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ギリシャ危機 若者の6割が失業中(ブログ再開しました。)

2013-04-07 | 欧州経済
Young Greeks Find Few Opportunities In Tough Economy


In Europe, we're trying to save banks by sacrificing an entire generation — my generation," says Marios Kyriakos, 24.
ヨーロッパでは私達世代全ての犠牲のもと銀行を救おうとしている。 とマリオス キリアコス(24歳)は話す。・Published: April 07, 2013
by Joanna Kakissis
The latest statistics show Greece and Spain with the highest unemployment rates in the eurozone, both at over 26 percent. For young Greeks, the numbers are much worse: nearly 60 percent of people under 25 are out of work, and that number is expected to rise.
最近の統計によるとギリシャとスペインは共に26%とユーロ圏では突出した失業率を示している。 ギリシャの若者に至っては数字はもっと深刻で、25歳以下の60%近くが失業しており、更にこの数字は上がると思われる。
These aren't just numbers for 24-year-old Marios Kyriakos, who recently Sipping a sweet espresso freddo at an arty cafe in his neighborhood, he says he's even had to cut back on that small pleasure.
これらは24歳のマリオス キリアコスにとっては単に数字の問題ではない、彼は最近甘いエスプレッソであるフレッドを近所の洒落たカフェですすっていたが、彼によると、このささやかな楽しみも節約の対象となってしまったとのこと。
"If you give every day three euros [for an espresso freddo], then at the end of the month, you will see that the cafe is something very expensive," Kyriakos says. He worries about money.
“もしエスプレッソのフレッドに毎日3€も使っていたら、月末には結構高くついてしまうことになるよ”とキリアコスは話す。 彼はお金に困っている。For six years, he worked as a private tutor for schoolchildren, but last year many parents lost their jobs and couldn't pay him anymore.
6年間、彼は学生たちの家庭教師をして働いていたが、彼らの親達の多くが仕事を失い、家庭教師代を支払うことが出来なくなってしまった。"My family, until now, gives me money to have my food, to [get out] with my friends, with my girlfriend," he says.
”私の家族が今までは食費や友達やガールフレンドとの交友費をくれていた“と彼は言う。Kyriakos lives with his grandmother and younger sister in Zografou, the leafy Athens suburb where grew up. His parents live in their ancestral home in the wine-growing region of Nemea.
キリアコスは祖母と妹とゾグラフォウという緑の濃いアテネ郊外の故郷に一緒に住んでいる。 彼の両親はネメア地方のブドウ栽培農家である本家に身を寄せている。His parents give him about 160 euros a month — that's about $200.
彼の両親は彼に月に約160€を送っている。 約200ドル程度だ。
Kyriakos spends some of it going out for a coffee or a weekly outing at the local tsipouradiko, where he shares a meze platter and a small bottle of tsipouro (pomace brandy) with his friends.
He banks the rest of the money to visit Munich, where his Greek-German girlfriend, Elena, lives. 
彼は残りを貯えて、ギリシャ系ドイツ人のガールフレンド、エレナが住むミュンヘンを訪れるための旅費に使うつもりだ。"I went to see her during Christmas," he says. "It was an expensive journey, I have to say, but that's love."
“クリスマスとのきにも行ったんだ。 結構高くついた旅行だけど彼女を愛しているからね”と彼は言う。
Kyriakos wants to stay in Greece, but he can't find a job.
キリアコスはギリシャに留まりたいと思っているが、そうなると仕事が無い。"If you are lucky and find a job, the money you will earn [will be] very low," he says. "We speak about wages 300 euros per month. A young man nowadays with 300 euros cannot live alone, cannot pay the bills. He cannot create a family."
Across town, Eleni Garanzioti is showing her handmade necklaces at an exhibit in central Athens.
She's 24, a classic Greek beauty with a crown of tiny braids. Garanzioti moved back home after she lost her job as a beautician last year.
彼女は頭の上に小さく髪を編んでいる24歳の典型的なギリシャ美人だ。 彼女は昨年美容師の職を失い実家に戻ってきていたのだ。
"I was this young person with so much energy and appetite for work," she said. "And I had no outlet for it. I felt like a financial burden to my parents. I just wanted to find a way to be independent."
“ご覧のように私は働く意欲とエネルギーに溢れている若者だけど、その意欲とエネルギーを発揮する場所がないのよ。 両親におんぶされているの嫌だから自立の道を探っているのよ。”と彼女は話す。
So six months ago, Eleni and her older sister, Gogo, started Sismade, an online jewelry shop based in their hometown in southwestern Greece. Their parents gave them seed money.
そこで半年前、エレニとお姉さんのゴゴはシスメイドというオンラインのジュエリーショップを始めた。 ギリシャの南西部のホームタウンで。"Seventy percent of our friends are unemployed," Gogo says. "Those who work don't talk about it so the others don't feel bad."
“私の友達の7割は失業しているわ。だから職に就いている人は彼らの感情を害さないようにそのことを口にしないわ。”とゴゴは言う。The sisters haven't made a profit yet, but they say it feels great to be working again.
Back in Zografou, Mario Kyriakos shops for groceries.
He frowns at the receipt. He just paid twenty bucks for eight basic items. Even groceries are too expensive.
彼はレシートをみて眉をひそめた。 彼は8つの必需品で20ユーロを支払ったのだ。生活必需品も高くなっている。
"How can someone who makes 300 euros a month ever be independent?" he asks. "The math just doesn't work." [Copyright 2013 NPR]
“月に300€ぽっちで誰が自立して生活していけるんだ? 計算する以前の問題さ”と彼は言う。

米国財務次官(国際問題担当)は女性  ラエル・ブレイナードの実力

2012-01-30 | 欧州経済
At Euro Talks, a Calm Arm-Twister From the U.S.

弱小国も一票を持つ、欧州の複雑な意思決定プロセスは粘り強い説得と、きめ細やかな小国への気配りが必要となる、アメリカが最も苦手とする舞台だが、こういう女性がいて、そういう女性を大舞台に送り出すところにアメリカの懐の深さ、強さがある。 日本にもこのような女性が登場してもよいのではないだろうか。代わり映えのしない退屈な国会中継を見るにつけ、その思いは強くなる。  

Published: January 26, 2012

WASHINGTON — The world’s financiers and finance ministers have descended on the annual forum in Davos, Switzerland, at another perilous moment, with the sovereign debt woes in Europe sapping strength from emerging markets and threatening global growth.

Lael Brainard, the top American financial diplomat, works behind the scenes.  ラエル・ブレイナード、アメリカの財務次官(国際問題担当)は舞台裏で活躍している。

President Obama with Lael Brainard and other members of his financial team in November. “You cannot underestimate her,” said a German finance ministry official in a reference to the negotiator's calm yet persistent demeanor. オバマ大統領とラエル・ブレイナード及び財務・金融チーム(11月) 「彼女を甘く見てはいけない」とドイツの財務省関係者は言う。

Every nation’s rebound is at risk, including that of the United States — a particular concern for President Obama, who wants to trumpet the country’s renewed strength during his re-election campaign.

Lael Brainard, America’s top financial diplomat, landed Thursday in Switzerland to help coax the European negotiations along. As the Treasury under secretary for international affairs, she has the urgent task of helping to persuade the Europeans to head off a financial crisis by building a firewall to quiet the markets once and for all — and doing so without any formal role in their negotiations. It is at times an awkward role, but the stakes are enormous, not just for the United States but for preservation of the euro zone and its currency.
アメリカのトップの財務担当外交官であるラエル・ブレイナードは欧州各国の交渉がスムースに運ぶよう援助すべく、木曜日にスイスに入った。 国際問題担当財務次官として、彼女には欧州各国が市場を今回できっぱりと鎮静化するためのファイアーウォールを構築することで金融不安を一掃するよう説得すると言う緊急の任務がある・・・・彼らの交渉に非公式な形で、それを試みている。 それは時に厄介な役まわりを演じることにもなり、大変危険でもある・・・アメリカのみならずユーロ圏とユーロ通貨の維持にとっても。

Ms. Brainard, 49, operates mostly behind the scenes, in private phone calls and discreet visits — 17 trips to Europe alone in the last two years.  “They trust her, they reach out to her, they talk to her for ideas and to get us to engage,” said Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary, who is also in Davos this week.  When Greece began unsettling markets late in 2009, Ms. Brainard started raising concerns that it could turn into a Continentwide issue. Since then, Ms. Brainard’s task has been navigating the convoluted world of European politics, where at times it seems every small party from Slovakia to Portugal has a say in major decisions.
ブレイナード氏(49歳)は、個人の携帯や目立たない訪問などで、もっぱら黒子として動いており、この2年間だけで欧州へは17回も訪れている。 「彼等(欧州の金融当局者)は彼女を信頼しており、彼女とコンタクトを取っており、彼女の考えを聞き、我々をコミットさせようとしている。」と今週ダボスにも来ているアメリカのガイトナー財務長官は語っている。 ギリシャが2009年末に市場を混乱させ始めたとき、ブレイナードは、いち早くそれが欧州全体の問題に発展する懸念を表明していた。 以来、彼女の任務はややこしい欧州政治の世界を上手に誘導することである、その欧州は時にはスロバキアやポルトガルといった弱小国の小さな政党でも欧州全体の決定に大きな発言権をもっているのである。 

Many European policy makers bristle at America inserting itself into local politics. And many blame its fiscal laxity and subprime mortgages for starting the global crisis in the first place.  “She forgets sometimes that when she points a finger at Europe, three fingers are pointing back at her,” one German finance ministry official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to avoid hurting relations.  Ms. Brainard acknowledged the delicacy of the situation in an interview in her high-ceilinged, gold-leafed office overlooking the White House.  “Based on our own experience with TARP, we have a very good sense of the political difficulty associated with these things,” she said, a reference to the Troubled Asset Relief Program, Washington’s bank bailout program. “But we continue to urge action because it’s just too important not to.”
多くの欧州の政策決定に携わる人々はアメリカが欧州の政治に口出しをするのに神経を尖らせている。 実際、彼らの多くがアメリカの財政規律だらしなさや最初にグローバルな経済危機をもたらしたサブプライムローンについて、これを非難している。 「彼女は、欧州に差し出がましいことを言う前に、自らを省みるべきだ」とドイツの財務省関係者は、関係悪化を避けるために匿名でこう述べた。 ブレイナードはホワイトハウスを見下ろす彼女のオフィスでのインタビューで、置かれている立場に神経を使わなければならないことを認めている。 「私達のTARP(不良資産救済プログラム)の経験から、これらの事に関して政治的な困難性に対する対処感覚を身に付けています。 どういわれても私達は行動を起こして訴える必要があるのです、なぜなら、それはあまりにも重要なことだから行動せざるを得ないのです。」と彼女は不良資産買い取りプログラムに言及しながら語った。 

Treasury officials explained that European leaders wanted them there, both to advise on the best ways to quiet financial markets and to help arbitrate the frequent internecine clashes among the euro zone countries.  But she has also twisted arms when necessary, developing a reputation as a calm but extraordinarily persistent negotiator.  In recent weeks, talks have centered on how the International Monetary Fund might assist in resolving the euro crisis. Many European politicians want the fund to marshal financing from cash-rich countries like China and Brazil to help in Europe. The United States, acting as a proxy for several of those cash-rich emerging countries, wants Europe to add billions of its own money to its bailout funds first.
財務省高官は欧州の指導者たちは米国財務省が関与するのを望んでおり、金融市場の鎮静化の最良の施策についての助言やユーロ圏各国の内紛を鎮めるのを助けて欲しいと考えているという。 しかし、彼女は必要とあらば、剛腕を振るうときもあり、それが、彼女は物静かだが非常に手強い交渉相手だとの評判に繋がっている。 この数週間、話し合いはもっぱらIMFがユーロ危機を解決するために支援してくれないかと言う話に終始している。 多くの欧州の政治家は欧州を助けるために、中国やブラジルといった資金力の豊富な国々が資金を動員してファンドを設置してくれることを望んでいる。 これらの資金豊富な新興国の代理人として動いているアメリカは欧州がまず自らの資金で救済基金を数十億の規模で積上げるのを望んでいる。

Ms. Brainard and Mr. Geithner delivered that message — in person, behind closed doors, days before a European summit meeting on strict new fiscal rules last month. It did not necessarily go over well. Washington was “not helpful in reinforcing I.M.F. resources,” a French official said. “It discourages others from doing the same.”  But last week, the International Monetary Fund announced that it would seek to raise up to $500 billion in new lending capacity, about half from countries in the European Union and half from elsewhere. This week, it started formally calling for Europe to expand its own firewall in concert, as American officials had urged for months. An official with knowledge of the talks, who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid disturbing them, said Europe might add 250 billion euros of capacity to its permanent and temporary bailout funds, lifting their lending capacity to more than $1 trillion.
ブレイナードとガイトナーは・・・先月新しい財政規律を求めるために集まった欧州サミットに数日先立って、舞台裏で個人的な見解を発信してきた。 それは必ずしも十分受け入れられたとは言えません。 「ワシントンはIMF基金を強化することに後ろ向きだった」とフランスの関係者は話している。 「それは他の国々が同調するのを妨げました。」  しかし、先週IMFは欧州各国から半分、その他の国々から半分の拠出を受けて5000万ドルの基金の積み増しをすると発表しました。 そして今週には、アメリカの関係者が何か月も主張してきたように、欧州各国に対して公式に一致してファイアーウオール(防火壁)を拡大するよう呼びかけました。 一連の会談に精通している関係者は、欧州は、IMFの貸し出し能力を1兆ドル以上に増強し、その恒久及び緊急救済基金を増大するために、2500万ユーロの積み増しに応じるだろうと、混乱を避けるため匿名で、、その恒久及び緊急語った。

At times, the Treasury Department’s presence has proved crucial in moving Europe back from the brink. In spring 2010, for instance, it persuaded European leaders to increase the size of a bailout for Greece by a factor of 10.  Throughout such tough negotiations, Ms. Brainard has won a reputation as even-keeled, never ruffled and extraordinarily detailed. (One colleague described her as “Vulcan.”)  “She smiles and has a very soft tone but is tough as nails on the substance. You cannot underestimate her,” the German official said.
ときおり、アメリカ財務省は欧州を崖っぷちから引き戻すのに重要な役割を演じてきた。 例えば、2010年の春には、同財務省は欧州の指導者達にギリシャの救済規模を10倍に増強するように説得してきていた。 このような強力な説得が実を結び、ブレイナードはバランス感覚に優れ、荒っぽくなく、驚くほど細部に目が行くという評判を勝ち得たのである。(ある人物などは彼女を評して”※バルカン“と言っている。) 「彼女は微笑み、非常に物腰も優しいが実体をしっかり見据えるタフな人物だ、彼女を甘く見てはいけない。」とはドイツ人関係者の言。

Ramon Fernandez, the powerful head of the French treasury said, “I have never seen her lose her temper. She never uses the United States’ position to say, ‘This is it. I’m the power.’ ” Europeans like Ms. Brainard’s sensitivity to political culture as well: she is fluent in German, and was raised in Poland and Germany, the daughter of a Foreign Service officer during the cold war. “I’m viscerally and experientially aware of the deep divisions that were healed by European integration,” Ms. Brainard said, “and just how fundamentally divided Europe was very few decades ago, and how important it is for this to succeed.”
フランスの財務省の強力なトップであるラモン・フェルナンデスは「私は彼女が冷静さを失うところを見たことがないし、彼女は話すときにアメリカという立場から物を言わない。 これは自分の信念が根源的な力だからだ。」と話す。 欧州の人々はブレイナードの政治的文化の細やかさも気に入っている。 なぜなら彼女は、冷戦時代に外交官の娘であり、ドイツ語が流暢なうえに、ポーランドやドイツで育っているからだ。 「私は体感的にも、経験的にも欧州統合で欧州の深い亀裂が癒されていると感じています。 そして本の20年ほど前、欧州は如何に根本から分断されていたか、そして欧州統合を維持することが如何に重要かも知っています。」と彼女は語る。

