Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2018年03月31日 14時18分21秒 | Weblog
2018年03月31日 11時10分





養護施設 18才退所は酷

2018年03月31日 14時06分37秒 | Weblog






Cold War document reveals NK’s proposal of neutral state on peninsula

2018年03月31日 13時56分50秒 | Weblog

2018年03月31日 12時49分Tweet

Cold War document reveals NK’s proposal of neutral state on peninsula
by Yeo Jun-suk

The US response to North Korea’s proposal was briefed to the foreign minister in January 1988, the document added, noting that Washington echoed the South Korean skepticism over the North Korea’s diplomatic overture.

“It is the issue that should be handled by the South Korean government,” the report quoted the US government as saying. “Such a proposal is unrealistic without North Korea’s tangible and viable measures to build confidence in economic and humanitarian issue.”


Former South Korean foreign minister "This is a trap”

2018年03月31日 13時42分39秒 | Weblog
Former South Korean foreign minister warns Kim Jong-un setting ‘trap’
THE world is falling right into a carefully planned trap by North Korea, according to a former diplomat who knows Kim’s tricks all too well.

Rohan Smith@ro_smith

A NEW-LOOK North Korean leader wants the world to see how willing he is to embrace peace. Denuclearisation? “Sure, why not,” Kim Jong-un appears to be saying.

But appearances can be deceiving, and some say Kim is being deceptive.

But a man who knows the north’s tricks all too well says world leaders are falling right into Kim’s hands. South Korea’s former foreign minister Yun Byung-se says: “This is a trap”

Kim has not committed to freezing his nuclear weapons programme, but has indicated his willingness to touch on the subject of denuclearisation in the upcoming meetings with South Korean President Moon Jae-in next month and US President Donald Trump by May.

However, according to Jane’s Intelligence Review, North Korea has begun testing an experimental light water reactor and may bring another reactor online at its Yongbyon Nuclear Research Centre.

“This is a trap. Instead of wishful thinking, we should tread very cautiously. At least we should seek some kind of pledges from Kim Jong-un about his intention to translate his rhetoric into actions,” Yun said.

Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said last month that there would be “no meaningful dialogue” unless North Korea agreed on “complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation”.

However, Yun said Kim apparently had a different definition of denuclearisation – which includes the removal of US nuclear weapons and troops from the peninsula – and “there are many preconditions before North Korea actually starts its own measures to denuclearise”.

“How can you accept the offer when you know all those preconditions, which include the withdrawal of US troops from South Korea? It is unthinkable,” he said.

“We have had quite a few failures in the past. If we fail again, many people will start to talk about the worst scenario,” which include a dangerous military stand-off and possible conflicts, said the former diplomat.

“Before that they have to declare everything from nuclear materials to facilities and weapons and they have to accept international inspections, including from the International Atomic Energy Agency. It can be phased but they have to show they have nothing to hide,” Yun said.




2018年03月31日 08時03分03秒 | Weblog

フォローする @ShinyaMatsuuraをフォローします
下らんことして社会に害悪を流しよった奴が、晩年になって良い話ぶって出てくるんじゃない、と思うよ。 “UFOを流行らせた男” 矢追純一81歳「空を見上げてほしかった」 #矢追純一 #UFO http://bunshun.jp/articles/-/1784  それとは別にあの時代のテレビの事情の証言としては貴重





特に日本テレビでは出演料500万円を払い、1976年7月22日に「木曜スペシャル 謎の怪奇人間オリバー!」と題して、学者らが鑑定分析する模様を放送して24.1%の高視聴率をあげた。ちなみにこれを担当したのが日本テレビの社員ディレクターだった矢追純一であった。その映像はBBCが「サイエンス」でオリバー君の特集を組んだとき流用された。ただし、オリジナル音声は英語のナレーションや関係者の発言が被さっている部分もある。




US has been using the military alliance as leverage in securing American interests

2018年03月31日 07時21分39秒 | Weblog



“Things are not going as Trump has wished for, so he is twisting South Korea’s arms so that Moon will work for the kind of results Washington wanted when he meets with Kim Jong-un,” said Koh Yu-hwan, a professor of North Korean studies at Dongguk University in Seoul, the South Korean capital. “Like the businessman he is, Trump is telling Moon, ‘I will pay you — when you produce the results.’ ”

Previous United States administrations used the military alliance that South Korea depends on for its security as leverage in securing American interests in trade and other negotiations, but they did so in low-key negotiations, South Korean officials said. Mr. Trump has made much of that process public.

“Trump does not separate security from trade; they are all part of his pack of cards, while Moon tended to see them as separate issues,” said Shim Sang-ryul, a professor of international trade at Kwangwoon University in Seoul.

