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リビア情勢(速報8)カダフィ軍最後の砦シルトを包囲 (戦闘は避けられるか?)

2011-08-31 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Libyan Rebels Set Deadline For

by Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson
August 30, 2011

Libyan rebel fighters advance in their tank about 60 miles east of the town of Sirte on Tuesday. Sirte is Moammar Gadhafi's hometown and the last bastion of his loyalist forces.

August 30, 2011
Libya's rebels say they have more than 10,000 fighters surrounding Moammar Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte and are waiting for the order to attack.
The rebel officials say that order will be given this Saturday. But over the next few days, they will try to negotiate the peaceful surrender of Sirte, the last major bastion of Gadhafi's forces.

リビアの反乱軍はカダフィの出身地であるシルトの周囲に1万人以上の軍を配置し、攻撃命令を待っていると伝えている。 反乱軍関係者によると攻撃命令は土曜日に下されるとのこと。しかし、これから数日間は、このカダフィ軍の最後の主要な砦であるシルトに平和的に降伏するよう説得を続けるとしている。

Rebel military spokesman Col. Ahmed Bani told reporters in the eastern city of Benghazi that the zero hour was fast approaching for Sirte. NATO warplanes have destroyed dozens of military targets in the town in recent days. And rebel leaders say negotiations for a peaceful surrender have stalled, while the rebel fighters are getting restless.

反乱軍のスポークスマンであるアーメド・バニ大佐は東部ベンガジ市において記者団に対し、シルトに対する攻撃開始が迫っていると発表した。 NATOの戦闘機は既に、ここ数日で同市の数十か所にものぼる軍事目標を破壊している。 反乱軍の指導者によると平和的な降伏のための交渉は進捗しておらず、反乱軍の戦士のいら立ちが募っているとのこと。

"In the end, they cannot leave any areas of Libya still under the Gadhafi regime," said Shamsiddin Ben-Ali, the chief spokesman for the rebels' Transitional National Council. "All of Libya, every inch of Libya, has to be liberated."
Still, the rebels are hoping that the Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan will provide a cooling-off period and produce a peaceful end to the standoff. That holiday, called Eid al-Fitr, begins in Libya on Wednesday.
If no agreement is reached, the alternative could be a bloodbath given Gadhafi's forces are firmly entrenched in Sirte, the rebels said.

反乱軍はラマダンの終わりのムスリムの休日を利用して事態を鎮静化し、この膠着状態に平和的に終止符を打ちたいとしている。 その休日はエイド アル‐フィトルと言い水曜日に始まる。 

Civilians Urged To Leave  市民に退去を勧告
That's why the rebels are encouraging residents to leave the city, said Ben-Ali, the council spokesman.
"Some have been able to get out," he said. But, he added, "the military forces inside Sirte are at the same time preventing [their departure] simply because they want to use them in the end as human shields."


People in Sirte could not be reached because their cellphones do not connect to those in Benghazi. Gadhafi shut down the eastern phone network after the uprising that began in February.
Nor have rebels been able to use the airwaves to get a message of peace and reconciliation to Sirte residents, according to the rebels' deputy interior minister, Mustafa al-Sagazly:

シルトの住民とはコンタクトがとれない。なぜならば彼らの携帯電話はベンガジの携帯通信網と繋がっていないからだ。 カダフィは2月に蜂起が起こったあと、東部の電話網を遮断してしまっている。 反乱軍の副内務相のムスタファ アル‐サガズリによると、反乱軍の方もまた、シルトの住民に平和と和解のメッセージを届けるための無線手段を持っていないとのこと。

"The media of Gadhafi has brainwashed the people there and has informed them that we are coming to kill them, steal their property and rape their women and destroy the whole city," he said.
Nevertheless, he was among the rebel leaders who told NPR that two of the three main tribes in Sirte appear willing to negotiate, although they aren't the ones with the heavy guns.


Some members of the Gaddafa tribe, from which Gadhafi hails, are also willing to talk. But the rebels have rejected their demands for amnesty and inclusion in the new government.
"We don't want violence, we don't want revenge, that's true, but meanwhile we cannot really accept any dictation from Gadhafi's tribe," said Fathi Baja, a senior member of the rebel council.


The rebels say they are willing to accept compromises that would allow Sirte residents to set up a local council. The residents, including Gadhafi's tribe, may also get to keep some lighter weapons, including their personal guns.
But rebel leaders say that through negotiations or battle, Sirte must come under rebel control. The city sits on the coast between the country's two largest cities, Tripoli and Benghazi, and it's also holding up rebel efforts to capture towns like Sabha in the south, which sits atop Libya's main water supply.

反乱軍はシルトの住民が地方議会を立ち上げることを認める点での妥協は受け入れる用意があると言っている。 そしてカダフィ部族には、個人の銃及び部族の軽火器を装備することも認められるとしている。

Back in Benghazi, rebel fighters returning for a brief respite from the front lines say they are ready to take Sirte this weekend. One of them, Col. Jamal Muhammed Zuweyy, said the fighters are hoping for a peaceful surrender. But Zuweyy says if the rebels have to go into Sirte, he's confident the battle won't last more than a day.

ベンガジに戻ると、反乱軍の兵士たちが前線から、一時休息のために戻ってきていた。彼らはこの週末にシルトを攻撃する準備が出来ているとのこと。 彼らの一人、ジャマル・ムハメド・ツウェイ大佐は、戦士達は平和的な降伏を希望しているが、反乱軍がシルトに侵攻しなければならない事態になれば、戦闘は一日で決着するだろうと自信を持って答えた。

リック・ペリーの知性は? 州知事が限度? オバマとのコントラスト

2011-08-30 | 米国政治
Rick Perry's Brainpower Questioned; How Smart Should A President Be?


August 29, 2011

by Frank James

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, with wife Anita, gestures as he answers a question at a news conference in Tulsa, Okla., Monday, Aug. 29, 2011. テキサス州知事リック・ペリーが、妻と共に、オークランドのツルサの記者会見で質問に身振りで答えている。2011年8月29日月曜日

The Politico headline was definitely eye-catching: "Is Rick Perry Dumb?"
Twelve years ago if Politico had been around then, it might have asked the same question about another Texas governor who went on to become president, George W. Bush.

「ポリティコ」の見出しは間違いなく目を引く 「リック・ペリーは馬鹿か?」
もし、12年前、当時「ポリティコ」があったら、同じ質問を、他のテキサス州知事にしたかもしれない。 そう、その知事は後に大統領になったジョージ・W・ブッシュである。


And that, of course, is one of the uncanny things about Perry's ascendancy to frontrunner among Republicans vying to become their party's presidential nominee.


Not only do we have another Texas Republican governor who works the I'm-one-tough-hombre persona pretty hard but who strikes many observers as not being all that curious about the world outside his own small little part of it and doesn't seem to care how much he shows that.


Through his reporting for his Politico story, Jonathan Martin appears to conclude that that Perry has an obvious aptitude for getting and keeping power even though his lack of curiosity may place some serious constraints on what informs his use of that same power.


An excerpt: 以下ポリティコから抜粋
Doubts about Perry's intellect have hounded him since he was first elected as a state legislator nearly three decades ago. In Austin, he's been derided as a right-place, right-time pol who looks the part but isn't so deep — "Gov. Goodhair." Now, with the chatter picking back up among his enemies and taking flight in elite Republican circles, the rap threatens to follow him to the national stage.

ペリーの知性についての疑問は彼が州の議員に初当選して以来約30年間ずっと、彼にとつきまとってきた。 オースチンでは、底は浅いが、自分の正面はこなせるし、相応の場所と時宜を得れば使える程度の政治家と馬鹿にされてきた。―― 「髪がきまっている知事」とも・・・・・   今、彼の政敵の悪口から引用した彼をコケにする話と、彼が共和党のエリート層への仲間入りしたことからくる非難が、彼を全国の舞台へ送り出すことを脅かしている。

"He's like Bush only without the brains," cracked one former Republican governor who knows Perry, repeating a joke that has made the rounds...

The story goes on to say that Perry doesn't learn for knowledge's sake. His approach to learning is apparently more like the just-in-time delivery approach in manufacturing. If he needs to know something, he learns it. Otherwise, why bother?


A quote in the story that seems to neatly describe Perry is this one:
Dave McNeely, a Texas political columnist who has covered Austin since 1963, differentiated between Perry's skill set.
"In terms of sheer brains and understanding policy at a deep level, he'd rank pretty low," said McNeely, looking back at the chief executives he's covered from John Connally on. "But as far as power politics and control, he's the most powerful Texas governor in history."


If Perry is able to fend off the attacks sure to come his way as the GOP frontrunner from Mitt Romney and other Republican nominees and wins the nomination, it would obviously set up one of the greatest contrasts between presidential candidates in American history.


On one side, there'd be President Obama, the cerebral and cool intellect who once held one of the most prestigious positions accorded to any American law student, Harvard Law editor, who actually wrote two best-selling books himself and who wears his Christian faith lightly.


On the other would be Perry, the indifferent Texas A&M grad who questions science and apparently had plenty of help writing his book "Fed Up", who evidently even sees Bush, his immediate predecessor as Texas governor, as something of an Ivy League elitist, and who recently held an Christian evangelical rally.

いっぽうのペリーは、出来の悪いテキサスA&Mの卒業生で、科学にあいまいな疑問を持ち、彼の著書「フェッドアップ(もうたくさんだ)」は、どう見ても多くのゴーストライターの手を借りており、明らかに、彼のテキサス州知事前任者の、あのブッシュ程度をアイビーリーグのエリートとみている節がある。 また、最近はキリスト教福音派(布教に熱心な)の大会を主催している。

And that's before you even get to the two mens' different racial histories.
Obama is clearly the anti-Perry; Perry unquestionably the anti-Obama.
Getting back to the whole issue of Perry's brainpower, it seems self-evident why a president of the U.S. would need to be smart, especially at this historic juncture.

これは両者の人種的な違いを論ずる以前の問題である。 オバマは明確にアンチペリーであり、当然ペリーはアンチオバマであることは疑う余地がない。 ペリーのおつむの出来の全体像に話を戻すと、なぜアメリカの大統領は、頭が良くなくてはならないか自明であろう、特にこの歴史の大きな転換点において。

As presidents are fond of saying, only the toughest issues reach their desk. The ones with easy solutions get solved lower down in the bureaucracy and never reach the Oval Office.
So it seems a president needs the ability to understand the complexity of the problem he, or one day she, is facing and be able to ask the right questions to reach the best possible answer.


Along those lines, a president needs to be smart enough to know what he doesn't know and to figure out who can get him the best answer.
And there's a lot that's difficult to know at a time when the global economy is more complex than ever, nuclear weapons are in the hands of unstable nations and the Earth is warming.


Indeed, America seems to be at an inflection point where if it doesn't get its policies right, it may remain a superpower but a rapidly declining one.
A president also needs to be able to synthesize a lot of disparate and confusing information into a coherent picture that he can then communicate to the American people. It takes intelligence to do that.

大統領はまた、多くの切実かつ混乱した情報を統合して、分り易い説明でアメリカ国民を納得させることが出来なければならない。 そして、それには知性がいる。

Because a president deals with many different domestic constituencies often unlike those from a president's own background, it seems obvious a president would need to have the sort of curiosity that leads to some understanding of people of widely divergent cultures. That's even more true on the foreign policy.
If part of intelligence as defined broadly is the ability to project yourself into the shoes of other people with completely different life stories, to empathize with such people, then presidents need that, too.


Obviously, there's the necessary aptitude for leadership, for rallying people to a cause and for inspiring confidence. A president must have that kind of intelligence, too.
These are arguments for a president being intelligent. There are certainly others.
Surely, people have become president who lacked a reputation for intelligence. After Abraham Lincoln, one of the smartest presidents, came Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, who strikes many historians as one of the most intellectually challenged.

これらは大統領が知的であるための補強材である。 他にもまだある。
確かに、知性の評判を欠く人も大統領になってはいる。 もっとも頭の良い大統領の一人でもアブラハム・リンカーンの後を襲った、テネシー出身のアンドリュー・ジョンソンは、多くの歴史家が最も愚鈍な大統領の一人にあげる人物だ。

Johnson, who numerous historians believe was drunk at his inauguration, is probably not the best argument for why intelligence shouldn't matter so much in a president. Ironically, it was Lincoln, a smart president, who chose Johnson as his running mate which demonstrates the limits of presidential intelligence.
On the other hand, Ronald Reagan proved to be a something of political genius, despite having once been called an "amiable dunce" by an old Washington graybeard, Clark Clifford.


So you clearly don't have to be a great intellect to be a transformational American president. But if intelligence is a good thing in airline pilots, Army generals or heart surgeons, it makes sense that it would be desirable in a president, too.


アフガニスタン復興支援 米軍の活動の一面

2011-08-29 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
In Afghanistan, Building Up Means Scaling Down
by NPR Staff
August 28, 2011

アフガンの官庁のビルを米軍の工兵部隊が中心になって再建しているとは知らなかった。撤退に向けてアフガニスタン復興支援も進みつつある。 テロの爆破に強いとか、或いは復旧容易な仕組みになっているのだろうか?

Courtesy of Rex Goodnight
Rex Goodnight (right) works with contractors in Afghanistan. His program, Afghanistan Reachback, works to create buildings using the resources Afghans actually have. レックス・グッドナイト(右)アフガニスタンの請負業者と仕事をしている。彼の「アフガニスタン・リーチバック」計画は、アフガニスタンが実際有している資源を使って建物を建設する仕事である。

August 28, 2011
Rex Goodnight went to Afghanistan last year to volunteer on construction projects, but came back frustrated.
Goodnight, chief of engineering with the Kansas City district of the Army Corps, saw a lot of planning but not much actual constructing. When something was being built, it was usually made out of clay and straw.


"The Corps of Engineers was trying to incorporate all of our contracting techniques, our methods of design and construction into an environment that had none of that," Goodnight tells Laura Sullivan,guest host of weekends on All Things Considered. "It just wasn't working."


He knew there had to be a better way.
Once he returned home, Goodnight started talking with his colleagues at the office in Kansas City. The big question: How can we help build in a place without equipment or trained engineers?


The answer was creating a program called Afghanistan Reachback. Its goal was to create buildings using the resources Afghans actually have.


Goodnight's simplified model of an Afghan police station.

Keep It Simple  単純明快であれ
A big problem, says Goodnight, was that engineers were previously using American building codes when designing for the Afghan terrain. He knew bigger results meant starting from scratch.


Goodnight and his team developed a simplified model, specifically for Afghanistan. He calls these models austere standard designs — municipal buildings customized for the country.

グッドナイトと彼のチームは、特別にアフガニスタン用に、単純化したモデルを開発した。 彼はこれらのモデルを「簡素型標準設計」と予備、その国の市の建物をカスタマイズした。

His designs aim to accommodate culturally. Goodnight says even simple things like bathrooms have been changed.
"They look for places for ablutions to wash their feet," he notes. "We learned some hard lessons ... because a sink doesn't last very long if you stand in it."

「彼らは足を洗うための沐浴の場所を求めた。 我々は幾つかの難しい教訓を学んだ、なぜなら、流しが、その中に立つと、すぐにダメになるからです。」と指摘した

Breaking The Code  コードをなくす
Progress in the region has been speeding up Goodnight's basic designs.
"We've broken the code and the designs are going much quicker now," he says.
He says a one-building police station used to take about two years to design and build. Now it takes about one.

その地域での進展はグッドナイトの基本設計を加速した。「我々はコードをなくした、すると今、設計はもっと迅速に進むようになった。 」とい言う

Afghanistan Reachback has constructed around nine buildings, including a medical school, since the program began last summer. Goodnight is now working on his biggest project, a headquarters building for the Afghan Ministry of Interior.

「アフガニスタン・リーチバック」プロジェクトは、それが始まった去年の夏以来、これまで9つのビルを建築してきた。中には医学学校も含まれている。 グッドナイトは今一番大きなプロジェクトに取り掛かっている、それはアフガニスタンの内務省の本部ビルである。

Now that Goodnight has laid down the ground work for a better construction model, he sees its potential beyond Afghanistan's borders.
"This model that we've developed and the designs we've developed will continue to go to contingency operations anywhere across the globe," he says, "they'll just need to be adjusted culturally."


