Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

China has begun to order their journalists not to take stances in support of Japan

2013年12月05日 23時37分15秒 | Weblog
Chinese Censorship Inhibits Relations with Japan
A new Marxist program for Chinese journalists will damage perceptions of Japan in China.

By Justin McDonnell
December 05, 2013

The Chinese Communist Party has initiated a mandatory journalism program that focuses on the Marxist views of journalism, laws and regulations, and ethics. Additionally, they have begun to order their journalists not to take stances in support of Japan on contentious issues of history and territorial disputes.

It is estimated that roughly 250,000 journalists from various news organizations are participating. There will be a compulsory examination at the end of the course in January or February. If journalists do not pass, they will not be able to renew their press credentials.

At such a critical juncture when China should be playing the role of balancing sentiments, it is instead inducing self-censorship amongst its journalists, giving the Chinese public a rather distorted view of the facts.

In July, Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun’s social media accounts were censored. The Asahi is one of Japan’s most widely read publications in China, and known for taking a conciliatory stance towards the territorial row.





Women Journalists Face Rampant Workplace Abuse, Sexual Harassment:

2013年12月05日 22時12分55秒 | Weblog
Women Journalists Face Rampant Workplace Abuse, Sexual Harassment: Study
The Huffington Post | By Catherine Taibi
Posted: 12/02/2013 1:29 pm EST

While female journalists routinely combat dangerous situations in the field, a new study finds that they are subject to abuse and harassment in the workplace as well.

The International News Safety Institute and the International Women’s Media Foundation released a report on Monday that found that just over 64 percent of female journalists around the world reported experiencing "intimidation, threats or abuse" while working.

The survey was based on the testimony of 875 women from countries across the globe. Among those to respond to the survey were journalists, editors, producers and camera people in all major areas of the media including TV, radio and newspapers. More than 82 percent of the respondents were journalists and/or reporters. More than half of the abuse reported was perpetrated by either a boss, supervisor or co-worker.

When asked about sexual assault, just under half (46.12 percent) of the female respondents said that they had been a victim of sexual harassment in relation to their job. 13.02 percent also reported some form of sexual violence in the office or in a work-related area.



Coach told student to ‘forget about the rape and it will go away

2013年12月05日 19時42分33秒 | Weblog
Cops: Pennsylvania coach told student to ‘forget about the rape and it will go away’

By David Edwards
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 13:16 EST

A Pennsylvania high school field hockey coach has admitted that she covered up the rape of one of her students because she didn’t want to lose her job.

Court documents obtained by CNN indicated that a 16-year-old girl had been given permission to stay at a Best Western Hotel near Harrisburg with Kutztown Area High School coach Alicia Colon and two other teen girls on the night of Aug. 3 for a “girls night.”

However, investigators said that the 25-year-old coach brought three men to the room, who the girls said took Ecstasy and smoked marijuana.

The 16-year-old victim said that she immediately felt uncomfortable and was forced to sleep on the floor because Colon was “carrying on” in the bed with one of the men.

At some point during the evening, the girl woke up and discovered that one man, Rafael Gomez-Echavarria, was kissing her. She said that she had to tell him to stop at least five times before he finally did.

Approximately two hours later, she woke up again to find Gomez-Echavarria touching her “private areas.” He eventually forced her to have sexual intercourse, but she said that she did not scream out of fear that he could hurt her.

According to the probable cause affidavit, Gomez-Echavarria told the victim that the rape was “our little secret” and then went to sleep. The girl texted her coach sleeping on the bed next to her, but Colon did not see the message until the next morning.

A police report said that Colon advised the girl to “forget about the rape and it will go away.”



