Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The British prime minister’s enthusiastic self-abasement was embarrassing.

2013年12月10日 23時56分55秒 | Weblog

via mozu

2013.12.09(月) Financial Times

David Cameron could scarcely have crouched any lower during this week’s visit to China. For his compatriots, the British prime minister’s enthusiastic self-abasement was, well, embarrassing. It did not change anything. Before Mr Cameron had boarded his flight home China’s state-controlled media was characterising Britain as an insignificant relic, of passing interest to tourists and students.
In so far as it might have served a broader purpose, the trip instead offered an excruciating example of the muddle of high-mindedness, mercantilism and subservience that often describes European responses to China’s rise. A continent mired in economic troubles is desperate to sell more to the world’s second-largest economy. But how to reconcile this with upholding a broader set of European values and interests?

Britain, though a permanent member of the UN Security Council, apparently has nothing to say on an issue that has significantly increased the risk of conflict in the region. High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article.

After some grumbling, the government agreed to sign off on a joint EU statement criticising Beijing’s unilateral action, but Mr Cameron was determined the issue should not dilute the sales pitch of the 100-odd business leaders who arrived with him in Beijing.
The prime minister seemed equally reluctant to engage his hosts on human rights, and acquiesced when one of the journalists in his party was barred from attending a press event with Li Keqiang, the Chinese premier

Britain is not alone among European nations in leaving burdensome matters about war and peace to the Americans while pursuing mercantilist approaches to China. When Mr Li visited Angela Merkel in Berlin this year the German chancellor sought to ingratiate herself by attacking EU plans to impose duties on imports of Chinese solar panels. German officials still look sheepish when reminded of the episode. The French are also apt to put business before geopolitics when they visit Beijing.

What marked out Mr Cameron’s trip was the egregious kowtowing.

Beijing, as I heard one senior European official remark this week, is not in the habit of rewarding weakness.

Europe should have something to say about this choice. It remains one of the world’s richest, most powerful regions. It also has plenty of painful experience of what can happen when a rising power disturbs the status quo.

、口先では道義を説き(タテマエ)、やることは道義を無視した 金もうけ(ホンネ)とか?


Hundreds of foreign workers have rioted in Singapore

2013年12月10日 13時05分02秒 | Weblog

2013.12.10 Tue posted at 10:06 JST

(CNN) シンガポールのリトル・インディア地区で8日夜、400人以上の群衆が物を投げたり車に火をつけたりする騒ぎがあり、警察が27人を拘束した。

Australia net work

Eighteen injured as foreign workers riot in Singapore's Little India district
Updated Tue 10 Dec 2013, 1:20am AEDT

Hundreds of foreign workers, mostly from Bangladesh and India, have rioted in Singapore after being enraged by a fatal road accident, leaving 18 people injured and police vehicles burnt.

Singapore depends heavily on guest workers, with labourers from South Asia dominating sectors like construction.

Many congregate in Little India on Sundays to shop, dine and drink.

Sinapan Samydorai, Executive Director at the Think Centre in Singapore, has told Asia Pacific he believes the riot was about emotion.

"Some of them were not paid much earlier, but this incident is not related to non-payment of salary," he said.

"It is emotional when you see your own national or some of your friends...so I think the first crowd that came out would be his friends.

"The bus that caused the accident was also carrying migrant workers back to their dormitory."


The myth of the American Dream アメリカンドリームは過去の話

2013年12月10日 12時42分05秒 | Weblog

The American Dream is supposed to mean that through hard work and perseverance, even the poorest people can make it to middle class or above. But it's actually harder to move up in America than it is in most other advanced nations.
It's easier to rise above the class you're born into in countries like Japan, Germany, Australia, and the Scandinavian nations,
according to research from University of Ottawa economist and current Russell Sage Foundation Fellow Miles Corak.

Among the major developed countries, only in Italy and the United Kingdom is there less economic mobility
, according to Corak.

