
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2015-09-20 12:15:00 | Topics


Date-san won't play at TORAY this year. Oh, I didn't know that... I thought she would play there by Wild Card. I don't believe that such a woman of tennis merit won't play at Japanese tournament... What happened?(^^;). Instead of TORAY, she will play at Korea Open. She got the title in 2009☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2015-09-19 12:15:00 | Topics

そう言えば、ヒンギス、US Open女子ダブルスで優勝しました。すごい(^^;)。。やっぱり、才能ある選手ですよね。なんだかんだ、活躍してしまう。その気になれば、シングルスでも、それなりの成績を残せそうですよね。

By the way, Hingis got the women's doubles title at US Open. Great(^^;)... She is a really talented player. Whenever she plays, she would get a good result. If she plays in singles, she would play better.

And she got the mixed doubles title too. Sooooooo great...



2015-09-18 12:15:00 | Topics


Date-san lost in the second round at Japan women's Open... Sad to hear that... If she won in this match, I might have gone to see her tennis at Ariake... Anyway, the next week, TORAY will be held there. It's in national holidays, so I might be able to go. I support her☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


2840.Special info!

2015-09-17 12:15:00 | Topics

昨夜、雨が降って、関東は急に涼しくなりました。もう秋ですね。。US Openも終わったし、短い日本のテニスシーズンも始まっています。これから数週間は、とても過ごしやすい季節になりますね。あ、これは青いトンボです。さて、STさんから、エナン情報を頂きましたよ!。STさん、どうもありがとうございます☆。エナンとラリーちゃんの写真です。「赤い服がラリーちゃん」とのこと。可愛い~☆。目がエナンに似てるかな??

Last night, it rained and got colder in Kanto area. Autumn has come... US Open finished and a short Japanese tennis season is coming now. It's a good season to spend. Oh, this is the photo of Blue dragonfly. By the way, we got special information about Henin from ST-san! Thank you very very much, ST-san☆ These photos are Justine & Lalie. "The curly haired girl in red shirt is Lalie" So cute☆ I think her eyes are like Justine.

1_Photo of Justine & Lalie
2_Photo of Justine & Lalie



2015-09-16 12:15:00 | Topics


Date-san won against Doi-chan in the first round at Japan women's Open! Good for her☆ Today, she will play in the second round. It's held at Ariake, so, I'd like to go to see her match, but I won't have enough time... If she keeps winning until Friday, I might go... Anyway, Go, Date-san! We support her☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


2838.Djokovic won.

2015-09-15 12:15:00 | Topics

US Open男子、ジョコビッチが優勝しました。おめでとうございます。うぅー、フェデラー、応援していたけど、、残念。。勝って欲しかったです。でも、すごいよね、すごいよね、決勝まで行ったのだから。。来年、またGSタイトル目指して、頑張って欲しいです!

Djokovic got the title at US Open. Congratulations. Hmm.., I was supporting Federer this time.., sad to hear the defeat... I wanted him to get the title. Anyway, reaching the final, that's a good result for him... I'm looking forward to seeing his GS title next year!



2015-09-14 12:15:00 | Topics


I tried to drink the Tokuho-Pepsi. Hmm., the taste was normal cola(^^;). I think it had a better result of clinical study to get the approval for Tokuho. But I don't know if it would effect for you... The amount is 490mL. Maybe, reducing the quantity would be development money...



2836.Pennetta won.

2015-09-13 12:15:00 | Topics

US Open女子、ペンネッタが優勝しました。おめでとうございます☆。33歳、US Open優勝をもって引退。これ以上の「有終の美」はありませんね。エナンと同い年ですか。。エナンも怪我さえなかったら、チャンスはあっただろうに。。それもまたテニス人生。。セレナ、惜しかったなぁ。。

Pennetta got the title at US Open. Congratulations☆ She is 33 years old, and announced her retirement after winning at US Open. That's the best "crowning glory". Henin is the same age... If she has never had a injury, she might have had such a big chance... That's also life... Oh, Serena.., try the next...



2015-09-12 12:15:00 | Topics


I read a lot of novels this year. It means I become crazy for the novelist Keisuke Matsuoka. This is the photo of the novel "Clairvoyance" he wrote a long time ago. There are old and new series for his works. This is new series. Yes, it was a good novel as expected☆ I would keep reading his novels.

Clairvoyance series(Wikipedia)



2015-09-11 12:15:00 | Topics

ワウリンカ、US Openベスト4ですか。すごいなぁ。30歳。若い時は、ここまで強い選手だとは思いませんでした。去年、AOで優勝してから、覚醒しましたね。ただ、すごい粘り強いテニスであると言うのは、聞いたことがあります。あだ名は、スタニマル「Stanimal = Stanislas + Animal」だそうです。動物のように体力があるからだとか?(^^;)。。

Wawrinka reached the Semifinals at US Open. Wow. He is already 30 years old. I didn't think he would become such a great player when he was young. Last year, he got the AO title, and then he got strong. His tennis is gritty, fight-until-the end style. And his nickname is "Stanimal; Stanislas + Animal". Because that's like a animal?(^^;)...