'If you can't prevent rape, you enjoy it,' says India's
Indian police chief's rape analogy causes outrage across country
Ranjit Sinha, head of India's Central Bureau of Investigation, apologises for remark about unlicensed betting

theguardian.com, Wednesday 13 November 2013 10.06 GMT



2013年12月05日 19時03分25秒 | Weblog

‘To John Lewis Cambridge, I am sorry I broke a Christmas bauble on Saturday.
‘It cost two pounds, here is the money. Sorry again, Faith. Aged 5.’



 くりすますつりー に つけるかざりだま を どようび、こわしちゃいました。

 2ぽんどなのでここにおいておきます。 ほんとうにごめんね。

 フェイス 5さい




2013年12月05日 19時00分17秒 | Weblog

“We were on the GPS trying to figure out where the hotel was,” Hurd recalled. “They just pulled us out of the car and put our hands behind our backs like we were criminals.”

“The officer asked me ‘who’s the girl?’ and I said ‘she’s my student,’” Hurd continued. “I told him I had a notarized letter from her parents stating that we have full guardianship over her while we’re here.”

All three told the police the same story, but the officers apparently weren’t buying it.

“They still put handcuffs on me and it really scared me,” the 13-year-old said. “And they put me in the back of a cop car and I was terrified.”








2013年12月05日 18時30分08秒 | Weblog
シャープ「けったいな文化」変わるか 社長も本気の「さん付け運動」 (1/5ページ)








2013年12月05日 18時27分45秒 | Weblog

安倍 晋三
フォロー中 · 約1時間前 · 編集済み







いいね! · · シェア








民主主義は多数決じゃなくて「熟議」だとかいう人がいるが、日本の国会は熟議のやりすぎ。むしろ多数決の原則に戻すべき。 RT 「強行採決」は民主主義の機能する第一歩 http://ow.ly/rsNe6


They said he killed his wife, but he was innocent

2013年12月05日 16時35分56秒 | Weblog
Innocent man: How inmate Michael Morton lost 25 years of his life
By Josh Levs, CNN
December 4, 2013 -- Updated 1953 GMT (0353 HKT

"Innocent people think that if you just tell the truth then you've got nothing to fear from the police," Morton says now. "If you just stick to it that the system will work, it'll all come to light, everything will be fine."
Instead, Morton was charged, ripped away from his boy, and put on trial. The prosecutor, speaking to the jury in emotional terms with tears streaming down his face, laid out a graphic, depraved sexual scenario, accusing Morton of bludgeoning his wife for refusing to have sex on his birthday.
"There was no scientific evidence, there was no eyewitness, there was no murder weapon, there was no believable motive," Morton says. "... I didn't see how any rational, thinking person would say that's enough for a guilty verdict."
Eric, left, was 3 when his father, Michael Morton, right, was wrongly convicted of killing his mother, Christine, center.
Eric, left, was 3 when his father, Michael Morton, right, was wrongly convicted of killing his mother, Christine, center.
But with no other suspects, the jury convicted him. "We all felt so strongly that this was justice for Christine and that we were doing the right thing," says Mark Landrum, who was the jury foreman. 

Exonerated: Cases by the numbers
December 4, 2013 -- Updated 0607 GMT (1407 HKT)

Here are a few of the numbers behind these exonerations:
'An Unreal Dream': Evidence withheld Michael Morton: In his own words 'Unreal Dream': Vindication at long last A juror's search for emotion
--Number of U.S. post-conviction DNA exonerations: 311
--Number of prisoners sentenced to death before DNA proved their innocence: 18
--Number of prisoners charged with capital crimes but not sentenced to death: 16
--Longest sentence served by a DNA exoneree: 35 years
--Average length of sentence served by DNA exonerees: 13.6 years
--Approximate total years served by all DNA exonerees: 4,156
Graph: Freed by DNA testingGraph: Freed by DNA testing
--Average age of exonerees at the time of their wrongful convictions: 27
--Percentage of prisoners exonerated by DNA testing who are people of color: 70%
--Percentage of DNA exoneration cases where the actual perpetrator has been identified by DNA testing: Almost 50%
--Number of U.S. states (and Washington, D.C.) where exonerations have been won: 36
--Number of DNA exonerees who pleaded guilty to crimes they didn't commit: 29

