
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1606.Which type?

2012-03-01 12:15:00 | Topics

I found the topic about differences of woman users between Facebook and mixi. I'm a blogger, not a user in both. Anyway I enjoyed reading this topic☆. Hmm., but these data might have not been collected accurately, so, I don't know if it's appropriately analyzed data...

Facebook or Mixi?

I want to share informations and communicate about Henin. Except about that, I write about myself or something, it's one-sided topic. So, a "blog" is good for my style, I think. And also Twitter is almost my one-sided monologue, so, my tweets would be not useful for you to get some informations and communication.

Anyway, I enjoy being "crazy fan of Henin" in this blog, and sometimes enjoy communicating about Henin with my friends, that's enough for me☆. It's the most important to do what you enjoy, so, Facebook and Mixi, anything is OK. It's not important which type of people is the user. You just enjoy it, that's important☆



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