Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年12月06日 23時41分51秒 | Weblog
Safeguarding the Seas
How to Defend Against China's New Air Defense Zone
By Michael J. Green

via mozu


Unlike the ongoing dispute with Japan, the Scarborough Shoal confrontation going badly for Manila. In 2012, Chinese maritime patrol ships finally overwhelmed the tiny Philippine navy and took de facto control of the shoals. Filipinos whose families have fished those waters for a millennium are now barred from entering.

Japan’s air force and navy are too strong for China to attempt a similar grab of the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands anytime soon. But Hanoi, Manila, Taipei, and Tokyo all sense that, in the Scarborough Shoal, Beijing “killed the chicken to scare the monkey,” as officials from those governments say. Most observers would agree that China has every intention of following the same strategy against Japan, just in slow motion.

More immediately, the disconnect between Washington and Tokyo this week over whether commercial flights should recognize the ADIZ and file flight plans with Beijing (Tokyo says no and Washington says yes) was a poor case of alliance management and an embarrassment for Tokyo during a serious security problem. Whatever the merits of each side’s respective policies in terms of strategic signals and airline safety, the two will have to work as one in the future.

The Obama administration needs to stick to a disciplined message of resolve and reassurance. And that would mean accurately assessing Beijing’s strategic intent. Confrontation with China is far from inevitable, and the potential areas for productive U.S.-Chinese cooperation remain vast. Vice President Joe Biden will no doubt emphasize the positive in U.S.-Chinese relations when he travels to Beijing this week. And that makes sense. But he should also leave no doubt that the United States is prepared to work with regional allies and partners to ensure Beijing understands that its attempts at coercion will not work.






2013年12月06日 22時09分45秒 | Weblog
One couple, two beds – Why do so many Japanese spouses sleep separately?
Casey Baseel

「夫婦別寝」は日本ぐらい? 世界でも珍しい日本の夫婦
BOOKSTAND 12月3日(火)10時30分配信








Increasing foreign immigration are all perceived to hurt the economy

2013年12月06日 21時31分43秒 | Weblog
Most Americans think US should 'mind its own business' abroad, survey finds
• First time this specific sentiment recorded in four decades
• Most Americans also believe China is stronger economic power
Share 1904

Paul Lewis in Washington
theguardian.com, Tuesday 3 December 2013 19.00 GMT

The American public appears generally divided over Snowden’s leaks, and on related questions about the correct balance between security and civil liberties. Most of those questioned (55%) said Snowden’s revelations, which were first published in the Guardian in June, had “harmed the public interest”, although a sizeable minority of 34% said the whistleblower had “served the public interest”.

Exactly half of Americans believed the use of drone strikes against terrorist suspects in Pakistan and other countries has made the US safer – while only 14% say it has made the US less safe.

One of the starkest findings in the survey was in response to a question about whether the US should “mind its own business internationally and let other countries get along the best they can on their own”.

A majority of respondents – 52% – said they agreed with the statement, while just 38% disagreed. The authors of a report accompanying the survey described it as “the most lopsided balance in favor of the US ‘minding its own business’ in the nearly 50-year history of the measure”.

The results show how much public opinion has changed since 2002, when just 30% of Americans believed the US should mind its own business.





Why Are Americans Suddenly Pessimistic About the Future of US Power?
Pew Research findings show that isolationism reaches new highs as perceptions of US power reach new lows.

By Ankit Panda
December 05, 2013

Despite perceptions of decline and a preference for a somewhat more isolationist or non-interventionist foreign policy, Americans don’t seem to see any benefit in the United States ramping down its involvement in the global economy. An overwhelming majority of respondents (77 percent) agree that growing trade and business ties across the world will be positive for Americans. Specifically, the Pew survey indicates that Americans believe that the most beneficial economic boost would come from more foreign companies setting up operations in the United States. Increasing foreign immigration, both for high-skilled and low-skilled jobs, and boosting U.S. private sector activity abroad, are all perceived to hurt the economy in the long-run.

Ultimately, for those who would rather see American primacy endure into the 21st century, the Pew survey provides certain reassurances. A survey of members of the Council on Foreign Relations indicates a preference for internationalism and global engagement. The CFR members, ostensibly members of the United States’ foreign policy “elite,” recognize the broader shift in the American public towards isolationism ― 92 percent of CFR members polled acknowledged this. When asked why, they cite the usual culprits: Iraq and Afghanistan, the financial crisis, ineffective interventions in the past, and a failure of leadership.


