Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

低姿勢 他

2011年08月31日 10時14分56秒 | Weblog


脱原発で菅首相にラブコール 福島氏「社民党首に」



福島第1原発:作業員が白血病で死亡 東電が発表




毎日新聞 2011年8月30日 東京夕刊

急性白血病で福島原発作業員死亡 東電「因果関係なし」






急性白血病で作業員死亡 福島第1原発に従事  「作業との因果関係なし」

 東電によると、急性白血病26 件に関する厚生労働省の労災認定基準は年間5ミリシーベルト以上の被ばく、1年間の潜伏期間などがある。この男性の福島第1原発での作業は、基準に達しないという。



Fukushima radiation alarms doctors
Japanese doctors warn of public health problems caused by Fukushima radiation.
Dahr Jamail Last Modified: 18 Aug 2011

有道氏が引用している記事 http://www.debito.org/?p=9314#comment-259603

Doctors in Japan are already treating patients suffering health effects they attribute to radiation from the ongoing nuclear disaster.

"We have begun to see increased nosebleeds, stubborn cases of diarrhoea, and flu-like symptoms in children," Dr Yuko Yanagisawa, a physician at Funabashi Futawa Hospital in Chiba Prefecture, told Al Jazeera.

She attributes the symptoms to radiation exposure, and added: "We are encountering new situations we cannot explain with the body of knowledge we have relied upon up until now."



Yanagisawa's hospital is located approximately 200km from Fukushima, so the health problems she is seeing that she attributes to radiation exposure causes her to be concerned by what she believes to be a grossly inadequate response from the government.


訳はcolin's universe 2より。









Solar bottle-bulbs bring light to Filipinos
A simple, innovative and cheap idea is bringing light to many poor people without electricity.
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2011


ときどきブログにコメントするチャートさんの可愛らしい 娘さんがでている。

August 27, 201

Racial Intimidation Escalates In Arroyo Grande

As the trial date of four alleged white supremacist draws near, intimidation of a mixed race family in Arroyo Grande has escalated.

In broad daylight, on Saturday, someone spray painted the name of a white supremacist gang and a cross on a wall across the street from the family’s Elm Street home using a pre-made template. The vandalism faced the site of an earlier cross burning.

On March 18, shortly after midnight, an African American teenage girl heard loud noises coming from her yard. She went outdoors and stood on their back porch, but saw no one.

She then went back to her bedroom, turned off the light and saw an 11-foot cross burst into flames directly outside her window. She yelled to her mother, and called police.

The cross had been stolen from St. John’s Lutheran Church in Arroyo Grande on March 1.

The family, which has lived in the area for 10 years, is not being named to protect their privacy. However, for this article we will refer to the mother as Anna.

Earlier today, Anna left her daughter at home to have breakfast with a friend. She arrived home to see the words “Elm St. Woods” with a the “T” looking like a cross on the wall facing the site of the earlier cross burning.

The “peckerwoods” is the name of a California based skinhead gang, known to trade in methamphetamine. A few decades ago, the abbreviated term “woods” entered California prison slang.

Since the cross burning, the family has been the victim of numerous acts of intimidation including arriving home in the evening to find a truck with several people parked in front of their home. Each time, the truck has sped off as Anna and her daughter pull up to their home.

One alleged affiliate of the gang boldly knocked on their front door a few months ago, an action the gang allegedly used to determine if Anna and her daughter still lived in the Elm Street house.

And while two other African Americans moved from the street in the primarily white community within a few months of the cross burning, the victims did not.

Anna has worked for the same local employer for 17 years and has great credit. However, she is currently working from home because of a stroke she suffered about a year ago.

Because of this, Anna will need assistance with the move and is having trouble finding an affordable rental and coming up with a security deposit.

Early on, members of the community vowed to help the family, but no one followed through with their offers.

Meanwhile, Anna has moved a large dining cabinet in front of one of the homes larger windows and has also brought a dog into the home. But still, she worries how the stress is affecting her daughter, Anna said.

In July, police arrested Orcutt resident Jason Kahn, 36, San Simeon transient Jeremiah Hernandez, 32, Arroyo Grande transient William Soto, 20, and San Simeon transient Sara Matheny, 24. All four are former Arroyo Grande residents.

Each of the suspects is charged with arson, cross burning, terrorism, conspiracy and hate crime enhancements while conspiring with others.

Kahn was also charged with witness intimidation.

There is some evidence that the suspects are connected to organized hate groups, police said.

Nevertheless, several of the suspects’ attorneys have successfully garnered some public support because Soto is Filipino-American, Hernandez is Native American and Hispanic and Kahn is sometimes a Jewish name.

The attorneys said racism shouldn’t be considered a part of the case.

In March, Arroyo Grande Mayor Tony Ferrara labeled the burning of the cross outside the home of an African American as a possible prank. At a press conference a week after the cross burning, city officials said there were no known hate groups in the area.

Even so, basic research on the Internet―including Facebook, MySpace, and Stormfront―suggests the skinhead movement enjoys many followers in this South County community.


AUGUST 28, 2011 · 1:55 PM
Study: Racial Disparities Taint Military’s Use Of Death Penalty

<blockquotet>en of the 16 men whom the military has sentenced to death in the last 27 years share another common characteristic: They’re all non-whites.

The racial imbalance in the military’s death penalty isn’t new. As far back as the early 1970s, the military has acknowledged racial bias in its judicial system. The civilian court systems have similar disparities.

But one recent statistical analysis has found that the problem endures and is in some ways worse than on the civilian side.

A study by a group of law and statistics professors found that non-whites in the military were twice as likely to be sentenced to death as their white counterparts, a statistic higher than is known to exist in most civilian court systems.


Majority of Muslim-Americans feel targeted by terror policies and claim to be singled out
Last updated at 7:04 AM on 30th August 2011

In all, 52 per cent of Muslim-Americans surveyed said their group is singled out by government for terrorist surveillance.
Almost as many ― 43 per cent ― reported they had personally experienced harassment in the past year, according to the poll released on Tuesday.

That 43 per cent share of people reporting harassment is up from 40 per cent in 2007, the first time Pew polled Muslim-Americans.
Asked to identify in what ways they felt bias, about 28 per cent said they had been treated or viewed with suspicion by people, while 22 per cent said they were called offensive names.
About 21 per cent said they were singled out by airport security because they were Muslim, while another 13 per cent said they were targeted by other law enforcement officials.
Roughly 6 per cent said they had been physically threatened or attacked.
On the other hand, the share of Muslim-Americans who view U.S. anti-terror policies as 'sincere' efforts to reduce international terrorism now surpasses those who view them as insincere ― 43 per cent to 41 per cent.
Four years ago, during the presidency of George W. Bush, far more viewed U.S. anti-terrorism efforts as insincere than sincere ― 55 per cent to 26 per cent.
The vast majority of Muslim-Americans ― 79 per cent ― rate their communities as either 'excellent' or 'good' places to live, even among many who reported an act of vandalism against a mosque or a controversy over the building of an Islamic centre in their neighbourhoods.

They also are now more likely to say they are satisfied with the current direction of the country ― 56 per cent, up from 38 per cent in 2007.
That is in contrast to the general U.S. public, whose satisfaction has dropped from 32 per cent to 23 per cent.
Andrew Kohut, Pew president, said in an interview that Muslim-Americans' overall level of satisfaction was striking.
'I was concerned about a bigger sense of alienation, but there was not,' Mr Kohut said, contrasting the U.S. to many places in Europe where Muslims have become more separatist.
'You don't see any indication of brewing negativity. When you look at their attitudes, these are still middle-class, mainstream people who want to be loyal to America.'



Figures show seven hate crimes a day being committed across Wales

by Sam Malone, Western MailAug 30 2011

AN AVERAGE of seven hate crimes are committed across Wales every day, new figures have revealed.

Since 2005, Welsh police forces have recorded nearly 13,000 incidents which were perceived by the victim to be motivated by prejudice or hate.

More than 80% of the alleged offences took place in South Wales with Wales’ largest police force recording 8,177 racially-related incidents and 1,545 offences thought to be triggered by homophobic prejudices.

The data, which was released under the Freedom of Information Act, reveals a marked variation between the locations where hate crimes have been committed, with just 98 incidents recorded in the Dyfed-Powys force area compared to 2,165 in North Wales and 10,723 in South Wales. Figures from Gwent Police were yesterday unavailable.

Campaigners and anti-hate crime groups last night hailed the rise in reports in the south of the country – some categories of which have risen by as much as 300% – saying they showed an increased awareness of hate crimes.


Hate crimes ‘not reported to police’
by Rachael Misstear, Western MailAug 24 2011

MORE than 9,000 hate crime incidents could be taking place in Wales every year – almost five times the number of cases reported to police, a charity has claimed.


30 August 2011 Last updated at 06:33 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterEmailPrint
Filipino fishermen visa reprieve welcome



Strangford MP Jim Shannon, who campaigned on behalf of the Filipinos, said he had met some of them and been impressed by their work ethic.

"When you tell them to be on the harbour at 2am, they are there waiting, ready to go," he added.




19 July 2011 Last updated at 06:20 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterEmailPrint
Jim Shannon calls for Filipino fishermen to stay in N

Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Filipino fishermen suffer abuse

By Andy Martin
Good Morning Ulster

A BBC investigation has found evidence of physical and racial abuse of Filipino nationals in Northern Ireland's fishing industry.



Catholic clergy 'abused children for decades in County Donegal'
Report is expected to claim police were complicit in cover-up of sexual abuse by priests and lay members of the church

Henry McDonald, Ireland correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Monday 29 August 2011 13.36 BST
Article history



Asian brides for sale
The mail order bride industry is flourishing in Asia, but is it also leading to sex trafficking and domestic violence?
101 East Last Modified: 21 Jul 2011


遺族の思い、柔道界動かす 滋賀の柔道部員死亡から2年

武道の必修化 事故の危険直視しよう(8月21日)




Forty Years in Captivity
Austrian Man Allegedly Abused Daughters for Decades


Russian cannibal caught in the act
Posted May 17, 2011 19:37:00

Police in Moscow have arrested a man who dismembered an acquaintance and kept his body parts in a fridge, officials said.

Nikolai Shadrin was arrested after police located the apartment where he killed a 40-year-old Muscovite, Ilya Yegorov, in early May.

At the time of his arrest, Shadrin was eating a stew of human liver, police spokesman Aleksei Saveliev said, according to RIA Novosti agency.

Man confesses to eating date
2011-08-29 22:27

St Petersburg - Investigators said on Monday that Russian police had arrested a man who confessed to murdering and eating another man he met through a gay personals website.

The 21-year-old man was arrested on Friday, several days after human remains were found in the northern city of Murmansk.

According to investigators, the suspect said he had met a 32-year-old man through the internet and invited him to his house, where he stabbed him to death.

He afterwards dismembered the body and ate the remains.

"The only motive for the murder was his desire to taste human flesh," said regional investigative committee chief Fyodor Blyudyonov.



UK should keep its nose out of new Libya – British MP
permalink email story to a friend print version
Published: 29 August, 2011,

he opposition MP says Britain should at any costs avoid becoming an occupation force in Libya, because any occupying power everywhere “starts off being a friend of someone, and you end up being hated by everyone.”
“Occupying force is a very dangerous place to be and you should get out as quickly as you can,” he notes.



野田君 ひとつがんばってほしい、他

2011年08月30日 04時52分05秒 | Weblog

野田新代表 やはり早期解散こそ
筋だ 信を失った民主党は出直せ











円高 3割の企業が海外移転検討






(2011年8月29日09時52分 読売新聞)


POSTED: Sunday, Aug. 28, 2011
Chinese-American community divided over proposed shark fin ban

But a bill to outlaw shark fins now heading through California's Legislature has threatened that custom and sparked a split in the Chinese-American community, pitting tradition against the environment.

The bill would force retail shops, restaurants and small processing plants to deplete their entire stock of shark fins by the end of 2012. Critics say thousands of California businesspeople will have to shutter their stores and fire employees if the bill becomes law.

Although the bill is sponsored by a Silicon Valley assemblyman of Chinese descent, opponents have accused the bill's sponsors of discrimination against ethnic Chinese by targeting one of their cultural institutions.

The problem with the legislation, opponents say, is that it targets only a small subset of shark consumers.
State Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, noted that killing sharks would remain legal,
and Beverly Hills shoppers could buy their $440 sharkskin leather wallets, while others could continue ordering Mako shark steaks at restaurants.
"Clearly, the bill would have some effect on reducing shark consumption, but they've done it in a discriminatory way," Lieu said. "The government shouldn't say you can kill a shark for the cultural practice of skinning for wallets but you can't use the same shark for shark fin soup."

Tony Mak, who has run a one-person shark fin distribution company in San Francisco since 1995, disputed the data showing that shark populations are endangered.
"This business is highly monitored and managed by the federal government," Mak said. "If they decide the shark population is in danger, the federal government would have shut down commercial fishing of sharks already. They don't have evidence to show sharks are endangered. That's why they don't stop the production side and come to the consumer side to take away consumers' rights."
Critics of the bill also argue that it probably won't end the tradition because it would just force it underground, with consumers forced to buy shark fins from unsavory dealers.






Is an Apology Enough for Genocide?

By Edwin Black

Everyone knows that Nazi Germany designated Jews and others for mass murder. Some know that Hitler's racial ideas were inspired by the early twentieth-century pseudo-scientific American eugenic concepts he studied and adopted. But few are aware that long before Jews and blacks were targeted by eugenicists, white Virginian Appalachians with dark hair were chosen for extinction. They were not only targeted by academics, but by Virginia's own state government. The state perniciously traced their ancestry and, periodically, agents rounded them up and dispatched them to sterilization mills.


In 2002, Gov. Mark R. Warner promulgated a formal apology to the thousands the state had coercively sterilized, some as late as the 1970s. Since then, other culpable states have issued their own apologies. Only one state, North Carolina, has advanced beyond mere words of regret and is now contemplating official compensation to surviving victims. Should Virginia follow in the footsteps of North Carolina, and who should pay compensation?

Remember the history. The academic and financial elite believed better men and women could be cultivated using the same techniques a farmer would employ to create a better herd of cattle or field of wheat―eliminate the bad stock and proliferate the good. Eugenicists planned to eliminate all those who did not resemble themselves, 10 percent at a time―as many as 14 million people at a slice. The goal: eliminate the reproductive future for some 90 percent of Americans.