学校ぐるみでカンニング(続報) 今後の方向性は?

2011-08-29 | ニュース翻訳
States Search For Answers To Cheating Scandals

by Larry Abramson
August 28, 2011

マークシートでの評価→コンピュータ管理→合理的→正しい評価という発想自体に問題があると思うのですが・・・ もう、時代遅れの考え方のような気がする。

John Bazemore/AP
Students leave Atlanta's Emma Hutchinson School in July. Hutchinson is a year-round school that has been identified as one of 44 schools involved in a test cheating scandal. 7月、生徒たちがエマ・ハッチンソン学校から下校している。ハッチンソンはテスト不正スキャンダルに巻き込まれた44校の一つであることが判明した年間スクールである。

August 28, 2011
Cheating scandals have rocked a number of school districts across the country this year. The publicity is pushing states to look for better ways to detect and prevent tampering with the test results, and some say constant vigilance is required to guard against cheating.

不正スキャンダルは、今年全国のわたる学校区の多くを揺るがせた。 メディアは州政府に対してテスト結果の改ざんを発見、予防する良い方法を模索するように促している。 あるメディアは不正に対してガードするためには常に注意して監視することが大事だと指摘している。

What happened in Atlanta is hard to imagine: Dozens of administrators and teachers apparently conspired to change answers on standardized tests. When those tests showed big gains, school leaders took the credit. But they were caught, in part, because Georgia investigators have been looking for signs of tampering for years.

アトランタで起こったことは信じがたい。 多くの管理官や教師が明らかに標準テストの答えを改ざんすることを企んでいた。 これらのテストで大きな得点を獲得したときに学校の指導者たちは信頼を獲得したが、ジョージアの調査官が何年にもわたる改ざんの兆候を発見したため、彼らの一部は逮捕された。

Kathleen Mathers, who runs Georgia's Office of Student Achievement, says her state is in its third year of using erasure analysis of all elementary and middle school tests. Mathers says that concerns about testing led the state to ask test designer McGraw Hill to look extra closely at those No. 2 pencil marks.

ジョージアのオフィス・オブ・スチューデント・アチーブメントを経営するキャスリーン・マザーズは、彼女の州は全ての小中学校のテストについて、消し跡分析機を導入して3年になると話している。 彼女によると、テストについての心配から、州政府はテスト考案者のマッグロー・ヒルに、各問の二つ目のマークの消し跡を丹念に調べることを依頼した。

She says the company's scanners can differentiate "between an answer choice that is definitely made and intended to be the answer choice, and answer choices that were previously made and then erased."
Mathers says that analysis cost the state about $27,000 — a small fraction of its testing budget. The data established that in many schools there were just too many switches from wrong to right.

マザーズはその分析は27000ドルの費用が州政府にかかるが、テスト予算の全体に比べれば小さいとのこと。 そのデータによると、多くの学校で、誤答から正答への書き換えがあまりにも多く見られた。

Hard To Detect  発見困難
That information alone is just the start, says testing forensics expert John Fremer. "The best thing to do is looking for unusual agreement among test takers."

この情報だけでは、単なるスタートに過ぎないと、テストの科学鑑定の専門家であるジョン・フレマーは言う。 「一番良い方法は、テストを受ける人達の間の尋常ではない約束事を見つけることです。」

Fremer runs Caveon Test Security, which has helped Atlanta and Washington, D.C., investigate suspicious incidents. He says if every student is getting the same answer right or the same answer wrong, then something might be going on.

フレマーはカビオン・テスト・セキュリティという、アトランタとワシントンDCで疑わしい事件の調査を請け負う会社を経営している。 彼は、もし、それぞれの生徒が同じ回答を正しいとしたり、或いは間違いとしているならば、何かが起きていると言っている。

Investigators also look for unusual spikes in test scores, he says. Sometimes there's a good explanation for that improvement. Fremer says cheating is hard to detect because despite recent scandals, it is still very rare.
"Only 1 or 2 percent, maybe, of educators don't follow the rules," he says.

調査官はテストの得点に不自然な突出も見つけています。 ときたま、それはテストの改善のための良い説明になります。 フレーマーは最近のスキャンダルにも関わらず、不正はかなり稀で、不正は見抜くのが困難だといいます。 「多分、決まりに従わない教育者は、僅か1~2%でしょう。」と彼は話します。

Pennsylvania is currently looking into patterns of unusual erasures or jumps in achievement.
But not every state follows up on that initial erasure analysis as vigorously as Georgia did. That probe involved involved dozens of investigators across state government.
Some say educators tampering with kids' futures may actually become more common.

ペンシルバニア州は現在、不自然な消し跡や成績の急上昇などを調べています。 しかし、全ての州が、ジョージア州と同様に積極的に「最初の消し跡分析」をしているわけではありません。 ある人は、教育者が子供たちの将来に干渉する、ということが実際より当たり前になってきていると言います。

The Consequences Of Not Passing  不合格の結果どうなる
Professor Gary Miron of Western Michigan University says this problem is part of the troubled legacy of No Child Left Behind. The law said test scores would determine the fate of entire schools.

西ミシガン大学のゲイリー・マイロン教授は、この問題は全ての子供たちについて考えねばならない負の遺産の一部であると言っている。 法律はテストの点数が学校全体の運命を決定すると述べています。

Schools that fail can be shut down, and bad test scores can also jeopardize funding. And now a growing number of states are planning to evaluate teachers based in part on test scores.

試験で失敗した学校は閉められるかもしれないし、悪い得点結果は学校に対する基金が出ない可能性があります。 そして、いま多くの州政府は教師を、部分的に、このテストの結果で評価しようと計画しています。

Miron says before No Child Left Behind, schools tested less often and more carefully.
"No Child Left Behind required testing to be rolled out at each of the grades between grades three and eight," he says. "But with this it meant that we had to distribute the resources for testing across more grades."
Miron says that leaves less money to check for tampering.

「第三学年から第八学年のそれぞれの学年において、全ての生徒に必要とされるテストの実施がなされなければなりません。 しかし、これはより多くの学年にわたるテストのための資料を配布しなければならないことを意味します。」

But others in the field say scrutiny of test results costs only a fraction of testing budgets and should be considered part of the cost of doing business.


Fremer of Caveon Test Security has built a business on this assumption.
"You're not going to be able to run a state testing program without doing comprehensive analyses of the results," he says. "I mean that ship has already sailed."

カビオン・テスト・セキュリティのフレーマーは、この想定に基づいてビジネスを構築しました。「結果の総合的な分析なしで、州のテストプログラムを実施していくことは出来ない。 もう船は出帆しているのです。」と彼は言う。

Most states have joined in an effort to establish a common national curriculum and, eventually, a common set of tests.
They hope to administer most tests by computer, which could make it tougher to tamper with results or force investigators to develop a new set of tools to find and stop cheating on standardized tests.


学校ぐるみでカンニング アトランタで

2011-08-29 | スキャンダル
Governor's Report Details Widespread, Organized Cheating In Atlanta Schools
Categories: Education

うーん、こんなことは文化的にアメリカでは起きないと、勝手に思い込んでいたので、少しショックです。 これについて続報をまた載せたいと思います。

July 6, 2011
by Eyder Peralta
A report released, yesterday, by Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal puts Atlanta Public Schools in the harshest of light. The report details a school system fraught with unethical behavior that included teachers and principals changing wrong answers on students' answer sheets and an environment where cheating for better test scores was encouraged and whistle blowers were punished.


One teacher told investigators the school district "is run like the mob." She said she cheated because she feared being punished if she didn't.
Here's the Atlanta Journal-Constitution with just the numbers:
The voluminous report names 178 educators, including 38 principals, as participants in cheating. More than 80 confessed. The investigators said they confirmed cheating in 44 of 56 schools they examined.

ここにザ・アトランタ ジャーナル‐コンスティテューションが数冊ある。
かなりの量の報告が178人の教育者、内38人の校長を含み、が不正行為に関与していたと名前を挙げている。 内80人以上が、その事実を認めている。 その調査では調査対象となった56校のうち44校での不正行為を確認したとしている。

The investigators conducted more than 2,100 interviews and examined more than 800,000 documents in what is likely the most wide-ranging investigation into test-cheating in a public school district ever conducted in United States history.
The findings are heightened by the fact that the district's former superintendent Beverly Hall was lauded nationally for turning around a struggling school system. In 2009, Hall was named the country's Superintendent of the Year.

この事実は、前の同地区の教育長であるベバリー・ホールが苦境の学校システムを建て直したとして2009年に全国的に評価されたことによって、いっそう際立った問題となった。 なんと、ホールは2009年の、その年一番の教育長に選ばれていたのだ。

The New York Times reports that Hall announced in November she would leave her job in June. Hall, the Times reports, left for a Hawaiian vacation, yesterday.
In a press release Gov. Deal called the scandal a "dark chapter" in Atlanta Public Schools.

ニューヨークタイムズ紙は、ホールは6月に職を辞すると発表したと伝えている。タイム誌によると彼女は昨日、ハワイでの休暇に出発したとのこと。 記者会見でディール州知事は、このスキャンダルをアトランタの公立学校の歴史の「暗黒の章」だと話した。

"When test results are falsified and students who have not mastered the necessary material are promoted, our students are harmed, parents lose sight of their child's true progress, and taxpayers are cheated," Deal said in a statement.
"The report's findings are troubling, but I am encouraged that this investigation will bring closure to the problems that existed in APS and restore the focus on students and the classroom."

「テストの結果が操作されていたら、必要なことを学ばない学生が増え、生徒は被害を受け、父兄は子供の本当の学業の進歩を見る術を失い、そして納税者は騙されたことになる。 この報告書は問題となっているが、私はこの調査がアトランタの公立学校にある、これらの一連の問題に決着をつけ、生徒と教室に専念する環境を取り戻したい。」とディール州知事は会見での声明で述べた。

The Times has some background on how this scandal came to a head:
... The investigation shows that cheating on the state-mandated Criterion-Referenced Competency Test began as early as 2001, and that "clear and significant" warnings were raised as early as December 2005. Dr. Hall's administration punished whistle-blowers, hid or manipulated information and illegally altered documents related to the tests, the investigation found. The superintendent and her administration "emphasized test results and public praise to the exclusion of integrity and ethics," the investigators wrote.


In 2008, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution began aggressive reporting that questioned the statistical probability of some test scores and eventually led to a separate state investigation of 2009 tests that showed an unusually high number of erasures.

2008年に、ザ・アトランタ ジャーナル‐コンスティテューション(以下AJC)はあるテストの点が統計的確率上疑問があると積極的に報道していたが、それが2009年のテストに対する州の独自調査に繋がった。その調査では不自然なほど訂正率が高かったことが判明した。

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a must-read piece that narrates the cheating that occurred at Parks Middle School. The paper says what happened there was an example of what was going on in the rest of district. In the piece, Principal Christopher Waller is portrayed as a man obsessed with test scores and willing to cheat blatantly to exceed expectations. Waller raised scores so significantly, he was seen as a miracle worker. Here's one scene that portrays how the cheating happened:

AJCには必読の部分があり、そこではパーク中学校で起こった不正が話されている。同誌はそこで起こったことは、その地域の他の学校でも起こっている一例だと書いている。 そこには、テストの点数に囚われ過ぎて、期待を上回るために大胆にも不正を受け入れる人物として、クリストファー・ウォーラー校長が描かれている。 ウォーラーは点数を著しく上げたので、奇跡の教育者として見られていた。 ここに、いかにして不正がなされたか、その場面が描かれている。

A few weeks later, teacher Damany Lewis told investigators, Waller approached him with an unusual question: "Do you think you could get into something undetected?"

2~3週間後、ダマニー・ルイス教師は調査員に語った、ウォーラーが彼に変な質問をしてきた。 つまり「君は見つからないで何かうまくやれるかい?」と

Lewis, who gave investigators an extensive statement admitting his role in the cheating, answered yes. But he did not know what Waller wanted until the principal summoned him a few days afterward. Waller and an aide from a school program called Success-For-All had several CRCT booklets, each shrink-wrapped in plastic. Lewis used a razor blade to slice the plastic around each booklet, slipped out the tests and made copies so teachers could give answers to students. With a lighter, Lewis melted the plastic shut again.
Each year after that, Lewis told investigators, Waller would call him into his office when CRCT booklets arrived.

ルイスはハイと答えた。(彼は不正行為における彼の役割を認め、詳しく調査員に話している。) しかし、彼は校長が彼を数日後呼びつけるまで、ウォルター校長が何を彼に期待しているか知らなかった。 ウォルター校長と「みんなの成功」と言う補習課程担当が、幾つかのCRTC(能力検定テスト)の小冊子を抱えていた。各冊子はビニールでシュリンクパッケージがされていた。 ルイスは剃刀でビニールの周囲に切り込みを入れテストを袋から出し、コピーした。こうして生徒にテストの回答を漏らすことができた。 ルイスは袋をライターで再び溶かしてテストをビニールの袋に戻して封をした。

The first year, teachers told investigators, only a few people participated in cheating "parties" that Waller organized. By 2010, Waller's last year at Parks, the numbers grew, and the arrangements became more elaborate. In 2009, for instance, teacher Crystal Draper said two staff members loaded test papers into a blue cooler and delivered them to rooms where teachers were correcting students' mistakes. They returned later with the cooler and hauled the tests away.
The AJC reports that criminal charges could follow the governor's report.

最初の年は、極めて少数の教師しか、このウォルターが思いついた不正「パーティ」に参加していなかったが、ウォルターの任期がパークス高校での最後の年になる2010年までには、参加者は増え、そしてその手口もより巧妙になっていた。 例えば2009年には、クリスタル・ドレイパー教師によると、二人のスタッフが青いクーラーボックスにテストを入れて、教師が生徒の誤りを正す部屋に運び入れ、彼らは、そのクーラーを返して、テストを持ち去ったという。


2011-08-28 | ニュース翻訳
Drought Puts Texas Ranchers, And Cattle, At Risk


by Wade Goodwyn
August 26, 2011

Scott Olson/Getty Images
Cattle use a tree for shade near Canadian, Texas, in late July, with temperatures rising above 100 degrees. A severe drought has caused shortages of grass, hay and water in most of Texas, forcing ranchers to thin their herds or risk losing their cattle to the drought.
牛たちがテキサス州カナディアンの近くで木陰に集まっている、7月下旬気温は100度F(38度)に上がった。 深刻な干ばつがテキサスの殆どの地域で、草、牧草、水の不足の原因になっており、牧場経営者は家畜を間引くことを余儀なくされ、家畜を干ばつで失う危機も迫っている。

August 26, 2011
In the cattle town of Emory in East Texas, the worst drought in state history is threatening a way of life. Scorching temperatures and a lack of rain have forced many ranchers to sell off their stock.
テキサス州東部の牧畜の町エモリーでは、州の歴史始まって以来の干ばつが生活を脅かしている。 灼熱の気温と雨不足により、多くの牧場は家畜を売りさばくことを余儀なくされている。

Normally before being brought to market, cattle are penned in a rancher's best pasture to be fattened. The heavier the cow, the more the buyer pays.