After earning a doctorate in economics from Harvard, Ms. Brainard joined the staff of the National Economic Council during the Clinton administration, working on international issues like the Mexican peso and Asian financial crises.  She then became one of the government’s youngest “sherpas,” as the personal representatives of heads of state are called, negotiating for the United States before international summit meetings.  “Lael was not on the shortlist at first because she was young and less well known,” said Gene Sperling, then and now the head of the White House National Economic Council. “But at some point, I just thought: ‘This is crazy. She is proving every day she can do this job as well as anyone.’ ”  That head-down, no-drama reputation remains. “She’s a machine,” said Sharon Yuan, the deputy assistant Treasury secretary for trade and investment policy, describing her schedule of international flights interrupted by marathon meetings interrupted by demands in Washington.  She has also become a trusted adviser to Mr. Geithner, whom she has known since the Clinton administration, when he held her job.
ハーバードで経済学の博士号を取得した後、ブレイナードはクリントン政権時代の国家経済会議のスタッフに加わって、メキシコのペソやその他のアジアの通貨危機などの国際問題に携わってきた。 その後、彼女は、サミットの前に米国の国益の為に交渉をする、合衆国の個人的代理人である所謂“シェルパ”に最年少のスタッフとして働くことになる。 「ラエル(ブレイナー)は当初の名簿には入ってなかったわ、だって若すぎるし知名度もなかったから。」とジーン・スパーリングは話している。それが今ではホワイトハウスの国家経済会議の長である。 「しかし、ある時点で、私は考えたわ、つまりこれはおかしなことだと、彼女は来る日も来る日も同僚となんら遜色なく実績を積んでいたからね。」 この舞台裏での確かな実績は評判となっていた。 「彼女は機械のように冷静だったわ、と財務次官補(貿易・投資政策担当)のシャロン・ユアンは言い、彼女の国際フライトスケジュールが頻繁に長時間の会議や議会の都合で頻繁に変更を余儀なくされたりしていたことに言及した。彼女は、クリントン政権時代からの知己であるガイトナー氏から、彼が今の彼女の地位にあるとき、彼から信頼を置かれていたアドバイザーでもあった。

“Given the scale of our challenges, I’ve spent the vast majority of my time as secretary focused on the U.S. economy, in stark contrast to my concentration at Treasury in years past,” Mr. Geithner said. “Because of how strong Lael is, I’ve been able to delegate a significant role to her on the global financial agenda. And that has been of enormous benefit to the president and to me.”  Though Europe has occupied much of Ms. Brainard’s attention, “we are trying to forge a completely different relationship with the Chinas and the Indias,” she said. “We’re trying to share the burden and responsibility of steering the global economy with those countries,” a primary reason the Obama administration pushed for the Group of 20 to supplant the Group of 8 as the main stage for international economic negotiations.
「挑戦の規模からみると、私は補佐官としてアメリカ経済に焦点を絞って、私の大半の時間を注ぎ込んできました。逆にこの数年は財務に明らかに軸足を移しています。」とガイトナー氏は言う。 「ラエルの強さゆえ、私は世界的な財政問題の諸日程の重要な役どころを彼女の振ることができたのです。 それは大統領と私にとって大いに助かることでした。」  欧州はブレイナードの関心を占めてはいるが、彼女は「私達は中国や、インドとも全く異なる関係を作りだそうとしています。 我々は世界経済をこれらの国々とともに責任をもって軌道に乗せる責任を分担しようとしているのです。」と話している。 それが、オバマ政権がG8に替えて、G20を国際経済交渉の中心的舞台にと考えて推進しようとしている主な理由なのです。

“It is not how I expected to spend my time at Treasury,” Ms. Brainard said. But, she added, “There is no more important issue right now.”
Steven Erlanger and Liz Alderman in Paris and Nicholas Kulish in Berlin contributed reporting.

イタリアとギリシャの安定化の第一歩  漸く!

2011-11-13 | 欧州経済
Italy and Greece Act With More Force on the Debt Crisis


Stocks surged in the United States and in Europe on Friday after a package of austerity measures cleared a hurdle in Italy and as Greece swore in a new prime minister, Lucas Papademos, to lead a unity government. 金曜日に、緊縮財政施策がイタリアで採択され、ギリシャで新首相ルーカス・パパデモス氏が統一政府を率いることを宣言したことを受けて、米国と欧州で市場が反発して上昇した。

ROME — With Europe under mounting pressure to act quickly to tackle its debt crisis, the leaders of Italy and Greece moved forcefully on Friday to reinvigorate their governments and show their sincerity about economic austerity. Financial markets rallied on the news.
The Italian Senate approved a package of austerity measures, a first step toward easing Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi from office, while in Athens, the leaders of a new three-party coalition completed details of a national unity government. To speed the process in the Italian Senate, opposition lawmakers refrained from voting, allowing the legislation to pass by a margin of 156 to 12.
債務危機に取り組むための迅速な行動が、益々強く求められている欧州で、金曜日に、イタリアとギリシャの指導者は、両国政府の再活性化と緊縮経済政策への真剣な取り組みを示すために、思い切って動いた。 金融市場はそれらのニュースを好感し持ち直した。
イタリアの上院は緊縮政策の法案を承認し、ベルルスコーニ首相をまず第一段階として辞任に追い込んでいった。 一方アテネでは三党連合の新しい指導者達が国家統一政府の細部について合意した。 イタリアの上院では、法案採択の処理を早めるために、野党議員が投票を棄権し、議会が同法案を賛成156、反対12で可決することを可能にした。

The uncommon burst of activity will enable Italy’s lower house to complete parliamentary approval of the package on Saturday. Mr. Berlusconi promised this week to resign once the measures were approved, permitting a new leader to be appointed as the head of a technocratic government. He is expected to step down Saturday or Sunday.
Mario Monti, a former European commissioner, has been widely mentioned as the front-runner to replace Mr. Berlusconi, and he could take over as early as Monday.
普段は見られない一気の集中審議の結果、イタリアの下院は土曜日にその法案の国会承認を終えることが出来た。 ベルルスコーニ氏は今週、同法案が承認されるのを条件に、辞任することを約束し、実務者内閣の首相に新しい指導者がつくことを認めた。 彼は土曜日か日曜日に辞任することになる。

In Greece, after similar maneuvers to replace elected leaders with respected, veteran officials known for their expertise rather than their political skills, Lucas Papademos, the prime minister chosen by the three-party coalition, unveiled his cabinet choices, who were sworn in by midafternoon. Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos — the public face of the country’s austerity effort — will remain in his post, as will other important ministers of the departing government of George A. Papandreou, the former prime minister. Mr. Papademos also brought in several members of opposition parties.
Days of political turmoil roiled bond markets this week, pushing the cost of borrowing in Italy to levels that economists regard as unsustainable and adding to the pressures on politicians. The yield on Italy’s 10-year bond, a barometer of investor anxiety, eased back to about 6.6 percent on Friday after having exceeded 7 percent at the height of the crisis.
ギリシャでも、似たような動きで、選挙で選ばれた指導者(パパンドルー首相)を、政治的な技量より寧ろその専門性で知られ、尊敬されている老練な高官(パパデモス氏)にとって代わらせ、三党連合で首相に選出されたルーカス・パパデモス氏は、新内閣を発表し午後には宣誓を終えた。 蔵相のエバンゲロス・ベニゼロス氏(この国に緊縮財政政策の対外的顔役)はそのまま留任し、他の重要な前首相のパパンドルー内閣の閣僚も一部残り、パパデモス首相は野党からも数人を内閣に取り込んだ。
ここ数日の政治的ドタバタは今週の証券市場を混乱させ、イタリアの借入コストをエコノミストが危険水域とするレベルにまで押し上げ、政治家への圧力は強まった。 イタリアの10年もの国債の利回り(投資家の心配度合のバロメータでもある)は危機感のピーク時の7%超から金曜日には6.6%にまで緩和された。

By other measures, the promised changes in Greece and Italy heartened investors as well, at least for the moment: the leading stock market indexes in Britain, France and Germany all gained on Friday, and the rally extended to Wall Street, where the Dow Jones average ended the day 259.89 points, or 2.19 percent, higher, and broader market indicators also surged. In foreign exchange trading, the value of the euro rose to nearly $1.37 from $1.35 the day before.
Despite the financial markets’ reactions on Friday, deep-seated worry persists about Europe’s efforts to prevent the debt crisis from plunging the entire global economy into a tailspin. In a sign of American impatience, President Obama called Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Giorgio Napolitano of Italy late Thursday.
その他の諸々も含め、ギリシャとイタリアの求められた変化への動きは投資家を喜ばせたた、少なともしばらくの間は・・・・、イギリス、フランス、ドイツの株式市場の先行き指標は金曜日には軒並み上昇し、ウォール街でも反発を見せた。 ダウジョーンズ平均株価シスは2.19ポイント上昇して259.89ポイントで引け、広範な市場指標が改善した。 外国為替においては、ユーロが前日の1.35ドルから1.37ドル近くへ上昇した。
しかしながら、金曜日の経済市場の反発にもかかわらず、債務危機により世界全体の経済を深刻な不況を引き起こさないようにする欧州の努力について、いまだに根強い懸念がくすぶっている。 アメリカの焦りの現れとして、オバマ大統領がドイツのメルケル首相やフランスのサルコジ大統領や、イタリアのジョルジョ・ナポリターノ大統領に木曜日の遅くに電話をいれている。

Timothy F. Geithner, the American Treasury secretary, also had the euro on his mind. “The crisis in Europe remains the central challenge to global growth,” he said at a meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Hawaii. “It is crucial that Europe move quickly to put in place a strong plan to restore financial stability.”
Mr. Geithner also urged Asian and Pacific economies to take up the slack as Europe confronts slowing economic growth. “We are all directly affected by the crisis in Europe,” he said, “but the economies gathered here are in a better position than most to take steps to strengthen growth in the face of these pressures from Europe.”
米財務長官のチモシー・ガイトナー氏はユーロを心配していた。 「欧州の危機は世界の経済成長の中心的な課題として有り続ける」とハワイのAPECフォーラムで彼は述べている。「欧州が迅速に対応して動き、経済的安定を回復するために強力な計画を導入実行することが緊要だ」
ガイトナー氏はまた、欧州が経済成長の鈍化に直面しているので、APECがバックアップするように訴えて、次のように発言した 「我々は欧州の危機に直接さらされている。 しかし、ここに集まっている国々の経済は、欧州からのこれらの圧力に直面して、成長を強化する段階を上るのに、どの国よりも良い位置にいます。」

In Rome, to prolonged applause from other lawmakers, Mr. Monti took a seat in the upper house of Parliament for the first time on Friday after he was appointed a senator for life. Mr. Monti has already held talks with President Napolitano and the speaker of the Senate, strengthening speculation that he is the leading candidate to succeed Mr. Berlusconi.
The legislation approved by the Senate is aimed at reducing Italy’s $2.6 trillion public debt and lifting growth, but the European Union has already said that Italy will need to take further measures.
ローマでは、多くの議員達からの長い間に亘る高い評価を受けて、モンティ氏が金曜日に終身上院議員に指名され初めて議会の議員席に着いた。 モンティ氏は既にナポリターノ大統領及び上院議長との話し合いを持っており、それがベルルスコーニ氏の後継者の筆頭候補との憶測を強めている。

The legislation includes selling $21 billion of state assets and increasing the retirement age to 67 from 65 by 2026. It also sets the stage for a liberalization of closed professions and labor laws, a gradual reduction in government ownership of local services and tax breaks for companies that hire young workers.
The Berlusconi era may end this weekend, but its legacy will linger for years to come. “Unfortunately, the end of Berlusconi won’t bring the end of the worst political class in Europe,” the columnist Antonio Padellaro wrote on Thursday in the left-leaning newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano. “But it risks giving rise to a season of zombies, old Christian Democrats resuscitated to divvy up the ruins of our poor country in the name of national unity.”
同法案には210億ドルの国家資産の売却、2026年までに定年を65歳から67歳への引き上げることなどが含まれている。 更に、同法案は閉鎖的な業界や労働市場の自由化や国営の地方サービスの削減、若い労働者を雇用する企業への減税などへの道筋が示されている。

ベルルスコーニ氏の時代は今週で終わりを告げるが、その負のツケは今後何年も残ることになる。「不運なことだが、ベルルスコーニ時代の終焉が欧州の最悪な政治屋の時代に終わりとはならない。それは他の面妖な輩が勢力を得る切っ掛けにもなりうる。 旧キリスト教民主党員が国家の統一の名目で我が国の乏しい遺産の余りの分け前を狙って息を吹き返している。」と木曜日の左翼系新聞イル・ファット・クオンチヂアーノにコラムニストのアントニオ・パデラロ氏が寄稿している。


2011-11-12 | 欧州経済
Political Paralysis Worsens European Debt Crisis  
by Tom Gjelten
November 11, 2011

確かに欧州のギリシャ、イタリアに限らず、政治家のレベルは世界的に劣化しているのではないか。日本でも過剰な配慮、駆け引き、保身、偽善などが透けて見える政治家が多すぎる。命を賭して取り組むというのは生易しいことではないが、そういう人物がそろそろ現れてもいいのではないか? 危機にこそ立派な人格者で胆力と統率力のある人が求められる。

Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi promised Tuesday to resign after parliament passed economic reforms demanded by the European Union. The debt crisis in Europe has been compounded by political problems. イタリアのベルスコーニ首相はEUから要請されている経済改革法案を議会が承認すれば辞任すると水曜日に約束した。欧州の債務危機は政治問題で更に悪化している。

Barely two weeks ago, it appeared that European leaders had a package to contain their debt crisis. Greece's problems would be managed, with private bondholders taking a hit on their investments and a new bailout to help the government meet its obligations. A European rescue fund would protect Italy and Spain from any risk spreading from Greece.
たった2週間前に、欧州の指導者たちは債務危機を封じ込める案をねん出した。 民間の債権者が、自身の投資に関して損を引き受け(ギリシャ国債の減価)、ギリシャ政府がその義務を遂行するのを助けるために新たな救済策を打ち出すことでギリシャの問題は乗り越えられたように思えた。 欧州の救済基金はイタリアとスペインをギリシャから広がる危機の連鎖から守るはずだった。

Markets soared. And then, this week, they crashed.

Italy was not safe after all. Investors suddenly stopped buying Italian government debt. The cost of government borrowing skyrocketed, rising to levels that in some countries prompted calls for a bailout by the International Monetary Fund.
It's not so much that the European debt relief turned out to be inadequate — it's the politics that proved unrealistic.
イタリアは全く大丈夫じゃなかったのである。 投資家は突然イタリア国債の購入を止めた。 そのため、政府の借入コストは急上昇し、各国がIMFに救済を要請するレベルにまで上昇した。

Are Leaders Up To The Challenge?  指導者達にその課題が務まるのか?
The Greeks and Italians promised to enact austerity measures, but all of a sudden it seemed they might not. Leaders of other European governments didn't seem to know what to do. Panic set in.
"The worry is that the politicians in Europe really aren't up to those challenges," says Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS Global Insight. "That's the concern here, that that strong political leadership is just not there yet."
ギリシャとイタリアの指導者たちは厳しい緊縮政策の実行を約束したが、突然出来そうもないと思われた。 欧州各国の指導者たちはどうして良いかわからなくなってしまったようだ。 パニックに陥ってしまった。
「頭が痛いのは欧州の政治家達がこれらの課題に対応する能力がないことだ。 ここに至っての危惧は、いまだに課題に対応できるほどに強力な指導力が見られないことだ。」とIHSグルーバル・インサイトのチーフエコノミストであるナリマン・ベラベッシュ氏は語る。

In Athens and in Rome, politicians squabbled for days over who would be responsible for keeping the governments on a path of austerity. At the Europe-wide level, the harmony achieved two weeks ago broke down, with French and German leaders once again arguing over the design of a bailout fund.
The Group of 20, which includes the United States, China and other countries, held a summit in France, but the meeting broke up without any commitment to help the European governments. Just when international cooperation was needed to confront the debt crisis, it couldn't be maintained.
アテネやローマでやっていることといえば、政治家連中が何日もかけて、誰が政府の緊縮路線を維持遂行するかで揉めていた。 欧州全体レベルでは、僅か2週間前に合意した調整がご破算になり、フランスとドイツの指導者が再び救済基金の案出を巡って議論している。
米国、中国そしてその他の国々を含む20か国はフランスでサミットを開催したが、欧州の国々を助けるための何の具体策(コミットメント)も出さずに閉幕してしまった。 債務危機に直面して国際的な協力がまさに必要なときに、サミットはキチンと機能しなかったのである。

Kemal Dervis, director of the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Institution, says political leaders and global institutions may not be up to the challenges of the 21st century.
"The mistake that shouldn't be made — and that leaders shouldn't make — is to raise expectations in a way that disappointment becomes unavoidable," he says. "Again and again, unfortunately, leaders are doing that."
「ミスが起きてはならない、或いは政治家はミスをすべきではない・・・という考えが、期待を増大し、それが反動として避けられない失望に変わっている。 何度も繰り返し、残念ながら政治指導者達は同じ愚を繰り返している。」と彼は言う。