The preferred method was the gas chambers. The first public euthanasia laws were introduced into the Ohio legislature in 1908. That measure was unsuccessful. The next best thing was forced surgical sterilization under specific state authority. In 1927, one of America's stellar jurists, Oliver Wendell Holmes, ruled on an obviously collusive Virginia lawsuit seeking to justify the forced sterilization of three generations of Carrie Buck's Lynchburg family. Carrie Buck was considered "poor white trash" in the parlance of the day.

"It is better for all the world," Holmes infamously wrote in validating Virginia's statute, "if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime ... society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind ... Three generations of imbeciles are enough."

The U.S. Supreme Court's validation of Virginia's law opened the floodgates of sterilization nationwide. Ultimately, more than 60,000 Americans, mainly women, were forcibly sterilized. Of this number, some 7,300 to 8,300 individuals were sterilized in Virginia―more than 60 percent female. While the justification was generally the never-defined condition of "feeblemindedness," the real crime was poverty.

America's eugenics movement, powered by millions of dollars from the Carnegie Institution, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Harriman railroad fortune, sought to extend its reach into Germany. Rockefeller and Carnegie spent Depression-era fortunes to finance the worst Nazi doctors and race institutes. Hitler promptly implemented American precepts with stunning ferocity and velocity. Among the chief recipients of Rockefeller money was top Nazi doctor, Otmar von Verschuer. During the Holocaust, Verschuer's assistant, Josef Mengele, continued Rockefeller's eugenic twin research at Auschwitz, yielding monstrous experiments.


AUGUST 28, 2011 · 1:56 PM
Australian Airline Apologizes For ‘Black Face’ Stunt

Wallabies sponsor Qantas Airways was forced to apologise publicly on Sunday for posting a picture on its Twitter feed of two fans in black face paint and “afro” wigs at the Tri-Nations decider.

The pair had won tickets to the match in a Qantas competition and were dressed up in tribute to Fiji-born Radike Samo, a key try-scorer in the high-stakes decider.

“We apologise the photo of two Radike fans offended people,” Qantas said on its Twitter feed after the image, taken by a fan and retweeted by the airline, sparked a barrage of complaints.

“We’ve spoken with Radike and whilst he has no issue with it we have removed the image.

“It was meant to show their support ― Radike Samo is their favourite player. Certainly not meant to offend anyone.”

Once used in black-and-white minstrel shows, the practice of donning black face paint, or “blacking up”, is considered racist in Australia. A television network had to apologise over a skit in which white actors painted their faces to mimic the Jackson Five in 2009.

But Samo, making a remarkable comeback to international Test rugby at 35, said he’d gladly posed for pictures with the pair and didn’t understand “what the fuss is all about”.

These guys were actually paying me a tribute, it was a bit of fun and I think it’s great that they regarded me as their favourite Wallaby,” he said.

“I didn’t have an issue with it at all… I don’t know why anyone’s getting worked up, that sort of reaction is just silly.

An Australian Rugby Union spokesman said the imposing loose forward was a “cult figure” in Queensland, where he was recently part of the winning Super 15 Reds side.

“And after his performance in last night’s Test (he) may well become a cult figure around the country during the World Cup in New Zealand,” the spokesman said.

“These guys dressing up were Radike fans and Radike thought it was awesome. He felt neither offended nor insulted.”

The fan who originally uploaded the picture, said it was “only our intention to show support for Radike Samo, our favourite player, and the Wallabies…”

“I would like to apologise for the incident, in no way was it my intention to offend anyone and I am deeply sorry,” he said

オーストラリア ”黒人”ラグビー選手に敬意を表して、ブラックフェースをした、本人も怒っていないし、むしろ楽しんでいる。しかし、謝罪。



北米映画興行収入=「The Help」が2週連続で首位キープ
2011年 08月 29日

「The Help」の配給元であるウォルト・ディズニーによると、南部ミシシッピ州に暮らす白人女性と黒人使用人らとの物語を描いた同作品は、公開3週目で累計興収を9660万ドルに伸ばした。

The help という映画が話題になっている、らしい。
'The Help' is fiction disguised as reality



The point is that black women had no choice but to work as domestics. Once Constantine was fired, she lost everything; there were no other options available to her. Racism is structural, not the result of a white character's personality or a black character's indefatigable work ethic.


The problem with "The Help," therefore, is that it tells the story of black oppression as a story of a good versus evil in the way Sunday school lessons are taught to 5-year-olds.



Dangerous White Stereotypes
Published: August 28, 2011

There’s a problem, though, with that message. To suggest that bad people were racist implies that good people were not.

Jim Crow segregation survived long into the 20th century because it was kept alive by white Southerners with value systems and personalities we would applaud. It’s the fallacy of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” a movie that never fails to move me but that advances a troubling falsehood: the notion that well-educated Christian whites were somehow victimized by white trash and forced to live within a social system that exploited and denigrated its black citizens, and that the privileged white upper class was somehow held hostage to these struggling individuals.

But that wasn’t the case. The White Citizens Councils, the thinking man’s Ku Klux Klan, were made up of white middle-class people, people whose company you would enjoy. An analogue can be seen in the way popular culture treats Germans up to and during World War II. Good people were never anti-Semites; only detestable people participated in Hitler’s cause.

Cultures function and persist by consensus. In Jackson and other bastions of the Jim Crow South, the pervasive notion, among poor whites and rich, that blacks were unworthy of full citizenship was as unquestioned as the sanctity of church on Sunday. “The Help” tells a compelling and gripping story, but it fails to tell that one.





選択肢を与えよ 他

2011年08月28日 09時59分53秒 | Weblog

「市民討論 どう選ぶ?わたしたちのエネルギー」






New York braces for Hurricane Irene


prepare for the worst hope for the best 最悪の事態に準備して、最善の結果が出ることを望む、と。







Arson in Berlin
Ich bin ein car-burner
A strange crime wave that could influence the city’s elections
Aug 27th 2011 | BERLIN |

ONCE a burning firelighter is placed against a tyre, it takes a few minutes for a car to ignite, giving the arsonist plenty of time to escape. That is one reason why police are clueless about who is behind a rash of car-burnings that is unsettling Berlin in the run-up to a city election on September 18th. They have caught just two suspects this year.

Since 2005 the police have taken the problem seriously enough to compile data. The number of cases peaked in 2009, at 401. Last year some 250 cars were torched. But the pyromaniacs are back with a vengeance. So far this year they have set 368 cars alight (singeing around 150 vehicles parked nearby). The burnings have become a nightly occurrence.

Berlin Car Arson Attacks Continue Unabated (VIDEO)

First Posted: 8/23/11

Mayor Klaus Wowereit lamented in Tuesday's Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper that "we can't keep the whole city under surveillance."














紳助さん引退 芸能界に甘えはないか


American White Awareness during World War II
August 25, 2011 ― 38 Comments
Peter Stuyvesant

World War II is often referred to as the war against racism, as if it were fought to prevent future racial discrimination. This is far from the truth. In fact there are numerous accounts which show explicit White consciousness. This piece does not pretend to give a complete picture, but rather points out some illustrative examples.

The editorial of Life magazine in May 1945 included the following remarks: “Americans had to learn to hate Germans, but hating Japs comes natural―as natural as fighting Indian wars once was.” This is in a nutshell is the difference between the average American attitudes towards the enemy during World War II: the Japanese were a different race. Besides this, the Americans felt treacherously attacked by Japan in Pearl Harbor, but they did not feel any need for revenge or hatred against the Germans. In the government propaganda the emphasize in the war against Germany was placed on the National Socialist (commonly referred as Nazi) regime rather than the Germans, preventing the feeling among second-generation German-Americans that they were fighting their own kind.

Another distinctive difference between the approach towards Japanese-Americans and German-Americans was that the distrust against the former was much greater than against the latter. All 120,000 Japanese-Americans were rounded up in the beginning of 1942 and detained in concentration camps in the most remote and inhospitable places of America. They were not drafted (although there existed small volunteer units), nor were they deployed as laborers in the war-industry. On the other hand, there was no official distrust of any kind towards Americans originating from European Axis countries which were drafted and employed in the war industry without restrictions.

The Americans were very negative towards Japanese who were labeled as aggressive, savage, brutal and treacherous. They were even considered as a subhuman menace. War commentator Ernie Pyle described it by stating that “the Japanese were looked upon as something subhuman and repulsive; the way some people feel about cockroaches or mice.” Historian Allen Nevins explicitly touched the race factor: “Probably in all our history no foe has been so detested as were the Japanese. Emotions forgotten since our most savage Indian wars were reawakened.” When the government did a questionnaire among the American population about the proper fate of the Japanese, roughly one out of eight replied they should be exterminated. This option was not included in a similar questionnaire on the fate of the German people (although U.S. Secretary of State Henry Morganthau, Jr. certainly would have wanted it).



Race relations in the American army

The American army was completely segregated at the beginning of the war. It was not until well after the war that the U.S. Armed Forces were slowly desegregated by Executive Order 9981 of President Truman in July 1948. The segregation not only meant separate units, but also distinctive duties. Frontline duty was preserved for Whites, while Blacks were delegated to labour units and performed supply tasks, which gave them the name of ‘cantine commando’s’ among the frontline troops. As the war progressed American losses mounted and late in the war Black frontline units were grudgingly created to compensate for White manpower shortages in the frontline. Even when deployed as fighting troops, Blacks were preferably assigned to supportive branches, like the artillery.


Colonial troops and the liberation of Paris, August 25, 1944

Colonial possessions proved a valuable―if not vital―supply of manpower for the British and French armies. The British-Indian forces alone comprised over 2.5 million men, making up roughly half of the forces under British command. In the Free French forces under De Gaulle Whites did not make up more than one third of all forces, as they were mostly comprised of Arabs and Blacks. The French forces were basically composed of mercenaries and their troops acted as such when they advanced in Italy, leaving a trail of rape, killing, pillage and plunder locally known as the Marocchinate. When Rome was taken by the Americans, the French colonial troops were not allowed in the city by order of general Mark Clark on request of Pope Pius XII, who was well informed and was appalled by what he had heard about the atrocities in the Italian countryside.

From Wikipedia

General Alphonse Juin allegedly declared before the battle, "For fifty hours you will be the absolute masters of what you will find beyond the enemy. Nobody will punish you for what you will do, nobody will ask you about what you will get up to."



AUGUST 27, 2011 · 2:56 PM
Golliwoggs Removed From New Zealand Airport Store Following Rapper’s Tweets





Anti-Chinese sentiment gaining ground in Malaysia

2 Comment(s)Print E-mail China.org.cn, August 27, 2011

Recently, a racial incident again took place in a Malaysian school. A middle school history teacher in Johor told a student of Chinese descent to "go back to China." The incident came mere months after another case of schoolyard racism when a middle school principal insulted his Chinese students with similar remarks at the end of last year.
However, the anti-Chinese sentiment has been deeply rooted. Malays account for 60 percent of the population, Chinese 26 percent and Indians 8 percent. The current administration implements preferential policies to Malays, which has further deepened the racial discrimination in the society.



Jim Karygiannis, Liberal Multiculturalism Critic, Accused Of Racial Slur
First Posted: 8/26/11

OTTAWA ― A former Conservative candidate says his Liberal opponent ― the party’s multiculturalism critic ― told him Friday he was pleased he learned to write in English.

The Taiwanese Canadian Association of Toronto’s Harry Tsai told The Huffington Post Canada that Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis called him Friday afternoon to tell him that he had seen a press release from his organization calling for Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae to fire him from his critic’s post.

“I don’t think he was very pleased,” Tsai said. “(Karygiannis) said, ‘ I don’t care what you guys write. It won’t affect me. And I’m glad you can write.’ He kept saying, ‘I’m glad you can write English,’” Tsai said.

Karygiannis told Huff Post Canada he never told Tsai he was glad he could write in English.

“Aboslutely not,” he said. “No. no. no. I called him to say, I want to thank him for doing it (writing a letter)…I wanted to find out whether he did it or not,” Karygiannis said.

カナダ 議員が台湾系元候補者に「あんたが英語が書けて嬉しい」と言って馬鹿にした、と。


AUGUST 27, 2011 · 2:55 PM
White Separatist Group Plans Protest Of State Fair Attacks

NSM to protest State Fair attacks



CIA censors 9/11 book
permalink email story to a friend print version
Published: 26 August, 2011,


C.I.A. Demands Cuts in Book About 9/11 and Terror Fight
Published: August 25, 2011

911 CIAが容疑者の動向を把握していた、また、CIAによる拷問の目撃を記した本を出版の差し止めをCIAがしようとしている、と。


2011年08月27日 16時37分51秒 | Weblog




菅首相退陣へ 国政停滞を招いた野党的体質(8月27日付・読売社説)




社説:菅首相退陣 また短命で終わった罪


菅首相退陣表明 失政を省みて、前へ





菅首相退陣表明 これ以上、日本を壊すな 民主党政権の限界は明白だ












放送局 アウト芸人 見て見ぬふりするな 他

2011年08月27日 00時14分01秒 | Weblog



(2011年8月26日21時17分 読売新聞)


経済政策は「有言不実行」ばかり TPP、デフレ対策… 懸案は軒並み先送り


海外の状況をみて、対岸の火事 でなくなる恐れ、というのは、財政不安だけではあるまい。右翼の台頭、移民との確執、などなど、やまほどある。


児童相談所「つい手が…父から聞いていた」 7歳長男虐待死、あざ通報で訪問時

どうしてこういうことがおきてしまうのか? あまりにも残酷だ。


芦田愛菜は北島マヤか 「うさぎドロップ」の名演技
「朝日イベント・プラス」店長見習 R.O.




paper moon



「重要事件除き裁判権放棄」 政府、米との「密約」公開








Japan FocusとかならともかくAEIに載る記事じゃないな。いくらインターンでもレベル低すぎ。

Ultranationalism Rears Its Ugly Head in Japan
By Hidetoshi Azuma
August 17, 2011, 3:53 pm



Many ultranationalists harbor deep-seated resentment toward American troop presence in Japan, viewing it as an ongoing form of “occupation.” Indeed, Ishihara, an admirer of Hitler, has repeatedly challenged the presence of American boots on Japanese soil.


Thanks to Twitter and other social networking websites, it is easier than ever for ordinary citizens to get swept up in nationalist sentiment.




