Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年12月11日 21時19分58秒 | Weblog




DiGiorno dumps dairy farm after NBC shows company video of alleged abuse


Undercover Video Catches Brutal Alleged Cow Abuse at DiGiorno Supplier
Dec. 10, 2013




WEDNESDAY, DEC 11, 2013 07:33 AM +0900
The stomach-churning reason why meat is so cheap
Rolling Stone lifts the veil on animal abuse at factory farms








 私は、英米のジャーナリストの日本のイルカ・鯨 漁についての取り上げ方は不当だと思う。のびのび育つ鯨のほうが、閉じ込められて、虐待された牛豚よりよほどましである。





 白人男性 女性 有色人 性的マイノリティー 哺乳類・・・・






2013年12月11日 20時23分32秒 | Weblog
性別変更の元女性と、精子提供の子は父子 最高裁初判断








2013年12月11日 20時20分24秒 | Weblog
政府、共謀罪創設を検討 組織犯罪処罰法改正で





2013/12/11 00:45




“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”

2013年12月11日 20時09分31秒 | Weblog
Digdug December 10, 2013 at 11:55 pm
“Tabi no haji wa kakisute”
True. It is a completely unique invention of Japan Inc., proud makers of The Eye since the first hairy barbarian dared land on these shores and Eye our women.
Never heard the phrase “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”?
Or maybe just doesn’t know what it means.


“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”






'Ugly American' still fits, hotel survey finds( June 8, 2008・Dallas news)
the survey of more than 4,000 hoteliers from around the world measured several factors, including behavior, manners, generosity, tidiness, willingness to learn the local language and a propensity to complain.

Hoteliers rated Japanese travelers the best, followed by visitors from Germany, Britain and Canada.



"Women, quit your job, so you can have more of a balanced life."

2013年12月11日 19時38分41秒 | Weblog
Fox news

Why women still need husbands
By Suzanne VenkerPublished December 06, 2013FoxNews.com

Financial independence is a great thing, but you can’t take your paycheck to bed with you. And there’s nothing empowering about being beholden to an employer when what you really want is to have a baby. That’s dependency of a different sort.

This is the conclusion to which most women have come. Research shows that what women want more than anything else is not to work full-time and year-round but to live balanced lives.

Lean on your husband.

According to Pew Research, “Dads are much more likely than moms to say they want to work full time. And when it comes to what they value most in a job, working fathers place more importance on having a high-paying job, while working mothers are more concerned with having a flexible schedule.”

That women prefer part-time work is simply irrefutable. It was true back in 2007, and it’s even true among Ivy League graduates! Study after study, both here and abroad (the majority of women in the UK, Spain and other countries seek some combination of paid work and family work) shows women as a whole (the Sheryl Sandbergs notwithstanding) want multifaceted lives. They want balance.

And there’s only one way to get it: rely on a man’s more linear career goals. Unlike women, a man’s identity is inextricably linked to his paycheck. That’s how most men feel a sense of purpose. Indeed, research shows men see it as their duty to support their families even when their wives make as much money (or more) as they do! 

DEC. 10 2013 8:39 AM
Fox News Implores Women to Become Financially Dependent on Men

By Amanda Marcotte

After her male co-hosts Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris fawned over Venker's truly exceptional argument, host Anna Kooiman, who described herself as a single career-oriented woman, asked Venker for her advice. Venker darkly warned her to give up her dreams, telling her that, once married, "time will be your greatest enemy" and "there's not enough time in the day to do everything." The only solution is to make your peace with that hard truth, quit your job, and "let your husband bring home that full-time income so you can have more of a balanced life."
How it is that men have enough time in the day to work full time but women do not is a mystery left unexamined in this segment. Venker does say, "Biology matters. Men and women are different," but fails to elaborate on what those differences are and how they make it so men have all the time they need to work full time, but women can't pull it off.



Pregnant? Don't expect your job back マタハラ

2013年12月11日 19時06分50秒 | Weblog
マタハラ 【マタハラ】



The Independent

Pregnant? Don't expect your job back

PAUL GALLAGHER Author Biography Sunday 08 December 2013

The number of women forced out of their jobs because they are either pregnant or on maternity leave has more than doubled in the past decade, according to a major report.

Research published today estimates that about 60,000 women suffer such discrimination annually, while the introduction earlier this year of £1,200 up front tribunal fees has exacerbated the problem by deterring tens of thousands from taking legal action against their employer.

One in three of those who unfairly lose their jobs and win a tribunal are paid no compensation at all, and only four in 10 tribunal awards are paid in full. Since 2008, as many as 250,000 women have been forced out of their job simply for being pregnant or taking maternity leave, according to the report by the charity Maternity Action.

"All the evidence suggests that an ever growing number of employers are getting away with unlawful behaviour,"

In one extreme case, an employer put pressure on a woman in the early stages of pregnancy to have an abortion or else face the sack.

