Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年08月31日 23時14分01秒 | Weblog



China’s Greatest Challenge: Not America, But Itself
August 29, 2012


By James Lyons Comments 30 Aug 2012 20:00
Course for concern: Row as 2,000 foreign students set to be booted out of Britain
The youngsters at London’s ­Metropolitan University have 60 days to find new courses elsewhere or be sent back home

イギリス ある大学の留学生がみんな国外退去させられるかも、と。





(2012年8月31日14時02分 読売新聞)

police brutality


2012年08月31日 16時26分01秒 | Weblog

Power Failures
Germany Rethinks Path to Green Future

By Stefan Schultz in Bremerhaven

Germany's energy revolution is the government's only major project -- but the problems keep piling up. The pace of grid expansion is sluggish, and electricity costs for consumers are rising. The environment minister wants to fundamentally alter the way green energy is subsidized, but will it mean putting the brakes on the entire project?

ドイツ 原発廃止、グリーエネルギー開発で電気料金↑



生態系協会長 発言認める  「差別と思っていない」


31 August 2012 r
Tokyo court deals win for Samsung after US loss


Michelle Jordan Of Sunland, Calif. Claims LAPD Officers Used Excessive Force In A Traffic Stop (VIDEO)
Posted: 08/29/2012 2:38 pm Updated: 08/30/2012 3:58 pm

police brutality


We own this country Politician are employees of ours.






Teen cannabis use linked to IQ loss


Argentine ambassador accuses 'arrogant' Britain of violating international law over Assange
Outspoken ambassador compares British stance on Assange to row with Falklands
PUBLISHED: 16:16 GMT, 29 August 2012

イギリスはやっぱArrogant である、と。

Sizing each other up: World's shortest man and woman meet for the first time in history to launch Guinness World Records book
PUBLISHED: 01:01 GMT, 30 August 2012 | UPDATED: 07:23 GMT, 30 August 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2195593/Worlds-shortest-man-woman-meet-time.html#ixzz256jtIzgv


Women Employed by Lawmaker Describe Sexually Hostile Office
Published: August 29, 2012


Black teenager 'stopped 50 times' plans to sue Met police for harassment
Youth claims false charges motivated by racism as CCTV footage leads to collapse of court case
Share 662

Diane Taylor
guardian.co.uk, Friday 24 August 2012 19.12 BST

レイシャルプロファイリング 職務質問 police brutality

Comment is free
The post 9/11 prejudice that menaces American Sikhs
The tragedy of the Oak Creek shootings only makes the task of educating the American public about Sikhism more urgent
Share 103


Amardeep Singh
guardian.co.uk, Monday 6 August 2012

シーク教徒 偏見


2012年08月30日 09時20分53秒 | Weblog
Kenneth Waltz on “Why Iran Should Get the Bomb”
July 08, 2012

Nuclear weapons are the only peacekeeping weapons that the world has ever known. It would be strange for me to advocate for their abolition, as they have made wars all but impossible. These propositions are further buttressed and explicated in the forthcoming 3rd edition of The Spread of Nuclear Weapons, by Scott Sagan and myself.

Between the United States and China as between other great powers, there will be a rather extended period of adjustment as we work out a host of local issues (China and Japan, China and Southeast Asia, Chinese claims to island territories, etc.). But these should be minor squabbles, and should not be viewed as overly dangerous.


Aspirin May Aid Cancer Recovery
Published: August 27, 2012

Men treated for prostate cancer who took aspirin regularly for other medical conditions were less likely to die of their cancer than patients who weren’t taking aspirin


Did northern aggression cause the Civil War?
A leading historian challenges the new orthodoxy about how slavery ended in America

It’s a familiar chronology: Under the terms of the First Confiscation Act of August 1861, disloyal masters would “forfeit” the use of their slaves, but the slaves were not actually freed. Lincoln ordered General John C. Frémont to rescind his decree of that September freeing the slaves of rebels in Missouri, and several months later the President rescinded General Hunter’s order abolishing slavery in three states. As late as the summer of 1862, we are reminded, Lincoln was writing letters to Horace Greeley saying that if he could end the war without freeing a single slave, he would do so. Even after the President finally promised an emancipation proclamation, in September 1862, several months elapsed until the proclamation actually came on 1 January 1863.

