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イラクからの米軍撤退  撤退後の懸念

2011-10-31 | 軍事
Challenges ahead for Iraqi forces' counterterror efforts  


By Jim Michaels, USA TODAY

Iraq's counterterrorism forces will lose critical intelligence and other specialized capabilities when American forces withdraw at the end of the year.

Iraqi soldiers work through a combat course in July 2007. Some military analysts worry the U.S. withdrawal this year could jeopardize Iraqi forces' counterterrorism efforts. イラク兵が2007年7月戦闘訓練コースを通過している。 軍事アナリストは米軍の今年の撤退がイラク部隊の対テロ対策を危機に陥れる可能性があると懸念している。

Some military analysts worry the withdrawal could jeopardize the success these forces have had in weakening al-Qaeda's leadership in Iraq with daily raids on terrorist leaders.
"I believe there will be very direct and significant impact on our ability to conduct counterterrorism operations," said Fred Kagan, an influential military analyst who helped formulate the successful "surge" strategy in Iraq in 2007, which involved sending in more U.S. troops to pacify the country.
軍事アナリストは米軍の撤退が、テロリストの指導者に対する日々の襲撃により、アルカイダの指導組織の弱体化を推し進めてきた、これまでの成果を台無しにするのではないかと懸念している。 「私は、対テロ作戦の遂行能力に、かなりの直接的、かつ著しいマイナスの影響があると思う。」と2007年のイラクにおける「膨張戦略」を成功に導いた著名な軍事アナリストのフレッド・カーゲン氏は語る。 膨張戦略にはイラクの鎮静化のための米軍の増派も含まれている。

STORY: U.S. military leaving Iraq, but not the region
President Obama announced that all U.S. forces would leave Iraq at the end of this year. There are about 39,000 U.S. troops in Iraq now.
The effect of the withdrawal on Iraq's counterterrorism forces could be particularly significant, since the U.S. military provides specialized functions, such as intelligence gathering and sophisticated avionics, to support efforts to capture and kill terrorist cell leaders.
オバマ大統領は今年の末まえに全ての米軍をイラクから撤退することを発表した。現在イラクには3万9千人の米軍が展開している。 イラク軍の今後の対トロ対策部隊への影響は極めて大きいと思われる、なぜなら米軍は情報収集、精密な航空電子機能などテロを捕捉して、その指導部を殲滅するための支援を提供しているからだ。

Insurgent violence has dropped dramatically in Iraq from its peak in June 2007, according to the U.S. command in Iraq. Still, terrorists continue to attack Iraqi security forces and civilians.
Iraq is no longer a "center of international terrorism," said James Dobbins, a military analyst at RAND Corp., a think tank. Still, terrorists are conducting attacks inside its borders. On Thursday, two bombings in Baghdad killed 18 people.
「イラクは、もはや国際テロの巣窟ではない」とランド研究所(シンクタンク)の軍事アナリストである、ジェームス・ドビンスは話す。  それでもテロリストは、その国内でテロ攻撃を続行している。 木曜日には、バクダッドでは二つの爆弾事件で18人の犠牲者が出ている。

"Al-Qaeda in Iraq does remain a dangerous threat here," said Army Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, the chief spokesman for U.S. forces in Iraq.
The terrorist organization continues to look for opportunities to regroup, analysts said. "The fact that al-Qaeda in Iraq is degraded is not same as saying it has been defeated," Kagan said.

The raids have helped keep al-Qaeda off balance. "We're pretty busy on the counterterrorism side," Buchanan said.
Iranian-backed militia groups also remain a threat in Iraq, the U.S. military has said.