 冤罪のケース アメリカ。


UN team praises Japan’s efforts to decommission damaged nuclear plant,

2013年12月05日 15時51分15秒 | Weblog

UN team praises Japan’s efforts to decommission damaged nuclear plant, notes challenges

4 December 2013 – A team from the United Nations nuclear watchdog today praised Japan for its efforts to decommission the damaged Fukushima power station, while noting that several complex challenges have to be addressed to ensure the plant’s stability.

“Japan has established a good foundation to improve its strategy and to allocate the necessary resources to conduct the safe decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi,” said team leader Juan Carlos Lentijo, Director of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

“The situation, however, remains very complex, and there will continue to be very challenging issues that must be resolved to ensure the plant’s long-term stability,” he added in a news release.

“Regarding the growing amounts of contaminated water at the site, TEPCO should bolster its efforts to treat this water and then examine all options for its further management, including the possibility of resuming controlled discharges in compliance with authorized limits,” said the team.


「基準満たす汚染水は海に放出も」 IAEA助言



 「一定の管理下の放水というのは世界中でよくとられている手法。私どもが言わんとしているのは、放水開始しなくてはならないということではく、福島第一原発のリスクのバランスを保つため、長期的プラントの安定を図るためという趣旨でアドバイスしている」(IAEA調査団 レンティッホ団長)

Britain has “surrendered” and “totally capitulated”

2013年12月05日 15時45分17秒 | Weblog

2013.12.03(火) Financial Times

via mozu

December 1, 2013 1:14 pm
Britain wins little reward from China in retreat on Tibet
By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing
European countries think Cameron mishandled ties with Dalai Lama

Britain has “sold the store”, “surrendered” and “totally capitulated” in its efforts to get back into the good graces of the Chinese leadership
, in the words of several senior Beijing-based diplomats from Asia and Europe.
Diplomats can be a catty bunch and there is more than a whiff of hypocrisy from the representatives of countries that have themselves gone to great lengths to ingratiate themselves with an increasingly powerful China.



Mr Cameron’s decision earlier this year to emphasise Britain’s opposition to Tibetan independence in the House of Commons made the UK look weak when it did not yield an immediate thaw. Subsequent lobbying to arrange official visits before the end of the year looked over-eager.
The fact that trade and investment between the UK and China did not seem to be affected in the wake of the Dalai Lama meeting has only added to the perception that London is trying too hard.


Perhaps unsurprisingly, European diplomats say that British euroscepticism has made it less able to come to a unified position with other European countries when dealing with China on issues such as meeting the Dalai Lama.
That leaves the UK exposed to more pressure from Beijing, which is adept at exploiting rifts and rivalries within the EU.


A wider question can be asked in all of this that has been around for as long as liberal democratic political systems have had foreign policies: does it do anyone any good to lecture authoritarian regimes on universal values?
To Chinese ears, something is faintly ridiculous when the UK, which China blames for the 19th century opium wars, colonialism and “100 years of humiliation”, comes to Beijing with sermons for communist officials about human rights.



“If defending the rights of the Dalai Lama puts the UK behind the French and other countries in the relative pecking order in the eyes of the new Chinese leadership, then that is a big mistake and very depressing for Britain,” one Western financier told the FT this week.
The answer, of course, is that abandoning the defence of universal values in the hopes of more market access or better political relations is an even less effective way of earning the respect of China’s leaders or anyone else.




To be fair, it is not just the UK that appears increasingly reluctant to bring up such issues in the face of China’s growing market demand, power and influence.






Overcoming Racism in an Interracial Relationship “The world won't understand!”

2013年12月05日 12時51分44秒 | Weblog

Guess Who's Not Coming To Holiday Dinner? Overcoming Racism In An Interracial Relationship

The holiday season approaches and I want to share with him my family. Yet, after two years of dating, I already know that my family considers him a trespasser, too.