White nationalist party pushing candidate for Mesa council
Posted: Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:12 am | Updated: 3:02 pm, Thu Aug 25, 2011.
By Garin Groff, Tribune | 6 comments

A political party that advocates for white people plans to run a candidate for an East Valley office - and perhaps other elected positions - next year.
Ralph Brandt is seeking a City Council post in Mesa, the same community where J.T. Ready sought the same office five years ago only to later be pictured at a neo-Nazi rally.
Brandt is the Arizona leader of the American Third Position, a political party that is making a push to run candidates in all 50 states.
He said modern-day McCarthyism is at play against people who promote European heritage, and he's gotten unfriendly responses at times when handing out brochures.
"One reaction I get quite often is if I'm a member of the KKK or a Nazi or something like that - all the usual stereotypes," he said. "Blacks have the NAACP, Mexicans have La Raza but there's no political group representing the political interests of white people. There's a tremendous gap which we have the potential for filling."

The party formed in 2009 and has quickly grown in strength and its activity, said Heidi Beirich, the Southern Poverty Law Center's director of research. The nonprofit civil rights organization said the white nationalist party was founded by skinheads but now is headed by professors and a corporate lawyer.
"The leadership is more highbrow today but the basic principle of the party is to make this a white country.
As a result, we list them as a hate group," Beirich said. "They've got some really high powered white nationalists on there."


25 August 2011 Last updated at 07:59 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
China military 'closing key gaps', says Pentagon

The new capabilities could tempt Beijing to use military force to resolve disputes in its favour, he said.

China criticised the US report as an exaggeration.

"It is weird that the Pentagon, whose expenditures reached nearly $700bn and accounted for over an appalling 40% of the world's total in 2010, routinely points its finger at China, whose military only spends a small fraction of what the Pentagon consumes every year," said a commentary in state-run Xinhua news agency.




August 25, 2011 10:19 AM
Most of Forbes' most powerful women are moms



Police admit failure to treat Chinese man's murder as racist
Lothian and Borders force said there were significant and unacceptable flaws in investigation into Simon San's death

reddit this
Severin Carrell
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 23

The family of a murdered Chinese man have received a public apology after the police admitted that officers had failed to treat an attack by a gang of youths as a racist murder.

Lothian and Borders police said on Tuesday there were a series of "significant" and unacceptable flaws in its investigation into the killing last year of Simon San, a 40-year-old takeaway worker.

San died from severe head injuries after he was attacked by a group of white youths outside the family's Chinese takeaway at Lochend in Edinburgh. San's head hit the ground with fatal force after one attacker, John Reid, 16, struck him with a "poleaxe" blow.

After admitting culpable homicide, Reid was jailed for five years while two other attackers, also 16, had their sentences for assault later cut to 26 and 24 months.

The police had decided the attack was a robbery because San's wallet and mobile were taken. They ignored the family's belief that it was racially motivated, based on earlier incidents and eyewitness testimony that his attackers called San "chinky".

Detectives also found at an early stage that one of San's attackers was "racially prejudiced" and had been reported for a racist offence, while another two had previously been charged for attacking another Chinese shopkeeper.

A year-long internal inquiry overseen by Deputy Chief Constable Steve Allen, the force's second in command, also discovered that a senior investigator on the case was untrained in murder inquiries, that senior officers failed to identify San's murder as a "critical incident" and that the force let down San's family.

It also emerged that the police had wrongly described San as Vietnamese and that one senior officer had claimed he was "in the wrong place at the wrong time", a remark Allen admitted was deeply offensive to the family.



Roma campaigners dismiss Brussels' claim on evictions and expulsions
France and Italy among member states still breaking up camps and deporting EU citizens contrary to announcement, NGOs say

Leigh Phillips in Brussels and Angelique Chrisafis in Paris
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 25 August 2011

A year after a succession of countries in Europe began breaking up Roma encampments and expelling hundreds of EU citizens back mainly to Romania, the European commission has claimed it is winning the battle to protect citizens' right to free movement across the bloc.

But advocates of Roma rights have warned Brussels that it is not doing enough to protect Europe's largest minority ethnic group, and that evictions and deportations continue to be carried out, primarily by France and Italy.


Last July, the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, was lambasted by the commission and the Vatican when he linked immigration to crime and promised to expel Roma migrants and destroy illegal camps in a bid to tighten security.

More than 70% of illegal Roma encampments were razed and families were offered a financial incentive to leave the country. A year on, French NGOs said that despite such "discriminatory targeting" by the government, there were the same number of Roma in France as before many had returned. But with camps destroyed, people were living in more poverty and worse conditions than ever, amid a climate of fear and intimidation towards them.

The commission says it has since applied pressure on member states to protect the rights of Roma EU citizens to move anywhere in the union.


France crime crackdown targets foreigners
By Raphael Hermano (AFP) – Jul 30, 2010

GRENOBLE, France ― French President Nicolas Sarkozy vowed Friday to crack down on foreign-born criminals, pushing his "war on crime" amid fear of violence between police and immigrant minorities.
Sarkozy vowed to strip foreign-born individuals of their French nationality if they attack police or public officials, in the wake of deadly shootings and other violence between police and suspects in largely immigrant districts.
His declaration coincided with evidence of violent behaviour by the authorities themselves: a video of French police violently evicting Africans from a squat in a suburb of Paris.
The video, published on the website DailyMotion and broadcast by CNN news, shows police dragging screaming African women along the ground, including one with a baby in a sling on her back beneath her and another apparently pregnant.

France’s Sarkozy Links Immigration and Crime, Establishes a “National Identity”
Posted Tuesday, August 3, 2010 by Julissa Treviño

France’s conservative president Nicolas Sarkozy has been under fire since he unveiled his proposal for immigration policy Friday. Sarkozy linked crime and lack of security to immigration when he was speaking in the city of Grenoble, where the death of a man of Arab origin who was fleeing the police started a riot two weeks ago, causing leftist groups and immigration advocates to question his motives.

“We are suffering from 50 years of lax immigration regulation which has led to a failure of integration,” Sarkozy says. The French president’s new proposal, which he released on Friday, includes a review of foreign-born underage offenders before they become citizens at 18 and taking away citizenship from foreign-born immigrants who threaten the life of a police officer. Other proposals include sentences of up to 30 years for killing police officers and requiring convicted criminals to wear electronic tags after release.

"I hope that we evaluate the rights and benefits given to illegal immigrants,” Sarkozy says. “An illegal can not have more rights than someone who is here legally." Le Monde analyzes the president’s consistent rhetoric on security and crime this weekend here.

Just last week, Sarkozy made another controversial move when he ordered the removal of Gypsy ― or Roma ― undocumented immigrants and the dismantling of their camp grounds. The Roma immigrant population, most of whom come from Eastern Europe, has had a shaky relationship with the European Union governments. Sarkozy says illegal Gypsy camps are sources of trafficking, exploitation, and prostitution and "will be systematically evacuated.” Those words, in the minds of many, conjured up images of concentration camps and Nazi-like policies.


AUGUST 26, 2011 · 12:53 PM
Arizona’s Latino Community Calls On Senator McCain To Apologize For Blaming Illegal Immigrants For Wildfire

A day after two Arizona men were charged with starting the Wallow Fire, a Democratic state lawmaker accused U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., of erroneously blaming the wildfire on illegal immigrants.

Joined at a news conference by several Latino community leaders, Sen. Steve Gallardo, D-Phoenix, said Thursday that McCain should “man up” and apologize.


In a July testimony to a U.S. House subcommittee, Jim Pena, associate deputy chief of the National Forest System, said that 1 percent of the 457 human-caused fires in southeastern Arizona from 2002-2011 were determined to be caused by illegal immigrants.


illegal immigrants have been a popular target for politicians.

“Over the last year, Hispanic immigrants, and, by association, Latino Americans in this state and this country have been the bogeymen,” he said. “This has to stop.”


川島に相手サポーター「フクシマ」 ゲルミナルが謝罪

25.08.11 10:54u


リールスで行われたアウェイゲームでは、不幸な、そして容認し難い行為が発生し、我々の社会的責任に陰を落としてしまいました。我々は今一度自らの社会的責任に立ち返り、去る金曜日の出来事に特有な経緯と影響を考え、被災なされた日本の皆さまに何らかの支援ができないかとサポーターへの呼びかけを行い、義援金を募ることといたしました。義援金送付先は赤十字(口座名:gift Japan - Beerschot"、口座番号:000-0000053-53)です。

Delen Post op Twitter Deel op Facebook
The incident with the unfortunate and unacceptable chants during the away game at Lierse throws a shadow over this social commitment and the community involvement of the club. To emphasize this commitment and taking into account the specific context of what happened last Friday, Beerschot AC demands its fans to support the people in Japan by donating money at the bank account of the Red Cross, 000-0000053-53, mentioning "gift Japan - Beerschot".・・・・・


CNN Journalist Soledad O’Brien Gives Voice to Ethnic Communities
by Maria Eugenia Miranda , August 24, 2011

CNN Journalist Soledad O’Brien
As the daughter of an interracial couple growing up in a middle-class town on Long
Island in the 1970s, Soledad O’Brien learned not to let inappropriate or racist comments throw her. “On the one hand it was a very normal, boring middle class childhood, and on the other we knew we weren’t always going to fit in,” says the CNN journalist.

So when the Rev. Jesse Jackson complained that CNN didn’t have any Black anchormen and anchorwomen and dismissed her Afro-Cuban heritage on her mother’s side saying at a private meeting in 2007 she didn’t “count as Black,” O’Brien was embarrassed at her response. She felt angry and did not push back with a follow-up question.


Press TV

'Racism built into UK police force'
Fri Aug 26, 2011 7

The British police have killed three people with Taser guns and pepper spray as concerns rise over the police brutality in the United Kingdom.

Amnesty International has expressed concerns over the use of Taser guns by the UK police against British citizens.

Fri Aug 26, 2011 7

Press TV interviews Chris Bambery, a political analyst in London, to discuss the issue.

What follows is the text of the interview:

Press TV: Mr. Bambery, many ask why would the British police have to kill people with Taser and pepper guns, especially since Amnesty International has shown great concerns with this. However, they insist on using such a potentially deadly weapon, why?

Bambery: I think it takes us to the background where we saw a major social unrest in this country this month and calls from the government and police chiefs for the use, in addition to Taser guns and pepper spray, of plastic bullets and CS (Counter-Strike) gas.

Over a thousand people have died in police custody in the last ten years. So, I think there are major questions to be asked about this. The latest killing in Bolton was someone who had clearly psychiatric problems. He was mutilating himself with a knife. He was no danger to anyone but himself so why the police had to shoot him by Taser gun is the question has got to be asked in the first place.

Three deaths in a short space of time, 24 hours, I think, means that we have to consider banning the use of these Taser guns and the pepper spray which was involved in one of the killings and we have to look at the number of deaths in police custody in this country.

If this were happening anywhere else in the world, the British government would complain about the number of people dying in prisons and police cells and at police hands after they are arrested. But here the police chief just simply dismissed these questions and insist that they have to use Taser gun despite the fact that there is a deadly record of that. This also takes place in a bad week for the police in Britain.

The Police Complaints Authority has criticized the police for handling of, late last year, of a student demonstrator who was dragged from his wheelchair twice and beaten with a truncheon and it called that inappropriate although they asked the police they should consider training themselves how to deal with the disabled protesters. It seems to be a slap on arm but it is an embarrassment for the police.

So, I think there are many questions people will be asking about the response to the riots and social unrest. David Cameron, the prime minister, and others have been calling for stepping up a number of weapons, repressing weapons, that the police would have at their disposal.

Press TV: Why do you think the police are not responsive when it comes to killing people, we have Mark Dugan whose death sparked these outrageous protests and now these three people?

Bambery: Well, Mark Dugan's death is the very case in point. The police lied about the conditions in which he was killed. They lied about how he was killed, claiming that he opened fire on them. That turned out to be incorrect. They claimed the bullet that was fired from his gun ricocheted off a police radio. That was found to be the police's bullet but the independent police complaint body which was set up under the last new Labor government which promised to investigate cases of injustice, it proves to be a powerless body which simply gives slap on the wrist to the police and they cannot get away with it.

The people who are dying tend to be people with psychiatric problem, they tend to belong to the minority communities, from black communities, and I think that reflects the dismissal of these people, the racism which is built into the system in this country, built into the police force. I feel that maybe the police feel that these people are almost worthless and therefore they can do what they like with them.

Police brutality・司法



Issue 268, Friday 26 August 2011 - 26 Ramadan 1432

Six racist incidents daily in Manchester schools

By Aliya Al-Yassin

Racism is still at large in Manchester schools. New figures show there are six racist incidents in Greater Manchester classrooms everyday. These include racist jokes, name-calling and intimidation.

The figures were obtained under Freedom of Information rules by the Manchester Evening News.

Additionally, more than 2000 cases of abusive language, racist graffiti and violence were reported in Manchester痴 schools last year. No action was taken in nearly a third of those cases.


AUGUST 26, 2011 · 12:55 PM
UK Filipinos Angered By Racist Tabloid Column

Filipinos in the United Kingdom cried foul as a British tabloid columnist talked of “buying Filipino dwarves” in criticizing Hollywood celebrity couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt when they chartered an entire train express there for their kids and entourage.

On August 16, the couple commissioned 14 carriages of Virgin train for them, their kids and entourage for a 5-hour ride from London to Glasgow.

On Aug. 18, “The Sun” guest columnist Rod Liddle wrote: “They should have bought a team of 25 Filipino dwarves to carry them on a giant golden litter all the way up the M6, which they’d had shut for the day.”

Filipinos, who felt insulted for what was perceived to be an insinuation that Filipinos are short in height and are slaves, expressed their displeasure over Liddle’s column on social networking sites.


AUGUST 26, 2011 · 12:56 PM
Few Say Race Relations Have Improved Under Obama

His election as America’s first black head of state was seen by many as evidence that the U.S. had finally moved on from the days of racism and segregation.

But according to a new survey, many Americans believe race relations may have deteriorated under President Barack Obama’s presidency.

Nearly one in four Americans feel that racial relations have got worse since President Obama took office in 2008, the poll revealed.

Almost a quarter – 23 per cent – of respondents said racial harmony had declined during Mr Obama’s first term in office.

And just 35 per cent said things have improved, while 41 per cent said that nothing had changed.

Put together the poll means that nearly two thirds of Americans believe race relations have remained static or declined.


AUGUST 26, 2011 · 12:54 PM
Official: Oregon Firebomb Suspect Racially Motivated

Federal officials arrested a 24-year-old man this week in the firebombing of an Oregon mosque last year and said he was motivated by racial hatred after a Muslim man was accused of plotting to set off a car bomb in Portland.

