Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Korean political propaganda

2023年10月08日 11時17分30秒 | 固定

Korean political propaganda

2023年10月08日 11時17分30秒 | 固定

South Korea's cruel human trafficking industry

2023年07月03日 09時01分26秒 | 固定


 South Korea’s cruel Adoption Industry | Korea adoptee’s interview




20:46 고사부 장관의 발언이 나옵니다 [음악] 기아비아들은 정상적인 가정교육을 받을 수 없어 사회적으로 문제가 될 사람들임으로 해외 입양을 보내야 한다는 것입니다 [음악] 정부가 해외 입양을 장려했던 것 인간 외교와 이민 확대라는 정부정책 속에서 1980년대 중반 해외 입양아동수는 정점을 찍습니다 [음악] 입양 기관들도 경쟁적으로 아동 확보에 나섰습니다 보육원과 같은 복지시설의 지원금을 주고 아이를 데려오는가 하면 [음악] 산부인과 조산홍과도 연계했습니다 이렇게까지 해서 해외 입양을 보내야 했던 이유는 무엇일까 21:51 이 병은 엄청난 돈을 벌어들이는 그런 결과가 있었죠 달러가 엄청나게 많이 들어온 거죠 제가 80년대 81년 1월부터 제 홀트에서 근무를 했었는데 1년 한 5개월 그때 하나에 보내면 3000불이었거든요 근데 제 월급이 20 몇 만원이었어요 23만원인가 한 아이를 입양 보내면 일하는이 사회복지사 연봉 한 사람 연봉보다 더 많이 나오는 거예요 비싼 입양 수수료를 받고 매의 수천명씩 아이들을 해외로 보내는 동안 입양 직원들은 점점 더 규모를 키우고 사업을 확장시켜 나갔습니다 입양 기관들의 입장은 무엇일까 At 20:46, the statement of the Minister of Social Affairs is coming [Music]. It states that children in destitution should be sent for international adoption as they cannot receive normal family education and can become a social problem [Music]. Within the government policy of humanitarian diplomacy and immigration expansion, the government facilitated international adoption, and in the mid-1980s, the number of internationally adopted children reached its peak [Music]. Adoption agencies also competitively engaged in securing children. Some provided funding to welfare facilities such as orphanages to bring children, while others collaborated with obstetrics and gynecology departments. The question is, why did we have to resort to sending children for international adoption to such an extent? [Timestamp: 20:46] At 21:51, there were tremendous financial gains from this disease. It brought in a significant amount of dollars. I worked at Holt from January 1981, and for about a year and five months, if you sent one child, it cost $3,000. But my monthly salary was around 200,000 won, I think 230,000 won. So, adopting and sending one child earned more than the annual salary of a working social worker. While receiving expensive adoption fees and sending thousands of children overseas, adoption agency staff grew in size and expanded their operations. What was the perspective of adoption agencies? [Timestamp: 21:51]





[음악] 너무 늦게 만나 엄마와 딸은 서로에게 못다한 이야기가 너무 많습니다 [음악] 우리나라는 지금도 한 해 200명 이상의 아이들을 해외로 입양 보내고 있습니다 콜롬비아 우크라이나에 이어 세계의 3위 출생 아돈수를 감안하면 확고 부동한 일입니다 출산율이 가장 낮은 나라에서 여전히 가장 많은 아이들을 해외로 46:39 보내고 있는 겁니다 시사 직격은 주요 입양 기관들에게 진실을 물었지만 그들은 한결같이 책임과 답변을 회피했습니다 입양인들이 한국 정부의 요청한 신상조사 역시 아직 별다른 친전이 없는 상태입니다 수많은 아이들을 고아로 조작해서 막대한 이익을 챙겼던 입양 기관들 그리고 그 과정을 묵인하고 방관했던 대한민국 정부 그들은 이제 대답해야 합니다 그들이 함께 저지른 폭력과 인권침해에 대해 인정하고 사과하고 책임져야 할 것입니다 시사직격은 전 세계 입양인들과 함께 과거 해외 입양 과정에 친상 규명을 촉구합니다 [음악] [음악] 47:53 [음악] [음악] Even now, in our country, we are sending over 200 children for international adoption. Considering Colombia and Ukraine, it remains a firm and unshakable fact as the third highest in the world for the number of birth children. Despite being the country with the lowest birth rate, we are still sending the most children overseas [Timestamp: 46:39]. I'm sending it. Sisa Jikgyeok has questioned major adoption agencies, but they consistently evaded responsibility and answers. Even the background checks requested by the Korean government for adoptive parents are still in a state of negligible progress. The adoption agencies manipulated numerous children into becoming orphans and profited greatly from it, while the government of South Korea turned a blind eye and remained passive. They now have to provide answers. They need to acknowledge and apologize for the violence and human rights violations they have collectively committed. Sisa Jikgyeok urges a thorough investigation into the past international adoption process, together with adoptive parents worldwide [Timestamp: 47:53]. [Music] [Music].