The economic necessity in Europe right now is to reduce government debt and deficits. There will be pain. Politicians have to decide how it will be shared, and it won't be easy.
"It's always tough for politicians to cut spending and raise taxes," Behravesh says. "It's a lot harder to do that than to give things away, to increase spending and cut taxes. And unfortunately that's the politics right now. Really tough choices have to be made, and politicians are particularly bad at making those choices."
This may be the central lesson of the European debt crisis: Political leadership is critical.
欧州で今まさに経済的に必要なことは、政府の負債と赤字を削減することに尽きる。 それは痛みを伴う。政治家は、その痛みを如何に分かち合っていくか決断しなければならないし、それは言うほど易しいことではない。
「歳出を削減し、増税をすることは政治家にとって常に困難を伴う。 それは支出を増大し、減税をするという「あげる」政治より格段に大変なことだ。 そして、残念ながら、それが今政治で求められているのだ。 本当に大変な苦しい選択がなされなければならない。 なのに、政治家達はこれらの政治決断が特に出来ていない。」とベラビッシュ氏は語る。 これが欧州の債務危機の核心的教訓なのかもしれない。 つまり一言で言えば政治的指導力が危機に瀕しているということだ。

A Note For America  アメリカについて
It's also a lesson that applies directly on this side of the Atlantic. The Standard & Poors agency made that point in August when it cited political dysfunction in Washington as a major reason it was downgrading the U.S. credit rating. The developments in Europe, showing how political paralysis can indeed worsen a financial crisis, may now be vindicating the S&P thinking.
In the U.S. Congress, the tough choices now fall to the joint "supercommittee" that in two weeks has to come up with a deficit-reduction plan. Democrats and Republicans are divided over whether to emphasize spending cuts or tax increases.
それは大西洋のこちら側(米国)でも直接当てはまる教訓だ。 スタンダード&プアーズ(格付け会社)は8月にその点を指摘している。 つまり、ワシントンにおける政治的機能停止を米国の信用格下げの主な理由としたのである。欧州での一連の展開をみると、政治的な機能不全が経済危機を如何に悪化させるかをよく示しており、その事実は今もスタンダード&プアーズ社の考え方の正しさを証明している。
米国議会では、この困難な選択が今や超党派のスーパーコミッティ(特別委員会)の肩にかかっている。同委員会は2週間以内に赤字削減案を捻出しなければならない。 民主党と共和党は歳出削減と増税のどちらを強調すべきかで二分している。

Committee members have been put on notice that America's economic health may depend on their reaching an agreement, but that doesn't necessarily make it more likely. The Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said this week that comments from Democrats predicting an impasse may indicate they intend to cast the Republicans as intransigent.
同委員会のメンバーはアメリカの敬税の健全性は彼らが如何に合意に達するかにかかっていると話してきたが、それは必ずしも、そのように事は運んでないようだ。 ケンタッキー州選出の共和党上院議員のリーダーであるミッチ・マコーネル氏は今週、民主党の議論が進捗しないとする予測は、共和党を非妥協的とレッテルを貼るためだと話している。

"It does raise your suspicion that the folks down at the White House are pulling for failure," McConnell said. "Because, you see, if the joint committee succeeds, it steps on the storyline they've been peddling that you can't do anything with the Republicans in Congress."
However, it may not be obvious who voters would finally blame for a failure to reach an agreement. That uncertainty could prompt both sides to show flexibility.
しかし、合意に達しないという失敗についてどちらを国民が最終的に非難するかは分らない。 その不確実さゆえに両党は柔軟性を発揮することを迫られている。

The alternative could well be a U.S. debt crisis not unlike Europe's, because the recent developments in Europe suggest that without political cooperation, economic problems are likely to just get worse.


2011-11-09 | 欧州経済
In Turmoil, Greece and Italy Deepen Euro Crisis


Giulio Tremonti, Italy's finance minister, left, and Jean-Claude Juncker, the Eurogroup head. Rates on Italy's debt have risen. イタリア蔵相ギウリオ・トレモンティ(左)とEUのジーン・クラウド・ユンカー

ROME — With political turmoil still plaguing Greece and descending upon the much larger economy of Italy, the fate of the euro and market stability worldwide hinged Tuesday on whether two of Europe’s most tangled and unresponsive political cultures could deal with their tightening fiscal gridlock.

The prospect of a new transitional, technocratic government in Greece, and new pressure on Silvio Berlusconi to resign after a parliamentary vote on Tuesday, did little to reassure investors that either country was prepared to grapple with the deep structural changes that investors are demanding to restore growth and reduce deficits.
ギリシャの新しい実務官僚内閣誕生への期待と水曜日の議会投票後のベルルスコーニ首相に対する新たな辞任圧力の動きの、そのいずれもが投資家の信頼回復に繋がっていない。 即ち、両国とも経済成長を回復し、赤字を削減するために、投資家が要求している思い切った構造改革に取り組む準備がまだ出来ていないと見られている。

In both places, it is not only the economy that is on trial, but also the ability of democratic government to make highly unpopular choices.
The crisis gripping Mr. Berlusconi’s government deepened as interest rates on the country’s debt rose on Tuesday to 6.74 percent, the highest since the introduction of the euro more than a decade ago and nearing levels that have led to bailouts elsewhere.
Financial markets advanced early Monday on word that the prime minister was negotiating his exit, but lost ground after he denied the reports. On Tuesday, Asian markets generally retreated but European markets rose in early trading after two days of declines.
ベルルスコーニの政府を見舞っている危機は、水曜日に同国の国債の利率が6.74%に上昇したことにより更に高まった。 この利率の高さは10年以上も前にユーロをイタリアが導入して以来、最高のレベルであり、どこかに救済を求めなければならなくなる水準に近づきつつあるとみてよい。
金融市場は、月曜日の午前中に、首相が辞任を含め交渉しているという噂に反応した。 水曜日には、アジアの市場は全般的に下げたが、欧州市場は二日の下げの後、午前中の取り引きから上げている。

In Greece, where political chaos last week threatened to plunge the euro zone into crisis, doubts remained about the capacity of the political class to form a coalition government to push through reforms it has agreed to in return for a financial lifeline. So strong is the distrust that Europe’s finance ministers refused to release the next $11 billion in aid for Greece until the two leading political parties signed a letter affirming their commitment to meeting the conditions of the loan deal reached last month with European lenders.
Greece and Italy have famously complex political cultures, but today they are both driven by a simple dynamic: no established parties want to assume the full political cost of pushing through unpopular austerity measures and changes to the labor market. And they are jockeying for positions in a new political constellation after eventual elections — as well as for greater bargaining power with the European Union.
ユーロ圏を危機に陥らせかねなかった先週の政治的混乱があったギリシャについて、同国の財政的生命線を維持する見返りとして、合意した改革を推し進める連立内閣を組閣することが今の政治家達に出来るかどうかが疑われている。 この不信感が強くあるため、欧州の各国蔵相達は次の110億ドルのギリシャ救済資金の投入を、連立政党が先月欧州の債権者と合意に達したローンの条件の実行を約束した契約書に署名するまで拒否するとしている。

“It’s a big mess,” said Roberto D’Alimonte, a political science professor at Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome. “I don’t think it’s that the markets are too strong, but that democracy is weak.”
Forceful leadership also now seems to be in short supply. In Greece, Prime Minister George A. Papandreou agreed to step down to make way for a new unity government after his proposal for a referendum on the debt deal cost him support within his own Socialist coalition (and with European leaders). In Italy, some members of Mr. Berlusconi’s center-right coalition would readily bring him down and replace him with a technocrat — Mario Monti, a former European commissioner, is commonly mentioned— but others want elections and a new political formation.
「一言で言えば大変混乱している。 市場は強過ぎるということはないが、民主主義が弱い。」とローマのルイス・ギド・カーリ大学の政治学教授のロベルト・ダィモンテ氏は言う。
今は、強制力を持った指導力が見られない。ギリシャでは、パパンドルー首相が救済案を国民投票に諮るという提案で与党社会党内での支持を失い(欧州各国指導者の支持も)、新しい連立政府を条件に辞任することに同意した。 一方イタリアでは、ベルルスコーニ氏の中道右派の連立政権の幾人かの議員が彼を引きずりおろし、官僚出身のテクノクラートを首相につけるようだ。(前欧州委員のマリオ・モンティ氏が有力と言われている。) しかし、他の議員はと言えば、総選挙の実施と新しい内閣を望んでいる。

After denying reports about his imminent resignation, Mr. Berlusconi faced new pressure to quit after a vote on a state financing bill on Tuesday. Although he technically won the vote, many lawmakers declined to cast ballots, showing he had lost a majority that could potentially take down his government. The vote tally means there may be a confidence vote on austerity measures in coming days meant to quell market concerns about Italy.
With high debts, vast underground economies, low birth rates and more pensioners than workers, there is no doubt that Greece and Italy need structural changes to survive. But with deeply entrenched political patronage societies, governments in both countries have been unwilling or unable to carry out such changes, which would require striking the heart of their own constituencies.
自身の即時辞任を否定したあと、ベルルスコーニ氏は水曜日の国家の財政法案の投票後に、再び新たな辞任要求に直面している。 技術的には、なんとか投票で勝ったものの、多くの議員は投票を棄権したおかげで、彼は過半数を取ることができず、実質的には彼の政府は否決されたことになっている。 この投票集計が意味するところは、イタリアについて市場の懸念を払しょくするために、数日中に緊縮財政政策について信任投票がなされるということである。
多額の債務と、巨大な裏経済、低い出生率そして就労者よりも多い年金受給者、これらはギリシャとイタリアが構造改革なしでは生き残れないということを明確に示している。 しかし、政治的なコネが社会の隅々に蔓延している両国の政府は、そのような改革を望んでいないか、或いは出来ないでいる。なぜなら、それらの改革は彼等自身を支持している選挙民に大きな負担を負わせるからである。

Italy first proposed those austerity measures — including pension reform, changes to labor laws and privatization of state industry — in a letter to the European Central Bank the same day the European Union reached its debt deal with Greece and promised to pass them by Nov. 15. But the government has yet to draft the measures into a bill, let alone put the measure to Parliament.
Instead, it has been deadlocked for weeks, as the conflicting interest groups within Mr. Berlusconi’s center-right coalition refuse to budge. The powerful Northern League Party, for one, has opposed raising the retirement age to 67 from 65.
イタリアは当初、これらの緊縮政策を提案した・・・それは年金改革、労働法の改正、国有企業の民営化などを含んでいる・・・・、同案はEUがギリシャとその救済案で合意に達した同じ日に欧州中央銀行に文書で提出され、11月15日までに法案通過が約束されていた。 しかし、政府は未だに同草案を法案化しておらず、議会に投げたままである。 
それどころか、同案の審議は数週間も暗礁に乗り上げ、ベルルスコーニ氏の中道右派連合の内輪揉めをしているグループは動こうとしない。 その一つ、強力な北方リーグ党が定年を65歳から67歳に引き上げる案に反対している。

The center-left opposition ranges from neoliberals to former Communists opposed to changes in labor laws, making it difficult to imagine how it could push through structural changes in a future political order.
In Greece, Mr. Papandreou’s Socialist government has passed radical legislation aimed at cutting the public sector, but implementation has been slow, even as the economy shrinks under tax increases and wage cuts that are pushing the country to the brink.
It has been struggling to forge a coalition government led by a technocrat that could share the political cost of imposing more austerity. Lucas Papademos, a former deputy president of the European Central Bank, was widely mentioned as the most likely candidate. But his ascension rapidly became mired in Greece’s political swamps, after he demanded a strong voice in naming ministers and a government of more than three months’ duration, reports said.
ギリシャは、より厳しい緊縮財政政策を推進するための政治的な負担を分担できるような、専門家を首相とする連立政権の樹立に取り組んでいる。 適任者として広く受け止められているのが、前欧州中央銀行副総裁であったルーカス・パパデモス氏だ。 しかし、彼の首相への推戴は、彼が大臣指名の強い発言権と政府を3か月以上持たせることを要求したため、ギリシャ独特の政治的泥沼にすぐに嵌ってしまった。

Throughout the crisis, long-suffering Greek citizens have said that it matters little who is in power, and growing numbers of policy intellectuals are starting to agree with them. Transforming Greece is a task “beyond Hercules,” said Daniel Gros, the Director of the Center for European Policy Studies. “It’s beyond the capacity of a single person, because you need much more to change a country, to change an administrative apparatus, to change political habits.”
この危機を通じて、長い間苦しんできたギリシャ国民は、誰がトップになろうとそれは問題ではないと言っている。そして多くの政策通の人々は緊縮策を受け入れに同意し始めている。 ギリシャを変えていくのは「ヘラクレスを超える」超人的力を要する大仕事だ、と欧州政策研究センターの長であるダニエル・グロス氏は話している。 「これは一人の人間の能力で変えられるものではない、なぜなら国を変え、中央の政治機構を変え、政治慣習を変えるにはより多くの力を必要とするからだ。」

But Italy, he added, is different. “There’s enough social cohesion left so that one could do something if you had the right leader,” he said, echoing the view that Mr. Berlusconi’s government had lost credibility and that borrowing rates would drop if he left, as Monday’s events suggested.
In Italy, the government passed some belt-tightening measures in August under market pressure, but few Italians believe the Berlusconi government is capable of carrying them out.
“Reforms? Where? Here?” said Anna Russo, 43, a salaried worker in Rome. “This country is totally incapable and unwilling to implement reforms. I don’t believe any of what they are claiming on TV these days.”
しかし、イタリアは違うと彼は言う。 「イタリアには、まだ十分な社会的なまとまりが残っており、正しい指導者を得れば何かを起こすことが出来る余地がある」と言う。 ベルルスコーニの政府が信用を失ったという見方を受けて、月曜日に噂で反応したように、もし彼が辞任すれば国債の金利も下がるとみている。 
「改革? どこにあるの? ここ? この国は全く改革実行の能力がないし、しようとも思っていない。」とローマの会社員アンナ・ルッソ43歳は言う。「この頃テレビで発言する彼らの何も信じられないわ」とも

“What really happens is that the middle class gets squeezed between the crisis and their inaction,” she added of politicians. “Salaries stay the same, taxes, V.A.T. and the cost of living rises. How are we supposed to believe them, if they have not shown one time that they genuinely wanted to improve our situation?”
At bottom, the euro zone crisis is a result of imbalances in which weaker countries like Italy and Greece are forced to compete in the same currency with mighty Germany, something that will cause recurring crises even if the current one is fixed, experts say.
「実際にここで起きているのは、この危機と彼らの怠惰のはざまで中間層の人々が締め付けを受けているのよ。 給与はそのままで、税金と付加価値税と生活費が上昇している。 これでどうやって政治家を信じろというの? 我々の状況を真剣に改善したいと一度でも示したことがない彼らを」と彼女は付け加えた。

“In the longer run, the Euro zone cannot be viable unless something is done to tackle the imbalances that gave rise to the crisis,” said Charles Grant, the director of the Center for European Reform, a London research institute. “Either there has to be a convergence of unit labor costs, via effective reform in the south, or there must be permanent transfer union, with payments flowing from north to south.”
For now, Italy and Greece are eying each other warily and buying time before the European Union can come up with a better strategy to shore up the euro. “In a certain sense, Italy has the advantage that it’s seen Greece,” said Mr. Gros. “And that’s of course not an example that anyone wants to follow.”
いまのところイタリアとギリシャはお互いを用心して見ており、EUがユーロをテコ入れするための良い戦略を構築するまで時間稼ぎをしている。 「ある意味で、イタリアはギリシャを見て来ており、それだけアドバンテージがあるともいえる。 ただし、それは、もちろん誰も手本にしたくない例である。」とグロス氏は語った。

Elisabetta Povoledo and Gaia Pianigiani contributed reporting from Rome, Stephen Castle from Brussels, and Alan Cowell from London.

ギリシャ危機 ギリシャからイタリアへ 危機の拡大を阻止できるか?

2011-11-07 | 欧州経済
For Markets in Europe, the Focus of Fear Moves to Italy


European efforts to solve a growing sovereign debt crisis have failed to quell market unease on the Continent, and the skepticism over Greece points to continued volatility this week.

