Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年05月31日 19時16分13秒 | Weblog

毎日新聞の若菜氏は、沖縄タイムス、琉球新報の社説だけを重視して、主観的な報道をしているが、フラッシュのこのような記事があることも知るべきだ。 http://bit.ly/16nTetQ  色んな見解がある。報道は事実の伝達が本旨だ。

女性自身 5月29日(水)0時0分配信








(週刊FLASH 6月11日号)

ふむふむーーー圧倒したかどうかはわからんが、しかし、 前の投稿でも書いたように、これは正論でしょう。





ガーディアンのマッカリ記者も橋下が証拠を示さない云々というなら、その場で質問すればよかったではないか? あっ!あいつ日本語できなかったっけ?でも、特派員クラブでは通訳いたしなああ。





2013年05月31日 18時57分29秒 | Weblog
Financial Times
Financial Times:プロフィール

via mozu








 属国推進新聞の読売や産経がアメリカの言うことを聞いていれば日本はそれでいいのだ、というのはわかるが、現行憲法を崇拝する朝日や毎日が ”平和を愛する諸国民の公正と信義に信頼して”領土問題において、、国際司法裁判所 の活用を説かないのは不可解なんだなああ、あたしやあ。

Florida Cops Choke Black Teen Holding Puppy Over 'Dehumanizing Stares'

2013年05月31日 17時00分40秒 | Weblog
Miami cops choke teenager because he gave them a stare
Get short URL Published time: May 30, 2013 19:44

Miami Dade Police Choke A Teenager Because He Was Staring At Them

Florida Cops Choke Black Teen Holding Puppy Over 'Dehumanizing Stares'

(police brutality)

目つきと態度が悪かったので、警官に羽交い絞めにされた黒人少年 アメリカ



2013年05月31日 16時43分21秒 | Weblog

Journalist accuses "conceited" Japanese media of "living in a time warp" about India's global role: http://www.firstpost.com/world/did-the-japanese-media-miss-the-point-of-manmohan-singhs-visit-828957.html … (E)

Did the Japanese media miss the point of Manmohan Singh’s visit?
by Rajeev Sharma May 30, 2013

インド シン首相の訪問の事実や意義について日本のメディアは殆どスルー


西村 幸祐
昨日 0:46

TVニュースだけを見ると印度のシン首相が来日している事も分からない。安倍政権誕生後の最も重要な外交で賓客であるにも拘わらず。 この扱い、前の安倍政権でも同様でNHKはシナの宣伝放送CCTVと全く同じ。
【インド/外交】シン首相夫妻、皇居で両陛下と懇談 年内にも両陛下のインド訪問の見通し http://www.hoshusokuhou.com/archives/27668743.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter …

西村 幸祐
昨日 0:55

India ignores China,holds drills with Japan Navy


The Asahi Shimbun editorial is worth taking note of as it conveys so clearly as to how myopic and ill-informed the Japanese media is. It shows how the newspaper’s editors are continuing to cling on to their own romantic notions that have outlived even their shelf lives – like asking India to sign NPT and CTBT.

The Japanese media continues to live in a make-believe world on fundamental issues and gives sermons to India to sign NPT and CTBT even though their own government is in serious negotiations with the Indian government on a civilian nuclear deal, knowing full well that India won’t sign either of the two international agreements.

という。ここらへん、日本の左系の現実を無視し続けて 勝手な夢を見続ける ぶりっ子ぶりをよく言い当てている。








速報! アリゾナ母さん 釈放!

2013年05月31日 15時52分00秒 | Weblog
BREAKING: The Arizona mother of seven detained on drug charges in Mexico is in the process of being released from jail, a family spokesperson told ABC News.

Ariz. Mom to Be Released From Jail, Family Spokesperson Says




2013年05月31日 15時34分52秒 | Weblog

神戸女学院大学名誉教授 内田 樹さんに聞く






New book slams American WWII soldiers as rapists, thieves

2013年05月31日 15時04分00秒 | Weblog
Tall tale: New book slams American WWII soldiers as rapists, thieves

via mozu

A controversial new book about American soldiers fighting in France in WWII charges that many civilians viewed them as rapists and thieves, rather than liberators, The Daily Mail reports.
History professor Mary Louise Roberts claims in her book, titled “What Soldiers Do: Se x and the American GI in World War II France,” that when the first soldiers swarmed ashore in Normandy, it was “a veritable tsunami of male lust” that French civilians came to fear as much as the Nazis, The Mail reports.

The book is set to release next month and is likely to stir significant outrage in the United States, where veterans are highly revered as heroes.

 NYTのHiroko TabuchiやAPのMari Yamaguchi は本社からGIのアジアでのご乱交について報道するのをとめられているのか?