Only then, according to the standard narrative, was the North committed to emancipation. Only then did the purpose of the Civil War expand from the mere restoration of the Union to include the overthrow of slavery.

Bin Laden 'killed while unarmed': SEAL book debunks official death story
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Published: 29 August, 2012,


'Humiliating!' Anti-radicalism campaign causes outrage among German Muslims
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Published: 28 August, 2012


WEDNESDAY, AUG 29, 2012 03:00 AM +0900
Assassins in the Army?!
I once monitored right-wing radicalism in the military. Why Monday's militia bust did not surprise me

While employed in this capacity, I learned of a U.S. Army report, released in March 1996, that discussed the results of a confidential written survey of 17,080 soldiers regarding extremist activity in the Army. The survey was done in response to the murder of an interracial couple in Fayetteville, N.C., by three Army servicemen who openly embraced white supremacy. The killings were characterized in court proceedings as a right-of-passage into a neo-Nazi group that was solely composed of active-duty soldiers. Survey results found that 3.5 percent of soldiers “had been approached to join an extremist organization since joining the Army.” Another 7.1 percent reported that they “knew another soldier who was probably a member of an extremist group.” It would be interesting to create a similar survey today and compare the results....

A major criticism of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s right-wing extremism report, dated April 7, 2009, referenced the section that concerned a small percentage of “disgruntled military veterans” being targeted for recruitment by right-wing extremists. Given the enormous size of our military forces, a small percentage of extremists could number several hundred to a few thousand. It only took one to detonate a large vehicle bomb resulting in 168 deaths and hundreds of injuries in Oklahoma City. As illustrated in the aforementioned list of recent incidents, extremist recruitment of military personnel is an undeniable fact. It is a sensitive subject that some military officials have downplayed and, at times, have failed to acknowledge.


Nick Clegg demands emergency tax on Britain's richest people

Should Germany hit the rich with a wealth tax?
Published: 11 Jul 12



2012年08月29日 04時34分04秒 | Weblog






28 August 2012 Last updated at 06:29 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Japan seeks China probe into ambassador's car flag attack

Late on Monday, the US said it was concerned about the tensions between China and Japan.

"We have regularly... urged these two countries to work this out peacefully," state department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.



批判かわすためか 特攻隊員の遺書回収
8月26日 19時33分




from the wires
SUNDAY, AUG 26, 2012 01:15 AM +0900
Parents deported, what happens to US-born kids?

STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) ― Alexis Molina was just 10 years old when his mother was abruptly cut out of his life and his carefree childhood unraveled overnight.

Gone were the egg-and-sausage tortillas that greeted him when he came home from school, the walks in the park, the hugs at night when she tucked him into bed. Today the sweet-faced boy of 11 spends his time worrying about why his father cries so much, and why his mom can’t come home.

“She went for her papers,” he says. “And she never came back.”

Alexis’ father, Rony Molina, who runs a small landscaping company, was born in Guatemala but has lived here for 12 years and is an American citizen. Alexis and his 8-year-old brother, Steve, are Americans, too. So is their 19-year-old stepsister, Evelin. But their mother, Sandra, who lived here illegally, was deported to Guatemala a year and a half ago.

“How can my country not allow a mother to be with her children, especially when they are so young and they need her,” Rony Molina asks, “and especially when they are Americans?”

It’s a question thousands of other families are wrestling with as a record number of deportations means record numbers of American children being left without a parent. And it comes despite President Barack Obama’s promise that his administration would focus on removing only criminals, not breaking up families even if a parent is here illegally.

Nearly 45,000 such parents were removed in the first six months of this year, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Behind the statistics are the stories: a crying baby taken from her mother’s arms and handed to social workers as the mother is handcuffed and taken away, her parental rights terminated by a U.S. judge; teenage children watching as parents are dragged from the family home; immigrant parents disappearing into a maze-like detention system where they are routinely locked up hundreds of miles from their homes, separated from their families for months and denied contact with the welfare agencies deciding their children’s’ fate.

At least 5,100 U.S. citizen children in 22 states live in foster care, according to an estimate by the Applied Research Center, a New York-based advocacy organization, which first reported on such cases last year.

And an unknown number of those children are being put up for adoption against the wishes of their parents, who, once deported, are often helpless to fight when a U.S. judge decides that their children are better off here.