A recent survey by the law firm Slater & Gordon estimated that 50,000 women are losing their jobs while on maternity leave each year, and only 4 per cent of those surveyed had sought legal advice. Maternity Action believes its figure of 60,000 – based on the 2005 finding that only 3 per cent of women subjected to this discrimination bring a tribunal claim and there are now 1,800 tribunals a year – could be an underestimate.




"What do women and squash balls have in common?"

2013年12月11日 19時02分43秒 | Weblog
Banned: Boys' guide on 'how to mistreat women'
Published: 10 Dec 2013 12:15 GMT+01:00
Updated: 10 Dec 2013 12:15 GMT+01:00

"What do women and floor tiles have in common?"

"They're both at our feet."

This is just one of the ‘jokes’ featured in the book Pequechistes: Sobre chicas (sólo para chicos), which translates to “Lil’ Jokes: About girls (only for boys).

First published in 2009, the paperback has come to be known among women’s rights groups as a guidebook which teaches men to denigrate their female counterparts from an early age.

According to publishing company Libsa, the book offers “the best jokes and funny stories for boys”.

But with full-on sexist slurs like the following, it’s no wonder Spain’s Women’s Institute has come close to taking the publishing company to court:

"What do women and squash balls have in common?"

"The harder you hit them, the sooner they come back to you."

"Why do women close their eyes when they’re making love?"

"Because they don’t want to see us having fun."

「おんなとかけて、スカッシュボール ととく、そのこころは?」「どちらも強くたたけばたたくほど、早くかえってくる」など。女性蔑視的なジョーク集が抗議を受けて発禁になった、と。スペイン


2013年12月11日 13時10分09秒 | Weblog

Daily Mail

Man dresses in blue mask and coat so he can touch women's legs as he hides under seats on Beijing Metro trains
Terrifying snaps were taken on underground system in Beijing, China
Another passenger spotted him lying beneath moulded plastic seats
Amazingly, none of the woman in question appeared to react
PUBLISHED: 15:47 GMT, 9 December 2013 | UPDATED: 16:37 GMT, 9 December 2013

Daily Mail

Harassed boyfriend jumped to his death after his girlfriend insisted on going into another clothes shop
Tao Hsiao was shopping with his girlfriend in Jiangsu province, east China
After five hours Tao finally had enough and demanded to go home
When she insisted they go into another shop the 38-year-old chucked the bags to the floor and jumped over the balcony
PUBLISHED: 13:49 GMT, 9 December 2013 | UPDATED: 15:16 GMT, 9 December 2013











こうしたジャンルが多く取り上げられ、人権無視 個性無視 貪欲・・・といった、自分たちのシャドーの部分の視点から論じられることは、確かだろうと思います。




" Big nose Britons , Crazy Americans , Pervert Japanese scum ?"

2013年12月11日 13時04分17秒 | Weblog

‘American’ In Cantonese Sign Language Is the Same As the Sign for ‘Crazy’

Well that makes perfect sense

By David Stout Dec. 10, 2013

According to an article by the South China Morning Post, Cantonese sign language, used across Southern China and Hong Kong, refers to nationalities this way:

Britons “A stroke of the nose to indicate its large size; this, in turn, is a reference to the Cantonese dai bei ― “big nose” ― which connotes perceived arrogance.”

Americans “A forefinger pointed towards the temple and twirled rapidly to indicate craziness.”

Japanese “A foul, two-handed universal gesture that intimates copulation. Whether this refers to Japanese people’s (reputedly) highly sexed nature or simply reflects age-old Chinese contempt for them is open to debate.”


hand gesture s ex で画像検索すると


”Please bring my mommy some food. She's been good this year. ”

2013年12月11日 12時50分16秒 | Weblog
Daily Mail
'Santa, if you have nuts, candy, or toys to spare, kindly send me some?' Read a child's touchingly humble Christmas wish list from 1915
PUBLISHED: 19:48 GMT, 9 December 2013 | UPDATED: 22:32 GMT, 9 December 2013

In 1915, seven-year-old Homer Mellen from London, Ontario simply wanted a 'box of paints, a nine cent reader, and a school bag to put them in.'

His father's letter to Santa Claus modestly continues: 'And if you have any nuts, or candy, or toys to spare, would you kindly send me some. You will please a seven year old boy.'

Losangel’s Times
The saddest Christmas wish lists ever
Instead of toys and electronics, the requests of many Santa letters fielded by the L.A. post office this year are for food and supplies.

By Diana Wagman
December 8, 2013

What I found were pleas from parents. A mother out of work said her family would eat, but there wouldn't be any presents. A dad wrote that his kids needed school supplies. Parents with two kids, three kids, maybe more, were hoping for help with what they couldn't provide. A dad just out of prison wanted to make Christmas special for the kids he hadn't seen for so long. A disabled grandmother asked for a church dress for her granddaughter.
I was overwhelmed. Many of the letters ― even the ones from kids ― asked for groceries and shoes, clothing and shampoo. One child wrote: "Please bring my mommy some food. She's been good this year."

