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2017-08-20 | Weblog
USS Fitzgerald Leaders Punished, Crew Is Praised After Collision With Cargo Ship
幹部は処罰、水兵は称賛された。 イージス艦の事故から一か月


August 18, 20177:33 AM ET

The guided-missile destroyer USS Fitzgerald returns to port after colliding with a merchant vessel in June while operating southwest of Yokosuka, Japan.  
横須賀の母港に戻ってきた横須賀南西沖で商業タンカーと衝突事故を起こしたイージス艦フィッツジェラルド          The U.S. Navy has relieved the USS Fitzgerald's commander and two other senior leaders of their duties — and it's also praising the crew for saving their ship after the destroyer collided with a large Philippine-flagged container ship off the coast of Japan on June 17.  
米海軍はフィッツジェラルドの艦長と2名の幹部を解任する一方で乗組員は艦船を救ったとして表彰した。 イージス艦は7月17日日本の沖合でフィリピン船籍のコンテナ船と衝突事故をおこしたもの。                                     "It was also evident from this review that the entire Fitzgerald crew demonstrated real toughness that night," the Navy said. "Following the collision these Sailors responded with urgency, determination and creativity to save their ship." 
米海軍によると事故直後乗組員はこの非常事態に敢然と立ち向かい、創造力を発揮して艦を救うために大変な働きをしたことが事後の検証で明らかになったと述べている。                             Inadequate leadership and flawed teamwork contributed to the crash, the Navy said after releasing the findings of its investigation into the crash. It also blamed poor seamanship by the crews of both the guided-missile cruiser and the ACX Crystal, whose gross tonnage was triple that of the U.S. ship. 
その一方で不適切な指揮と共同連携のまずさがこの衝突の原因であるとの検証結果を発表した。 またイージス艦とその三倍もある巨大タンカー船ACXクリスタルのいずれの乗組員もシーマンシップに欠如していたと結論付けた。
Seven members of the Fitzgerald's crew died in the collision, which bashed in a large section of the ship above the waterline and caused extensive damage below. Water poured in through a large gash near its keel — a 13-by-17-foot opening that was made by the cargo ship's bulbous bow — as sailors responded to an emergency around 1:30 a.m.  
この衝突で7名のフィッツジェラルドの乗組員が死亡した。この衝突ではイージス艦は喫水線上の大きな部分にが大破(13x17フィートの開口部がタンカーのバルブ船首の衝突でできた)それがその下層の階に大きなダメージをもたらしている。 海水がキール付近の大きな破損部から流入し、この夜中の1:30に起こった非常事態に乗組員たちは果敢に対応した。"Through their swift and in many cases heroic actions, members of the crew saved lives," the Navy said. The report found that the sailors responded to flooding, structural damage and reports of a fire as they worked to restore the ship's power, propulsion and guidance. 
彼らの迅速かつ勇猛果敢な行動で乗組員は多くの命を救った。 さらに報告では洪水のような浸水、破壊、火災警報に迅速に反応し艦船の電源、推進力そして航行ナビゲーションを復旧したとしている。The damage spanned two decks, and water poured into the ship — particularly into Berthing 2, which held 42 beds and a lounge for the crew. By the time one sailor jumped from his top bunk, the water was chest high, the Navy says. 
破損は2デッキ層にわたり、海水がなだれ込んでいる。特に第二居住区には42の乗組員ベッド寝室とラウンジがある。一人の水平がベッドから飛び起きた時にはすでに浸水は胸の高さまできていたという。Of the 35 sailors who were in Berthing 2 when the ship was struck, 28 escaped the flooding and seven sailors died. The area flooded in a span of 30 to 60 seconds. 
突時同寝室には35人の乗組員がおり、うち28名が脱出し、7名が命を落としている。 同寝室は30秒から1分でいっきに浸水したとみられる。Here's how the report describes one sailor's escape: 一人の脱出の模様を以下に紹介する。
"The last Sailor to be pulled from Berthing 2 was in the bathroom at the time of the collision and a flood of water knocked him to the deck (floor). Lockers were floating past him and he scrambled across them towards the main berthing area. At one point he was pinned between the lockers and the ceiling of Berthing 2, but was able to reach for a pipe in the ceiling to pull himself free. He made his way to the only light he could see, which was coming from the port side watertight scuttle. He was swimming towards the watertight scuttle when he was pulled from the water, red-faced and with bloodshot eyes. He reported that when taking his final breath before being saved, he was already submerged and breathed in water." 第二居住区の最後の乗組員はちょうど衝突が起こったときにバスルームにいたが、浸水したとき彼は床のデッキに叩きつけられた。ロッカーが流れ込み、彼はそれらを避けながら居住区へ向かった、途中でロッカーと天井に挟まれ動きを止められたが天井の配管をつかみ脱出した。彼は防水小窓からさす光を目指して泳いで水中から引き揚げられたが、顔は真っ赤で目は血走っていた。彼によると助けられる直前、つまり水没寸前に息を吸い込み、水中を最後の一息で泳いだとのこと。
The ship's commanding officer, Cmdr. Bryce Benson, was trapped in his cabin, which was hit by the Crystal's bow. After sailors used "a sledgehammer, kettlebell, and their bodies" to break through the door, the amount of debris forced them to remove the door's hinges to pry it open enough for a person to squeeze through. 
イージス艦艦長 ブライス・ベンソン中佐はキャビンに閉じ込められが、乗組員がハンマーやアレイや体を使ってドアをこじ開けた。破損した残骸でドアは開かず、蝶番を破壊してようやく人が通れる隙間を作ったとのこと。Those who entered could see night sky, looking through an opening of ripped steel and shredded wires, according to the report. 
The lounge area of Berthing 2 on the USS Fitzgerald, looking toward its exit, as seen in a U.S. Navy report on the destroyer's collision in June. 

