-election — in the media over the past five months outdistanced positive assessments by a ratio of nearly 4 to 1.
では、もっとも否定的な記事を書かれた候補者は? それはオバマ大統領だった。 ピュー・リサーチ・センチュリオンズは、この過去5か月のメディアのオバマ大統領に対する否定的な評価(大統領及び再選の候補者としての)は、約4対1の割合で肯定的評価に大きく水をあけている。

The analysis, which marries conventional media research techniques and computer algorithms to discern the "level and tone" of campaign coverage, revealed that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has received less — and less positive — coverage than "his chief rival of the moment." And that Texas Rep. Ron Paul has been the No. 1 beneficiary of positive vibes from bloggers.
キャンペーン記事のレベルと論調をより正確に識別するために、通常のメディアリサーチの技法とコンピュータによるアルゴリズム解析を合わせた分析では、前マサチューセッツ州知事のミット・ロムニーが、ライバルのリック・ペリーに比べて、あまり肯定的でない記事を書かれていないことがわかった。 そして、テキサス州出身のロン・ポールがブロガーからの好感度が一番高かった。

Here is a quick take on the "knighted," the "slighted" and the "oversighted" in the Pew report. (We know, we know. "Oversighted" is a made-up word. But it seems fitting in this extremely surreal political season. And it rhymes.)
Knighted  ナイトの称号相当
•Rick Perry. The positive attention to Perry's candidacy overwhelmed the negative coverage 32 percent to 20 percent, with the remainder of coverage being neutral. Near the end of the survey period, his positive coverage began to go south.
•リック・ペリー : ペリー候補に対するポジティブな見方は、ネガティブを上まわり、その比率は32%対20%であった、残りは中立であったが、調査の後半期において、ポジティブな評価が下がってきた。

•Mitt Romney. On balance, Romney's coverage has see-sawed between good and bad — 26 percent positive and 27 percent negative. "Yet what stands out most is consistency," the report states. "While other major candidates have risen and fallen in the amount and tone of coverage received, the basic arc of Romney's narrative has wavered little from week to week."
•ミット・ロムニー: バランスがとれていて、ロムニーの記事はネガティブとポジティブが拮抗しており、26%がポジティブで27%がネガティブあった。しかも、もっとも特徴的だったのは評価が一定で安定していたことだった。 他の主要な候補者が記事の量や論調が上がったり、下がったりしていたが、ロムニーの主張の基本線は週ごとにブレることが殆ど無かった。

•Herman Cain. Any way you slice it, coverage of Cain's candidacy has been more positive (28 percent) than negative (23 percent). For the first three months, Cain was pretty much ignored, but lately there have been more and more favorable assessments.

•ハーマン・ケイン: どのように見ても、ケイン候補のポジティブ(28%)はネガティブ(23%)を上回っていた。 最初の数か月は、ケインは結構無視されていたが後半に入り最近では、より好評価を受けている。

•Michele Bachmann. The candidacy of the Minnesota Congresswoman has tended more toward the positive (31 percent) than the negative (23 percent), "But she had the wildest ride of any candidate in the race," according to the report. After receiving a bump from winning the Iowa straw poll, Bachmann "now is back where she started, an unlikely contender discounted in the narrative."
•ミシェレ・バハマン: ミネソタ州議員の候補でポジティブ(31%)がネガティブ(23%)をより上回る傾向にあった。 しかし彼女は、このレースの中でもっとも浮き沈みが激しかった。 同報告書によるとアイオワの模擬投票でいきなり大きなゲインをしたあとは、今はスタート時点に逆戻りしてしまった。ただ、主張や討論で評価を落としている訳ではない。

•Sarah Palin. Though the former Alaska governor now says she is not running for president, for a few months — during the Pew analysis — she played her cards closer to her vest and was treated somewhat like a candidate. Positive coverage of Palin beat negative coverage by a ratio of nearly 3-to-2, according to Pew.
•サラ・ペイリン: 前アラスカ州知事は、もう大統領候補として立たないことを表明したが、この数か月(ピュー分析期間中)、彼女は用心深く企図を悟られないようにして行動したため、候補者として見做されてきた。 彼女のポジティブ記事はネガティブを3対2で圧倒している。

Slighted  侮辱相当
•Newt Gingrich. The former House Speaker did not fare well in the analysis. The ratio of negative coverage over positive coverage was greater than 2-to-1.
•ニュー・ギングリッチ: 前の院内総務は分析ではうまくない。彼のネガティブ記事はポジティブより多く、2対1を上回っている。

•Tim Pawlenty. The candidacy of the former Minnesota governor did not last long — less than three months. But in that time, he was treated to a greater amount of negative coverage than positive coverage, by a more than 2-1 ratio.
•ティム・ポウレンティ: 前ミネソタ州知事の候補はあまり長く持たなかった・・・・せいぜい三か月。 しかし、その当時でも、彼のネガティブ記事はポジティブを上回り、その比率は2:1を上回っていた。

Oversighted   無視相当
•Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman. The former Pennsylvania senator and the former Utah governor respectively have not received much respect, or least attention, from the media. The Pew report refers to them as "the long shot duo" and points out that coverage of the pair has been modest and mixed.
•リック・サントラムとジョン・ハンツマン: それぞれ、前のペンシバニア上院議員と前のユタ州知事であるが、あまり人気を集めなかったし、メディアからの注目も最低だった。 ピュー報告書は、彼らを大穴のカップルと評しており、彼らの記事は当たり障りが無かったとしている。

•Ron Paul. Of all the candidates, according to the analysis, Paul has received the least coverage overall. "The difference with Paul," the report adds, "is that he has received, by far, the most favorable coverage of any candidate in the blogosphere -– 48 percent positive and only 15 percent negative."
•ロン・ポール: 報告書によると全ての候補者の中で、一番記事が少なかった。ポールが他候補と違ったのは、彼がダントツでブログ界で人気があり、48%がポジティブでネガティブは僅か15%だった。

ダン・ウェルドン 母国英国での意外な事実 (インディの不人気は、野球と同じ?)

2011-10-20 | 寄稿翻訳
Back Home, Known for a Tragedy, Not Successes

Published: October 17, 2011
LONDON — When the Englishman Dan Wheldon won his second Indianapolis 500 in May, taking the lead for the first time when another driver hit the wall in sight of the checkered flag, it barely rated a mention in Britain’s sports sections — and then, commonly, only in the fine print of the “who won what” summaries at the foot of the page.

Dan Wheldon after winning his second Indianapolis 500 in May. He was virtually unknown in his native Britain. 5月インディ500で二回目の優勝をした彼は英国ではあまり知られていなかった。

When Wheldon was killed on Sunday in a 200-mile-per-hour 15-car crash at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway in which his car went airborne and hit the catch fence in a fireball before sliding back onto the track, he was, for the first time, front-page news in his homeland.

The story led the television newscasts at breakfast time, with frequent replays of the fireball that Wheldon’s cartwheeling, disintegrating car became, and the melancholy sight of his fellow drivers staging a memorial parade in his memory. Many of Britain’s top sports figures, including racing drivers who competed with Wheldon in go-karts when they were not yet into their teens, lined up to memorialize him.

Many, like Lewis Hamilton, the 25-year-old Formula One star, noted that the vagaries of opportunity and money were all that separated them from Wheldon, who found openings in American racing in his early 20s when he lacked the financial backing to get into Formula One.
“I often followed in his footsteps as we climbed the motorsport ladder in the U.K.” said Hamilton, who was on his way home from Sunday’s Korean Grand Prix when he learned of Wheldon’s death. “As a British guy who went over to the States and won the Indy 500 twice, he was an inspirational guy.”

Wheldon, 33, was a virtual unknown to many in Britain and showed that in auto racing’s top echelons, as in much else, the Atlantic can be a wide divide. Like cricket and baseball, the two premier open-wheeled racing formulas on opposite sides of the ocean — Formula One in Britain and elsewhere in Europe, and IndyCar racing in the United States — have become, for many racing enthusiasts, mutually exclusive passions. As often as not, the rule has been love one, disparage — or at least ignore — the other.
ウェルドン33歳は実際多くの英国人に知られておらず、そのことは他の多くのスポーツと同様に、オートレーシングの主流の系統が大西洋を挟んで大きく分かれていることを示している。 クリケットや野球のように、二つの主なオープンホイール・レーシング・フォーミュラは大西洋を挟んで別れていおり・・・フォーミュラ・ワンは英国と欧州各国、そしてインディカー・レーシングは米国に・・・・、多くのレースファンにとって、相互に排他的な存在になっている。 たいてい、一方を愛しているのは、きまって他方を下に見るか、少なくとも無視するのが普通だ。

When Wheldon traveled to England in July to join a celebration of the Indianapolis 500’s centenary year on the grounds of Goodwood House, the country seat in West Sussex of one of England’s great aristocratic families, he was, at least briefly, a prophet in his own land. He was mobbed by some of the 180,000 spectators, who pressed around him for autographs.
That the enthusiasts were there at all set them apart as aficionados, motorheads with a knowledge not held by a wider British audience. Away from the park, the name Wheldon would likely have drawn blank stares from most passers-by in the street.
そこの全ての熱烈なファンは、より広範な英国の観客が持ちえない専門知識を持ったオタクやモータースポーツ狂で、世間とは距離がある連中である。 その敷地内の公園を離れると、ウェルドンの名前は、例えば通りですれ違っても怪訝な顔をされるだけの存在と対して変わらない。

“Why is it that in an era of British sporting failures, we have two of the best, and hardly anybody knows about them in the U.K.?” Keith Huewen, a former champion motorcycle racer who was a television commentator at Goodwood, said after interviewing Wheldon and another British driver who is a two-time winner in recent years at Indianapolis, Dario Franchitti.
The reference was to sporting failures in rugby, cricket and tennis, among other sports that Britain considers itself to have invented, or at least to have nurtured as modern games. For decades, the pattern, as many in Britain view it, has been for the national teams and top British competitors to be perennial underachievers, staging the occasional spectacular victory but more often falling badly short, as Britain’s highly rated rugby team did when it lost to France in the quarterfinals of the current World Cup in New Zealand.
スポーツ不振の例は、ラグビー、クリケットそしてテニスなど他のスポーツの中にも見られる、それらは英国がそのスポーツを生み出したか、少なくとも現代のゲームへと育てたものである。 何十年もの間、多くの英国人が見てきたように、そのパターンは、ナショナルチームやトップの英国チームが、時折目を見張る勝利を奪うが、その後がパッタリ振るわず万年ダメチームや選手に留まってしまうというもの。最近では英国で高い評価を得ているラグビーチームがフランスで行われたワールドカップの準決勝でニュージーランドに敗れたのが、その典型だ。