 NYTは今後、アメリカ、U.Sというときに、Xenophobic と形容すべきですな。


ーーーー国民がどう感じているか、が国策、国家としての行動を反映するわけではないですけど、たとえば、ルーズベルトが孤立主義的だったアメリカ国民を れメンバーパールハーバーと叫んで、鼓舞して、厭戦気分から参戦気分にかえたように、民主主義ですから、やはり、国民の意思を無視するわけにはいかない。

 アメリカは優れた武器の商人であり、いわば、戦争の達人ですから、 アメリカに刃向かう気はありませんよ、あなたの負担は軽減しますよ、といったメッセージを送り、協力を仰ぎつつも、最悪、自主防衛可能な最小限の態勢は整備しておくべきであります。


対中 日印海上同盟

2013年12月06日 20時10分23秒 | Weblog

Already in June 2012, India and Japan held their first joint naval exercise, involving four Indian naval vessels. The regularisation of joint naval exercises, leading to a robust strategic partnership, may enable India to join Japan, as well as the United States and Australia, in a quadrilateral partnership ― which Shinzo Abe has termed ‘Asia’s Democratic Security Diamond’. To do so, India will need to alter its policy of strategic autonomy from the United States and, by extension, Australia. New Delhi has traditionally sought to maintain its strategic autonomy, maintaining a conciliatory tone toward Beijing and studiously avoiding being associated with an alliance that seeks to counterbalance China. As late as March 2012, Prime Minister Singh hewed to this line. Participating in the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, the Indian prime minister expressed his doubts to the South Korean press about the effectiveness of any collective security strategy to contain China and declared his intention for India to maintain its equidistance from Washington and Beijing. But faced with the rapid rise of Chinese power in Central Asia and Southeast Asia, India seems to have modified its orientation and partnered with one of America’s staunchest allies. In his May 2013 Tokyo visit, Prime Minister Singh spoke of the need to improve ‘maritime security across the linked regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans’, and declared Japan to be ‘a natural and indispensable partner in our quest for stability and peace’.





2013年12月06日 18時59分48秒 | Weblog
Are You a Workaholic? Blame Your Parents
A new study from the University of Michigan finds that how we feel about work depends on how our parents feel about work.

People tend to have one of three beliefs about the meaning of work and which category you fall into largely depends on your parents, according to new research from the University of Michigan.

Workers who are job-oriented are those just trying to make a living who much prefer the activities they pursue outside of the office. Career-oriented adults―your typical “workaholic”―value the social status and prestige that comes with professional achievement, and derive much of their identity from their jobs. Calling-oriented people do work that they are passionate about because they want to have a positive impact on the world.

In the first empirical study into how these orientations originate, researchers found that how adolescents perceive their parents’ work ethic is central to the development of their own work attitudes.

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It’s not a straightforward transfer of values. People who perceive their father to have a strong career-orientation are more likely to be career-oriented themselves―but career-determined mothers have no effect on their kids’ work orientation. The researchers attributed this to generational gender norms. When the study’s participants were teenagers, mostly in the 1980s, men were more commonly employed outside of the home and were more likely than women to hold “career” jobs with opportunity for advancement.

Mothers do have a notable effect on whether children have a job-orientation mentality. Adolescents who are close to their mothers are less likely to view work as just a job when they grow up, probably because they’ve been raised to value social, rather than instrumental, life experiences. 





2013年12月06日 16時47分40秒 | Weblog
10 Best Answers to Questions About Using Psychedelics
"LSD is like dreaming―it’s not uniform content, it’s a way of processing content." This and many more insights came out of this "Ask Me Anything" session.


1. Question from luttnugs:

Is it possible for people to have completely different reactions/symptoms from the same psychedelic? Say hypothetically I eat mushrooms and my friend eats the same amount of said mushrooms. Should we experience similar symptoms or is it possible that genetics could lead to completely different reactions?

Answer from Rick Doblin:

Yes. The beauty of psychedelics is that we don’t have psychedelic experiences; we have experiences of ourselves catalyzed by psychedelics. Stan Grof has said that LSD is a “non-specific amplifier of the unconscious,” so that what we experience depends on who we are.

LSD is like dreaming―it’s not uniform content, it’s a way of processing content.


. Question from Quasarstoquarks:

Do you believe that spiritual drug experiences (such as shamanistic rituals involved with ayahuasca) will ever have a place in modern medicine?