A helicopter was later used to take Benson to a naval hospital in Japan. After the crash, the Fitzgerald switched over to using paper navigation charts due to a loss of its systems. その後、ヘリコプターはベンソンを日本の海軍病院に後送した。イージス艦フィッツジェラルドは衝突後システムが破損したので航海図の使用に切り替えた。The damage limited the Fitzgerald's maximum speed to 5 knots and gave the ship a 5-degree starboard list. After it arrived in port, divers recovered the bodies of seven crew members. 損傷のためイージス艦の最大速度は5ノット(9km/h)に落ち、右舷側に5度傾いてしまった。 港に帰港ごダイバーにより7人の遺体が収容された。
Benson had already been temporarily relieved of his duties due to injuries he suffered in the crash. He's now being reassigned to the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., where the Navy says he'll be able to receive medical care. ベンソン中佐は既に負傷で一時的に任をとかれているが、ワシントンDCの海軍ヤードに赴任し、そこで治療をうけるとのこと。Several junior officers were also relieved of their duties, the Navy said. 数名の下級指揮官もすでに任を解かれているとのこと。


2017-08-16 | Weblog

After Son Is ID'd At Supremacist Rally, His Father Responds Publicly

息子が白人優越主義団体の集会に参加しているのをネット上で特定された父親が公に意見を述べた。 <input type="hidden" value="After Son Is ID'd At Supremacist Rally, His Father Responds Publicly" /><input type="hidden" value="After Son Is ID'd At Supremacist Rally, His Father Responds Publicly" /><input type="hidden" value="" /><input type="hidden" value="" />August 15, 20179:30 AM ET  Bill Chappell

Neo-Nazis and white supremacists who participated in the protests in Charlottesville, Va., are being identified online — and the family of one man says they no longer have anything to do with him. ネオナチと白人優越主義者でバージニア州のシャーロッテスビレの抗議集会に参加し、オンライン上で特定された男の家族は彼とは今後絶縁すると述べている。

Pearce Tefft wrote a letter to members of his community in Fargo, N.D., to set the record straight about his family and the current state of his relationship to Peter Tefft, calling his son "an avowed white nationalist" who attended the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend. ペアス・テフトはノースダコタ州のファーゴの地域コミュニティの住人に手紙を書き、息子を週末に集会に参加した息子をとうてい容認できない白人優越主義者だと断じて、彼の家族及びペーター・テフト本人との現在の関係など誤解を正した。 

