DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki


2016-07-21 23:19:48 | 日記

 A new problem happens. You have to solve it. You become nervous. You usually do only routine works everyday. In a sense, you are dull. Now you need courage and energy in a new difficult situation. In this case, important things are as follows.
 (1)You are optimistic. You are not pessimistic.
 (2)You basically trust others. You don’t fear others.
 (3)You are self-confident. You trust youself.
 (4)You are courageous and brave.
 (5)You are calm.
 (6)You are decisive. They say that you are helped by Heaven only when you throw yourself into a river, as it were, a dangerous situation. (Mi-o-sutete-koso-ukabu-se-mo-ale.)
 (7)You are careful. You get various necessary informations in order to solve the problem.
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