Laura Marie Marciano
12 Hours Ago | Leave a comment

My family, like the cops in our neighborhood, view my boyfriend as a trespasser.

My boyfriend, an immigrant from Guyana, of Sudanese decent, is one of those trespassers. While I am away, he climbs the stairs to our roof to look out toward the Manhattan skyline, a luxury in our 115-year-old building with few actual amenities. Upon reaching the roof, he is greeted by two NYPD officers. They tell him he is trespassing. He gently explains that he lives in the building. They tell him not to move, flashing lights on his face. They ask for his ID. They give him a 50-dollar ticket and tell him to leave the premises. He tries not to become angry. It will only make things worse. He walks back downstairs to our apartment and slams the door behind him.

This feeling of being unwanted in one's own home is mentally and emotionally stressful. Elijah has lived in New York City since he was quite young; I have only been there three years -- I am greeted with open arms by developers, as a white outsider, while the natives of many Brooklyn neighborhoods are pushed out, for racial, cultural and economic reasons.

Parents who grew up fighting for racial equality find themselves becoming social frauds as their beloved children fulfill the ideals that they fostered. This cognitive dissonance is confusing and painful. The progress that I would like to think we have made over the last 50 years as a country is ephemeral and fuzzy, punctuated by a silence that does not quite recognize the underbelly of Baby Boomers who hold onto racist ideals, disguised as tradition, whispering softly, or screaming loudly, behind white fences and closed doors.

These doors remain locked to outsiders, to cultural trespassers, not allowed in on this secret conversation meant to preserve and protect the purity of races over time,
a chilling and terrifying echo that booms during the holidays toward unwanted visitors, and stops and frisks those who get too close.

In my family this threat, this trespasser, is Elijah, the man that I love. The root of the backlash against interracial couples by white families is the ugliest racism of all, I believe -- a racism where white people whisper from ear to ear that their privilege be preserved in their physicality -- that their white bodies never mix with brown bodies.

Everything seems like a knife stabbing me backward, our strained conversations now dangling between “The world won't understand!” and “What if you have children?” and “Wasn't it understood?” My father wanted me to pick up on the hate that he never demonstrated, and wants to call it tradition or an unspoken rule now that it has surfaced.

This mental anguish we experience as a couple, this hatred toward Elijah and I, is also common. We are not just an Italian American woman who fell in love with a Sudanese man, but a canvas for others to throw their ignorance and hate and pain. It's always present. I watch the comments on YouTube concerning an innocent Cheerios commercial pile up with scathing intensity. I hear my mother grow silent when I mention Elijah's name, wondering how he could possibly understand me or us. I watch old Italian men on the train stare at us with disdain that could break a heart.

I see Elijah become irate when his aunt mentions that our child would have good hair. I yell and throw the phone when my Nonna, who lives in Northern Italy, tells me that the white race is clearly superior, and I should know that. I silently cry in the coffee shop that just outside of two Caribbean women have stopped Elijah asking him how he could date such a ducky white girl.

I am tired of pretending not to hear racist comments from guests at family parties. I don't want to hold back any more tears when my brother whispers of course Elijah is welcome here, in the same soft, unspoken whisper, that has also served to keep him out of our home for so long.

Elijah suggests we attend Orphan Thanksgiving, or Reject Christmas this year, self-named gatherings of friends in Brooklyn, who have also become trespassers to their families' homes, because of their lifestyle choices. He even suggests that we host one ourselves and invite people over to be a part of the space we are trying to create.



The world won't understand!



"Why Americans Are So Ignorant?" なぜアメリカ人はそんなに無知なのか?

2013年12月05日 12時31分48秒 | Weblog
Why Americans Are So Ignorant -- It's Not Only Fox News, There Are Some Understandable Reasons for it
Sure propaganda, government secrecy and Fox News have a lot to do with it. But there are broader societal pressures as well.

