
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2012-01-21 12:15:00 | Topics

In the second round at 2010 AO, no-seeded Henin played against Dementieva. The last point for the win was serve & volley. Henin did it beautifully, and the moment became forever as this photo. I remember it even now...

When Henin played the match, I was working. So, I couldn't watch it on live. But I downloaded the file of her match on the internet, I watched it later. According to this topic, the site Megaupload was stopped on 19th Jan.

can't access Megaupload

As you know, it was because the site was illegal. And I who used the site was also illegal. Anyway, the internet environment was free before being regulated. Everyone uses it "ordinarily", it would be difficult to control by your moral and common habit... Human including me is weak, so, we need a regulation. It's a difficult problem... Well.., How's YouTube?(^^;)... Come to check soon?...

My thought is simple. I just want Henin's tennis becomes forever☆. Even if Caroline and Kvitova are good players, they can't become the player like Henin☆. And nobody can do this one-handed backhand except Henin☆. I just want to keep these in my mind☆(crazy fan)