Among fresh warning signs, Italy’s cost of borrowing has jumped to the highest rate since the country adopted the euro. Others signs include pressures building in the plumbing of Europe’s banking system. While those pressures are not yet at the levels experienced during the 2008 financial crisis, when some markets in the United States froze altogether, they are high enough to cause worry, analysts say.
新たな警戒の兆候のなかで、イタリアの借入コストが、ユーロを移行後、この国で最高のレートに跳ね上がったというのがある。 その他の兆候には、欧州の銀行システムというビルの配管への圧力もある。 この圧力はまだ、アメリカの幾つかの市場が全て凍結した2008年の経済危機に経験したものほどではないものの、十分に心配なレベルだとアナリストは言う。

Even as Greece reached an agreement on Sunday to form a coalition government meant to avert the collapse of the latest bailout plan for the euro zone, investors are still demanding greater certainty on how Europe would pay for a rescue package aimed at stopping the Greek financial contagion from spreading to Italy or Spain.
“This is a bit of a sideshow,” Mark D. Luschini, chief strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott, said of the shifting political leadership in Greece. “Markets will react favorably to this, but they won’t rally hard on the news. Italy is the bigger issue.”
ギリシャが日曜日に、ユーロ圏の為の直近の救済計画の崩壊を避けるために連立政府を樹立することで合意に達したが、投資家は依然として、ギリシャの破綻をイタリアやスペインに波及させないための救済策の資金をEUが如何にして支払うか、より確実な説明を必要としている。 ギリシャの政治的な指導部の移行に言及して、「これは、どちらかというと枝葉末節の問題だ」とジャニ―・モンゴメリー・スコットのチーフ・ストラティジストのマーク・ルシーニは話している。「市場は一応好感しているが、このニュースでは、そんなに反発してはいない。イタリアがより大きな問題だからだ。」

In the United States, credit markets tightened earlier this year during a political stand-off over the debt ceiling and the ratings downgrade of the country’s long-term debt by Standard & Poor’s, but conditions have eased since then.
European banks are likely to remain wary about lending to one another, analysts predict, and investors will continue to require high interest rates on the billions of euros in loans Italy needs each month to keep its economy afloat.

The yield on 10-year Italian notes has surpassed that on Spanish debt, reaching 6.35 percent on Friday after leaders at a meeting of the Group of 20 nations failed to come up with details on how to stop the European crisis from spreading. The rising yield is troubling because once the interest rates on the debt of the bailed out countries Greece and Portugal surpassed 7 percent they shot up far higher, requiring those countries to turn to outside sources of financing. Rates on their debt remain in double digits.
At the end of last month, Italy issued 3 billion euros worth of bonds at an interest rate of more than 6 percent, about 1.5 percentage points higher than it had had to pay as recently as the summer. The extra bond yields are adding as much as 3 billion euros (about $4.1 billion ) annually in additional interest payments, estimates Tobias Blattner, a former economist at the European Central Bank who is an economist at Daiwa Securities in London.
イタリアの10年もの国債の配当はスペイン国債のそれよりも高く、欧州危機拡大を如何にして阻止するかの具体策を策定できずに終わったG20の首脳会談の後、金曜日に6.35%に達している。 金利の上昇は問題である、なぜなら一旦救済対象国であるギリシャやポルトガルの債務の利率が7%を超えると、それは更に急上昇し、これらの国々は資金調達を外部に求めることになる。 つまり彼らの債務のレートは二桁に高止まりする。
先月の末に、イタリアは30億ユーロの国債を6%以上の利率で発行したが、これは、この夏に支払わなければならなかったものより1.5%も高い。 この増加分の配当は、毎年30億ユーロの金利支払いの増加になるとビアス・ブラットナー(前欧州中央銀行のエコノミストで現在大和証券ロンドンのエコノミスト)は見積もっている。

Analysts are concerned that if interest rates on Italian debt keep rising, the country may no longer be able to afford to borrow on the open markets and instead would have to turn to official lenders like the European Union or the International Monetary Fund.
The latest rate “is a warning,” said Mark McCormick, currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman. “Seven percent would be a point of no return.”

The European Central Bank is providing another gauge of European stress — the amount of sovereign bonds it is now buying on an almost daily basis. The central bank is trying to provide a market for the debt of countries like Italy and keep interest rates from rising to punishing levels.
This year, the amount of sovereign debt held by the central bank has more than doubled, to over 150 billion euros. Many analysts say they think the bank would have to buy bonds on a much larger scale to stop interest rates from creeping higher, let alone drive yields substantially lower.
欧州中央銀行は欧州のストレスの他の物差しを示している。 ・・・今、ほとんど毎日買われているソブリンボンド(国債)の額。 中央銀行はイタリアのような債務各国の為に市場にその基準を示し、金利の増加を抑え厳しいレベルに保っている。
今年、中央銀行によって抱えられているソブリンデット(国債)の総額は2倍を超え、1500億ユーロを超えている。 多くのアナリストは銀行が、利率がじりじり上がるのを止めるためにも、もっと大規模に国債を買うべきだと考えている。金利を実質的に低く抑えることは言うまでもない。

European banks, worried about each others’ exposure to bad debts, have demanded an increasingly higher interest rate to lend euros to one another. The rate, measured by a gauge called Euribor-OIS, was 20 basis points as recently as June, but has since jumped to 90 to 100 basis points. (A basis point is one-hundredth of a percentage point.) The current rate, however, is still far below levels in 2008 and 2009 during the financial crisis, when it reached more than 2 percent.
Since May, sources of dollars have also been drying up, as United States money market funds have pulled back from buying the short-term debt of European banks.
According to Alex Roever, who tracks short-term credit markets for JPMorgan Chase, the agreement in Brussels on the latest euro zone rescue plan has not persuaded money market funds to jump back into the European market.

欧州の銀行は相互に劣悪な国債を掴むのを嫌っており、お互いにユーロの貸し出しには非常に高い利率を適用している。 ユーリボーOIS(欧州銀行間貸出金利)と呼ばれる物差しで測った金利は6月には20基準ポイントだったのが、90~100基準ポイントに急上昇している。(1基準ポイントは1%の100分の1) しかしながら、現在のレートはまだ経済危機の2008年及び2009年の2%以上に比べると、そのレベルを遥かに下回っている。

One of the greatest uncertainties for investors remains the exact nature of the latest bailout vehicle being assembled. The proposed $1.4 trillion European Financial Stability Facility is intended to keep Italy from getting swept up in the debt contagion and so prevent Europe’s crisis from metastasizing to a new level and damaging the global economy.
“It has taken so long for the pieces to come together — and there is still a lot of uncertainty about how the agreement will work — that it is undermining the confidence of investors,” Mr. Roever said. “It didn’t encourage anyone to pile back in.”
投資家の最も大きな不確実さの一つは今回救済のための受け皿として集められる資金の正確な性質である。 提案された14000億ドルもの欧州安定化基金はイタリアに、その債務の伝染が及ばないようにすることを企図して、欧州危機を新しいレベル及び政界経済に転移することを防ぐものである。
「これだけ集めるには、相当かかるし、まだそこには、如何にして合意が形成されるのか多くの不確かさがある。 それが投資家の信頼を損なっている。」とローヴァ―氏は言う。「投資家を呼び戻す後押しが出来ていない。」

Instead, with dollars hard to come by, many banks must turn to the open foreign-exchange market, where the cost of swapping euros for dollars has spiked, another warning sign about the operation of money markets, although the cost is still well below levels at the end of 2008.
As European banks have lent less to each other, they have instead socked away cash at the European Central Bank. Banks’ deposits at the central bank have shot up at the same time that borrowing from the central bank has risen.
“Banks are so nervous to lend to one another, they are using the E.C.B. as a clearinghouse,” said Guy Lebas, chief fixed-income strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott.
欧州銀行は相互に貸し付けを絞っているので、彼らは欧州中央銀行にキャッシュを積上げている。 中央銀行の借り入れが増加すると同時に、中央銀行の各銀行の預金は同時に急上昇している。

Michael Gapen of Barclays Capital in New York says he prefers credit-default swaps as an indicator of sovereign risk. The swaps provide a measure of the cost of insuring against a default on debt.
“It should directly map into probability of default,” he said. “It tends to lead bond markets.”
But other analysts say credit-default swaps may be compromised as an indicator after an agreement was reached to allow Greece to write off 50 percent of the debt owed to some banks without triggering the insurance.
ニューヨークのパークレイズ・キャピタルのミシェレ・ガーペンは、ソブリンリスクのインジケーターとしてクレジット・デフォルト・スワップが好ましいと言う。 そのスワップは債務不履行に対する保険のコストを計る手段を提供する。

The cost of insuring a basket of Western European sovereign debt eased a little around the time of a summit meeting in Brussels at the end of October, but it has once again approached record highs. And insurance rates on the debt of Spain — and especially Italy — have risen sharply since the summer.
The annual cost to insure $10 million of the debt of a basket of big European banks rose to more than $300,000 in mid-September, the data provider Markit said. It has since dropped back to about $245,000 annually, but remains at stressed levels — and some analysts see it staying there.
欧州の大規模銀行の1000万ドルの国債のバスケットに保険をかける毎年のコストは30万ドル以上の9月中旬に上昇したとデータ提供者のマルキット氏は言った。 その後24万5千ドルまで戻したが、しかしストレスとなるレベルに留まっている。 そして幾人かのアナリストは、それがそこに張り付くと見ている。

“The markets are looking and hoping for a stable Greek government that is able to sustain domestic and external support,” said Mohamed A. El-Erian, chief executive of the bond investment giant Pimco. “A coalition government that is simply seen as a transition to new elections would have difficulty.”

ギリシャ危機 今回の危機の教訓を生かした処方箋とは?WPIシニアフェローが語る

2011-11-05 | 欧州経済
The Nation: Is The Eurozone Ready To Collapse?


by Sherle R. Schwenninger

Columns of the Parthenon temple are seen behind an EU flag in Athens on Nov. 4, 2011. 2011年4月アテネにおいて、EUの旗の後ろにパルテノン神殿の柱が見える

November 4, 2011
Sherle R. Schwenninger is director of the Economic Growth Program at the New America Foundation and a senior fellow at the World Policy Institute.
After days of drama-filled meetings, in late October eurozone leaders announced the latest "comprehensive" rescue plan. Although it was an improvement over earlier efforts, this package, too, came up short in that it failed to calm the markets and offer the eurozone a path back to economic growth. And without growth, there will be many more months of crisis.
ドラマが満載の数日間の会合の後、10月末にユーロ圏の指導者は最終的総合救済計画を発表した。 それは先の努力よりも改善したものではあったけれども、この救済案も、市場を鎮静化し、ユーロ圏に経済成長軌道に戻る道筋をつけるには不足していた。 そして、経済成長がなければ、これから何か月にも亘って経済危機は続くだろう。

The stakes are very high. The fate of the US economic recovery rests in part on whether Europe can keep its intertwined banking and debt crises from spiraling into full-fledged financial contagion, which would deal a damaging blow to an already fragile US economy. Yet the United States has little influence over European policy. Not only is Washington's advice viewed with suspicion in Berlin and Paris (Europeans still rightly complain about the economic shock visited upon their economies by the collapse of Lehman Brothers); with austerity-drunk Republicans in charge of Congress, the United States can't do much to help rescue Europe.
危険性は非常に高い。 米国の景気回復は部分的には欧州が相互に依存する銀行業務と債務危機を最悪の経済的感染から防ぐかにかかっている。それは既に弱っているアメリカ経済に深刻な打撃をもたらすからである。 もう、アメリカは欧州の政策に対して影響力を殆ど持っていない。ドイツやフランスがアメリカの助言に疑念を抱いているだけでなく(欧州各国は未だにリーマン・ブラザーズの崩壊で欧州経済にもたらされた衝撃について本当に苦情を言っている)、緊縮案しか頭にない議会の担当の共和党議員のせいで、アメリカは欧州を助ける余裕がなくなっている。

The most we can do at this point is draw the right lessons from the crisis for our economy and try to nudge policy in the right direction (while encouraging the Federal Reserve to support Europe's efforts at stabilization). Indeed, there is a danger that we will only compound the problem with bad advice and inappropriate policy. So what are the most essential lessons to draw from the crisis?
この時点で我々がせいぜい出来るのは、我々の経済危機から正しい教訓を引き出して、せめて正しい方向へ経済を向けるようにすることである。(連邦準備制度理事会に欧州の安定化努力を支援させながら) 実際に、我々が、その欧州問題に間違った助言や不適切な政策を持ち込むだけに終わる危険性がある。 それでは何が、我々がその危機から学んだ、最も本質的に重要な教訓なのだろうか?

First, this is not principally a crisis of runaway social spending or even a government debt crisis, although it has become one for some economies. Contrary to what is often asserted, many of the countries in trouble did not have irresponsible fiscal policies, as Martin Wolf of the Financial Times has noted. Greece did, but Spain and Ireland ran budget surpluses before the crisis and had very low levels of government debt. Ireland's debt was a mere 12 percent of GDP, while Spain's was 31 percent, well below Germany's 53 percent. Italy had a high debt-to-GDP ratio but a very modest budget deficit. As much as anything, these economies were victims of a credit boom and bust born of too cheap interest rates and excessive lending, followed by an especially severe recession and a financial panic. The lesson here is not about the importance of fiscal consolidation but the dangers of credit and asset bubbles that are often the product of weak financial-market regulation and of imbalances, in this case between the core European economies, which ran current-account surpluses, and peripheral deficit countries, which absorbed those surpluses.
第一に、これは、それが幾つかの経済の一つにであはるが、本質的には、社会支出急騰の危機でもないし、まして政府債務の危機でもないということです。良く言われていることとは反対で、 フィナンシャルタイムズのマーチン・ヲルフが特記しているように、経済苦境に見舞われている国々の多くが無責任な経済政策をやっている訳ではないのです。 ギリシャはそうだとしても、スペインやアイルランドは危機の前の国家予算は黒字で政府債務も非常に低いレベルでした。 アイルランドに至ってはその債務はGDPの12%に過ぎませんでしたし、スペインでさえ31%でドイツの53%に比べると十分に低く抑えられていたのです。 イタリアは高いGDP比率ですが、予算の赤字は非常に穏当なものです。 他のものと同様に、これらの国々の経済もクレジットブームと超低金利と過剰貸し付けから生まれた破綻の犠牲者なのです。それに続き、特に厳しい景気後退と経済パニックに見舞われました。 ここでの教訓は経済の立て直しの重要性ではなくて、クレジットと資産バブルの恐ろしさなのです。 それは、多くは弱い経済市場規制と経済不均衡の産物なのです。 この場合は、経常収支が黒字の主要欧州経済(例えばドイツ)と、その黒字分を吸収している周辺の赤字各国という図式です。

The second lesson is that governance matters. Europe's problem is not too much government but too little. The reason the eurozone has struggled so mightily with the threat of financial contagion—whether it be organizing an orderly Greek default or assembling a stability fund of sufficient size—is that it does not have the government institutions needed to act decisively and quickly enough to calm the markets. If the eurozone had had a common treasury it would have been able to assemble an adequately resourced European Financial Stability Facility much earlier, avoiding the run-up in interest rates. Or if the European Central Bank had been a true lender of last resort, it would have been able to stanch market speculation by buying sovereign bonds more aggressively or by guaranteeing future sovereign debt.
2番目の教訓はガバナンスの問題です。 欧州の問題は行政が多すぎるのではなく少なすぎるということです。 ユーロ圏が経済連鎖破たんの恐怖にひどく苦しんだ理由は、-ギリシャの破綻に整斉と対処するにせよ、十分な規模の安定化基金を集めるにせよ ― EUが市場を鎮めるに十分な迅速性と決定力を行使するのに必要な行政機構を備えていないからです。 もし、ユーロ圏が、共通の公庫を持っていたら、金利の急増を避け、もっと早く十分な原資の欧州経済安定化基金を集めることが出来たでしょう。 或いは欧州中央銀行が本当に最後の手段としての貸し手であったなら、ソブリンボンドをもっと積極的に購入するなり、将来のソブリン債務の引き受けを保証することで市場の投機筋を抑えることが出来たかもしれない。

Yet the myth persists that Europe's problem has been too much government and too much intervention. Ironically, conservatives who complain the most about government are the very ones who want to turn the United States into a eurozone (without the social welfare state) by destroying our fiscal union and by unduly tying the hands of the Federal Reserve (although some democratic reforms may be called for).
いまだに欧州の問題は行政が多すぎて、行政の干渉が多いことだという神話が根強く残っている。 皮肉なことに、行政に最も不平を言っている保守派の人々こそが、財政的団結を破壊し、連邦準備制度理事会の両手を不当に縛ることで(いくつかの民主的な改革が叫ばれてはいるが)、米国を欧州(社会福祉国家を除き)のようにしようとしている。

