

NEA-YCLP 2015 at Korea - Wildlife part.1

2015年05月27日 01時16分47秒 | Field Note<観察>
Long time no see :)
Recently, I usually tweeted on twitter but didn't write articles here....
This time,I would like to write about the experience in Korea.
I had stayed in Korea to join a program named North-East Asia Young Conservation Leadership Programme (NEA-YCLP2015) for a week from May 16th to 22th.

↑This is a book of the program. You can find some black-faced spoonbills here.
This time, an assosiation which works to conservate migrants birds include black-faced spoonbill invited me as a trainee to the program. I'm really appreciate them because I could have valuable experiences and I'm really motivated by the other trainees and lecturer who joined it from various countries.
I would like to talk about the experiences that I had and introduce you some wildlife that I found while this program.
OK, this time, I'm writing about.....birds which I found!
Maybe, I need to separate two or three sections because I found too many species to introduce.
On the first day, I arrived at Incheon international airport and met staffs of the association. And after that, we started to move to Ganghwa island. Luckily, we found some black-faced spoonbills on the way to Ganghwa island!!

Black-faced Spoonbill Platalea minor
It's difficult to watch this yellow colored fethers and crests in Japan.
This is because, these fethers appers around their breding season.
Unfortunately, they usually come to Japan only in winter for wintering....
Some farmers worked near these individuals but they didn't fly away. So, we could watch them very close from a car.
Now, this article is getting longer and longer, so, I'm starting to introduce the other species simply from now on.

Black-naped oriole Oriolus chinensis
This bird sometimes appears in Japan but it's very very rare case.
However, we found more than 4 individuals near the hotel that we stayed everyday!
I thought that this is the paring season for them. So, we could watch them flying and singing with beautiful voices.

Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis
We could observe this species everyday! Actually, it's not so easy to find this bird like this in Japan. This is because, it usually lives in deeper forest than the place in Korea.
They were flying beautifuly but the voice was not so good....
Please watch the white spots on wings! beautiful!
It is very interesting for me because this kind of marks appear by the combination of fethers. Awesome!
By the way, first days of visiting there, they were moving alone but.....

↑The last two days, they were moving together! I thought that this is in the middle of paring and breeding season! We were lucky.

Today, I stopped to write here. Actually, I found more species of birds, so I will write it later. See you then.
Thank you for reading this article and excuse my poor English...

NEA-YCLP 2015 at Korea - 出会った生き物編 part.1

2015年05月24日 23時22分16秒 | Field Note<観察>
I'll put the same article in English later. So, please wait it if you need English one. Thank you :)
17日から21日の5日間の日程で開催された、North-East Asia Young Conservation Leadership Programme (以下 NEA-YCLP2015)に参加するためです。

まずは出会った生き物編 Part.1。

↑早速クロツラヘラサギ Platalea minor です。

コウライウグイス Oriolus chinensis です。日本ではごく稀に出現し騒がれますが、今回滞在したホテル周辺では、普通に飛んでいました。合計で少なくとも4個体を確認できました。ちょうどペア形成の時期だったようで、太いきれいな声でさえずっているところを毎日観察でき、ホテルの裏山では、巣材を運ぶところも観察できました。ちなみにこの写真は、部屋からデジスコで撮影しました。

ブッポウソウ Eurystomus orientalis です。ホテル周辺をふわふわ飛びながら、ゲッゲッ…と姿に似合わぬ声で鳴いていました(笑) こちらも、毎日観察できました。この写真は、ホテルの駐車場から撮影しました。翼の白い斑紋が美しいですね。鳥の体の模様って、羽一枚一枚の模様がうまく組み合わさることで、はじめて綺麗に現れるものですもんね。すごいなぁ。