Iraq's special forces, which number about 5,000, are highly capable as assault troops able to kick in doors and capture and kill insurgent leaders. But they have relied on specialized support from the United States. "Without all the enablers we provide, there's no doubt there will be less capability than there is right now," Buchanan said.
Buchanan said Iraqi special forces are expanding their capabilities. "We've been working with them to build the systems all along to give them this capacity," Buchanan said. "They will continue to grow."
イラクの特殊部隊は現在5000名で突撃部隊として、テロ組織の拠点を襲撃し、敵の指導者を捕獲或いは殺害する極めて高い能力を備えている。 しかし、彼らは米軍からの高度に専門的な支援を受けており、これに依存している。 「我々が提供するような、全てのイネーブラー(襲撃を可能にするもの:諸情報、電子誘導など)が無ければ、この特殊部隊の能力は現状よりかなり劣ることになるのは疑いの無い事実だ。」とブキャナンは言う。 イラクの特殊部隊は現在、その能力を増強しており、「我々は彼等と共同して、彼らにこの方面の能力を付けるべく全面的にシステムを構築しつつある。 現在彼らは逐次強化されている。」と続けた。

Buchanan said Iraqi helicopter pilots are becoming skilled at using night-vision goggles and are supporting raids. "They're headed in the right direction," he said.
Buchanan said the Iraqis will need to keep the pressure on terrorist cells. "What they can't afford to do, I think, is take their foot off the accelerator," Buchanan said.
ブキャナンによると、イラクのヘリのパイロットは、より技量を向上して暗視ゴーグルをつけての飛行や支援攻撃も実施しているとのこと。「彼らは、着実に力をつけている。」と彼は言う。 イラクはテロリスト分子に圧力をかけ続けていかなければならない。「彼らが出来ることは、テロリストがアクセルから足を外すまで攻撃を緩めないことだ。」

The United States was planning to remove remaining U.S. troops from Iraq this year under an existing agreement. U.S. and Iraqi officials were discussing a new agreement that would allow some U.S. advisers to be embedded with Iraqi forces.
No agreement was reached because the Iraqi government would not guarantee immunity for American forces, a particular concern in Iraq, where the legal system is not fully developed.
米国は現在の米国イラク協定に基づき、残っている米軍をイラクから今年中に撤退する計画だが、米国とイラク関係者は新しい協定で米軍の軍事顧問をイラク軍の組織の中に残すことを検討しているが、いまのところ何も合意に達していない、なぜならば、残留米軍に対する法的な免責(治外法権)をイラク政府が保証できないからだ。 これは法的整備が不十分なイラクでは特に関心が高い問題である。

The U.S. military plans to retain a strong relationship with Iraq even without a contingent of advisers there. Iraq is purchasing more than $13 billion worth of military equipment, including 18 F-16 fighters, 140 M-1 tanks and armored vehicles and helicopters.
The Pentagon also has said it may conduct joint exercises with Iraqi forces in the future.
"It's important for the relationship of our two countries to move forward from one that's been dominated by a military relationship to one that's dominated by a diplomatic relationship," Buchanan said.
例え、緊急軍事顧問団が無いとしても、米軍はイラクとの強い関係を保持することを計画している。 イラクはF18戦闘機16機、140台のM-1戦車や装甲車、そしてヘリコプターなど総額130億ドルに上る装備を購入している。 米国防総省は、将来はイラクとの共同演習の実施も視野に入れていると発表している。 「2国関係で大事なことは軍事中心の関係から、外交中心の関係へと移行していくことだ。」とブキャナンは話した。

アフガニスタン ある海兵隊指揮官の苦悩

2011-10-31 | 軍事
Afghan Success Comes At High Price For Commander

アフガニスタンから撤兵しても、こうした社会の問題は国内に残る。 それにしても、昔は戦場の第一線と後方の作戦本部の認識の隔たりが問題になったが、今や戦場と国内の家庭が直結しているという。まさに隔世の感があるが、第一線の指揮官には大変な負担だ。

by Tom Bowman
October 30, 2011

Lt. Col. Jason Morris pays his respects at a memorial service in Sangin, Afghanistan, on Nov. 26, 2010, for three Marines who were killed: Lance Cpl. Brandon Pearson, Lance Cpl. Matthew Broehm and 1st Lt. Robert Kelly. Morris commanded a battalion in volatile Helmand province that suffered the highest casualty rate of any Marine unit in the Afghanistan War. アフガニスタンのサンギンにおいて、 ジェイソン・モリス中佐が2010年11月26日、戦死した3人の海兵隊員の追悼式で祈りを捧げている。 (ブランドン・ピアソン上等兵、マッソー・ブローム上等兵、そしてロバート・ケリー中尉) モリスは情勢不安定なヘルマンド地方に展開する大隊を指揮していた。その大隊はアフガニスタン戦争で最も死傷者率の高かった海兵隊部隊である。