In auto racing, it has been different, with British cars and drivers regularly winning Formula One’s world championship, and the pattern carrying over to IndyCar racing. When Jim Clark of Scotland won the 500 in 1965, the first non-American to accomplish the feat in decades, he was celebrated at home for having stormed an American bastion in his lightweight, rear-engined Lotus-Ford, and for consigning the front-engined, Offenhauser-powered roadsters that had ruled at Indianapolis to the Speedway museum.
But after the feat was repeated in 1966 by another British driver, Graham Hill, Indianapolis and the races run to the Indy formula faded from the public consciousness. That many of the cars, engines, crew chiefs and mechanics at the 500 hailed from Britain made scant impact. Occasionally, fresh interest was stirred, as it was when Nigel Mansell, a Formula One world champion, narrowly lost the 500 after an epic drive in 1993.
オートレースでは、事情は少し異なる、英国の車とドライバーはフォーミュラワンのワールド・チャンピオンシップで勝利し、そのパターンがインディカーレースに引き継がれた。 スコットランドのジム・クラークが1965年に500で勝利し、何十年ぶりに、初めてアメリカ人以外でこの偉業を達成した。彼は、彼の軽量で後部エンジンのロータスフォードでアメリカの砦を破り、また、インディアナポリスを制した前部エンジンのロードスターをスピードウェイ博物館に寄贈したことで、母国で祝福された。
しかし、1966年に、もう一人の英国人ドライバー、グラハム・ヒルによって偉業が繰り返され、インディアナポリスとそのレースがインディ・フォーミュラになるや、皆の意識から遠のいて行った。 英国で歓迎された500の、あれほど多くの車、エンジン、クルーそしてメカニックは殆ど影が薄くなってしまった。 ときおり、フォーミュラ・ワンの世界チャンピオンのナイジェル・マンセルが1993年のずば抜けた運転で500の優勝を僅差で逃したときに関心が高まる程度だった。

Wheldon, who won the 500 in 2005 and 2011, and Franchitti, the winner in 2007 and 2010, won little recognition in Britain, outside of their Goodwood appearances. The annual Festival of Speed there is an auto racing garden party that draws dozens of the sport’s most famous cars and drivers , with spectators eating strawberries and cream as the stars of Formula One, Le Mans, rally car racing and world championship motorcycling — and Indianapolis — drive their vehicles up a tarmac strip that serves in normal times as an access road for the Duke of Richmond’s estate.
One of those grieving on Monday was Charles March, Oxford-educated heir to the dukedom, who founded the festival nearly 20 years ago. It was Lord March who invited Wheldon in the wake of his stunning, last-lap win at this year’s 500, and added him to a list of other Indy winners that included Helio Castroneves, Bobby Unser, Al Unser Jr. and Bobby Rahal.
2005年と2011年に500を制したウェルドンと2007年と2010年に同じく制したフランチッティをもってしても英国では、グッドウッドで登場する以外は、殆ど知られていない。毎年恒例の、そこでのスピードフェスティバルは大勢の著名なスポーツカーやレーサーが集い、多くの観客がイチゴやクリームを食べながら楽しむ。 そこで、フォーミュラ-・ワン、ル・マンのようなラリー・カー・レーシングやワールド・チャンピオンシップのスター達が・・・・そしてインディアナポリスのスターも・・・・・普段はリッチモンド侯爵邸へのアプローチとして使われる、タルマック舗装道路を、彼らのレーシングカーを運転して登場するのだ。
月曜日に悲しみにくれた人々の中に、20年前に、このフェスティバルを創設した、侯爵家の子孫でオクスフォード出身のチャールズ・マーチがいる。 今年の500の最後の周回での快挙に驚きウェルドンを招待したのは、このマーチ卿であり、彼はウェルドンをインディの勝者のリストに加えた。そのリストにはヘリオ・カストロネイズ、ボビー・アンサー、アル・アンサー、アル・アンサーJr、そしてボビー・レイホールの名も含まれている。

The grandson of Freddie March, one of Britain’s top oval track racers in the 1930s, Lord March said his trips to the Indy 500 and Nascar races had made him a fervent enthusiast of American-style racing, and impatient with those who embrace the high-technology and glamour of Formula One and undervalue the “extraordinary skills and courage” of drivers like Wheldon who lap oval circuits at average speeds in excess of 220 m.p.h.

Wheldon’s success in the United States and his relative anonymity in Britain, Lord March said, had deep roots in the culture and history of the two nations.
“We make no effort with baseball or American football, they’re unintelligible to us, just as cricket, I suppose, is pretty unintelligible to Americans,” he said. “But a lot of people find American racing very, very captivating once they see it. Go to Indianapolis, or to a Nascar race, and there’s real theater, real racing. It’s just jaw-droppingly exciting. The mass entertainment value is terrific. The Americans are superb at that.”
「我々は野球やアメフトについて何の知る努力もしていない。 それらは我々にとって理解できない。 考えるに、丁度英国のクリケットがアメリカ人に理解できないのと同じだ。 しかし、一度アメリカのレーシングをみたら、それが非常に魅力的だと言うことが、殆どの人に理解してもらえるだろう。 インディアナポリスやナスカーレースに行きなさい、そこには本当の舞台があり、本物のレーシングがある。 それは、顎が外れるほどの興奮だ。 大舞台のエンターテインメントの価値は考えられないくらい素晴らしい。 その点でアメリカはどこよりも優れている。

ギリシャ危機 公務員数削減は至難の業? 根をはるコネ社会。

2011-10-18 | ギリシャ
Bureaucracy in Greece Defies Efforts to Cut It


Police officers, firefighters and coast guard officers protested austerity measures in Athens on Monday. 反政府集会の警察官、消防士そして沿岸警備隊の人々

Published: October 17, 2011

Job cuts may cost Prime Minister George A. Papandreou support he badly needs.
The work force in Greece’s Parliament is so bloated, according to a local press investigation, that some employees do not even bother to come to work because there are not enough places for all of them to sit.
But as Europe looks for any sign of hope that Greece is on the road to reform, there are growing concerns about its ability — and willingness — to trim its payroll, a crucial element in bringing expenses under control enough to win continued international financing.

This week, the government’s resolve will be tested once again. Greece’s two major umbrella unions have called for a rare 48-hour general strike, and several critical austerity measures are coming up for votes in Parliament, including one that would cut 30,000 public-sector jobs.
Some experts believe that Greece could reap significant savings by reducing its bureaucracy, which employs one out of five workers in the country and by some estimates could be trimmed by as much as a third without materially affecting services. But though salaries have been cut, the government has yet to lay off anyone.
今週、政府の決意のほどが再度試されることになるだろう。 ギリシャの二つの主要な全国規模の組合は48時間のゼネストを呼びかけている。そして幾つかの緊縮財政法案が今週議会で投票にかけられるが、その中には3万人の公共部門の削減が含まれている。
ある専門家によると、この国の5人に1人と言われる国家公務員を削減することでギリシャは多額の歳出を抑えることが出来るとしている、そしてある見積もりでは3分の1にその数を削減しても、業務に実質的な支障はきたさないとしている。 しかし、現在給与のカットは実施されているが、政府はまだ解雇には手をつけていない。

The main reason is also one of the very reasons that Greece got into trouble in the first place: The government is in many ways an army of patronage appointments built up over decades. When election time rolls around, state workers become campaign workers, and their reach is enormous. There are so many of them that almost every family has one.
This puts the Socialist prime minister, George A. Papandreou, or any other Greek leader, in a tough spot: There can be little upside to cutting jobs precisely when the government most needs support for unpopular budget-cutting actions.
このことが、社会主義の首相ジョージ・パパンドルゥ―や他のギリシャの政府指導者を厳しい状況に追い込んでいる。 即ち、この不人気な予算削減の施策に対する支持を政府が最も必要とするときに、仕事を正確に削減する上部構造が全くないということである。

“There is a political cost to these reforms,” said Nickolaos G. Travlos, an economist at the Alba Graduate Business School in Athens. “These workers are opinion leaders in their communities. And they are busy blaming the government, especially a Socialist government that is supposed to protect them.”

They are also well organized. This week’s general strike follows weeks of smaller strikes, rallies, sit-ins and a blockade of the Athens landfill that has left piles of garbage rotting in the streets. When auditors from the “troika” — the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission — arrived last month at the Finance Ministry, workers blocked their entry.
彼らは、また良く組織化されており、今週のゼネストに続いて、同様な小規模のスト、集会、座り込み、そして、通りに腐ったゴミの山を放置しているアテネのゴミ集積場の入場阻止が続くだろう。 トロイカ(IMF、欧州中央銀行、そしてEC)の会計検査官が先月財務省に到着したが、同省の職員の阻止で入ることが出来なかった。

In four days of tense negotiations, the auditors pushed hard for cutting the bureaucracy. Still, the plan to cut 30,000 jobs is modest by any measure. It amounts to about 4 percent of the public work force and would affect mostly people close to retirement. They would get a soft landing, too: 60 percent of their pay for a year while they remain in a “reserve” pool. After that, those who did not retire or find another job in the administration would be laid off.

The government has about 700,000 employees and 80,000 more who work for government-owned entities like the power company. Thirty years ago, experts say, the public sector was about one-third that size. (Until a census was carried out last year, however, government officials admitted they did not really know how many employees they had.)
Even if the new plan passes, it may yet run into legal challenges. Greece’s Constitution grants its public servants lifetime tenure, a situation that may go a long way toward explaining their indifferent attitude toward getting things done or switching to efficient practices.
政府は70万人の公務員を擁し、更に8万人が、例えば電力会社のような政府系業に勤めている。 ある専門家の話では30年前までは、この公共部門は現在の3分の1だったという。(しかしながら、昨年国勢調査が実施されるまでは、政府関係者は、どのくらいの公務員がいるか実態を把握していなかったことを認めている。)

Some ministries still have employees whose sole job is to record the arrival of documents in a ledger. “It’s crazy,” said Nikos Hlepas, an expert on public administration at the University of Athens. “That’s their whole job even though today we have e-mail.”
But taking action against public sector workers can be costly, experts point out. For instance, many suspect that tax collectors, vital to the government’s efforts to raise more revenues, have been on a work slowdown. The collectors, who like all public servants were hit with salary cuts, completed fewer audits this year than last year.
しかし、公務員の利益に反する行動をとることは非常に高くつく、と専門家は指摘する。例えば、多くの人は、政府が増収を図るのに大事な徴税吏(税務署職員)が仕事をサボっていると考えている。 徴税吏も他の公務員と同様に給与削減されており、今年は昨年に比べて徴税が遅れている。

The head of the tax collectors’ union, Yiannis Grivas, said the problems were due to the introduction of a new computer system. But Mr. Grivas did not hesitate to warn that there would be a slowdown and more strikes if there were layoffs.
“If they do that, there will be repercussions,” he said. “There is always the human element.”
Government officials say they are ready to get tough with unions that do not cooperate. They are also promising a major overhaul of the bureaucracy to be undertaken with help from international experts so that they can end the favoritism that has prevailed.