'Poverty Returning'
Unilever Cuts Package Sizes in Euro Crisis




Kids Who Kill: Homophobic Hate Crime
Posted: 27/08/2012 12:09

There is a rise in gratuitous and senseless homophobic violence, a disturbing addition to our community landscape

Lawrence King, 15, from Oxnard in California publicly announced that he was gay. Classmates confirmed he had suffered homophobic abuse as a result. Days later fellow student Brandon McInerney, 14, shot him dead.

Despite inroads that the LGBT community have made, there is still much work to do. Persecution is rampant in the educational system and beyond, with a frightening price being paid by the LGBT youth of today.

The consequence of this cycle of hatred is a suicide rate on average seven times higher than that of heterosexual youth and attacks by minors on lesbians and gays are on the increase. What starts with offensive gestures, jokes and innuendo can end in catastrophy.

Rutgers University student Tyler Clementi, jumped to his death after room mate Dharun Ravi, then 18, set up a webcam in their dorm. This was to expose a sexual encounter between Clementi and a male friend. While Ravi may not have 'pulled the trigger' he certainly loaded the 'smoking gun'.

Bigotry has no place in modern society where every life counts, irrespective of the person's self - identification or where the crime took place. If we dare to dig deeper beneath the surface, it emerges that victimisation begins in the classroom.

Stonewall published a report which revealed a 'deeply alarming' amount of homophobia in schools. The Teachers Report showed that 150,000 pupils are affected by anti - gay bullying. Nine out of ten secondary school teachers and two out of five primary teachers said pupils experience homophobic bullying even if they are not gay.


Ian Baynham was battered to death by a group of teens in London simply for being gay. It is uncomfortably clear that such cases are not isolated.


2012年08月28日 11時12分48秒 | Weblog

Is the US still No.1?
When Americans vote in November, they may be selecting a president whose main job is simply to manage the US' decline.
Last Modified: 24 Aug

"One of 'em is there's absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we're the greatest country in the world. We're seventh in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, number four in labour force and number four in exports."

He continues: "We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defence spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies."

McAvoy concludes his rant: "Now, none of this is the fault of a 20-year-old college student, but you, nonetheless, are, without a doubt, a member of the worst period generation period ever period, so when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the f**k you're talking about!"



Twenty Years of Failure
Why Germany Isn't Rooting Out its Neo-Nazis


In short, after an estimated 180 racist killings in Germany since unification in 1990, after countless assaults, cases of intimidation, swastikas daubed on Jewish gravestones, immigrants beaten up at bus stops, stones hurled through the windows of kebab shops, the conclusion has to be that Germany is losing the battle against the violent far right.

In the more depopulated rural areas such as in the northeast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany has given up the fight altogether.

The National Democratic Party (NPD), which glorifies the Third Reich, is represented in village and town councils, neo-Nazis man the voluntary fire departments, organize sports festivals and summer fetes and run youth clubs -- because too few others bother anymore.

They're even trying to influence the running of kindergartens -- a further dampener to hopes that the wave of extremism that engulfed the east in the 1990s might have just been a temporary phenomenon caused by the economic upheaval that followed unification.

Even if a number of communities have taken decisive action against neo-Nazis, in far too many places, a culture of tolerating right-wing extremism, simply looking away or playing down the threat persists among the authorities. Investigators probing the string of murders against foreigners perpetrated by the NSU neglected to pursue the possibility of a far-right motive behind the killings, instead suspecting the nine immigrant victims -- a flower seller, a tailor, two grocers, a kebab shop owner, a man who was helping out in a kebab shop, a keycutter, a kiosk owner, and an Internet café manager -- of having had gambling debts or links with organized crime.

Racist attitudes, they say, are widespread among ordinary people, possibly because the communist-era education system didn't instil a sense of collective responsibility for the crimes of the Third Reich.

In many cases, damage to property still isn't being registered as hate crimes. Why? Because the officers can't be bothered to do the paperwork. Or because they don't want to contribute to negative statistics that already show the five eastern states have the highest per-capita incidence of far-right offenses in Germany, according to the 2011 report of the domestic intelligence agency. That's even though the proportion of immigrants in those states is less than 6 percent, according to the Berlin Institute for Population and Development. In all the other 11 states, the share of immigrants is higher, in most cases much higher.