Consortium News / By Lawrence Davidson comments_image COMMENTS
Why Americans Are So Ignorant -- It's Not Only Fox News, There Are Some Understandable Reasons for it
Sure propaganda, government secrecy and Fox News have a lot to do with it. But there are broader societal pressures as well.

April 8, 2013 |
In 2008, Rick Shenkman, the Editor-in-Chief of the History News Network, published a book entitled Just How Stupid Are We? Facing the Truth about the American Voter. In it he demonstrated, among other things, that most Americans were: (1) ignorant about major international events, (2) knew little about how their own government runs and who runs it, (3) were nonetheless willing to accept government positions and policies even though a moderate amount of critical thought suggested they were bad for the country, and (4) were readily swayed by stereotyping, simplistic solutions, irrational fears and public relations babble.

Shenkman spent 256 pages documenting these claims, using a great number of polls and surveys from very reputable sources. Indeed, in the end it is hard to argue with his data. So, what can we say about this?

One thing that can be said is that this is not an abnormal state of affairs. As has been suggested in prior analyses, ignorance of non-local affairs (often leading to inaccurate assumptions, passive acceptance of authority, and illogical actions) is, in fact, a default position for any population.

To put it another way, the majority of any population will pay little or no attention to news stories or government actions that do not appear to impact their lives or the lives of close associates. If something non-local happens that is brought to their attention by the media, they will passively accept government explanations and simplistic solutions.

The primary issue is “does it impact my life?” If it does, people will pay attention. If it appears not to, they won’t pay attention.

Bureaucracies position the worker within closely supervised departments where success equates with doing a specific job according to specific rules. Within this limited world, one learns not to think outside the box, and so, except as applied to one’s task, critical thinking is discouraged and one’s worldview comes to conform to that of the bureaucracy. That is why bureaucrats are so often referred to as cogs in a machine.

That American ignorance is explainable does not make it any less distressing. At the very least it often leads to embarrassment for the minority who are not ignorant. Take for example the facts that polls show over half of American adults don’t know which country dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, or that 30 percent don’t know what the Holocaust was.

We might explain this as the result of faulty education; however, there are other, just as embarrassing, moments involving the well educated. Take, for instance, the employees of Fox News. Lou Dobbs (who graduated from Harvard University) is host of the Fox Business Network talk show Lou Dobbs Tonight. Speaking on March 23 about gun control, he and Fox political analyst Angela McGlowan (a graduate of the University of Mississippi) had the following exchange:

McGlowan: “What scares the hell out of me is that we have a president . . . that wants to take our guns, but yet he wants to attack Iran and Syria. So if they come and attack us here, we don’t have the right to bear arms under this Obama administration.”

Dobbs: “We’re told by Homeland Security that there are already agents of Al Qaeda here working in this country. Why in the world would you not want to make certain that all American citizens were armed and prepared?”

Despite education, ignorance plus ideology leading to stupidity doesn’t come in any starker form than this. Suffice it to say that nothing the President has proposed in the way of gun control takes away the vast majority of weapons owned by Americans, that the President’s actions point to the fact that he does not want to attack Syria or Iran, and that neither country has the capacity to “come and attack us here.”

Teaching Critical Thinking?

The schools are designed to prepare students for the marketplace and to make them loyal citizens.

As troubling as this apparently perennial problem of ignorance is, it is equally frustrating to listen to repeated schemes to teach critical thinking through the public schools. Of course, the habit of asking critical questions can be taught. However, if you do not have a knowledge base from which to consider a situation, it is hard think critically about it.

The truth is that people who are consistently active as critical thinkers are not going to be popular, either with the government or their neighbors. They are called gadflies. You know, people like Socrates, who is probably the best-known critical thinker in Western history. And, at least the well educated among us know what happened to him.