Elias Mossialos, the government spokesman, said reforms would include new disciplinary procedures and the elimination of the practice of virtually automatic promotion based on years of service. In some departments, Mr. Mossialos said, large numbers of employees had reached the highest ranks and pay grades.
“We are going to re-establish a hierarchy,” he said. “And there will be cost savings in it, too.”
Whether the right workers will be laid off remains an open question. “A lot of people in the government are terrified,” Mr. Hlepas said. “They don’t think any of those people over in Parliament are going to go. They think the ones that do the work will get cut.”

Thomas Tsamatsoulis, 41, who works for the Greek equivalent of the Federal Aviation Administration, said he found himself on an early list headed for the reserve pool, though he had been sent to the United States for electronics training and now has a skill that is rare in his agency. At the same time, Mr. Tsamatsoulis said, the agency, which has just two airplanes, has more than 15 pilots.
“You want to believe the government will do this right,” he said. “But it is very difficult. It’s not how it has worked in the past. It’s all about who you know.”

Greece’s bureaucracy has been growing steadily since democracy was reinstated in 1974, with each new administration adding its supporters to the payroll — and wages rising steeply in the past decade, experts say.
“There was really a party going on,” said Yannis Stournaras, an economist and the director of the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research in Athens. “The government kept adding bonuses and benefits and pensions. At election time there was a boom cycle as they handed out jobs.”

“Now they need to cut,” he added. “But they have already lost precious time.”
Stories of excesses abound. Mr. Papandreou told Parliament that one of his ministers found a predecessor’s $38,000 bill for curtains when the Socialists returned to power in 2009. Mr. Mossialos said he found that his own ministry, for media and communication, was spending $750,000 a year for office space for just 11 people.
大盤振る舞いの話は沢山ある。 パパンドルゥ―首相は、議会で彼のある省庁で、社会党が2009年に政権についたとき、前任者が3万8千ドルもカーテン代金に支払っているのを見つけたと話した。またモッシアロス氏は彼のメディア・通信省が、たった11人のオフィスに年間75万ドルも支出していたことを知ったと述べた。

But some experts question whether the culture of bloat and favoritism will ever be conquered. Last month, for instance, Anna Diamantopoulou, the education minister, proposed appointing 150 young supporters of Mr. Papandreou’s party, Pasok, to her ministry’s Youth Institute, but the project was canceled after critical media reports. Ms. Diamantopoulou’s spokesman said the jobs would have been paid for by the European Union, but were eliminated after a budget review.
しかし、専門家たちは、この大盤振る舞いと依怙贔屓の文化を駆逐できるか疑問視している。 先月も、例えば、文部大臣のアンナ・デアモアントプロウがジョージ・パパンドルゥーの政党パソクの若い支持者150人を同省のユース・インスティテュートに採用する提案をしたが、そのプロジェクトは批判を浴びて撤回されたとメディアが報じている。同大臣のスポークスマンによると、その仕事はEUから支払われることになっていたが、予算の見直しで廃止されたとのこと。
Niki Kitsantonis and Dimitris Bounias contributed reporting.

ダン・ウェルドン インディカー・レースのクラッシュ事故で死亡 ラスベガス

2011-10-18 | ニュース翻訳
Wheldon, Indy 500 Winner, Dies After Crash


The car driven by Dan Wheldon burst into flames and broke apart during a multiple car crash at a race in Las Vegas Sunday. ラスベガスのレースの多重クラッシュ事故で、ダン・ウェルドンの車が炎に突っ込み、バラバラになっている。

Dan Wheldon, a popular and congenial race-car driver from England who won the Indianapolis 500 for the second time in May, died Sunday in a fiery 15-car accident early in a 300-mile IndyCar Series race at Las Vegas Motor Speedway.

Dan Wheldon of England was killed in the crash.
Wheldon’s car went airborne and hit the catch fence 12 laps into the race, which was scheduled to run 200 laps at the one-and-a-half-mile oval. He was airlifted to the hospital, and his death was announced about two hours later. The race, the last of the season, was stopped for more than an hour as the track was cleared and repaired.
ウェルドンの車はレースの12周目で空中に投げ出され、防護フェンスに激突した。同レースは1.5マイルの楕円のサーキットを200周する予定だった。 彼は病院へ空中搬送されたが、2時間後彼の死が発表された。 そのレースは、シーズン最後であったが、コースの整備と修理のため一時間余り中断した。

After series officials met with drivers, a decision was made not to continue the race, and the drivers did a five-lap tribute to Wheldon as his car number, 77, flashed alone on the scoring pylon at the track.

Wheldon, 33, is probably the most well-known driver to die in a race in the United States since Dale Earnhardt died on the last lap of the 2001 Daytona 500. Paul Dana, an IndyCar Series rookie, was killed in a warmup session before a race at Homestead, Fla., in 2006.

After announcing Wheldon’s death, Randy Bernard, the chief executive of the series, made no further comments.

A former series champion relegated to a role as a part-time driver in the series, Wheldon had taken on an unusual challenge Sunday. He was trying to win a $5 million bonus, which he would have split with Ann Babenco, a fan from High Bridge, N.J., had he won the race. The series made the challenge to nonregulars in February, offering the bonus to any nonregular driver who qualified for a race and won. The accident unfolded well in front of Wheldon, who was running near the back of the 34-car field. Replays showed he ran into a car, which the veteran Paul Tracy later said was his, that had run over debris and slowed down drastically. Wheldon’s car vaulted over Tracy’s and flew from the inside lane to the outside wall, where it tangled with the flaming wreckage of Will Power’s car. Power’s car had crashed into the back of Alex Lloyd’s rapidly slowing car and had hurdled it, turning over in midair and landing on its side as it smashed into the wall and slid down in flames.
このシリーズでは「パートタイムドライバー」(スポット参戦)に追いやられた前シリーズチャンピオン、ウェルドンは日曜日に少し変わったことに挑戦していた。彼は500万ドルのボーナス賞金を狙っていた、その賞金は、彼が獲得した場合、ニュージャージーのハイブリッジのファンであるアン・バベンコと半分ずつ分け合うことになっていた。 このシリーズは2月にレギュラー参加者以外に挑戦賞金を設けており、レギュラー以外のドライバーがレースで認められて勝利した場合賞金が獲得できるようになっていた。 事故は34台中の後方を走行していたウェルドンのかなり前方で起きた。 リプレイで見るとウェルドンは、破損物に乗り上げ、急に減速したベテランのポール・トレーシーの車に激突した。ウェルドンの車両はトレーシーの車を飛び越え、内側レーンから外側の壁に飛んで、ウィル・パワーの車の炎上している残骸と絡みあった。パワーの車両は急減速したアレックス・ロイドの後部に激突し、それを乗り越えて、空中で一回転し、横になって壁に激突し、そのまま炎に包まれた。

The track was strewn with cars on fire and scattered debris. Wheldon’s car was covered with a yellow tarpaulin.
Three other drivers were injured in the spectacular, smoky accident, including Power, a driver for the racing mogul Roger Penske who was attempting to overtake Dario Franchitti for the series championship.
トラックは炎上した車両や残がいが散らばっていた。ウェルドンの車両は黄色のシートがかけられていた。 3人のドライバーが、この煙が上がる大アクシデントで負傷し、このシリーズでダリオ・フランチッティから、チャンピオンの奪回を期していたレースの大物ロジャー・ペンスケのドライバーであるパワーも含まれていた。

In a television interview before the race was canceled, Ryan Briscoe, another driver for Penske, said of the accident: “I’ll tell you, I’ve never seen anything like it. The debris we all had to drive through the lap later, it looked like a war scene from ‘Terminator’ or something.”
Indy cars had not raced at Las Vegas since 2000, and drivers had been concerned before the race about safety at the oval, which also hosts Nascar Sprint Cup races. Indy cars travel much faster than stock cars, and there was a fear that a “pack race” — tightly bunched cars at very high speed — would unfold.
インディカーは2000年以来、ラスベガスでレースを実施していなかった。そしてナスカ―・スプリント・カップ・レースのホストレース場である、楕円コースの安全性についいてレースの前にドライバーは懸念を抱いていた。 インディカーはストックカーに比べて非常に早く走行するので「パックレース(密集した状況で高速で走る)」の展開になるのを恐れていたのだ。

“The cars are going to be inches apart, both to the sides and behind and in front of you, at speeds of over 220 miles an hour,” Franchitti said Thursday in a telephone interview.
Franchitti, who won the series championship Sunday because Power was involved in the accident, had only raced in stock cars at Las Vegas before last weekend.

After qualifying his car 17th on Saturday, Power said the track was “brainlessly easy flat.”
“But what it did was put us back in the pack, which is not brainlessly easy,” he said.
Power added: “It’s a track that’s so easy to drive it manufactures really tight-knit racing, which is really quite intense.”
土曜日の17日に車のチェックを受けたあと、パワーは「トラックは、何にも考えなくていいくらいイージーなフラットコースだ、しかし、そのコースは車を団子状態にする、それは決してイージーではない。」と話していた。 更に彼は「コースは運転にはとてもイージーだが、それは、本当に密着レースをするように設計されており、それにはとても神経を使う。」と付け加えた。

Wheldon, married with two young sons, won the Indy 500 under memorable circumstances twice. The first time was in 2005, when he passed Danica Patrick for the lead with six laps left after she became the first woman to lead the race. Wheldon won the Indy 500 in May after the rookie J. R. Hildebrand hit the wall on the last lap while leading the race.

Wheldon was the first reigning Indy 500 champion to die since Bill Vukovich, who won the race in 1953 and 1954, was killed in an accident while leading the 1955 race.

