
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2015-09-02 12:15:00 | Topics

え?。錦織君、US Open初戦、負けちまいました。。残念と言うか、、驚きと言うか。。去年とのギャップが(^^;)。。ランキングも下がりそうですね。。ま、勝負の世界なので、こんな時もあります。また次に向かって、GOです。応援しています。

Eh? Nishikori lost in the first round at US Open... His defeat surprised us a lot... The gap between this year and last year for his US Open(^^;)... Maybe, his ranking will go down... Anyway, that's the life. Just go for the next tournament. We'll support him.