”A Brutal Sex Trade Built for American Soldiers”

2023年05月13日 21時04分26秒 | 固定




Koreans kidnapping Korean girls for sex slaves

2022年05月19日 22時03分29秒 | 固定

Chinese "infrastructure" for Sex Slavery

2022年02月02日 15時33分46秒 | 固定

 中国の女性、鎖でつながれ小屋に拘束 動画拡散で怒り噴出




Xuzhou mother: Video of chained woman in hut outrages China internet

Published1 day ago


Many netizens drew comparisons to a 2007 Chinese film Blind Mountain, which tells the story of a young woman who is kidnapped and sold into slavery.


Blind Mountain


Like Li's previous film, Blind Shaft, which dealt with the notoriously dangerous mining industry, Blind Mountain turns a sharply critical eye towards another one of China's continuing social problems: selling women for marriage.




Jeff Kingston is NOT an expert on Japan

2019年11月07日 14時40分45秒 | 固定

The list of journalists and commentators who are Sex Slave Deniarsの続き。

Rightists distort author Park Yu-ha’s views on ‘comfort women’


Based on Korean comfort women’s testimony, Park believes that recruitment was largely based on deception rather than coercion



This is why Right wingers often quote Park Yu-ha’s views

The point of the dispute was whether Korean women were "forced" into prostitution by Japanese military
Asahi and Korean media---and most of English media also---used to claim that the recruitment was coercion by Japanese military.
Asahi turned out to be wrong. *1

but she believes the consequences for all these women were horrific; none were free to leave once recruited and all were subject to military discipline.


Even the statement by right wingers admit it.

Sakurai and other Japan conference folks.

Sadly, many women were made to suffer severe hardships during the wretched era during World War II, and it is with profound regret that we contemplate this tragic historical reality.


As Prime Minister of Japan, I thus extend anew my most sincere apologies and remorse to all the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women


I am deeply pained to think about the ‘comfort women’ who experienced immeasurable pain and suffering as a result of victimization due to human trafficking

Practically none were free to leave the job and they continued to work as "comfort women" for U.S. soldiers recruited by Korean government after Japanese military left.

And for Japanese deniers, she inconveniently points out that “it appears that recruiters were often pairs of Japanese and Korean men.”

That's not inconvenient for Japanese right wingers: they know there were Japanese recruiters.

That's inconvenient for Koreans who claim as if they were innocent.

The comfort stations were closely monitored by the Japanese military

That's not secret. Again. U.S. document which right wingers are more than happy to cite confirms it;

The conditions under which they transacted business were regulated by the Army, and in congested areas regulations were strictly enforced. The Army found it necessary in congested areas to install a system of prices, priorities, and schedules for the various units operating in a particular areas.

Note also comfort stations for U.S. soldiers in Korea were also closely monitored by U.S. military: The military feared the spread of STD.

Kingston---I guess I can validly call him a American nationalistーーー conveniently ignores the fact that the similar situation continued even after Japanese military left: afterwards, they were forced to serve for U.S. military servicemen.

Despite the fact that former Korean comfort women for U.S. military asked for help, most of U.S. media and expats who blame Japan for sex slaves remained silent, leaving Korean female victims hopeless.

Japanese scholars and journalists had been critical of their government and spoke up against it. The consequence is the establishment of The Asian Women's Fund and the apologies by prime ministers.

Why is it American scholars and journalists keep trying to hide and deny the dark truth about Asian Sex Slaves for U.S. soldiers while blaming Japan ?

Most of American expats are as much nationalistic as Nippon Kaigi guys;though, they are unaware of it.

