
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2011-02-07 12:16:23 | Topics

This is Venice in Italy. I took it five years ago. I was very touched by every places I visited, but here was the most impressive place, because it was very beautiful orange color of the roofs in the city. My trip was always poor, so, I couldn't stay in Venice(^^;)...

* Venice(Wikipedia)

I feel different culture. If I were a Italian, I would never feel down凹, would sing a song and become cheerful, huh?. Santa- Lucia-♪♪

* Santa Lucia!
Schiavone.., Italian performance, it is☆. Please don't bite a tennis ball-!
Henin, Please don't bite it☆. Yes, Kiss, Kiss☆




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Justine's speech - World Player (Greeny)
2011-02-07 18:35:44
Fed Cup ceremony Feb 7, 2011.

"Only a few months ago I was playing on this court and I really thought things could work well for me but unfortunately the last few weeks have been very difficult and so, rather than a long speech, I think it is simply an enormous thank you I can say to all the people who gave me support for all these years. I have had the opportunity to play around the world and many people were behind me, and so I will never forget this marvelous adventure even if today it is very difficult. I think what I will keep from it are only good things. So, it is a nice symbol to receive this Fed Cut trophy 10 years later because I have exceptional memories."

JUSTINE Feb 7, 2011
Thank you! (suhu)
2011-02-07 20:58:13
Thank you for the translation, Greeny-san☆

Hmm., Good speech, and a little sad speech... The process to recovery from the injury seemed not to be bad... Maybe, it happened in a few weeks... I'm so sad... She tried to think many things positive., OK., Anyway, I want her to keep having a care for the injury, and take a rest for her heart...

2011-02-07 21:21:56

Please let me write about these informations video and translation on this blog, thank you☆

Yes, you Can! (Greeny)
2011-02-08 08:51:10

Off course, you may 51Sep. Please make a great new video. I wait with anticipation. :)

*I will help you by giving two videos to use for montages. The large file is a 2nd career retirement with various stages of Justine (Receiving the Golden Cross from the King of Belgium in 2003, yes that young boy with her is exhusband ) The second is more from the Fed Cup speech last weekend. Feb 6, 2011.

Second retirement

More Fed Cup 2011
Thank you! (suhu)
2011-02-08 12:40:41
Always thank you, Greeny-san☆

Oh, actually, Im thinking I try to make it... But a little difficult... Hmm.., she retired on her way for dream... I don't know if it would make you and her fans become cheerful. But yes. I want to try it., Because I'm a crazy fan of Ju!

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