Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

”US Govt agrees to feed Israel more weapons for use in killing Palestinians in Gaza ”

2014年07月31日 11時57分55秒 | Weblog

Glenn Greenwald認証済みアカウント

US Govt agrees to feed Israel more weapons for use in killing Palestinians in Gaza http://jpupdates.com/2014/07/30/pentagon-transfers-immediate-resupply-of-ground-ammunition-for-gaza-battle/ …



2014年07月31日 08時30分52秒 | Weblog

Jun / Джюн

フォローして下さっている方はご存知でしょうが、現状に関してはアメリカとロシア、双方がウクライナから手を引くべきというのも兼ねてより主張していました。問題はウクライナ自身の依存体質ですね。RT @shev_badler





2014年07月31日 08時25分29秒 | Weblog

2014.07.29 ニュース




2014年07月31日 08時00分35秒 | Weblog
Japanese Nationalists Attacking Tourists!? Find out! (*^_^*)





愛国者 aikokusha = a patriot
国家主義者 kokkashugisha = nationalist
右翼 uyoku = right-winger




2014年07月31日 07時10分06秒 | Weblog
AlterNet / By Mustafa Barghouthi comments_image 65 COMMENTS
Debunked: The Mendacious Propaganda Israel is Pushing to Justify Its War On Gaza
It was Israel that initiated the assault on Gaza--not the Palestinians.

The reality is that Israel initiated airstrikes on Gaza, several times, and assassinated people in Gaza, trying to provoke a reaction until they got rockets being shot at Israel. And then, it was spun in the media as Israel defending itself.

The second point is that this war started not in Gaza but in the West Bank, when the Israeli army, without providing a single proof that Palestinians were responsible for the disappearance and subsequent death of three settlers, started a collective punishment campaign all over the West Bank. One of the results of that campaign was the arrest of more than 1,000 Palestinians, including huge numbers of Palestinian members of Parliament, bringing the number of Palestinian parliamentarians in Israeli jails to 34. During that campaign moreover, Israel invaded more than 3,000 houses, destroyed many of them, stole money from people and destroyed furniture. Israeli forces initiated wide-ranging violence against Palestinians and started using high-velocity bullets and gun shots against peaceful demonstrators

who were protesting against the kidnapping of Muhammad Abu Khdeir who was tortured and burned alive by Israeli settlers. This led to a very serious escalation all over the West Bank.

The third point is that this war in not on Hamas only, it is a war on all Palestinians.

The next point I want to make is related to the claim that Israel has the right to defend itself. The most insulting thing here is that many of the world’s leaders like Angela Merkel of Germany and Barack Obama of the United States are speaking of Israel’s right to defend itself, while no single word is said of the Palestinians’ right to defend themselves, although the Palestinians are the oppressed ones, the underdogs in this struggle. The Palestinians are the ones whose land has been occupied for 47 years, who have been forced into displacement and refugee status since 1948, who are suffering from a system of apartheid, discrimination and segregation created by the Israeli occupation. Yet, not a single word has been uttered about our right to defend ourselves.

Up until now, 42 Israelis were killed, 40 of whom were soldiers. These are soldiers who were killed inside Gaza while they were invading Gaza and attacking people in an act of aggression. We don’t want anybody to die, whether Israeli or Palestinian. But to say that Palestinians are the aggressors in this situation is very wrong and totally unacceptable.

This is an act of ethnic cleansing, an act of genocide and a massive act of terror against the Palestinian population.

In reality it is not a war, it is an act of aggression from an occupying power which is trying to solve the problem of occupation by increasing the occupation. In this attack, Israel was the initiator and the victims are mainly the Palestinians.

The people who are being killed in the West Bank are not Hamas and are not in Gaza. They are not shooting rockets at Israel, they do not have any weapons to defend themselves. Yet they are killed repeatedly by an Israeli army which considers itself above international law thanks to the silence and complicity of many Western leaders. UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, does not have the courage to hold Israel accountable, even when a UN school serving as a shelter in Beit Hanoun is attacked by the Israeli army, killing 16 women and children and injuring 200 others.

The root of the problem is Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, settlement building and the forcing of hundreds of thousands of people out of their homes. This is the longest occupation in modern history and has endured for 47 years. This is an occupation that has transformed into a system of apartheid and discrimination. Without solving this, without ending the occupation and the apartheid system, there will be no peace, let alone stability or normal life.