Lastly I doubt JEFF KINGSTON can read Japanese texts and communicate in Japanese well enough: almost all of the documents he cites are articles in English, he makes such misleading statements that he wouldn't if he could read and write Japanese texts and I've never heard of him speaking and writing in Japanese.

Journalists who write on Japan---you don't have to write an article in favor of Japan.
But please check the facts and restore the sense of fairness and justice in journalism, please.


* 1 But note that there were individual cases where women were kidnapped ;however, Japanese police or military cracked down on the crimes.


Modern-Day Comfort Women:
The U.S. Military, Transnational Crime,
and the Trafficking of Women

Must Read: America's comfort women 1

Ex-South Korean 'comfort women' for U.S. troops sue own government

Justice for Lai Dai Han accused Korean soldiers of thousands of rapes against Vietnamese women.

Must-Watch: The time will come when you know how hypocritical Jeff Kingston and others are

Kingston's ridiculous misinterpretation and whitewashing history

Kingston distorts Park Yu-ha's view on comfort women

It is least likely that Jeff Kingston&Jake Adelstein are reading Japanese documents.

President Park should publicly apologize for South Korea's sexual violence

Former Sex Slave: "I see the light but nobody helps"

Korean government controlled Sex Slaves for U.S. military

MUST READ: How the American mainstream operates according to a hierarchy of victims.

Bruce Cumings: Really s>ome of the former comfort women feeling themselves completely ruined and unable to return to their families became prostitutes for the American military after world war two. It was such a degraded situation under the American occupation in the Korean war that a friend of mine who served in the Korean war said on Friday night they would bring in a half ton truck full of 150 women and they would be in a movie house having sex. These undoubtedly included women who were comfort women for the Japanese army

Japanese Comfort women for GIs in Japan under the Occupation
See also « Back The Military-Sexual Complex: Prostitution, Disease and the Boundaries of Empire during the Philippine-American War Paul A. Kramer Military Prostitution and the U.S. Military in Asia Katharine H.S. Moon Against our will below Testimony:GHQ ordered to recruit women and set up comfort station
Yuki Tanaka on sexual violence by the occupational force

Comfort women at Sin Cities for GIs during Vietnam War.

It is not interpretation; it is just speculation or conspiracy theory by JEFF KINGSTON

The Scars of War: Vietnam Comfort Women for Korean and American soldiers.

Why Has South Korea Still Not Apologized to the Vietnam Comfort Women?

Don't assume JEFF KINGSTON is reading Japanese newspaper

The article Kingstone and foreign journalists don't want to readーーSex Slavery and Rape in Okinawa

Don't ask Kingston;he is not an expert.

Kingston and Tabuchi will ignore this atrocity by U.S. military again

All Korean prostitutes were volunteers or had been sold by their parents

you must never criticize soldiers and veterans, it’s absolutely forbidden

JEFF KINGSTON is a bit like Donald Trump

Sex Slaves Stations were run by Korean agents

South Korea should publicly apologize for its sex slavery and sexual violence

South Korea Illegally Held Prostitutes Who Catered to G.I.s Decades Ago, Court Says - The New York Times

Katherine Moon & Kingston are wrong in trying to demonize Japan.  

Katherine Moon is now trying to please Korean nationalism

Kingston’s trying to underestimate the issue of Korean Sex Slaves for U.S. military

It is time for Kingston to stop covering up the dark history of U.S.

Was it the policy of U.S. Forces to massacre innocent Vietnamese civilians ?


Must Read:My body was not mine, but the US military’s’

New evidence shows S.Korea forced Filipina Women as sex slaves for U.S. soldiers

Just like Korean comfort women for Japanese military and U.S. military, Cambodian girls are Sold into sexual slavery by their own mothers to pay off family debt

Korean government can't keep promises and ignores the plight of ex-comfort women for US troops

Save My Seoul

Japan should donate the statutes of ” comfort woman ”with GI to US.

”Red Army soldiers committed mass rapes of German women.”

American Soldiers raped French, German and Japanese women during During WW2

French "comfort" women were stripped down to their underwear, some with heads shaved

Jeff Kingston is causing evil to former comfort women for US military by his inaction.

Vietnamese women raped in wartime by S.Korean soldiers seek justice

The sex slave stations for Japanese military were owned and run by Koreans.

Vietnam's "modern sex slaves" sold in China as prostitutes or brides
by Paul N. Hung

Just like Korea sex slaves for US soldiers they are Forced Into Prostitution

Is Jeff Kingston(Temp.uni.) a Moral Monster?