But the animals at a recent Emory auction look pitiful. They're standing in 107-degree heat — that's in the shade — with their ribs showing, stressed out. It's been like this for the past nine weeks — no rain. Although these cows bred for the heat, they weren't bred for this. They look absolutely baked.
しかし、最近のエモリーでのセリにかけられる家畜は貧相に見える。彼らは日陰でも107°F(40℃)もある中で、立っており、あばら骨が見えるほどやつれ、ストレスで疲れきっている。ここ9週間はずっとこの有様だ――雨が無い。 これらの家畜は暑さに耐えるように飼育されるのだが、それがなされていない。 まるで炙られているように見える。

If this were a normal year, an August cattle auction in Emory would see maybe 100 to 200 head. There are more than 700 head today. And that's down from the more than 1,000 head sold here every Tuesday for much of this summer. The sad truth is, East Texas is starting to run out of stock to sell.
通常の年であれば、8月のエモリーでの牛のセリは100頭から200頭であるが、今日は700頭以上が競られている。これでもこの夏の殆どの毎水曜日に1000頭以上売られていたのに比べると減っている。 実は東部テキサスでは売る家畜が無くなりつつあるという悲しい現実がここにはある。

Inside the auction room, buyers in jeans and cowboy hats, here from Michigan and Wisconsin, Tennessee and Alabama, raise their fingers in front of their chests to bid. One cow, one calf, one bull after another, until late into the night. The Lone Star State is emptying itself of its cattle.
オークションルームの中では、ミシガンやウィスコンシン、テネシーそしてアラバマから来たジーンズとカウボーイハットの仲買人が胸の前で指を立てて競っている。 牝牛、子牛、牡牛が一頭、また一頭と夜遅くまで次々に競られる。 テキサス州には家畜がいなくなりつつある。

Stanley Austin is a rancher and a commission-order buyer, which means he buys livestock for farmers and feed yards. He has seen the drought's effects up close, at his family's ranch.
スタンレー・オースチンは牧場主で同時にコミッション‐オーダー買付人でもある、つまり彼は自分の牧場の飼育用の家畜を買っている。 彼はこの干ばつの影響を、自分の牧場で目の当たり。

にした"We've had that place in our family for 75 years," he says, "and it's never been without water. It's been without water now since about the 15th of June."
Austin travels throughout Texas, going to seven livestock sales each week. He says the drought is going to alter the state's rural economies forever.
オースチンはテキサス中を回って、一週間に7頭の家畜を売り捌いている。 彼によると、この干ばつはテキサス州の農家の経済を永遠に変えてしまいつつあるとのこと。

Scott Olson/Getty Images
Cracked mud sits in the bottom of a water tank in a cow pasture near Tulia, Texas. In recent months, the state has experienced its driest weather since records were first kept, in 1895. テキサスのツウリアの近くの牧草地の水のタンクの底に溜まった土がひび割れている。 この数か月で、テキサス州は1895年に観測し始めて以来の干ばつに見舞われている。

"It will change. It will change Texas," Austin says. "A lot of these smaller livestock auctions may have to close their doors due to the lack of cattle."

Farming and ranching in Texas has become mostly an older man's occupation. One look around the auction room confirms that. And the generation gap is going to be a drought-effect multiplier.
テキサスの農業と牧畜業は殆どが年配者の職業になってしまった。 セリの会場に行って、辺りを見回せばわかる。 そして、この世代のギャップが干ばつ被害の影響に拍車をかけている

"My neighbor, he's an older gentlemen, he's been working on his cow herd for probably 50 years, he has 250 mama cows," Austin says. "He's out of water. He sold all of his cows last week. And he told me, 'I'm 70-something years old. I'll probably just retire.' "

At the livestock auction cafe, farmer C.W. Boen is telling how he almost lost his house the day before. He was off his property when he got a call on his cellphone.
"My neighbor was screaming into the phone that my house was on fire," he says. "I lost my religion and drove like a maniac to get to my house, and found out that some of my neighbors and friends had stopped and fought the fire and saved my house."
家畜のオークション会場の喫茶店で、農家のC.W.ボーンが一昨日、危うく家を失いそうになった話をしていた。 彼が家を離れていたとき、携帯が掛かってきた。「近所の人が、私の家が燃えていると叫んでいるのさ。 神も仏もないと思ったね。 気狂いみたいに車を飛ばして家に帰ったら、近所の人と友人が消火活動をして家を救ってくれたんだ。」

Some 3.4 million acres have burned in 19,000 fires in Texas over the past five months. There is charred land everywhere. It's so dry that the blistering sun, magnified through the end of a broken Coke or beer bottle, can start a fire.
この5か月で19000件の火事があり、3.4百万エーカーが燃えた。 あちこちに焼け焦げた土地が点在している。 空気が非常に乾燥しており、灼熱の太陽光線がコークやビール瓶のかけらで焦点を結んで火事を起こすこともある。

And as sad as the cattle look, the horses for sale can look even more pathetic. The vast majority are not working horses, they're pets — and there's no place to slaughter a horse anymore. Last week, a mare and her foal were simply given away at this auction. Watch them parade through, one by one, and it becomes clear that something terrible and perhaps permanent is happening here.
家畜と同様に、売られる馬たちを見るのも心が痛む。というのも殆どが労働馬ではなく、ペットとしての馬だ。 これらの愛玩用の馬には場が無い。先週、母親の馬とその仔馬がオークションで手離された。 彼らが一頭、一頭と並んで歩く姿を見て、はっきりわかった、これから何があるのか、恐ろしく悲しい、多分取り返しのつかないことが・・・

"I believe there will always be cattle industry in the state of Texas," says Texas Farm Bureau spokesman Gene Hall, "but restocking those ranches when this ends is going to be a very expensive proposition."

Listening to the Texas Farm Bureau's reassurance that the cattle industry is not going to go away completely is a revelatory moment. In the midst of a nasty, tenacious recession, Mother Nature is kicking rural Texas right in the teeth
テキサス農政局の牧畜産業は完全に無くなったりしないと言うご宣託を神からの啓示のように聞いた。 この酷く、手強い不景気の最中にあって、母なる自然はテキサスの農村にまさに酷い仕打ちをしている。

リビア情勢(速報7) カダフィ逮捕への道 (イラクでの経験を活かせるか?)

2011-08-28 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
U.S. Aids Hunt For Gadhafi, Drawing On Iraq Lesson


by The Associated Press

A bullet-riddled mural portrait of Moammar Gadhafi sits on a wall in Tripoli. Libyan rebels are looking for the former leader, aided by foreign intelligence services and U.S. spy drones.
トリポリ市内の壁に描かれたカダフィの壁画に、たくさんの弾が撃ち込まれている。 外国の情報部隊や米軍の無人偵察機の助けを借りて反乱軍はカダフィの行方を追っている。
August 27, 2011
It took a U.S.-led invasion force of more than 200,000 troops nine months to scour Iraq's nearly 170,000 square miles before they captured Saddam Hussein, in one of the largest manhunts ever.

Now, Moammar Gadhafi is on the run in Libya — but chasing after him is a much smaller and less well-equipped force of Libyan rebels. They're trying to track down a fugitive who, like Saddam, is well-armed, well-funded and capable of winning popular support and sowing instability simply by evading his pursuers.

If the rebels fail to find Gadhafi quickly as they battle to take his hometown of Sirte, they could face more than just a protracted manhunt. His continued evasion could fuel a Gadhafi-led counterinsurgency that would bolster his mythic status and stymie attempts by the rebels' fledgling government to bring stability and basic services to the country.
カダフィの出身地シルトの戦闘で、カダフィを早期に見つけ出すことに失敗すれば、単に捜索が長引く以上の深刻な事態に直面するであろう。 彼が逃亡し続けることはカダフィに率いられたカダフィ軍を勢いづかせ、彼のカリスマ性を高め、それにより反乱軍政府が国内に安定と公共基盤を確立することが妨げられることになりかねないからだ。

Though Gadhafi's army is dissolving in the face of the NATO-backed onslaught, the rebels have roughly 680,000 square miles to cover — an area several times greater than Iraq.

Helping guide the rebels are fewer than 100 foreign intelligence and special operations operatives. They are backed by a limited number of reconnaissance drones from NATO members, assistance that's independent of the alliance's U.N.-authorized mission.
Both may draw down after the fighting stops.

Like Saddam, Gadhafi is thought to have access to millions of dollars stashed away over the years. He has loyalists who benefited from his long rule and who, like the Iraqi leader's Baathist followers, believe they have nothing to gain and everything to fear from a new Libyan government.

"What we've learned is that finding one individual, particularly in a tribal area, is tough, despite all of technology we have, with our ability to collect intelligence sources together," said retired Lt. Col. John Nagl, who served in Iraq's al-Anbar province in 2003.

"The good news is, Libya has a long coast line and the population is clustered close to the shore," said Nagl, who now heads the Washington-based Center for a New American Security. "The bad news is, we have few, if any, Americans on the ground. And this is a society we don't understand very well."

Libyan rebel forces have begun searching loyalist compounds in Tripoli, the capital, room by room.
U.S. spy drones are snapping shots of the streets and roads leading out of the city, looking for the profile of an entourage of heavily guarded vehicles Gadhafi usually travels in.
Satellites and spy planes are gathering in transmissions, scanning phone and radio signals for a voiceprint that matches that of Gadhafi or his sons.
リビア反乱軍はカダフィの側近たちのトリポリ市内の住宅をしらみつぶしに捜索し始めた。 米軍の偵察衛星はリビアから伸びている道路や通りの写真を撮り、カダフィが普段移動する際の、厳重に護衛された側近の車両縦隊の画像を追っている。

Teams of foreign military advisers will work with the rebels to find captured Libyan loyalists who are ready to trade information about Gadhafi's whereabouts in exchange for leniency. CIA officers on the ground will touch base with sources who have kept them informed throughout the battle to oust Gadhafi.

But Gadhafi knows all of that. He learned as he watched the hunt for Saddam — and, more recently, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.
しかし、カダフィはそれら全てを承知している。 彼は米軍によるサダム・フセインの捜索から学んでいるし、もっと最近の事例ではアルカイダのオサマ・ビン・ラーディンのそれから学んでいる。

The hunt for Saddam provides a grim lesson.
The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq began March 20, 2003. Baghdad, the capital, fell on April 9. Saddam allegedly was spotted that very day in the city, before vanishing and taunting U.S. forces from hiding spots across the country.

Special operations forces who helped chase Saddam say he'd done everything right. He stayed off cell or satellite phones. He changed his behavior patterns to avoid detection. He traveled in taxis and wore traditional tribal clothing.
Most of all, he took shelter in a place that no one would have expected from a dictator who once occupied multiple palaces.
サダムの追跡を支援した特殊部隊は、彼のとった逃亡手段は全て適切だったと言っている。 つまり、彼はまず携帯や衛星電話を遮断し、発見の端緒となる自身の行動パターンを変え、タクシーで移動し、民族衣装に身を包んだのだ。

Saddam was finally captured by a special operations team in a "spider hole," dug under an out-building at a farm near his home town of Tikrit, on Dec. 13, 2003.

The area where he was captured had been scoured by up to 4,000 troops.
"It was a whole brigade, multiple special operations teams, a huge reconnaissance and grass-roots intelligence effort," said retired Col. James Hickey, who oversaw the overall operation.

Hickey said his conventional forces worked closely with special operations teams that shared everything from drone surveillance to information from hundreds of raids and arrests.

Hickey's forces specifically went after the young men from five families known to be part of Saddam's pre-invasion security apparatus.

"There were five families in Tikrit that were intimates with Saddam's family that he trusted. A lot of those members were recruited into his inner circle of security," Hickey said.

"So we focused on that and started picking up all their middle-aged males. Most of them talked and gave us information," he said.
「そこで、我々はその事に焦点をあてて、それらの家族から中年の男性全てをピックアップし始めた。 彼らの殆どは話に応じ、情報を提供した。」と彼は言う。

Information gained from questioning the fighting age men helped build a "facebook" showing a who's who of Saddam's security structure.

Breaks came in roundabout ways.

A conventional forces arrest in Tikrit led to a special operations raid of a brothel in Baghdad. That led to the capture of a man whom U.S. forces thought knew where Saddam was. His interrogation and others produced tips that led searchers to the general area where Saddam was hiding.
部隊によるチクリットでの逮捕劇が、バグダッドの売春宿への特殊部隊の襲撃に繋がり、その襲撃により、米軍がサダムの行方を知っていると考えていた男の逮捕に繋がった。 そして、彼への尋問とその他の情報がヒントとなり、サダムが隠れていた一般の庶民の地域への捜索と繋がったのである。

Hickey went together with two special operations teams to the site.
"We hit it at 8 p.m.," Hickey said. "Within 15 minutes, we had them."

Even then, they only found Saddam by luck. On a second sweep of a "little one-room building in the middle of a pomegranate grove," a soldier lifted a piece of carpet and saw the piece of Styrofoam hiding Saddam's subterranean dug-out, Hickey said.
その時でさえ、彼らがサダムを発見できたのは偶然だった。 一回目の一斉捜索を終え、二回目の捜索で、ザクロの藪の中にある小さな一部屋の小屋のカーペットを剥がした時、発泡スチロールの蓋をみつけた。それが地下に潜むサダムを隠していた。

The nine-month manhunt ended without a shot fired.
But in that time, a Sunni insurgency inspired by Saddam took hold and plagued the country for the next five years. Remnants of it still remain, threatening the security of many Iraqis.
しかし、その時には、サダムによってスンニ派の抵抗勢力は鼓舞され、拠点を確保し、その後5年間にわたり、この国を悩まし続けたのである。 その残党は未だに生き延びており、多くのイラク人の安全を脅かしている。

バーナンキ議長の発言に 市場失望?

2011-08-27 | 米国経済
No Signs Of New Steps In Fed Chief Bernanke's Address


August 26, 2011
by Scott Horsley and Mark Memmott
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke offered no silver bullet to help the struggling economy today. But he says the central bank still has weapons at its disposal that it can tap if necessary.
In a much anticipated speech in Jackson Hole, Wyo., Bernanke said the Fed "will continue to assess the economic outlook in light of incoming information and is prepared to employ its tools as appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability."


Markets had been carefully watching the chairman's remarks for clues to any future Fed action, and stocks intially dropped, before later recovering, as word came that he did not outline any new steps for boosting the economy. The central bank has already deployed its most potent weapon for boosting the economy: it has lowered short-term interest rates to near zero, and has said it's willing to keep them low for two more years.


There were fresh signs this morning that the economy may need additional help. The Bureau of Economic Analysis revised its estimate of second-quarter growth downward to just a 1 percent annual rate.
"When growth is so weak and the economy is almost at stall speed if you will, it's not going to take much to knock us down," says Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS Global Insight. "And it's that kind of vulnerability to shock that has us quite concerned."

今朝は経済が新たな救済策を必要とするかも知れない新しい指標が出た。 経済分析局は2/四半期の経済成長率を年率1%へ、その見積もりを下方修正した。

Bernanke spoke at this same conference a year ago amid similar fears, and laid the groundwork for an aggressive bond-buying program by the Fed. Some hoped for a similar monetary boost this year. But with inflation inching up, Bernanke has less room to maneuver.
Early next month, President Obama is expected to outline his own plan to boost hiring, and he has said it will include some additional government spending.
Bernanke said such efforts may be warranted, even as the government wrestles with its long-term deficits.

来月早々、オバマ大統領は雇用促進計画の概要を明らかにすることが期待されており、彼は、このために政府の追加予算を或る程度考えていると話している。 これについて、バーナンキは、政府が長期の歳入不足に苦しんでいるとしても、そのような努力は保障されていると話している。

"Our economy is suffering today from an extraordinarily high level of long-term unemployment, with nearly half of the unemployed having been out of work for more than six months. Under these unusual circumstances, policies that promote a stronger recovery in the near term may serve longer-term objectives as well," Bernanke said.
He added that branches of government other than the Fed have a central role to play in boosting the recovery.
"Most of the economic policies that support robust economic growth in the long run are outside the province of the central bank," he said.

「我々の経済は今日、異常なまでの多数の長期間失業者で苦しんでいる。即ち失業者の半数程度が6か月以上も職に就けない状況が続いている。 この尋常ではない経済環境のもとでは、短期的なより強い回復を推進する政策が、長期的な目標にも効き目がある」とバーナンキは語っている。

Others agree that it's time for the president and Congress to take the lead in setting economic policy, rather than relying so heavily on the central bank.
"The best the Fed can do is buy some time for the other agencies to wake up," said Mohamed El-Erian, CEO of the giant PIMCO bond fund. "It can provide a bridge. But if the other agencies do not wake up, it will be a bridge to nowhere."


