Feelin' Kinda Lucky


ヒルマンミンクスとノックダウン。 " the Knock Down Kit "

2016年12月19日 | Auto


This tin toy car is 1950's Hillman Minx by Isuzu Motor Company.  Originally Hilman was designed and sold by the Rootes Group in England and it was also built in Isuzu Motor Company under licence from Rootes betweem 1950's to middle of 1960's.





After the WWⅡ Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry gave foreign automobile companies permissions to built up their cars only the way of "knock down kit ". which means foreign comapanies export all part to Japan and Japanese autiomobile companies build up to complete cars with all parts from  foreign comapanies.  Isuzu made a comtract with the Rootes Group in UK to build up Hillman Minx for Japanese market, Nissan did the same with Austin for Austin A40 or A50. Hino did with Renault in France for Renault CV4 at the time. 

↓オースチンA50    Austin A50


そして各社とも競ってKD生産を土台にして開発生産の技術を学び徐々に日本国内で部品調達率を高めていった。ヒルマンもオースチンも母国の技術者が品質評価のため来日するとその組み立て精度の高さに、本国のクルマよりもしっかり出来ていると驚いたそうある。こうした努力が実を結び、いすゞがヒルマンからべレットへ、日産はオースティンからセドリックへと100%国産乗用車メーカーとして自立していった。まさにKD生産はのちの世界に誇る高品質なニッポンの乗用車の技術確立の礎となったのである。そして成長した日本の自動車会社は、こんどは世界にKD生産、および現地での部品完全調達での生産を展開する立場になり、途上国の生産技術向上に貢献してきた。 かつて欧米の企業に助けられたおかげで世界レベルの産業に育った事実を忘れず、途上国・先進国の隔てなく世界に貢献していくという感謝の気持ちは人づきあいのみならず産業においてもいつの時代でも大切なことだと思う。

Building up automobile by the "Knock Down kit " systmes works fine and Japanese companies competed each other in accuracy with building up cars. The Engineers coming to Japan from the home countries to check the quality were filled with admiration because the cars built in Japan were so precise and mostly better than the ones bulit in their home countries. After the Japanese automobile companies ”graduated” from Knock Down kit system, thier acquired abilities learned by the system helped them to design and manufacture their original cars. Anyway "Knock Down kit "systmes did a lot for Japanese automobile industry, especially passeger vehicles to grow up to be the highest level one in the world today.  Later, roles were reversed and Japanese automobile companies helped foreign countries' automobile industry by the "Knock Down kit "systmes.  We need to keep in mind that our contry's indusries such as autombile or electronices referred stuff would never have gotten as big as they are without the US and Europian companies' support. And we need to keep on contributing to the global efforts for other countries even if they are advanced countries or newly developing nations.   I think it very important not only for us people but also for indusries or companies to feel a sense of gratitude all through the ages.

(参照 関連・こちら→ 過去ブログ ) (reference → I also once tald about the knock sown system in my weblog approx.2 years ago. click here ! ) 