But Mr. Trump’s decision to link the trade deal with South Korea to a breakthrough in denuclearizing North Korea shows a growing unease in Washington, analysts said. Washington fears that Seoul might drift from their alliance and move closer to Beijing, while Mr. Trump feels his approach to North Korea is being undermined in the wake of a flurry of diplomatic initiatives by Mr. Kim in recent weeks, especially his meeting this week with China’s president, Xi Jinping, analysts said.

A key problem for Mr. Trump is that South Korea sides with China in arguing that the Libyan model is unrealistic, championing an “action-for-action” phased approach for denuclearization.





Previous United States administrations used the military alliance that South Korea depends on for its security as leverage in securing American interests in trade and other negotiations










North Korea has no intention of keeping promises on WMDs

2018年03月31日 07時13分33秒 | Weblog

North Korea has no intention of keeping any promises that it makes to the international community to dismantle or disable its nuclear or ballistic missile capabilities, according to analysts.


ま、記者が Julian Ryallさんだから、どれだけあてになるかもわからんが・・・


2018年03月31日 06時42分40秒 | Weblog



2018年03月31日 06時08分40秒 | Weblog




2018年03月31日 04時42分00秒 | Weblog


AMY GOODMAN: You’re held in a cell in solitary confinement 23 hours a day?

CHELSEA MANNING: Yeah. And, you know, by this point, being in solitary confinement had become normal. So, it was over 11 months altogether, if you include both Quantico and Kuwait, that I was held.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: I want to read from the letter you sent to President Obama about that period of time. You said, “The Army kept me in solitary confinement for nearly a year before formal charges were brought against me. It was a humiliating and degrading experience—one that altered my mind, body and spirit.” And you went on to say, “These experiences have broken me and made me feel less than human. I have been fighting for years to be treated respectfully and with dignity; a battle I fear is lost. I do not understand why.”

CHELSEA MANNING: Is there much more to say than that?

AMY GOODMAN: Well, let’s go to Atul Gawande. First, I want to turn to—in March 2012, the U.N. special rapporteur on torture, Juan Méndez, criticized the condition of your detention, telling The Guardian_, “I conclude [that] the 11 months under conditions of solitary confinement (regardless of the name given to his regime by the prison authorities) constitutes at a minimum cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment in violation of article 16 of the convention against torture. If the effects in regards to pain and suffering inflicted on Manning were more severe, they could constitute torture.” And then, Atul Gawandehealth, practicing surgeon in Boston, staff writer at The New Yorker magazine, studied the effects of solitary confinement on prisoners.

DR. ATUL GAWANDE: The science of what happens to people deprived of social contact is they have to fight for their sanity. And many lose their sanity. That reality, that we are social beings in our physiology, led me to ask the question: Is solitary confinement, the way we’re practicing it now, torture? And you can’t read the cases—and I describe the cases of both hostages and people who are in prisons—and conclude that, number one, those experiences are different. They’re the same. Number two, you can’t conclude that it’s not torture


Was Jesus a drag king ?

2018年03月31日 04時26分00秒 | Weblog



What did non-Christian authors say about Jesus?
As far as we know, the first author outside the church to mention Jesus is the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who wrote a history of Judaism around AD93. He has two references to Jesus. One of these is controversial because it is thought to be corrupted by Christian scribes (probably turning Josephus’s negative account into a more positive one), but the other is not suspicious – a reference to James, the brother of “Jesus, the so-called Christ”.

About 20 years after Josephus we have the Roman politicians Pliny and Tacitus, who held some of the highest offices of state at the beginning of the second century AD. From Tacitus we learn that Jesus was executed while Pontius Pilate was the Roman prefect in charge of Judaea (AD26-36) and Tiberius was emperor (AD14-37) – reports that fit with the timeframe of the gospels. Pliny contributes the information that, where he was governor in northern Turkey, Christians worshipped Christ as a god. Neither of them liked Christians – Pliny writes of their “pig-headed obstinacy” and Tacitus calls their religion a destructive superstition.

Did ancient writers discuss the existence of Jesus?
Strikingly, there was never any debate in the ancient world about whether Jesus of Nazareth was a historical figure. In the earliest literature of the Jewish Rabbis, Jesus was denounced as the illegitimate child of Mary and a sorcerer. Among pagans, the satirist Lucian and philosopher Celsus dismissed Jesus as a scoundrel, but we know of no one in the ancient world who questioned whether Jesus lived.




This in-depth literature review by Alternet's Valerie Tarico outlines five reasons scholars give that he did not exist:

There is no first century secular evidence that he existed - all sources are either Christian or Jewish
The earliest New Testament writings are vague on details of his life - they become more fleshed out in later texts
The eyewitness accounts in the four canonical gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are all second hand
The gospels make contradictions about his life
Modern scholars who claim to have uncovered the 'real Jesus' contradict each other


