Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

無神論者の教会 a sense of ‘belonging’ 帰属意識

2013年12月04日 10時04分02秒 | Weblog
WEDNESDAY, DEC 4, 2013 01:23 AM +0900
Atheist churches: A new type of secular community
They're trying to offer all the best parts of church, but without the religion

All this goes double for nonbelievers living in heavily religious communities. In places where there are few opportunities for friendship and social gathering outside a church, life as an atheist can be lonely and isolating. Nonreligious congregations restore this balance by offering a place where we can speak our minds freely, where we can find friends who think as we do, and where we can have invigorating conversations that don’t have to begin by knocking down the same infuriating stereotypes every time. For all the benefits of online discussion, a merely virtual community can never fully substitute for that kind of joyous human contact and connection.

Besides the immediate tangible benefits, we also gather to affirm a common identity. In a society that’s still majority religious, nonbelievers are frequently the targets of prejudice and misunderstanding (as in the story of the soup kitchen that turned away atheist volunteers). By organizing and becoming visible, we show the world who we are and what we value, and that’s always the first step in fighting this kind of bigotry. It creates a positive and welcoming image of atheism that people will bear in mind when religious fundamentalists try to paint us with negative stereotypes about how we lack morals.

As A.J. Johnson says, “I think the greatest value of Sunday Assembly is its appeal to people who may not call themselves atheists. Less than 3% of the population identifies as ‘atheists.’ However, about 14% of the population says ‘Nothing in Particular.’ This group is not being served by the current options. Helping these folks find a sense of ‘belonging’ should be an important goal for the entire nontheistic community, including self-identified atheists, agnostics and Nones. Their acceptance helps fuels our own.”







2013年12月04日 09時57分37秒 | Weblog



蓮舫 れんほう

約1時間前 (携帯より) ·



2013年12月04日 02時25分51秒 | Weblog
Millennial Searchers
Published: November 30, 2013

Millennials appear to be more interested in living lives defined by meaning than by what some would call happiness. They report being less focused on financial success than they are on making a difference. A 2011 report commissioned by the Career Advisory Board and conducted by Harris Interactive, found that the No. 1 factor that young adults ages 21 to 31 wanted in a successful career was a sense of meaning. Though their managers, according to the study, continue to think that millennials are primarily motivated by money, nearly three-quarters of the young adults surveyed said that “meaningful work was among the three most important factors defining career success.”

MEANING, of course, is a mercurial concept. But it’s one that social scientists have made real progress understanding and measuring in recent years. Social psychologists define meaning as a cognitive and emotional assessment of the degree to which we feel our lives have purpose, value and impact. In our joint research, we are looking closely at what the building blocks of a meaningful life are. Although meaning is subjective ― signifying different things to different people ― a defining feature is connection to something bigger than the self. People who lead meaningful lives feel connected to others, to work, to a life purpose, and to the world itself. There is no one meaning of life, but rather, many sources of meaning that we all experience day to day, moment to moment, in the form of these connections.

It’s also important to understand what meaning is not. Having a sense of meaning is not the same as feeling happy. In a new longitudinal study done by one of us, Jennifer L. Aaker, with Roy F. Baumeister, Kathleen D. Vohs and Emily N. Garbinsky, 397 Americans were followed over a monthlong period and asked the degree to which they considered their lives to be meaningful and happy, as well as beliefs and values they held, and what type of choices they had made in their lives.

It turns out that people can reliably assess the extent to which their lives have meaning, much in the same way that people can assess their degree of life satisfaction or happiness. Although a meaningful life and a happy life overlap in certain ways, they are ultimately quite different. Those who reported having a meaningful life saw themselves as more other-oriented ― by being, more specifically, a “giver.” People who said that doing things for others was important to them reported having more meaning in their lives.

This was in stark contrast to those who reported having a happy life. Happiness was associated with being more self-oriented ― by being a “taker.” People felt happy, in a superficial sense, when they got what they wanted, and not necessarily when they put others first, which can be stressful and requires sacrificing what you want for what others want. Having children, for instance, is associated with high meaning but lower happiness.

When individuals adopt what we call a meaning mind-set ― that is, they seek connections, give to others, and orient themselves to a larger purpose ― clear benefits can result, including improved psychological well-being, more creativity, and enhanced work performance. Workers who find their jobs meaningful are more engaged and less likely to leave their current positions.










2013年12月04日 02時08分29秒 | Weblog

社説:秘密保護法案参院審議を問う 石破発言はなぜ問題か









オリンピック選手カミングアウト 日本のマスコミはかなり遅れをとっている

2013年12月04日 02時03分03秒 | Weblog
2 December 2013 Last updated at 20:50 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Olympic diving star Tom Daley in relationship with man

In a YouTube broadcast, the 19-year-old London 2012 bronze medallist said: "In spring this year my life changed massively when I met someone, and they make me feel so happy, so safe and everything just feels great.

"That someone is a guy."

Edward Lord, chairman of the Amateur Swimming Association, said: "To be one of the first British Olympic athletes to come out is very brave."





He was one of thousands of children abducted every year in China

2013年12月04日 02時00分19秒 | Weblog
2 December 2013 Last updated at 01:18 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Luo Gang: Abducted, then reunited
By Richard Hooper
BBC World Service

He had become one of thousands of children abducted every year in China, very few of whom will ever return home.


I'm sick of being English.

2013年12月04日 01時44分38秒 | Weblog

Well I'm sick of being English. I want to take my fierce sense of national pride somewhere else. I am dissatisfied with my current patriotism services provider and I want a new one. I want to be Scottish. I want to celebrate the working class, not disdain it. I want to be part of a new country that introduces, as the independents have promised, universal childcare for pre-schoolers. I want free education and free medicine.


Britain is no longer any kind of 'big country'

2013年12月04日 01時37分42秒 | Weblog
The indenpendent

'Britain is merely a country of old Europe with a few decent football teams': Chinese newspaper criticises UK during David Cameron visit
OLIVER WRIGHT Author Biography Tuesday 03 December 2013

The Global Times also took Cameron to task for comments backing expanded democracy in former British colony Hong Kong, and said Britain is colluding with France and Germany to provoke China over the Dalai Lama.

"We've discovered that Britain is easily replaceable in China's European foreign policy," said the editorial in the newspaper's Chinese edition. "Moreover, Britain is no longer any kind of 'big country', but merely a country of old Europe suitable for tourism and overseas study, with a few decent football teams."

It added China would respond in kind to all perceived diplomatic slights, the editorial said, adding that "in conclusion, we wish Prime Minister Cameron and his delegation a pleasant visit to China."

  環球時報がはったりかましている。イギリスは生き残るために kowtow diplomacy といったところか。