Cody Crawford, who has been under investigation since the Corvallis mosque was torched Nov. 28, was arrested Wednesday night at a home in nearby Monmouth. Officials said he did not resist arrest.

オレゴン イスラム教徒が車に放火する計画があると知って、イスラム寺院に放火した、と。

紳助さん引退 「黒い交際」本気で断て'11/8/26





テレビ局 暴力団関係排除ルールを 他

2011年08月26日 01時40分15秒 | Weblog





(2011年8月25日01時47分 読売新聞)






(2011年8月25日18時41分 読売新聞)




Evidence of 'mass execution' in Tripoli
Al Jazeera correspondent finds bodies of men reportedly killed by Gaddafi forces just as rebels closed in on capital.
Last Modified: 25 Aug 2011



New York Times Points Out "Racist Overtones" in Libyan Rebel Disinformation It Helped Spread
by Peter Hart

Still, the rebels have offered their own far-fetched claims, like mass rapes by loyalist troops issued tablets of Viagra. Although the rebels have not offered credible proof, that claim is nonetheless the basis of an investigation by the International Criminal Court.

And there is the mantra, with racist overtones, that the Gadhafi government is using African mercenaries, which rebels repeat as fact over and over. There have been no confirmed cases of that; supposedly there are many African prisoners of war being held in Benghazi, but conveniently journalists are not allowed to see them. There are, however, African guest workers, poorly paid migrant labor, many of whom, unarmed, have been labeled mercenaries.

So stories about African mercenaries are a racist mantra? If that's the case, then point a finger at media outlets like the New York Times. While the warnings about mass rapes and mercenaries fueled the supporters of the NATO bombing, few reporters have detailed -- mostly notably Patrick Cockburn in the Independent -- that there was never solid evidence to support them. They were nonetheless a regular part of the media coverage of the war, as I pointed out in a recent piece in Extra!:






25 August 2011 Last updated at 10:09 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint

Sex abuse claims swamp Australia defence review

Australia's defence forces have been hit by several scandals, prompting wide-ranging reviews

A review into sexual abuse in the Australian military has received such a high volume of complaints that it is being extended, Defence Minister Stephen Smith says.

The government asked a law firm to begin a review following a sex scandal at an Australian defence academy.

Mr Smith said investigators were dealing with more than 1,000 allegations of abuse.

The review will now report back on 30 September, one month behind schedule.

Investigations began after two cadets from the Australian Defence Force Academy were accused of secretly filming a female cadet having sex and broadcasting it on the internet.

They have now been charged in connection with the incident, which raised questions about the treatment of women within the Australian defence establishment.


The scandal followed another relating to the navy.

In February, the defence department released a report chronicling what it called a culture of predatory sexual behaviour on board the naval supply ship, HMAS Success.

It revealed a fiercely tribal culture in which women sailors were treated with disdain, alcohol was seriously misused and discipline had broken down.




NYPD and CIA spy on Muslims
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Published: 24 August, 2011, 21:12


With CIA help, NYPD moves covertly in Muslim areas
By ADAM GOLDMAN, Associated Press – 1 day ago

NEW YORK (AP) ― Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the New York Police Department has become one of the nation's most aggressive domestic intelligence agencies, targeting ethnic communities in ways that would run afoul of civil liberties rules if practiced by the federal government, an Associated Press investigation has found.
These operations have benefited from unprecedented help from the CIA, a partnership that has blurred the line between foreign and domestic spying.
The department has dispatched undercover officers, known as "rakers," into minority neighborhoods as part of a human mapping program, according to officials directly involved in the program. They've monitored daily life in bookstores, bars, cafes and nightclubs. Police have also used informants, known as "mosque crawlers," to monitor sermons, even when there's no evidence of wrongdoing.




Taser's youngest victim dies from cop attack
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Published: 25 August, 2011

Family of teen, who died after police used a stun gun on him, wins $1 million settlement
by Allison Hillaker
Posted: 08.22.2011


Crying racism on rentals
Published: Wednesday, August 24, 2011, 4:52 PM Updated: Wednesday, August 24, 2011, 5:13 PM
By The Oregonian Editorial Board

when the city and Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries made a stab at using the information in the audit to build cases against individual landlords, the whole thing fell apart. On Tuesday, BOLI tossed out the only complaint filed against an audited landlord for alleged discrimination and released the entire audit for the first time, along with an analysis that showed that the field tests were sloppy and the report riddled with errors.


Portland housing audit finds discrimination in 64 percent of tests; city has yet to act against landlords

Published: Monday, May 09, 2011, 9:35 PM

n its first-ever audit to test whether black and Latino renters face barriers in the housing market, Portland found that landlords and leasing agents discriminated in 64 percent of 50 tests across the city.

But Portland, which released the results last month, has not gone after the landlords who discriminated or even notified them they were tested, though such discrimination violates local, state and federal fair-housing laws.

City Commissioner Nick Fish, who oversees the Portland Housing Bureau, said he was "outraged by the results." But he emphasized that stopping discrimination must include education and cooperation with landlords, not just enforcement.

Asked last week whether the city will go after the landlords found in violation, he said: "That's not the right question. The intent is to do a balanced approach. I have concluded that the best approach is to look at changes to the system and not just individual remedies."

To test for discrimination, the Fair Housing Council sent a black or Latino tester and a white tester to answer rental ads. The testers are trained actors who are given a similar script about their employment history, family and incomes. The discrimination occurred at the initial meeting without leasing agents or landlords running background, credit or criminal history checks.

Latinos were treated differently in 17 of 25 tests, and African Americans in 15 of 25. They were quoted higher rent and deposits, for example, or given additional fees, not offered applications or move-in specials, or shown inferior units.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates that 4 million people a year experience housing discrimination nationally, but the agency receives only about 30,000 complaints because many people don't know they've been treated differently or don't think anything will be done.





AUGUST 25, 2011 · 12:56 PM

Massachusetts Landlord Settles Claim He Failed To Stop Racial Harassment

Landlords in Massachusetts have an obligation to ensure that tenants live in housing free from acts of discriminatory conduct, and must take action to address discriminatory acts caused by other tenants.


Global Views on
August 2011

via mozu



AUGUST 25, 2011 · 1:00 PM
St. Louis County Man Charged In Apparent Racially-Motivated Pickaxe Attack

A St. Louis County man yelled racial slurs, swung a pickaxe at a group of people and tried to ram them with his truck Tuesday night in the parking lot of the South County Center, authorities said today.

Joseph Gamache, 28, of the 400 block of West Holden Avenue near Lemay, was charged Wednesday with three counts of first-degree assault, three counts of armed criminal action and unlawful use of a weapon.

He was jailed in St. Louis County in lieu of a $100,000 cash bail.

In a probable cause statement, police said about 8 p.m., Gamache, who is white, became enraged when he saw a white person walking with a group of blacks in the parking lot of the mall at 720 South County Center Way.

Police said Gamache and members of the group argued, then Gamache grabbed a pickaxe from his truck and swung it at a 17-year-old white male and two black males, 18 and 19.

The men jumped out of the way of Gamache’s axe swings, police said.

After four of Gamache’s friends showed up and joined Gamache in making verbal threats, police said, Gamache put his pickaxe in his truck, got behind the wheel and tried to ram at least two of the people in the group while using the “N-word” and threatening to kill them.


Sexist Women Like Pickup Artists

Pickup artist
From Wikipedia


Women who have negative attitudes about members of their own gender find men who treat them in a dominant way during courtship more desirable because it is consistent with their sexist ideology." That is, women who believe that they're helpless may prefer men who treat them that way.







豊かな心とは、 無い時は無いように生きることを楽しみ、 有る時は有るように楽しんで、 それにこだわらず、いつも生々溌剌とした気分で一日を暮らせることだ。 無くて困り、有って困って、 持たない為に陰気になり、 持って、その番をして気が苛立つ人は、 どうしても豊かとはいえない。
8月12日 twittbot.netから


2011.8.26 01:01










(2011年8月26日10時13分 読売新聞)




2011年08月25日 14時11分27秒 | Weblog






J cast

2011/8/25 11:56

もうひとつが警察の動きだ。紳助の会見に合わせたように、「A、B関連情報」がスラスラと出てきている。今回の騒動の発端になったメールにしても、渡辺の携帯電話に残っていたのだから、そんなもの警察以外に知りえない。吉本興 業に持ち込んだのも警察と考えるとすべてがつながる。



社説:芸能人と暴力団 今こそ関係を断とう
毎日新聞 2011年8月25日 2時30分



毎日新聞 2011年8月25日 0時11分













テレビ局の責任は大きい 麻生千晶さん









鼻の穴 他

2011年08月25日 01時21分41秒 | Weblog




社説:民主党代表選 どうする増税 願望ではなく現実論で





日本国債格下げ 財政悪化と政策停滞の警鐘だ(8月25日付・読売社説)


The Shape of a Nose
Cold-weather noses may function differently from those that evolved in hot and humid climates
By Joan Raymond | August 21, 2011 |

Researchers in Germany recently showed that individuals from cold, dry climates, such as Greenland or Siberia, had higher and narrower nasal cavities than those from hot, humid climates, such as Papua New Guinea or Gabon.
This narrowing of the nasal passage enhances contact between the air and the mucosal tissue, which helps to warm and humidify that air, Noback notes. Cold, dry climate populations also show a relatively longer nasal cavity, giving this population more space in which to bring incoming air in line with body temperature.

Which sort of nose do you have? Although you can’t tell much about the external shape of the nose when looking at its internal structure, a narrow, longer internal cavity is generally linked to a relatively narrower and more projecting nose, Holton says.


Asian Americans face new stereotype in ads
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By Paul Farhi,


These sorts of roles haven’t escaped the notice of some Asian Americans, who are of mixed minds about it. On the one hand, it’s hard to object to being associated with positive traits ― intellectual, well-educated, knowledgeable, etc. On the other, they say, it’s a limited and singular cliche for a highly diverse group that comprises nearly 6 percent of the U.S. population and is made up of people of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Indian and South Asian descent as well as other backgrounds.


Search Stereotypes: What Web Content Reveals About Cultural Biases
19 hours ago by Sandra Ordonez


Martinez, a VP and digital content director at the recently launched Mamiverse.com that focuses on the coveted Latina mom market, has been combating one of the web’s dirty little secrets for years: Common web searches that include the word “Latina(s)” surface an inordinate number of porn sites.

In her many years working for Latina-focused sites, not only was it difficult for this industry veteran to ensure that her positive, Latina-empowering content be found when searched, but she was also tired of having to deal with the sleazy, sexual emails she and her colleagues routinely received as a result of this phenomenon.

“The online stereotype of the hyper-sexualized Latina is simply not true. Statistically, most Latinas are the exact opposite: smart moms with families. This is exactly why we launched Mamiverse ― to fill the websphere with more content that is truly reflective of who we are,” Martinez said.

Latinas: All three results are pornographic. Descriptors include “hot,” “young” and “legs wide open.” Seems to hint that women on 8th street, a historic street in an internationally-known Latin neighborhood in Miami, are sexy and “doable.” (Search for Latin women results in various dating sites for men seeking Latin women).



AUGUST 24, 2011 · 12:59 PM

Poll: Europeans Overwhelmingly Against Immigration

An international survey of 23 countries by Ipsos has found opposition to immigration in numerous countries across the world, with majorities often considering its effects to be negative and its scale excessive. European nations were typical of this trend.

Majorities in countries as diverse as Germany, South Africa, Russia, Turkey and the United States were found to consider immigration to have a “very or fairly negative impact”.

Anti-immigration sentiment was particularly strong in Europe, with over 65% of Spaniards, Italians and British polled strongly or partly agreeing that “there are too many immigrants in our country”.

Sweden and Poland were the only European countries surveyed that did not have majorities who considered immigration to have a negative impact. In no country did a majority consider immigration to have been beneficial.

Majorities in most EU countries surveyed agreed that immigration had made it more difficult for citizens to find employment and “placed too much pressure on public services,” such as health care and education

Anti-immigrant sentiment has put significant strain on freedom of movement within the EU. On 11 August, the European Commission approved Spain’s measures to exclude Romanian workers from its labour market.

The Spanish unemployment rate is by far the highest in the EU at 21%. Bulgaria and Romania recently saw their accession to the Schengen border-free area postponed.

The Dutch and Danish governments, whose parliamentary majorities are dependent on the support of far-right anti-immigrant parties, have pushed particularly hard to limit immigration.

In the case of Denmark, the unilateral imposition of new border controls was harshly criticised by the European Commission and Germany.

The number of migrants in the world has increased dramatically over the past decade, according to the International Organisation for Migration, soaring from 150 million in 2000 to 214 million today.

Immigration to the European Union, however, has dropped somewhat in recent years due to the economic recession.

A major study published last month by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) found that immigration to most European nations declined in 2009, including in France (7%), Germany (13%), Spain (18%) and Italy (25%).

Immigration rates to Ireland and the Czech Republic virtually halved over the course of that year.

Similarly the EU’s own statistical service, Eurostat, found that immigration to EU member states dropped by 6% in 2008, while emigration increased by 13%.

But Eurostat also indicates that the number of foreign residents in various EU countries has nonetheless been on the rise, increasing from approximately 28,913,000 in 2007 to 32,493,000 today (including EU citizens residing in another member state).

While anti-immigration sentiment, according to the poll, is broadly shared across Europe, there are significant national differences.

The number of foreigners in some countries, particularly Belgium, France and Germany, has grown relatively slowly over the past decade or has even declined.

Other countries, often traditionally lands of emigration, have seen spectacular increases in foreign residents. According to Eurostat, between 1999 and 2010 their numbers increased from 1.2 million to 4.2 million in Italy, from less than 120,000 to 420,000 in Ireland, and from 650,000 to 5.7 million in Spain.


AUGUST 24, 2011 · 1:02 PM
Borat Nickname Ruled As Racist By UK Employment Tribunal

Borat, the comic character made famous by Sacha Baron Cohen, is said to be a national of Kazakhstan, the Asian former Soviet republic that borders Russia and China.

Kazakhs have long resented both the comedian and his films which they say traduce their nation and its people.

The Leeds tribunal declared someone who was not from Eastern Europe would not have been called Borat and so the engineer, from Wakefield-based TEi Ltd, ‘had been the subject of direct race discrimination’.

The tribunal also said the Borat image also insults Eastern Europeans.