“My book seeks to debunk an old myth about the GI, a manly creature that always behaves well,” Ms. Roberts told The Mail, claiming that rape, lawlessness and institutionalized racism were methods used by American soldiers to “assert their power on the French.”
“The GI’s were having se x anywhere and everywhere,” she added. “In the cities of Le Havre and Cherbourg, bad behavior was common. Women, including those who were married, were openly solicited for se s said that the se x “was not always consensual, with hundreds of cases of rape being reported.”

日本の占領軍もそうだったわけで、それはしっかりと記録にのこっているのに、NYTのHiroko TabuchiやAPのMari Yamaguchi は日本の占領期、朝鮮、ベトナムでの米兵のご乱交について無知なのだろうか?


Father of Chechen shot by FBI says he thinks son was tortured .

2013年05月31日 08時05分09秒 | Weblog

Father of shot man linked to Boston suspects wants FBI tried

By Steve Gutterman
MOSCOW | Thu May 30, 2013 4:05pm EDT

(Reuters) - The father of a Chechen immigrant shot dead during FBI questioning over his links with the Boston bombing suspects said on Thursday that the U.S. agents responsible should face trial.
The FBI has said that Ibragim Todashev, 27, was being interrogated at his apartment in Florida on May 22 when he suddenly attacked an agent and was shot and killed.

Abdulbaki Todashev questioned that account at a news conference in Moscow, saying his son was unarmed when he was shot seven times.

"I want justice and I want there to be an investigation, so that these people are tried under American law," said Todashev. "These are not FBI agents but bandits - I cannot call them anything else and they must be tried."

Todashev showed reporters photographs of his son's shirtless corpse on a medical table with several stitched-up wounds on his torso and arm and one on his head. He said his son had been shot after eight hours of questioning.

He dismissed U.S. media reports following his son's death suggesting his son may have grabbed a kitchen knife or tried to wrest a gun from an agent as "absurd", saying there was no reason a handful trained officers could not subdue a lone young man without killing him.

"They were tormenting him for eight hours. There was no lawyer, no witnesses, nobody," he said. "We can only guess what was going on there."

Police brutality

One woman here will even do it for a Big Mac. 独 国営 性奴隷ハウス

2013年05月31日 07時39分49秒 | Weblog



Unprotected: How Legalizing Prostitution Has Failed

When Germany legalized prostitution just over a decade ago, politicians hoped that it would create better conditions and more autonomy for sex workers. It hasn't worked out that way, though. Exploitation and human trafficking remain significant problems. By SPIEGEL Staff

"One woman here will even do it for a Big Mac."

The Isar Dungeon

The 18-year-old Romanian had fled from a brothel. She told the officers that three men and two women had approached her on the street in her native village. The strangers had promised her a job as a nanny. When they arrived in Munich, she said, they blindfolded her and took her to a basement cell with a door that could only be opened with a security code.

Another girl was sitting on a bunk bed in the dark room, she said, and there was the sound of running water behind the walls. The police assume that the hiding place was in an empty factory near the Isar River, which flows through Munich. The men raped her and, when she refused to work in a brothel, they beat her, she said.

The officers were dubious at first, but the girl had remembered the pimps' names. They were arrested and are now in custody. Because they refuse to answer questions, the eerie dungeon still hasn't been found and the Romanian woman is now in the witness protection program.

Sometimes girls are sent by their own families, like Cora from Moldova. The 20-year-old digs her hands into the pockets of her hoodie, and she is wearing plush slippers with big eyes sewn to them. Cora lives in a hostel run by a Romanian assistance center for victims of human traffickers. When girls in Moldova are 15 or 16, says Cora's psychologist, their brothers and fathers often say to them: "Whore, go out and make some money."

Cora's brothers took their attractive and well-behaved sister to a disco in the nearest city. Her only duty there was to serve drinks, but she met a man there with contacts in Romania. "He said that I could make a lot more money in the discos there." Cora went with him, first to Romania and then to Germany.

'Process of Emancipation'

After being raped for an entire day in Nuremberg, she says, she knew what she had to do. She worked in a brothel on Frauentormauer, one of Germany's oldest red-light districts. She received the men in her room, allegedly for up to 18 hours a day. She says that police officers also came to the brothel -- as customers. "They didn't notice anything. Or else they didn't care."

The brothel was very busy on Christmas Eve 2012. Cora says that her pimp demanded that she work a 24-hour shift, and that he stabbed her in the face with a knife when she refused. The wound was bleeding so profusely that she was allowed to go to the hospital. A customer whose mobile phone number she knew helped her flee to Romania, where Cora filed charges against her tormentor. The pimp called her recently, she says, and threatened to track her down.