Part of the problem is that towns refuse to acknowledge the presence of Nazis because they don't want to deter visitors. But some communities are taking action. Two weeks ago, in a rare show of public determination to confront neo-Nazis in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, some 2,000 people demonstrated against an NPD festival being held in a village near the town of Pasewalk.

One reason could be that Germany just isn't comfortable with immigration, even half a century after the first Turks started moving here as "guest workers" to help the nation perform its post-war economic miracle.

Even though the country now has an immigrant population of some 15 million, almost a fifth of the population, it still isn't ready to accept the fact that those immigrants are going to change it.

A decade ago, politicians from Merkel's Christian Democratic Union party voiced that stance by saying immigrants should respect the German "Leitkultur", or dominant culture, and insisting that Germany is not a country of immigration.

As obesity soars, girls of 11 are being given breast reduction surgery on NHS
PUBLISHED: 00:08 GMT, 28 August 2012 |


August 27, 2012 7:07 PM
Obesity linked to recurrence of breast cancer

Obesity is already linked to diabetes and heart disease. A study out Monday shows that breast cancer patients who are obese face a greater risk that their cancer will return.


British nurse who returned from Australia to work in NHS is told: Take an English test!
Katherine Broadbent grew up in Cambridge and moved to Australia aged 26
EU law states nurses qualifying within the union are exempt from test
PUBLISHED: 21:34 GMT, 27 August 2012 |

Despite being British, because she did her medical training outside of Europe, Mrs Broadbent will have to take an International English Language Test to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
By contrast, thanks to a European ruling in 2006, nurses who qualify in EU countries are exempt from the same tests to work here – even if they can barely speak English


Going nowhere: British National Party 'truth truck' gets stuck under bridge on its way to halal meat demonstration


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2194333/Going-British-National-Party-truth-truck-gets-stuck-bridge-way-halal-meat-demonstration.html#ixzz24nrW13zN

The secret history of your favourite hamburger
Multiple undercover investigations over the years show horrific animal cruelty, neglect and abuse at slaughter plants.
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2012

動物虐待 捕鯨 肉食

Images of cows, pigs and birds being brutally tortured are powerful and the slaughter industry knows it. That's why they're working to pass Ag-Gag bills across the country. They don't want you to know the truth.

In March, with the help of agricultural lobbyists, including the Iowa Cattlemen's Association and the Iowa Dairy Association, Iowa became the first state in the country to make it an offense to capture undercover video exposing animal abuse.

Last year, an undercover MFA investigation revealed rampant pig abuse at Iowa Select Farms, one of the country's largest pork producers. Between April and June 2011, an MFA investigator documented mother sows confined to metal crates barely larger than their own bodies, making it impossible to turn around or lie down comfortably; workers ripping out the testicles of conscious piglets without the use of painkillers; conscious piglets having their tails painfully sliced into and yanked off with dull clippers; and management training workers to throw piglets across the room, comparing it to a "roller coaster ride".

If Iowa's new law had been on the books last year, the whistleblowers who got that footage would have been prosecuted. Similar bills have been introduced in Florida, New York, Minnesota, Utah, Indiana and Nebraska. If a similar law were in place in California, customers at In-N-Out Burger would still be eating cows from the CVM.


COK's Undercover Video Prompts USDA to Shut Down CA Slaughterhouse
and Suspend Federal Purchases from Facility

pork industry animal abuse exposed

Young and Alone, Facing Court and Deportation

Published: August 25, 2012 326 Comments


So far this year, more than 11,000 unaccompanied minors have been placed in deportation proceedings, nearly double last year’s numbers.
Most unaccompanied migrants are teenagers from Mexico and Central America, seeking safety and work in the United States. In most cases minors from Mexico will be quickly returned there, without any formal court proceeding. Minors from noncontiguous countries are charged with immigration violations and detained. Either way, an overwhelming majority have been required to leave.

