DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki


2016-07-17 23:30:15 | 日記
③-2 その迷いを、君とともに考えるつもりがない。君に相談しても君が理解できないだろうから。
(c)-2 彼女が「答えない」ことの責任を、彼女に帰さない。君は、彼女に、優しくする。言い換えれば、君にとって問題は、彼女が巻き込まれ含まれ、同時に君も巻き込まれ含まれた、その事態そのものである。彼女の振る舞いが、問題なのではない。

 You talk to her, but she doesn’t reply. You imagine that she probably thinks something. However she says nothing when you ask questions to her. You become irritated.
 She doesn’t answer even if you say strongly to her, “Answer to me!” When she reluctantly replys, she only says, “I can’t answer.” The reasons are probably as follows.
(1) She doesn’t want you to get angry when she answers to you.
(2) She thinks that her reply doesn’t change the situation.
(3) She can’t decide what the most adequate answer among her possible ones is.
(3)-2 She thinks by herself because she can’t expect that you understand her even if she consults you.
(4) She can’t find any answer though her brain works.
(5) She is so upset that her brain doesn’t work.
 Your recipes for this problem are as follows.
(a) You never force her to answer to you.
(b) You analize the reason why she doesn’t reply.
(c) You never rely on or blame her. You manage the difficult situation bravely as an independent person.
(c)-2 You never say that she is responsible for what she doesn’t answer to you. You become kind to her. Namely, the problem is the situation itself that she is as involved and included in as you are. Her behaviors are not the problem.
 As a result, you become to manage the situation calmly, and stop becoming irritated.
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2016-07-17 00:38:35 | 日記

 Reality is powerful! You play with two small children. They are your grandchildren in the lower classes of elementary school. You meet them after 3 months’ absence.
 (1)They hardly obey what you say. The reason is that they think their grandfather has no role to discipline and educate them. Their real existence is far more difficult or tougher than their ideal one such as “lovely grandchildren”.
 (2)They are unthinkably vigorus and straightforward. When they want that you do something, they say to you loudly, “Do something!” You reply “OK!” in such a loud voice as you hardly pronounce in daily life. Your ideal negative view of life is destroyed by brilliant brightness of the real world.
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