Our original post from 10:17 a.m. ET (followed by some excerpts):
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's much-anticipated speech this morning on the current state of the economy and Fed policy has just been put online by the Fed.
And as many Fed watchers predicted, he does not appear to have signaled any shifts in policy or thinking by the central bank's policy makers. On Wall Street, stocks are falling on word that the Fed isn't likely to take any new steps to boost the economy.

多くの連邦準備銀行ウォッチャーが予想したとおり、彼は中央銀行の政策決定者としての政策や考えに、いかなる政策変更も示唆しなかった。 ウォールストリートでは、連邦準備銀行が、なんら新しい経済刺激策をとらないとして、株は更に下落している。

We're expecting a report from NPR's Scott Horsley, who is covering the Jackson Hole, Wyo., conference where Bernanke is speaking this hour. We'll update this post when we hear from Scott.
Meanwhile, here are some excerpts from Bernanke's as-prepared-for-delivery address:
— "It is clear that the [economic] recovery from the crisis has been much less robust than we had hoped."
— "Monetary policy must be responsive to changes in the economy and, in particular, to the outlook for growth and inflation. As I mentioned earlier, the recent data have indicated that economic growth during the first half of this year was considerably slower than the Federal Open Market Committee had been expecting."

我々はジャクソンホールでの取材をしているNPRのスコット・ホースレイの報告を待っている。 会議ではこの時間、バーナンキが話している。 スコットから最新情報をきいてみよう。 一方、こちらにはバーナンキの演説の準備原稿の抜粋がある。

―― 「経済危機からの介在回復は我々が望むほどしっかりしていないことは明らかだ。」
―― 「金融政策は経済の変化に迅速に反応しなければならない、そして特に、経済成長やインフレ見通しに対して。 私が既に先に述べたように、最近のデータは今年の上半期の経済成長は連邦公開市場委員会が予想したのよりも、はるかに遅い。」

— "Consequently, although we expect a moderate recovery to continue and indeed to strengthen over time, the Committee has marked down its outlook for the likely pace of growth over coming quarters."
— "In light of its current outlook, the Committee recently decided to provide more specific forward guidance about its expectations for the future path of the federal funds rate. In particular, in the statement following our meeting earlier this month, we indicated that economic conditions — including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run — are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through mid-2013."

―― 「更に引き続いて、我々は緩やかな回復が続き、徐々に力強さを見せると予想したが、連邦公開市場委員会は、下期にむけても、その成長のペースの見通しを下方修正している。」
――「この現状見通しに鑑みて、連邦公開市場委員会は最近、FF金利(フェデラルファンドレート)の将来の方向への期待についての、より具体的な先行的指針を提供することを決定した。 特に今月上旬の会議に続く声明のなかで、我々は経済状況に言及している ――― つまり、使える資源の低いレートや中期に亘るインフレの控えめな見通しを含み―― 経済は少なくとも2013年の中期を通じてFF金利は例外的に低いレベルを保証することになろうと。

— "In addition to refining our forward guidance, the Federal Reserve has a range of tools that could be used to provide additional monetary stimulus. We discussed the relative merits and costs of such tools at our August meeting. We will continue to consider those and other pertinent issues, including of course economic and financial developments, at our meeting in September, which has been scheduled for two days (the 20th and the 21st) instead of one to allow a fuller discussion. The Committee will continue to assess the economic outlook in light of incoming information and is prepared to employ its tools as appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability."

――「我々の先行的ガイダンスの見直しに加えて、連邦準備銀行は追加的な金融刺激策を提供するために使えるツールに幅を持たせる。 我我は8月の会議でそのようなツールの相対的なコストとメリットを話し合った。 我々はこれらと、その他の付随する問題を考慮し、もちろん経済と財政の展開を含んで、9月の会議で引き続き検討する。9月の会議は十分な議論をするために一日ではなく20日と21日の二日を予定する。連邦準備制度理事会は引き続き入手する情報に照らし合わせて経済を見極めて、物価の安定の文脈において経済の力強い回復を推進すべく適切なツールを運用する準備をする。

リビア情勢(速報6 ) 拠点攻撃 カダフィを求めて

2011-08-26 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Dominant Rebels Target Gadhafi Strongholds


by NPR Staff and Wires
August 25, 2011
Libya's rebel Transitional National Council said Thursday it was moving its leadership from Benghazi to Tripoli immediately, highlighting the major gains rebels fighter have made in recent days against Moammar Gadhafi's forces. Gadhafi, on the run with his regime in tatters, tried to rally his followers to kill the rebels.
"In the name of the martyrs ... I proclaim the beginning ... of the work of the executive office in a free Tripoli as of this moment," Ali Tarhouni, the council's finance minister, told reporters in Tripoli.


Fighting in and around Tripoli was deadly Thursday. The battle for the Abu Salim neighborhood, which rebels appeared to have won by sundown, was part of their struggle to take complete control of Tripoli, four days after they swept into the capital and sparked the collapse of Gadhafi's regime. Even though they have captured the leader's compound and seized most of the city, the rebels know they cannot declare a full victory in the six-month-old civil war as long as Gadhafi has not been captured or killed.

木曜日のトリポリ市内及びその周辺での戦闘は死闘を繰り広げた。 反乱軍がトリポリに侵攻してカダフィ体制の崩壊に拍車をかけて4日後、トリポリを完全に支配下に置くために、近郊のアブ・サリムでの戦いで反乱軍は、この日の日没までに苦労して勝利した。 トリポリの殆どを制圧し、カダフィの施設も奪取したが、カダフィを逮捕するか、殺害しなければ、この6か月にわたる内戦の勝利を宣言できないことを反乱軍は知っている。

There was no sign of the leader or his sons, despite rumors that swirled around the battlefield that they may be hiding inside some of the besieged buildings.
The developments provided a rare glimpse into the Gadhafi family's secret lives: It seems the whole family had an obsession with being underground.
Moatasim Gadhafi, one of his father's top military commanders, lived in a huge compound to which NPR was granted access. The house is encircled with 30-foot metal walls and encloses a paradise-like garden with two homes — one only half completed.
One of the strangest features: a fully equipped hospital buried underneath the garden, the entrance to which is hidden by bushes; the doors are thick steel plates that can withstand attacks.

包囲されたビルのどこかに隠れているかもしれないという噂が、戦場を飛び交っているが、カダフィとその息子たちの気配はない。戦況の進展でカダフィ一族の秘密の生活ぶりの一部が垣間見られた。 一族はもっぱら地下で生活していたようだ。
ガダフィ軍の最高指揮官の一人であるモアタシム・カダフィは巨大な邸宅に住んでいた。(NPRが取材を許された)  その邸宅は30フィートの鉄板の壁に囲まれており、美しいパラダイスのような庭と二つの家があった。 うち一つは建築中だった。

The hospital equipment was taken to medical facilities that are in dire need in the capital. The house was looted — all that's left is the modern glass-and-concrete structure and a few odds and ends: an empty Corona beer box, a few magazines, scattered cushions and his king-size bed.
But Gadhafi, in a message broadcast on Al-Ouroba TV, a Syria-based satellite station, remained defiant.
"Fill the streets and the squares. Don't be afraid of the raids," he said. "Don't leave Tripoli for the rats. Fight them, and kill them," he added. He lashed out at the West, saying "NATO can't remain in the air all the time" and Libya is "not for France and Sarkozy."

その病院の医療機器はトリポリで緊急に必要とする医療施設に移送された。 邸宅は略奪され、その近代的なガラスとコンクリートの骨組みと、あとはコロナビールの箱、雑誌、散乱したクッションやキングサイズのベッドなどのガラクタを残すのみである。
しかし、カダフィはシリアの衛星放送であるアル‐オウロバで流されたメッセージで、挑戦し続けている。 「通りや広場を埋め尽くせ。襲撃を恐れるな。トリポリをネズミどもに渡すな。戦え。そして奴らを殺せ」と彼は言い、西側諸国を非難して、「NATOもいつまでも空中に留まることは出来ない。そしてリビアはフランスとサルコジのものではない」と話している。

Abu Salim, near Gadhafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound seized by rebels, is thought to be the last major stronghold of regime brigades in Tripoli, though there has also been ongoing fighting around the airport.
Fierce battles have raged for the past few days in Abu Salim, and many of Gadhafi's defenders who fled his Bab al-Aziziya compound after rebels captured it Tuesday were thought to have moved to the adjacent neighborhood.
The fighters — in long lines of pickup trucks with weapons mounted on the back, or on foot, dressed in shorts and carrying machine guns — moved methodically through the neighborhood trying to clear buildings of Gadhafi defenders. They fired anti-aircraft guns and rockets.

アブサリムでは、この数日激しい戦闘がみられ、反乱軍が制圧したバブ・アルアジジャ施設から逃げてきたカダフィの防衛軍の多くは隣接する地域に移動したと思われる。 反乱軍の戦士たちは、ピックアップトラックの長い車列で、武器を背負い、あるいはシャツ姿で機関銃を持って歩きながら、しらみつぶしにカダフィ軍の立て籠もるビルを掃討している。彼らは対空火器やロケットも打ち込んでいる。

The streets were strewn with bullet-ridden corpses from both sides, some on fire. The rebels covered their own with blankets. Streams of blood ran down the streets and turned sewers red.
Deafening explosions from mortars and the whistle of sniper fire filled the air, which was clogged with smoke from burning buildings and weapons fire.
Civilians were in some of the buildings and caught up in the crossfire.

通りは銃弾で蜂の巣にされた死体が道路の両側に散乱し、その幾つかは燃えている。反乱軍は味方の死体に毛布を被せている。 通りは血が流れ、側溝の下水が赤く染まっている。

Rebel fighters celebrate their gains in Tripoli on Friday. 金曜日、反乱軍戦士はトリポリでの勝利を祝っている。

The rebels, many from the western rebel-held city of Misrata, were spurred on by the rumors that one of Gadhafi's sons might be hiding in the buildings.
Even as Gadhafi's grip on power slipped, he tried to keep up the facade he has the upper hand. He has repeatedly vowed to fight until "victory or martyrdom."
Gadhafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim, in a call to AP's Cairo office, said Gadhafi was still in Libya and his morale was high. Ibrahim refused to say where Gadhafi was hiding, but said he "is indeed leading the battle for our freedom and independence." Ibrahim, whose voice was clearly recognizable, said he was also in hiding in Libya and constantly on the move. All of the leader's family are fine, Ibrahim said, adding that top military and political aides remained with Gadhafi.
Ibrahim said Gadhafi's forces controlled a "good portion" of the capital — a claim that contradicts what reporters can see — and other cities and towns.

カダフィの権力の掌握力が落ちたとはいえ、彼は彼が有利であるという面子を保とうとしている。 彼は繰り返し「勝利或いは殉教」まで戦うと戦うと宣言している。
カダフィのスポークスマンであるモウサ・イブラヒムはAPのカイロオフィスに電話で、カダフィは以前リビアで健在であり、彼の士気は高いと伝えてきている。 イブラハムはカダフィがどこに隠れているかを言わなかったが、我々の独立と自由の為に戦いを実際に指導していると言っている。  イブラヒム(声は間違いなく彼の声で)は彼自身もリビアに潜んでおり、常に移動していると言った。 カダフィの家族は全員無事で、かれの軍事、政治両側近は未だにカダフィと共にあると付け加えた。 彼が言うにはカダフィ軍は首都の緊要な地点を支配して他の都市や町も押えているとのこと――― その主張は記者が見る事実と矛盾している。

In Abu Salim, the barrage that lasted for hours ended at sunset and rebel fighters went door to door through largely deserted apartment buildings, occasionally dragging out suspected regime loyalists.
Some were dark-skinned men in camouflage cutoffs and T-shirts who had their hands tied behind their backs before they were driven away. The rebels have long claimed Gadhafi had been hiring mercenaries from sub-Saharan Africa to bolster his army.
Some rebels looted the buildings, taking computers from a devastated fire station and printers from a nearby market area.
The buildings in Abu Salim were still covered with pro-Gadhafi graffiti, which have been largely covered over in the rest of the city.

アブ・サリムでは、弾幕射撃が日没まで数時間続き、戦士達が、敵が放棄したアパートのビルのドアからドアを見て回り、時たま政府軍と思しき敗残兵を引きずり出している。 車で連行される前に、後ろ手に縛られている者の幾人かは、迷彩の半ズボンとTシャツ姿の肌の黒い男達である。 反乱軍は以前から、カダフィはアフリカのサハラ周辺の傭兵を雇って、彼の軍隊を強化していると言ってきた。 反乱軍の或る者はビルから略奪し、破壊された消防署からコンピュータを奪い、近くのマーケットからプリンターを持ってきていた。

Earlier in the day, at least two dozen bodies were discovered around the burned up remnants of a camp for Gadhafi sympathizers just outside his Bab al-Aziziya compound. The tents were still smoldering and the bodies of mainly dark-skinned men were scattered around the grassy traffic circle, some with hands tied behind their back.
It is not clear who they were, but they appear to have been activists camping near the compound in defiance of NATO airstrikes over the past months. If they were killed by rebels, it raises the specter of atrocities against civilians.

その日の早くに、カダフィのバブ・アル‐アジジャ施設の直ぐ外のカダフィシンパのキャンプの焼け跡あたりで少なくとも24~5人の死体が発見された。 そのテントはまだ煙を上げており、死体は主に黒い肌の男達で草の茂ったロータリーの回りに転がっていた。或る者は腕を後ろ手に縛られていた。

Rebels say one of their key targets now is Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte, about 250 miles from Tripoli, but acknowledged that capturing that city would not be easy because Gadhafi's fellow tribesmen were expected to put up a fierce fight. Opposition leaders have said they were trying to negotiate a peaceful surrender of the city.
The rebels said the supply lines to Sirte would be too long and they are short of funds and supplies.
Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, head of the rebel Transitional National Council, called on people living in loyalist-held towns to join the fight against Gadhafi's soldiers.
"I am appealing to the areas not yet liberated to join the revolution," he told reporters in Benghazi. "There is no excuse for them not to join."

反乱軍はシルトの補給幹線は長すぎて、彼らは食料とその他の補給が不足していると言っている。 リビア暫定国民評議会のトップであるムスタファ・アブデル‐ジャリルは政府軍が立て籠もる町々の人々に、カダフィ軍に戦いを挑むよう呼びかけている。 「私は、まだ解放されていない地域の人々に革命に加わるよう訴えている。 革命に加わらない理由は無い」と彼はベンガジの記者団に話している。

At the United Nations, the U.S. and South Africa reached a deal that will release $1.5 billion in frozen Libyan assets in American banks. South Africa had blocked an agreement over concerns that it implied recognition of the TNC. The Libyan opposition says it needs at least $5 billion in frozen assets to pay state salaries, maintain vital services and repair critical oil facilities. Analysts estimate that as much as $110 billion is frozen in banks worldwide.
Meanwhile, Fawzi Abu Ketf, deputy defense minister of the rebel Transitional National Council, said fighting was raging Thursday outside Bin Jawad, 400 miles east of Tripoli, but he had no details. Gadhafi loyalists ambushed rebels advancing toward the city on Wednesday, killing at least 20 of them.

国連では、アメリカと南アフリカがアメリカの銀行に凍結されていたリビアの150億ドルの資産を解除する合意に達した。 南アフリカは承認を仄めかしていた暫定国民評議会への懸念から凍結をそれまで見合わせていた。 リビアの同評議会は国民に給与を支払い、最低限必要な公共サービスと緊要な石油施設のために、少なくとも凍結資産のうち50億ドルを必要とすると言っている。 一方、暫定国民評議会の副防衛大臣のファウジ・ケトフはトリポリの東400マイルのびんビン・ジャワドの郊外で木曜日に戦闘が激しくなっていると発表したが、詳細は不明。カダフィ軍は都市に進撃する反乱軍を待ち伏せし、水曜日に、少なくとも20名の反乱軍を殺害している。

The ambush showed that pro-regime forces retain the ability to strike back even as the rebels tighten their control over the nation's capital.
Rebels also have seized several parts of Sebha, a Gadhafi stronghold deep in the south, including the main commercial Gamal Abdel-Nasser street, according to rebel official Adel al-Zintani, who is in daily telephone contact with rebel commanders in the desert city.
Four Italian journalists taken at gunpoint in Libya were also freed Thursday in a raid on the house where they were being held, an official said.