"I, along with all of his siblings and his entire family, wish to loudly repudiate my son's vile, hateful and racist rhetoric and actions," Tefft wrote in a letter to The Forum newspaper on Monday. "We do not know specifically where he learned these beliefs. He did not learn them at home."  私のみならず、彼の親戚一同、そして家族の全員は、この息子のやっている行為を邪悪で憎悪に満ちた人種差別主義と大声で非難するとフォーラム紙に月曜日寄稿した。私たちはこのような考えをどこで学んだのか分からない、我が家ではそんな育て方をしてはいない。As for what Peter Tefft did learn at home, his father says he believes in equality and opened his house to "friends and acquaintances of every race, gender and creed." 我が家では平等を重んじ、どんな人種、性別、信条の知人や友人に対しても常にオープンに接してきた。Peter Tefft's decision to "unlearn" what he was taught has brought heartbreak to the family, Pearce Tefft said. He added that he won't open his home to his son and that he is no longer welcome at any family gatherings. この家族から学んだことをなぜ忘れてしまったのか家族は心を痛めていると父親は述べ、今後は家族として彼を受け入れることはないと付け加えた。Urging the community not to judge the entire family based on Peter Tefft's involvement with the neo-Nazi movement, Pearce Tefft said that while he disagrees with his son's beliefs, they "are bringing hateful rhetoric to his siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews as well as his parents." 父親は息子のこのネオナチ運動への参加をもって家族全体を色眼鏡でみないでほしいと訴えて、息子の思想は、彼の一族、従妹、姪、甥、両親にとって全く受け入れられるものではないと話した。Calling Peter a prodigal son who might someday be welcomed back — but not until he disavows hatred — Pearce Tefft urged, "Please son, renounce the hate, accept and love all."  ペーターをバカ息子と呼び、彼が改心するまで我が家の敷居をまたぐことはないであろうと述べ、息子に憎しみを捨て、愛を受け入れるように呼び掛けた。Peter Tefft was identified by an online campaign led by the Twitter account "Yes, You're Racist," which began working over the weekend to identify the non-hooded white supremacists who appeared at the march and rally in Charlottesville. ペーター・テフトはツィッターの「お前は差別主義者だ」というアカウントでオンラインのキャンペーン上でその名前と顔が特定されており、このキャンペーンが週末から機能し始めたため、顔を覆っていない参加者が多くの人に知れ渡るようになった。At least one attendee of the Unite the Right rally has lost his job; others have faced intense scrutiny. When it comes to Peter Tefft, his family is making it clear that his beliefs are not theirs — and that he is not welcome to come back home. 少なくとも同集会の一人の参加者は職場を首になっており、ほかの参加者も現在猛烈な追及を受けている。 そしてそのなかの一人であるペーターは家族から絶縁を言い渡されているのであるOther members of Tefft's family have also spoken out. When The Forum reported about Peter Tefft's involvement with the rally over the weekend, his nephew, Jacob Scott, issued a statement that read in part:  テフトファミリーのほかのメンバーもこの件について声を上げており、以下のような声明文を出している"In brief, we reject him wholly – both him personally as a vile person who has HIMSELF made violent threats against our family, and also his hideous ideology, which we abhor. We are all bleeding-heart liberals who believe in the fundamental equality of all human beings. Peter is a maniac, who has turned away from all of us and gone down some insane internet rabbit-hole, and turned into a crazy nazi. He scares us all, we don't feel safe around him, and we don't know how he came to be this way. My grandfather feels especially grieved, as though he has failed as a father." 私たちに恐怖をもたらした彼及び彼のイデオロギーを全く否定します。私たちは人間の基礎的な平等を信じるリベラルで情を重んじます。ペーターは変質者で我々の元を去り、よからぬ者たちとつるんで狂ったナチに染まってしまった。彼は私たちを脅すので恐怖を感じています。なぜ彼がこのようになったのか知らないが、彼は父親としても失格で、祖父は特に悲嘆に暮れている。In a Facebook post about his uncle, Scott wrote, "Peter, if you are reading this, PLEASE CHANGE YOUR NAME IMMEDIATELY. You are bringing shame and ignominy on your whole family, and causing a great deal of heartbreak and distress for all of us." フェースブックでも彼の叔父であるスコットがこう書いている。 ペーター!もしお前がこれを読んでいるのなら、すぐに名前を変えなさい。お前は一族郎党に汚名を着せている。そして多くの家族が大変心を痛めている。Both Jacob Scott and Pearce Tefft promised that they would resist their relative to the end, with Pearce Tefft telling his son, "you will have to shovel our bodies into the oven, too." この叔父のヤコブ・スコットと父親のペアス・テフトはこのバカ息子を勘当することを宣誓し、「お前は我々の体をオーブンに投げ込むことになる。」と息子に父親は付け加えた。That sentiment, echoed by both relatives, was a reference to a joke they said Tefft had told about how fascists treat dissenting opinion.  この二人の宣誓はテフトがいかにファシストが他者の意見を扱ってきたかを皮肉った冗句の意味を込めている。


