

13.12.03.Tue. 江津湖(Ezuko)

2013年12月22日 22時29分28秒 | Field Note<観察>

This is the picture of "Ezuko" in Kumamoto(Kumamoto is my hometown in Japan). This is the big lake-like place in Kumamoto and we can see many living things there. In this season, there are many species of ducks. By the way, how do you feel about this scenery? These days, the scenery of sky and sunset are very very beautiful in Kumamoto, Japan.

マガモ Anas platyrhynchos です。頭の緑色、黄色いくちばし等が主な特徴です。ただ、アヒルの品種であるアオクビアヒルという鳥も、マガモとそっくりな特徴を持っていますので、識別する際にはかなり注意が必要です。ちなみに、おおざっぱではありますが、アオクビアヒルは、飛べない、人に対する警戒心が非常に弱いと思われる場合が多い、といった特徴があります。さて、この鳥の尾羽付近をよく見てみてください。下の画像が拡大図です。
The English name of this duck is "Mallard" and the Japanese one is "Magamo". The color of the head and the beak is features of the bird. But there is another species which is really similar to a mallard. So, you have to be careful when you identify the species.
Okay, in the next picture, we will focus up to the tail of this bird.

There are some curly black feathers. This is another feature of this bird.

ジョウビタキ Phoenicurus auroreus Pallas です。秋から春の間、つまり、冬の季節を中心に見ることができる鳥です。私たちにとって身近な環境で生活しているので、ぜひ探してみてください。比較的開けた場所や、棒などのてっぺん、電線などで"ヒッヒッ…ヒッヒッ…"とさえずっていることが多いので、そういった場所を重点的に探してみると、比較的簡単に見つかると思います。
The English name of this bird is "Daurian Redstart" and the Japanese one is "Joubitaki". We can see it mainly in winter season. But actually, we can see it in autamun and spring, too. That's why the bird is a winter bird in Japan. And, the bird usually sings on the top of something like poles, electric cables and so on. So, if you try to find it, please look for that kind of places.

Male birds of this species have bright orange color on its body but female birds don't have the bright color. Female birds have only quiet colors. There are no pipctures of female one but you can find it by using the internet.

ハクセキレイ Motacilla alba lugens です。地面の上をちょこちょこ素早く走って、ときどきふっと舞い上がり、空中で虫をとらえていました。
The English name of this bird is "Japanese Pied Wagtail" and the Japanese one is "Hakusekirei". The birds can run fast and fly up quickly. So, they sometimes fly up quickly and catch insects for their food.

オオバン Fulica atra がめちゃくちゃ多かったです。この日カウントしただけでも、500個体を超えていました。昨年よりもはるかに多くなっているようです。あ、ちなみにオオバンは冬鳥で、おでこのあたりの板状の部分(額板)が白いのが特徴です。
The English name of this bird is "Eurasian coot" and the Japanese one is "Oobann". We can see the birds mainly in winter season in Kumamoto, Japan. The characteristic of the birds are the white beak and the white colored forehead. This day, I counted the birds and the result was...over 500 individuals. This number was more that last year's one.

Okay, today's article finished here. Thank you for reading this article. If you are interested in the living things in Kuamoto, please see the other articles of this blog. But I'm sorry, there are only few articles that have English subtitles. Of course, you van see the pictures of the life in Japan, so, please enjoy them ;) Thank you.