反乱軍は、カダフィの南部奥地の拠点セブハのメインの商業通りであるガマル・アブデル‐ナッサーを含み、数か所を奪取している。 これは、その都市の前線の反乱軍指揮官たちと電話で毎日連絡をとっている、反乱軍の幹部の情報である。 リビアで銃を突きつけられて連れ去られたイタリアのジャーナリスト4人は、彼らが拘束されている建物への襲撃により、木曜日に解放されたとのこと。
NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro contributed to this report, which includes material from The Associated Press

スティーブ・ジョブズ アップルCEOを辞任

2011-08-25 | ニュース翻訳
Jobs Steps Down at Apple, Saying He Can’t Meet Duties

あなたの時間は限られている。だから他人の人生を生きたりして無駄に過ごしてはいけない(ジョブズ語録より) まさに一時代を築いた人物が舞台を降りる。

Published: August 24, 2011

SAN FRANCISCO — Steven P. Jobs, whose insistent vision that he knew what consumers wanted made Apple one of the world’s most valuable and influential companies, is stepping down as chief executive, the company announced late Wednesday.
スティーブンP・ジョブス、顧客が何を望んでいるかを知る彼の強烈なビジョンがアップルを世界で最も価値があり、影響力の会社の一つにした。 彼は水曜日の遅く、アップルのCEOを辞任することを発表した。

“I have always said that if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s C.E.O., I would be the first to let you know,” Mr. Jobs said in a letter released by the company. “Unfortunately, that day has come.”
Mr. Jobs, 56, has been on medical leave since January, his third such absence. He underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2004, and received a liver transplant in 2009. But as recently as a few weeks ago, Mr. Jobs was negotiating business issues with another Silicon Valley executive.

「私は、私がアップルのCEOとして、もはや、その責務と期待に応えられなくなる日がいつか来ると常に言ってきた。」とジョブズは会社がリリースした文書で述べている。「残念ながら、その日が来た。」 ジョブズ氏56歳は、一月以来医療休暇を取っている、彼の三度目の不在である。 彼は2004年に膵臓癌の手術を受けており、2009年には肝臓の移植手術を受けている。 しかし、最近は2~3週間前、ジョブズ氏は他のシリコンバレーの経営者とビジネスの交渉をしている。

Mr. Jobs will become chairman, a position that did not exist before. Apple named Tim Cook, its chief operating officer, to succeed Mr. Jobs as chief executive.
Rarely has a major company and industry been so dominated by a single individual, and so successful. His influence has gone far beyond the iconic personal computers that were Apple’s principal product for its first 20 years. In the last decade, Apple has redefined the music business through the iPod, the cellphone business through the iPhone and the entertainment and media world through the iPad. Again and again, Mr. Jobs has gambled that he knew what the customer would want, and again and again he has been right.

大会社や大企業で、唯一個人の人に、これほど占有され、これほど成功したのは非常に珍しい。 彼の影響力は、先の20年にもわたるアップルの主力商品のパソコンのアイコンをはるかに凌駕するものであった。 この10年間、アップルはアイポッドを通して音楽ビジネスを再定義し、アイフォーンを通して携帯ビジネスを再定義し、そしてアイパッドを通してエンターテインメントとメディアの世界を再定義した。 次から次にジョブズ氏は、彼が知っている顧客が望むことに勝負にでて、そして次から次に成功を収めた。

“The big thing about Steve Jobs is not his genius or his charisma but his extraordinary risk-taking,” said Alan Deutschman, who wrote a biography of Mr. Jobs. “Apple has been so innovative because Jobs takes major risks, which is rare in corporate America. He doesn’t market-test anything. It’s all his own judgment and perfectionism and gut.”

Mr. Cook, an expert in logistics, has been instrumental in locking up contracts in advance for critical parts in the company’s devices. It has had the effect of securing favorable prices, keeping Apple’s profit margins high. But it also has prevented rival companies from producing competing products at significantly lower prices.

「スティーブ・ジョブズが偉大なのは、彼の天才やカリスマではなく、彼の並外れたリスクに立ち向かう姿勢だ。 アップルは、アメリカの会社では珍しく、CEOのジョブズが大きなリスクに賭けるため、非常に革新的であり続けた。彼はテストマーケティングを何もしなかった。 全ては彼自身の判断と完全主義とガッツの為せる業である。」とジョブズ氏の伝記の著者であるアラン・ダッチマンは述べている。 
管理のエキスパートであるクック氏は、会社の機器の緊要なパーツのための契約を先行的にキチンと纏め上げる役割を果たしてきた。 それにより、望ましい価格政策を保持し、アップルの利益率を高く維持することが出来た。しかし、それは同業他社が対抗商品を思い切った低価格で参入することを阻止してきた。

While Mr. Cook is well respected in the industry, he is little known outside of it. Analysts and Silicon Valley experts said new Apple products were in the pipeline for the next few years, but the company’s success beyond that was already being debated.
Tim Bajarin, president of the technology research firm Creative Strategies, said the news about Mr. Jobs was “a shock because it’s abrupt.” But Mr. Bajarin said that “while there’s definitely concern for Steve as a person,” he had little concern for the company.

ティム・バジャリン、技術研究企業クリエイティブ・ストラティジーの社長、はジョブズ氏の今回のニュースを「突然だったのでショックだった。」と述べている。 しかし彼は「それは間違いなく、スティーブ個人に対する関心です。」とも言っている。 彼は会社には全く関心がない。

“Steve has built a very deep bench of managers, including the leadership of Tim Cook, who clearly understands Steve’s vision, goals and direction,” said Mr. Bajarin, who has followed Apple for 30 years.
Others were not so sure.
“You could make the case that Steve has injected so much of his DNA into Apple that Apple will continue,” said Guy Kawasaki, who was an Apple executive in the late 1980s. “Or you can make the case that without Steve, Apple will flounder. But you cannot make the case that Apple without Steve Jobs will be better. Hard to conceive of that.”


The technology world has never been short of strong-willed leaders (think Bill Gates at Microsoft or Larry Ellison at Oracle). But even in this select group, Mr. Jobs was noted for the control he exerted and the loyalty he commanded. Without him, his devoted team might soon fracture.
“I think the key question is whether the Apple team will continue to work as effectively as a collaborative without the single person to rely on for the final decision,” said Charles Golvin, a Forrester Research analyst.

技術の世界では強い意志の指導者には事欠かない(マイクロソフトのビルゲイツしかり、オラクルのラリーセルソンしかり)。 しかし、その統制力と一徹さにおいてジョブズ氏は、これらの人々のなかでも特筆すべき存在である。 彼なしでは、彼が専心育てたチームはすぐにバラバラになるかもしれない。

Mr. Cook, 50, joined Apple in 1998. He was promoted to chief operating officer in 2007, overseeing the day-to-day operations. Wall Street had long assumed the soft-spoken Mr. Cook, who was raised in Alabama and is an Auburn University graduate, would be the successor to Mr. Jobs. While Mr. Jobs convalesced, Apple thrived with the continuing rise in iPhone sales and huge growth in the iPad, the dominant tablet computer.
The company and Mr. Jobs had been criticized in the past for revealing little information about his health to investors. The news of Mr. Jobs’s resignation came after the market closed Wednesday. In after-hours trading, the stock fell 5 percent.

クック氏は1998年にアップルに入社し、2007年にはCOOに昇任して日日の経営を見るようになった。ウォール街は、このアラバマ出身でアウバーン大学卒のソフトな語り口のクック氏をジョブズの後継者と長い間みてきた。 ジョブズが回復療養中の時も、アップルはアイフォーン販売で成長を続け、独占的タブレット型パソコンアイパッドで大躍進した。
アップル社とジョブズ氏は過去に、彼の病状をについての情報を殆ど開示しなかったとして批判されていた。 今回のジョブズ氏の辞任のニュースは水曜日に市場が閉まったあとにリリースされた。 時間外取引で、株価は5%下落した。

The early years of Apple long ago passed into legend: the two young hippie-ish founders, Mr. Jobs and Steve Wozniak; the introduction of the first Macintosh computer in 1984, which stretched the boundaries of what these devices could do; Mr. Jobs’s abrupt exit the next year in a power struggle. But it was his return to Apple in 1996 that started a winning streak that raised the company from the near dead to its current position.
More than 314 million iPods, 129 million iPhones and 29 million iPads have been sold, according to A.M. Sacconaghi Jr., an analyst with Bernstein Research. This summer, Apple briefly exceeded Exxon Mobil as the most valuable United States company.

アップルの創業期はとうの昔に伝説になっている。若いヒッピーのような二人の創業者、ジョブズ氏とスティーブ・ウォズニアック、1984年の最初のマッキントッシュコンピュータの導入、このマックはこれらパソコンの出来る範囲を拡大した・・等。 ジョブズ氏の権力闘争のなかでの翌年の突然の辞任。しかし、1996年にはアップルに戻り、連戦連勝が始まり、死にかけた会社を現在の位置まで発展させた。
バーンスタインリサーチのアナリストであるA.M.サコナギーJr.によると、3億1千400万個以上のアイポッド、1億2千9百万個のアイフォーン、そして2900万個のアイパッドがこれまでに売れているとのこと。 この夏、アップル社は米国の最も資産価値の高いエクソンモービルを一時凌駕していた。

Apple does announce or even telegraph its product pipeline. But there has been strong indication that it is very close to revealing a new iPhone, which would probably include a more powerful processor to handle the expanding multimedia demands.
The new iPhone is also likely to be thinner and lighter, as every new version has been since the original’s release in 2007. A higher-resolution rear camera has also been expected, as well as a more powerful voice recognition features borne out of Apple’s purchase of Siri in April of 2010, a small voice recognition company, is also a possibility.

アップルは、その開発中の商品を発表するか、情報を流す。 しかし、増大するマルチメディアの需要を満たす、より強力なプロセッサーを、おそらく含む新しいアイフォーンがベールを脱ぐ時期が迫っていることを示す、確度の高い兆候がある。
また、2007年のオリジナルリリースから、最新版が薄くなったように、次のアイフォーンは更に薄く、しかも軽くなるようだ。 高解像度リアー・カメラも期待できるし、同様に、2010年の4月にアップルが買収したシリ(小型音声認識装置の会社)がもっている、より強力な音声認識機能も可能性がある。

Twitter, the instant messaging service, filled with an outpouring of grief and gratitude Wednesday night. The few ill-spirited comments or wisecracks were met with immediate retorts.
“Steve Jobs is the greatest leader our industry has ever known,” wrote Marc Benioff, chief executive of “It’s the end of an era.”
“Funny how much emotion you can feel about a stranger,” wrote Susan Orlean, the author. “And yet every phone call I make, every time I’m on a computer, he’s part of it.”

水曜日の夜、インスタントメッセージサービスのツイッターは悲しみと感謝の呟きが溢れた。 数少ない悪意のコメントや皮肉の書き込みには、すぐに反駁が加えられた。

“Very sad news about Steve Jobs at $AAPL,” wrote Jim Cramer, the CNBC host. “He is America’s greatest industrialist. Perhaps the greatest ever.”
Andy Baio, a tech entrepreneur in Portland, Ore., may have put it most directly and effectively: “We’ll miss you, Steve.”

「アップルでスティーブ・ジョブズについて、とても悲しいニュースだ。 彼はアメリカの偉大な実業家だ、多分これまでで最高の」とCNBCのホストであるジム・クレーマーは書いた。
オレゴン州のポートランドの技術系起業家のアンディ・バイオは、最も直截でうまく表現している。「スティーブ 淋しいよ(ウィル ミス ユー)」

Contributing reporting were Verne G. Kopytoff, Claire Cain Miller and Nick Bilton in San Francisco, and Sam Grobart in New York.

リビア情勢カダフィ後 (再建のカギ 石油輸出)

2011-08-25 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Restarting Libya's Valuable Oil Exports Won't Be Easy


by Christopher Joyce
August 24, 2011

Hussein Malla/AP
A Libyan oil worker at a refinery inside the Brega oil complex, in eastern Libya, on Feb. 26. Production at Brega has dropped by almost 90 percent amid the country's crisis because many employees have fled, and few ships are coming to the port. 2月26日、リビア東部のブレガ石油施設の精油所の従業員。ブレガの生産は、内戦が始まり労働者が逃亡し、船が入港しなくなったため、90%ほど減少した。

August 24, 2011
The light at the end of the tunnel for Libyans isn't just an end to the Moammar Gadhafi regime — it's also "light, sweet crude."
Oil provides most of Libya's income. But the revolution there has strangled exports for months and starved the country of revenue, and also temporarily bumped up world oil prices. So there's a lot of interest inside Libya and internationally in getting the country's oil wells up and running again.

石油はリビアの国の収入の殆どを担ってきた。しかし、ここでの革命は何か月もの間輸出を閉ざし、この国の歳入を干上がらせ、また、一時的に世界の石油価格を高騰させた。 それゆえリビア国内はもとより国際的にも、この国の油田を再開し、操業することに対する関心は高い。

The question is, when?
Libya's neighbors in the Middle East provide some clues to a time frame. Kuwait and Iraq are both big oil exporters that dissolved into conflict. Oil wells there were shut down or sabotaged, and world prices rose. It was years before their governments could get oil production back to pre-conflict levels.
Libya only exports about 2 percent of what the world uses. But nonetheless, as economist Rayola Dougher of the American Petroleum Institute points out, 2 percent is actually a lot in an oil market that has practically no surplus. "It's that margin of difference between supply and demand in the world," she says, "and when you take off that supply at a time when the world's demand was growing, that can have a very big impact on the price."

リビアは世界の石油使用量の僅か約2%しか輸出していない。 しかし、それにもかかわらず、アメリカの石油研究所のエコノミストであるレヨーラ・ドウガーは、2%は現実的に余剰のない石油市場では、実質上かなりの量なのだと指摘する。「それは世界の需給の差の貴重な余剰であり、その余剰を欠くと、需要が増大し、価格に大きな影響がでるのです。」

That's especially true if what you're selling is Libya's light, sweet crude. That's what refiners prefer, especially in Europe, since it's easier to turn into gas and diesel.
Prices have dropped some, since the revolution broke out as the world's economy drooped and Saudi Arabia increased output. But as economies improve, demand for oil will rise. Will Libya's wells be there to take the pressure off prices?

革命が勃発して以来、世界経済が落ち込み、サウジアラビアが原油を増産したので、石油価格はいくらか下落しています。 しかし、経済が持ち直せば、需要が増します。 その時点で価格上昇圧力を吸収することがリビア油田にできるでしょうか?

Problems Facing Production  生産が直面する問題
Technically, it shouldn't be too hard to get most wells started — assuming they weren't sabotaged or damaged. That's especially true for wells that naturally produce oil without a lot of help from pumps.

技術的に、妨害や大きな損傷がなければ、殆どの油田を再開するのはそんなに難し過ぎることではないはずです。 油田にとって、それらが、普通ポンプの大きな助けを受けずに生産しているのは特に事実なのです。

A Libyan rebel stands guard at the entrance to the Zawiya oil refinery, about 30 miles west of Tripoli, on Aug. 19. Rebels have taken complete control of the key oil refinery. Before the conflict, Libya supplied 2 percent of the world's oil, but restarting oil field operations won't be a simple task. 8月19日、リビアの反乱軍戦士がザウィアの石油精製施設の入り口を警護している。 それはトリポリの西30マイルに位置し、反乱軍がこの重要な施設を完全に支配している。紛争が始まるまえ、リビアは世界の2%の原油を供給していたが、油田の操業を再開するのは単純な仕事ではない。

"Restarting that type of well can be as simple as opening one valve and flipping one switch," says Daniel Hill, a petroleum engineer at Texas A&M University.
But restarting wells doesn't mean Libya can pump the 1.5 million barrels a day it used to. Libya's oil operation has been standing still for months when it should have been drilling.

