
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2012-02-26 12:15:00 | Topics

Yesterday, I taped the TV program about Date-san☆. It was the repeat broadcast. But I watched it again. Yes, I was interested in her interview. I always feel something special I can't have. And her words show her life, I think.

Have the courage to take a step forward. Enjoy challenging.(K.D)
今年の目標は「smile & challenge」だそうです。「勝つ」とか「優勝」ではなく「チャレンジ」することに意味を見出そうとしていますね。誰でも年は取ります。そこで、考えや目標が変わるのは、自然のことでしょう。伊達さんが言う「チャレンジ」こそ、綺麗に歳を重ねていく本質のように思います。実際には、辛いことも多いでしょうが、本質を見失わなければ、人は輝けるのだと思います☆

According to her interview, her object this year is "smile & challenge". It's not "victory" or "getting a title", that's "challenge". Everyone gets older. And you would change your thought and objection by the moment, it would be natural. Her words "challenge" would be a essence to get older beautifully, I think. In reality, you would have hard feeling a lot, but if you don't lose the essence, your life would be shine☆

The challenge to go back to my first object.(K.D.)

Oh.., looking back, Date-san had "sudden retirement"... Haha., one Belgian player did so at first(^^;)... Maybe, the talented players might feel something to decide important thing suddenly, huh?...

Now, I don't know the Belgian's mind I keep supporting for five or six years(^^;).., but I just hope she is walking on her new way with strong mind same as the past. I really want her to try to talk with Date-san now.



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