
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2014-10-11 12:15:00 | Topics

On Date-san's Facebook, a video was uploaded. She is suffering her injury now, but she is talking with smile. It's good. We can find her condition through the video. I pray she will get better soon.

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2014-10-10 12:15:00 | Topics

The drama Doctor X started. Last night, I watched the first episode and enjoyed it. It's good that she never make a mistake. I feel good, because my life has many many mistakes. What do I have to do to get a success?



2014-10-09 12:15:00 | Topics

Last night, there was an eclipse of the moon. When I went home, it occurred. Many people looked up at the sky. This photo was taken around Chuo-ku, Tokyo. I didn't wear glasses, so, I couldn't see it clearly(^^;). Oh, this photo is not clear too... How many years later will occur the next?...



2014-10-08 12:15:00 | Topics

I finished reading this novel. This is original story that was made as a drama in this spring. I didn't watch the drama a lot, but I remember the main character resolved the problem in every episode. In this novel, it was not like that. You have to guess "what will happen after this", so, you wouldn't feel main character's justice so much(^^;). Anyway, it would be a good novel.


2503.China Open.

2014-10-07 12:15:00 | Topics

At China Open, Dojokovic and Sharapova got the title. Heh.. I didn't check it at all, because Nishikori kept winning at Rakuten Open. Anyway, Nishikori became a star player like them. I think we get to feel close to the top players.., no, maybe he is going to a distance from us...


2502.Kei won!

2014-10-06 12:15:00 | Topics
錦織君、楽天オープン、優勝しました!。おめでとうございます☆。マレーシアオープンに引き続き、2週連続の優勝です。やったね!。US Open決勝進出の実力を証明しましたね。近い将来、GS制覇をしてくれるでしょう。成長を楽しみにしています☆

Nishikori got the title at Rakuten Open! Congratulations☆ He got the title in a row following Malaysia Opan. Great!. He proved his talent he could reach the final at US Open. His dream, getting GS title might come true in future.


2501.By myself.

2014-10-05 12:15:00 | Topics
伊達さん、大坂のHP Openを断念したようです。。伊達さんが出場するなら、今年も応援しに行こうかと思っていましたが、、残念です。。私も、凹み中なので、、伊達さんの姿を見て頑張ろうと思っていましたが、ここは自力で乗り切りたいと思います。頑張ろう。。これは、去年のHP Openの写真です。

According to Date-san's blog, she won't play at HP Open at Osaka... If she would play there, I was going to go to Osaka to see her tennis... Sad to hear the news... I feel down凹 now.., so, I'd like to see her strong sprit for my weak mind. But I decide I just try to get over it by myself. This is the photo of HP Open last year.

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2014-10-04 12:15:00 | Topics

Nishikori reached the semifinals. Wow, Great... I'd like to go to Ariake to see his tennis, but, the tickets sold out completely... Men's tennis became more popular in Japan thanks to Nishikori. In women's tennis, there were lots of vacant seats in the final... A little sad...



2014-10-03 12:15:00 | Topics

Guhaaa.., I'm like this photo now. But this photo is taken a while ago... Anyway, suhu-san's mind and body got very tired, it happens a few times a year. Every concern is different... I wonder why anything never goes well... Now, I try to do the best...


2498.Good win.

2014-10-02 12:15:00 | Topics

Nishikori won in the first singles match at Rakuten Open! Congratulations☆ That was a good win. Anyway, he never gets tired?. I'd like to go to Ariake to see his tennis.., but I can't go there now... And., I would not be able to get the ticket easily...