「そのタイプの油田を再開するのはバルブを開き、スイッチを入れる程度の簡単さです」とテキサスA&M大学の石油技術者であるダニエル・ヒルは言う。 しかし、油田の再開は、即リビアがかつての日量1.5百万バレルを産出できることを意味しないのです。 リビアの原油工場の操業は、本来掘削を続けなければならないのに、何か月も停止していました。

"In an oil field operation, it's not just, you know, you go drill a few wells and turn them on and let them go for 10 years," Hill says. "There's a constant drilling of new wells occurring, replacing wells that are abandoned."
Libya faces another problem: Most of its oil workers are foreigners who fled the country months ago.
Nonetheless, international oil companies are eager to get back into Libya. As Dougher from the American Petroleum Institute points out, the biggest obstacle they'll face will be political.

「油田での操業というのは、幾つかの油田に行って穴を掘り、開通させ、それで10年間原油が、そこから出てくるといったものではないのです。 終わった油田に代わる新しい油田を常に掘削していくことが必要なのです。」とヒルは言う。
それにも関わらす、国際的な石油会社はリビアに戻りたいと強く思っている。 そこで彼らが直面する大きな渉外は政治的な問題だと、アメリカ石油研究所のドウガーは指摘する。

"It really is the instability — the political instability there — and no one really knowing who's going to be in charge, and how this is going to unfold, and what this is going to look like," she explains.
In fact, Libya's politics have long kept the country from pumping as much oil as it did in the 1960s. Jim Burkhard, an oil analyst at IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates, says when Libya's oil fields opened up again to foreign companies about seven years ago, it was hard going.

「それは実際不安定です。―― 政治的不安定があります。――誰も、だれが担当者なのか知りません、そして今後どう展開するのか、どのようになるのかも・・・」と彼女は説明する。
実際に、リビアの政治は1960年代に産出した量と同じ量を、長い間キープしてきました。 IHSケンブリッジ・エネルギー研究所員のジム・バーカードは、リビアの油田は7年前に外国の会社にオープンになりましたが、なかなか遅々として進みませんでしたと説明する。

"Some of the contracts that were signed in Libya were very advantageous for the Libyan government," says Burkhard, "but they weren't very attractive for some of the investors, so that had the impact of slowing some of the investment."
Even if it takes years to restore high levels of production, though, Burkhard points out that at least the country has a ready asset.
"Libya does have an advantage over Egypt or Syria in that they have a very important asset, namely their oil fields, and they have a relatively small population," Burkhard says.
Rebel leaders have been quoted saying they want foreign oil investment. For the moment, oil analysts say: Let's wait and see.

「リビアで結ばれた契約のいくつかは、非常にリビア政府に有利なものだったので、投資家には殆ど魅力がなく、投資意欲ブレーキをかけてしまいました。」とバーカードは言う。 リビアが高いレベルの生産を回復したとしても、それは単にリビアが良い資産施設が準備できたというに過ぎません。
反政府軍の指導者たちは、外国の石油投資を望んでいると言ったと伝えられている。しばらくの間、石油アナリスト達は、こう言うだろう。 「様子見だ!」

リビア情勢(速報5) 誤報?今後の推移は? 

2011-08-24 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
August 23, 2011
Rebels Storm Qaddafi Compound


TRIPOLI, Libya — Rebel fighters overwhelmed Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s sprawling compound on Tuesday, crashing through its outer gates, running pell-mell through the grounds and ransacking caches of weapons abandoned by his shrinking retinue of defenders. Colonel Qaddafi and his family were nowhere to be found.

リビアの戦士たちは水曜日に大佐の立て籠もる大きな施設を圧倒し、その外壁の門を破壊して、敷地内にどっと雪崩れこみ、減りつつある側近警護軍が放棄した武器庫の武器を奪っている。 カダフィ大佐とその家族の行方は分かっていない。

While the crackle of gunfire and rumble of explosions could still be heard across a confused and wary Libyan capital, with the possibility of more fighting in days to come, the rebel invasion and pillaging of the Bab al-Aziziya compound seemed to represent an important symbolic moment for the rebel movement seeking to oust Colonel Qaddafi and his sons from power.


Hundreds of rebel fighters on foot and in pickup trucks moved quickly into the compound, where smoky fires shrouded the palm trees and bullet-scarred multistory buildings of what the rebels have called Colonel Qaddafi’s last hideout. Squads of rebels searched the buildings room by room. Many of the buildings were looted, and rebel fighters could be seen walking around with high-quality advanced machine guns and, in one case, a gold-plated rifle. Some of the looted weapons were still wrapped in plastic.

数百人の反乱軍は徒歩で或いはピックアップトラックに乗車して、迅速に敷地内に侵入した。敷地内はヤシの木々の間に硝煙が立ち込め、カダフィ大佐の最後の砦と反乱戦士達が呼ぶ、複数階のビル群には弾丸が撃ち込まれている。 反乱軍の兵士はビルの部屋から部屋を捜索している。 多くのビルで略奪が行われ、反乱兵士は高性能の最新機関銃をもって歩いており、中には金メッキのライフルを持っているものもいる。 略奪した武器はまだビニールに包まれたままである。

CNN showed images of fighters emerging from one building carrying what its reporter was told were medical files of the Qaddafi family. Other footage broadcast by Al Jazeera and other networks showed rebels commandeering a Qaddafi golf cart, which they hitched to a truck and paraded down a street.

CNNは一つのビルから現れた戦士の像を放映し、彼が持っているのはカダフィファミリーの医療ファイルだと、その記者は説明している。 アルジャジーラとその他のネットワークが流した映像では、反乱軍がカダフィのゴルフカートを奪い、それをトラックにつないで通りをパレードしている様子を流している。

In what could become a defining image of the day, video footage on Al Jazeera showed fighters scrambling to upend one of Colonel Qaddafi’s favorite sculptures: a giant fist crushing an American warplane. Colonel Qaddafi installed the sculpture in front of a house in the compound that was bombed in 1986 on the orders of President Reagan, at a time when Libya was considered a pariah state. The wrecked building became Colonel Qaddafi’s backdrop for major speeches, including his defiant challenge to the rebels at the start of their uprising six months ago.

「その日」を表象する映像は、アルジャジーラの映像でカダフィ大佐お気に入りの立像に、反乱軍戦士達がよじ登っている様子を流している。その像は大きな手がアメリカの戦闘機を握りつぶしている立像で、カダフィ大佐はその像を施設のビルの前に設置していた。 その施設は1986年に、まだリビアが二級国と見なされていた時代に、レーガン大統領の命令で爆撃されている。 この破壊されたビルは、以来カダフィ大佐の主な演説の舞台背景となってきた。 今回の6か月に始まった民衆蜂起の当初、反乱軍に対して激しい非難をした演説もここでなされている。

Despite rebel claims of a new triumph, it was not clear by nightfall whether they had complete control of the compound — or for that matter, whether the rebel gains in Tripoli were the beginnings of a decisive victory in the conflict — or the start of potentially prolonged street fighting for control of the capital. Overstated claims of advances by the rebels — including the arrests of two Qaddafi sons that later proved false — have not helped their credibility.

反乱軍の新しい勝利宣言にも関わらず、夕刻の時点で彼らがその施設を完全に制圧したのか、あるいはそのことにより、反乱軍がトリポリで、この内戦の決定的な勝利の端緒を掴んだのか、或いは首都の争奪をめぐり、長引く様相の市街戦の始まりなのかはっきりしていない。 反乱軍の誇張された戦果の進展の報告は、誤りだった、カダフィ大佐の二人の息子の逮捕報道も含み、反乱軍発表の信頼性を損なっている。

Nonetheless it was clear that the stamina of the Qaddafi regime had been exhausted.
A spokesman for the Transitional National Council, the rebel government based in the eastern city of Benghazi, where the uprising began, said that the rebels assumed that Colonel Qaddafi was still in Libya. “We believe that he is either in Tripoli or close to Tripoli,” the spokesman, Guma el-Gamaty, told BBC television. “Sooner or later, he will be found, alive and arrested — and hopefully that is the best outcome we want — or if he resists, he will be killed.”

蜂起の始まり地、東部のベンガジ市にある反乱軍政府のリビア暫定国民評議会の報道官グマ・エル‐ガマティは、カダフィ大佐は未だにリビア国にいると思われる、それもトリポリ市内かその近郊であると、BBCテレビに語った。 「遅かれ早かれ、彼は生きて見つかり逮捕されるだろう、我々にとって望ましいベストな結果は・・もし彼が抵抗するならば、彼を殺害することだ」とも語った。

Russian news agencies reported earlier that Colonel Qaddafi had a telephone conversation with the Russian head of the World Chess Federation, Kirsan N. Ilyumzhinov, who is one of Colonel Qaddafi’s eccentric circle of foreign friends. Mr. Ilyumzhinov quoted Colonel Qaddafi as saying that he was alive and well in Tripoli. Colonel Qaddafi’s son Seif al-Islam, who made a surprise appearance on Monday at a hotel with foreign journalists to refute reports of his arrest, also boasted that his father was safe in Tripoli.

ロシアのニュース局は先にカダフィ大佐がロシアの世界チェス連盟の会長であるキルサン・イルムジノフと電話で話したと報じている。 彼はカダフィの一寸変わった外国の交友仲間の一人でもある。 イルムジノフによると、カダフィ大佐は健在でトリポリにいるとのこと。 カダフィ大佐の息子のサイフ‐イスラムは月曜日に外国報道陣と共にホテルに突然姿を現し、彼の逮捕の報道を否定してみせ、父カダフィ大佐がトリポリにいて健在であることを誇示した。

They were the first indications of the besieged leader’s location and condition since the rebels swept into Tripoli on Saturday, in what appeared to be a crucial turn in the Libya conflict, the most violent of the Arab spring uprisings.
Video footage and eyewitness reports from elsewhere in Tripoli depicted heavy clashes around the international airport, which the rebels had claimed to control.

それらは、反乱軍がトリポリに土曜日に侵攻して以来、包囲されたカダフィ軍の指導者の場所と状況について初めて明らかになった、最初の情報である。そのトリポリ侵攻はリビア内戦の大きな節目であり、一連のアラブの春の蜂起の中でも最も激しい戦いである。 トリポリ市内の至る所でビデオ映像や目撃者の報道が、国際空港周辺での激戦を伝えている。同空港は反乱軍が支配したと発表していた施設である。

NATO officials in Brussels and London said the alliance’s warplanes, which have been helping the rebels, were flying reconnaissance and other missions over Libya.
“Our mission is not over yet,” said Col. Roland Lavoie, a NATO spokesman, at a news conference in Naples, Italy, urging pro-Qaddafi forces to return to their barracks. “Until this is the case we will carry on with our mission.” Asked if the alliance knew where Colonel Qaddafi was, he said: “We don’t know. I don’t have a clue.”

「我々の任務は、まだ終わっていない」と、カダフィ軍は兵舎に戻るように訴えながら、「これが実現するまでは、我々は任務を遂行する」とNATOの報道官ロナルド・ラボア大佐はイタリアのナポリの記者会見で話している。 同盟軍はカダフィ大佐の所在を知っているかとの問いには「知らない、その手がかりもない」と答えている。

“The situation in Tripoli is still very serious and very dangerous,” Colonel Lavoie said.
He acknowledged that the urban environment in Tripoli, a city of some two million, was “far more complex” for airstrikes than past targets have been. But he said the alliance had precision weapons at its disposal to enforce its United Nations Security Council mandate, which is to protect civilians from attack.

彼はトリポリの人口200万人もの都会の環境は、これまでの航空攻撃の攻撃目標とは「比較にならないほど複雑」であることを認めている。 しかし、同盟軍は、市民を攻撃の巻き添えにしないという国連安全保障理事会の要求を満たす、高精度の兵器を装備していると語っている。

Elsewhere, rebels claimed they had had seized control of Ras Lanuf, an important Mediterranean oil port, and that loyalist soldiers defending it had fled west to Colonel Qaddafi’s home town of Surt, according to news reports from Benghazi. There was no confirmation of the reports about Ras Lanuf, which has changed hands previously in the seesaw pattern of the Libya revolt.

その他の地では、反乱軍は地中海の要衝で石油積出港のラズ・ナヌフを支配下においたと発表している。同地を防衛していた政府軍はカダフィ大佐の出身地であるスルトに撤退したとベンガジからの報道は伝えている。 このラス・ラヌフの報道についてはまだ確認がとれていない。この地は、これまでリビアの反乱の一進一退のなかで攻守が入れ替わっていた。

Additionally, Al Arabiya satellite television reported, rebels killed dozens of pro-Qaddafi troops on Tuesday in a convoy from Surt. There was no independent corroboration of the report. The Pentagon reported late on Monday that its warplanes had shot down a Scud missile fired from Surt.


While rebel leaders said on Monday that they were planning for a post-Qaddafi government, the immediate aftermath of the invasion of Tripoli was a vacuum of power: no cohesive rebel government was in place, and remnants of the Qaddafi government were still in evidence.


Such was the uncertainty that the International Organization for Migration in Geneva said it had delayed a seaborne mission to rescue hundreds of foreigners from Tripoli because “security guarantees and assurances are no longer in place,” said Jemini Pandya, a spokeswoman for the organization. A ship that left the eastern port of Benghazi on Monday, bound for Tripoli, would remain at sea until some level of safety for the mission could be assured but would not dock in Tripoli as planned on Tuesday, she said in a telephone interview.

このように状況が不確実なため、ジュネーブのIMO(国際移住機関)はトリポリからの船による数百名の外国人の救出作戦を延期すると発表した。 「安全が保障され、確保されていない」と同機関の報道官であるジェミニ・パンジャと述べている。 救出船は東部のベンガジの港を月曜日に出港し、トリポリに向かっていたが、同作戦の安全確保がある程度のレベルになるまで海上に留まり、予定した水曜日にトリポリに着岸することはないと、電話による取材に彼女は答えている。

The BBC reported meanwhile that the Qaddafi-controlled Rixos luxury hotel in central Tripoli, where most foreign reporters are based, had also come under attack on Tuesday, sending some reporters to take cover in a basement.
“There are still some pockets of resistance,” the French foreign minister, Alain Juppé, said in a radio interview in Paris, but he said he believed “the fall of Qaddafi is close.” Along with the United States and Britain, France has played a central role in the diplomatic and military campaigns to oust Colonel Qaddafi and Mr. Juppé said those efforts still needed time “to get to the end of this operation.”

一報BBCは、カダフィが押えている、トリポリ中心部のリクソスラグジャリーホテルは、(殆どの外国人記者はここを本拠としている)水曜日に攻撃に曝され、幾人かの記者たちは地下に避難していると伝えている。 「まだ、数か所での抵抗はみられるが、カダフィ政権の崩壊は近い」とフランスのジュペ外相はパリでラジオのインタビューに答えている。 アメリカ、イギリスと共に、フランスはカダフィ大佐の追放の外交活動及び軍事作戦において中心的な役割を演じており、ジュペ氏によると、これらの努力は「この作戦が終わるまで」まだ必要であるとのこと。

On the diplomatic front, Oman, Bahrain and Iraq said on Tuesday that they formally recognized the rebel authorities, following Egypt, which took the same step on Monday, calling the Transitional National Council the “new regime.” Mohammed Amr, Egypt’s foreign minister, said that the council would take over the Libyan Embassy in Cairo, and would assume Libya’s seat on the Arab League, which is based in Cairo.