A year ago, nearly 1,000 U.S. Marine officers and enlisted men of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment deployed to restive Helmand province in southern Afghanistan. By the time their tour ended in April 2011, the Marines of the 3/5 — known as "Darkhorse" — suffered the highest casualty rate of any Marine unit during the past 10 years of war. This week, NPR tells the story of this unit's seven long months at war — both in Afghanistan and back home.
一年前、第5連隊第3大隊のおよそ1000名からなる海兵隊の将兵がアフガニスタン南部地方の戦闘の絶えないヘルマンド地方に展開した。 この部隊は2011年の4月に、任務が終了するまでに、海兵隊のスリーファイブ(第5連隊第3大隊) ・・・ダークホースとして知られている・・・・この10年の戦争を通じて最も高い死傷者率を出した海兵隊部隊となった。  今週NPRはこの部隊の7か月にわたる戦争の物語をレポートする。・・・・アフガニスタンと帰国後の両方から。

First of seven parts  
With his brown checkered sport coat, blue shirt and tie, Jason Morris could easily be mistaken for a young professor. Only the close-cropped hair and stocky build might suggest a military life.
Lt. Col. Morris served as a Marine officer during the 2003 invasion of Iraq and witnessed heavy combat in the push toward Baghdad.
But it's his experience in Afghanistan during the past year that lingers: Morris commanded the Marines of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment, which lost 25 troops during its seven-month-long deployment, the highest casualty rate of any Marine unit during the Afghan war.
ブラウンのチェックのスポーツコートにブルーのシャツとネクタイという出立のジェイソン・モリスは、うっかりすると若い大学教授に見間違うほどだ。 短く刈り込んだ頭とがっしりした体格が彼の軍隊経歴を伺わせる。
しかし、今でも彼を悩ませ続けているのは、昨年のアフガニスタンでの戦争体験だ。 なぜなら、モリスが指揮をした第5連隊、第3大隊の海兵隊部隊は、この7か月にわたる戦闘展開中に25名の戦死者を出したからだ。この数字はアフガニスタン戦争中で最も高い海兵隊部隊の死亡率だった。

These days, he is studying for a master's degree at the Naval War College in Newport R.I., Standing on a sea wall there, Morris looks at sailboats slicing through the bay.
"Narragansett Bay probably has more water in it than probably all of Afghanistan," he says. "Seeing blue and seeing green. Anything but brown."
現在は、彼はロードアイランド州のニューポートにある海軍大学の修士課程で勉強している。 護岸に立ち、モリスは港を横切るヨットを眺めながら彼はつぶやいた。
「多分アフガニスタン全土の水を集めても、このナラガンセット湾を満たすことはできないのではないかな。 この青い海と緑の野辺、ここには茶褐色なんてどこにもない。」

Marines of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment conduct a search operation in Sangin district, Afghanistan, on Feb.18, 2011. Roadside bombs were a constant threat on such patrols. 2011年2月18日、アフガニスタンのサンギン地区で掃討作戦を実施する第5連隊・第3大隊の海兵隊部隊。 道路の仕掛け爆弾は、このような偵察行動にとっての脅威だ。

A Difficult Mission   困難な任務
Morris saw a lot of shades of brown during his seven months in southern Afghanistan's Helmand province: the high beige walls of village compounds, the thick chocolate mud that passed for roads, the dung-colored fields in winter.
It was just over a year ago that Morris took nearly 1,000 Marines to a place in Helmand called Sangin. It was a haven for Taliban fighters and drug traffickers, a place where the British lost more than 100 troops in four years.
But the British failed to push out and pursue the enemy, and the Taliban continued to control much of the area. It was Morris' job to take it back.
サンギンと呼ばれるヘルマンド地方に1000人近くの海兵隊を率いてモリスが配置についたのは丁度一年前になる。 その地はタリバンと麻薬組織の巣窟地域であり、英国軍は4年間で既に100名以上の戦死者を出していた。
しかし、それでも英国軍は敵を掃討し追撃することに失敗しており、タリバンはこの南部の大部分を支配し続けていた。 モリスの任務は、この地を敵タリバンから取り戻すことだった。