 NYTの Hiroko Tabuchi 記者やそのほか特派員もちゃんと新聞くらい読んで、問題意識をもとうよ。

Mother of four screamed racist abuse at her OWN children

2013年05月31日 05時15分15秒 | Weblog

Jobless mother of four screamed racist abuse at her OWN children so loudly that she made her neighbours' lives a 'living hell'

Mother-of-four Lauren Beckham, 31, verbally abused her four children
Neighbours in West Yorkshire had to sleep in cellars to block out noise
Beckham was there for eight months and got a three-year Asbo today

By Mark Duell

PUBLISHED: 12:13 GMT, 30 May 2013 | UPDATED: 16:57 GMT, 30 May 2013

‘The things she would say are just vile. She'd call them black b****** and p****. She'd call her son a f***** and tell her daughters they were s****. On top of that there was constant swearing, shouting and banging.

 ちゃんと子供の顔にぼかしを入れいている。Japan Times もプラバシーにちゃんと配慮しようよ。

Nice day for a sham wedding? Bride and groom questioned by immigration officials just moments before they were due to wed
Pakistani man, 24, had dressed up with suit at Oxford Register Office
His bride, 20, was wearing white dress for suspected sham marriage
She was released but man was put in van and faces removal from UK
PUBLISHED: 15:03 GMT, 30 May 2013 | UPDATED: 16:45 GMT, 30 May 2013


Could bondage be good for you? S&M enthusiasts are 'healthier and less neurotic' than those with a tamer sex life
Those who enjoy indulging in fetishes are psychologically healthier and happier than the general population, say Dutch researchers
Experts believe this is because they are more outgoing and less neurotic
Those who played the dominating role in sex games were deemed as the most mentally healthy and submissives the least
But none of the S&M participants scored lower than the general population in psychological tests
PUBLISHED: 13:30 GMT, 30 May 2013 | UPDATED: 13:30 GMT, 30 May 2013




2013年05月30日 20時39分19秒 | Weblog

Gifu Shimbun editorial calling for hate specch laws in Japan raises debate about free speech: http://www.j-cast.com/2013/05/28176065.html?p=all … (J)

ヘイトスピーチ「法的に規制すべき」 岐阜新聞の社説が議論呼ぶ
2013/5/28 19:05

河添 誠 (東 琢磨より)
約1時間前 ·

児童ポルノ禁止法改定の真の目的は何か? 単純所持禁止、マンガ・アニメ「調査研究」への懸念(ITmedia




there is more to romance than what happens below the waist

2013年05月30日 20時12分48秒 | Weblog
Deciding to Marry a Quadriplegic: Couple Tells Love Story

May 30, 2013

Ken Tada married Joni Eareckson in 1982 for better, for worse and for all the things that were uniquely her -- including the fact that she was a quadriplegic in a wheelchair.


と結婚した男性 というか夫婦の話。

"I am his cheerleader," she said.


Disability has not stood in the way of their physical intimacy, she said -- "but we understand that there is more to romance than what happens below the waist."



The Bomb Didn't Beat Japan... Stalin Did

2013年05月30日 17時38分17秒 | Weblog
The Bomb Didn't Beat Japan... Stalin Did
Have 70 years of nuclear policy been based on a lie?


via mozu


We often imagine, because of the way the story is told, that the bombing of Hiroshima was far worse. We imagine that the number of people killed was off the charts. But if you graph the number of people killed in all 68 cities bombed in the summer of 1945, you find that Hiroshima was second in terms of civilian deaths. If you chart the number of square miles destroyed, you find that Hiroshima was fourth. If you chart the percentage of the city destroyed, Hiroshima was 17th. Hiroshima was clearly within the parameters of the conventional attacks carried out that summer.


UK Muslims face far-right revenge attacks

2013年05月30日 15時15分56秒 | Weblog
UK Muslims face far-right revenge attacks
The murder of a UK soldier has led to a spike in hate crimes targeting Muslims.
Simon Hooper Last Modified: 29 May 2013 14:12


Media coverage

Others raised frustrations about the mainstream media's coverage of the Woolwich attack, including the labelling of the perpetrators as “Islamic terrorists”. Nick Robinson, the BBC's political editor, apologised later that day after quoting a source who described the attackers as being “of Muslim appearance”.

“We are the only community, in the UK certainly, which whenever an act of terrorism has taken place, the whole community is put in the dock for the criminal activities of individuals,” said Nagdi. “Acts of terrorism affect us all but it does seems odd that when it is a Muslim you always expect Muslims to condemn it. We do condemn it but there is a history of bias in the reporting mechanism that it is expected.”

Sleemy also condemned the airtime given to Anjem Choudary, a radical cleric formerly of the banned al Muhajiroun group, on the BBC's flagship Newsnight programme.

“He is not the voice of Muslims. He is a very extreme fringe group, and if people are watching that and they've got very little knowledge they are building a picture of a Muslim that he has portrayed,” he said