Borat というお笑い番組があるそうな。

The Best Of Borat


AUGUST 24, 2011 · 1:10 PM

UK Woman Beaten Unconscious In Racial Attack

They believe he targeted Ms Collier only seconds after she had tried to intervene in a dispute.

Ms Collier said she was walking along the quiet road when she saw a small group of men and women arguing in the street.

She said: “I heard shouting as I was walking along.

“When I got to the group I saw a man waving a baseball bat in the air and I turned to two women in the group and asked if they were OK.

“He turned and started swearing racist abuse at me as I walked away.

“I carried on walking and the next thing I knew was a punch on the side of my face and I fell to the floor.

“I hit my head and I shouted at him, ‘You don’t have to do this’, and begged him to stop, but punching me wasn’t enough.

“He kicked me then I fell unconscious.”

Ms Collier was taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and treated for a fractured cheekbone and multiple bruises.


AUGUST 24, 2011 · 1:07 PM

White Nationalist Group Supporter Accused Of Assaulting Black Man With Mace

A white man prosecutors say leaves racist literature on downtown cars was indicted Tuesday on accusations he used pepper spray on a black man last December.

Michael Carothers, also known as Michael David Weaver, faces an aggravated assault charge in connection with the Dec. 4 incident on Rose Hill Street, his indictment states.

Carothers was arrested on the charge Tuesday. He’s being held without bond, Muscogee County Jail officials said.

If convicted, the 31-year-old faces one to 20 years in prison in a case one prosecutor says may have been racially motivated.

Carothers’ literature often promotes the National Alliance, a white nationalist group. An example of National Alliance literature left on a downtown car promotes stopping affirmative action with the slogan “White people need jobs, too!”


Pastor accused of raping women behind his church
permalink email story to a friend print version
Published: 22 August, 2011,

August 22, 2011 9:41 AM
South Carolina pastor Dale Richardson accused of raping women behind church



America becomes a food stamp nation
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Published: 24 August, 2011, 00:19

Country wrestles with spike in food stamp use
By Kristina Cooke

updated 8/22/2011 1:59:10 PM ET

Social Security disability on verge of insolvency


updated 8/22/2011 11:22:20 AM ET

More than 45 million Americans, or 15 percent of the population, use government-subsidized food stamps to feed their family today, signaling an increase of 74 percent since 2007. A recent report by Reuters reveals that in 2010, $68 billion went towards the program, which is leaving lawmakers looking towards benefits like these as a way to save pennies and cents from coast-to-coast.
It’s not just the hungry that are in need of a hand-out, however. Social Security benefit claims have climbed to a high too, showing a surge of 50 percent since ten years earlier.
Combined with mass unemployment, aging baby boomers reaching retirement age and a tremendous tally of those that just can’t work, Americans are looking for assistance more than ever; but how long can the country continue to help?
The Associated Press reveals that estimates from Congress suggest that the funds for Social Security disability benefits will be dried up by 2017. By 2040 the money that pays for Social Security retirement checks will be gone, as well. At this rate, Americans don’t stand to achieve assistance in a generation down the road, but Republican lawmakers looking to eliminate entitlement programs as a way of combating the disastrous debt the country has accumulated may bring that end to a time much sooner than Americans anticipate.
Under today’s regulations, Social Security benefits for retirees come into play at age 66, though those younger can reap in revenue for qualifying for disability at a much earlier age. Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue says that many too young for retirement reach out for those disability rewards due to dire times when employment seems out of the question.
"It's primarily economic desperation," Astrue says to AP. "People on the margins who get bad news in terms of a layoff and have no other place to go and they take a shot at disability.”
Of those that can find work, it is often not enough to raise a family. More than 70 million Americans received minimum wage or lower as workplace compensation in 2010, tallying up to 6 percent of the US population. A few years before the recession, that figure was only at 3 percent of America. Tashawana Green from Queens Village, New York tells Reuters that she was working for barely $8/hour to support her six-year-old daughter, and though food stamps helped her through hardships, the country shouldn’t be expected to foot the bill when employers can’t.



2011年08月24日 22時15分56秒 | Weblog
タレントの島田紳助氏が芸能活動を引退――会見全文 (1/5)







紳助さん、組幹部に親密メール 直筆手紙も



2011/08/24 15:42 【共同通信】


十数年前TV発言で右翼トラブル 山口組幹部が解決
2011.8.24 14:32




8月24日 19時7分




Jake Adelstein

@akirasakurai その通り。ほぼ全国で暴力団排除条例が決定され、東京の条例が厳しい。暴力団に利益供与する企業や団体はまず中止勧告。次は警察が条例違反で担当者を逮捕し、同時に企業名も公開。吉本興業は暴力団との関係が以前から指摘され、摘発を免れたいため、島田紳助はお荷物。
22時間前 YoruFukurouから



島田紳助さん芸能界引退と暴力団排除条例について若狭 勝弁護士の解説です。


元東京地検公安部長の若狭 勝弁護士の解説です。




(08/24 18:48)


NEWSFLASH: Japanese TV Star Shimada Shinsuke to announce retirement at 10pm press conference due to alleged Yamaguchi-gumi ties

Allegedly, the reasons behind his retirement are that his close ties to a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi Kyokushinrengo (山口組極心連合)might be exposed in a weekly magazine.
・・・・・The talent agency he belongs to Yoshimoto Kogyo, has been rumored to have yakuza ties for years. The company was listed on the stock market for a short time but then later withdrew as a listed company on their own, or after considerable pressure from the police.・・・・・




UPDATE: Shimada’s relationship to the yakuza boss in question allegedly included cash gifts to the boss for “looking after me.” The police are taking an interest in the reasons behind the alleged donations.



島田 その時は僕は本当に(芸能界を)やめるつもりでいましたから、人間ですから、解決できたことにホッとしました。ただ、Bさんに解決してもらって、「これはあんな風になることが起こったな」という認識はありました。だから、「どうしよう」と。この世界の方とその世界の方が接触してはいけないと思いました。





橋本 弘文

橋本 弘文(はしもと ひろふみ、本名:姜 弘文(カン ホンムン)在日韓国人、1947年1月8日 - )は、六代目山口組若頭補佐兼大阪南ブロック長、極心連合会会長、元三代目山健組組長代行。


1976年、三代目山口組若頭・山本健一率いる山健組に加入し、山口組に傘下入り。1983年には橋本組を極心連合会に改称。山本の歿後、渡辺芳則が継承した二代目山健組では若頭補佐を務め、1987年には若頭代行に昇格。渡辺が山口組5代目を継承した1989年桑田兼吉を組長とする三代目山健組が発足すると、序列2位の若頭に就任。山口組若頭・宅見 勝が暗殺された1997年の暮れに、山口組若頭補佐を務める組長・桑田が逮捕されると、組長不在となった山口組最大の2次団体を守り発展させるべく力を尽くした。2003年5月、桑田の実刑確定を受けた執行部改編により組長代行に昇格した。





四年前のサイゾーの記事、スゲエ。読むと今回の紳介の件が全て腑に落ちる RT @supportista 07年、サイゾーの記事。RT @resotta: 4年前にこんなことが書かれてたんだねぇ|羽賀事件の裏で狙われる、大物芸能人の「危険度」 cyzo.com/2007/09/post_2…








紳助さん出演局に街宣車 山口組系組長がトラブル解決2011年8月25日2時1分




2011.8.25 02:00 (1/2ページ




【文春vs新潮 vol.6】 島田紳助は、どこまで黒いのか?
【社会ニュース】 2011/08/25(木)








紳助さん引退と吉本のコンプライアンス 両者、認識にずれ



腑に落ちない 他

2011年08月24日 00時35分54秒 | Weblog
島田紳助さん、芸能界引退 暴力団関係者と交際



via FG


島田紳助が芸能界を引退する。今夜10時から東京の吉本興業で緊急会見を行うと言う。今までやりたい放題で悪事を繰り返してきた紳助だが、今回は逮捕の噂まで出てきた。読売グループのドンにでも泣きついた!? いずれにしても芸能界の暴れん坊・紳助もついに年貢の納め時のようだ。






2011年8月23日(火) 19時00分~20時54分

元超美人女性だったが今は男性として生きるおニイMANS 彼女を両親に紹介!



2011/8/22 13:02






B型は就活に不利? 面接で血液型聞く企業おかしくないか!
2011/8/23 12:14





The Right Way to Trim
Published: August 4, 2011


For example, in Japan and South Korea, our allies pay a significant portion of the cost for basing American troops there because they want an insurance policy in a region faced with a rising China and a volatile North Korea.


For example, in Japan and South Korea, our allies pay a significant portion of the cost for basing American troops there because they want an insurance policy in a region faced with a rising China and a volatile North Korea.



[WSJ日本語]「米軍、カダフィ後のリビアで平和維持に参加せず」on.wsj.com/qCNNwr 一貫して消極的


アメリカとドイツの態度の違いがおもしろい。しかし、今回のNatoの介入が「人権と民主主義の守り手」としての介入だったのか?それほど、世界の「人権と民主主義」にコミットしているなら、他にも、介入すべきところがあるようにも思うが、ここらへん、本音と建て前 の乖離はアラブ諸国その他からは明かではないかなああ。


Crude Western interests in Libya
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Published: 23 August, 2011



Three questions on Libya
Marwan Bishara Last Modified: 22 Aug 2011 22:09

What about the Western powers - notably France, Britain and the US - where does the 'success' in Libya take them?・・・・・

Certainly the NATO aerial bombardment did help, but this was a revolutionaries' victory par excellence. The battle was won first and foremost in the hearts of the Libyans, just as with the Egyptians and Tunisians before them.

Besides, after decades of complicity with Arab dictators, Western powers have much to make up for: They inserted themselves in the Libyan revolution after Gaddafi made genocidal threats against his people, but their interference was not necessarily motivated by humanitarian ends, rather more of the same geopolitics that led to befriending Gaddafi, Ben Ali and Mubarak in the first place.

Syria is far more complicated and Britain and France will need to keep out of it militarily.

That's not to say that the Libyans should be unappreciative for the extended helping hand. Better to have Western powers on the right side of Arab history for a change. And there is much room for cooperation and coordination in the future, but it should be done on the basis of mutual respect and mutual interest, especially that of the Arabs who are in every need of affirmative action.

Western leaders must also steer away from driving a wedge between those whom they consider moderates and others deemed "Islamists", as Libya will need cooperation among all its citizens.






AUGUST 23, 2011 · 1:47 PM

Bullying Victims Often Suffer Academically, Particularly High Achieving Blacks And Latinos
We find that bullying has implications for achievement regardless of racial and ethnic background, but seems to be especially detrimental for subsets of certain racial and ethnic groups.”


AUGUST 23, 2011 · 1:45 PM
Racism Against Muslims & Jews On The Rise In Sweden

Racism toward Jews and Muslims is growing in Sweden, a public agency that advocates for tolerance, democracy and human rights says in a report.

The Living History Forum report indicates the number of racist Swedish Web sites has nearly doubled since 2009, the Swedish news agency TT reported.

Web sites created by right-wing extremist groups publish and spread anti-Semitic and Islamophobic propaganda. The report showed school textbooks have begun to show prejudice.

“There is today a small but growing minority that harbor hatred against Muslims and Jews,” Minister for Integration Erik Ullenhag said Monday in a statement.

Recent crime statistics show there were 161 anti-Semitic crimes reported and 272 Islamophobic crimes reported last year. However, the Living History Forum said it believes the actual numbers may be higher.


AUGUST 23, 2011 · 1:43 PM

Racist Killer’s Bid For Less Jail Time Dismissed

An Australian man who murdered a Sudanese teenager by beating him about the head with a metal pole has failed in his bid to reduce his 20-year sentence.

Clinton David Rintoull, 25, was in 2009 sentenced to 20 years’ jail with a non-parole period of 16 years, for the 2007 murder of Liep Gony.

He had beaten his drunk 18-year-old victim about 15 times over the head with a metal pole in Noble Park, in Melbourne’s south-east, after going out armed with a pole yelling: “I am going to take my town back, I’m looking to kill the blacks.”

Mr Gony died of his head injuries in hospital a day later.


AUGUST 23, 2011 · 1:41 PM

Australian Teachers Accused Of Racially Abusing Migrant Students

The city’s submission to Federal Parliament’s joint standing committee on migration said migrants and refugees were subjected to racial “abuse and discrimination, especially those who look different”.

“This … does not only occur on the street but can also occur in institutions such as schools, with perpetrators being not necessarily children but staff,” the council says.



A vile hate fuels these troglodytes
Tracey Spicer From: The Daily Telegraph August 23, 2011 12:00AM

I'M struggling to find the right expletives to describe the trolls who defaced the Facebook tribute page of Ayen Chol. These repugnant animals have spewed bile on the corpse of a four-year-old girl and her grieving family.

Apparently it's not enough that she was ripped apart last week by a savage pitbull-cross.

One person - if you can call them that - described the dog as a legend. Others attacked the victim because of her race.

"These Sudanese c ... s come here and cause so much trouble," ranted one.

"F ... the little nigger were (sic) lucky she died before she grew up to breed and make more little nigger f ... s," said another, from the group F ... Off We're Full. Delightful.

Sadly, the response to such incidents is predictable. The government is "seeking advice on any action that can be taken", police say they will "work with Facebook to have any offensive content removed" and Facebook is "expressing its deepest sympathies".



Racist fans and hatred await Eto'o at Anzhi
Benedikt von Imhoff, Sapa-dpa | 22 8月, 2011 15:32

Russian footballer Yury Zhirkov did not expect such hatred when he came home.

But during his first game after leaving Chelsea for a cool transfer fee of 21.6 million dollars the 28-year-old Zhirkov, one of Russia’s top players, was whistled and sworn at by thousands of Moscow fans every time he touched the ball.

Zhirkov is, according to some Moscow fans’ way of thinking, twice a sell out: first because he left Russia for England’s Premier League, and second because he joined detested Anzhi, a side from Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim province on the Caspian Sea.

But Anzhi is owned by Suleyman Kerimov, a multi-billionaire who has embarked on a campaign to convert the Caucasian provincial side into a top contender with the help of players like Zhirkov.

Racism and xenophobia are widely prevalent among ethnic Russian football fans with non-Slavic foreigner legionnaires and players from Russia’s Caucasian districts their favourite targets.


