Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

カウペンス vs 遼寧 This battle of narratives will not end soon.

2013年12月20日 17時48分18秒 | Weblog
2013年 12月 18日 13:54 JST 記事を印刷する | ブックマーク | 1ページに表示 [-] 文字サイズ [+]

How the US Lost the South China Sea Standoff
China won the Cowpens/Liaoning encounter in the South China Sea. What lessons should the US draw?

By James R. Holmes
December 19, 2013

カウペンス vs 遼寧 は、中国の勝ち、である、と。

Here’s how Xinhua describes the encounter: “U.S. missile cruiser Cowpens, despite warnings from China’s aircraft carrier task group, broke into the Chinese navy’s drilling waters in the South China Sea, and almost collided with a Chinese warship nearby.” Get the cause/effect relationship being alleged here? American ship “breaks into” Chinese formation, as though its crew jimmied the lock on a gate. Clumsily, it almost hits a Chinese ship. American ship is warned to leave. American ship leaves. Score one for the forces of truth, justice, and the Chinese Communist way!!! That’s the tale Chinese officialdom is spinning: that the PLA Navy can sketch an area far larger than any naval formation, forbid others to enter that area, and drive off anyone uppity enough to intrude.




One, confer with Chinese leaders about the rules of engagement when Chinese and American forces operate in proximity to each other


Two, film all close encounters with the PLA Navy from as many angles as possible.


Three, give no ground on matters of principle. It’s harder to restore freedoms once lost than to preserve them in the first place.


for momentary amity



And finally, prepare for a protracted struggle. And finally, prepare for a protracted struggle. This battle of narratives will not end soon. will not end soon.


  This battle of narratives


 慰安婦問題や、竹島問題、あるいは、尖閣問題にせよ、各国の言い分の”争い”に日本は負けていて、有効に反撃できていないのであります。一部右翼の”単なる売春だ””とかへったくれだ、という反撃は、旧式の鉄砲で、もう通用しなくなっているのであります。現代の兵器は、”女性の人権”とか、”国際法”"国際的規範” ”国際司法””侵略はするな””平和だ”へったくれだ、とか、そういった語彙の弾丸を撃ち込んでいかないとだめなのであります。












2013年12月20日 17時37分18秒 | Weblog
Tea cups and biting breasts: Japanese phrases that sound like weird English

The Japanese love to have fun with words. Kotoba asobi (wordplay) makes up a pretty large portion of Japanese humor on variety programs and comedy shows – possibly a side effect of so many kanji characters sounding phonetically identical despite wildly different meanings.

But YouTube’s The World Video Tour has taken it to a whole new level with a video series of Japanese words and phrases that sound a lot like totally unrelated English terms. Below, we’ll watch the series’ host have some fun with foreign tourists to see if they understand what he’s trying to say.



2013年12月20日 13時10分32秒 | Weblog

‘Including myself, there are 16 individuals to get presents for. These can be anything from alcohol for the older personalities to teddies for the kids.’


She has spent hundreds of pounds buying gifts for all 15 of her personas, which include Japanese chef Satou, 22, exercise-addict Fiona, 17, and four-year-old twins Jack and Safyer.




2013年12月20日 12時46分38秒 | Weblog
One in 200 Pregnant Women Claim to Be Virgins

By Amanda Marcotte

Despite what the preponderance of nativity scenes on display this time of year might suggest, it seems that there's actually a savior born on the regular here in the U.S. New research published in the British Medical Journal finds that roughly 1 in 200 pregnant young American women claim to be virgins.

How on Earth can women think of themselves as "virgins" despite having gone through a pregnancy? Researchers have a few suggestions. The most obvious, based on how many virgin mothers experience "cultural mores highly valuing virginity," is just plain denial. Many young people hear urban legends about girls who got pregnant by sitting on toilet seats or by swimming in pools, and it might just be easier to pretend that's what happened rather than own up to the truth.

Another possibility is that some people have, for whatever reason, decided that penis-in-vagina intercourse is not enough to constitute "losing your virginity." As the researchers point out, "In a study of Canadian college students, 90% considered penile vaginal intercourse with orgasm as 'having s ex.' " The other 10 percent did not. This might seem foolish at first, but as historian Hanne Blank pointed out in her book Virgin: The Untouched History, there isn't a medical definition of virginity, so who is and isn't one has always been hotly debated. It's easy to see how people can dismiss an incident of s exual intercourse as "not counting" for a variety of reasons. Maybe it was coerced. Maybe they weren't in love. Maybe they didn't have an orgasm. Maybe it only lasted 30 seconds. Because we give so much cultural weight to the concepts of "virginity" and "having s ex," perhaps we've given young people reason to deny that the s ex they're having counts as s ex. And because of that, we get all these virgin mothers. Hallelujah.



