
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2015-11-23 12:15:00 | Topics


These days, I keeps uploading many photos of men's tennis on this blog(^^;), so, I just uploaded the photo of our Queen☆ This is the taken photo in May. Yes, I should upload this on this blog, I need Henin☆




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Unknown (Unknown)
2015-11-29 00:45:00
Hi suhu san, how have you been doing? I'm sorry for not coming over here for a long long time. I've been super busy and probably will still be busy until next year. I hope you are doing well!

I miss Justine alot and good to see that she's doing well too! Here's some recent photos of Justine:

Chat with you again soon! Take care!
2015-11-29 19:26:19
Thank you for your comment, ST-san!!!

Oh, nice information about Henin! I feel good!
Actually, I caught a disease last week... Maybe, I had lots of stress for many things... Takeing medicine and rest for a few days... Hmm.., that's my bad days of this year...
I hope I will get better and I can write my blog again...

Take care, you too!
Have a good rest (ST)
2015-11-30 17:31:53
Hey suhu san, so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well these few days, hope you get well soon and be fully recovered!

Cheer up and believe that everything's gonna be fine! Take good care of yourself! Allez!
☆☆ (suhu)
2015-11-30 21:26:32
Thanks for your warm words, ST-san!
I think I would get better soon...
I miss you (kamin2sa)
2015-12-26 00:55:16
Suhu san, have you closed your blog already?
It was my big fun to see Japanese (sub)culture and Henin activity here.

I wish you to come back from something, anything or everything.

Merry Merry X'mas and a happy new year! Allez!
2015-12-26 21:34:17
Thank you for your comment, kamin2sa-san!

Oh, it was warm words for me, thanks.
I want to keep writing this blog...
But I'm not in good condition even now, and busy for my works...
I'll start writing, but not every day, maybe...


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