We were like a herd of cattle or sheep: Japanese-Americans imprisoned in America after Pearl Harbor speak out on emotional return to camps
Last updated at 9:13 PM on 22nd August 2011

An excerpt from Heart Mountain introductory film "All We Could Carry"



シベリア抑留:東京で犠牲者追悼の集い 80人が参列


今日はシベリアに抑留されJapanese prisoners of war in the Soviet Union

Bollywood blockbuster banned over fears of inter-caste violence
By Dean Nelson in New Delhi 3:53PM BST 12 Aug 2011

From Wikipedia,


見えないゴリラ 他

2011年08月23日 01時16分57秒 | Weblog







News23 クロス

2011年8月22日(月)次の放送>最終更新日:2011年8月22日(月) 21時1分

2011年8月22日(月) 23時50分~24時00分 の放送内容












社説:人権救済機関 身内で対応できるのか






selective attention test






中国軍事専門家・平松茂雄 中国空母時代の到来を見据えよ



China's Growing Military Muscle: A Looming Threat?
June 20, 2011

"We only want one thing: Don't harm our interests," says retired Maj. Gen. Xu Guangyu. But China's interests are expanding at warp speed, encompassing ever more shipping lanes, oil supply channels and Chinese citizens overseas.



Obama Interview: The complete transcript

But we also think that there are some additional things we need to do given that the economy has slowed down in part because of how badly I think the American people responded to the brinksmanship that we saw around the debt ceiling. That has hampered business confidence and consumer confidence and we're gonna need to give it another jump start.



発信箱:日本になっちゃう!=福本容子(論説室)毎日新聞 2011年8月19日 0時10分



The Vapors Turning Japanese totp2

The Vapors

Turning Japanese Lyrics

Turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so

No sex, no drugs, no wine, no women
No fun, no sin, no you, no wonder it's dark
Everyone around me is a total stranger
Everyone avoids me like a cyclone ranger
That's why I'm turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese





AUGUST 22, 2011 · 11:58 AM
Study: Online Racism In New Zealand On The Rise

A growing number of New Zealanders are airing their “dark underbelly” in racist comments online, according to research.

Those behind the study warn that something needs to change or New Zealand could face similar race-motivated and social networking co-ordinated riots that have wracked London and Sydney.

ニュージーランド ネットでの人種差別コメントが多くて、ロンドンやオーストラリアの暴動のようなことがおきてしまうかも、と。


2005 Cronulla riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Monday, 12 December 2005, 06:47 GMT

Howard condemns riots in Sydney

There were angry confrontations between police and youths
Australian Prime Minister John Howard has called for ethnic and religious tolerance in the wake of race riots in Sydney over the weekend.
Attacking people "on the basis of their race, their appearance [and] their ethnicity" was unacceptable, he said.

Thousands of young white men attacked people of Arabic and Mediterranean background on Cronulla Beach on Sunday



AUGUST 22, 2011 · 11:54 AM
Australian Appeals Board Says Man’s Swastika Drawing Was Not Racial Vilification

“… While Jewish people were the pre-eminent category of victim subjected to the hellish conditions of the concentration camps (and without in any way seeking to downplay the unspeakable enormity of the Holocaust), non-Jewish victims of the Nazi concentration camps (Soviet prisoners of war, non-Jewish ethnic Poles, gypsies, disabled people, homosexuals, freemasons etc) number in the many millions.”

The board said it accepted O’Loughlin’s statement that he drew the swastika to draw a comparison between concentration camps and his workplace.




'They didn't try to help'' as dog attacked child
Pia Akerman From: The Australian August 19,

WHEN a pitbull terrier cross burst through the door and latched on to four-year-old Ayen Chol on Wednesday night, her mother screamed for help.

"Help, help, the dog is eating my daughter," Jackline Anchito cried as the life drained from the little girl in her sitting room.

The dog had run from a house only 50m away on the opposite side of the street in St Albans, northwest Melbourne.

According to relatives of the Sudanese refugee family, the neighbours who owned the dog rushed over, but stood back from the attack and made no attempt to grab the dog. "They didn't try to help her," said Daniel Atem, a cousin of Ayen's father. "They just called the dog. They didn't go to hold it."

AUGUST 21, 2011 · 4:01 PM

Facebook Tribute Site For Girl Mauled By Dog Ruined By Racists


Rachel Alexander
Anti-Americanism Disguised as Ethnic Studies in Tucson Schools
8/22/2011 | Email Rachel Alexander

The Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) is in a contentious fight with the state of Arizona over its controversial Mexican-American Studies program. A state law went into effect in Arizona on January 1, 2011, banning the teaching of ethnic studies in K-12 schools. It was prompted by an investigation into TUSD’s ethnic studies curriculum by Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne when he was State Superintendent of Schools.

The program is known as “raza studies,” which means race studies, championed by organizations like the far left organization National Council of La Raza. The course does not simply teach Latino youth about their heritage, it goes well beyond that. The textbooks teach Latino youth that they are mistreated by America, training them to become radical anti-American activists. Textbooks include “The Pedagogy of the Oppressed” and “Occupied America.” Another text "gloats over the difficulties our country is having at enforcing its immigration laws." Benjamin Franklin is vilified as a racist. White people are referred to as “gringos” and “oppressors” of Latino people. “Privilege” is described as related to a person’s ethnicity.

At a TUSD school board meeting on May 10, one upset mother read excerpts from the textbook “An Epic Poem,” including,

My land is lost and stolen, My culture has been raped….we have to destroy capitalism…overthrow a government that has committed abuses….to the bloodsuckers, the parasites, the vampires who are the capitalists of the world: The schools are tools of the power structure that blind and sentence our youth to a life of confusion, and hypocrisy, one that preaches assimilation and practices institutional racism.




U-talk tackles sexism
20/08 16:39 CET

Belgium - Europe - Women’s rights

“I am Ana from Lisbon. I would like to know how can we put an end to sexism and to the prevailing social differences between men and women which is an ongoing problem in the world?”

To answer Ana’s question U-talk asked Belgian feminist and member of the ‘Dare to be feminist’ collective Laure Juteau to comment:

Sexism is all about putting people in boxes as soon as we meet them, labelled either ‘man’ or ‘woman’. As soon as they deviate from that, even a little, they are quickly reminded to get back into line and play their role.

“For example, a woman is the technical director of some sort in an organisation, yet whenever she meets someone their reaction is ‘Ah, you must be the director’s assistant’. Of course it’s not possible that a woman could run anything technical.

“It’s also a man who chooses to be a nurse, but who no-one trusts because they find it strange he’s doing a ‘woman’s’ job.

“When you think about it, it’s completely ridiculous to assign social behaviour according to a person’s gender; in fact, anything could have been chosen.

It could be hair colour; we could have decided that blondes, because they are more fragile in bright sunlight, should only stay indoors and look after the children at home, and that brunettes could do outdoor work, or that redheads with their striking looks would make good diplomats. We could have organised society like that, why not?

“Expressed in this way it is so obviously ridiculous, but that’s the way men and women are categorised, and it is so rooted in us that it seems logical, justified.


Job search hampered by 'sexism'
ANNA PEARSON Last updated 13:00 19/08/2011

A female joiner struggling to get work says sexism is thriving in Nelson.

Astrid Gluth, a German-trained joiner, believes she is being discriminated against by potential employers and even by clients who have phoned to engage her services but have changed their minds after discovering she is female.

Her concerns come as the Green Party and the Council of Trade Unions launch an equal pay petition tackling gender issues in modern workplaces.

Having lived in Golden Bay for 17 years, Ms Gluth shifted to Nelson, where she applied for two part-time general maintenance positions, including one which she had a "raving reference" for.

"I thought I was perfect for the job. I was surprised that I was not even invited for an interview. I heard through the grapevine that the guy who was in charge of maintenance didn't want to work with a woman."

Ms Gluth also advertised that she was a "handyperson looking for part-time maintenance work".

She received three replies, but when the callers realised she was a woman, they lost interest.

"One was actually a woman, and she said they were looking for someone who could use a chainsaw.

"I said, `I can – I have done a chainsaw course', but she said, `I think we really need someone strong'."

Ms Gluth said she was a physical person who went to the gym four times a week.

で、これはニュージランド 工務などの一般保守の仕事をしたいと思ったが、能力はあっても女性であり、女性に対する固定観念のために断られた、と。








2011年08月22日 17時05分54秒 | Weblog


女児死亡 階段付近で暴行か
8月22日 12時45分










毎日 2011年8月20日東京朝刊






共同 2011/08/21 18:20

里子殺害、暴行後に女児を移動か 発覚恐れ、転落装う?




日経 2011/8/21 19:16

前日に衝動的に暴行か 里子女児虐待死


朝日 2011年8月22日5時7分

壁に血痕、髪つかみぶつけたか 里子虐待死容疑




読売 2011年8月22日5時7分



産経 2011.8.22 09:51

 寝室から遺体運ぶ? 階段転落を偽装か


産経 2011.8.22 17:34

1階で激しく暴行か 壁に叩きつけ、殴る?









糞議員の戯言より 他 

2011年08月21日 21時53分38秒 | Weblog
happy bday to nina.wmv






Studying the Fukushima Aftermath
'People Are Suffering from Radiophobia'

SPIEGEL: And to help people relax, you also said that doses of 100 millisievert per year would be fine? This is normally the limit for nuclear power plant workers in emergency conditions.

Yamashita: I did not say that 100 millisievert is fine and no reason to worry. I just said that below that threshold we cannot prove a higher risk for cancer. That is the evidence from research in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl.

SPIEGEL: From previous studies we have learned that if 100 people are exposed to levels of 100 millisievert, statistically speaking, one person will get cancer because of the radiation. Is it possible to project the level of danger of lower doses?

Yamashita: That could be. The problem is that to estimate the risk for disease we use the so-called linear-nonthreshold dose-response model, which assumes that even a small additional radiation dose would cause a small increase in cancer incidence in an exposed population. Such an increase is theoretically measurable, but with the doses below 100 millisievert it is statistically insignificant and thus cannot be considered as an argument in support of excessive risk. Also, with a tumor we do not know what caused it. Radiation does not leave a diagnosable signature. From radiation biology we also know that smaller doses can damage human DNA. But the human body can effectively repair those injuries within a short time; this is a natural intrinsic protective mechanism. That is what I am trying to tell the people.




Sparring Over Berlin's 'Mona Lisa'
German-Hating Frenchman Sparked Nefertiti Row

By Michael Sontheimer and Ulrike Knöfe




Egyptians Not Allowed into Egyptologists Club

The old and still acrimonius dispute can be summed up in a few sentences: Almost 100 years ago, there was one man who did not recognize the beauty of Nefertiti, Egypt's antiques inspector Gustave Lefebvre, who was originally from France. This young man, in his glasses and sun hat, an expert on papyrus scrolls and responsible for the export of antiquities, naïvely relinquished the bust to the German archeologist who had dug it up. Everyone acted in accordance with the laws in effect at the time, and yet they nonetheless seemingly behaved dishonestly.

Although the British controlled Egypt at the time, the French were traditionally responsible for the supervision, care and distribution of antiquities. Decades earlier, they had been the first archeologists in the country, and now the British tolerated them in their capacity as custodians of historic finds. The Egyptian antiquities administration even had a French name.

Around 1900, almost any nation was permitted to conduct digs in Egypt. This led to an atmosphere of archeological tourism and a race for the best dig sites. The only exceptions were the Egyptians, who were not considered exclusive enough for the club of Egyptologists. Instead, they worked as laborers at the digs, scraping their heritage out of the arid soil, while others made the decisions.




Blaming the Periphery
Right-Wing Populists Stoke Anti-Southern Rage

By Alexander Jung and Bernhard Zand

Right-wing populists in the Netherlands, Austria and Finland are stoking anger against people in debt-laden southern European countries. Experts say they are taking advantage of the debt crisis to gain popularity.

Some particularly cruel comments have emanated from right-wing populist Dutch politician Wilders. "We work while they eat souvlaki and drink ouzo," he said of the Greeks.


August 20, 2011 · 2:09 pm
Former Club Manager Says She Was Fired For Refusing To Enforce Racial Quotas


It is not unusual for popular watering holes to bar African-American males because of a dress code.

If black guys are wearing baggy jeans and a $140 pair of Jordans, they can forget about getting in most clubs. On the other hand, white guys can get past security guards wearing frayed khakis and faded T-shirts.

But discrimination in the club scene has been hard to ferret out. That may soon change, thanks to a whistle-blower who claims to have witnessed the discrimination firsthand.

Camila Klinger, 27, was fired as general manager for a popular bar in Lincoln Park in 2010. Two weeks ago, she filed a lawsuit in federal court alleging that Anthony Anton, the owner of Fuze (formerly known as Skybar) at 2242 N. Lincoln, routinely used illegal tactics to limit the number of African Americans in the club.

Among other things, Klinger’s suit alleges that Anton’s discriminatory practices included: Telling her that there were too many black people in the club; ordering her to tell the DJs to stop playing African-American music so black patrons would leave, and raising the club’s cover charge and cost for party packages for black customers so they would choose to go elsewhere.

“Anton made it clear to Klinger that certain racial minority groups, particularly African Americans, were not welcome in the club,’’ the suit states.

“Something inside of me felt that this was not acceptable in any form,” Klinger told me in an interview at her lawyer’s office. “I felt like I had to speak out. A lot of people see things, they witness things and they don’t have the means and resources to bring some kind of awareness. I feel like the only way for good to come out of this is if I expose this.”

Within two weeks of being hired at Fuze, “Anton required plaintiff to cancel the regular hip-hop night and fire the event’s African-American promoters because it drew a primarily African-American crowd,’’ the suit says.

Klinger said in our interview that Anton told her the Thursday night events were “too dark.”

“He said there were problems, but there were never any problems,’’ she said. “These were college kids.”

One of the black promoters who worked with Klinger agreed to talk about the discriminatory treatment on the condition of anonymity.

Essentially, I was being told I could not bring a certain amount of African Americans. The owner really wanted to have more Caucasians at the venue,” she told me in a phone interview. “This is something that goes on in a lot of spaces.”

Things came to a head on a Sunday night when Klinger said she was called on the carpet after an African American and a Latino got into a fight in the bar.

“This was the only time there was a fight,” she said.

The suit states that after the incident, Anton told her “that she needed to start enforcing the racial quotas and that if she would not do it he would find someone who would.”

Added Klinger: “When I said what he was asking me to do was morally wrong and illegal, he said I had to leave.”

