Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年05月25日 22時05分44秒 | Weblog


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Mark Zuckerberg’s Marriage to Priscilla Chan Brings Out Racist Commenters
By Nadra Kareem Nittle, About.com GuideMay 20, 2012

On the Los Angeles Times website, a commenter named Waskoman exclaimed, "Man, those mail order compaines have some hot chicks! Just kidding!!!" Another, using the moniker Jihadlives, remarked, "He married a chank? What's up with that?"

What we have here is the assumption that because Chan has Chinese ancestry she can't be an American. Of course not. She must be a woman Zuckerberg shipped from overseas to be his submissive bride. In reality Chan is far from a mail order mate. She's an Ivy League-educated doctor who could hold her own without Zuckerberg, but the facts of the situation don't easily lend themselves to racist and sexist stereotypes. The second commenter relied on a misspelled racial slur rather than on a racial stereotype to object to Zuckerberg's decision to marry Chan. On a different note, a third L.A. Times commenter accused Zuckerberg of killing his own kind by intermarrying. Ome-Coatl wrote:

"Why didn't he marry 'a nice Jewish girl?'I once read a conservative Jewish commentator say that 'America's intermarriage culture is destroying Jews more effectively than did the Nazi gas chambers.' Perhaps it was hyperbole... or was it?"

The L.A. Times website was hardly the only one where racist commenters took aim at Zuckerberg and Chan. A commenter named Morney on the gossip web site Gawker applauded Zuckerberg's decision to marry interracially but for completely inappropriate reasons. He wrote, "Good for Mark to marry a submissive Asian woman, instead of a spoiled American. She's not a looker, but this way she'll take care of him and raise his kids, while he can still hit much hotter #@$!* on the side."

Once again, there's the assumption that Chan is not from the United States, as if Asian Americans don't exist. This commenter also assumes because Chan has Chinese heritage she'll be content to serve as Zuckerberg's caretaker (instead of the doctor she studied to be) and will be so passive she'll be cool if Zuckerberg cheats on her. On Gawker, a couple of commenters tried to show Morney that not all Asian women are passive, but they did so by invoking the "Dragon Lady" stereotype.

"You've never dated an Asian woman have you?" commenter Tsol asked Morney. "Especially a driven achiever like Priscilla--there is nothing submissive about them. In fact I guarantee that she's the one wearing the pants in that relationship. There's a reason the Dragon Lady stereotype stills exists."

A word to the wise: you don't fight a stereotype by mentioning another stereotype. Just as all Asian women aren't submissive, all Asian women certainly aren't domineering, so no one can guarantee that Priscilla Chan wears the pants in her relationship with Zuckerberg. As for why racial stereotypes still exist--it's because racism still does.

On TMZ.com commenters plainly suggested that Chan's Asianness makes her a whore. "Bet she love him long, long time," a commenter named Really? quipped. Others followed suit, and the scary thing is that a number of these comments received more favorable ratings from other viewers than unfavorable ones.

So, who cares if racist commenters don't like the fact that Mark Zuckerberg married a Chinese-American doctor? He could buy and sell everyone of those haters. That may be true, but if people exhibit this level of racial animus concerning a powerful couple they don't even know, imagine how people regard the interracial couples they pass on the street, live next to or are related to? It's also important to note that interracial couples consisting of a white man and an Asian woman are largely regarded as the least threatening of all. Given this, if Zuckerberg and Chan's marriage can stir up this much hate, what must interracial couples with a different ethnic makeup endure?

国際結婚 人種間結婚 アジア人女性 売春婦イメージ 固定観念


BBC News - WHO : Post-Fukushima radiation levels in Japan 'low' http://j.mp/JBn17L
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24 May 2012 Last updated at 11:03 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
WHO : Post-Fukushima radiation levels in Japan 'low'

Radiation levels in most of Japan are below cancer-causing levels a year after the Fukushima plant accident, a World Health Organisation (WHO) report published on Wednesday says.

Two areas near the plant have relatively higher levels of radiation, but radiation levels in surrounding countries are close to normal.

The preliminary report is part of a wider ongoing health assessment by WHO.

Fukushima nuclear plant was badly damaged in the 2011 Japan earthquake.

Separately a UN scientific committee said several workers at the plant had been "irradiated after contamination of their skin".

"Six workers have died since the accident but none of the deaths were linked to irradiation," said a statement issued on interim findings by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiation (UNSCEAR).