外交の正面では、月曜日に同じ手順を踏んで、リビア暫定国民評議会を新しい政府として認めたエジプトに続き、オマーン、バーレーンそしてイラクも水曜日に公式に反政府軍の機関を承認した。 エジプトのモハメド・アムル外相は、その評議会がカイロのリビア大使館を引き継ぐことになり、カイロに本拠を置くアラブ連合のリビアの席も同様に引き継がれると発表した。

It was not clear if the renewed fighting was linked to the surprise reappearance of Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, whose capture the rebels had trumpeted since Sunday but who walked as a free man to the Rixos Hotel early Tuesday. He boasted to foreign journalists there that his father was safe in Tripoli, his government was still “in control” and that the rebels had been lured into a trap, the BBC and news services reported. The episode raised significant questions about the credibility of rebel leaders, who had claimed to be holding him prisoner.

戦闘の再開が、サイフ・アル‐イスラム エル・カダフィの突然の登場とカン介しているかどうかは明らかではない。 彼は、反乱軍が日曜日にその逮捕を吹聴した人物であるが、水曜日の早朝にリクソスホテルで自由に歩き回った。 彼は、そこにいた外国人ジャーナリストに彼の父が健在でトリポリにいること、そしてカダフィ政権がまだ支配しており、反乱軍は罠に陥っていると自慢していたと、BBCや報道機関は伝えている。 この話は、彼を捕虜にしたと発表した反乱軍の指導者の信頼度を著しく損なう結果となった。

It was not clear whether he had been in rebel custody and escaped, or was never held at all. Another Qaddafi son, Muhammad, escaped from house arrest on Monday.
The struggle to a impose a new order on the capital presents a crucial test of the rebel leadership’s many pledges to replace Colonel Qaddafi’s bizarre autocracy with the democratic rule of law, and it could have consequences across the country and throughout the Arab world.

彼が一旦囚われの身となって脱出したのか、はたまた全く捕まってはいなかったのかは明らかでない。 もう一人の息子、ムハマドは月曜日に拘禁された家から脱出逃亡している。 首都トリポリに新しい秩序を確立する戦いは、反乱軍指導部の多くの約束を試す、厳しいテストになる。 その約束とはカダフィ大佐の異様な独裁政治を民主的なルールと法にとって代わらせるというもので、それはその国全土のみならずアラブ世界にとっていろいろな影響をもたらすと考えられる。

Unlike the swift and largely peaceful revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, the Libyan insurrection was the first revolt of the Arab Spring to devolve into a protracted armed struggle, and at times threatened to descend into a civil war of factions and tribes.
A rebel failure to deliver on their promises of justice and reconciliation here in the capital could spur Qaddafi loyalists around Libya to fight on. And an ugly outcome here might discourage strong foreign support for democracy movements elsewhere.

正義と和解を、ここトリポリでという約束を果たせなかった反乱軍は、リビア全土のカダフィ派を戦闘継続へと勢いづかせるかもしれない。 ここでまずい結果になれば、他の民主化運動への外国の支援を挫折させる可能性もありうる。

For now, governments throughout the West and the Middle East welcomed the rebels’ successes and pledged to assist them in the transition. The Iraqi government announced Tuesday that it had recognized the Transitional National Council as the legitimate government of Libya. The European Union said on Monday that it had begun planning for a post-Qaddafi era, and Turkey’s foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, flew to Benghazi on Tuesday and met with the rebel leader, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil.

今のところ、西側と中東諸国の政府は反乱軍の成功を歓迎しており、その移行を支援すると約束している。 イラク政府は水予備に水曜日に、リビア暫定国民評議会を合法的なリビア政府であると承認することを発表した。 EUは月曜日にカダフィ後について計画し始めていると言い、トルコの外相アーメト・ダブトグルはベンガジに水曜日に飛び、反乱軍の指導者ムスタファ・アブデル‐ジャリルと会談している。

David D. Kirkpatrick and Kareem Fahim reported from Tripoli, Libya, and Rick Gladstone from from New York. Reporting was contributed by Bryan Denton from Tripoli, Alan Cowell from Paris, Stephen Farrell from Cairo, Sebnem Arsu from Istanbul, Helene Cooper from Washington, and Neil MacFarquhar from the United Nations.

リビア情勢(速報4) リビアの今後を専門家に聞く

2011-08-23 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Expert: Gadhafi's Options Are Martyrdom Or Asylum


by Liz Halloran

Adem Altan/AFP/Getty Images
Protesters burn a portrait of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and copies of his Green Book outside the Libyan Embassy in Ankara. Turkey, on Monday. Gadhafi. トルコのアンカラにあるリビア大使館の前で、抗議の人々がリビアの指導者カダフィの肖像画と彼の緑の本を燃やしている。 

August 22, 2011
Libyan rebels have claimed control of parts of the capital Tripoli, but big questions remain about the future of the country and the fate of its longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi.


The whereabouts of Gadhafi, as of Monday, remain unknown.
David Mack is a former U.S. diplomat who served throughout the Middle East, including a posting in Libya. He says he believes Gadhafi could very well seek asylum for himself and his family in a country like Russia.
ディビッド・マックは元外交官で、リビア駐在を含み中東全体を通して勤務してきた人物である。 彼は、カダフィはロシアのような国に彼自身と家族の亡命を求めることも考えられると言う。

And he predicts that the difficulties facing Libya, from maintaining security to providing basic services, will be exacerbated by its historic lack of infrastructure and institutions.
We spoke to Mack, now a scholar at the Middle East Institute, about Libya's future.


What might Gadhafi do — fight to the death, commit suicide, slip into the desert, negotiate his exit into exile?  カダフィはどうするのか―死ぬまで戦うのか、自殺するのか、逃亡するのか、はたまた逃亡の出口を求めて交渉に出るのか?

Mack: I think that eventually, provided he's offered safe asylum somewhere for himself and members of his family not already captured, he might be inclined to take it. It would have to be someplace like Russia, where the United Nations Security Council could make the request, and provided he'd be exempt from International Criminal Court tribunals. Someplace that could be strong and stable enough to keep him from getting in trouble and keep him safe. I think that the Russians want to be in on the end game. Our role would be to provide international endorsement, and to save Libyan lives.

私は最終的に、もし、彼と彼のまだ捕まっていない家族に対して、どこかへ安全な亡命先の提案が彼になされれば、彼はそれの受け入れに応じると思います。それは国連安保理事会が要請できるロシアのような国になろうかと思います。ただし、彼が国際刑事裁判所の法廷から免れるということが前提です。 どこか、彼をトラブルから守り、身の安全を確保できるだけの強力で安定した国が亡命先となります。 私はロシアが、この一連の内戦の終結に関与したいと考えていると思います。 我々の役割は国際的な承認を与えることと、リビア人の命を救うことです。

If it were just him, I think he would be attracted to martyrdom. But along with being a political tyrant, and somewhat emotionally erratic, he's also a father and a grandfather. And he cares about his children.
We know he broke a very productive relationship with Switzerland in order to retaliate for his juvenile delinquent son spending a night in a Swiss jail.
You can imagine those security people upon whom he depends, and his wife and children, saying "oh, Brother Leader; oh, Daddy."

もし、それがカダフィだけであれば、私は、彼は殉教に惹かれていると思います。 しかし、政治的な暴君で幾分感情的に常軌を逸してはいますが、彼はファミリー内では、父親であり、御祖父さんでもあるのです。 彼には多くの子供たちを養っています。
彼が頼っている、警護の人々や、彼の妻、そして子供たちが「オー ブラザー・リーダー、オー ダディ」と言っているのを想像してみてください。

What do you think the U.S. might be quietly doing to prepare for a rebel takeover of the government?   アメリカが密かに反政府軍が政府を引き継ぐ準備を進めていたのではないかということについてどうお考えですか?

They're going to have to try to maintain order. Certainly for people like me, whose memory stretches back 20 or 30 years, what happened in Baghdad is a reminder of how wrong things can go with the overthrow of a tyrannical leader. Looting, revenge killing. Even when there are no longer holdouts, things can go very bad. Security is initially the single most important element. And they have to ensure that basic utilities are up and functioning. They have to get electricity back, get potable water. The Libyan bureaucracy and infrastructure are already dysfunctional.

彼らは秩序を維持しなければなりません。 確かに、私のような人々、つまり20年も、30年も見てきた人間にとって、バクダッドで起こったことは、暴君的指導者を転覆させると、いかに悪いことが起きるかという重大な警鐘です。 略奪や報復のための殺人。 抵抗者がいなくなった時でさえ、状況は容易に悪いほうに向かいます。 安全が真っ先に、そして唯一最重要な要素なのです。 次に、彼らは確実に基本的な公共サービスを復旧し機能させなければなりません。 電気を復旧し、飲料水を確保しなければなりません。 リビアの官僚とインフラは既に機能しなくなっています。

There will be a tremendous amount of suffering and humanitarian problems unless things are done very quickly. The TNC [Libya's Transitional National Council] and the United Nations have already been planning, with input from governments like the U.S.
The U.S. is a big part of the United Nations, and a big part of NATO. But my contacts with the people in the TNC suggest they don't want to have any American boots on the ground. The U.N. could be involved with international peacekeepers.
We understand that there was a rebel military unit composed of young men from Tripoli, organizers, who were sent to Qatar, and then re-integrated. They could go in and help people keep order. Presumably, that would be more acceptable than people coming in from Benghazi.

アメリカは国連の大きな部分を占めていますし、NATOにおいても同様です。 しかし、私が接触しているTNCのメンバーはアメリカの軍の進駐を望んではいません。 国連が国際平和維持軍をもって関与することになるでしょう。
私たちは、トリポリ出身の若い青年からなる反政府軍部隊が組織され、カタールに送り込まれて、その後再編制されたことを知っています。 彼らが前面に出て、国民の秩序維持に貢献できると思います。 多分、ベンガジから人を入れるよりも、受け入れられると思います。

Libya is a tribal society, and there have always been deep divisions. Is a civil war likely? リビアは部族社会で、いつも部族間の深い対立があります。 内戦の心配は?

It is true that ... extended family connections, even more than tribal connections, are extremely important. But you don't have a large sectarian majority as you do in Iraq and Bahrain. There isn't that kind of problem. The problem is a lack of structure and institutions. Gadhafi dismantled what little structure and institutions there were. What little the monarchy had built up was dismantled. You don't have a strong and effective army to restore order.

それは事実です、 家族の繋がりの先の繋がりが、部族の繋がりよりも、極めて重要なのです。 しかし、イラクやバーレーンで見るような、大きな宗教派閥のようなものはありません。リビアにはその種の問題は無いのです。 問題は国家機構と制度の欠如です。カダフィはかつて、僅かにあった機構と制度を解体してしまいました。 秩序を回復するための強力で有効な軍隊もありません。

I'm suggesting that civil war is far less likely than anarchy, the chaos of a Somali situation. I don't want to undervalue what the Transitional National Council has done in a relatively short amount of time. If the Iraqi national council had done as much, we would have been very happy. The ones I know [on the TNC], the ones I met when they were Gadhafi officials, were very good professionals. And we've sent a very good American diplomat to head up our office in Benghazi.

しかし、私が言っておきたいのは、内戦は、ソマリの混沌のような無政府状況とは似ても似つかないということです。 私は、TNC(リビア国民評議会)が比較的短期間に成し遂げたことを過小評価しようとは思いません。 もし、イラクの国会が同じくらい出来ていたら、我々はどんなに楽だったでしょう。 TNCで私が知っている人は、かってカダフィ政権の役人時代に会っていますが、非常にプロフェッショナルで有能でした。 そして、我々は非常に優秀なアメリカの外交官を送り込んで、ベンガジの我々のオフィス(大使館)を統率させています。

How would you compare Libya's revolution to the others we've seen in the region?  リビアの革命を、これまで見てきた同地域での革命とどのように比較しますか?

In Libya's case, you don't just have an authoritarian leader who stayed too long. What you have in addition is a country without a political structure on which you can build a democratic structure. Libya was scarcely ready for independence when it received it in 1952. The monarchy didn't develop it. Gadhafi squandered it. A lot of things have to be done from scratch and it's going to be very difficult.

リビアのケースでは、長く座についていた独裁的な指導者が今はいないというだけですが、加うるに、民主的機構の土台となる政治的機構がこの国にはないのです。 リビアは1952年に国連決議を受け、独立を受けたとき、独立の準備は殆どできていませんでした。その後を継承した王国は無策で、カダフィはそれを無くしてしまったのです。ということは多くの事を全くのゼロから立ち上げねばならないということであり、非常に困難な道のりだと思います。

リビア情勢(速報3) トリポリ陥落 カダフィの行方は?

2011-08-22 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Libyans Jubilant As Gadhafi's Capital Falls


by NPR Staff and Wires

Alexandre Meneghini/AP
People celebrate the capture in Tripoli of Moammar Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya, early Monday, Aug. 22, 2011. Libyan rebels raced into Tripoli in a lightning advance Sunday that met little resistance as Moammar Gadhafi's defenders melted away and his 40-year rule appeared to rapidly crumble.  人々はカダフィの息子で彼の継承者でもあるセイフ・アル‐イスラムを月曜日早朝、捕えたことを、ベンガジの町で喜んでいる。 2011年8月22日、リビアの反政府軍はトリポリになだれ込んだ。 カダフィ政府軍は雲散霧消し、この電撃的侵攻は何の抵抗も受けなかった。 カダフィの40年の支配は急速に崩壊した。

August 22, 2011
With euphoric Libyan rebels in control of large parts of Tripoli early Monday, Moammar Gadhafi's 42-year rule appeared to be disintegrating. The Libyan leader issued defiant statements, but his whereabouts were not known.
After a lightning advance on Libya's capital, rebels celebrated late into the night in Green Square, the symbolic heart of Gadhafi's power. Revelers on the square, once the scene of almost nightly rallies organized by the regime, fired celebratory shots in the air, set fire to the green flag of Gadhafi's government and shot holes in a poster with the leader's image.

リビアの首都への電撃的な進撃を終え、反政府軍はその夜遅く、カダフィ政権の象徴的心臓部とも言えるグリーンスクエアで勝利を祝った。 かっては、政府に動員された集会が殆ど毎晩開催された場所である広場(グリーンスクエア)で反政府軍は空に向かって発砲し、カダフィ政府の緑の旗を燃やし、そしてカダフィの肖像のあるポスターに穴をあけて、勝利を祝った。

Reporting from Tripoli, NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro said the carloads of anti-Gadhafi fighters that had streamed into the capital from the coastal city of Zawiya were greeted by locals with cheers and waving rebel flags.
While the rebel's breakthrough appeared to mark a turning point in Libya's 6-month-old civil war, pockets of resistance remained.
"There are still areas that are unsafe and there has continued to be some fighting," Garcia-Navarro reported late Sunday. "By and large [the rebels] believe that if they can control Tripoli they have essentially won the civil war."

リビアの6か月に及ぶ内戦の大きな山場は越えたものの、各地区での政府軍の抵抗は続いている。 「まだ不安全な地域もあり、何箇所かで戦闘は続いていますが、全般的にみて、反政府軍がトリポリを支配すれば、内戦は反政府軍が実質的に勝利すると、反政府軍は確信しています。」と土曜日の夜遅くガルシア‐ナバロは伝えてきました。

President Barack Obama said Libya is "slipping from the grasp of a tyrant" and urged Gadhafi to relinquish power to prevent more bloodshed.
"The future of Libya is now in the hands of the Libyan people," Obama said in a statement from Martha's Vineyard, where he's vacationing. The president promised to work closely with rebels and "continue to insist that the basic rights of the Libyan people are respected."
Opposition fighters captured Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, who along with his father faces charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands. Another son was reportedly under house arrest.
State television broadcast Gadhafi's pleas for Libyans to defend his regime into the night on Sunday. But in one message, the leader also appealed for a negotiation.
Garcia-Navarro said rebels she talked to said there would be no deal: "Many of them would like to see [Gadhafi] killed, others certainly would like to see him face trial, but nobody wants to give him any clemency or leniency."