Wheldon was a regular in the IndyCar Series from 2003 until last year, when Hildebrand replaced him as a driver at Panther Racing. He won the championship in 2005 for the team co-owned by Michael Andretti, Mario’s son. Wheldon won this year’s Indy 500 in a one-race deal driving a car owned by the former driver Bryan Herta.
ウェルドンは、パンサー・レーシングでヒルデブランドが彼にとって代わる昨年までは、2003年からインディカー・シリーズのレギュラーであった。 彼は2005年のチャンピオンシップでミシェール・アンドレッティとマリオの息子の共同所有のチームに2005年優勝をもたらしていた。 ウェルドンはこのインディ500において、一試合契約で前ドライバーbライアン・ヘルタ所有の車を運転して優勝を果たしている。

Wheldon drove in one other race this year, finishing 14th in an Oct. 2 race at Kentucky Speedway after starting 28th. It was widely speculated that he would replace Patrick at Andretti Autosport when she leaves the series after the season to pursue a career in Nascar.
ウェルドンは今年、このケンタッキー・スピードウェイもう一つのレースにも参戦しており、10月2日のレースにおいて28位でスタートして12位に終わっている。 彼がアンドレッティ・オートスポーツでパトリックがシーズン終了後、インディを去ってナスカー(ストックカーレース)に移籍したあと、彼女の後に入るだろうと広く受け止められていた。

Writing in a blog for USA Today last week, Wheldon had said he was frustrated that his car was off the pace in early practices. Referring to Franchitti and Power, Wheldon wrote: “Honestly, if I can be fast enough early in the race to be able to get up there and latch onto those two, it will be pure entertainment. It’s going to be a pack race, and you never know how that’s going to turn out.”
先週、USAトゥディのブログに、ウェルドンは早い段階での練習で彼の車のペースが良くないとこぼしていた。 またフランチッティとパワーに言及して、「正直言って、レースの早い段階から、この二人に追い付くまでは高速の展開になり、結構面白いレースになるだろう。 それは集団の団子レースになるので結果は予測つかないものになるだろう。」と書いていた。
Jerry Garrett contributed reporting from Las Vegas.

食物先物取引規制  世界食糧デーでエコノミストが声明 (投機家を締め出せ)

2011-10-17 | ニュース翻訳
Betting On Food Prices May Sell The Hungry Short   

by Marilyn Geewax
October 16, 2011


Scott Olson/Getty Images
For speculators, food is a commodity to trade, not eat.
October 16, 2011
Speculators in the agricultural commodities markets are forcing grocery prices to rise too quickly and erratically, according to some top economists marking World Food Day on Sunday.

"Excessive financial speculation is contributing to increasing volatility and record food prices, exacerbating global hunger and poverty," wrote 461 economists, from more than 40 countries, in an open letter.しょ

They called upon the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission to crack down on speculators who have been buying large amounts of corn, wheat, soy and other commodities, hoping to make a profit. The economists argue that increased trading is a significant part of the reason grocery prices are higher this year.
彼らは米国商品先物取引委員会に、利益追求目的で、トウモロコシ、小麦、豆、その他の農産物を大量に買い占める投機家を取り締まるように申し入れた。 エコノミスト達は、今年の食料品類の価格高騰は、その大部分が、この行き過ぎた取引の増加によるものだと指摘している。

And grocery prices are indeed up this year. For example, in August, the average price of bread in U.S. cities was up 17.4 percent over last year, while milk was up 12.4 percent, according to the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
食料品価格は今年実際に上昇している。 例えば、労働統計局の最近の報告によると、8月にバンの米国内の平均価格は昨年に比して17.4%も上昇しており、ミルクは12.4%上昇している。

Brandon Kliethermes, an agriculture economist with the forecasting firm IHS Global Insight, agrees that speculators do increase volatility — exaggerating price moves up and down.
"These markets have been bouncing around quite a bit for the past year now," Kliethermes said.
But not everyone agrees price speculation is the root of the problem. Economists have yet to find clear evidence that financial speculation can change food prices over time. Searching data for any meaningful price manipulation is very hard to quantify, Kliethermes said.
"You can't really point a finger at speculators," he said.
予測会社IHSグローバル・インサイトの農業エコノミストである、ブランドン・クライサーメス氏は、投機家が極端に価格を上げ下げすることで、価格の不安定さを増していると認めている。 「これらの市場はこの一年非常に荒い動きをしてきた。」と同氏は語る。 しかし、全ての人が、この問題の根っこに資金投機があると考えているわけではない。 エコノミストは、投機が食料価格をひとりでに変えることができるという明確な証拠はまだない。 価格操作を示す意味のあるボリュームのデータを求めるのは非常に困難だと彼は認めている。 「投機家の責任だと明確に証拠を持って明示することは出来ないのです。」

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is expected to soon issue new rules about commodity speculation, as required under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

And next month in France, the subject will be in the spotlight at a summit involving top leaders of the G20 — a group of the world's biggest economies. The host, French president Nicolas Sarkozy is pushing for tighter controls to stop speculators from betting on crop prices.
そして来月のフランスにおいて、世界の主要経済大国の集まりであるG20の各国指導者を交えてのサミットで中心議題となる見込みである。 ホスト国であるフランスの大統領ニコラス・サルコジは、食料価格に資金を注ぎ込む投機家への厳しい規制を積極的に推進している。

The issue centers on whether commodity exchanges are now hurting food prices when, in theory, they should be helping hold down grocery prices. Here's how it's supposed to work:
Say a company needs corn to make corn flakes. It could go to a commodities exchange and agree to buy corn at a particular price, spelled out in a contract. Having a known price would allow the cereal maker to go forward with plans to produce and sell corn flakes.
この問題は、理論的に、食料品価格を下げるのを助けるべきときに、商品取引が価格を(吊り上げて)市場を損なっていないかどうかに重点が置かれる。 ここに、いかにして価格が決められるかの例がある。 例えば、ここにコーンフレークを製造する会社があるとしよう。 この会社は商品取引所に出向いてトウモロコシを、契約に規定された、ある特定の価格で購入します。 この原料価格を知ることで、シリアルメーカーは生産計画を進めることができ、コーンフレークを売ることが出来るようになるのです。

The company might get a lower price if it waits longer to buy corn, so locking in a price involves some risk. But on balance, the deal makes good business sense: the cereal maker gets certainty about the price of corn, and the farmer gets certainty about the price he'll get for his crop. And consumers win because such transactions smooth out risks. That reduction in risk encourages people to become farmers and companies to make corn flakes — everyone wins.
会社は、トウモロコシの購入を先延ばしにすれば、価格が安くなるかもしれないので、価格を固定するのには、ある程度リスクを見込まねばなりません。 しかし、バランスをとることで、取引は良好なビジネスセンスを生みだします。つまり、シリアルメーカーはトウモロコシ価格である程度利益を出し、同様に農家も彼の作物からある程度の利益を出します。そして消費者は、そのようなスムーズな取引行為の結果、リスクを少なくすることが出来るのです。 リスク負担の軽減は消費者を農家を応援し、メーカーがコーンフレークを作るのも応援します。 ・・・そうすることで誰もが利益に浴することが出来るのです。

But speculators have been pouring into the commodities market, hoping to make more money there than in the stock market. A UN report shows that money invested in food commodities shot from $13 billion in 2003 to $260 billion just five years later.
These financial speculators buy and sell contracts, but never grow corn or make corn flakes, according to Alan Bjerga, author of a just-released book, Endless Appetites — How the Commodities Casino Creates Hunger and Unrest.
しかし、投機家が、株式市場よりも、より多くの利益を期待して、商品取引市場に資金を注ぎ込んできました。 国連の報告では食料品取引に2003年は130億ドルの資金が投資されていたのが、この5年間で2600億ドルに跳ね上がっています。

Among the speculators, "no one ever takes delivery of the grains," Bjerga said. It's just paper being passed back and forth among investors betting on price moves.
Critics say food should not be traded like gold or stocks, purely for financial gain. Their demands for change are being made on World Food Day, an annual event marking the 1945 launch of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
投機家達のなかでは、「誰もその食物の配送にタッチしていないのです。」と彼は言う。 それは単に、変化する価格に賭けて、書類を投資家の間でやり取りするに過ぎないのです。
評論家は食料というものは、そもそも銀やその他の株のように純粋な利益追求だけのために取引されるべき対象としてはいけないと言っている。 彼らのこの変更要求は、1945年に国連食糧農業機関の発足を記念した毎年恒例の世界食糧デーに合わせて公表された。

The U.N. agency tracks — and tries to end — hunger around the world. Many fast-developing countries, especially in Asia, have made dramatic progress in recent years. Still, hunger remains the world's No. 1 health risk, killing more people than diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
FAO reports that about 925 million people do not have enough to eat, with the worst problems being concentrated in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

ギリシャ危機 政府提出緊縮財政法案は成立するか?ギリギリの攻防

2011-10-16 | ギリシャ
Government vows to pass cuts in 'fight for existence'


14 Oct 2011

Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos pledged on Friday to pass austerity measures in parliament next week in a "fight for our existence", rallying lawmakers despite mounting opposition from labor unions and within the ruling party's own ranks.

The country will but by a 48-hour general strike called to coincide with the vote on Thursday. Union leaders hope to sink the package of pay cuts, tax hikes and public sector layoffs by undermining the resolve of ruling Pasok.

At least two MPs have threatened to vote against part of the package. Nevertheless, the government's slender majority will probably hold up.

Venizelos said there was no alternative to the measures, which the government says are needed to fend off bankruptcy.

"This is a fight for our existence ... we will do anything," he told lawmakers in parliament.

Inspectors from the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank troika left Athens on Tuesday, indicating they would recommend releasing an 8bn euro tranche of aid that the country needs to keep paying its bills past mid-November.

But they warned the government that the country was slipping behind on its targets and needed to lift efforts to cut costs and reform its stricken economy.

Rebels 造反
Venizelos, who said he was working to build support among IMF members including new economic powers like Russia, India and China, said the wave of strikes could lead to a breakdown in order. "We must urgently come to our senses," he warned.

"The general accounting office doesn't work because it's occupied, the general data system center doesn't work because it's occupied ... society is turning against itself," he said.
「国の会計検査院は占拠されて機能していないし、国のデータシステムセンターも占拠され機能していない ……. 社会が自ら首を絞めている。」とも・・・

Pasok has seen its approval ratings drop sharply as the crisis has continued and there have been growing signs of revolt from within the party with at least one deputy threatening to quit.

"I will resign on Monday, let somebody else take my place," Pasok deputy Thomas Robopoulos told a private radio station. "I can't be part of a parliament in which I have nothing to say."

Two other Pasok deputies have said they will vote against a provision in the draft law which would suspend sectoral wage deals in certain sections of the economy until 2014 to boost company-level agreements.

The government has only a narrow majority with 154 seats in the 300-member parliament but would be able to replace any deputy who resigned with another member from its own ranks.

A small center-right party has also said it may support the government in Thursday's vote.