 大手のメディアでは、ハマスがロケット弾を打ち込むから、自衛としてイスラエルがやり返しているように誤解しているが、実際は、最初にガザを空襲し、ガザの人々を暗殺したのはイスラエルのほうなのだ。 そして、これは、もともとガザではじまったものではなく、ヨルダン川西岸地区で、イスラエル人入植者が拉致、殺害されたみせしめに、西岸地域で、議員を含む、大量のパレスチナ人逮捕があり、そして、パレスチナ人の家に侵入、お金を盗み、家具をめちゃくちゃにし、さらに、非暴力的抗議デモに対して暴力的に弾圧していたのだ。 そのあげくにハマスに対してではなく、パレスチナ人全員に対して戦争をしかけているのである。







2014年07月31日 06時59分15秒 | Weblog

We May Have Problems, But at Least We're Not Jailing Artists for 3-D Printing Their Vaginas
Aired: 07/24/14


‘The Daily Show’ Pays Homage to Japanese Vagina Artist
by Jillian Steinhauer on July 25, 2014

“Japan, you arrested a woman for 3D printing her vagina, but you gave dicks their own holiday,” Stewart says.



British Naturism has complained to two other police forces over comments that it claims unfairly criminalise nudists. These incidents included The World Naked Bike Ride in Clacton, Essex last month, when organisers came under pressure to abandon the event.

Campaigners say that police are more zealous in cracking down on skinny dipping in Northern Ireland and Scotland. Earlier this month a couple in Haddington, East Lothian. allegedly ran naked through the countryside, crossing barbed wire fences and walls, after being spotted skinny dipping at a beauty spot. They were arrested two miles away.

Nudists can be prosecuted under the Public Order Act, for outraging public decency or causing a public nuisance, according to guidance issued by the Crown Prosecution Service. However it said that a “balance needs to be struck between the naturist’s right to freedom of expression and the right of the wider public to be protected from harassment, alarm and distress”.


 UK, We May Have Problems, But at Least We're Not Jailing Nudist for Swimming Naked


”America stigmatizes single momhood”

2014年07月31日 02時32分19秒 | Weblog

Hiroko Tabuchi認証済みアカウント

Why the Japanese are having so few babies -- @TheEconomist explains http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2014/07/economist-explains-16 …

 日本の少子高齢化問題ーーーー一体何十本 同じテーマで英語の記事が書かれていることやら。


Hiroko Tabuchi認証済みアカウント

Japanese women's dilemma: Be stay-at-home mom? Husband can't support you. Want to work? Feels impossible to balance kids + rewarding career.





Hiroko Tabuchi認証済みアカウント

Another prob: Japan so stigmatizes single momhood, most women choose to abort than raise child alone. Just 2% of babies born out of wedlock.


シングルマザーを悪く言う人もいるが、  3組に1組のカップルは離婚しているという現状で、シングルマザーというのは、めずらしいことではなくなって、かなり普通なことになってきている。






Pat Robertson: Parents could kick out a pregnant ‘stained woman’ in the ‘old’ days
By David Edwards
Thursday, July 24, 2014 15:17 EDT

Televangelist Pat Robertson on Thursday advised parents not to kick out their son’s pregnant girlfriend even though she was a “stained woman.”

In an email, a viewer named Pat told the TV preacher that he and his wife had allowed the unmarried couple to live in their house because they were expecting a baby.

“They are not married and my wife and I are beside ourselves,” Pat wrote, adding that he suspected that they were having sex in the house.


Rick Santorum: Same-sex marriage is to blame for single moms ― and polygamy is next
By David Edwards
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 15:09 EDT

Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum warned over the weekend that support for same-sex marriage was to blame for the increase in single mothers, and could lead to polygamy.



America stigmatizes single momhood




2014年07月31日 01時56分13秒 | Weblog

US Lies in Attempt to Build Support for Military Intervention in Ukraine

Justin King | The Anti-Media

there was the recent downing of a Malaysian flight. Immediately the United States media blamed Russia. Then it had to backtrack to say Russian-backed rebels. Then it had to admit that there was no direct evidence of Russian involvement. But the US media still dutifully talks about other cases when Russia mistakenly shot down an airliner, or the media brings up how the rebels have shot down other planes. News organizations do their best to gloss over the fact that the other planes were Ukrainian war planes. They rarely mention the time when the United States blew an Iranian airliner out of the sky and tried to blame the Iranian pilot for the whole incident. The US has never formally apologized.
Now the US puppets in the Ukrainian government are claiming they have been shelled by Russian troops. Meanwhile, the Russians are stating the Ukrainians shelled their soil. Given the constant misinformation and lies put out by the government, it is probably best to believe the Kremlin.


毎日新聞 7月29日(火)19時2分配信



EU sanctions: Moscow disappointed by EU’s inability to act independently of US
Published time: July 30, 2014 14:22
Edited time: July 30, 2014 15:48




2014年07月31日 01時50分15秒 | Weblog








2014年07月31日 01時11分47秒 | Weblog