At the time, Lt. Gen. Rich Mills was the senior Marine commander in Helmand. He says what Morris' unit went through was as brutal as anything in the history of the Marines.
"It stands alone in the Afghanistan situation as probably being one of the tougher missions ever handed to an infantry battalion," Mills says.
"It's very rare. I certainly would compare it to some of the amphibious assaults during World War II, places like Guadalcanal," he adds.
当時、リッチ・ミル中将がヘルマンドの海兵隊の最高司令官だった。 彼はモリスの部隊が経験した戦闘は、海兵隊の歴史の中でも最も過酷なものだったと話している。

Credit: Alyson Hurt/NPR

'What Were We Doing Wrong?'  「なにかしくじったのか」
By the time Morris returned home in April, his Marines suffered historic losses: 25 dead and nearly 200 more wounded, about three-dozen of whom had lost at least one limb.
For Morris, those casualties seemed to come out of nowhere. Most of his men were killed or wounded not by enemy fire, but by chance. They would go out on patrol and step on homemade bombs that seemed to be everywhere.
And even in a war in which those homemade bombs — known as improvised explosive devices, or IEDs — account for nearly three-quarters of the American deaths, the sheer number and speed of the casualties was stunning.
モリスにとって、これらの死傷者は何の前触れもなくきた災いのように思えた。なぜなら、これらの死傷者は敵との交戦中に負傷し、戦死したのではなく、敵の罠に嵌った結果だったからだ。 彼らは偵察に出かけ、そのたびに、そこらじゅうに仕掛けられた手製爆弾を踏むことになる。
実際の戦闘においても、これらの手製爆弾(簡易爆破装置:略称 IED)の犠牲者が米軍の死亡者の4分の3を占めている。その突出した数と短期間の犠牲者の増加には驚かされるばかりだ。

It started almost immediately after the unit arrived in Sangin on Sept. 27, 2010: Hostile fire killed Lance Cpl. John Sparks on Oct. 8, less than two weeks later.
More deaths followed in quick succession: The next casualties occurred back to back, on Oct. 14 and 15.
"That was what was tough. ... In two days we had lost seven Marines," Morris recalls.
Morris questioned his company commanders. Were they doing everything by the book? Were they following their training?
モリスはおもわず隷下の中隊長に、マニュアル通りに行動したのか? 訓練通りにこうどうしたのか?と問いただしたという。

Back home, the families were frantic, wondering what was happening. Morris' wife, Jane, started getting a hundred emails each day. One wife was convinced she heard the doorbell ring in the middle of the night, that Marine officers were there to announce her husband's death.
"The families, especially the spouses, really almost lost their minds," Morris says.
In this age of Facebook and Twitter, what happened on the battlefield instantly affected the homefront. And what happened at home instantly reached the troops.

From Afghanistan, Morris had to reassure families back in California — he even sent a message to a town hall meeting at Camp Pendleton, where the battalion was based.
His more immediate challenge, though, was to carry out his mission — and stop the casualties.
"At the time I was wondering, what were we doing wrong?" he says.
Higher-ups were wondering the same thing. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates asked about the growing number of dead and wounded and suggested pulling Darkhorse out for a while.
アフガニスタンから、モリスは遠くカリフォルニアの家族たちに再確認しなければならなかった。 彼は大隊の基地がある、ペンデルトン基地の市民集会にもメッセージを送った。

The Marine leadership said no.
"I said it would be a mistake," recalls Mills, the senior Marine officer in Helmand. "That the battalion was doing fine. Morale was high. Combat effectiveness was great. That the Marines up there wanted to finish the job. The worst thing we could have done was withdraw that battalion."
「私は、撤兵は誤りだと意見具申した。なぜなら大隊は良く戦っていたし、その士気は高く、戦闘効果も上がっていた。 戦場での海兵隊は、このタリバン一掃の任務を完遂することを望んでいた。 そういった状況下で、指揮官として最も避けなければならない決断は大隊の撤退だった。」とヘルマンドの海兵隊のミル中将は当時を振り返って語った。

A Positive Impact As Casualties Subside 
But for all the debate among the generals, it fell to Morris to figure out how to finish the job.
"I was on my own for this. I mean having to figure this out? It's up to the battalion commander," he says.
Morris pressed his Marines to slow down, to carefully search for roadside bombs when on patrol. He buried mock roadside bombs at his base so his troops could practice finding them.