Robopoulos, a car dealer and one of the few independent businessmen in the Greek parliament, has made several threats to resign in the past but has held back at the last minute to avoid triggering a government crisis.
ロボポウロス議員は、カーディーラーであり、ギリシャ議会では数少ない企業経営者出身である。 過去にも何回か辞意を漏らしていたが、最後になって政府危機の引き金を引くわけにはいかないとして自重していた。

However his comments underlined growing disillusion by many deputies in the ruling party, which has seen its position in parliament eroded by a steady trickle of desertions over the past year.

A total of six Pasok MPs have become independents in protest against austerity measures since the 2010 bailout. Another two resigned and were replaced by others from party lists.

New Democracy, which has repeatedly attacked the austerity measures as pointless and counterproductive, has called on the government to resign, but Venizelos said the criticisms would only make the ruling party more determined.

"I am sure this will steel the resolve of Pasok lawmakers," he told parliament.

ギリシャ危機 アテネ・ニュースから市民生活の実態が窺える2つをアップしました。

2011-10-16 | ギリシャ
Eating on a budget


by Kathy Tzilivakis
14 Oct 2011

The findings of a new survey of 1,250 Greek consumers by the Consumer Protection Centre (Kepka) suggest that 90 percent of Greeks have started to swap their steaks and meatballs for beans and lentils.

The research by the Thessaloniki-based consumers group also found that red meat and fish are consumed just once a week, while lamb is served only once a month.

Back in 2006, meat was considered a staple and could be found on the dinner table at least twice a week. Beans, pasta, chicken and eggs are now the cheaper and most frequent alternative.

Kepka suggests the price of food is the main factor influencing a food purchase decision.

About a quarter of consumers surveyed also said they look for the cheapest product and the best discount when shopping at a supermarket. Meanwhile, the number of Greeks dining out has dropped seven percent since 2006.
今回の対象消費者の4分の1の人達がスーパーで買い物をするときに、一番安い商品や一番値引きしている商品を探すと答えている。 一方で、外食をするギリシャ人は2006年以降7%も減っている。

Minister signs urgent order on garbage


by (AthensNewsWeb)
14 Oct 2011

A man searches in a pile of garbage in front of a bank branch in Athens (Reuters)

Municipal employees and others who block the collection of rubbish from the streets of Athens face heavy fine and even prison sentences under an emergency order signed by the health minister on Friday.

The order, signed by Andreas Loverdos, is expected to come into force later on Friday after it is published in the Government Gazette.

Under the order, mayors and regional authorities are instructed to proceed with the removal of rubbish from Athens’ streets immediately, in the interests of public health.

In the event of noncompliance, the order allows for fines and prison sentences of up to three months, with obstructers facing criminal proceedings.

According to reports, the police are on alert and awaiting instruction from the state prosecutor to open Fyli landfill.

On Wednesday, the Hellenic Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Kelpno) said the mounds of uncollected waste represented a public health hazard.

For over a week, municipal workers have been on an unofficial strike and have blocked the entrance to Fyli landfill.

On Wednesday, the Attica regional council voted to engage private garbage collectors to clear the mounds of rubbish from the streets of Athens that have accumulated as a result of a fortnight-long strike of municipal workers.

Speaking on private Skai TV this morning, a union representative said that “blood would flow” if private collectors got involved in rubbish disposal.

On October 7, Athens public prosecutors Eleni Raikou ordered the arrest of anyone blocking garbage trucks from entering and unloading rubbish at the Fyli landfill site.

スティーブ・ジョブズ夫人  ローレン・パウエル・ジョブスってどんな女性?

2011-10-15 | アメリカ国内
Jobs's Wife Backs Education Causes


Steve Jobs spoke very little in public about philanthropy, and he didn't participate in the "Giving Pledge," a campaign led by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to get billionaires to commit to giving away much of their wealth.

Now the spotlight turns to how the Apple Inc. co-founder's wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, will manage the fortune she is likely to inherit. Some large donors in Silicon Valley say they don't know if the couple made major donations behind the scenes. Through a spokeswoman, Ms. Powell Jobs, 47 years old, declined to be interviewed.
いま、アップルの共同創業者の妻、ローレン・パウエル・ジョブスが、どのように相続する巨額の遺産を運用するのかにスポットライトが当たっている。 シリコンバレーの巨額の寄贈者のある人達は、このカップルが見えないところで大きな寄付行為をしてきたかどうか知らないという。 しかし、パウエル・ジョブス夫人47歳のスポークスマンはインタビューに応じてはいない。

Steve Jobs's wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, has been quiet about her charity causes, but she is expected to continue backing education reform and women's issues. Geoffrey Fowler reports on digits.
スティーブ・ジョブスの夫人、ローレン・パウエル・ジョブスは彼女のチャリティ活動についてあまり多くを語らないが、彼女は教育改革と女性問題の支援を続けているという。 ジェフォリー・フォーラーがその数字についても報告する。

But Ms. Powell Jobs's activities paint a picture of a family deeply involved in supporting education reform, women's issues and other philanthropic causes, as well as Democratic Party candidates and issues.
"She is very much of the school of 'to whom much is given, much is expected,'" says Carlos Watson, who co-founded an educational reform organization called College Track with her in 1997. "She is focused on ways to expand opportunity."

Steve Jobs and wife Laurene Powell Jobs at the Oscars in 2010.
Ms. Powell Jobs has become a leader in education policy, advising nonprofits and politicians, says Ted Mitchell, chief executive of NewSchools Venture Fund, whose board Ms. Powell Jobs joined five years ago. The Jobs family has donated millions of dollars to the group, he says, and her work "is even more effective because she does this work quietly, constantly, with incredible integrity and great insight."
パウエル・ジョブス夫人は非営利団体や政治家にアドバイスする、教育政策の指導者的存在となっている、とニュースクール・ベンチャー・ファンドの代表であるテッド・ミッチェルは言う。 その役員会にはパウエル・ジョブス夫人も5年前から参加している。 ジョブス家は数百万ドルを同グループに寄付しているが、「彼女の仕事はそれにもまして重要だという、なぜなら彼女は多くを語らないが、常に変わることなく、きちんと一貫性もって、優れた見識で成果の上がる仕事をしてくれているからだ。」と彼は話している。

Ms. Powell Jobs worked at Merrill Lynch Asset Management and Goldman Sachs in the late 1980s. She met her husband while she was earning an M.B.A. at Stanford University. They married in 1991 and had three children, Eve, Erin and Reed. She also founded a natural-foods company called Terravera.
1980年代の後半、パウエル・ジョブス夫人はメリル・リンチのアセットマネジメントとゴールドマン・サックスで働いていた。 そして、彼女がスタンフォード大学のMBAを取得しているときにジョブスに出会った。彼らは1991年に結婚し、3人の子供、イブ、エリン、リードをもうけた。 彼女はテラベラという自然食品の会社を設立した。

Ms. Powell Jobs's charitable activities date back at least to the mid-1990s, when she mentored high-school students in East Palo Alto, Calif. In 1997, she co-founded the nonprofit College Track, which helps low-income students prepare for college through intensive academic and extra-curricular programs.
Founding and running College Track involved "significant" financial donations from the Jobs family, according to a person familiar with the organization.

Ms. Powell Jobs thought "this is important enough that I am not going to just write a check—I am going to build with my own hands an infrastructure that can help students go to college," Mr. Watson says. The program has trained more than 1,000 students, he says, 90% of whom went on to a four-year college.
Ms. Powell Jobs often catches College Track's students, who are largely African American and Latino, off guard. "They think, 'you don't know my story,'" Mr. Watson says. But through one-on-one interaction—sometimes dozens of sessions at her or the student's home—she has proved her ability to connect, he says.
パウエル・ジョブス夫人は、「単に小切手を切るのではなく、自分の手、学生が大学へ進学するのを助けるインフラを手掛けるということが大事だと考えている」とワトソン氏は言う。 そのプログラムは既に1000人以上の学生を教育し、内90%が、その後4年制大学に進学していると、彼は話している。
彼女は、しばしばカレッジ・トラックの学生、(彼らは大抵アフリカ・アメリカンかラテン系だが)の中に飛び込んでいく。彼らの態度は、「どうせあなたは僕の生い立ちを理解できないよ。」といった態度だとワトソンは言う。 しかし、1対1の対話や、彼女の所或いは学生の家での話し合いを通じて・・彼女は、その人間関係を作る説得力を証明してきた。

Wendy Kopp, the founder and CEO of Teach For America, says she remembers Ms. Powell Jobs standing out at a visit to a California school three years ago. "It is very rare to find someone who is not one of our most senior staff members who can walk into a classroom and pick up on what she noticed. Her level of standards and questions all revealed such genuine commitment to the idea that all kids have the chance for an excellent education."
ティーチ・フォー・アメリカのCEOであり創始者であるウェンディ・コップは、三年前カルフォルニア・スクールへの訪問時、パウエル・ジョブス夫人は際立っていた、と言う。「シニア・スタッフメンバーでもない人物が、教室に入って行き、自分の気付いた点を取り上げるなどということは、まずありえない。」 彼女の基準と質問のレベルの高さは、全ての子供は素晴らしい教育を受けるチャンスがあるという理想への真摯な姿勢が本物であるということを物語っていた。

Ms. Powell Jobs still serves as president of College Track's board and has joined the boards of Teach for America, NewSchools Venture Fund, Stand for Children, New America Foundation and Conservation International. She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

More recently, Ms. Powell Jobs set up a broader philanthropic organization called the Emerson Collective. According to her official biography, it "works with a range of entrepreneurs to advance domestic and international social reform efforts."
最近では、彼女はエマーソン・コレクティブという、より広範な慈善団体を設立している。 彼女のオフィシャルな経歴書によると、その団体は、広く起業家と連携して、国内外の社会改革を推進するとある。

A person familiar with Emerson says its name is based on Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay "Self-Reliance," and the organization believes in "empowering the individual by giving them tools to live a productive life."

Ms. Powell Jobs has made public appearances in recent years at the Clinton Global Initiative. She conducted an on-stage interview with actor Ben Affleck in April at a meeting of the Global Philanthropy Forum about his work founding the Eastern Congo Initiative. The two traveled to the Congo last year, and she invested in the Initiative.
パウエル・ジョブス夫人は、クリントン・グローバル・イニシャティブで、最近公的な場に姿を現している。 4月には俳優のベン・アフレックに、グローバル・慈善フォーラムの会合で、舞台インタビュワーとして、彼が創設した東コンゴ構想の仕事について質問している。

In recent years, public records indicate, Ms. Powell Jobs made political donations to Democratic causes, including $200,000 in 2010 to a group called Californians for Clean Energy and Jobs, which was fighting a voter initiative that sought to delay a law regulating greenhouse emissions.