Klinger’s lawsuit seeks an unspecified amount of punitive and compensatory damages. Jill Weinstein, Klinger’s attorney, said the only way these practices will change is if other people like Klinger speak up.


Fil-Ams win US racial suit
By Nimfa U. Rueda
Philippine Daily Inquirer
1:09 am | Sunday, August 21st, 2011

LOS ANGELES―Four Filipino-American health workers, who were fired for speaking Tagalog in the workplace, have won the discrimination lawsuit they filed against the Bon Secours Health System, a hospital based in Baltimore, Maryland.

“Everyone has the right to speak their own native language in the workplace so long as it does not adversely affect their job performance or put their patients’ lives in danger,” said Valera.

In their affidavits, the health workers said they made sure they spoke English while performing their work and only spoke Tagalog to each other during breaks.
Natano, one of the nurses, recalled in her affidavit that she had once been reprimanded for replying “Salamat po, doc” (Thank you, Dr.) to a Filipino physician, who had offered her food, speaking to her in Tagalog.
During patient care, we did not talk Tagalog in front of the patient. There was no incident reported that talking in Tagalog could cause harm to our patients or our coworkers,” said Granada.
After she lost her job, Granada was forced to return to the Philippines because it became more difficult for her to find a job as a health unit coordinator because of her pregnancy. She is now back in Baltimore and has given birth to a boy who is now 9 months old.
“There were nurses in the ER who committed mistakes that put the lives of their patients in danger but they’re still there because they’re Caucasian,” Yap added.

(Speak English)


Tom English: 'There are shocking levels of racism in Spanish football'

Published Date: 21 August 2011

Instead, it's been a full-on investigation into Wenger and the great scandal of the Emirates.

In February, Alves spoke about the racism in Spanish football. "At first I was quite shocked, but now I don't give it any importance," he said. "I have ADVERTISEMENT

learned to live with it in all the matches but I don't feel offended. They insult me, they call me monkey. My family are unhappy, they complain but I try to distance myself from it."

Alves said the abuse was uncontrollable. "It will not go away." His resignation was understandable but disturbing. It's just the way it is, he said. Well, it shouldn't be. It should never be this way. If UEFA had a backbone they'd have acknowledged Alves' comments, taken them to the Spanish FA and said: ‘Unless you clamp down on racism in your football and start closing stadiums, docking points and suspending teams from competitions then you're going to pay a heavy price'.

They didn't do it but then they were never likely to. In recent years there's been countless examples of shocking levels of racism in Spanish football and nothing of substance is ever done.

Here's a potted history over the last seven years: The Ivory Coast striker, Felix Ettien, talks about how his club, Levante, treated him like a leper, how they used to make him get changed in a different dressing room to the white players, how when he got ill they used to think he had AIDS. National team coach Luis Aragones describes Thierry Henry as "black shit" and says "I shit on his prostitute mother." Aragones is fined £2,000, which is later cancelled. Angel Torres, president of Levante, denies allegations of racism among the club's support. "We reject racism and xenophobia and we will show it. I will propose that my players paint their faces black for our next home match." Atletico Madrid fined £420 for racial abuse of Roberto Carlos. Ashley Cole and Shaun Wright Phillips hit with monkey chants during an international match in Madrid.

Osasuna's black striker, Pierre Webo, taunted at Espanyol. Carlos Kameni, of Espanyol and Cameroon, has bananas thrown at him at Malaga. Samuel Eto'o targeted at Albacete. Eto'o threatens to walk off the pitch after suffering racism at Real Zaragoza, who are fined about £7,000. Real Madrid fined £7,000 for Nazi banners. Deportivo fined £411 for "sustained racist abuse" while Atletico are fined £530 after fans hurled snowballs at players. Marseille's Nigerian full-back Taye Taiwo abused at Atletico. Kameni the subject of racism at Barcelona while stewards stood close to the perpetrators and did nothing. La Liga react to criticism by anti-racism body, Coalition Against Racism, by cancelling their grants. Eto'o says there could never be a black referee in La Liga - "they'd kill him".

There are, no doubt, many more incidents that have never been reported. Everybody talks about the pushing and shoving in El Clasico but the real poison is the racism.


Belgian topflight game halted over Fukushima slurs
Published 12:40 p.m., Saturday, August 20, 2011

BRUSSELS (AP) ― A game in the Belgian topflight was temporarily stopped on Saturday after visiting fans taunted Japanese goalkeeper Eiji Kawashima over the recent Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The referee halted the match between Lierse SK and Beerschot after some Beerschot supporters began chanting: "Kawashima-Fukushima."

The match resumed after a delay of several minutes and ended in a 1-1 draw. Kawashima left the pitch in tears and said later he could forgive many insults, "but not this."

The Japan international said: "Using the drama of Fukushima in this manner is not at all funny."

川島悔し涙 相手サポーターが「カワシマ、フクシマ」の“ヤジ”
ベルギー1部リーグ リールセ1―1Gベールショット (8月19日 リール)



リールセ・川島に"カワシマ!フクシマ!"チャント 第4節ゲルミナル戦

川島に相手サポーター「フクシマ」 ゲルミナルが謝罪



25.08.11 10:54u



リールスで行われたアウェイゲームでは、不幸な、そして容認し難い行為が発生し、我々の社会的責任に陰を落としてしまいました。我々は今一度自らの社会的責任に立ち返り、去る金曜日の出来事に特有な経緯と影響を考え、被災なされた日本の皆さまに何らかの支援ができないかとサポーターへの呼びかけを行い、義援金を募ることといたしました。義援金送付先は赤十字(口座名:gift Japan - Beerschot"、口座番号:000-0000053-53)です。





Football umpire accused of taunting indigenous player

Craig Hutchinson and Andrew Pascoe From: Sunday Herald Sun August 21, 2011 12:00AM

A COUNTRY football umpire is the latest figure to be involved in a racial vilification case this year.

He is alleged to have racially abused a player in a North Gippsland Football League match last weekend.

The player was from Woodside Football Club, playing Cowwarr.

It is alleged the umpire racially taunted the indigenous player during the last quarter before the player retaliated by kicking a ball at the umpire's head.

North Gippsland league general manager Gordon Bailey said the issue was disappointing.


Why do certain media demonize Muslims?

Why do certain media choose to offer platforms to those who spread malicious lies and instill fear about Muslims? Do they agree with those sentiments? Is it to influence their government's policies on multiculturalism, immigration or laws banning Muslim institutions and practices? Is it in the name of free speech for Muslim-bashers? To fill space? To improve ratings? Or merely for the hell of it?
Take a look at the Canadian cases of Maclean's magazine and columnist Mark Steyn, and the Sun Media chain and both Geert Wilders and Ann Coulter. All three warn of the imminent Muslim threat to civilization -- that's good old us, of course -- and demonize an entire religion and its adherents by effectively lumping together all the world's 1.5 billion Muslims as one homogeneous, monolithic, looming, existential menace. Never mind that Muslims live in every country on earth and are divided by sect, nationality, class, language, religious practice, ideology and race.

The goal of the Muslim-haters is surely clear enough. By lumping all Muslims together as terrorists, by equating a violence-prone Muslim lunatic fringe with all Muslims, by insulting the hundreds of millions of moderate Muslims everywhere, they alienate all Muslims and create among non-Muslims an irrational fear of and hostility to all Muslims. What purpose can this serve other than to provoke a clash, possibly a violent one, between Muslims and the rest? Anders Breivik didn't come from nowhere, nor will the next Breivik.
But what's the interest of certain media in enabling these haters to spread their gospel, to fan the flames of intolerance? What audience are they after? What do they expect their audiences to make of all this sympathetic exposure to rabid anti-Muslim feelings? Why are they inciting ordinary people to hate other ordinary people? Why?


日本で言えば、Japan Timesがヘイトブログである有道氏のブログにリンクをつけて、彼の記事を掲載しているのはなぜなのか、といった問題意識と同じでしょう。

Tensions rise as Latinos feel under siege in America's deep south
As illegal workers flee the threat of police checks, southerners are uniting to fight the laws dividing communities and killing economies which rely on immigrants to thrive

Paul Harris
The Observer, Sunday 21 August 2011


Illegal Alien Who Saved Child Is in Center of Debate on New Policy for Illegal Immigrants

Aug. 20, 2011

The Obama administration's new policy allowing illegal immigrants without criminal records to remain in the country has stirred up debate, and Antonio Diaz Chacon, the country's latest illegal immigrant hero, is in the middle of it.

On Monday, Chacon, 23, jumped into his pickup truck when he saw a 6-year-old girl being abducted and chased down the alleged abductor, who crashed into a light pole and ran into the desert in Albuquerque, N.M. Chacon then rescued the child, and the suspect has since been arrested and charged with kidnapping and child abuse.

While being questioned by reporters, Chacon revealed his immigration status.

Chacon, who is originally from Chihuahua, Mexico,
is married to an American and has been in the United States for four years. But he gave up attempts to obtain legal residency because, he said, the process was difficult and expensive,
according to The Associated Press.





韓流偏重「なぜ抗議されなきゃ?」 フジ、文書受取り拒否の高姿勢
2011/8/21 17:19







crocodile tears 他

2011年08月21日 01時17分10秒 | Weblog




@inchiki_gaijin 武恋伝

今日の英会話…寂しいふりする。悲しくないや後悔していないのに、そのような表情をする→「crocodile tears」例:he pretended to be sad they broke up, but they were crocodile tears.

汚染水浄化サリー、想定下回る セシウム除去5万分の1







丹治吉順 aka 朝P

予想通り、上杉氏は一種の定向進化モードに入ったようだ。 @montagekijyo さんの「上杉隆「原発事故のせいで今年は自殺者が5万人ペース」→「事実に反する」と江川紹子と清水康之が反論」をお気に入りにしました。 togetter.com/li/176749
9時間前 Togetterから

Shoko Egawa

@mkn_inv 今年の自殺者に関する統計はこちら。http://t.co/2eOv9Z3 5月にドンと増えたが、6月以降漸減。今の状況で、年間5万人を超えるペースという根拠はない。


ご丁寧に情報ありがとうございます。上杉さん一流の注意喚起なのかデマ野郎の本領発揮なのか、私には分かりかねます。ただ自殺が急増していると思っている人は、私のフォロワーさんにもいるようです。 「体感」はそうなのかも知れません。 @yasushimizu @amneris84


Norichika Horie

自民個人献金、72%が電力業界 09年、役員の90%超  - 47NEWS p.tl/VIp8 電気なんて空気のようなものと思っていたあの頃に戻りたい。いや、もう戻りたくない。で、民主党はどうなの。
3時間前 Tweet Buttonから

自民個人献金、72%が電力業界 09年、役員の90%超


2011/07/23 02:02



Study shows why domestic violence victims drop charges

COLUMBUS, Ohio (Reuters) - Emotional appeals from their abusers who minimize their own wrongdoing, rather than threats, often lead victims of domestic violence to drop charges, a study found.

In the initial conversations there would often be a heated argument over events leading to the abuse charge, Bonomi said. The victim would be strong and resist the accused perpetrator's account of what happened.

Then the perpetrator would minimize the abuse until he persuaded the victim he didn't deserve a felony charge. He would appeal to her sympathy, saying he was depressed and missed her and their children, Bonomi said.

In one case, the accused perpetrator threatened suicide before the victim promised to help him get out of jail.

In the third stage, the couples bond over their love for each other and the perpetrator gets the victim to recant.

"As a prosecutor you do get frustrated when the victim doesn't follow through," Alvarez said. "It could be a threat. Many times, it's not. Many times it's the honeymoon -- 'Let's get back together, I love you, it won't happen again'."

She said some women recant because their abuser is the family breadwinner. Her office now requires prosecutors and investigators for domestic violence cases undergo special training courses, the same as victim advocates receive.




U.S. Faulted in 3 Deaths; Sterilized Mom Testifies

By WeNews staff
Saturday, August 20, 2011

In a landmark decision, an international tribunal has found the U.S. government responsible for human rights violations against a Colorado woman and her three deceased children, who were murdered by their father, the ACLU said in an Aug. 17 press statement.

Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales) v. United States is the first case brought by a domestic violence survivor against the U.S. before an international human rights body, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. The ruling also sets forth comprehensive recommendations for changes to U.S. law and policy pertaining to domestic violence.

The case concerns the 1999 incident in which police in Castle Rock, Colo., failed to respond to Jessica Lenahan's repeated calls for help after her estranged husband, Simon Gonzales, kidnapped their three young children in violation of a domestic violence restraining order. Ten hours after Lenahan's first call to the police, her husband drove up to the Castle Rock Police Department and began firing his gun at the police station. The police returned fire, killing Gonzales. Inside the truck, the police found the bodies of the three girls who had been shot dead. Local authorities failed to conduct a proper investigation into the children


Tribalism as Pop Culture Phenomenon and the Perpetuation of Offensive American Indian Stereotypes
By Ruth Hopkins

August 19, 2011

Non-natives who wear American Indian costumes are pretending to be someone of another race. Just as wearing blackface is repugnant, appearing as a stereotyped caricature of an American Indian is patently offensive. Those who play “dress up” by wearing an American Indian costume, headdress or war bonnet are not only failing to acknowledge the existence of over 500 recognized native nations, each separate and distinct from one another, they are making light of centuries of suffering, oppression and genocide endured by the indigenous people of this country. Enforcing racial stereotypes of Native peoples as savages in nondescript feathers and fringe also perpetuates the myth that American Indians are not active members of modern society and questions our very existence.

Perhaps the most deplorable version of stereotypical American Indian ensembles is the “sexy Indian” costume, a.k.a. the “Pocahottie.” Such costumes, like the one Paris Hilton wore last Halloween, depict Native women as sex objects to be desired by non-native men (and perhaps women). Considering that American Indian women are 2.5 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than any other race of women, that one out of three of all American Indian women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime, and that as many as 4 out of 5 of these acts of sexual violence are committed by non-native men, the very idea of perpetuating the image of Native women as a sex object is reprehensible.

Those who perpetuate false, negative images of Natives are unwilling or unable to grasp the concept that honoring Native people does not involve making Natives into insulting caricatures. Furthermore, stating that the misappropriation of our cultures and identities isn’t important is an attempt to diminish Natives who are against such misuse.






Erika Johnsen
14 Million Americans Don't Have Jobs, But At Least The Federal Workplace Is Diverse, Right?