「リビアの将来は今やリビアの人々の手中にある」とオバマは現在休暇中のマーサブドウ園から声明を発表した。 大統領は反政府軍と密接に連携し、リビアの人々の基本的な権限が尊重されることを主張し続けることを約束した。
反政府戦士はカダフィの息子で、カダフィの継承者でもある、セイフ‐イスラムを捕獲した、彼は父親のカダフィ大佐と共にオランダの国際刑事裁判所において人道に対する罪で告訴されていた。 もう一人の息子は、伝えられるところによると、拘禁中とのこと。

A Sudden Reversal  急な、予想に反した展開
George Joffe, an expert on Libya and a lecturer at the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University, said he was surprised at how quickly Tripoli appears to have fallen.
"For the city to fall so easily shows that despite all the bluster of the Gaddafi regime, it had lost the confidence of the Libyan people a long time ago," Joffe told NPR's Weekend All Things Considered.

「首都がこんなに早く陥落したということは、カダフィの強面の体制にも関わらず、リビア国民から、随分以前から信頼されなくなっていたことを示している」とNPRの週末の番組オールシングス コンシダードで語った。

Credit: NPR
By early Monday, rebels in Tripoli had set up checkpoints alongside residents, many of them secretly armed by rebel smugglers in recent weeks.
But Gaddafi's defiance in angry audio messages broadcast on state television on raised the possibility of a last-ditch fight over the capital, home to 2 million people.
Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim claimed the regime has "thousands and thousands of fighters" and vowed: "We will fight. We have whole cities on our sides. They are coming en masse to protect Tripoli to join the fight."


But significant parts of Gadhafi's regime and military seemed to be abandoning him, and NATO leaders sounded optimistic the conflict was coming to a close. Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Gadhafi's regime was "clearly crumbling" and that the time to create a new democratic Libya has arrived.
Tripoli's swift collapse marked a stunning reversal for Gadhafi, who earlier this month had seemed to have a firm grip on his stronghold in the western part of Libya, despite months of NATO airstrikes on his military. Rebels had been unable to make any advances for weeks, bogged down on the main fronts with regime troops in the east and center of the country.

しかし、カダフィ体制側の主要な連中と軍は彼を見捨てたようだった。NATOの指導者は楽観的な見方を示し、紛争は終わりに近づいているとした。 NATOの事務総長アナス・フォー・ラスムセンはカダフィ体制は明らかに崩壊しており、新しい民主的リビアの建国の時が到来していると述べた。
トリポリでの政府軍の迅速な崩壊は、彼の軍に対する数か月にわたるNATOの効攻撃にも関わらず、リビア西部地域の拠点にたいして、強力な統率力を維持していると今月初めまで思われていたカダフィにとって、全く逆の展開となった。 反政府軍は国の東部や中央部で政府軍と主戦線で膠着状態にあり、何週間も前進できずにいたのだ。

The uprising against Gadhafi broke out in mid-February, and anti-regime protests quickly spread. A brutal crackdown quickly transformed the protests into an armed rebellion. Rebels seized Libya's east, setting up an internationally recognized transitional government there, and two pockets in the west, the port city of Misrata and the Nafusa mountain range.
Gadhafi clung to the remaining territory, and for months neither side had been able to break the other.
In early August, however, rebels launched an offensive, intending to open a new, western front to break the deadlock. They fought their way down to the Mediterranean coastal plain, backed by NATO airstrikes, and captured the strategic city of Zawiya.

二月中旬に勃発した反カダフィ蜂起と反体制抗議運動は急速に全国に拡大した。 これに対する残虐な制圧は、この抗議運動を武装反乱に様態を一変させた。 反乱軍はリビアの東部を奪取し、国際的に認められた政府をそこに樹立し、西部の2拠点を押さえた、即ち港湾都市ミスラタと山岳地帯のナフサの2都市である。
カダフィは残った地域に陣取り、何か月もの間、両陣営は相手を撃破することができなかった。 しかしがなら、8月に入って、膠着状態を打破するため、西部戦線い新しい突破口を求めて、反乱軍は攻勢に転じた。 彼らは地中海の海岸の平地沿いに、NATOの航空攻撃の掩護を受けながら兵を進め、戦略都市ザウィヤを奪取した。

'Time For Justice’ 正義のとき
In the Netherlands, the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, said his office would talk to the rebels on Monday about Seif al-Islam's transfer for trial. "It is time for justice, not revenge," Moreno-Ocampo told the Associated Press.
Seif al-Islam, his father and Libya's intelligence chief were indicted earlier this year for allegedly ordering, planning and participating in illegal attacks on civilians in the early days of the violent crackdown on anti-regime protesters.


Another son, Mohammed, was under house arrest. Mohammed, who is in charge of Libyan telecommunications, appeared on the Arabic satellite channel Al-Jazeera, saying his house was surrounded by armed rebels.
"They have guaranteed my safety. I have always wanted good for all Libyans and was always on the side of God," he said. Close to the end of the interview, there was the sound of heavy gunfire and Mohammed said rebels had entered his house before the phone line cut off.

もう一人の息子、モハメドは自宅監禁中である。彼はリビアのテレコムを担当しており、アラブ衛星チャンネルのアル‐ジャジーラに出演し、彼の家が反乱軍に包囲されていると語っていた。 「反乱軍は私の身の安全を保障している。 私はいつも全てのリビア国民に良かれと思ってやってきたし、いつも神の意志に従っていた」と話した。 インタビューの終わる頃、激しい銃声がして、モハメドは反乱軍が、電話を切る前に家に入ってきたと語った。
Material from The Associated Press was used in this report.


2011-08-22 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Rebels Close In On Libyan Capital

情勢は非常に流動的で時々刻々と変化しています。これを翻訳していたら、電子版のニュースが次々に時間単位で更新されています。 トリポリは反政府軍によってほとんど制圧されたようです。 ふーっ!
しかし、戦況はなかなか読めないものです、それまでの経緯を知る上でもアップしていいかなと考えてアップしました。 一部先の報道と内容が被っています。

by NPR Staff and Wires

Sergey Ponomarev/AP
Libyan rebel fighters speed towards the front line of fighting in the village of Al-Mayah, just west of Tripoli, on Sunday. 日曜日、リビアの反政府軍の戦士がトリポリの西アル‐マヤの村の全線へ急行している。

August 21, 2011
Libya is under fire as rebel forces inch toward Tripoli amid fighting that could be a turning point in the civil war. There are fierce battles going on in the towns and on the roads leading to the capital city, and civilians are fleeing in anticipation of a rebel onslaught.

反政府軍は内戦のターニングポイントになる戦闘の真っ最中であり、同軍がトリポリに肉薄するにつれ、リビア各地は砲火に包まれている。 首都トリポリに向かう道路や町々では激しい戦闘が繰り広げられ、市民は反政府軍の襲来を恐れて市内から逃れている。

Hundreds of euphoric Libyan rebels danced and cheered after they overran a major military base that defends Tripoli on Sunday, driving out elite forces led by Moammar Gadhafi's son in a brief gunbattle. The fighters hauled off truckloads of weapons and advanced full speed toward the capital in pickup trucks and even on foot, as the trappings of the regime crumbled fast.

喜びに沸き立つ何百人ものリビアの反政府戦士は、日曜日にトリポリ防衛の主要な軍事基地を制圧したあと、踊り上がって気勢をあげた。 カダフィ大佐の息子の率いる精鋭部隊を短時間の戦闘で駆逐した。 反政府軍はトラック一杯の武器を奪い、政府軍の象徴であっ精鋭部隊が瓦解するなか、ピックアップトラック或いは徒歩で首都に向かって全速力で前進していった。

Inside Tripoli, heavy machine-gun fire and explosions rang out across many parts of the capital on the second day of widespread clashes between what the opposition called "sleeping cells" of rebels who are rising up and Gadhafi loyalists.
"As one rebel commander told me, 'We're throwing everything we can at it. This is the last stage of the battle,'" NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro tells Weekend Edition Sunday.


Rebels Advance, With Help From NATO  NATOの支援のもと反政府軍前進
Tripoli is effectively surrounded, Garcia-Navarro reports; the roads to the east, south and west are cut off by rebels.
In their latest advance, Libyan rebels captured a major military base that defends Tripoli. An Associated Press reporter traveling with the rebels saw them take over the base of the Khamis Brigade, west of the capital. After a brief gunbattle, Gadhafi's forces fled.

トリポリは効果的に包囲されている。リビアの反政府軍は、トリポリを防衛する主要な軍事基地を奪取した。 反政府軍と同行しているAPの記者は首都の西にあるカミス旅団の基地を、彼らが奪取するのを見た。 短い戦闘の後、カダフィ軍は退却した。

Credit: NPR

"NATO bombed it, and the rebels have overrun it, and they are taking the weapon stores from it now," Garcia-Navarro reports from the city of Al-Mayah. "The rebels here are celebrating their victory; they're now about 10 miles away from the capital.
"This was a town that was held by Gadhafi's forces this morning, and it is now in the control of the rebels this afternoon," Garcia-Navarro says.

「NATOは同基地を爆撃し、反政府軍はそこを制圧しました。そして彼らはその基地の武器庫から武器を奪いました。」とガルシア‐ナバロはアル‐メイヤーの都市から報告している。 反政府軍は勝利を祝っている。そこから首都トリポリまでは僅か10マイルしかない。

Gadhafi's 27-year-old son Khamis commands the 32nd Brigade, also known simply as the Khamis Brigade, one of the best trained and equipped units in the Libyan military.
NATO's bombing campaign has picked up significantly in the last few days. "Just last night there were 25 strikes in and around the front lines here between Zawiya and Tripoli," Garcia-Navarro reports. "And today, again, we've seen NATO bombing strikes play a significant role, allowing the rebels to move forward."
For its part, NATO said the shifting battle lines and concentration of fighting in towns and villages are making it more difficult to identify and engage targets for airstrikes.
"It's much tougher to do in an urban area," NATO spokesman Col. Roland Lavoie said. "This requires very precise and deep intelligence to achieve without endangering the civilian population."

「都市部では非常にそれが困難になる。 住民を巻き添えにせずに任務を遂行するためには、正確で詳細な情報がより必要になってくる。」とNATOのスポーグスマンのローランド・ラボア大佐は話す。

Tripoli Residents Protest, Fight, Flee トリポリの住民 抗議・戦闘・逃亡
Meanwhile, large anti-regime protests erupted Sunday in several Tripoli neighborhoods, where thousands braved the bullets of snipers perched atop high buildings, residents and opposition fighters said.
Mukhtar Lahab, a rebel commander closing in on Tripoli and a former captain in Gadhafi's army, said his relatives inside the capital reported mass protests in four neighborhoods known as sympathetic to the opposition: Fashlum, Souk al-Jouma, Tajoura and Janzour. He said mosques there were rallying residents with chants of "Allahu Akbar" or "God is great," broadcast on loudspeakers.
Snipers loyal to Gadhafi were firing on protesters in at least one of the four restive neighborhoods, Lahab said. Residents contacted in the city by telephone also reported snipers firing on civilians.

元カダフィ軍の陸軍大尉でトリポリに肉薄する反政府軍の司令官ムクタル・ラハブは、彼のトリポリ市内にいる親戚が、近郊の4か所での大規模な抵抗運動は反政府軍と連動していると報告してきたと話している。 それらはファシュラム、ソウク・アル‐ジョウマ、タジョウラそしてジャンゾウルだ。 彼は、それらの地域のモスクでは住民が集会を開いて、「アラフ・アクバル(ゴッド イズ グレイト)」と拡声器で唱えているとのこと。 ラハブ司令官によると、この4か所の抵抗運動の地域の少なくとも一か所で抗議集団に対して、カダフィ軍の狙撃兵が狙撃しているとのこと。 市内の住人も電話で市民が狙撃されていると報告してきている。

There have been armed cells in Tripoli operating against Gadhafi throughout Libya's months-long conflict. "Those armed cells yesterday coordinated a sort of uprising, if you will, in several neighborhoods," Garcia-Navarro reports, and the fighters are now facing heavy oppression by Gadhafi forces.
"They are using heavy weapons against these fighters — and these fighters only have very light weapons," she says. "It's becoming very difficult to hold their neighborhoods."
Other civilians are fleeing the capital city. "There's been long lines of cars leaving Tripoli, leaving other battle zones for safer areas, some with their belongings strapped on their back," Garcia-Navarro says.
Tripoli is home to 2 million people. Some neighborhoods are loyal to Moammar Gadhafi and others are allied with the rebels. "There's bound to be some clashes there," she says.
"People do feel, as one person told me, that this is the 'zero hour,'" she reports. "This is culminating in the final face-off between the two sides."

トリポリには武装潜伏分子が潜んでおり、リビアの数か月に及ぶ内戦を通して、カダフィに対する作戦を遂行していた。「これらの武装分子は昨日、民衆蜂起と、もしやるとすれば、数か所の近隣地区でも同時に・・・と調整していました」とガルシア‐ナバロは報告している。 いま、戦士たちはカダフィ軍の強力な制圧作戦に直面している。 「政府軍はこれらの戦士に対して重火器を使用しているが、一方の反政府戦士のほうは軽火器のみであり、近隣地区を奪取するのは困難になりつつある。」 その他の市民は首都から脱出している。「トリポリでは脱出して、戦闘地帯を避け、安全な地域へと避難する車が長い列をなしており、家財を背中に巻きつけている人もいます」 トリポリは2百万の人々を抱えており、近隣地区のいくつかはカダフィ政権側についており、その他は反乱軍と組んでいる。 「それらの地域間で、いずれ激突が起こるのは必至です」と彼女は言う。「ある人が私にこう言いました。“人々は今をまさに「ゼロアワー(戦闘開始時刻)」と感じている。 カダフィ軍と反政府軍の最終決戦の闘いが最高潮に達しようとしています」

Where's Gadhafi?  カダフィは何処に?
As the fighting intensifies, it remains unclear if Gadhafi is still even in Tripoli. Libyan state television aired an audio message from Gadhafi Sunday night, his second in less than 24-hours. He sounded angry and urged families in Tripoli to arm themselves and fight for the capital.
"The time is now to fight for your politics, your oil, your land," he said. "I am with you in Tripoli, together until the ends of the earth," Gadhafi shouted. He sounded like he was speaking on a phone line.
On Saturday night, in what appeared to be a live audio message by Gadhafi also aired on state Libyan television, he condemned the rebels as traitors and "vermin" who were tearing Libya apart and said they were being chased from city to city — a mirror image of reality.

戦闘が激しさを増すにつれ、カダフィ大佐が、まだトリポリにいるのかどうか依然不明のままだ。 リビアの国営テレビはカダフィ大佐の音声メッセージを日曜の夜に流した。彼の2回目は、この24時間以内だ。 彼は怒った口調で、トリポリの民衆に武器を取って首都の為に戦うよう促した。 「みんなの政治、みんなの石油、みんなの土地の為に戦う時がきた。私は、ここトリポリで皆と共にある。地球の果てまで一緒だ」とカダフィは叫んだ。 彼の声は電話で話しているように聞こえた。

"Libyans wanted to enjoy a peaceful Ramadan," he said. "Instead they have been made into refugees. What are we? Palestinians?" He called on Libyans to march by the millions on cities across the nation to peacefully liberate them.
The broadcasts dashed hopes that Gadhafi might step down and avoid further violence in the capital. "People now feel that this is going to be a very bloody, difficult finish to this war," Garcia-Navarro said, and the rebels are preparing for a hard battle. "They know that getting into Tripoli is going to be hard; winning Tripoli is going to be even harder."

「リビア国民は穏やかなラマダンを過ごしたいと願っていたのに、彼らは国民を避難民にしてしまった。 我々はいったい何者だ? パレスチナ人か?」 カダフィはリビア国民に国内全都市で何百万もの人々で行進し、平和裏に彼らを解放しようと呼びかけた。
この放送はカダフィが政権を降り、首都での更なる戦闘を避けるのではないかという希望的憶測を打ち砕いてしまった。 「人々は、内戦を終えることはもはや困難で、戦闘は凄烈をきわめるものになるだろうと感じています」と彼女は言う。 反政府軍は激しい戦闘を覚悟した。「彼らはトリポリに進撃することは、非常に困難を伴うことを知っているし、トリポリで勝利することは更に難しくなることも知っています」