Ms. Powell Jobs's charity work has occasionally overlapped with Apple's. This past spring, Apple set up a program to collect first-generation iPads from consumers who were upgrading to the iPad 2 and donate them to Teach for America corps members. Apple dedicated space to the campaign in its store windows and was able to offer iPads to more than 9,000 teachers
彼女のチャリティ活動は、しばしばアップルのそれとオーバーラップしている。 去年の春、アップルは、アイパッド2にアップグレードした顧客からアイパッドの第一世代(前機種)を回収するプログラムを実施して、それらを「ティーチ・フォー・アメリカ」のメンバーに寄付している。 アップル社はその運動に、そのテンポのウィンドーのスペースを提供しており、それを通じてアイパッドを9000人以上の教師に提供することができた。

ウガンダ内戦  政府軍支援のため100名からなる米軍部隊を派遣

2011-10-15 | アフリカ

U.S. Troops Sent To Uganda To Help Fight Rebels


by The Associated Press


October 14, 2011

President Obama is dispatching roughly 100 U.S. troops to central Africa to help battle the notorious Lord's Resistance Army. 


The rebel group is accused of a campaign of murder, rape and kidnapping that began 20 years ago.


The White House says the first troops arrived in Uganda on Wednesday. Ultimately, they will also deploy in South Sudan, the Central African Republic and Congo.


A White House announcement said the troops will be combat-equipped but are not to engage in combat except in self-defense. It said they will aid in removing LRA leader Joseph Kony "from the battlefield."

同発表によると、部隊は戦闘のための装備をしているが、自己防衛目的以外では戦闘行動はとらないとしている。 また、神の抵抗軍(LRA)の指導者であるジョセフ・コニーを戦場から排除するのを助けるのが目的だとしている。

The administration and human rights groups have charged the LRA with seizing children to bolster its ranks of soldiers, and sometimes forcing them to become sex slaves.












ギリシャ危機 みなデモばかりしている訳ではない(2)伝統食で女性起業家

2011-10-14 | ギリシャ

Making tradition trendy

by Helen Varvaritis-Tourikis

Business partners and in-laws Nancy Lazarou (R) and Anastasia Aroney see their job ‘as more than a job’  ビジネスパートナーで親戚でもあるナンシー・ラザロウ(右)アナスタシア・アロネイは彼らの仕事に、仕事以上の意義を見出だしている。

26 Sep 2011
ONCE upon a time, when people lived off the land, when each fruit was available in abundance for only a few sweet weeks, every home used traditional methods to preserve those flavours and traditional ways of serving them. Visiting family or friends, you would invariably be treated to a delicious dish of glyko tou koutaliou, which literally means “sweet of the spoon”. Made from either fruit or vegetables, the jars full of colourful translucent fruit in their own syrup were a staple in every Greek kitchen.
昔、人々がその地に住んでいた時、フルーツは、その数週間の収穫期だけ豊富に食べることができた、家々はそれらの香りの良い果物を伝統的な保存し、伝統的な方法で供してきた。 家族や友人を訪れると、決まってグルコ・トウ・コウタリオウの美味しい食べ物でもてなされる、その名の意味は文字通り「スプーン一杯のスィーツ」。果物や野菜から作られ、自家製のシロップ漬けの色とりどりの半透明の果物はギリシャのキッチンの定番だ。

Up until a few years ago, it was hard to find glyko tou koutaliou on the market that was not mass- produced, a glucose-based plastinated fruit in syrup that bore no resemblance to the one grandmothers throughout the country made.

Fourteen years ago, two women set out to rectify the situation and restore the wonderful tradition that had been sidelined by the Greeks obsessed with foreign flavours. From this cause, Idiston Handmade Tradition was born.
14年前、二人の女性が状況を建て直して、外国のフレーバー漬けになっているギリシャ人がすっかり忘れている素晴らしい伝統を取り戻そうと立ち上がった。 そういうことで、「イディストン・ハンドメイド・トラディション」が産まれた。

Business partners and koumbares, or in-laws, Nancy Lazarou and Anastasia Aroney took up the mission of making the unique glyko tou koutaliou fashionable. “We see our job as more than a job. It is a crusade to bring back the traditional foods, made in the traditional way,” says Aroney, the 51-year-old Greek-Australian who moved away from a career in the clothing industry to join Lazarou in confectionery business. At the time, Lazarou, an economics graduate and mother of two, was operating a small cake-and-sweets bakery, made to order, from a store below her home.
ビジネスパートナーであり仲間、そして親戚の関係にある、ナンシー・ラザロウとアナスタシア・アロネイはユニークなグルコ・トウ・コウタリオウをファッショナブルにしようと取り組んだ。「私たちは、この仕事を、仕事以上のものと考えています。 それは、伝統的な方法で作られた伝統食物を取り戻すための十字軍なのです」と、51歳のオーストラリア系ギリシャ人のアロネイは言う。彼女は、このスウィーツビジネスのラザロウを助けるために、元の服飾関係のキャリアをなげうってきた。

Recognising the gap in the market, Lazarou refocused the business with the help of Aroney. “In the mid-90s there was a shift in people’s perception of Greek cuisine. Suddenly it had become trendy again. People were again interested in eating traditional food, eating regional products. They were talking about graviera Kritis and all the other Protected Designation products,” says Aroney.
市場のギャップを認識するために、ラザロウはアロネイの助けをかりてビジネスを再検討した。 「90年代半ばに、ギリシャ料理に対する人々の見方が変わった。突然またギリシャ料理がトレンディになってきた。 人々は再び伝統的な食物や地域の名産を食べることに関心を持つようになってきた。彼らはギリシャチーズや他の守られてきた指定産品を話していた。」

Focusing on the popular glyka tou koutaliou, Lazarou and Aroney produced vysino (sour cherry), kydoni (quince) and pergamonto (bergamot orange). By selling to restaurants and cafes, they slowly started to penetrate the market because they steadfastly held to the traditional recipes, according to which the fruit is preserved only in sugar and nothing else.

Idiston products do not have added preservatives, glucose syrup or food-grade lime, also known as pickling lime, which is often added to harden the fruit so it does not break apart. The pickling lime, a chemical additive, invariably leaves an undesirable finish, therefore it is not used at Idiston. This results in a softer-textured product, especially evident in the walnut.

“We have been using the same suppliers for years and source all the produce from the best growing areas - and of course only make each type of glyko when the fruit is in season. For example, the quince and the crab apple are from Volos, the cherries from Tripoli, and so on,” she adds.

Interestingly, although there is consistency in the product, Aroney acknowledges that because of the fruit itself, there are the slight variations within the products. “We measure the sugar content of the fruit with specialised equipment and that determines the amount of sugar we add,” says Aroney, debunking the traditional myth of 1 kilo of sugar for every kilo of fruit. “Playing it by ear, so to speak, is still necessary, even though we have specific recipes, because the fruit itself changes. Even within the season the fruit is different. Quince, which has a two-month season, is very different at the beginning of the season compared to the end.”

Preparing the fruit in small batches of between 8 and 10 kilos, the fruit is captured at its optimum before being preserved and bottled. In the case of the citrus fruits, where the peel rather than the flesh is needed for the glyko tou koutaliou, the flesh is used to make natural cordials. The mandarin cordial, called mandarinada in Greek, is made from naturally sweet mandarins from Chios.

The cordial concentrate is mixed with four parts water or soda for a truly refreshing soft drink. Apart from the spoon sweets and cordials, Idiston has also launched a range of savoury sauces, such as the piquant plum sauce, that is perfectly suited to roasted pork fillet.

For Aroney and Lazarou, the mission to rediscover the flavours of Greece doesn’t stop. “This is not just a business, it is promoting the idea of eating traditional, regional, natural and seasonal food - Greek food.” A concept at the forefront of the international food scene.
アロネイとラザロウにとってギリシャの風味探索の使命は終わらない。「これは単なるビジネスではない。それは伝統食、地域に根差した自然で季節の食物を食べる思想の普及です。そうギリシャの伝統食物を」 それは国際的な食糧事情で最も進んだ考え方でもある。
Idiston Handmade Tradition
10 Al Zaimi St, Nea Filadelfia
Phone 210-253-3698

How to serve spoon sweets
Traditionally, the glyko tou koutaliou was a way of preserving the abundance of fresh fruit in season for the year ahead. Every homemaker had jars of delicious spoon sweets that were served to guests.

A generous spoonful of the spoon sweet on a delicate cut crystal dessert plate, with a glass of cool water, was a traditional kerasma, or treat. Apart from adding it as an indulgent topping to icecream or yogurt, spoon sweets can also be used in all manner of desserts. Only a little imagination is needed.
スプーン大盛りのスイーツを洒落たクリスタルカットのデザートプレートに盛って、冷たい水を一緒に添える。これが伝統的なおもてなしだ。 アイスクリームやヨーグルトのトッピングの他に、このスプーンスイートはデザートの色んな方法で使われる。少しの想像力があれば十分。

スティーブ・ジョブス アップル社解任後の「どん底」から如何にして蘇ったか?

2011-10-13 | スティーブ・ジョブス
The Wilderness Years

The bleakest time in Jobs’s career would turn out to be his most productive.

自ら創業したアップル社を追われ、いかにして彼は復帰までの道を歩んだか? 振り返ってみると確かに点がつながって現在までの道となっていた・・・あくまで振り返ってそういえるのだが・・・ジョブスがスタンフォードのスピーチで述べたように・・・しかし、あまりにもドラマチックだ

by Leander Kahney | October 10, 2011 1:00 AM EDT
The decade that Steve Jobs spent away from Apple is often seen as his “wilderness” years, a time when he came close to fading forever from public life. He was forced out of the company he founded. His new company, NeXT, was struggling to say afloat. His other company, Pixar, lurched from business plan to business plan. Yet that decade would become one of the most productive periods of Jobs’s amazing life, laying the foundation for the personal, technological, and financial success that would follow. “The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything,” he said at a famous Stanford commencement speech in 2005. “It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.”