"Diverse" and "inclusive" are not synonymous with "efficient" and "functional." If there is a specific job that requires a different cultural knowledge/language/etcetera, then go ahead and diversify away. But if 'diversity' qualifiers are irrelevant to the job that needs doing, then diversity should be irrelevant. We need to eradicate racism once and for all, but we never can if we keep promoting diversity for diversity's sake.



EDITORIAL: Obama: Whites need not apply
Liberals don’t want our government to mirror our society
82 Comments and 26 Reactions|ShareTweet|Email|Print|
By THE WASHINGTON TIMES-The Washington Times Friday, August 19, 2011

A quick look at the demographic breakdown of the federal payroll shows that “diversity” goals have been more than met. According to the Office of Personnel Management, federal employees in fiscal 2010 were 66.2 percent white, 17.7 percent black, 8 percent Hispanic, 5.6 percent Asian and Pacific Islander and 1.8 percent American Indian. Compared to the general U.S. population, the federal force is a bit too diverse. Blacks are overrepresented by 6.9 percent compared to the civilian work force, Asians and Pacific Islanders by 1.2 percent, and American Indians are more than double their proportion of the population at large. White Americans, who make up about 70 percent of the work force, are underrepresented by around 4 percent. Hispanics are also underrepresented despite the Clinton-era executive order 13171, “Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government.”


Bob Beckel Proves He’s Not Prejudiced: ‘Redneck’ Could Refer To Whites, Blacks, Or ‘Chinamen’
by Jon Bershad | 6:42 pm, August 19th, 2011


Bob Beckel has gotten in trouble for saying things on The Five before but this was just hilarious. During a segment on Michael Vick, he called the dog fighters a bunch of “rednecks.” Even as the word left his mouth, he could tell he was going to get in trouble. So, during the next segment (on a story we know he’s not too interested in), he made a point to apologize, saying that, to him, “redneck” wasn’t a racial thing because “blacks are rednecks, whites are rednecks, I was a redneck, Chinamen are rednecks.” His stunned co-hosts then rushed to cut to commercial and, when the show returned, Beckel was forced to apologize again to the Chinese community!





Peel police accused of racial profiling
Published On Fri Aug 19 2011

A 60-year-old Brampton man is accusing Peel police of racial profiling after he says he was locked in the back of a police cruiser and “interrogated” last week.

Officers were investigating a break-and-enter at the time. Williams’ daughter, Michelle, said a Peel police detective looking into her father’s complaint told her police were searching for a suspect who was black, in his 20s, and 5-foot-6.

Williams, who was 20 in 1971, is 6 feet tall.

Williams, who underwent heart transplant surgery in May, said he was out for his doctor-prescribed daily walk on Dixie Rd. near Balmoral Dr. around 12:30 p.m. Aug. 12 when he was confronted and questioned by a female officer, identified in an OIPRD letter to Williams as Const. S. Emery.

“She was shouting at me, ‘Where you going? Where you coming from?’ ”

Williams said he volunteered his driver’s licence to Emery and explained he lived just around the corner. She continued to aggressively question him, he said.

Williams even unbuttoned his shirt and showed the officer the large scar on his chest in an attempt to garner sympathy and to indicate he was no threat, he said.

He walked to the nearest police station ― 21 Division in Brampton’s northeast end ― and asked to make a complaint against Emery, whose badge number he had memorized.

As he started to tell the officer at the station what happened, he was told Emery was based at 22 Division, in Brampton’s northwest, and he would have to file his complaint there. In fact, the Peel police website clearly states that citizens can lodge a complaint at any station.

カナダ レイシャルプロファイリング


AUGUST 20, 2011 · 2:09 PM

Report Reveals High Incidents Of Racial Bullying In North Ireland Schools

“Our survey of ethnic minority students found that 54 per cent have been racially bullied while in post-primary school. As the incident reported in the Tyrone Times demonstrates, racist bullying takes many forms.

In our survey 76 per cent of those bullied have been called racist names, 25 per cent have been verbally threatened, 16 per cent have been physically attacked, and 7 per cent have been subject to online bullying.”

北アイルランド 学校でのいじめ マイノリティーの生徒の半数以上は、差別的虐めをうけたことがある、と。

AUGUST 20, 2011 · 2:07 PM

EDL Member Pleads Guilty To Vandalizing Mosque With Racist Graffitii

A British mother said to be a member of the English Defence League (EDL) has admitted her part in an incident which saw racist remarks daubed on buildings including a mosque.

Charlotte Christina Davies, 19, intends to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit racially aggravated criminal damage, Durham Crown Court heard yesterday.

The teenager, from Aylesbury, in Buckinghamshire, was charged after slogans were spray-painted on the Nasir mosque, in Hartlepool, and the Albert Guest House and Milko store, in Shotton Colliery, County Durham, on November 16, last year.

Ms Davies sent text messages suggesting people throw pork scratchings, leave a pig’s head and daub Merry Christmas above a door the day before the beginning of the Muslim festival of Eid, David Crook, prosecuting, told the court.


Investigation finds racism in city department
Published: August 20, 2011

The employees recommended for discipline appear to be supervisors because they are cited in relation to supervisory duties. The investigation found:

failure to act on complaints of racial epithets by white workers against black pipefitters in the division;
neglect of duty in job reassignments made without consulting the city's human resources department, allowing one employee to write performance evaluations for fellow workers, and failing to train workers to qualify for promotion to better positions; and
hiring of a relative in violation of the city's prohibition against employees reporting directly to a supervisor who is a family member.


Je veux pisser 他

2011年08月20日 22時29分25秒 | Weblog


Amateur Sleuth Jessica Maple Saw Clues Police Missed and Confronts Robbers
Aug. 20, 2011



Why Would ET Destroy Humans? Hint: Pollution

Yes, they consider us cockroaches. Cockroaches left in charge of increasingly advanced and destructive technology.

Let's face it, with ecosystem destruction on a global scale and greenhouse gases being belched out into the atmosphere at record rates, to a distant alien observer we may look like a destructive civilization spiraling out of control -- and they wouldn't be far wrong.



19 August 2011 Last updated at 11:35
Depardieu 'apologises' for publicly urinating on jet

prostate 前立腺

Depardieu, 62, urinated in front of fellow passengers after being refused permission to use the lavatory as the plane prepared for take-off.

前立腺に問題があったそうで、"Je veux pisser, je veux pisser" (どう発音するんでしょうかね?) I want to pee). 小便したい、おしっこ、と叫んだが、聞き入れられず、瓶にしたがあふれてしまった、と。




The right has chosen its scapegoat – the single mum. And she will bleed
The danger of the single woman and the threat she poses to civilisation is an ancient narrative

Tanya Gold
guardian.co.uk, Friday 19 August 201


Only 3% of single mothers are teenagers, according to the charity Gingerbread. The average age of the single mother is 37, and the majority (55%) had their children within marriage. That poster girl for the End of Days, the sperm-bandit teenage mother in search of a council house, is not representative. She is a mere sliver of data, nearly an urban myth.

Twenty-three per cent of British households with dependent children are single-parent households; only 8% of single parents are fathers. (Single fathers suffer nothing like the same social fate, although their practical problems are identical. In the playground, they are heroes.) There are 1.9 million single parents in Britain, caring for three million children. They have a disproportionate number of disabled children (34%) and a disproportionate number of disabilities and illnesses of their own (33%).

They are also disproportionately poor. It is one of the most repulsive tendencies of humans to blame the poor for bringing hell to earth, but we do it. Some 46% of single-parent families are below the poverty line, compared with 24% of families with two parents.




Deal Frees ‘West Memphis Three’ in Arkansas
Published: August 19, 2011

via supercub

JONESBORO, Ark. ― The end, if it can be called that, came all of a sudden.

After nearly two decades in prison for the murder of three young boys, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley Jr., commonly known as the West Memphis Three, stood up in a courtroom here on Friday, proclaimed their innocence even as they pleaded guilty, and, minutes later, walked out as free men.

The freeing of Mr. Echols, 36, was the highest-profile release of a death row inmate in recent memory. Mr. Baldwin, 34, and Mr. Misskelley, 36, had been serving life sentences.

In keeping with the tenor of this case since its first horrific hours, the circumstances of the release were bizarre, divisive and bewildering even to some of those who were directly involved.

Under the terms of a deal with prosecutors, Mr. Echols, Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Misskelley leave as men who maintain their innocence yet who pleaded guilty to murder, as men whom the state still considers to be child killers but whom the state deemed safe enough to set free.

Mr. Misskelley’s confession was not admitted at their trial, though recently a former lawyer for that jury’s foreman filed an affidavit saying that the foreman, determined to convict, had brought the confession up in deliberations to sway undecided jurors.

The three men did just that, standing in court and quietly proclaiming their innocence but at the same time pleading guilty to charges of first- and second-degree murder. The judge then sentenced them to 18 years and 78 days, the amount of time they had served, and also levied a suspended sentence of 10 years.

The prosecuting attorney, Scott Ellington, said in an interview that the state still considered the men guilty and that, new DNA findings notwithstanding, he knew of no current suspects.

“We don’t think that there is anybody else,” Mr. Ellington said, declaring the case closed.



August 19, 2011 5:08 PM
Eddie Vedder there as West Memphis Three released

Alford plea なるものの言及がある。

Alford plea
From Wikipedia,

An Alford plea (also called a Kennedy plea [1], an Alford guilty plea[2][3][4] and the Alford doctrine[5][6][7]) in United States law is a guilty plea in criminal court,[8][9][10] where the defendant does not admit the act and asserts innocence.[11][12][13] Under the Alford plea, the defendant admits that sufficient evidence exists with which the prosecution could likely convince a judge or jury to find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.[


Defendants can take advantage of the ability to use the Alford guilty plea, by admitting there is enough evidence to convict them of a higher crime, while at the same time pleading guilty to a lesser charge.[25] Defendants usually enter an Alford guilty plea if they want to avoid a possible worse sentence were they to lose the case against them at trial.[13] It affords defendants the ability to accept a plea bargain, while maintaining innocence.




12-year-old boy jailed for 30 years
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Published: 19 August, 2011

Gingerich sentenced to 25 years in prison
Updated: Tuesday, 04 Jan 2011, 7:19 PM EST
Published : Tuesday, 04 Jan 2011, 2:56 PM EST

WARSAW, Ind. (WANE) - A 12-year-old Kosciusko County boy has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for his role in the killing of the stepfather of one of his friends.



8-year-old autistic boy gets handcuffed by police
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Published: 20 August, 2011,

Police take autistic boy to hospital in handcuffs

Julie Hayden
7:43 a.m. EDT, August 19, 2011

DENVER – Seeing her 8-year-old son in handcuffs and being escorted by Denver Police into Children’s Hospital was a sight a mother wasn’t prepared to watch.

“That was something I was just not prepared to see, my 8-year-old son in handcuffs,” says the boy’s mother, Raiko. She doesn’t want her family’s last name disclosed.

Her son has been diagnosed with autism, and she took a picture of his hands cuffed tightly behind his back as he was walking into the hospital.


His mother says she could maybe understand why he might have been restrained initially, but doesn’t understand why police didn’t take the handcuffs off once he had calmed down.

落ち着くまではしょうがいなかったかもしれないが、落ち着いてからも手錠をしていたのはいかがなものか、と、母親。(police brutality)

School forces raped girl to apologize to attacker
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Published: 19 August, 2011

Lawsuit filed against Republic School District over rape claim
12:49 AM, Aug. 17, 2011

A lawsuit filed against the Republic School District alleges school officials failed to protect a middle school girl from a male classmate who harassed her, sexually assaulted her, and raped her.

In its written response, the school district denies all allegations in the suit and calls the claims frivolous.

The suit, filed July 5, alleges when the girl ― a special education student ― told officials about the harassment, assault and rape that occurred during the 2008-09 school year, they told her they did not believe her. She recanted.

The suit also alleges that, without seeking her mother’s permission, school officials forced the girl to write a letter of apology to the boy and personally deliver it to him. She was then expelled for the rest of the 2008-2009 school year and referred to juvenile authorities for filing a false report.

“School Officials, although mandatory reporters under Missouri’s Child Abuse Reporting Law, failed to report [the girl’s] complaints to the Division of Family Services or to Greene County Juvenile Authorities,” the suit says.

In 2009-10, the girl was allowed back in school, and the boy continued to harass and assault her, the suit says. She did not tell school officials because she was afraid she would be accused of lying and kicked out of school.

In February 2010, the boy allegedly forcibly raped the girl again, this time in the back of the school library. While school officials allegedly expressed skepticism of the girl, her mother took her to the Child Advocacy Center and an exam showed a sexual assault had occurred. DNA in semen found on the girl matched the DNA of the boy she accused, the suit says.

The boy was taken into custody in Juvenile Court and pleaded guilty to charges, the suit says. The specific charges are not stated in the suit


Mainstream Media prefers blondes?
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Published: 20 August, 2011

Police in Missouri have found the body of a missing three-year-old Breeann Rodriguez was discovered in a floodway drainage ditch,” reported an anchor on ABC.

It’s a mother’s worst nightmare. The tragic story of a little girl found murdered by her neighbor. If it doesn’t ring a bell, maybe that’s because on the day the news broke, mainstream networks gave it maybe 30 seconds of airtime before moving on to live coverage of something bigger.

“You may have heard this story, Robyn Gardner went missing in Aruba two weeks ago,” said a news report. Mainstream networks talked to reporters on the ground in Aruba, for the latest developments.

Even MSM hosts realize what makes this story so newsworthy.

“Every time we do this story it's good looking blonde woman who disappears,” noted a Fox News commentator.

The trend means the little Breeann’s of the world take a backseat.

“She’s just a little Hispanic girl,” said Chris Chambers, a lecturer who teaches journalism at Georgetown University. “This is hot white blonde possible glamour model and creep in Aruba, and that engages more people.”

It raises bigger issues about mainstream news and national priorities.

I think we do value the life of a hot blonde sexy woman more than a Hispanic child, subconsiously we do,” said Chambers.

It raises other obvious questions, too.

“I just wonder if this was someone who was black would we be doing a story like this?” asked a Fox News commentator.

As for the Gardner story, it’s a two-for-one, where news crews can fly over the beach to get a shot of the spot both Natalee Holloway and now Robyn Gardner went missing. It’s a bizarre coincidence that two blondes disappeared there over a span of several years in the same spot.

And sad though that may be, 24 people were shot during a particularly bloody 48-hours in Detroit and we don’t see the national MSM sending out the news choppers. Also in the US, every day seven women and children die just from abuse


Missing white woman syndrome