
-The Road to improve English-
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2011-04-01 12:15:59 | Topics

Recently, Japan has really many bad news. Some underground roads and our office are only small light, so, dark(^^;), many events would be shelved.., Japan gets down now... Hmm., OK, I try my blog become bright... Now, Look at Henin's beautiful backhand, become cheerful☆
One tennis magazine had this topic last year. Henin's backhand is a gift from god!


Her coach said "I have never taught the beautiful form to her. I just taught how to hit a winner, how to swing and how to hit to a open space."
Super little girl Henin became the Queen of tennis☆




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Magical Backhand (sly)
2011-04-01 23:08:44
Coincidentally, just watched Justine's Roger's cup match against Yan Zi & Nadia (though 1st set only)... I so miss the beautiful tennis of Justine...her backhand technique is so unique, I've read it was often compared to Guga (Kuerten) because of their extreme grip, but I think she patterned it to Steffi, though to a whole new level, as Steffi hits more sliced backhands.

In this very difficult times, it's really hard to think positively and work naturally in Japan... I sympathize very much to the family of victims of the tsunami crisis. I also catch a news regarding resuming of classes and new employees receiving their appointments. I got teary eyed when a nursery school was featured, it was mentioned in the news, these children are the future of Kasenuma Prefecture. I have a soft spot for children, so really hope the Fukushima Daichi crisis can be solved and prevent any nuclear catastrophe specially it was so close to sea...one Japanese fisherman says, it can take 6 mos or so to 1 year for his boat to be fixed, but the sea cannot be fixed or heal itself from radiation anytime soon. ;-(

Just want to share a video I made last February, a short compilation of Justine's backhand in 2010-2011...very short clip, but her One-handed Backhands are just divine to watch. Hope you'll like it.^^

Thank you! (suhu)
2011-04-02 09:49:24
Thank you very very much for your comment, sly-san☆

Hmm., I can't express this situation in words.., I have never experienced to be in such a scare situation before.. I might have lived without thinking about a "life" enough well until now. I have to change my thinking about that. And in the disaster area, it's still very serious. Even now, we can't know how many victims of the disaster are there... Hmm., I just pray this situation will get better.

Well, Thank you for your YouTube link!. I watched it, and became cheerful!. Very good video! And very very beautiful backhand. I want to see her backhand on live one more time(tears)... Henin.., I believe she can recover the injury and have a tennis racket again.

Brilliant! (Greeny)
2011-04-03 12:09:42
The sun is out this afternoon - Saturday. Watching this video on my computer and looking out my window made me feel so good.

I always feel like I discovered something new or different when I see a Justine backhand video. I think it's so wonderful to watch that we don't digest at once. It takes many views.

Thank you! :)
Yes! (suhu)
2011-04-03 21:49:13
Thank you for your comment, Greeny-san☆

グリニーさん、お久しぶり。コメントどうもありがとうです☆。そうそう、slyさんのビデオ、Very Very Goodですよね。エナンのバックハンド、本当に惚れ惚れします。エナンがいなくなったWTAも、少しはチェックしているけど、やっぱりつまらないです。。エナンは、絶対的な女王、真のチャンピオンでした。もちろん、これからもずっとね!


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