Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

”Please bring my mommy some food. She's been good this year. ”

2013年12月11日 12時50分16秒 | Weblog
Daily Mail
'Santa, if you have nuts, candy, or toys to spare, kindly send me some?' Read a child's touchingly humble Christmas wish list from 1915
PUBLISHED: 19:48 GMT, 9 December 2013 | UPDATED: 22:32 GMT, 9 December 2013

In 1915, seven-year-old Homer Mellen from London, Ontario simply wanted a 'box of paints, a nine cent reader, and a school bag to put them in.'

His father's letter to Santa Claus modestly continues: 'And if you have any nuts, or candy, or toys to spare, would you kindly send me some. You will please a seven year old boy.'

Losangel’s Times
The saddest Christmas wish lists ever
Instead of toys and electronics, the requests of many Santa letters fielded by the L.A. post office this year are for food and supplies.

By Diana Wagman
December 8, 2013

What I found were pleas from parents. A mother out of work said her family would eat, but there wouldn't be any presents. A dad wrote that his kids needed school supplies. Parents with two kids, three kids, maybe more, were hoping for help with what they couldn't provide. A dad just out of prison wanted to make Christmas special for the kids he hadn't seen for so long. A disabled grandmother asked for a church dress for her granddaughter.
I was overwhelmed. Many of the letters ― even the ones from kids ― asked for groceries and shoes, clothing and shampoo. One child wrote: "Please bring my mommy some food. She's been good this year."

I read a lot of letters, and I felt worse and worse. I didn't know how to choose. The single dad who needed diapers? The 17-year-old asking for a backpack for her little sister? I believe in holiday magic, but there just didn't seem to be enough of it to go around.






