
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2011-02-13 19:07:06 | Topics

I went back to Shizuoka. Snow in this weekend made Mt.Fuji become winter color☆. I watched it after a long time, and I re-realize Mt.Fuji is just big... This is the lake "Tanuki", it's a minor spot. But it's not far than Fuji Goko, so, it's good spot for us☆. Hi, Henin, Would you like Japan?-☆




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Beautiful (ST)
2011-02-13 23:49:32
That was a marvellous shot of Mount Fuji! Japan has nice sceneries! I'm sure Justine will love the place as well. You will have to be her tour guide if she ever visits Japan ya!
freeze(laugh) (suhu)
2011-02-14 07:06:36
Thank you for your comment, ST-san☆

Maybe, If Henin visits to Japan, I will freeze because of surprise(laugh). Ahaha, anyway, if she comes here, I will wait for her with Belgian national flag!!! But yes.., I can't speak French at all(^^;).., Oh, I have to learn English more...

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