Trolling for trolls in Disney World and the real world
Rather than decreasing, internet trolling has been increasing - much of it misogynistic and damaging.
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2012 11:14


CCTV footage shows black teenager being wrestled to the ground by police - videoCCTV footage shows a young black teenager being arrested by police in Sidcup. The unidentified teenager says he has been stopped around 50 times by the Metropolitan police and is planning to sue the force, claiming he has suffered almost four years of harassment and false charges, which he believes have been motivated by racism

職務質問 レイシャルプロファイリング police brutality


2012年08月27日 03時24分26秒 | Weblog

2012.8.25 01:14 [中国]







礒本 靖宏

1953年に、中国の「人民日報」は「尖閣諸島は日本領」と報道していたようです。これも動かぬ証拠?? ただし、私には中国語は読めませんので、どなたか読める方がいらしゃると、自信を持って拡散できそうですね。


The Sino-Japanese Naval War of 2012
OK, it's probably not going to happen. But if it did, who would win?




Political Phrasebook: Translating the Candidates


'I told you I was innocent': DNA tests of police captain jailed for 14 years in wife's murder 'prove he didn't do it'

PUBLISHED: 20:08 GMT, 25 August 2012 | UPDATED: 04:35 GMT, 26 August 2012


Obesity epidemic leads to three-fold increase in number of people with diabetes in 15 years
The number of people hospitalised due to diabetes has tripled since 1997
The nation's expanding waistlines linked to soaring numbers of diabetes sufferers
PUBLISHED: 08:48 GMT, 25 August 2012 | UPDATED: 10:55 GMT, 25 August 2012



2012年08月25日 12時17分48秒 | Weblog










Philosopher André Glucksmann
A Dark Vision of the Future of Europe
 via mozu


ローマで「女体盛り」騒動 日本料理店、全国紙に登場


U.S. Adds Missile Defenses to its Re-Balancing Plans in Asia



'China real target for US missile shield in Asia'


Dispute Over Islands Reflects Japanese Fear of China’s Rise


What Do Homophobic Bigots Really Think?
How to debunk the most revolting arguments.
By Jesse Bering|Posted Thursday, Aug. 23, 201


More than half of Americans depend on government subsidies
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Published: 22 August, 2012

アメリカ 経済難

Our real-time advice on how market shifts and news impact you and your money

By Quentin Fottrell

After four years of college, many graduates are ending up in jobs that only require the ability to operate a cash register with a smile


China Confronts Mounting Piles of Unsold Goods


Pussy Riot 2.0: German Catholic Church presses charge copycats (PHOTO, VIDEO)
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Published: 24 August, 2012, 14:02
Edited: 24 August, 2012, 18:00

German 'Pussy Riot' punishment worse than Russian?

ドイツ版Pussy Riot ロシアよりひどいめに、と。

The Panic Over Fukushima

2012年08月22日 14時27分18秒 | Weblog
pdated August 18, 2012, 11:05 p.m. ET
The Panic Over Fukushima
Japan's nuclear accident was a great human tragedy, but its long-term health effects have been exaggerated―and the virtues of nuclear power remain.

Denver has particularly high natural radioactivity. It comes primarily from radioactive radon gas, emitted from tiny concentrations of uranium found in local granite. If you live there, you get, on average, an extra dose of .3 rem of radiation per year (on top of the .62 rem that the average American absorbs annually from various sources). A rem is the unit of measure used to gauge radiation damage to human tissue.

The International Commission on Radiological Protection recommends evacuation of a locality whenever the excess radiation dose exceeds .1 rem per year. But that's one-third of what I call the "Denver dose." Applied strictly, the ICRP standard would seem to require the immediate evacuation of Denver.

It is worth noting that, despite its high radiation levels, Denver generally has a lower cancer rate than the rest of the United States. Some scientists interpret this as evidence that low levels of radiation induce cancer resistance; I think it is more likely that lifestyle differences account for the disparity.


Do we order a permanent evacuation of the coast to 20 miles inland? Do we try to build a 50-foot-high sea wall all around the eastern coast, including Tokyo Bay?

Looking back more than a year after the event, it is clear that the Fukushima reactor complex, though nowhere close to state-of-the-art, was adequately designed to contain radiation. New reactors can be made even safer, of course, but the bottom line is that Fukushima passed the test.

The great tragedy of the Fukushima accident is that Japan shut down all its nuclear reactors. Even though officials have now turned two back on, the hardships and economic disruptions induced by this policy will be enormous and will dwarf any danger from the reactors themselves.


2012年08月22日 11時58分04秒 | Weblog
山本さん 最後に撮影した映像
8月22日 7時27分










2012年08月22日 09時52分57秒 | Weblog
Video captures Michigan man's shooting by police
From Jason Carroll and Sheila Steffen, CNN
August 17, 2012 -- Updated 2144 GMT (0544 HKT)

Police brutality.