The spiritual experiences help people to accept themselves, and give people strength. So spiritual experiences will have a place in modern medicine, such as research into LSD for people with anxiety associated with the end of life.


5. Question from OceanMan7:

I know from experience that a bad trip on psychedelics can be extremely scary and traumatizing. How do you guarantee that your patients have a positive experience?

Answer from Ben Shechet, cilinical study assistant:

There is no guarantee that a psychedelic experience will be 'positive'--in fact, since most of our research subjects are dealing with significant psychological issues in their lives, their experiences can be quite difficult. We make sure that our subjects feel safe and well cared-for within the therapeutic space, and focus on building a strong working alliance between the therapists and subjects. But we also view difficult experiences as moments that carry great potential for healing and growth, and encourage our subjects to enter into those experiences willingly, as they are often the very things that need to be experienced fully in order for the individual to move forward in their life.


6. Question from dennisb230980:

What is your opinion about [T]im [L]eary in terms of psycedelic scientific research[?]

The people I interviewed who participated in the original Good Friday Experiment told me that the mystical experience of oneness had important political implications in their lives in that it inspired them to see our commonality more so than our differences, and motivated them to work for social change.


ーーー 日本人独自論などやっている人は、一度サイケデリック体験をしてみるといいかもしれませんね。

10. Question from entropico:

What is the single most challenging anti-psychedelic argument used and how do you deal with it?

Answer from Brad Burge:

The single most challenging rational argument against psychedelic research is the claim that by investigating the beneficial potential of these drugs and engaging in public education about the results of that research, we are also encouraging the irresponsible use of the drugs by leading people to believe that they are safe.

There are two simple responses to this question that we have found to be useful: (1) We do not claim that psychedelics, or any drugs, are safe, only that in defined situations their benefits can outweigh their risks; and (2) ultimately, we do encourage the responsible use of psychedelics, though we acknowledge that current prohibitionist and anti-harm reduction policies make those responsible uses more difficult to engage in.



2013年12月06日 16時13分32秒 | Weblog

OIS frog
維新も賛成か。自由主義らしさは消えた。>自民・公明両党と日本維新の会、生活の党などの賛成多数で可決・成立しました。/薬ネット販売の改正薬事法成立 http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20131206/k10013617721000.html …

5日 - 20:45
ららら らー ‏@LaLaLanLanLan 2時間
「生活の党」は、国民の生活でなく、薬剤師の生活のための党かぁ。 QT @oishihi 維新も賛成か。自由主義らしさは消えた。>自民・公明両党と日本維新の会、生活の党などの賛成多数で可決・成立しました。/薬ネット販売の改正薬事法成立 http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20131206/k10013617721000.html


"Something in your character’ makes men abuse you"

2013年12月06日 15時33分50秒 | Weblog
Pat Robertson tells woman: ‘Something in your character’ makes men abuse you

By David Edwards
Thursday, December 5, 2013 15:04 EST

“You’ve got a serious problem,” Robertson told the woman. “And I don’t think marriage is for you. You have picked a selection of losers. There’s something in your character that draws you to these men who are indigent or abusive. You don’t need to get married again.”

The televangelist said that the woman was probably not going to go to Hell but she was “making your own hell here on Earth.”

“I don’t think you’re marriage material,” he added. “Just for now, forget marriage, work out a life for yourself, get close to the Lord.”


 女性の性格に問題がある、という捉え方、また、結婚は諦めろ、という判断は問題がある。個別事情にもよるが、女性に非がない場合もあろうし、一般には少なくとも夫にも問題があるわけだが、しかし、いわゆる、アダルトチルドレン Adult Children of Alcoholicsなどは、問題があった父親と同じような夫を選ぶ傾向があることが指摘されている。


2013年12月06日 14時08分35秒 | Weblog
THURSDAY, NOV 7, 2013 08:59 AM +0900
Stay-at-home mom, bullied at the bus stop
I never knew that once my kids were in school, I would need to justify myself to other people

SAHM Definition / SAHM Means

The definition of SAHM is "Stay At Home Mom"

After I watch my kids’ bus pull away, I usually skip home to drink coffee in cherished solitude, sometimes folding laundry while ― get ready – watching Jon Stewart from the night before. (Sorry, no soap operas.) Twenty-two minutes later, coffee drained, I begin a day that is some combination of more laundry, house cleaning, dog walk, grocery shopping, myriad errands, appointments for house and kids; and yes, like everyone, whether in an office or on a mountaintop, I spend some time online. (The blogs will not read themselves!) Last year I started to explore woodworking and made a desk. I also volunteer at my kids’ school, both in their classrooms and heading the PTA’s eco-action team (the new term for committee, by the way). I do not do all of these things each and every day, and I end some days feeling more accomplished than others. And yet the time goes quickly. (Do not mistake mine for a Cleaver household: Our house is not immaculate, dinner is not always ready on time and is sometimes out of a box, and I have more than once forgotten the kids’ dentist appointments.)

