DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki


2016-07-27 20:13:50 | 日記
 (5)食品添加物: 広範囲に大量に使われている。例えば、保存料、発色剤、人工着色料、化学調味料、合成香料。
 It is said that allergies, in particular atopy, have become a very common serious problem in Japan over the last 10 to 20 years and that doctors cannot define their causes, which can be a mixture of air pollution, house dust, food, etc. In old days, there were few allergies. For example, someone said, “My eyes itch when I eat eggs.” You heard only such a kind of remark. You try to examine the differences between old and these days in regard to allergies.
 (1)Air pollution: In old days, air was clean. However now particularly, exaust gas from automobiles and smokes from factories have increased enormously though pollution controls have been advanced.
 (2)New chemicals: Industries have developed. Therefore new toxic chemicals have severely increased and accumulated. They are left everywhere still now such as soil contamination, water pollution, and so on. In addition, new chemicals are used in various things, for example, neutral detergent, antibacterial agent, etc.
 (3)Airtightness of houses: Old houses in Japan were mostly made of wood. Then they were drafty. However nowadays houses are airtight and air conditioners are used. As a result, (a) your skin and mucosa have become weak because they are not strengthened by large change of air temperature in drafty rooms. It becomes more likely that you suffer from allergies. (b)Bad ventilation increases allergens such as dust, ticks, and chemicals.
 (4) Western food: Japanese have come to eat more Western food that includes much animal fat and animal protain. The latter cause easily allergic disease.
 (5)Food additives: These are used largely and severely such as food preservatives, color formers, artificial colorants, chemical seasonings, synthetic perfumes.
 Now you realized that the daily lives of old and these days are not equal. It is natural and inevitable that allergies have become a very common serious problem in these days in Japan.

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