Creating yourself


Bertrand Russell 仕事について

2010-11-05 22:10:42 | 人生

私が20代の頃から敬愛しているBertrand Russellの”Conquest of Happiness" (幸福論)よりの抜粋です。下手な人生相談よりもずっとずっと私の心を支えてくれるバイブルがこの書です。

The man who can forget his work when it is over and not remember it until it begins again next day is likely to do his work far better than the man who worries about it throughout the intervening hours. And it is very much easier to forget work at the times when it ought to be forgotten if a man has many interests other than his work than it is if he has not. It is, however, essential that these interests should not exercise those very faculties which have been exhausted by his day's work. They should not involve will and quick decision, they should not, like gambling, involve any financial element, and they should as a rule not be so exciting as to produce emotional fatigne and preoccupy the subconscios as well as the conscious mind

A great many amusements fulfil all these conditions. Watching games, going to the theatre, playing golf, are all irreproachable from this point of view. For a man of a bookish turn of mind
, reading unconnected with his professional activities is very satisfactory. However important a worry may be, it should not be thought about throughout the whole of the waking hours.