I grew up watching public executions, including the hanging of my mother.

2013年12月20日 11時37分20秒 | Weblog
平壌にロッドマン氏 処刑直後、金正恩氏と会見か


How Dennis Rodman can help the North Korean people

By Shin Dong-hyuk, Published: December 18

You can see satellite pictures of Camp 14 and four other labor camps on your smartphone. At this very moment, people are starving in these camps. Others are being beaten, and someone soon will be publicly executed as a lesson to other prisoners to work hard and obey the rules. I grew up watching these executions, including the hanging of my mother.

On orders of the guards in Camp 14, inmates are forced to marry and create children to be raised by guards to be disposable slaves. Until I escaped in 2005, I was one of those slaves. My body is covered with scars from torture I endured in the camp.


Girls are imposing stereotypes on each other

2013年12月20日 08時32分36秒 | Weblog
Do All-Girls Schools Breed Feminists or Mean Girls?

What happens when girls aren't under the scrutiny of boys? Do they get more girly or less so?

By Eliana Dockterman @edocktermanDec. 18, 2013

A new study has found that girls at same-sex schools feel greater pressure to adhere to gender norms ― and were bullied if they didn’t ― than those at mixed-gender schools.

girls are imposing stereotypes on each other. “It’s called the social-dosage hypothesis,” Bukowski says. “When girls are together without the presence of boys, they’re going to get an extra-strong dose of what it is to be female.” Hence, girls at the same-sex school feel more pressure to be “girly.” Why those same girls might value their social competence over their academic competence Bukowski couldn’t explain.

Other experts disagree.

Overwhelmingly, past studies and anecdotal evidence have suggested that all-girls schools at the very least empower young women academically.

She believes that if the study had been conducted in the U.S., not Colombia, the results would be different. “In cultures where gender and gender expectations are very stratified, expectations are also stratified and rigid,” Wiseman says. “All-girls schools in the United States have done a lot to combat these expectations and stereotypes. They’ve undergone a tremendous transformation in the last 20 years in order to stay relevant and survive. They stopped being finishing schools and became this place of opportunity for female empowerment.”

Yet what little data we do have on the effects of separating girls and boys indicates that girl-only groups would allow for greater diversity in identity. Studies of preschoolers have found that girls are more likely to play with “boy” toys when boys aren’t present. As Damour puts it, all-girls schools often allow for more versions of what it means to be a girl. “In an all-girls setting, girls spread out into some of the space that’s otherwise taken up by boys at school. In the classroom they are louder and more expressive.”

In fact, girls’ social aggression often stems from competition for boys. A study highlighted in the New York Times in November indicated that female college students were more passive-aggressive toward another woman when she was dressed suggestively. That’s going to be true whether girls attend same-sex or mixed-gender schools.

So until we can found our own Amazonian island completely devoid of men, there will always be mean girls.







It is absolutely not permitted to feature any comments that go against the party line

2013年12月20日 06時21分50秒 | Weblog
Chinese journalists face Marxist ideology exam
Exam to be based on 700-page manual that prohibits published reports from featuring comments that go against party line
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Jonathan Kaiman in Beijing and agencies
theguardian.com, Thursday 19 December 2013 12.13 GMT

Chinese journalists will have to pass a new ideology exam early next year to keep their press cards, in what reporters say is another example of the ruling Communist party's increasing control over the media under President Xi Jinping.

It is the first time reporters have been required to take such a test en masse, state media have said. The exam will be based on a 700-page manual peppered with directives such as "it is absolutely not permitted for published reports to feature any comments that go against the party line", and "the relationship between the party and the news media is one of leader and the led".

Some reporters say the impact of the increased control in the past year has been chilling. "The tightening is very obvious in newspapers that have an impact on public opinion," a journalist at a current affairs magazine said. "These days there are lots of things they aren't allowed to report."

Traditionally, Chinese state media have been the key vehicle for party propaganda. But reforms over the past decade that have allowed greater media commercialisation and limited increases in editorial independence, combined with the rise of social media, have weakened government control, according to academics.

Some reporters and academics, however, trace the start of the tougher attitude to a strike lasting several days in January by journalists at an outspoken newspaper, the Southern Weekly, after censors scrapped a new year editorial calling for China to enshrine constitutional rights. Xi had taken over the Communist party only several weeks earlier。

2013年 12月 19日 16:42 JST 記事を印刷する | ブックマーク | 1ページに表示