
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2014-05-21 12:15:00 | Topics

These days, I go to the dentist. One week ago, when I went there, doctor found my bad tooth. Recently, a dental clinic has high technology, so, my data of tooth is digital management. If doctor clicks a button of screen, she can know everything about my tooth... Wow. Anyway, take care of your tooth. When you bring out your power, you must grit your tooth like this photo.


2368.After a injury.

2014-05-20 12:15:00 | Topics
伊達さん、ニュルンベルクのダブルス1回戦、勝ちました。よかった~。7-6, 7-5の大接戦でしたね。怪我が続いていたので、心配していました。この調子で、うまく調整できることを祈っています☆。これは、2年前の2012年4月にコペンハーゲンのダブルスで優勝した時の写真です。

Date-san won in the first doubles match at Nurnberg. Wow, good for her. It was a close match with 7-6, 7-5. She had a lot of injuries these days, so, I worried about that. Anyway, I just pray she will keep a good condition☆ This is the photo of her title in doubles match at Copenhagen in April, 2012.



2014-05-19 12:15:00 | Topics

A few days ago, when I stamped the date of May 14, I felt something. It was the day when Henin retired for the first time... Oh., I couldn't bring back my memory soon, maybe, I would get over my Henin-loss syndrome... Hmm., because, after that, Henin came back again and retired... At that time, I couldn't sleep as if I lost boyfriend(^^;). Haha, yes. I still remember that now.



2014-05-18 12:15:00 | Topics

Toray will hold this year too. Last year was thirtieth anniversary for TORAY, but we didn't know whether it would hold this year too. Anyway, Toray will come again, although it will become a small tournament. A few days ago, it announced that Date-san will play there. Oh, it's already a time to announce it...
According to Date-san's blog, she will play in a tournament of clay court. We support her☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


2365.Which photo.

2014-05-17 12:15:00 | Topics
kamin2saさん、お久しぶりです。コメントありがとうございました☆。嬉しいです。kamin2saさんもSTさんも、エナンが2回目に辞めてから3年以上も経つのに、こんなあほブログを見に来てくれて、本当に嬉しいです。そうそう、しゃがんだ写真のテーマは「いじけのsuhuさん」です。ま、深い意味はないですが。実は 前回のトピックは、このあほ写真と迷いました。良い機会なので、これもUPしちゃいます。

Kamin2sa-san, long time no see. And, thank you for your comment. I'm glad to have it. About three years passed since Henin retired for the second time. But you and ST-san keep visiting my crazy blog, I'm really glad to have friends like you. By the way, the theme of sitting suhu expresses "suhu with frustrating mind". Haha, anyway, there isn't any deep meaning in that. Actually, I couldn't decide about which photo to upload in the previous topic. OK. In this good opportunity, I upload this too. Crazy photo.



2014-05-16 12:15:00 | Topics

In a few month, many bad things happened to me and I feel down... Why?...When many things would happen all at once, we often would have a negative thinking... At such a time, we would pray like this photo, and had better wait a point of change...


2363.Healthy diet.

2014-05-15 12:15:00 | Topics

ST-san gave us information about Henin! Thank you very very much, ST-san☆ Oh, Henin, she is working well. I'm glad to see her on Media. I guess this would be an advertisement of Tao. Yes, I need a healthy diet like this airticle. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing her at RG this year too.

Tao, StarMeal et Justine Henin s’unissent pour encourager sport et santé


2362.Hot spring.

2014-05-14 12:15:00 | Topics

Last week, I went to a hot spring resort. It's for the first time after several years... Recent hot spring is really beautiful and hygienic, so, I relaxed in a hot spring. These days, I felt frustrated a lot, so, it calmed my mind and nerves(^^;)



2014-05-13 12:15:00 | Topics

Nishikori took second place at Madrid Open. In the final, he withdrew due to back injury. But he got one set from Nadal. Really great. He is a great player. If he didn't have a injury, he might have got the title?! We are looking forward to RG☆



2014-05-12 12:15:00 | Topics

I think I can't enjoy eating more than other people. Because I can't eat a lot(^^;)... But these days, I eat more than the past. Oh-oh, I have to take care of myself not to develop middle‐aged spread... Anyway, I enjoyed eating out after a long time.
