DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki


2016-07-25 21:42:05 | 日記

 Everything seems to be nothing. You intend not to meet anybody. Humans are sad existance. You have no hope about them. They destroy themselves and vanish away. That’s their destiny. They are silly. They kill each other. Some of them are rich and powerful. It is regretful that the latter are arrogant and greedy.
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2016-07-24 23:10:21 | 日記

 “Japnese women don’t enjoy equality enough in society. However at home they traditionally decide financial matters. For example, many husbands are given a daily or weekly allowance by their wives to buy their lunch and other things.” Is this view correct? In these days especially a younger cupple separate husband’s and wife’s wallets and contribute each of their money to a common one for their home. The reason is that both of them work and earn a certain amount of money each. They use the common wallet while they talk together how to use it. Traditional wives those are only in home decrease gradually. Namely the chanse only wives decide financial matters also decrease. At the same time, you hope that Japanese women improve their positions as the percentage of female workers increase.
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2016-07-23 11:56:06 | 日記
 You remember playing hanetuki when you were a child. Hanetuki is a traditional New Year’s game in Japan. It is a sport similar to badminton. The latter uses a racket and a shuttlecock. However the former uses hagoita (a balttledore) and hane (a small wooden black ball with several feathers attached). The ball of hane is made of a dried seed of a tree called mukuroji and so hard. Hagoita is made of wood and also so hard. When you hit hane with hagoita, a shap and clear sound occours. You like to hear the sounds that continues intermittently during hanetuki is played.
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2016-07-22 18:24:43 | 日記

 In 2012, the percentages of Japanese workers engaged in primary, secondary, and tertiary inderstries were 3.8%, 24.5%, and 70.7%. The numbers in 2016 are similar to that. You are impressed by the fact that only about 30% of workers in Japan can product the goods that all Japanese people need. (The import and export of goods are out of consideration.) Production capacity of goods is tremendously huge. You think that Japan is undoubtedly an advanced country.
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2016-07-21 23:19:48 | 日記

 A new problem happens. You have to solve it. You become nervous. You usually do only routine works everyday. In a sense, you are dull. Now you need courage and energy in a new difficult situation. In this case, important things are as follows.
 (1)You are optimistic. You are not pessimistic.
 (2)You basically trust others. You don’t fear others.
 (3)You are self-confident. You trust youself.
 (4)You are courageous and brave.
 (5)You are calm.
 (6)You are decisive. They say that you are helped by Heaven only when you throw yourself into a river, as it were, a dangerous situation. (Mi-o-sutete-koso-ukabu-se-mo-ale.)
 (7)You are careful. You get various necessary informations in order to solve the problem.
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