Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

“Secular statists are destroying America,”  “God is not finished with the U.S. yet.”

2014年09月30日 17時34分12秒 | Weblog

AlteNet / By CJ Werleman comments_image 171 COMMENTS
Radicalized Right-Wing Activists Pledging Allegiance to Dangerous Agenda
America, your religious extremists are already inside the “Homeland,” so what are we going to do about it?

“This ideology, which is the driving force behind the shutdown of the government, calls for the eradication of social 'deviants,' beginning with gay men and lesbians, whose sexual orientation, those in the movement say, is a curse and an illness, contaminating the American family and the country. Once these 'deviants' are removed, other 'deviants,' including Muslims, liberals, feminists, intellectuals, left-wing activists, undocumented workers, poor African Americans and those dismissed as 'nominal Christians'―meaning Christians who do not embrace this peculiar interpretation of the Bible―will also be ruthlessly repressed,” writes Chris Hedges.


More Americans Favor Mixing Religion And Politics, Survey Says
September 23, 201411:36 AM ET

Nearly three-quarters of Americans believe religious influence on life in the U.S. is waning and nearly half think that churches and other houses of worship should play a greater role in the national discourse on social and political matters, according to a new Pew study.



However, SB Nation noted that Christian players, like former Denver and New York quarterback Tim Tebow, are never penalized for gestures of worship during games, like Tebow’s habit of kneeling, which became known as “Tebowing.”



2014年09月30日 17時08分04秒 | Weblog
外国人労働者、日本に見切り 生活支援し門戸を広く
2014/9/30 2:00




2014年09月30日 14時58分53秒 | Weblog

リテラ > 社会 > オピニオン > “朝日バッシング”手口を一挙公開!

【この記事のキーワード】原発, 安倍晋三, 慰安婦, 朝日新聞, 編集部 2014.09.30




Peer Pressure to Drink From Adults:

2014年09月30日 10時29分51秒 | Weblog
Help! I Don’t Drink Alcohol. Why Do All My Friends and Colleagues Try to Make Me?
I have never been a big drinker but recently I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, which, among other limitations, means I cannot have alcohol. I attend a lot of...

Q. Peer Pressure to Drink ... From Adults: I have never been a big drinker but recently I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, which, among other limitations, means I cannot have alcohol. I attend a lot of events where alcohol is served―from networking and drinks with clients to nights out at bars with friends. I used to just nurse a drink or two but now am stuck sticking strictly to water. I politely decline offers of a drink, but it’s almost always followed up with queries as to why I’m not drinking. I’ve been really surprised by the amount of peer pressure (it feels like I’m back in high school) and how some people seem to be even taking it personally. I’ve tried different responses―“no thanks,” “just not drinking tonight,” “personal reasons,” or “for health reasons,” but without getting into the specifics of my condition, I haven’t been able to find a response that quickly shuts that line of questioning down. Any suggestions?


A: You must be in a profession in which no one has ever been in recovery, pregnant, or is Mormon or Muslim. You don’t say you work for the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, and even if you did the behavior of your colleagues is boorish. Your answers are all that’s needed (actually a “No thanks” is all that’s necessary―no one has to explain their health status or reason for not drinking). But since this is a recurring problem, short-circuit their rude inquiries by heading to the bar at the beginning of the evening. Ask for water in a martini glass with a twist. Refill as needed and astound your colleagues with your capacity to hold your liquor.








2014年09月30日 04時18分14秒 | Weblog
投稿日: 2014年09月29日 12時28分 JST



U.S. military exploited Korean Sex Slaves (But Do You Care?)

2014年09月30日 03時35分02秒 | Weblog
Salon / By Ian Blair comments_image 98 COMMENTS
Why Doesn't America Care About 2 Black Teenage Girls Who Were Killed?
Curious and shocking as it may be, this incident hasn’t made much more than a blip on the mainstream media’s radar.

Considering the ongoing coverage of the missing University of Virginia student, Hannah Graham, who allegedly was abducted by Jesse Matthew, a portly 6 foot, 2 inch, 270-pound black man with dreadlocks ― Matthew is wanted on suspicion of abduction with the intent to defile, according to Charlottesville Police Chief Timothy Longo ― one might suppose that the lack of collective interest by the press is related, but not limited to, the intersection of the race and class of the victims. To this accord, Ebony senior editor, Jamilah Lemieux, penned an extremely blunt op-ed entitled “Black Girls Murdered (But Do YOU Care?)” posing these very questions ― questions that are sadly not new ― pleading for national media outlets, which include, among its ranks, this publication, to give the case of these two young, black, teenage girls the kind of attention and diligent reporting they deserve. And rightly so, their story matters. That Mangum and Ball were, if investigators’ suspicions are confirmed, brutally murdered and disposed of like roadside litter, serves as a tragic allegory to their treatment thus far by the national press and the American public.



A white cop shoots an unarmed black man who obeys all commands.

2014年09月30日 03時30分15秒 | Weblog
Shocking moment police officer shoots unarmed driver after pulling him over for not wearing a seatbelt
South Carolina State Trooper Sean Groubert stopped Levar Jones in his car
Groubert ordered Jones to show his driving licence during the traffic stop
As Jones leaned into his car, Groubert started shouting and fired two shots
Jones, retreated with his hands up when Groubert fired two more rounds
Groubert denies Assault and Battery of a High and Aggravated Nature
By Darren Boyle for MailOnline
PUBLISHED: 11:47 GMT, 25 September 2014


(police brutality)

A white cop filmed punching a black woman resigns.

2014年09月30日 03時10分28秒 | Weblog

Woman punched by Calif. cop settles for $1.5M
Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY 3:14 p.m. EDT September 25, 2014

A woman captured on a cellphone video being punched repeatedly by a California Highway Patrol officer alongside a Los Angeles freeway has received a $1.5 million settlement.

Under the terms of the deal, the officer has agreed to resign, but could still face criminal charges.


(police brutality)

“Horrible dirty Pakis! Kill them all!!!"-- The rise of far-right extremists in U.K

2014年09月30日 02時54分15秒 | Weblog

As their numbers rise, it is likely that the number of hate crimes committed against Muslims in Britain will too. Indeed, Tell Mama, who monitor anti-Islamic hatred in the UK, received 219 reports of abusive incidents targeted at Muslims last month: almost double the number recorded in January.

My research into Islamophobia after the murder of Lee Rigby found some problematic links between individuals associated with the far-right, and those who had made both provocative and threatening comments. For example, some of the comments figures linked to the far-right included: “Blow up every mosque” and “Horrible dirty Pakis! Kill them all!!! murdering scum don’t deserve to be in this country.”


The man from Britain was raped at Oktoberfest

2014年09月30日 02時37分16秒 | Weblog
Brit raped at Oktoberfest while going to toilet
Published: 29 Sep 2014 08:46 GMT+02:00
Updated: 29 Sep 2014 09:46 GMT+02:00

The 24-year-old man was attacked at around 9.30pm while relieving himself in a bush on the edge of the Theresienwiese field where the Oktoberfest is held.

A man came up to him and said he wanted to have sex with him, police said on Sunday.

The 24 year-old rejected the advance. He was then attacked from behind and forced to the ground. One man held him down while another man raped him.
