
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2015-02-06 12:15:00 | Berlin trip
自分を元気にするために、6年前に書いていた「Berlin trip」について、もう一度ブログしてみたいと思います。当時のブログをチェックしてみると、タイトル番号はNo.300でした。今は、もうNo.2621です。読んでみると、長い間に、私の文章の書き方が変わったようです。今読むと、すごく恥ずかしい。。当時は、途中で旅行記が終わっていました(^^;)。今度は、最後まで書けるといいな。。時は、2008年5月5日。一人旅でした。

To cheer up myself, I try to write again about "Berlin trip" I was writing six years ago. Checking my blog, the title-number was No.300. Now, it's No.2601... I think my writing style would have been changed in a long time. Reading the old topics now, I'm really ashamed. And these topics were still ongoing(^^;). I want to finish writing it this time... It was traveling alone, on May 5th, 2008.

It was a package tour of free plan with reservation of plane and hotel. Narita - Heathrow - Berlin. I have to go there by myself, of course, transit too. At that time, Heathrow was renewed to beautiful airport, but it was too huge, so, I just felt helpless there. Thinking of it now, I might not go there alone, even if Henin is there...



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