Namie town and Itate village, near the plant in eastern Japan, are exposed to radiation levels of 10-50 millisieverts (mSv), while the rest of Fukushima has radiation levels of 1-10 mSv, the WHO report said.


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Foreigner-bashing rises amid China’s domestic woes | Asia News – Politics, Media, Education | Asian Correspondent http://j.mp/LE8CYA
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脱走ペンギン捕まえた 3月、東京の水族館から姿消す





「配偶者控除、見直し議論急ぐべき」 小宮山厚労相

訪日外国人、164%増で震災前水準に 4月の観光局推計
2012.5.24 19:39




国連海洋法条約の批准に本腰、オバマ米政権 中国の覇権拡大対策
2012.5.24 20:14 (1/2ページ)


Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

住民票における外国人の記載 1,2)


6月16日(土)公開 映画『愛と誠』 予告篇


Clock Ticks On China-Japan Islands Dispute http://j.mp/KCvCjC @TIMEさんから 日中は尖閣をめぐって1、2年で武力衝突するかもと。東郷和彦氏がいつものように憂慮し、書き手は米が巻き込まれることを懸念している。

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and LaborCountry Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2011

US releases annual human rights reportUpdated: 2012-05-25 10:42

WASHINGTON - The United States on Thursday released its controversial annual human rights report, once again pointing its finger at the human rights situation in other countries and regions, a notorious practice of interfering in other's internal affairs.
The report, entitled Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2011, highlights the "citizen uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa," in a change that "often creates instability before it leads to greater respect for democracy and human rights."

The report claimed that "overall human rights conditions remained extremely poor" in countries, including Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Syria, Belarus and China.

Ignoring the obvious achievements made by China in protecting its citizens' rights and freedom, the report groundlessly slammed China for continued "deterioration" in key aspects of its human rights situation in 2011.

It even wrongfully blamed the immolations of monks and nuns in Tibetan regions on "political restrictions and lack of religious freedom."

China has made it clear that the self-immolations of monks and nuns in Tibetan regions were politically-motivated, as they were part of the Dalai Lama clique's scheme to internationalize the Tibet issue.

China has been consistent in rejecting the U.S. finger-pointing at China in the report, citing it is full of distortion and accusations.

It believes that the U.S. government has been using the human rights issue as a political tool to defame other nations and seek its own strategic interests.

The Chinese government has been committed to protecting human rights, and openly admitted that it has differences with the United States over issues concerning human rights.

It is also willing to have dialogues on the topic with the U.S. side on the basis of equality and mutual respect, yet it firmly stands against foreign interference with China's internal affairs under the pretext of human rights.

In response to the report, China has been issuing the Human Rights Record of the United States since 1998 to retort the impudent U.S. criticism of China's human rights conditions.


Loverilakkuma Says:
May 22nd, 2012 at 8:25 am

I just found one respondent who was bitching on the article you’ve recently wrote in JT.

It’s so hilarious to see how shallow –and clueless– people are, as usual. This girl in the YouTube doesn’t even know that she is insulting Japanese people with her words.

Here’s the link:


JS Says:

May 22nd, 2012 at 1:07 pm
@ Loverilakkuma 126

Thank you, thank you, for posting the YouTube link. I have often wondered who these “Debito haters” our there are. Now, after watching the video, I know who these naive and ditzy people are, who are always critisizing and dissing Debito.

The girl in the video is obviously so smart with so much experience, wisdom and such a broad world view…..NOT. All I could do while watching the rambling rant on the video was to laugh and think to myself that it’s nice to finally be able to put a face to all the “Debito haters” out there. It made me think of the old saying, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. Ah, ignorance is indeed bliss, after all.

I have lived and worked in Toronto, and still hang on to my old OHIP card and Ontario drivers license. It is a beautiful multicultural city and one of the reasons Canada is so great. Thankfully, I never ran into anyone as ignorant as the girl in the video during my entire time in Toronto.

If these are the kinds of long term visitors or immigrants Japan attracts, then the country is in dire straits. Japan deserves better than this.

– It’s fortunate that someone like her was willing to link her face with her comments. Most of the pseudonymous Haters don’t.

ストーカー stalking

Anyone remember their take on culture shock? Have that issue?
chuckers May 23, 2012 at 9:39 am
This is why I feel the movie “Mr. Baseball” best represents what it is like to come to Japan. The Tom Selleck character goes all of those stages and it is shown beautifully.
This movie spoke to me more than “Lost in Translation” ever did. Likely because I had been in Japan for such an extended period that I didn’t feel the same loneliness anymore.