Must-Read:S.Korean governments also encouraged and supervised rape centers for American soldiers

Kingston can't say anything about the brutality of atomic bomb on Hiroshima, sex slavery for U.S....

Hypocritical Moon Jae-in makes no apology for South Korea's Vietnam War massacres

Child Sex Slaves in modern America

Much Of What You May Think You Know About Korean ‘Comfort Women’ Is Wrong

Jeff Kingston is mistaken again

Justice for Lai Dai Han accused Korean soldiers of thousands of rapes against Vietnamese women.

Court Finds South Korean Government Promoted Sex Slavery for US Soldiers


Jeff Kingston sends message to survivors of sexual violence : I don't hear you

Lots of N.Korea girls are sold into marriage in China

Russian soldiers raped Japanese women returning to Japan after WW Ⅱ

Women have been forced into sex work everywhere. Only Japan faced up to the history

Does Jeff Kingston have the ethical right to remain silent about sex slavery for US military?

Sex Slaves are a major presence around US bases in South Korea: Sex Slavery in S.Korea exposes Korean nationalism's moral apathy

Just like Korean comfort women, girls in Cambodia are sold as sex workers.

JEFF KINGSTON, American apologist complains of " Japanese apologists"

Korean mother sold her daughter to a Korean brothel owner. He then took her to Japanese brothel.

Must Read: America's comfort women 1

Must Read America's comfort women 2

Astounded by the hypocrisy of JEFF KINGSTON & Alexis Dudden

Men who recruited Korean woman and operated comfort stations were all Korean.

Michael Penn & Jeff Kingston can't call Sex slaves for U.S.military Sex Slaves

Sex and the American GI in World War II France

You can become a Japanolgist if you can talk about the rise of Nationalism in Japan


Jeff Kingston&Michael Penn Can you guys spell “hypocrisy”?

nationalist narratives encourage double standards: They rationalize whatever one’s own side does while depicting similar behavior by others in the worst possible light


If Koreans were more aware of, even if not fully persuaded by, scholarship arguing that comfort women and labourers were generally neither abducted by government officials nor treated as badly as activists claim, They may address related, unresolved claims by other “victimised” groups, including the much larger number of women who “comforted” US military personnel in South Korea post-1945, the victims of Korean troops in Vietnam, plus the tens of thousands of North Korean women in Chinese sex trafficking.

Modern Korean Sex Slaves. These people are the victims of Liberal Hypocrites.


Le scandale des filles à soldats
«Putains de guerre» (France 3, 22 h 15) dénonce la prostitution orchestrée par les autorités militaires sur tous les fronts, de l'Indochine à la Bosnie.

Must Read:Confronting Korea’s Censored Discourse on Comfort Women

Sex slaves in Germany



McCurry (guardian) is a blatant liar

2019年11月07日 14時40分18秒 | 固定

McCurry is talking about Korean comfort women here.

Let me note first that the Korean victims' testimonies were produced many years later after the war. Therefore, to quote from True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women

many can faintly remember the sufferings they endured.


1)Yoshimi 吉見 従軍慰安婦


2 朝鮮からの場合

2)Hata 秦 郁彦 慰安婦と戦場の性(p192)


3)Park Yuha

When I examined the initial testimonies of former Korean comfort women, none of them claimed she was coerced by the Japanese military. The majority of the Korean women were sold by their fathers to the comfort station owners. Some Korean women were recruited on false pretenses by the Korean comfort station owners. Other Korean women were in the world's oldest profession, and they did volunteer to earn good money.

4)Sarah Soh

According to San Francisco State Professor Sarah Soh (author of the book The Comfort Women), women initially offered various explanations for working at comfort stations, such as supporting their families economically or escaping overbearing parents. Some women suffered abuse; others experienced more supportive conditions. Soh argues that all the women should freely share their experiences, without pressure to conform to the nationalist, anti-Japan narrative. She gives voice to the many types of comfort women, including the 61 who accepted the 1994 Asian Women’s Fund and were therefore branded traitors by activists.