Eventually, Morris got more troops and equipment. That made a big difference. The casualties started to subside. By the end of their deployment, Darkhorse spent more time rebuilding villages than shooting Taliban.
But it had come at a terrible price. When he returned home in April, Morris attended a dozen memorial services, all around the country. He tried to comfort those left behind.
"There were some that were very angry, just yelling, 'Why the hell did I lose my son for this?'" Morris recalls.
"What do you say? You just try to make him understand his son died doing what he wanted to be doing. And that he had an impact — a positive impact on the people of Afghanistan, helped rebuild their country," he says.
実際には、モリスは兵力と装備の増強を勝ち取り、これがターニングポイントとなった。 死傷者は低下しはじめ、任務の終了時まで、ダークホースはタリバンとの交戦よりも、村の再建に力を注いだ。
「なんと言って慰める? 国から付託された任務を遂行中に、息子さんは無くなったと父親に理解してもらうだけだ。 そして彼の死は無駄ではなかったと・・・アフガニスタンの人々に建設的な影響を与え、国の再建を助けたのです、と・・」彼は言う。

Lt. Col. Jason Morris briefs Defense Secretary Robert Gates in southern Afghanistan on March 8. Morris requested more troops and equipment as casualties increased in the battalion he commanded. ジェイソン・モリス中佐がゲイツ国防長官に対して、3月8日にアフガニスタン南部で戦況をブリーフィング。 モリスは、損耗の増加に伴い兵力と装備の増強を要求した。

Following A Family Tradition  家族の伝統に従って
Morris believes what he tells the families. Other Marines who served with Darkhorse say the same thing — that they made a difference. That's one reason Morris signed up in the first place.
After graduating from the Naval Academy in 1992, Morris wanted to lead men in combat. He wanted the mental and physical challenge. And he was following a path his father had taken: John Morris was also a Marine.
"He's very proud of me, but he said, 'You've got to want to do this, because it's a tough life,'" he says.

John Morris was also a rifle company commander — in Vietnam. His unit took 70 percent casualties, far more than Darkhorse's 20 percent.
But it was different back then. The elder Morris never got to know his Marines. Today, Marines train together, go to war together and come home together — as a unit. During Vietnam, individual replacements came, got wounded and were airlifted out.
"[My father] made a comment, 'You know, you've spent 18 months with these guys. You've met most of them. The lieutenants, you've drank beers with, you've met their spouses, you know their parents,'" he says.
しかし、当時は今とは異なっていた。 父のモリスは自分の部下の海兵隊員を決して掌握はしていなかった。今は、海兵隊の将兵は共に訓練し、共に戦場で戦い、共に基地に戻る・・・そう一つのまとまりとして。 ベトナム戦争中は、個々に戦闘員が補充され、負傷兵は各個に空輸され後送された。
「父は私にこう言ったのです。 “いいかい、お前は18か月もの間これらの仲間と戦場で過ごしたんだ。殆どすべての部下を掌握もしている。 お前を補佐した部下たちとお前はビールを酌み交わし、夫人達とも面識がある、そして彼らの親達とも”」

An Eternal Burden  消えない重荷
Morris still keeps in touch with the members of Darkhorse Battalion. He has visited the seriously wounded at the naval hospitals at Balboa in San Diego, Calif., and in Bethesda, Md., outside Washington, D.C.
Right now, he is on a plum assignment, studying at the Naval War College. He says it's surreal — taking classes, living by the water, trying to slow down after combat command.
"I found it difficult to get out of that battle rhythm of being constantly on guard, working 18 or 19 hours a day," Morris says.
It's not easy to shake free of Afghanistan — and the knowledge that men he led didn't make it home: "It's a burden that you bear forever."
今は、海軍大学で勉強をするという素晴らしい仕事についている。 彼は戦場と比べると現実とは思えないと言う・・・・授業を受け、水がいつでも飲め、戦闘指揮を離れて緊張を緩めるようにしている。