The third lesson is that austerity is counterproductive, and that "expansionary austerity" is exactly what it would seem—a dangerous oxymoron [see Ari Berman, "The Austerity Class," November 7]. Germany's view is that the crisis was caused by excessive government debt, built up over the past decade or two, and that market "confidence" and economic growth can be restored only through fiscal consolidation involving steep spending cuts and tax increases. But as common sense would have suggested, imposing austerity measures has killed off growth in much of the peripheral economies while pushing the eurozone economy as a whole closer to recession.
三番目の教訓は、緊縮政策は非生産的だということです。そして強化緊縮策は正に危険な矛盾するものなのです。 ドイツは、この危機は、この10年~20年の間に積み上がった過剰な政府債務が原因だと見ており、そして市場の信用と経済成長は極端な歳出カットや増税でのみ回復すると考えている節があるが、常識的に言って緊縮経済的な手法を強要することは、ユーロ圏経済全体を不況の方へ押しやることになり、周辺経済の多くにおいて経済成長の芽を摘み取ってしまうことになります。

This lesson is, of course, most stark in Greece, where the eurozone austerity program has set in motion a vicious downward cycle of recession and debt, whereby austerity leads to recession, which in turn produces even larger deficits and debt, which in turn prompts calls for more austerity. The IMF expects Greece's economy to contract by 5.5 percent in 2011; meanwhile, its projected budget deficit has increased to 9.5 percent from 8.6 percent, despite harsh public spending cuts and tax increases. Portugal and Spain are also in danger of being pushed into the debt trap. US advocates of expansionary austerity should take note.
この教訓は、もちろんギリシャにおいて際立っています、そこではユーロ圏の緊縮財政プログラムが不況と債務の下方スパイラルの悪循環を引き起こしている。緊縮政策が不況を加速することで、それがより大きな赤字と負債を引き起こし、またそれが更なる緊縮財政要求につながるといった具合です。 IMFは、ギリシャの厳しい公共の歳出削減や増税にも関わらず、ギリシャの経済は2011年に5.5%縮小し、一方でその予算赤字は8.6%から9.5%へ増加すると予想しています。 ポルトガルやスペインも債務の罠に押し込められていく危険があります。 米国で緊縮政策推進を主張する人たちは、このことを銘記しなければなりません。

Finally, adjustment must be a two-way process. The euro-zone's austerity policies are not the only reason European economies are heading toward recession. The monetary union itself is also at fault, because it has put deficit economies in a straitjacket as constraining as the gold standard was during the Great Depression. In order to restore growth and fiscal sustainability, these economies must improve their competitiveness—but they must do so without using an independent exchange rate. And without the ability to devalue their currency, the only way for eurozone economies to regain competitiveness in the short term (structural reforms take longer) is for wages and prices to fall. But that, of course, means an even greater drag on growth, not to mention greater political instability, which can destroy any prospects for recovery.
最後に、調整は二つのプロセスでなされなければなりません。 ユーロ圏の緊縮財政政策は欧州経済が不況に向っていることだけが理由ではありません。 通貨統合それ自体に問題があります、なぜならそれは、大恐慌の時の金本位制がそうであったように、赤字経済の参加国の単一通貨という拘束衣を着せて自由を奪ってしまうからです。 成長回復と経済の持続性の為には、これらの赤字国は彼らの競争力を改善しなければなりません・・・しかし、彼らは独自の為替レートのメリットを生かせないで、これをやらなければならないのです。 彼らの自国通貨の切り下げをする能力を削がれた状況では、ユーロ圏のなかで彼らが出来る唯一の短期的な競争力獲得の方法は賃金と価格を下げることしかありません(構造改革は時間がかかります。)。 しかし、それは当然のことながら、成長を更に抑制してしまい、言うまでもないことですが、より大きな政治の混乱を招き、それが経済回復の見込みを台無しにしかねないのです。

The best way to offset the contractionary effect of adjustment would be to make it a two-way process: for Germany and other surplus economies to pursue more expansionary policies while the peripheral economies gradually bring down their deficits with more growth-friendly policies. After all, the imbalance between the core surplus economies and the periphery economies was one of the principal causes of the crisis to begin with. But rebalancing runs contrary to Germany's deeply held philosophy of fiscal rectitude, as well as its export-oriented economy. Without such adjustment by Germany and the other core economies, however, the entire burden falls on the debtor economies, increasing the likelihood that rescue efforts will fail.
この経済調整過程での矛盾する影響をなくす最高の方法は、二方向のプロセスでやることです。 つまり、ドイツやその他の歳入超の国々は、より拡大経済政策を追求し、一方で周辺の赤字国は、経済成長をより後押しするような政策をとりながら、段階的に赤字を減らしていく政策をとるということです。 結局、黒字の主要国家と周辺の赤字国家の間の収支不均衡が、まず初めに危機の主な原因の一つだったのです。しかし、この不均衡是正策はドイツに深く根ざした規律経済の哲学と輸出中心の経済に真っ向から反しているのです。 しかしながら、ドイツとその他の主要各国によるそのような調整なくしては、全体の負担が債務各国の重荷となり、救済努力が失敗するような状況が増加するでしょう。

If adjustment proves impossible inside the eurozone straitjacket, there are two longer-term alternatives: permanent financing of debtor economies via a fiscal union, which would entail automatic transfer of resources from wealthier parts of the eurozone to poorer regions, or a eurozone breakup. In the meantime, the best we can hope for from Europe is a chronic low-grade crisis with slow growth. This makes it even more important that we heed the lessons of the crisis. We must choose strong government with robust public-investment and growth-oriented Keynesian economics, and avoid the false allure of small government and expansionary austerity.
ユーロ圏という単一通貨の拘束の中で調整が不可能だとしたら、二つの長期的な代案がある。つまり赤字国に恒久財源を通貨統合を経由して保証するということです。そこではユーロ圏の黒字国から、より貧しい国へ自動的に資金が移ることが必要となります。そしてもう一つはユーロ圏の解散です。 一方で、欧州から我々が最も望むのは、ゆっくりした経済成長を伴った慢性的な低レベルの危機です。 これは、我々が危機から学んだ教訓に留意することは、それでも、とても重要なことです。 我々はしっかりした公共投資と成長重視のケインズ流経済の強い政府を選ばなければなりません、そして小さな政府という誤った誘惑や緊縮財政の強化を避けなければならないのです。

ギリシャ危機 ついに大手銀行(デクシア)破たんか?

2011-10-11 | 欧州経済
France, Belgium, Luxembourg Agree On Dexia Plan 
フランス、ベルギー、ルクセンブルク 3国がデクシアの処理策で合意か


by The Associated Press

Yves Logghe/AP
A man walks past the French-Belgian bank Dexia Belgium headquarters in Brussels.

October 9, 2011
The governments of France, Belgium and Luxembourg said Sunday they have approved a plan for the future of embattled bank Dexia after shares tanked last week amid fears it could go bankrupt.

In a three-sentence statement issued by the Belgian prime minister's office, they said they support a proposal by the bank's management that will be submitted to its board of directors, but offered few details. The board was holding a crisis meeting late Sunday in Brussels amid reports that the bank might be split up.
ベルギーの首相府から出された3行の声明文では、彼らは役員会に提出される銀行のマネージメントによる提案を支持するとのこと、しかし細部については明らかにされていない。 役員会は銀行が分割されるかもしれないという報道の中で、日曜日にブラッセルで緊急会議を開催していた。

A spokesman said a bank officials would hold a news conference Sunday evening or Monday morning.

Late Sunday, the Belgian newspaper Le Soir, citing no sources, reported on its website that the Belgian government had agreed to buy Dexia Bank Belgium from Dexia SA, the French-Belgian banking group, for euro4 billion ($5.37 billion). The Belgian government would be the sole shareholder, the newspaper reported.
先の日曜日に、ベルギーの新聞ル・ソワールが、ニュースソースを明らかにせずに、そのウエッブサイト上で、ベルギー政府がデキシア・バンク・ベルギーを・デキシアSA(フランスとベルギーの銀行グループ)から40億ユーロ(53.7億ドル)で買い取ると報じた。 ベルギー政府が単一株主になると、その新聞は報じている。

Asked about the report, Dominique Dehaene, a spokesman for the Belgian prime minister, declined comment. Dehaene confirmed that government officials planned to hold a meeting late Sunday after the conclusion of the meeting of the bank's board of directors.
その報道について質問され、ベルギーの首相のスポークスマンである、ドミニク・デハネはコメントを控えた。 デハネは銀行の役員会の結果をまって、日曜日の遅くに政府関係者で会議を開くことを認めた。

Finding a solution is particularly urgent for Belgium because on Friday Moody's Investors Service placed the country's Aa1 rating on review for possible downgrade, due in part to the expected expense of guaranteeing that Dexia's depositors will lose no money.

The French government, too, is under acute pressure to save Dexia as the bank is one of the country's largest lenders to towns and cities.

The government statement, while giving no details, said the "suggested solution" had been "the result of intense consultations with all partners involved" which would include the three countries. France and Belgium became part owners of the bank during a euro6 billion ($7.8 billion) 2008 bailout. They have promised to ensure that no Dexia depositors lose money. Luxembourg holds a smaller stake.
細部は明らかにしていないが、政府声明は3か国を含む全ての関係者との集中協議の結果を受けて解決策だったことを示唆。 フランスとベルギーは60億ユーロ(78億ドル)の救済のときに、同銀行の共同オーナーになっていた。両国はデキシアの預金者を全額保護することを保証する約束をした。 ルクセンブルグは両国より少ないが株を保有している。

The terse government statement followed a meeting in Brussels attended by Belgium's caretaker prime minister, Yves Leterme, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, and Luxembourg Finance Minister Luc Frieden.

Asked whether a resolution would be achieved Sunday, Leterme replied, "It will depend on the board," the Belgian newspaper La Capitale reported on its website. Leterme's spokesman could not be reached Sunday evening.

After Dexia's shares plunged last week, the French and Belgian governments stepped in and guaranteed its financing and deposits. The bank said in a statement Friday that trading in its shares would remain frozen until it could "communicate more precisely on the various choices and options concerning the future of the group."

The bank has significant exposure to Greek debt, and there are fears Greece may default in some fashion. French and Belgian governments have said in recent days that they would step in and guarantee the bank's financing and deposits.

There was speculation last week that one way forward would be to break up the bank and isolate Dexia's toxic assets — totaling euro100 billion ($132 billion) — in a "bad bank" while its healthy parts would be sold individually.

Speaking on Belgium's VRT network, Leterme did not want to use the label "bad bank" to describe where the toxic assets may be parked, and voiced his hope that in the long-term they could earn "good money."

If the bank were to break up, it would be the first such casualty of the euro crisis, which has bedeviled European Union officials for nearly two years.

However, there was no confirmation Sunday from either government or bank officials that breaking up the bank was part of the proposed solution. 

ギリシャ危機 危機を乗り越えた先には その2

2011-09-30 | 欧州経済
Germany Approves A Bailout That's Way Too Small To Solve Europe's Problems

ギリシャはこの程度では救えないこと、基金を拡大するだけでなく、統合を強め迅速に対応、意思決定ができるようにならないと(あたかも一つの国のように)不安の連鎖で状況の悪化がとめれないことがわかりました。 一国、一通貨、一法律、一議会はやっぱり原則なのかな?

Categories: Government, Debt
12:23 pm
September 29, 2011
by Jacob Goldstein
By a wide majority, Germany's parliament just agreed to expand Europe's bailout fund. This sounds like a big deal: Germany's rescuing Europe!

But Germany isn't rescuing Europe. It's just signing off on a bailout plan that Europe's leaders agreed to months ago — a plan that clearly won't be enough to solve Europe's problems.
しかし、ドイツは欧州を救ってはいません。 それは単に数か月前に欧州各国の指導者が合意した救済計画について追認しただけに過ぎません・・・その計画は明らかに欧州の問題を解決するには十分ではありません。

So the implications of today's vote were asymmetric. A rejection from Germany would have meant immediate economic chaos in Europe and beyond. German approval only means that Europe can continue to muddle through for a few more weeks or months, until the next phase of the crisis.
今日の投票の意味するところは非対称となっています。 つまりドイツの拒否は欧州が直ちに経済的な混乱に陥ることを意味しますが、ドイツが賛成しても、それは次の危機までの数週間、或いは数か月の間をなんとかもがきながら切り抜けることしか意味しないからです。

Specifically, there are three huge problems that the current bailout plan doesn't solve. 

1. Even after the bailout, Greece still won't be able to pay its debts.   The current plan cuts Greece's debt by 20 percent. This is not nearly enough. It leaves Greece with the biggest deficit in Europe, relative to its overall economy. And that deficit will continue to grow, as Greece's wrecked economy shrinks and the country continues to borrow borrow more money.
現行の救済計画はギリシャの負債を20%削減します。これでは十分ではありません。それはギリシャを欧州で、その全体の経済に比して、最大の債務国にしたままです。 そして、その赤字は増え続けるでしょう、なぜならギリシャの破綻した経済は縮小し、そしてこの国は借金を重ねるしか道がないからです。

2. No one trusts Europe's big banks. U.S. money market funds have been pulling money out for months. Long-term lending to the banks is lower than its been in more than a decade. And the big European banks are even getting more nervous about lending to each other. This is a slow-motion bank run. If it continues, it will at least force the banks to choke off lending. Or it could cause another financial crisis.
2.誰も欧州の大銀行を信用していない。 米国の金融市場のファンドは既に何か月も資金を引き揚げています。 銀行への長期貸付は10年以上前より下がっています。 そして大きな欧州の各銀行は相互に貸し付けることに、より神経質になっています。 これはスローモーションの銀行経営です。 もし、このようなことが今後も続くと、それは少なくとも銀行が貸付を出来なくしてしまいます。これがまた新たな経済危機を引き起こすかもしれません。

3. Italy is way too big to be saved by the expanded bailout fund. Italy owes roughly as much money as Spain, Greece, Portugal and Ireland combined. Its borrowing costs shot up recently, and only came down when the European Central Bank started buying Italian bonds. This is a temporary measure.
In one sense, there's a clear solution to each of these problems.
Force holders of Greek bonds to take a bigger loss; force European banks to raise more money (from the private sector if possible, from the public sector if necessary); and expand the European rescue fund so that it's big enough to save Italy.
3.イタリアは拡大救済基金で救うには、かなり大きすぎる。 イタリアの負債はおよそスペイン、ギリシャ、ポルトガルとアイルランドの負債を全部合わせた分に相当します。 その借入コストは最近急上昇しており、欧州中央銀行がイタリアの国債を買い始めた時だけ下がりました。これは一時的な対策です。 

But the details are muddy. There's debate over who is going to be on the hook for losses. There are lots of proposals for all kinds of crazy financial engineering to make this stuff happen.
しかし、細部になるともっとやっかいです。誰がこれらの損失を被るかで議論があります。 これを実現する、あらゆる種類の馬鹿げた財政立て直しの提案が山ほどあります。

The politics are even muddier. When European leaders agree to a plan, every country in Europe has to sign off on it. The vote in Germany's parliament today was to approve a plan that European leaders agreed to months ago.
政治はさらにドロドロしています。 欧州の指導者達が一旦計画に合意すれば、欧州の各国はそれを承認しなければなりません。 ドイツでのk票の議会の投票は欧州各国指導者が数か月前に合意したことを承認するためでした。

The European Union wasn't designed to handle this kind of massive, fast-moving crisis. There's not enough centralized authority to make big, quick decisions. This is a fundamental, structural problem. And until it's solved — until Europe becomes more integrated, or the euro falls apart — leaders will struggle to make the kind of decisive moves necessary to end the crisis in Europe. 
EUはこの種の大きな、しかも急速に進展する危機に対応するように機能が整えられていませんでした。 迅速に大きな決断を下せるような、十分に中央集権的な機構にはなってないのです。 これは基礎的かつ構造的な問題です。 そして、それが解決するまで、言い換えれば欧州が更に統合を強めるまで、さもなければユーロがバラバラになるまで・・・各国の指導者は欧州のこの危機を終息させるために必要な、この種の断固たる動きをするために大変苦労するでしょう。

ギリシャ危機 危機を乗り越えた先には? 

2011-09-30 | 欧州経済
Even if Europe Averts Crisis, Growth May Lag for Years             欧州が危機を避けたとしても、成長は何年も鈍化するかも


Bills for a new income tax on display during a rally this week in Athens against the Greek government's new austerity measures. ギリシャ政府の新緊縮財政施策反対集会で展示された新しい収入税の書類の山

Published: September 29, 2011
It has happened time and again in recent months as Europe’s debt crisis has played out. Stocks stage a remarkably strong comeback on expectations that a solution has been found. Then they quickly resume their decline as hopes dissipate, leaving investors puzzled and frazzled.
それは欧州の債務危機が演じられるたびに、この数か月、頻繁に繰り返されてきた。 株式市場は解決策が見つかったという期待から力強い回復を見せた。 そして、希望が遠のくにつれ、再び急速に下落し始める、投資家には困惑と疲労だけが残った。

What is going on?