アメリカンドリームの実現、日本よりも難しい? 国際調査
2013.12.10 Tue posted at 12:04 JST

ニューヨーク(CNNMoney) 貧困世帯に生まれたとしても懸命に働けば中流以上の層に上り詰めることができる――。そんなアメリカンドリームの実現は、実際には日本やドイツ、オーストラリアなどの先進国に比べて難しくなっている実態が、カナダ・オタワ大学などの経済学者が実施した調査で浮き彫りになった。


”Stay-at-Home Husbands Are Embarrassing ”

2013年12月10日 12時07分04秒 | Weblog


When Stay-at-Home Husbands Are Embarrassing to Their Wives

We simply haven't evolved to the point where a househusband is considered desirable

By Vivia Chen Dec. 09, 2013


All of this points to our entrenched ambivalence about changing gender roles. Men in these situations often feel alienated, particularly if they are surrounded by stay-at-home moms. But the power-moms with the stay-at-home husbands are just as uneasy, often more embarrassed than proud that they’ve upset the traditional order.

We simply haven’t evolved to the point where a househusband is considered desirable, much less normal



Sharing your husband  僕の涙で必ず月は曇らして見せる

2013年12月10日 11時53分55秒 | Weblog
The Independent

Polygamy offers young women of Kazakhstan a ticket out of poverty
Gulf between rich and poor fuels revival of a practice which has become a status symbol for affluent men and a ticket out of poverty for young women

 カザフスタンでは、ソビエトから独立して以降、貧富の格差が肥大化して、 貧乏な恋人と金持のおっちゃんなら、安定した金持のおっさんを選ぶ女性が増えて、ついには、一夫多妻制度が復活してきた、と。



2013年12月10日 11時42分37秒 | Weblog
The guardian

Brazil's child sex trade soars as 2014 World Cup nears
Officials and campaigners fear explosion in child prostitution amid rising demand from football fans
Share 2430

Adriana Brasileiro for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, part of the Guardian development network
theguardian.com, Monday 9 December 2013 11.36 GMT


A culture of machismo, combined with extreme poverty and drug use, has created the perfect environment for sexual exploitation, say social workers like Cecília dos Santos Góis, who works for Cedeca, a children's rights charity.

"Women in the north-east have traditionally been treated as second-class citizens, as objects even," she says. "Many fathers see their young daughters as a source of income and that is a cultural attitude that's hard to change."


 男尊女卑 × 貧困→人身売買 + 売春・・・選択肢なし

なわけで、 そして、彼女らには、選択の余地がなく、いわば強制されているわけですね。



”He felt isolated by his skin color, realized he would never included."

2013年12月10日 11時35分46秒 | Weblog

TUESDAY, DEC 10, 2013 09:00 AM +0900
I fell in love with a Salon commenter
I read hundreds of letters on my story, but his struck me. When I reached out, I learned how much we already shared

He was a thoughtful, passionate 28-year-old black man who had spent the majority of his life in a mostly white suburb of Ohio. His family, as he described it, was the “go to” black family. Growing up, he felt isolated by his skin color, trapped in a world of whiteness that he could never fit into. He described this to me with stories about his childhood.

“I remember one day my brother and I were playing with a group of kids, when one asked, ‘What race are you, because I am white?’” He said, “I hadn’t really thought about it, even though I knew my skin was brown. I thought everyone was white.”

That was the beginning of the realization that he would never be included or accepted. When his father, who was a physician, took over a local practice and all of the patients stopped coming and other fathers in his town warned that he should not date their daughters, that was only further validation.


Like China, the U.S. and Japan don’t see South Korea as a rival

2013年12月10日 11時18分45秒 | Weblog



MONDAY, DEC 9, 2013 10:39 PM +0900
Police overkill has become the default American policy
The term "police state" used to be brushed off as paranoid hyperbole. Not anymore


Like China, the U.S. and Japan don’t see South Korea as a rival


South Korea, then, is not a threat in itself, but only a danger to China should Korea become a pawn in Japan’s larger game.




フォーティセブンローニン はたぶん赤字になるらしい。

2013年12月10日 08時35分08秒 | Weblog
Why Keanu Reeves's £90m flop is making us sad, too
Producers are quietly warning investors that 47 Ronin, the actor's new samurai film, could lose millions at the box office. Just when we thought Keanu had cheered u

His new film, 47 Ronin, is said to be a box-office flop.

A box office flop
is a film that fails to meet or exceed the cost of its production budget when it's released

フォーティセブンローニン はたぶん赤字になるらしい。

47 Ronin Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Keanu Reeves, Rinko Kikuchi Movie HD