In 1985, Steve Jobs wasn’t so much fired from Apple as he was chased out. He lost a power struggle with then-CEO John Sculley, whom Jobs had recruited from Pepsi. Sculley was brought into Apple as the grown-up, the “adult supervision.” Jobs, just 29, wanted Sculley to run the fast-growing and often chaotic company while Jobs obsessed about new products. He hoped that Sculley would teach him how to eventually take the reins.
1985年、スティーブ・ジョブスは、追い払われるようにしてアップルを首になったのではなかった。彼は、ジョブス自身がペプシから引き抜いてきた当時のCEOジョン・スカリーとの権力闘争に敗れたのだ。 スカリーはアップルに、大人つまり「見識ある監督者」としてアップルに招かれた。 ジョブスは若干29歳であり、ジョブスが新製品に忙殺されているあいだ、急成長して、しばしば混乱する会社を経営してくれることを望んでいた。 彼はスカリーが、実際に会社の経営をどのようにしていくか教えてくれることを望んでいた。

Things went swimmingly at first, but Jobs’s penchant for meddling put him at odds with Sculley and many others. The crunch came when Jobs’s Macintosh division failed to upgrade the original Mac, leading to a deep slide in sales. Consumers viewed it as an expensive toy. There was no killer app to drive sales (desktop publishing wouldn’t take off until after Jobs left). Sculley removed Jobs as head of the Mac division, leading Jobs to retaliate by trying to have him kicked out. Jobs lost. He quickly set up a rival company in hopes of driving Apple out of business.
ことは当初はスムーズに運んでいたが、ジョブスの事あるごとに干渉する態度は、スカリーや他の多くの役員との対立を生んだ。 危機は、ジョブスのマッキントッシュ部門がオリジナル・マックのアップグレードに失敗し、売り上げが大きく減少したときに生じた。 消費者はマックを高くつくオモチャと見なした。そこには売り上げの原動力となるアピールする人気ソフトがなかった。(ジョブスがアップルを去るまで、デスクトップ印刷はまだ世に出ていなかった。)
スカリーはマック部門のトップからジョブスをはずし、彼を会社から追放することでジョブスに責任をとらせた。 ジョブスは敗れてしまった。

Jobs's Biggest Flops

Called NeXT (of course), the company began work on a high-end workstation aimed at colleges and universities. Jobs took some of the key Macintosh personnel with him, and was immediately sued by Apple for “nefarious schemes.” He persuaded Texas millionaire Ross Perot to invest (Perot was impressed by Jobs after seeing him on a CBS news show) and, later, Japan’s Canon.
会社なネクスト(もっともだ)と呼ばれた、その会社は大学や総合大学をターゲットにした高性能ワークステーションを手掛け始めた。ジョブスはマッキントッシュのキーパースンを引き抜いたが、それは直ちにアップルから「悪意に満ちた企み」として、告訴された。 彼は、テキサスの億万長者ロス・ペローに出資を依頼し、(ペローはCBSのニュースショーで彼に会ってジョブスに好印象をもっていた。)そして、後に日本のキャノンにも。

Jobs spent lavishly at his new company. He splurged $100,000 on a cubist logo designed by the famous graphic designer Paul Rand and built a headquarters office with hardwood floors and a floating glass staircase designed by architect I. M. Pei. He experimented with new management ideas, like letting his staff see all the company’s financials, including payroll. Predictably, that turned out to be a mistake. Yet Jobs nevertheless was able to recruit stellar talent to work at the company, including Jon Rubinstein and Avie Tevanian, who would later take on key roles at Apple.
ジョブスは彼の新しい会社に惜しげもなく金を注ぎ込んだ。 例えば、有名なグラフィックデザイナーであるポール・ランドの手によるキュービズム・ロゴに10万ドルを支払い、本社の床は高級木材(ハードウッド)にし、建築家I.M.ペイ設計のフロートグラスの階段を設置した。 彼はまた、新しいマネジメントのアイデアを試した、例えば会社の財務同様、全社員の給与も透明化した。 予想通り、この試みは失敗に終わった。 それでも、ジョブスは会社に飛び切りの才能を持った人間を引っ張ってくることが出来たのだ、後にアップルで重要な役割を担うことになる、ジョン・ルビンシュタインやアヴィ・テバニアンもそれら人達だった。

In 1989, after three years in development, Jobs introduced the NeXTcube at a press event in San Francisco. Plagued by delays, the machine was months behind schedule. Asked about being late, Jobs responded, “Late? This computer is five years ahead of its time!”
1989年、三年の開発期間をかけて、ジョブスはネクストキューブをサンフランシスコのプレス・イベントで発表した。 開発が遅れ、そのマシンは予定より数か月遅れて発表に至った。なぜ遅れたかと問われたジョブスは次のように答えた。「遅れたって?このコンピューターは5年先を行ってるんだよ!」

Steve Jobs, then CEO of NeXT, at an offsite meeting in 1987.
The NeXTcube sported a distinctive case made of pricey black magnesium. It ran proprietary software that was developed at great expense, and Jobs built a robot factory to churn out 150,000 machines a year. But the $6,500 workstation was too expensive for schools, its initial target market. Only government agencies like the CIA could afford it. In the end, only 50,000 were ever sold.
ネックストキューブは高価なブラックマグネシウムの際立った筐体を誇っていた。それは膨大な費用をかけた専用ソフトを組み込んでいた。ジョブスは年間15万台の量産ができるロボット工場を建設した。しかし、6500ドルのワークステーションは、当初のターゲット市場である学校には価格が高すぎた。 CIAのような政府機関しか購入できなかったので、結局5万台の販売に終わった。

Meanwhile, Jobs had picked up his other company, Pixar, from George Lucas for $10 million shortly after leaving Apple. Lucas unloaded what was then a fledgling computer-graphics division after being cleaned out in an expensive divorce.
At the time, Pixar was little more than a group of academics who had created an advanced computer-graphics package called RenderMan. Jobs tried to market it as the Pixar Image Computer, a high-end graphics workstation, but only Disney bit.
一方、ジョブスは、アップルを去ってすぐに、別の会社ピクサーをジョージ・ルーカスから1000万ドルで購入していた。 ルーカスは金のかかる離婚で、一文無しになり、当時は始めたばかりのコンピュータグラフィック部門を処分した。 

Then the company tried to sell RenderMan as a stand-alone animation package. That too failed. Having spent more than $50 million of his own money to keep it afloat, Jobs tried several times to sell Pixar. He came very close to passing it off to Apple’s archenemy, Microsoft. “If I knew in 1986 how much it was going to cost to keep Pixar going, I doubt if I would’ve bought the company,” Jobs later said.
そこで、同社はレンダーマンを、スタンドアローンのアニメーション・パッケージとして販売したが、それもうまく行かなかった。 彼自身の資金の5000万ドル以上を費やして会社を維持した。 ジョブスはピクサーを売却しようと何度も試みた。 彼はアップルの大敵であるマイクロソフトにもう少しで売却するところまでいった。 「もし、私が1986年の時点でピクサーを維持するのに、どのくらい費用がかかるかを知っていたら、私がこの会社を購入したかどうか疑問だ」と後にジョブスは語っている。

He was forced to lay off most of Pixar’s staff in 1991. But he kept a handful of key players, including Ed Catmull, the firm’s technical genius, and John Lasseter, who was garnering rave reviews for short films he made as demos for RenderMan. One of Lasseter’s shorts won an Academy Award.
彼は1991年にピクサーのスタッフの多くを解雇せざるを得なかったが、主要なメンバーは残した、その中にはフィルム技術の天才エド・キャットマルやレンダーマンのデモ用として作成したショートフィルム(短編映画)が大絶賛されたジョン・ラッセッター等がいた。 ラセッターのショートフィルムの一つがアカデミー賞を受賞した。

Throughout this period, Jobs was excoriated in the press. Pixar and NeXT were high-profile failures. Jobs was portrayed not as a technologist but as a slick marketer, a fast talker whose early success came from riding Steve Wozniak’s coattails. Maybe Sculley was right.
この時期を通じて、ジョブスはメディアに激しく非難されていた。 ピクサーとネクストはとても目立つ失敗だった。 ジョブスは技術者としてではなく、口先のうまい、早口のマーケターとして扱われ、彼の、以前の成功は共同創業者のスティーブ・ウォズアニックのお蔭でなし得たとまで言われた。 多分、スカリーの判断は正かったと・・・

In 1993, Jobs reached his nadir. To keep NeXT afloat, he folded the company’s hardware operation and laid off most of the rest of the staff. He was in “ankle-deep shit,” as he would later put it. He stopped going to work, spending his days at home with his young son.
1993年に、ジョブスは人生のどん底にいた。 ネクストを維持するために、彼は会社のハードウェアの操業を畳み、残りの従業員の殆どを解雇した。彼は、後に彼が言った表現を借りれば、くるぶしまで糞まみれだった。 彼は働くのをやめ、日がな子供と家でぶらぶらする日を送っていた。
Pixar was also limping on, making animated shorts and special effects for TV commercials. Then the company—and Jobs—got a key break. Disney tried to hire Lasseter away. He rebuffed it, but not before Disney agreed to finance three of Pixar’s feature-length movies. The deal was lopsided (Disney got most of the money), but what emerged was a deal to back a buddy movie featuring a pair of mismatched toys. Lasseter flew to Hollywood to take a crash course in screenwriting.
ピクサーもまた、テレビコマーシャルの短編アニメや特殊効果を作成しながら、もたついていた。 そんななか、この会社とジョブスは、大きな幸運をつかんだ。ディズニーがラッセターを引き抜きにかかった。 彼はすげなく誘いを断ったが、それはディズニーがピクサーの長編映画3本について出資に合意した後だった。 取引はディズニーの圧倒的な優位のもとではあったが(ディズニーが売り上げの殆どをとる)、取引は、二つのミスマッチのオモチャを主人公に男の友情を描く映画を支援するというものだった。 ラセッターはハリウッドに飛び、映画脚本の速習コースを受講した。

After several restarts, including one that almost killed the film entirely, Toy Story was released in 1995 to huge critical acclaim. The first fully computer-made movie, Toy Story won an Oscar and went on to become the highest-grossing movie of the year.
It was the first win in an unprecedented Pixar run: 12 blockbuster hits that have earned on average $602 million apiece—by far the best run of any studio in Hollywood. Plus six Oscars.
数度のやり直しを経て、中にはフィルム全体を殆ど没にすることもあったが、トイストーリーは1995年に、大変な批評家の称賛を浴びて、公開された。 最初の完全なコンピュータによる映画、トイストーリーはオスカーを受賞し、その年の最高に輝く映画となった。
それは、前例のないピクサーの一連の作品の初めて勝利だった。12もの大ヒット作が平均6億2千万ドルを作品ごとに稼ぎだした・・・ハリウッドのどのスタジオ作品を遥かに凌ぐ興行収入だった。 それに6つのオスカーを受賞した。