Plant Closed by USDA Supplied Beef for In-N-Out Burger
By CINDY GALLI and BRIAN ROSS (@brianross)
Aug. 21, 2012


Nazi extremists infiltrate US military
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Published: 21 August, 2012



It is important to underscore how dire the situation is. The unemployment rate is a good, albeit not a perfect, indicator of microeconomic performance

And starting in early 2011 the unemployment rate started to climb again, to 11% currently and is currently projected to reach 12% early next year. And thereafter?

If you had told me at the start of 2008 that Europe was about to experience a crisis brought on by overinvestment in southern Europe, particularly in housing, and overleverage by banking institutions and told me that the crisis would be successfully "resolved", I would have expected to see three things happen in short order:

None of those were done. And because none of these were done, Europe has unnecessarily and pointlessly entered what looks like a long depression.

And it is likely that Europe will lose a decade or two, save for Germany--for as long as the crisis bubbles and the value of the euro remains relatively low, more containers of exports will leave Hamburg.

If this be "resolution", then there is not method but madness in it..

欧州の経済状況 ↓

There was no physical evidence connecting him to the crime.
By Susan Svrluga, Published: August 20

Va. man Michael Wayne Hash has murder charges dismissed after 12 years in prison


'Do some research!' Christine Assange steamrolls Western journalism
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Published: 21 August

Julian Assange’s mother slammed Western media's lack of research and grasp of basic facts in an interview with Australian television,

Has your information been stored on the Police National Database?
Share your story if you don't have a criminal record but your details have been held for police intelligence records
Share 79

guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 21 August 2012 13.36 BST



毎日新聞 2012年08月22日 東京朝刊





 韓国が通貨有事になっても今度は知らん顔ということ? できる?(専門編集委員)




2012年08月21日 04時12分09秒 | Weblog

紀藤 正樹
あまりにかわいそう。ブカレストはこんな町 ⇒http://t.co/8i3ddh62
。一人で行かせるNPO法人「アイセック・ジャパン」 http://t.co/QIklywwO
もどうかしている>ルーマニア女性殺害 日本人と確認 NHK http://t.co/hQW7i4LF

Why China Can't Afford a Confrontation With Japan
By Bruce Einhorn on August 20, 2012

China has disputes with many of its neighbors, with the Beijing government quarreling not only with Japan but also with Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam and the Philippines. China has a border dispute with India, too. With a major leadership transition due to take place at the upcoming Communist Party congress, the last thing China’s rulers want is an escalating political crisis that will lead Asian countries wary of Beijing’s intentions to look to the U.S. for protection.

Moreover, Japan actually controls the islands. Calling attention to that fact isn’t in China’s interests, says Ting, since anti-Japan protesters might soon start asking why China’s government can’t protect the country’s territory. Chinese leaders “don’t want the demonstrations to continue for a long time and develop into a national movement against Japan,” says Ting. If Chinese people feel the government is too weak, “they will turn their attention to the Chinese government and criticize the Chinese government,” says Ting. That would be “a nightmare” for China’s leaders.



TA soldier battered fiancée with dumb-bell and slashed her throat in seven hour ordeal to make her look 'ugly' after she dumped him
Jason Hughes, 40, tried to smother Natalie Allman, 26, with a pillow
He then bludgeoned her and slashed a 20cm-long cut on her throat
Hughes, from, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, was jailed for nine years

PUBLISHED: 10:00 GMT, 20 August 2012


Inside the horrific slaughterhouse where animals were cut to pieces BEFORE they were killed


What's gone wrong at The Guardian?
Hiring Joshua Trevino, who endorsed the killing of Gaza flotilla members, is a worrying step for journalism.
Last Modified: 18 Aug 2012 18:33


The fourth sexual orientation: One per cent of the population now considers themselves asexual
Leading academic says sexualisation of our culture has turned some into 'asexuals' with no feelings of attraction

PUBLISHED: 22:11 GMT, 19 August 2012


France kicks out Roma, again
13.08.12 @ 09:29

フランス 人種差別 ロマ

Rights organisations say France must abide by its commitments under international human rights laws to provide alternative accommodation and that it must respect the European Union rules on freedom of movement.