5)Yuki Tanaka Japan's Comfort Women

most ”recruiting" seems to have been done by local Korean sub-contractor....
The most common expedient used in Korea was deceit --false promise of employment in Japan or in other Japanese occupied territories.(p38)

6)ATIS Research Reports No. 120 Amenities in the Japanese Armed Force, Nov. 15, 1945,

The contract they signed bound them to Army regulations and to war for the "house master " for a period of from six months to a year depending on the family debt for which they were advanced




”The story of the comfort women has often been distorted by Japan’s former adversaries ”

Don't assume McCurry(guardian) is reading Japanese newspaper.

McCurry does not report the reality of Okinawa


David McNeill doesn't fact-check comfort women issue while he let the U.S. military get away

McCurry's interpretation is difficult to justify,

Justin Mccurry lied again.

Economist has no idea about what has been happening between Japan and Korea.

Does Sharia hark back to the previous militarism?

Justin McCurry (Guardian) lied again.

Fact-checking Justin McCurry's biased article.

American town was a cage where Korean women were enslaved to pay off debt

Japanese military didn't have to force Korea women into sex slavery.

McCurry just picks up the speech out of context from Ishiguro that he wants to hear

Books, articles ... focus on whatever is most extreme and bizarre in Japanese life

It is strange South Korea didn't invite Ex-South Korean 'comfort women' for U.S. troops. No? Justin?

Vietnamese women raped in wartime by S.Korean soldiers seek justice

S. Korea's Sex Ed Guidelines Suggest Victims Are To Blame For Date Rape

Korean women-South or Norht- forced to perform sexy dance for top officials.

What can you expect from Justin McCurry ?

Is Justin McCurry not ashamed of UK pig farms?

Must-Watch : How reliable is your memory?

The Guardian's shameful silence on Korean Sex Slavery for U.S. military

Korean sex "slaves" are like Irish "slaves". NYT is like a Japanese nationalist

Just like Korean women during the war, poverty forces the girls to sell their bodies for sex

By Glorifying Churchill, Britain Is Committing New Crimes Against India

Western media should be ashamed of sending these Racist Sexpat Journalists to Asia

Foreign Correspondents club of Japan considers #MeToo movement not newsworthy

Look at how White American journalists cover the acid attack differently

People In These 15 Countries Work Longer Hours

Justin McCurry put words in Sugita's mouth



Foreign correspondents can be very cruel

Just like Korean comfort women, the girls are sold by their parents for sex.

Japan-is-unique- and- the-west -is-better trope

What's forcing Japan-Hating McCurry to be reluctant to write about Sex Slavery for U.S. military?

Some foreign correspondents are paid to write China well, American allies badly

Thanks SNA a.k.a.Pro American Shameless News agency for noting my blog

It is Julian Ryall & Mindy Kotler who are whitewashing history

Mindy Kotler & American intellectuals should stop privileging White Males  

More British students are forced to become sex slaves.

Valentine's Day is becoming intolerable for many Japanese men.

Women raped by Korean soldiers during Vietnam war still awaiting apology

日本と韓国担当の外国特派員はなにやってんのかね? 卑怯者!

UK’s "managed zone" is a euphemism used to refer to sex slave market

Foreign correspondents are Orientalists

Sex Slavery for German, French,and British troops

All Korean prostitutes were volounteers or had been sold by thier partents.

Korean author’s bombshell on wartime Japan
New book assaulting Korean anti-Japanese sentiment ignites raging controversy, hits bestseller list


Justin McCurry cannot get basic facts right and publish articles with glaring factual errors

Korea hired comfort women actresses from China to protest against Japan
위안부 할머니들 "정대협, 中서 정체불명 피해자 6명 수입"
기사입력 2020.05.20. 오전 7:01 최종수정 2020.05.20. 오전 7:30

What Justin Muccury's report lacks

Michael Penn's Shameless News Agency Japan

2019年11月07日 14時39分43秒 | 固定


Phony Michael Penn(SNA) does not understand what's going on with Ghosn and Nissan ?

Thanks SNA a.k.a.Pro American Shameless News agency for noting my blog

Michael Penn can't call Sex slaves for U.S.military Sex Slaves: Shameless Pro-American News Agency

Shame! Michael Penn can't pen an article about sex slavery for U.S. military

Shingetsu news agency, why not go to a dangerous place like North Korea?

Did Michael Penn refer to Sex Slavery for U.S. military ?

It's about preserving white American dominance.

Shingetsu news is not news agency ; It is a political agency

Michael Penn proves himself wrong.

Cowardly Journalists-the little lapdogs of America

Shingetsu news Agency is not writing an article based upon the facts.