I read a lot of letters, and I felt worse and worse. I didn't know how to choose. The single dad who needed diapers? The 17-year-old asking for a backpack for her little sister? I believe in holiday magic, but there just didn't seem to be enough of it to go around.






2013年12月11日 12時42分06秒 | Weblog
韓国版「すごろく」など 母国の文化を留学生が紹介 千葉市


 紹介が終わると早速実践。参加者らは張さんの教えを受けながら、日本のすごろくに似た「ユッノリ」に興じた。 (内田淳二)


"America resembles a poor country"

2013年12月11日 12時14分42秒 | Weblog

The Annual Homelessness Assessment released in 2012 found that nearly 24 percent of the homeless residents living in shelters across the country are between the ages of 18 and 30.

Nearly 24 percent of the homeless residents living in shelters across the country are between the ages of 18 and 30.


TUESDAY, DEC 10, 2013 10:43 PM +0900
Look at the stats: America resembles a poor country
We're number one, sure, but in things like early onset diabetes and per capita incarceration


America has become a RINO: rich in name only. By every measure, we look like a broken banana republic. Not a single U.S. city is included in the world’s top 10 most livable cities. Only one U.S. airport makes the list of the top 100 in the world. Our roads, schools and bridges are falling apart, and our trains―none of them high-speed―are running off their tracks. Our high school students are rated 30th in math, and some 30 countries have longer life expectancy and lower rates of infant mortality. The only things America is number one in these days are the number of incarcerated citizens per capita and adult onset diabetes


Three decades of trickledown economics; the monopolization, privatization and deregulation of industry; and the destruction of labor protection has resulted in 50 million Americans living in abject poverty, while 400 individuals own more than one-half of the nation’s wealth. As the four Walmart heirs enjoy a higher net worth than the bottom 40 percent, our nation’s sense of food insecurity is more on par with developing countries like Indonesia and Tanzania than with OECD nations like Australia and Canada. In fact, the percentage of Americans who say they could not afford the food needed to feed their families at some point in the last year is three times that of Germany, more than twice than Italy and Canada.

Foreign companies now see us as the world’s cheap labor force, and we have the non-unionized South to thank for that. Chuck Thompson, author of Better off Without Em, writes, “Like Mexico, the South has spent the past four decades systematically siphoning auto jobs from Michigan and the Midwest by keeping worker’s salaries low and inhibiting their right to organize by rendering their unions toothless.” Average wages for autoworkers in the South are up to 30 percent lower than in Michigan.

Obama’s speech clearly depicted an America losing touch with its ideals. Not only is the middle-class fast becoming the working poor, but upward mobility is becoming almost impossible to attain.

America is in urgent need of significant investment. We need to, as Obama said, “not be stuck in a stale debate from two years ago or three years ago. A relentlessly growing deficit of opportunity is a bigger threat to our future than our rapidly shrinking fiscal deficit.”

That’s one part of the solution. The other part is a rejection of the Republican Party business model. A higher minimum wage; higher taxes on corporations and the rich; and a greater percentage of the labor force protected by collective bargaining will help restore the America whose middle-class was once the envy of the world, and whose people were among the happiest and healthiest on the planet.



Are Brits set to corner the world market in pig semen?

2013年12月11日 12時02分31秒 | Weblog
The guardian
Let's admit it: Britain is now a developing country
We have iPads and broadband – but also oversubscribed foodbanks. Our economy is no longer zooming along unchallenged in the fast lane, but a clapped-out motor
Share 3661

Aditya Chakrabortty
The Guardian, Monday 9 December 2013 20.00 GM

Compare his forecasts and fossicking with our fundamental problems. Start with last week's Pisa educational yardsticks, which show British teenagers trailing their Vietnamese counterparts at science, and behind the Macanese at maths. Or look at this year's World Economic Forum (WEF) competitiveness survey of 148 countries, which ranks British roads below Chile's, and our ground-transport system worse than that of Barbados.

Gender equality? The WEF ranks us behind Nicaragua and Lesotho. Investment by business? The Economist thinks we are struggling to keep up with Mali.

Let me put it more broadly, Britain is a rich country accruing many of the stereotypical bad habits of a developing country.

"India is not, as people keep calling it, an underdeveloped country, but rather, in the context of its history and cultural heritage, a highly developed one in an advanced state of decay."

Stop thinking of development as a process that only goes in one direction, or which affects a nation's people equally, and it becomes much easier to see how Britain is going backwards.

Sure, Britain has iPads and broadband – but it also has oversubscribed foodbanks. And the concept of the working poor that has dominated political debate since the crash is also something straight out of development textbooks.

Nobel laureate Amartya Sen defined development as "the removal of various types of unfreedoms that leave people with little choice and little opportunity of exercising their reasoned agency". Yet when it comes to social mobility, Britain now has the worst record of all advanced countries – and will soon be overtaken by the newly rich countries of east Asia.

And it's when wealth is concentrated in too few hands that the forces of law and order get used as a militia for the elite – and peaceful dissent gets stamped upon.

Otherwise, we're well set to corner the world market in pig semen. The United Kingdom of spoink.