The problem, say close watchers of both the subprime financial crisis in 2008 and the European government debt crisis today, is that many investors think there is a quick and easy fix, if only government officials can come to an agreement and act decisively.

In reality, one might not exist. A best case in Europe is a bailout of troubled governments and their banks that keeps the financial system from experiencing a major shock and sending economies worldwide into recession.
実際は、そういうことは有り得ないでしょう。 欧州での最善の場合で、苦境に立っている政府や銀行の財務システムを大きな衝撃から守り、世界経済を不況に陥らせないというところまでです。

But a bailout doesn’t mean wiping out the huge debts that have taken years to accumulate — just as bailing out American banks in 2008 didn’t mean wiping out the huge amount of subprime debt that homeowners had borrowed but couldn’t repay.

The problem — too much debt — could take many years to ease.

”Everybody has been living beyond their means for nearly the last decade, so it is an adjustment that will be painful and long, and it will test the resilience of societies socially and politically,” said Nicolas Véron, a senior fellow at Bruegel, a research organization in Brussels.

This isn’t to say that the discussions in Europe are moot. If governments can’t agree on how to rescue Greece from its debilitating government debt, some fear the worst case could happen — a collapse of the financial system akin to 2008 that would ricochet around the world, dooming Europe but also the United States and emerging countries to a prolonged downturn, or worse.
これはなにも欧州での話し合いが非現実的だと言っているのではありません。 もし欧州の各国政府がギリシャをその悪化する政府債務から如何にして救うか合意できなかったとしたら、最悪のケースになったかも知れない。・・・・2008年と同じような経済システムの崩壊が世界中に拡がり、欧州を破滅に追い込むだけでなく、米国や振興国各国の経済の足を引っ張り、悪化させるでしょう。

Just like the United States, Europe built up trillions in debts during the past decades. What is different is that while in the United States more of the borrowing was done by consumers and businesses, in Europe it was mainly governments that piled on the debt, facilitated by the banks that lent them money by buying up sovereign bonds.

Now, just as the United States economy is held back by households whose mortgages are still underwater and won’t begin to spend again until they have run down their debts, Europe can’t begin to grow again until its countries learn to live within their means. That means running down their debts during years of austerity and tax increases.
米国経済が丁度今、住宅ローンが減らないと、消費を増やさない、抵当がまだ簿価を割っている家を持っている人々に支えられているように。 欧州も、その国々が収入の範囲内で暮らすことを学ばない限り、再び経済が成長することは出来ないのです。そのことは、これから何年にもわたって、厳しい生活と増税を経て彼らが負債を減らしていくことを意味しているのです。

In short, it still means years of painful adjustment.

“We have to adjust to lower growth,” said Thomas Mirow, president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, referring to Europe as well as the United States. “It is of course going to be very painful. But leaders have to speak frankly to their populations.”

The uncertainty about Europe’s future has been driving the gyrations of financial markets since the summer. Earlier this week, stocks rallied on euphoria that a new and more powerful bailout was near, but the rally fizzled Wednesday when cracks began to appear among European nations over the terms of money being given to Greece.

On Thursday, markets were mixed after the German Parliament approved the 440 billion euro ($600 billion) bailout fund aimed at keeping the crisis from hurting large European countries.

The trouble is that even this fund, which requires the approval of all 17 nations in the euro currency zone, is already seen as inadequate for the scale of Europe’s woes. Instead, a new idea is to bolster the fund by allowing an institution like the European Central Bank to use it as a guarantee for much greater lending, perhaps up to a couple of trillion euros.

This is the cause of the new optimism in markets, but some worry that even that idea may not fully address one of Europe’s most dangerous problems: fully recapitalizing its banks.
これが、市場において新しい楽観主義を生み出していますが、そんなことで欧州の危険な問題の一つでさえ対処できないと心配する向きもあります。 つまり欧州各国の主要銀行への資本注入です。

“We’re not seeing any real acknowledgment of the scale of the banking sector problem,” said Simon Tilford, the chief economist at the Center for European Reform in London. And even if the fund were enhanced with a couple of trillion euros of firepower to buy up troubled government debt from the financial system, that would still only shift the debt from European banks to taxpayers and do nothing to pay it off.

“Clearly something is cooking, but the markets will eventually choke on the taste,” said George Magnus, an economist at UBS in London. “It is about getting banks off the hook, but the darker side is it’s not doing anything real.”

Certainly, not everybody shares this view. Some economists say they believe that if Europe can only survive this crisis, at least some of its bigger members will be in relatively better shape than, say, the United States.

Debt levels are painfully high in countries like Italy, Ireland and Greece, but overall euro zone debt as a percentage of gross domestic product is 85 percent compared with 93 percent in the United States. When it comes to budget deficits, they are lower in aggregate across the 17 European Union countries that use the euro than in America — on average, 6 percent of gross domestic product, compared with about 9 percent in the United States. In addition, European consumers did not go through the same borrowing binge, so their retrenchment need not be so severe.
イタリア、アイルランドそしてギリシャのような国々の負債額は非常に多額に上るが、ユーロ圏全体でみるとGDPの85%であり、米国の93%に比べるとまだ低く、財政赤字にいたっては、ユーロ通貨のEU17ヶ国の合計は米国よりもましである。・・・・平均でGDPの6%であり、米国のそれは9%である。 更に加えて、欧州の消費者は同種の債務を負っているのではない(米国は住宅ローン)ので、支出削減は米国ほど困難ではない。

“We need to do a lot to get over the crisis but once we are over it, it will be the U.S. facing years of fiscal retrenchment, not Europe,” said Holger Schmieding, an economist at Berenberg Bank in London.

Indeed, a quick resolution of the crisis could increase confidence in these battered economies, and lead to a return to positive growth. But the danger is that the strict austerity measures being adopted will only worsen economic downturns that some think could drag on for a decade in Greece, Portugal and Spain. The threat is that, in turn, slow growth may make it harder for governments to pay down their debts.
実際、危機の迅速な解消は、打ちのめされた経済に自信を与え、前向きの成長への回帰へと誘うかもしれない。 しかし、危険なのは、これからの厳しい緊縮政策が経済をさらに悪化させ、それがギリシャ、ポルトガル、スペインで10年も尾を引くことになりかねないということ。 その脅威のシナリオは、逆に遅々として進まない経済成長が、各国政府の負債の返済を困難にするというものです。

Germany managed to pull itself around after laboring for years as the “sick man of Europe,” with high unemployment and sluggish growth. In the early 2000s, while the so-called Club Med countries of Southern Europe spent beyond their means, the German government initiated a series of structural reforms, deregulation and wage adjustments that helped it become the economic powerhouse that it is today.

But it is unclear where growth is going to come from in other European nations. None of the Continent’s weaker countries have a similar solution. Portugal and Spain, for instance, have pledged vigorous programs of spending cuts and tax increases. Yet it is unclear how this will stimulate growth unless they, too, can make over their economies to compete with the quality of German products or the cheaper labor costs of other markets like China.
しかし、経済成長が他の欧州の国々のかなかでどこから起きるのかはハッキリしない。欧州のどの弱小国も同じような解決策を共有していなのです。例えば、ポルトガル、スペインは歳出削減や増税という積極的計画を約束していますが、それでも、これが成長を刺激するかは今のところ不透明です。 彼らがドイツの製品と引けを取らない商品を生み出すか、それとも中国のような他の市場の安い労賃負けない低コストを実現しない限り。

The 440 billion euro bailout now being voted on, and even the ideas to maximize its power, amount to “Band-Aid city,” said Carmen Reinhart, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and co-author of “This Time Is Different,” a history of debt crises.

“For a few weeks it buys tranquillity,” she said, “but it does not get at two critical issues: it does not reduce the massive debt overhang and it does not restore growth.”
「数週間のために鎮静剤を買っているが、根本的に二つの重要な問題に取り組んでいない。 すなわち突出した巨額の負債を削減していない、そして成長を取り戻していない。」と彼女は言う。

Until real measures are taken to restore growth, the divide in Europe between wealthy northern countries and weaker southern ones will continue to plague the region, say many analysts, putting continued pressure on Germany to support its weaker neighbors.

That comes at a time when Germany’s own economy is showing signs of slowing as other Europeans become less able to afford German goods.
In the long term, some political leaders and economists are pushing for a more integrated economic, fiscal and political union in Europe — what they see as the only real solution.
他の欧州各国がドイツ商品を買えなくなると、ドイツ自身の経済成長が鈍化するときがくる。 長期的に、ある政治家やエコノミストは、欧州の更なる経済、政治面での統合を後押ししている。・・彼らはそこにしか真の解決は見いだせないと考えている。

“I don’t think little steps are credible here,” said Kenneth Rogoff, a Harvard economist and the co-author with Ms. Reinhart of “This Time is Different.” “There needs to be a United States of Europe at the end of this, and it may well not include everyone in the euro zone.”
「ことここに至って、小さな改革や取組はどれも有効ではないと思う。」と同じく「ディスタイム・イズ・ディファレント(今回は違う)」のラインハート女史と共著者で、ハーバードのエコノミストであるケネス・ロゴフ氏は語る。 「最終的には欧州合衆国が必要になる、そしてそれは全てのユーロ圏の国が含まれる訳ではない。」とも。

He added, “That’s always been part of the plan. They were thinking they had 20 years to get there, and instead they have 20 weeks.”

Josh Brustein contributed reporting.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

ギリシャ危機 EUの動き 欧州金融安定化基金の拡大へ踏み出す

2011-09-29 | 欧州経済
Expansion of European Bailout Fund Clears Hurdle


Published: September 28, 2011
FRANKFURT — Europe took another step Wednesday in its slog toward approval of a broader bailout fund for overly indebted countries, as Finland’s Parliament agreed to contribute its share despite an unresolved dispute over its demand for collateral from Greece.

Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen of Finland, left, in Parliament on Wednesday for the vote on the bailout fund, with the finance minister, Jutta Urpilainen, center, and defense secretary, Stefan Wallin.  水曜日の救済基金の議会での投票時のフィンランドのジルキ・カタイネン首相(左)、ユッタ・ウrピァイネン財務相(中央)そしてシュテファン・ワリン国防相の面々

The 103-to-66 vote, with 30 legislators absent, still leaves 7 of the 17 members of the euro zone yet to ratify a bailout fund that, despite expanded resources and power, is considered much too small to fend off further market attacks on Greece and other wounded countries.

The laborious approval process, which can be held up by objections from any one of the countries in the euro zone, has highlighted deep flaws in alliance’s decision making. Every major initiative must traverse an obstacle course, and each hurdle can jostle financial markets anew.
ユーロ圏のどの一ヶ国が反対しても前に進まないという手間のかかる承認のプロセスは、はからずもこの同盟の意思決定の欠陥を浮き彫りにした。 主要な計画や構想は全て、障害物コースを越えていかねばならず、各障害物は金融市場をその都度押しやる。

On Wednesday, major stock market indexes in Europe fell after three consecutive sessions of gains.

Though Finland can now be checked off the list, the next holdout may prove to be Slovakia, where there was talk a vote on the bailout fund might be delayed until late October, past the unofficial deadline of midmonth. Many Slovakians resent having to help bail out Greece, which, despite its problems, is wealthier.
フィンランドはクリアして、リストから外れたが、次の障害はスロバキアだろう、スロバキアは10月下旬(非公式の中旬という期限を越えて)まで救済基金の投票を延期するかもしれないと言われている。 多くのスロバキア人は、問題があっても、彼等より金持ちのギリシャの救済に手助けすることに憤りを感じている。

José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, warned Wednesday that countries in the euro zone must move toward greater unity for the alliance to survive.

“We are today faced with the greatest challenge our union has known in all its history,” Mr. Barroso said in his annual State of the Union address at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. “If we don’t move forward with more integration, we will suffer more fragmentation. This will be a baptism of fire for a whole generation.”
「我々は、同盟の知る限り、その歴史上最大の挑戦に晒されている。もし、我々が一致団結して前進しなければ、更にバラバラになってしまうだろう。 これは全ての世代にとっての厳しい試練である。」とバロッソ氏はストラスバーグでの欧州議会における年次一般教書演説の中で述べた。

Leaders in Germany and elsewhere played down speculation that they were working on bolder responses to the crisis, like a mechanism that would multiply the borrowing power of the bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility. Officials said they were preoccupied with getting parliamentary approval for existing measures.

But the euro zone countries face intense pressure from the United States, China and other countries to more forcefully address the sovereign debt problem before the meeting of the Group of 20 leading economies that begins Nov. 3 in Cannes.
“The euro area has been given an ultimatum to put its crisis once and for all behind its back over the coming six weeks,” Jacques Cailloux, chief European economist at Royal Bank of Scotland, wrote in a note to clients.

In an initial attempt to impose more spending discipline on euro zone members and to prevent future crises, members of the European Parliament voted Wednesday in favor of rules that would impose fines on countries that break budget and deficit rules.
Members of the euro zone are supposed to hold their budget deficits below 3 percent of gross domestic product, and total debt below 60 percent of G.D.P., but few do.

Under the new rules, countries that exceed those limits will be pressed to make a cash deposit — in an account that pays no interest — equal to 0.2 percent of G.D.P. If they still fail to rein in spending, they will forfeit the deposit.
While finance ministers would still need to agree to punish countries, the voting system has been adjusted to make it significantly more difficult to block sanctions.
この新しいルールのもとで、この限度を超えた各国は、GDPの0.2%相当の現金の資金準備金(金利を支払う必要のない)を積立てることが求められる。 もし、彼らがそれでも歳出の抑制ができなければ、この準備金は没収される。

In addition, national budget plans will come under greater scrutiny, and there will be an alert system to try and detect looming problems like the housing bubbles that helped create the debt crises in Spain and Ireland.
The German Parliament is scheduled to vote Thursday on the bailout fund, in what is seen as a crucial test for Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Austria is scheduled to vote Friday. The remaining countries are Cyprus, Estonia, Malta, the Netherlands and Slovakia.
There were indications that Slovakia’s Parliament might not vote until Oct. 25, beyond the midmonth deadline set by Olli Rehn, the European commissioner for economic and monetary affairs.
オーストリアは金曜日に投票がある。 残っている国々はキプロス、エストニア、マルタ、オランダ、そしてスロバキアである。

That would be about three months after representatives of the 17 countries in the euro zone agreed to give the rescue fund more money and power. The expanded fund will be able to loan up to €440 billion, or about $600 billion, and issue guarantees for €780 billion.
Mr. Cailloux said that the fund needed about €2 trillion to be effective.
The speaker of the Slovak Parliament, Richard Sulik, said a vote probably would be held Oct. 25, according to Beata Skyvova, a spokeswoman for the Parliament. But one party in the governing coalition was pressing for an earlier vote and more negotiations will take place before a final date is decided, Ms. Skyvova said.
ユーロ圏の17の国々が救済基金により多くの資金と権限を与えることに合意して、焼くか月になろうとしている。 拡大基金は貸出が4400億ユーロ(6000億ドル)まで可能で、保証は7800億ユーロまで出来る。 

Finland continues to demand that it receive collateral from Greece in return for aid to that country. But Finnish leaders argued that approval for the rescue fund, which will also provide aid to Ireland, Portugal and other countries, was a separate issue.
That reasoning cleared the way for the Finnish Parliament to approve the bill Wednesday.
Finland is still negotiating with its European partners on the collateral issue, and officials in Helsinki have expressed optimism that a solution will be found to address Finnish sensibilities without undermining the aid package.