I can prove Michael Penn is an American far-right commentator by his own words.

Shingetsu News Agency echos the opinion of Ishihara, Japanese right winger

Singetsu News Agency does not understand what's going on between Japan and Korea

The Mekong women forced into marriage in China

Don't be deceived. Michael Penn spreads Korean fake news. Probably he is not reading Japanese media

Either Micael Penn can't read Japanese or he can't tell the rightwingers from the leftwingers.

Thousands of women are forced into sex slavery in Holland.The government should apologize

MICHAEL PENN won't tell you the whole story.

It's not just German foreign correspondents.

Justice for Lai Dai Han: Vietnamese Victims of Sexual Violence Must Be Recognised

What made a Korean woman go back to comfort stations for U.S. military? - Despair

Prostitution exists before, during, and after Japanese administration of Korea

Shingetsu Yellow Journalism

Women raped by Korean soldiers during Vietnam war still awaiting apology

Want to read an analysis of Japan by someone who can't read Japanese?

We should boost world awareness on America's comfort women and Lai Dai Han

Japanese military’s sex slavery receives thousands % more news attention than U.S military's


N.Korean Girls 'Sold into Sex Trade' in China

Must-Watch: The time will come when you know how hypocritical Jeff Kingston and others are

D-Day GIs 'raped and killed their French allies while US army generals turned a blind eye'

Eating Pork while condemning Japan for killing whales made Michael Penn fat

Michael Penn does not know how to respond to criticism

MUST READ” Anti-Jpn sentiment has always been a political weapon”

Michael Penn caught red-handed making up a story.

The design of the rising sun is widely used in the world.

2019年11月07日 14時39分11秒 | 固定

A Japanese military flag is seen at the back of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer JS Suzutsuki (DD 117) as it arrives at Qingdao Port for the 70th anniversary celebrations of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), in Qingdao, China, April 21, 2019.

日本をこよなく愛したBill Sakovich さん 死去。

2012年12月24日 13時33分48秒 | 固定

Tony said

Sunday, December 23, 2012 at 5:57 pm
Hi everyone. I don’t how much longer Bill’s preprogrammed entries will continue but I have sad news to report. Bill Sakovich, the author of this blog passed away on December 21 from cancer. He had been having stomach problems for the past two months and thought it was an ulcer. He went in the hospital to have the ulcer taken care of and during surgery they found he had cancer and that it had spred throughout his stomach and intestines. I’m sorry to say that my days are now a little less bright without the opportunity to meet up with Bill for some yakitori and political discussion.








フォーレ レクイエム


空 said

Monday, December 24, 2012 at 6:44 pm








Nigelboy said

Tuesday, December 25, 2012 at 12:56 pm



Thanks for the great posts.

21st Century Schizoid Man said

Saturday, December 29, 2012 at 12:11 pm

William Sakovich様:





Camphortree said

Wednesday, December 26, 2012 at 11:53 am

21st Century Schizoid Man said

Saturday, December 29, 2012 at 12:40 pm
William Sakovich 御内儀様:  よほどの幸運がない限り、奥様がこれを読まれる可能性は低い、とは思うのですが、ご主人のなされたことへの思いを綴りたくて、投稿いたします。





でも、ご理解いただきたく思います。ご主人が情熱を持って記事を書かれたことで、多くの人間が感銘を受け、自分と、日本と、日本人という存在を、魑魅魍魎の跋扈する国際社会とやらの中で、自信を持って生きていけるようになっているということを。個人的な話になり恐縮ですが、ご主人のブログによって私は生かされている面があると感じております。その位、Willliam Sakovichのこのブログは革新的であり、それまでに見たどの外国人の言説よりも、日本と日本人に対する深い愛情と理解から成立していました。無条件に愛する、というのはこのことをもって初めて使うことのできる表現だと思いました。決して盲目的な愛情ではありませんでした。しかしながら、William Sakovichの日本と日本人に対する愛情と理解は、一言でいえば血を分けた家族に対するのと変わらないものだったと思います。彼は、日本国籍を取得はせず、その故に法的には日本人ではなかったかもしれませんが、日本人の最大の友であったことは、日本人を最も深く愛し理解した人であったことは、このブログのどこをとっても明らかだったと思います。





 RIP Ampontan: Blogger Bill Sakovich passes away