In 1996, a year after Toy Story, Apple’s then-CEO, Gil Amelio, approached Jobs about buying NeXT’s operating system. For years, Apple had been trying to develop a successor to its aging Macintosh operating system, which was creaking under the weight of all the extra features that had been added since 1984. That effort was failing, and now Apple was hoping to buy the NeXTStep OS to replace the Mac OS.
In December 1996, Apple announced that Apple had indeed bought NeXT for $430 million. Jobs was brought back to the company as a special adviser to Amelio, paving the way for his later return as CEO.
1996年に、トイストーリーの翌年、アップルの当時のCEOであるギル・アメリオはジョブスと接触し、ネクストのOSの買取を申し出た。 何年もの間、アップルは、古くなったマッキントッシュのOSの後継の開発を試みていた。古いOSは1984年以来付加されてきた全ての追加機能のため、その負荷に悲鳴を上げていた。 その試みは失敗に終わり、アップルは、マックのOSの後継として、ネクストステップのOSの購入を希望した。

It wasn’t exactly a prime perch. Apple at the time was struggling financially. For the first time, Windows computers were as good as the Mac, if not better, and certainly a lot cheaper. By comparison, Apple’s computers were slow, expensive, and lackluster. The only successful companies in the Mac ecosystem were the clone makers, which were further eroding Apple’s market share.
それは主要ポストではなかった。 当時のアップルは財務的に苦境に陥っていた。初めて、ウィンドウズコンピューターがマックと同水準になった、超えたとは言えないまでも、間違いなく価格が各段に安かった。 比較して、アップルコンピューターのほうが動作が遅く、高価で、そして魅力に乏しかった。 唯一マックで成功している会社は、マックエコシステムという(ソフトの)コピー機で、それが更にアップルの市場シェアを食っているという有様だった。

In the first quarter of 1997, Apple announced a quarterly loss of $700 million, one of the largest in Silicon Valley history. Apple’s board fired Amelio and, in desperation, asked Jobs to take over. At first he balked. He was already running Pixar, which was finally a success, and Apple was nearly bankrupt. He didn’t want to oversee its demise. Yet Apple was under his skin. He’d cofounded it, and couldn’t stand by and watch it die. He took the title of iCEO—interim CEO—and got to work while the board looked for a permanent CEO.
1997年の1/4半期に、期の損失として7億ドルを計上した。シリコンバレー史上最も大きな損失額の一つだった。 アップルの役員会はアメリオを解任し、すがるような気持ちでジョブスに後を託したのだった。 最初彼は躊躇した。彼は既にピクサーを経営しており、それが遂に成功をおさめ、アップルと言えば倒産も同然だった。 彼はアップルの崩壊を看過することは出来なかった。今なおアップルはジョブスの心を強く捕えていたのだ。 彼は共同創業者であり、アップルの死を傍観することはできなかった。 彼は臨時CEOの地位につき、会社の指揮をとった、役員会は既に彼を恒久のCEOと見なしていた。

So ended Jobs’s lost decade. His time in the wilderness taught him how to be a better manager and delegator. He discovered creative processes at Pixar that later worked well at Apple. He recruited staff and developed technologies that would underpin Apple’s success. And he helped create an entire genre of computer-animated movies, which would make him a multibillionaire when Disney bought Pixar. He also got married and raised a family.
It turned out the decade wasn’t lost, after all.
こうして、ジョブスの失われた10年は終わりをつげた。彼の不遇の時代を通して彼は、いかにして良い管理者そして、代表者になるかを学んだ。 彼はピクサーにおいて創造的なプロセスを学んだ、それは後にアップルで十分に発揮されることになる。彼はスタッフや開発技術を次々にリクルートし、アップルの成功の土台を築いていった。そして、彼は、ディズニーがピクサーを買収したとき、コンピュータアニメーションムービーの全体のジャンルの創造を助け、これが彼に巨万の富をもたらすこととなった。彼は結婚し、家族を築いた。 

ウクライナ民主主義の危機? 前大統領ティモシェンコ女史に7年の実刑判決

2011-10-12 | ロシア及び周辺国
Ukraine’s Tymoshenko Jailed for Seven Years


Published: October 11, 2011
KIEV, Ukraine — Yulia V. Tymoshenko, once one of Ukraine’s most powerful and popular politicians, was sentenced on Tuesday to seven years in prison, the culmination of a politically charged trial that could presage the end of the country’s short and often raucous experiment with democracy.

Ukrainian ex-prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko held her daughter's hand as she spoke at the Pecherskiy district court on Tuesday. ウクライナの前の首相ユリア・ティモシェンは娘の手を握りながらペチェルスキー地方裁判所で話した。

The sentence was the maximum demanded by prosecutors on charges that Ms. Tymoshenko had harmed Ukraine’s interests when, as prime minister, she carried out negotiations with Russia in 2009 over the price of natural gas. Her supporters and many Western officials have insisted that her actions could hardly have amounted to a crime.

The ruling will likely put a freeze on Ukraine’s integration with Western Europe, which the country’s president, Viktor F. Yanukovich has pursued even as he has flirted with the iron-fisted ruling style practiced in Moscow.
“This is an authoritarian regime that is distancing Ukraine from Europe, while using European rhetoric,” Ms. Tymoshenko said in the courtroom. Mr. Yanukovich, she said, “is bringing Ukraine back to 1937,” the height of the Stalinist purges.
「これは専制体制が、ヨーロッパのレトリックを使ってウクライナを欧州からの引き離そうとしている企てだ。」と法廷でティモシェンコ女史は語った。 ヤヌコヴィッチ氏はウクライナを1937年のスターリン粛清の絶頂期に戻そうとしていると彼女は主張している。

In recent weeks, American and Western European diplomats have warned that Ms. Tymoshenko’s imprisonment would make Mr. Yanukovich persona non grata in Western capitals and jeopardize Ukraine’s free trade and association agreement with the European Union, which is near completion.

The European Union immediately issued a message via Twitter saying it was “deeply disappointed with the verdict.”
“The verdict comes after a trial which did not respect the international standards as regards fair, transparent and independent legal process,” Catherine Ashton, the European Union foreign affairs chief, said in a later statement. “This unfortunately confirms that justice is being applied selectively in politically motivated prosecutions of the leaders of the opposition and members of the former government.”

She said the verdict will have “profound implications for the E.U.-Ukraine bilateral relationship, including for the conclusion of the Association Agreement.”
Yulia Mostovaya, editor of the weekly newspaper Zerkalo Nedeli, said the case flew in the face of Mr. Yanukovich’s conviction that Ukraine must pursue strong Western alliances. “The way he treats Tymoshenko is a bomb under his own plans, but emotions have taken the upper hand,” Ms. Mostovaya said. “She is a sharp-tongued woman, and she has insulted Yanukovich many times. In most cases he deserved it. But nonetheless he was offended.”
ユリア・モストヴァヤ(ゼルカロ・ネデリ週刊新聞紙の編集長)は、この裁判はウクライナは西側同盟国との強い関係を築かねばならないという強い思いのヤヌコヴィッチ氏の顔の前を飛ぶ虫のようなやっかいな問題になっていると言う。 「彼がティモシェンコをどう処遇するかは彼自身の計画のもとで爆弾のような危なっかしいものであるが、感情的な部分が上回っている」とモストヴァヤ女史は言う。「彼女は辛辣な物言いの女性であり、彼女は何度もヤヌゴヴィッチ氏を侮辱してきた。 多くの場合、その批判は当たっているのだが、彼は腹に据えかねている。」

If Western Europe responds by isolating the president, “it will be horrible,” she said. “Europe will not be turning away from Yanukovich, it will be turning away from Ukraine.”
Mr. Yanukovich, a former Soviet apparatchik from the bare-knuckled coal mining region of Donetsk, narrowly defeated Ms. Tymoshenko in 2010, wresting the country back from the pro-Western coalition that once defeated him. Though many expected him to lead the country into Moscow’s orbit, he chose Brussels for his first foreign visit, declaring European integration to be a centerpiece of his presidency.
ヤヌコヴィッチ氏は前のソビエト時代に、ドネツクの炭鉱地区から裸一貫で政治局員になった男で、2010年の選挙でティモシェンコ女史を僅差で破り、かつて彼を打ち負かした親西欧同盟勢力から国政を奪い返していた。 多くの人は彼がウクライナをモスクワ路線に軌道修正するとみていたが、彼は最初の訪問地にブラッセルを選び、欧州の統合が彼の大統領としての最優先事項と位置付けた。

He also began a crackdown on the opposition. Of the 11 political figures singled out by prosecutors, according to a report by the International Republican Institute, the most prominent was Ms. Tymoshenko, a populist firebrand with a trademark corona of thick flaxen braids. She went on trial this summer on charges that she agreed to inflated prices in a 2009 agreement to buy Russian natural gas — a charge that she, and many in the West, have dismissed as a pretext for excluding her from politics.
彼は、また反対派を弾圧し始めた。 インターナショナル・リパブリカン・インスティテュートのレポートによると、検察により11人の政治家を弾き出した、中でも目を引いたのはティモシェンコ女史だった、彼女は国民受けする過激なリーダーで、亜麻色の三つ編みの冠の髪型をトレードマークにしている。彼女は、この夏から、彼女がロシアの天然ガスを2009年に高過ぎる価格で購入する契約を締結したという罪状で裁判を受けている。・・・この告訴について彼女と多くの西側諸国は、これは政界から彼女を排除する口実だとして非難している。

Members of Ms. Tymoshenko’s party, Batkivshchyna, said they would appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, as well as call their supporters into the streets if necessary.
“Depending upon the situation, we will appeal to the people to help in this fight,” Nikolai Tomenko, the Ukrainian parliament’s vice-speaker and a leader in Ms. Tymoshenko’s party. “It is obvious that without the help of society it will be very difficult to fight this government,” he told journalists outside the courtroom, according to the Interfax news agency.
「状況に応じて、我々は、この戦いを支援するために国民に訴えていく」と、ウクライナ議会の、ティモシェンコ女史派の副広報担当で指導者のニコライ・トーメンコ氏は言っている。 インターファックス・ニュースによると「社会の助けがなければ、この政府を相手として戦い抜くのは非常に困難です。」と彼は法廷の外で記者団に話しているとのこと。

Hundreds of supporters and opponents of Ms. Tymoshenko set up tent camps outside the courtroom on Tuesday in anticipation of the verdict. Concerned about possible violence, police officials deployed close to 1,500 riot officers, according to the Ukraine’s Interior Ministry.
The gathering was reminiscent of the dramatic protests of the 2004 Orange Revolution, which catapulted Ms. Tymoshenko to power by blocking Mr. Yanukovich from taking the presidency after he won an election widely believed to be rigged.
数百人ものティモシェンコ女史の支持者と反政府支持者は、水曜日に法廷の外にキャンプを設営し判決を待った。 ウクライナ内務省によると、暴動を懸念し、警察当局は1500人の機動隊を配置していた。

But it was unclear if Ukrainians, wearied by years of intractable political conflict and stark economic declines, will have the desire to mount major protests regardless of their political affiliations.