

14.01.02.Thu. - 坪井川遊水地 Tsuboigawa-Yusuichi -

2014年01月07日 01時31分01秒 | Field Note<観察>
This time, I wrote about the nature observation in Tsuboigawa-Yusuichi.
Tsuboigawa-Yusuichi is maintained as a flood control basin in Kumamoto(my hometown).

↑到着早々、ミサゴ Pandion haliaetus を発見!
When I just arrived there, I found this bird!!
The English name of this bird is "Osprey" and the Japanese name is "Misago".
This species is one of the birds of falconiformes.
These birds usually eat fish. They can stop in the air by using their wings well. We call it "hovering". So, while they hovering in the air, they can look for fish in the rivers, ponds, sea and so on.
After they find fish, they dive into water and catch the fish. This is the unique and dynamic hunting style of them.

↑左隣を飛んでいるのはハシボソガラス Corvus corone です。
This black bird is "Carrion crow". And the Japanese name of this bird is "Hashibosogarasu".
Compare the size of them, please ;) The osprey is bigger than carrion crow. However, carrion crows often chase and attack birds of falconiformes like Ospreys.

アオサギ Ardea cinerea もいました。
This bird is "Grey heron" and the Japanese name of this is "Aosagi".

This is a fruit of "Japanese snake gourd" and called "Karasuuri" in Japanese. This plant is one of the climbing plants.

ハシビロガモ Anas clypeata がいました。これはオス個体です。
This is "Northerin Shoveler" and called "Hashibirogamo" in Japanese. Look at this beak, please!! This flat and big beak is the characteristic of this duck.

They can eat foods such as detritus, plankton and so on by using its unique beak.

Of course, they can maintain their feathers too.

オオバン Fulica atra です。
This is "Eurasian Coot" and called "Oobann" in Japanese. The white colored beak is the characteristic of this bird.

They usually eat water plants. But in this picture, it ate dead plants.

オカヨシガモ Anas strepera のメス個体です。
English name of this bird is "Gadwall" and the Japanes name is "Okayoshigamo". This is female individual. Almost all female individuals of ducks have only quiet colors.
However the male individuals of this species, Gadwalls, have only quiet colors too! But the colors are different from the female individuals' one and beautiful.

This individual was bathing like this.

ヒドリガモ Anas penelope です。
This is "Eurasian Wigeon" and called "Hidorigamo" in Japanese.
We can see so many individuals of this species during winter in Japan.
The characteristics of it is the light yellow color on the top of its head and the bright brown color of its head.

The voice of them is.......umm... I can't explain it correctly in English, sorry.....

↑次はヨシガモ Anasa fatcata です。
The next one is "Falcates Duck" and called "Yoshigamo" in Japanese. Some people said that the shape of their head look like Napoleon's hat. The beautiful green color of their head is the characteristic too.
And look at the hinder part of this bird, please. Are you able to find a light yellow mark on its body?? This is the big characteristic of them, too.

カルガモ Anas poecilorhyncha です!
This is "Spot-billed Duck" and called "Karugamo" in Japanese.

The yellow color on the edge of their beak is the biggest characteristic of them. The body color of male and female individuals are same!
And we can see this species whole year.
However, we can see almost all the other species of ducks around winter only. It's the big difference from the other species of ducks which we can see in Japan.

When they fly, they look like this.

They usually move together with the other individuals.

エナガ Aegithalos caudatus がいました。かわいかった~♪
This is "Long-tailed Tit" and called "Enaga" in Japanese.
It's only 13.5 cm(this size includes the length of its tail feathers) and the weight of them only (around)8g.
They usually move together with the other individuals of same species or the other species of birds which the sizes are closer to them.

モズ Lanius bucephalus です。
This is "Bull-headed Shrike" and called "Mozu" in Japanese.
This bird good at imitating voices of the other birds.
It is only 20cm but it sometimes hunts and eats the other small birds like "Long-tailed Tit"s, the previous bird that I told you!
This time, this individual was trying to catch them but couldn't.

Look at the beak, please ;) This pointed and hook-like beak is matched to eat insects, birds and so on.

Thank you for visiting this blog ;)
My English is poor but thank you for reading it.
I'm not good at writing English but I will continue to write it because I would like to introduce the living things in my hometown, Kumamoto.
So, If you are interested them please visit this blog again....♪

*One of my best friend told me mistakes of the English part and gave me advices.
So, I corrected mistakes of English part of this article on 7 January.
Please allow me to use this article to offer my thanks to the friend...Thank you very much!!
But of course, I think that there are still the other mistakes. umm...I'm sorry....


2014年01月01日 22時11分24秒 | ふつうの日記
Happy new year!!
Do you know the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac ??
2014 is the Horse year in Japan!!
So, I drew horse for this new year's caed ;)

Thank you very much for all the people I've met!! I'm really happy to have met you....
Last year, I got many great experiences...
For example, I went to studying abroad to Australia, promoted a project with international students(now going...), attended an international conference, make a presentation there and so on. All of these experiences improved my abilities.
In this new year, I will keep going to improve myself too. And of course, I will continue to introduce living things in Japan!!
If you are interested in them and have free time to see this blog, please come here!
I wish you all the best in this new year, 2014.....
Thank you ;)