Meanwhile, Greece moved closer to receiving the next installment of aid it needs to avoid bankruptcy.
Officials from the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank were traveling to Athens to assess whether to recommend release of the aid, said Amadeu Altafaj Tardio, a European Commission spokesman.
A decision is likely before a summit meeting of European Union leaders Oct. 17-18, according to one European official not authorized to speak publicly.
一方、ギリシャは破綻を避けるために必要な支援の次の資金注入を受ける日が迫っている。 IMF、欧州委員会そして欧州中央銀行の関係者は、援助の実行を勧めるかどうか監査をするために、アテネに向っていると欧州委員会のスポークスマンであるアマデウ・アフタファ・タルディオは言った。決定は、公式発表の権限はないが一人の関係者によると、欧州連合の指導者達のサミットミーティングがある10月の17日~18になる模様。

During his speech to the European Parliament, Mr. Barroso said that changes needed to secure the euro’s future might require reopening the Union’s governing treaty. He reiterated that Greece would stay in the euro zone.
Mr. Barroso confirmed that the European Commission, the E.U.’s executive branch, would speed up a feasibility study on issuing euro bonds — common debt that would be guaranteed by all members of the euro zone. He gave his clearest support to the idea yet.
欧州議会での彼の演説のなかで、バロッソ議長はユーロの将来の力をより堅固煮るために必要な変革は連合の統制する条約が必要であるといい。彼はギルシャはユーロ圏にとどまると繰り返し述べた。バロッソ氏は、欧州連合(EU)の行政組織である、欧州委員会は、ユーロ圏の全ての加盟国が保証する共通の債券でとなる、ユーロ債の発行のフィージビリティスタディ(実行可能性の研究)を加速すると、確認した。 彼は既にこの構想に明確な指示を表明している。

“Once the euro area is fully equipped with the instruments necessary to ensure both integration and discipline, the issuance of joint debt will be seen as a natural and advantageous step for all,” he said.
“We need to complete our monetary union with an economic union,” Mr. Barroso argued. “It is an illusion to think we could have a single currency and a single market with national economic approaches.”
「欧州地域が統合と規律の両方を確実なものにするための必要な機能をちゃんと組み込むならば、共通の債券の発行は加盟国全てにとって自然でかつ利益の多いものとなるだろう。」と彼は話す。「我々は経済統合のもとでの通貨統合を完成する必要がある。 単一通貨を持ち、単一市場に各国が夫々の経済アプローチをすると考えるのは幻想に過ぎない。」とバロッソ氏は主張する。

Mr. Barroso also announced a proposal for a Europe-wide tax on financial transactions, a move that Germany and France support strongly but such countries as Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden say they would back only if it was agreed to at a global level. That is unlikely, given opposition from the United States.
バロッソ氏は財務上の行為として欧州規模の税の提案を発表した、この動きはドイツやフランスが強力に支持しているが、イギリス、オランダ、スウェーデンなどは全世界の合意のもとでのみ支持するとしている。 ということは、米国の反対を考えれば実現は程遠い。

Stephen Castle reported from Brussels. Niki Kitsantonis contributed reporting from Athens.

ギリシャ危機 (メルケルは救済を確約)

2011-09-28 | 欧州経済
German Leader Reaffirms Backing for Greece  

翻訳してわかるのですが、日本の発言はいつも、条件つきで、大丈夫だったら負担を追う可能性を排除しないというような、腰の引けた表現に終始している。この英文から安住さんが、リーダーシップを発揮できる(大臣と言えども)人或いは位置づけにはないというメッセージが透けて見える。残念だが翻訳していて、そう思ってしまう。これなら誰が大臣しても同じと思われても仕方ない。 リスクを負わない言葉には説得力も生じない。同じ言葉だけでも中国のほうが多分欧米では受ける

Published: September 27, 2011

LONDON — Promising that Athens would live up to its commitments, the Greek prime minister urged Europe to pull together to take the steps needed to head off a potentially disastrous escalation in the sovereign debt crisis.

In a speech to the same group of German business leaders, Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany would provide all the help it could to stabilize Greece.
“We must stop blaming each other for our different weaknesses and unite together with our different strengths,” Prime Minister George Papandreou of Greece said in his speech. “The euro zone must now take bold steps towards fiscal integration to stabilize the monetary union. Let’s not allow those who are betting against the euro to succeed.”
ドイツのビジネスリーダー同じグループに対するスピーチの中で、アンジェラ・メルケル首相はギリシャを安定化させるためにドイツは全ての援助を提供すると発言した。またギリシャのジョージ・パパンドルー首相は彼のスピーチの中で「我々はお互いの異なる弱点を言い募るのではなく、異なる強さで補完し団結しよう。」と訴えた。 更に「ユーロ圏は、通貨統合の安定化に向けて、経済統合へ大胆なステップを踏み出さなければならない。ユーロに対して、これを否定する人たちの思いどおりになってはならない」とも言った。

The speeches — and a meeting between the two leaders set for Tuesday evening — come just two days before German lawmakers are to vote on a bill that would bolster the main European bailout fund, known as the European Financial Stability Facility. Although it is sure to pass — with opposition support if required — some members of Mrs. Merkel’s governing coalition are threatening to oppose it amid popular anger about bailing out Athens. That would be another blow to her credibility at home.
ドイツの議会が欧州金融安定化基金として知られる主な欧州の救済基金を支持する法案の投票の二日前の木曜日の夜に二人の指導者の会談と演説は設定された。 もし必要であれば反対者の支持を取り付けて法案は通過するのは確実であるが、ギリシャ救済に対する怒りが国民に渦巻くなか、メルケルの連立内閣の一部に反対を唱えている者がいる。 これはメルケル首相にとって国内での彼女の信用に対する大きな政治的な打撃になるかもしれない。

Mrs. Merkel urged lawmakers to back the bill “in a spirit of friendship, a spirit of partnership, not in a spirit of imposing something.”
“If Europe isn’t doing well, then over the medium term Germany won’t do well,” she said.
In Athens, lawmakers were preparing to vote late Tuesday on a property tax that is seen as crucial to the government receiving more financial aid from its partners and averting a default as soon as mid-October, by which time its coffers will run dry without new funds.

Despite vehement popular opposition, it appeared likely that the governing Socialist party’s slim majority of four in the country’s 300-seat Parliament would carry the bill into law.
Meanwhile, the Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said that auditors from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund are due to return to Athens this week.
At a news conference in Athens, he reiterated that the government would do “everything necessary” to meet deficit reduction targets, and said that a deeper-than-expected recession had necessitated “increasingly tough measures.”

He confirmed that the I.M.F.’s chief, Christine Lagarde, whom he met in Washington over the weekend, had requested written guarantees from the government regarding the timetable and projected revenue of the new measures. Those are primarily additional wage and pension cuts and the new tax on property.
But he denied speculation that he had discussed a possible Greek default with Mrs. Lagarde and the European Central Bank’s president, Jean-Claude Trichet.
European governments are said to be drawing up fresh plans to make the E.F.S.F. even larger and more potent, with sweeping powers to recapitalize the region’s struggling banks, possibly in combination with large write-downs for holders of Greek bonds.
彼は週末にワシントンで会ったIMF専務理事のクリスティン・ラガードが、新しい施策の行程表とそれによる歳入増加について政府から書面での保証を要求されたことを明らかにした。 それらの施策は主に、新たな賃金及び年金のカットと新しい資産税からなっている。 欧州の各国政府は欧州金融安定化基金の新しい計画の草案に着手していおり、同基金に対して、苦しんでいる同域内銀行の資本再注入をするほどの圧倒的資金力を与えることにより、同基金をより巨大で高能力にし、ギリシャ国債の債権者に国債の減却書き換えと合わせて対処しようとしている。

In Tokyo, the Japanese finance minister, Jun Azumi, suggested that his government might contribute toward a bailout effort for Greece if European leaders were able to hammer out a reasonable plan to calm market fears.
Laurence Boone, an economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in a research note that in light of meetings held over the weekend at the I.M.F. in Washington, announcements on bank recapitalization are likely in early October, possibly through the upgraded E.F.S.F., as well as an explanation on how the firepower of the E.F.S.F. might be improved. In addition, she added, the European Central Bank might cut interest rates in October.
バンクオブアメリカメリルリンチのエコノミストである、ローレンス・ブーンは、そのリサーチノートの中でこう述べている。 ワシントンでのIMFにおける週末の会議に照らし合わせてみると、銀行への資本注入の発表はおそらく10月の初旬と考えられる、たぶん強化したEFSF(欧州金融安定化基金)を通じてなされ、同時にEFSFの基金をいかにして強化改善するかの説明もなされるであろう。更に彼女は付け加えて、欧州中央銀行は10月に金利を削減するするかも知れないと書いている。

Mr. Papandreou appeared to back the plans to bolster the E.F.S.F.
“Shoring up our institutions so they can withstand financial shocks is an essential investment in Europe’s long-term security,” he said.
But he called on his partners to stop sniping at the Greeks, describing the “persistent criticisms” as “deeply frustrating.”
“Frustrating not only at the political level, where a superhuman effort is being made to meet stringent targets in a deepening recession,” he said. “But frustrating also for the Greeks who are making these painful sacrifices and difficult changes.”

“We all need to stop the cacophony and work more in harmony,” he added. “Even Germany depends on Europe, its biggest trading partner, for growth and jobs.”
Greece unveiled new measures last week aimed at raising €7 billion, or $9.4 billion, by the end of the year. They included an average reduction of 20 percent to the salaries of state employees, in addition to 15 percent reductions over the past year, and cuts of 4 percent to pensions, on top of the 10 percent already applied.
Those come just three months after the government passed a previous package that included tax increases and wage freezes.
「我々は不協和音を止め、より調和の中で仕事をする必要がある。 ドイツですら、その最大の貿易パートナーとして、その成長と仕事を欧州に依存している。」と付言した。
先週明らかにしたギリシャの新しい施策は70億ユーロ(94億ドル)を今年の末までに歳入を増やす。 それらの施策には国家公務員の給与の平均20%削減(昨年の15%の削減に追加して)と4%の年金の削減(昨年の105の削減に追加して)が含まれている。

In the streets of Athens on Tuesday, public opposition to more austerity was clear, as thousands of public transport workers walked off the job in the latest in a series of 24-hour strikes.
Tax officials are also striking to protest wage cuts and feared layoffs in the public sector, while the main civil servants’ union has said it will join two general strikes scheduled for Oct. 5 and 19.

In Japan, Mr. Azumi said that he would “not rule out the possibility that Japan would bear some of the burden” in a bailout, provided there was a plan “that involves a steady process and a reasonable amount of funds that would bring markets a sense of security over the Greek bailout.” He did not comment on how big a possible Japanese contribution might be.
Japan is eager to quell investor jitters especially in currency markets, where the euro has slid against the yen, a headache for Japan’s export-led economy. Japanese stock markets have also taken a beating, recently hitting their lowest levels in two and a half years.

Japan, the world’s third-largest economy after the United States and China, has also been eager to lift its standing in global economic affairs, after top Chinese officials also expressed willingness to help European economies tackle their debt.
The Japanese government has already used euro assets in its vast foreign-exchange reserves to buy bonds issued by the European Financial Stability Facility in a bid to bail out Ireland.

Niki Kitsantonis reported from Athens, Hiroko Tabuchi in Tokyo contributed reporting.

ギリシャ危機 (各国の思惑と対応の差) 

2011-09-28 | 欧州経済
Mixed Reaction to Europe’s Talk of Bolstering a Bailout Fund


Published: September 26, 2011

FRANKFURT — Wedged between impatient financial markets and restive voters, European political leaders struggled on Monday to formulate a bolder response to the sovereign debt crisis, including possibly expanding the firepower of the euro zone’s bailout fund.

※ソブリンリスクとは、外国の政府や中央銀行、外国地方公共団体といった事実上の外国国家に対する融資におけるリスク。 カントリーリスクと同義で使われることもある言葉だが、厳密に区分するならば、ソブリンリスクは特に国家への融資に関するリスクに限定されている。

Alexander Stubb, the Finnish minister for foreign affairs.

European officials said a plan was in the works that would enlarge the bailout fund’s borrowing power but not the amount that countries were contributing. The proposal was met guardedly by German officials, who are already struggling to swing public opinion in favor of the more modest aid plan they agreed to in July, let alone any new initiatives.
欧州の関係者によると、計画は緊急援助資金の借入力を拡大する作業の範囲であり、各国が拠出している資金の額ではないとのこと。 その提案はドイツの関係者の注意深い対応を反映している。ドイツは既に国民の意見を7月に合意した穏やかな援助計画に導くことでさえ苦慮しており、何か新しい構想というのは困難だ。

As finance ministers and central bankers trickled back to Europe from meetings in Washington over the weekend, markets were clearly eager for a plan that would isolate Greece’s problems from the rest of the Continent and ensure that Italy and Spain did not also fall victim to the debt crisis.

The main stock indexes in Europe rose Monday, in part because of expectations that a more robust response to the problem was in the works.

A more potent bailout fund would not remove the need for other changes, like strengthening the banking system and improving decision making by the European Union, said Nicolas Véron, a senior fellow at Bruegel, a research organization in Brussels. But it would help, he said.

“I don’t think one measure can solve it all, but it would make a significant difference in market sentiment,” said Mr. Véron, who testified in Washington last week before the Senate Banking Committee on the debt crisis. Meanwhile, Finland appeared to be closer to resolving an impasse that had threatened to hold up deployment of the existing bailout fund. Alexander Stubb, the Finnish minister for European affairs, said the country’s Parliament was likely to approve a plan agreed to by leaders in July.
「私は、一つの対策で全部が解決できるとは思わないが、市場の受け止め方に顕著な差が出る。」ヴェロンは言う。彼は先週ワシントンで、上院の銀行委員会で債務危機について証言をしている。 一方フィンランドは現状の緊急援助資金の運用を硬直させている難局の打開により近い態度をとっているようだ。 フィンランドの欧州問題担当大臣であるアレキサンダー・スタブは7月に各国指導者で合意した計画を同国議会は承認するだろうと述べた。

Finland is also close to resolving a dispute about its demand for collateral in return for granting more aid to Greece. The dispute illustrated how political opposition in just one of the 17 European Union countries that use the euro can block initiatives.
“I’m very confident we will get the package through Parliament,” Mr. Stubb said by phone. He declined to give details of how the collateral dispute might be resolved.
フィンランドはまた、より多くの援助資金をギリシャに認める代わりに、その担保要求についての論争を解決することにも積極的だ。 この論争は、如何にユーロを使用するEU17ヶ国の内の一ヶ国の政治的反対が救済構想を阻止するかを物語っている。 「私は国会でこのパッケージ案を通過させる自信はある」とスタッブは電話取材に答えている。彼はどのようにして担保の論争が解決されるのか細部については答えなかった。

In Brussels, Amadeu Altafaj-Tardio, a spokesman for the European Commission, confirmed that discussions were under way on methods to extend the effectiveness of the bailout fund, called the European Financial Stability Facility.
Olli Rehn, the commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, had made clear at meetings in Washington that the euro zone was “contemplating further leveraging” of the stability fund, Mr. Altafaj-Tardio said. That option has been urged by United States officials.
オリ・レーン(EUの経済金融問題担当委員)はワシントンの会議において、ユーロ圏は金融安定化のための基金の更なるレバレッジ(拡大効果)を検討していると言うことを明確にした、と同スポークスマンは述べた。 そのオプションは米国関係者が強く提案したものである。

Separately, leaders tried to quash rumors that Greece and its creditors had discussed the possibility of banks’ taking a larger cut in the value of their Greek bond holdings — perhaps as much as 50 percent — to reduce the government’s debt burden to a more manageable level.
Such a move remained highly controversial and was opposed by the large banks as well as the European Central Bank, which owns Greek bonds with a value of as much as 60 billion euros, or $80.8 billion. Any Greek default would probably also require a coordinated bailout of banks holding large amounts of Greek debt.