At 3:30, I meet the bus, and for most of the next six hours, I am in full-on mom mode: chauffeur, cook, homework and piano nag.

When she asked her question ― “What do you do all day?” – part of me was ready for it. I replied, calmly, “I don’t think one can ask such a question without some amount of judgment attached.”



 専業主婦、専業主夫、専業賃金労働者、主婦・夫兼賃金労働者 などなど、個別な事情に応じて、ライフスタイルを選択できて、どれも同等に認められる社会があれば、いいとは思いますが、経済的にも社会的にも、なかなか難しい。




Bystanders help topless woman chase down peeping Tom in department store

2013年12月06日 13時02分16秒 | Weblog
Bystanders help topless woman chase down peeping Tom in department store

By Travis Gettys
Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:51 EST




2013年12月06日 12時49分44秒 | Weblog
日本維新が慰安婦調査報告書の開示請求 「河野談話」検証PT
2013.12.6 12:04



 わたしは、慰安婦問題の大本は河野談話だ とは全く思わない。これを下手にいじると、逆に国際社会から総すかんをうける、と考えている。






"97 percent of drug defendants “forced” to plead guilty"

2013年12月06日 12時13分27秒 | Weblog
FRIDAY, DEC 6, 2013 12:20 AM +0900
Report: Nearly all drug defendants “forced” to plead guilty
97 percent of drug defendants forgo their right to trial and plead out. HRW highlights undue prosecutorial power

“It is very clear that prosecutors control the criminal justice system through their charging and plea bargaining powers,” wrote Angela Davis last year, commenting on the fact that 95 percent of defendants in criminal cases forgo their day in court and opt instead to plead guilty. Buoyed by mandatory minimum sentence laws, prosecutors hold undue power and leverage in the U.S. judicial system.

A new report from Human Rights Watch released Thursday bears out Davis’ point precisley. “Federal prosecutors routinely threaten extraordinarily severe prison sentences to coerce drug defendants into waiving their right to trial and pleading guilty,” the human rights group found. Looking specifically at drug cases (the primary filler of brimming U.S. prisons), the HRW report found that “only 3 percent of U.S. drug defendants in federal cases chose to go to trial.”

The right to trial, in the face of prosecutorial bargaining power, is de facto obliterated. What, after all, is a right if recourse to it appears as no option at all? HRW goes as far as to say that drug defendants ― often caught for minor offenses ― are “forced” to plead guilty when prosecutors present the risk of years in prison as the alternative.

Relying on mandatory minimun sentencing laws ― enacted by Congress in the 1980s ― federal prosecutors consistently extract guilty pleas as well as forcing defendants to inform on others. “Prosecutors favor mandatory sentences because they enhance their leverage not only to get convictions via pleas, but to get defendants to cooperate with the government in the prosecution of others in exchange for a lower sentence,” HRW noted.

Going to trial is a right, not a crime. But defendants are punished with longer sentences for exercising that right,” said HRW’s Jamie Fellner, who authored the 126-page-report “An Offer You Can’t Refuse: How U.S. Federal Prosecutors Force Drug Defendants to Plead Guilty.”

As the situation stands, the U.S. boasts the highest incarceration rates in the world, with over 50 percent of the federal prison population convicted of drug offenses. As HRW’s research highlights, then, huge swaths of the federal system’s 211,000-plus federal prisoners are behind bars having never received a fair trial.

 アメリカでは、 、司法取引で、正式な裁判になると、厖大な年月を牢獄ですごさなければならないと告げられ、薬物犯罪で正式な裁判を受けるのは3%にすぎず、実質、裁判を受ける権利が放棄させられ、罪を認めさせられ、有罪を強制させられている、と。






2013年12月06日 11時27分00秒 | Weblog





(2013年12月6日09時23分 読売新聞)





 それにしても、アサンジ、スノーデン  マニングについてそれほど興奮して報道しなかった日本のメディアが今回は随分、大々的ですね。
