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ギリシャ危機 オブザーバーに徹した米中

2011-10-29 | ギリシャ
In Europe's Crisis, U.S. Mostly An Observer


by Marilyn Geewax

U.S Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (left) speaks to French Finance Minister Francois Baroin (right) during talks in Marseille in September. While the U.S. has been concerned about Europe's debt crisis, the Americans have not been major players.   米国のガイトナー財務長官がフランスのバローニ首相と9月にマーセルで会談したときの写真。米国は欧州の債務危機に懸念を持っていたが、アメリカは主役ではなかった。

October 28, 2011
When Columbus sailed west in the late 15th century, he launched a long and lucrative relationship between Europe and the Americas. Family ties, economic bonds and shared military goals continue to knit us together.
コロンブスが15世紀に西へと航海へ旅立ったとき、カラは欧州とアメリカの長きにわたる、魅惑的な関係の構築へと乗り出していった。 家族の絆、経済的な繋がり、そして軍事的な目標を分かち合うことは我々を相互に離しがたい存在として、織り込んでいった。

But as the European debt crisis has deepened, it has highlighted this early 21st century shift: The United States is becoming more of a Pacific Rim country and less of a North Atlantic partner.

"President Obama's focus has been anywhere but on Europe, and I think there's good justification for that," said Benn Steil, director of international economics for the Council on Foreign Relations.

Steil, speaking with reporters on a conference call Thursday, said the United States, once the architect of Europe's postwar economy, no longer has much influence when it comes to financial matters. That's because Americans are seen by Europeans as having done a poor job of regulating markets in the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis, triggered by U.S. mortgage defaults.
スタイル氏は木曜日の同評議会の会合での報告の中で、欧州の戦後経済のかつての立役者としてのアメリカは、こと経済に関してはもはや大した影響力を持っていないと発言した。 それは、米国の住宅ローン債務不履行に端を発する2008年の経済危機の直前の段階における、アメリカの市場コントロールの不手際を欧州各国がよく承知しているからである。

"I don't see any reason for President Obama to waste precious international political capital trying to publicly influence this debate," Steil said.
Sebastian Mallaby, a senior fellow for international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations, agreed, saying that because the United States has been unable to solve its own debt problems, "the natural postwar leader has its hands tied behind its back."

Mallaby, also on the conference call, said that when it comes to helping shape European fiscal and financial policies, "lecturing from American leaders at this point simply doesn't work. We don't have the moral standing to say to people, 'Listen guys, we know how to run an economy and here's how you do it.' "

Europe's Crisis Has Limited U.S. Impact
But having the United States relegated to the role of observer in Europe's crisis may not worry U.S. business leaders very much. Given Europe's aging population, debt overhang and diminished economic prospects, U.S. corporations and farmers are turning more and more of their attention to China and other rapidly developing nations along the rim of the Pacific Ocean.
しかしながら、欧州危機において、米国をオブザーバーの立場に追いやったことは、米国の経済界のリーダーにとっては何の痛痒も感じなかったはずだ。 欧州の老化が進む人口動態を考えれば、その負債の負担は長く尾を引き、経済の見通しを暗くしており、米国企業や農家は中国やその他の急速に成長している環太平洋の国々に、より多くの関心を向けているからだ

Mallaby noted that only about 13 percent of U.S. exports go to Europe. Slower growth in Europe would put a relatively small dent in U.S. prospects.
Joao Vale de Almeida, the European Union's ambassador to the United States, agrees that the White House has become more interested in strengthening relationships with developing nations than with Europeans. "If I look at the speeches and meetings, I could come to that conclusion," he said.
マラビーは欧州へ向かう米国の輸出量は全体の13%に過ぎないし、 欧州の、より緩慢とした経済成長は米国の将来への見通しに、大して影響を及ぼさないだろうと言う。

But Vale de Almeida says he also sees the tremendous value of routine corporate interaction, military cooperation and diplomatic coordination between Americans and Europeans. "If I look at what happens every day, then I see the relationship is like an iceberg: What lies below the surface is what's important," he said.

Vale de Almeida said it might surprise Americans to realize that Europeans also are focused on deepening ties with China. Given the slow pace of U.S. growth, as well as the rapid rise of federal debt, Europeans are eager to tighten ties to Asia, he said. "In the EU, more people are talking about China" than about the United States, he said.

Jacob Kirkegaard, a research fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, said Americans may not realize that the 27-nation European Union is China's single biggest trading partner.
"Germany exports a lot to China," he said. "General Motors is doing very well in China, but the biggest car producer in China is Volkswagen. In terms of the trade relationship, they are doing much better than we are."
「ドイツは中国に沢山輸出している。 ゼネラルモーターズは中国で非常によくやっているが、中国での最大のカーメーカーはフォルクスワーゲンである。貿易関係の観点では、彼らは我々よりも上手くやっている。」

China Hasn't Intervened  中国は干渉してこなかった
Europeans also are hoping the cash-rich Chinese will help with the EU debt crisis. French President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke by phone Thursday with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, about the bailout. So far, the Chinese government has not made any commitment to contribute to Europe's bailout fund.
欧州各国は、また、資金力の豊富な中国がEUの債務危機を助けてくれないかと期待をしている。 フランス大統領のニコラス・サルコジは中国の胡錦濤国家主席と木曜日に電話会談をして、救済について相談している。これまでのところ、中国政府は欧州の救済基金についての貢献するかどうか態度を明らかにしていない。

Few observers expect that it will. "The idea that the Chinese will pour money into a bailout is pure fantasy," Kirkegaard said. "They are going to be way too risk averse to get involved at this time."
それを期待している観測筋は少ない。「中国が救済基金に自国の資金を注入するというのは全く夢物語だ。 彼らは、今回は巻き込まれるのは、余りに危険の高いとして回避する道を採ろうとしている。」とカークガードは言う。

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao meeting in Berlin on June 28. During Europe's economic crisis, both China and the United States have stayed mostly on the sidelines. 7月28日のベルリンでの会談での温家宝首相とメルケル首相。 欧州経済危機の間を通じて中国も米国も脇役に徹した。

Still, the Chinese can afford to invest directly in Europe, which could help with economic growth, he said. For example, the China Ocean Shipping Co., or Cosco, took full control of the container terminals at Piraeus, Greece's largest port, in a deal worth almost $5 billion. Piraeus serves as a gateway to bring Chinese goods into Europe.
それでも、中国は欧州に直接投資することは出来るし、それは欧州の経済成長を助けることが出来ると彼は言う。例えば、チャイナ・オーシャン・シッピング株式会社(コスコ)ギリシャ最大の港であるピラエウス港のコンテナ・ターミナルを50億ドル強で全て買収した。 同港は欧州全域へ中国商品を送り込むゲートウエイとして機能することになる。

Even though both Americans and Europeans are scrambling to strengthen ties to Asia, Kirkegaard agrees with Vale de Almeida's image of the U.S.-EU relationship as an iceberg, moving slowing and mostly below the surface.

"Asia is where the growth is, so that's where the focus is," Kirkegaard said. "But if you look at the depth of the relationship, Europe is where more than 70 percent of American foreign direct investment is. The relationship with Europe is much, much deeper" because it stretches back so far.

Both Americans and Europeans tend to take each other for granted because "98 percent of the trans-Atlantic relationship proceeds very, very smoothly," he said.

As the years roll by, economic relationships will shift as countries chase growth, he said. "We should work hard to have the strongest possible trans-Pacific relationship, but before it will rival the trans-Atlantic relationship, it would be more than a decade," he predicted.