As has often been the case, European leaders seemed to have different perceptions of what was being discussed and how likely it was that the proposals would find support.
Martin Kotthaus, a spokesman for the German Finance Ministry, said in Berlin there was no need to expand the size of the bailout fund by giving it more money than already agreed. There is fear that pumping more money into the fund might threaten the credit rating of countries like France by increasing their liabilities.
これまでそうであったように、欧州の各国指導者は何が検討されるか、また支援に繋がる提案がどのようなものになるかについて異なった見通しと思惑を持っているように見える。 マルチン・コットハウス(ドイツ財務省のスポークスマン)はべりリンで、既に合意した以上の資金を供与して緊急援助資金を規模を増額する必要は無いと発言した。 そこには、資金を緊急援助につぎ込むことでフランスのように負債を増加し、信用格付けを下げかねないと言う恐れがある。

But German officials did not appear to be opposed to increasing the rescue fund’s power to leverage its government guarantees. They wanted only to avoid any discussion until Parliament votes this week on a proposal to expand the size of the fund to 780 billion euros. That plan was agreed to by European leaders on July 21. Some analysts have said that the fund needs to be two to three times as big to convince markets that it could handle a wider crisis.
しかし、ドイツ関係者は、政府保証の効果テコ入れの援助資金力の増額には反対していないように見えた。彼らは7800億ユーロまで資金援助額を拡大する提案が今週議会を通過するまで、いかなる議論も避けたがっていただけである。 その計画は7月21日に欧州の各国指導者で合意されたものである。 あるアナリストによればその援助資金は、市場に対して、その対策がより広範な危機に対処し得ると納得させるために規模は2倍~3倍が必要とみている。

On Monday, a senior official in the Greek Finance Ministry, responding to persistent default rumors, said no such event was imminent. And on Sunday, Evangelos Venizelos, the Greek finance minister, said in Washington that the government’s plan to exchange some existing bonds for new, longer-term securities remained on track.
The debt exchange would impose a relatively modest 21 percent loss on the face value of the affected bonds. It is regarded as a good deal for investors because they would receive more solid paper in exchange. Greek creditors must still indicate their willingness to participate.
月曜日に、ギリシャの財務省の高官は根強いデフォルトの噂に応えて、そのような差し迫った事態ではないと発言した。 そして日曜日には、ギリシャのエヴァンゲロス・ヴェニゼロス財務大臣はワシントンで、現状の国債を新しい、長期の証券に切り替える政府の計画は予定通りに進んでいると発言している。 負債の付け替えは、その影響を受けた国債の額面価値に、比較的穏便な21%の損失を課することになる。 それは出資(投資)者にとっては良い取引である、なぜなら彼らはより確実な(ソリッド)な証券を受け取ることが出来るからである。(紙屑にはならない) ギリシャの債権者たちは、それでも彼らの前向きな参画意志を強く表明しなければならない。

Policy makers want to put Greece on a path toward reducing its debt load to just below 100 percent of its gross domestic product within this decade so that it can wean itself off taxpayer bailouts. The hope is that much of that reduction would come through revived economic growth.
But those prospects seem distant given the deep recession into which Greece has fallen and stricter belt-tightening measures being demanded by international creditors.
各国指導者はギリシャを赤字削減の軌道に乗せ、この10年間で、対GDP比100%以下までもっていきたいと考えており、そうすることでギリシャは納税者救済問題から政府を切り離すことができる。 望みはこれだけの削減は経済成長の復活を通して達成されるということである。

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany rejected the idea of a Greek default, telling a television interviewer late Sunday that such an event could deliver a shock to the financial system similar to the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
“We can only take steps that we can really control,” she said on ARD, a public broadcaster. If Greece touched off another financial crisis, she said, “then we politicians will be held responsible.”
「我々は、我々が本当に制御できる段階を踏むだけです。」と彼女は公共放送のARDに答えた。 もしギリシャが再び財政危機に陥ったら・・と問われて、彼女はこう答えている。「そのときは私達政治家が責任をもって対処します。」

Under one option being discussed, the bailout fund would be able to absorb losses sustained by the European Central Bank on its purchases of Greek and other government bonds, according to an European Union official who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the delicacy of the issue.
There is, one official said, no preferred model and it remained unclear whether such moves would be possible without further legal changes. Some officials say they think such steps could be constitutionally difficult, particularly in Germany.
ある関係はこれには好ましい解決モデルは無いと言う、そしてそのような動きが法改正なしに出来るのかという点も不透明なままである。 ある高官は、そのような段階は法的に困難であり、特にドイツにおいては難しいと考えていると言っている。

“Further enhancement could require treaty reform,” said the European Union official.
Resistance to new plans to strengthen the rescue fund might also be forthcoming from the central bank, which has been trying to reduce its bond-buying program.
Attention will focus this week on Greece and negotiations on the release of the next portion of international aid, worth 8 billion euros. Without the money, Greece would default next month.

A mission by officials of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund was expected to leave for Athens this week. Mr. Altafaj-Tardio said that a decision on the release of the next aid installment was not expected by the time euro zone finance ministers meet next Monday.
Opposition to more aid to Greece remains deep in Germany among the public, mainstream economists and the president of the German central bank, Jens Weidmann.
欧州委員会、欧州中央銀行そしてIMFの使節団は今週アテネを去る予定である。 アルタファジ‐タルディオ氏(欧州委員会のスポークスマン)は次回の資金注入の決定は来週月曜日のユーロ圏の蔵相会議まで決定はされないだろうと語っている。

Jens Weidmann, president of the German central bank.

Speaking in Washington on Monday, Mr. Weidmann said that aid had already weakened incentives for countries to behave responsibly.
“Contrary to what is actually needed in order to overcome the sovereign debt crisis, we risk seeing the propensity for excessive deficits rise even further in the future,” he said.
Jack Ewing reported from Frankfurt and Stephen Castle from Brussels. Liz Alderman contributed reporting from Paris and Landon Thomas Jr. from London.

世界不況の処方箋  あるエコノミストの主張(アダム・ボーゼン氏)

2011-09-19 | 欧州経済
From an American in London, Global Warnings


Adam Posen speaking in Gloucestershire, England. He has been pressing his case for a much more aggressive monetary policy.

The economist Adam Posen wants central banks to start printing more money — a lot more money.

GOVERNMENTS are pushing austerity; bankers are hoarding cash; a recession looms in the United States and Europe. But Adam S. Posen has a solution: a shock-and-awe display of coordinated central bank attacks aimed at reviving sluggish economies.
各国政府は厳しい政策を推し進め、銀行は資金をため込む。しかるに不況が米国と欧州を襲っている。 しかし、アダム・ポーゼンは解決策を持っている。それは停滞する経済から復活を狙った、調整された中央銀行の「衝撃と畏怖」の現出作戦である。

An American economist on the Bank of England’s monetary policy committee, Mr. Posen is no academic scribbler or lonely blogger, but someone inside the central banking establishment.
And, as a leading expert on what is often called Japan’s lost decade, he is particularly worried that the Federal Reserve in the United States and the European Central Bank are making the same monetary policy mistakes that left Japan’s once-robust economy stagnant all through the 1990s and even into the 21st century.

For months now, Mr. Posen — who got his bully pulpit at the Bank of England by answering an ad in The Economist — has been warning that policy makers in Washington and in Europe have been too optimistic about how quickly the global economy would recover from the financial crisis.

The joint action by central banks on Thursday to make it easier for weak European banks to borrow dollars is no doubt a policy nod in Mr. Posen’s direction, but it is still a far cry from the type of unified bond purchasing program, or quantitative easing, that he is advocating.

When Fed officials meet this week, they are widely expected to take further action to reduce long-term interest rates, a significant turnabout after months of suggesting that a recovery was solidly under way. The European Central Bank has not yet gone so far, but officials have recently signaled a new openness to reducing interest rates or at least to stop raising them.
連邦準備制度理事会の高官が今週会合を開いたとき、回復が堅調に推移した数か月後の顕著な景気転換のための長期金利を下げるために更なる施策を打つことで、彼らは広く認識を共有していた。 欧州中央銀行は、まだそこまで考えていなかったが、最近同高官は長期金利を下げるか、少なくとも上げないようにするとの新しい選択の可能性を示している。

In simplest terms, Mr. Posen wants central banks to print more money. A lot more money.  

There is a certain tilting-at-windmills aspect to his crusade. The Fed will probably stop well short of the aggressive bond buying that Mr. Posen has advocated. Already, some Fed officials — and most Republican leaders, including the presidential hopefuls Rick Perry and Mitt Romney — believe that the Fed is at risk of rekindling inflation.
彼の改革には「風車を傾ける」(勝てない戦いに挑む)一面があることは確かである。 連邦準備制度理事会は恐らくポーゼン氏が提唱するような積極的国債購入には程遠いところでオペレーションを止めるでしょう。 既に、ある連邦準備制度理事会高官(それと大統領の可能性があるペリーやロムニーを含む共和党の殆どのリーダー達)は連邦準備制度理事会がインフレを再燃する恐れがあると信じている。

But that hasn’t stopped Mr. Posen from pressing his case. Earlier this month, he had lunch with Kiyohiko Nishimura, a deputy governor at the Bank of Japan, and Charles Evans, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. And, last Tuesday, he traveled to this small hamlet in southeast England to issue his most passionate cry yet ”I am here to warn policy makers in the United States, Europe, everywhere that we cannot take our foot off the pedal,” Mr. Posen said before a roomful of small-business leaders and bankers. “The outlook is grim — the right thing to do now is engage in more monetary stimulus.”

Although a few bubbles of sweat appeared on his forehead, Mr. Posen argued his brief here with aplomb — mixing self-deprecating remarks that touched on the oddity of a 44-year-old American prescribing monetary policy in Britain (“I get paid in pounds and pay rent in pounds,” he assured his audience) with a trenchant analysis of the economy’s various ills (stagnant growth, increasing unemployment and banks that will not lend).
額に幾分汗を滲ませながらではあるが、ポーゼン氏は彼のブリーフィングを冷静に実施した。 経済的な様々な病気(成長停滞、失業者の増加、そして貸し渋る銀行など)の明確な分析をして、イギリスの金融政策を論ずる44歳のちょっと変わったアメリカ人について自虐的なコメントを混ぜながら・・(「私はポンドで給与をもらって、ポンドで家賃を支払っています。」と聴衆に確認した。)

His listeners hailed his proposal that the Bank of England and the British Treasury form a government-backed bank to make small-business loans. But on a day when inflation ticked up to 4.5 percent, among the highest annual rates in Europe, his call to monetary arms received a muted response.
”I am very worried about the consequences of quantitative easing,” said John Thurston, chairman of Watts, a local company that supplies parts and services to commercial vehicles. Watts has felt the effect of the business slump, but the inflationary impact of more government bond buying worried him.
「私は量的緩和の引き起こす結果に懸念を抱いています。」とワッツ社の会長であるジョン・サーストンは言う。 ワッツ社は商用車の部品とサービスを提供する現地の会社である。 ワッツはビジネスの落ち込みの影響を感じているが、政府が国債をもっと買うことによるインフレの影響を恐れている。

“I just don’t know how you unwind it,” he said.
Mr. Thurston is not alone in his concern.
On the Bank of England’s nine-member monetary policy committee, Mr. Posen was the only one to vote last month for the bank to resume its bond purchasing program, according to minutes of the meeting.

IN addition to the Fed’s reluctance to start another bond-buying effort, the European Central Bank is also not expected to continue its current program of purchasing the bonds of weak euro zone economies for much longer.

Mr. Posen’s central premise is that governments in Japan, Europe and the United States are running the risk of repeating the policy mistakes of the 1930s, when the conventional wisdom called for strict monetary policy and budget cutting, only deepening the Depression.

Not that central bankers have exactly been sitting on their hands.
Their efforts clearly helped prevent the sharp recession of 2008-9 from turning into something much worse, and the Fed, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Bank of Japan have all bought large amounts of government bonds to help push down interest rates.

Now, with rates touching zero, the view has taken hold that to do more would risk stoking inflation and damage the credibility of central bankers.

But for Mr. Posen, such hand-wringing over inflation when unemployment is spiking in developed countries is not just misguided but irresponsible.

“I am really angry — we are getting these incredibly wimpy excuses for inaction,” Mr. Posen said, speaking broadly of central bank attitudes.

“My proposal is that the Bank of England buy £50 billion in gilts, although a good case can be made for doing more,” he said, referring to British government bonds.
Amid the secretive world of central banking, Mr. Posen strikes an arresting contrast. He is voluble, eager to please and, not being immune to a bit of gossip, has to restrain himself from revealing market-sensitive details about the bank’s inner workings.
中央銀行の秘密体質の世界の中で、ポーゼン氏の提言は目を引くコントラストをなしている。 彼は雄弁で、心を込めて応答しているが、といって風評にも鈍感ではない、そして彼自身も、銀行の内部作業については、市場に敏感に影響を与える細部には触れないようにしている。

More policy entrepreneur than wonk, Mr. Posen used his perch at the Peterson Institute of International Economics in Washington to push his core, Keynes-colored notion that governments and central banks must jump-start economies stuck in a slump when banks and the private sector show that they cannot.

A spate of papers on this topic that pointed to policy dithering in Japan brought him a measure of renown. He also showed an ability to ally himself with name-brand economists and policy makers on both sides of the Atlantic. Early supporters include the Fed chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, while he was at Princeton, as well as Mervyn King, before he became governor of the Bank of England.
日本における優柔不断な政策を指摘した一連のこの問題にかんする論分は、彼を少なからず有名にした。彼はまた、大西洋を挟む欧米の著名なエコノミストや政策立案者と自身をうまく組んでいく能力も示している。 早くからの彼の支持者の中には、連邦準備制度理事会のバーナンキ議長もいる、またイングランド銀行総裁の前にプリンストンにいたときのメルビン・キング総裁もそうである。
But it was not until 2009, when Mr. Posen joined the Bank of England, that he was given a chance to advance his views from inside the temple. Unlike the Fed or the European Central Bank, the Bank of England reserves several slots on its policy-making panel for outsiders.

He has an office at the bank’s grand headquarters on Threadneedle Street, is expected to show up there no more than three days a week and has the use of two trained economists to assist him in his big thinking and speech-making.

“It’s like being a governor of the Federal Reserve, only better because you are not stuck with the crap work,” Mr. Posen said. He is also very adept at explaining the dry arcana of monetary policy in a way that is understandable and offers up good guys (those in favor of quantitative easing) and bad guys (those who are not).
「それは連邦準備銀行の総裁であるようなものです、それと違って良いと思えるのは雑事に囚われなくて済むということです。」とポーゼン氏は言う。 彼はまた、無味感想な金融政策を良い輩(量的緩和に同調する人)にも悪い輩(それに反対の人)にも分り易いように話すのに非常に長けているのです。

“Adam is very confident that inflation will come down, and he has said he will eat his hat if that does not happen,” said Charles Goodhart, an expert on central banks at the London School of Economics and an early mentor to Mr. Posen. “He may well be right — but many of his colleagues do not share this belief.”
「彼(アダム・ボーゼン)はインフレが収まるということに非常なる自信をもっています。そしてもしそうならなかったら首をかけてもいいと断言しているのです。 彼は正しいかもしれません、しかし多くのかれの同僚は彼の考えに同調しません。」とロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクスで中央銀行のエキスパートでポーゼンの昔のメンター(相談相手)だったチャールズ・グッドハートは言っている

While it is expected that economists become policy advocates, it is unusual for central bankers to fly their philosophical colors with the ardor that Mr. Posen has shown. “Amid a culture of group-think, Adam sticks his neck out,” said Hans-Helmut Kotz, a former board member at the Bundesbank of Germany.

Mr. Posen acknowledges late-night rants on his Facebook page earlier this year when his core thesis — that extraordinary action was needed to keep Britain from slipping into a second recession — was not being accepted by his colleagues on the bank’s monetary policy committee.

“It was agonizing. I mean I have been doing this for 25 years and here was the possibility that I could be fundamentally wrong,” he said. “I was lying awake at night — ask my wife.”
「それは苦痛でした。 私は25年もの間研究してきました、そして私が基本的に間chがっているかもしれない可能性がそこにはあったのです。 私は夜遅くまで横になりながら頭は冴えていました・・・・妻に聞きました。」

Even now, with signs of global weakness increasing by the day, it is unclear whether Mr. Posen will win the day.

In fact, many economists argue that with Europe and the United States burdened with a huge overhang of debt, with banks undercapitalized and reluctant to lend and with the American and British housing markets still in the doldrums, central banks are largely powerless to revive growth on their own.

“My position is that once interest rates come to zero, there is not much more a central bank can do to stimulate the economy,” said Kazuo Ueda, an economist in Tokyo who served on the monetary policy board of the Bank of Japan as it struggled, unsuccessfully, to inject life into the Japanese economy.
In his recent paper, “The Effectiveness of Nontraditional Monetary Policy Measures: The Case of the Bank of Japan,” Mr. Ueda suggests that in Japan, structural economic defects and deflation were too powerful for even the most creative monetary policy interventions.

ECONOMISTS who share his view say that what is happening in Europe reinforces the point. Radical monetary easing, they argue, is no substitute for wrenching, yet necessary, structural changes like cutting wages and government spending and recapitalizing zombie banks. If anything, it’s an excuse not to put such reforms in place. But to Mr. Posen, those arguments are a poor excuse for inaction.
彼と見方を同じくするエコノミストは欧州で起きつつあることも、その見方を強める結果になっているとしている。 彼らが論ずる思い切った金融緩和策は、まだ必要な痛みを伴う構造改革、例えば賃金カット、政府の財政支出削減そして、危ない銀行の資本増強のようなものにとって代わることは出来ないというものです。 もしあるとしても、それはそのような改革を推し進めない言い訳であるという。 しかし、ボーゼン氏は、その表な議論は何も(金融政策の)手を打たない不毛な言い訳だと指摘している。

“The Austrians would say you just have to suffer through it,” he said, referring to a school of laissez-faire economic thought popularized by Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig Von Mises. “But suffering is not good for the soul — monetary policy won’t solve all your problems, but it can make things easier.”