2017-08-15 | Weblog

British Cybersecurity Expert Pleads Not Guilty To Federal Malware Charges


まさに天国から地獄、そしてやっと嫌疑が晴れた。 この世界は一歩間違えると恐ろしい。

August 14, 2017

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Frank Augstein/AP

British IT expert Marcus Hutchins, branded a hero for slowing down the WannaCry global cyberattack, has pleaded not guilty to U.S. federal charges.


Frank Augstein/AP

At a federal court in Wisconsin, a British cybersecurity expert pleaded not guilty to charges over an alleged malware scheme to steal personal banking information.


Before these accusations, Marcus Hutchins was known for his role in finding the "kill switch" to the WannaCry ransomware cyber-attack last May that "threatened over 150 countries," NPR's Leila Fadel reported.


After today's hearing, Hutchins' lawyer Marcia Hofmann described him as a "brilliant young man and a hero," and said that "when the evidence comes to light, we are confident he will be fully vindicated."


The FBI took Hutchins into custody earlier this month in Las Vegas, where he had been attending a cybersecurity conference.


In July, a federal grand jury indicted him and an unnamed co-defendant on six counts dating from July 2014 to July 2015.


The indictment accuses Hutchins of creating the malware, which is called Kronos. The two co-defendents then allegedly advertised it on internet forums and sold it.


Hutchins is charged with "one count of conspiracy to commit computer fraud and abuse, three counts of distributing and advertising an electronic communication interception device, one count of endeavoring to intercept electronic communications, and one count of attempting to access a computer without authorization," as Leila reported.

彼の6件の罪状の内容は、① 一件のコンピュータの不正使用と乱用 ② 三件の電子通信傍受装置の宣伝と販売 ③ 一件の電子通信傍受行為 ④ 一件のコンピュータへの不正アクセス であった由。

Hutchins was "granted bail on 5 August after $30,000 ...was raised by friends and family," according to the BBC.
But his release comes with strict conditions, as detailed by The Associated Press:

"His bond has been modified so that he can stay in Los Angeles near his attorney and travel anywhere in the U.S., but he cannot leave the country. He was also granted access to use a computer for work, a change from an earlier judge's order barring him from using any device with access to the internet. Hutchins has been working for a network security company, according to prosecutors, who did not oppose allowing him access to a computer for work."

彼はロサンゼルスの弁護士の近くに住み、合衆国内はどこでも移動できるが、国外へは行けない。またコンピュータを仕事で使用することも許され、インターネットへのアクセスも可能となる。 また、かつて勤めていたコンピュータセキュリティ会社で働くことも許されている。

"Hutchins is required to wear a GPS monitor, but [Magistrate Judge William] Duffin said the court will consider removing that requirement once Hutchins has found a home in Los Angeles and is complying with the terms of his bond."


The wire service adds that the next hearing is scheduled for Oct. 17.  次の公聴会は10月の17日を予定。