Veronika Szente Goldston, Europe and Central Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch (HRW), said the raids had left 60 children without any homes and that France’s latest evictions are contrary to Hollande’s pledge in April to abolish discriminatory measures against Roma populations.

“Hollande’s promises to end discrimination against Roma couldn’t ring more hollow in the wake of this week’s events,” Szente Goldston said in a statement.

HRW says France’s 2011 immigration law specifically targets eastern European Roma and lists, as grounds for expulsion, repeated short stays and the intent to benefit from its social welfare system.

The rights group claim authorities are evicting the Roma on the “mere presumption” that they could eventually receive the social benefits.

Some people have questioned whether or not the returns are voluntary.

The Budapest-based European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), an organisation that monitors the rights of Roma, said in a statement that the “repatriations are carried out following forced evictions, under situations of high stress for individuals and communities, and as such cannot be considered voluntary".

A similar campaign to expel the Roma to Romania and Bulgaria in 2010 under Nicolas Sarkozy led to a diplomatic row with Brussels once it was revealed that the French were officially targeting the ethnic group.

"Discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin or race has no place in Europe," said EU justice commissioner Viviane Reding at the time.

Nearly 10,000 were removed from the territory in a campaign that started in August 2010, according to the ERRC. The human rights watchdog, the Council of Europe, later noted that the voluntary returns amounted to forced collective expulsion.

For its part, the European Commission said it is closely monitoring the evictions and has requested further information from the French authorities to ensure they are complying to EU rules.

Canada mulls China's massive oil takeover bid
State oil firm offers $15.1bn for Nexen, worrying US politicians as China aims to increase hard assets, not buy US debt.
Chris Arsenault Last Modified: 15 Aug 2012 12:13



U.S. Patriot Tactical
このページに「いいね!」 · 2011年8月15日


2012年08月20日 07時08分36秒 | Weblog
South American bloc adopts resolution on UK threats to Ecuador
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Published: 20 August, 2012,

The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) has unanimously adopted a seven-point resolution supporting Ecuador’s right to grant Julian Assange asylum and condemning British threats to raid a sovereign state’s embassy in order to arrest him.
Foreign ministers of the 12-member bloc took part in an extraordinary meeting in Guayaquil, Ecuador’s largest city. A resolution was adopted just eight minutes after the session began, and was read out by Secretary General Ali Rodriguez.
Rodriguez' readout of the resolution was met with loud applause.
The document reaffirmed the sovereign right of any country to grant asylum and condemned threats to use force, stating that the bloc’s foreign ministers had taken into account the aide memoire Britain sent to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on the eve of the announcement of the decision on whether to grant Assange asylum.
The resolution reiterated “the inviolability of embassies” and the Vienna Convention, saying that principles of international law could not be overridden by domestic laws, such as the Diplomatic and Consular Act of 1987, which grants the British Secretary of State discretion to revoke immunity to ambassadorial premises.






(2012年8月20日01時05分 読売新聞)


German spies 'active on rebel side in Syria'
Published: 19 Aug 12 09:58 CET
Updated: 19 Aug 12 11:58 CET

German spies are stationed off the coast of Syria to join in the fight against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a newspaper claimed on Sunday. Intelligence agents are apparently taking part in a mission to pass information to rebels.



2012年08月20日 03時40分50秒 | Weblog
東京で会おうね B(l)ack in Japan!






Al Jazeera feature – Battling the Yakuza


 ”GEISHA” のつぎは ”Yakuza” らしい。



2012年08月19日 14時52分25秒 | Weblog

28分 mozu ‏@mozumozumozu

A Somewhat Lame Farce About Modern Totalitarianism - Shisaku http://j.mp/QOl0l9 日本への欧米の影響力の減退について。2001年以降の道徳的優越性の喪失によるものと。
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mozu ‏@mozumozumozu
どうなんだろうな。そうした趨勢がある程度あることは否定しないけれども、挙げている例のいくつかは単にill-informed activismの問題のような。
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How America Can Slow Israel’s March to War
Published: August 17, 2012

America thinks in terms of shaping an international environment so that if force becomes necessary it can be justified because diplomacy has been demonstrably exhausted and Iran, by stubbornly refusing to alter its nuclear program, will appear to have essentially brought war on itself.