2012年05月21日 22時42分02秒 | Weblog



毎日新聞 2012年05月22日 20時47分(最終更新 05月22日 21時05分)





AAA 米国、英国、ドイツ、フランス

AA+ ニュージーランド、香港

AA  韓国、ベルギー、クウェート


In New Jersey, Memorial for ‘Comfort Women’ Deepens Old Animosity http://j.mp/K0Sg8F 
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In New Jersey, Memorial for ‘Comfort Women’ Deepens Old Animosity

But the Japanese lobbying to remove the monument seems to have backfired ― and deepened animosity between Japan and South Korea over the issue of comfort women, a longstanding irritant in their relations.







(2012年5月20日11時44分 読売新聞)

2012年05月21日 13:55 エネルギー

Studies of the Mortality of Atomic Bomb Survivors, Report 14, 1950–2003:
An Overview of Cancer and Noncancer Diseases

A new look at prolonged radiation exposure
MIT study suggests that at low dose-rate, radiation poses little risk to DNA.
Anne Trafton, MIT News Office

Micaela Braithwaite

In Countries where there are a more diverse group of people living there, I can imagine it isn't as bad. My best friend growing up was black and I never once assumed she was from anywhere other than Canada or living in Canada temporarily. I don't think I ever once said, "hey so you're black so what part of what black country are you from and why are you in my school?" Never once did I think she didn't belong there as a citizen. It is a bit different. Anyone who isn't Japanese is simply not Japanese, and will never BE considered Japanese. Even if they legally ARE a Japanese citizen. Does that make sense?
5月10日 13:03 · いいね!




薬事行政監視進まず 政府、第三者機関設置の法案断念へ


New Zealand Detective Supports Innocence of Man He Helped Convict…
Posted on May 22, 2012 by Mark Godsey | Leave a comment

An innocent man has spent almost 20 years in jail for one of New Zealand’s most notorious cases of rape and murder, says a detective with expert knowledge of the crime.

Susan Burdett was brutally raped and murdered in her Papatoetoe home in 1992 after an evening out 10-pin bowling.

The 39-year-old accounts clerk, who lived alone, was bashed repeatedly on the head with a softball bat that she kept in her bedroom for protection.

A colleague found her naked body on her bed after she failed to turn up for work the next day.

The case horrified the public and baffled police, who had no firm leads for almost a year.

Eventually, a 17-year-old gang associate, Teina Pora, was arrested and convicted of the crime in 1994 after making inconsistent confessions.

But in 1996, DNA testing showed the semen inside Mrs Burdett belonged to serial rapist Malcolm Rewa, who was unknown at the time of Pora’s trial but was convicted in 1998 of sexually assaulting 24 women.


Innocent Americans spent at least 10,000 years in jail
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Published: 21 May, 2012

The US Constitution guarantees a fair trial, but the number of Americans that will argue otherwise is incredible. At least 2,000 people have been sentenced to prison for crimes in the last 23 years, only to eventually be exonerated by the court.


Supreme Court: No inheritance for kids conceived after dad’s death
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Published: 21 May, 2012,

New Jersey twins born through artificial insemination following their dad’s death were finally stripped of their survivor status by the Supreme Court on Monday. The reason – their dad did not provide for them while he was alive.
Monday brought a total defeat for Karen, Robert Capato's surviving wife, in her more than two-year stand-off against the Social Security Administration (SSA) over her kids’ right for better welfare.
The unanimous ruling of the Supreme Court gave a final definition to the status of twins born through artificial insemination 18 months after their dad died of cancer: they are not entitled to Social Security survivor benefits.

頑張れ 337番 他

2012年05月20日 08時00分04秒 | Weblog

Sentiment Against Foreigners Flares in China: http://j.mp/JWiicK 
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2012年5月20日 - 0:28 Tweet Buttonから · このツイートをサイトに

May 18, 2012, 1:31 PM
Sentiment Against Foreigners Flares in China

A screen grab from a video that is said to show a British man, accused of sexually assaulting a woman in Beijing, as he was trapped and beaten by Chinese men.
Two of China’s largest Internet companies are urging users to help crack down on “misbehaving foreigners,” the state-run People’s Daily reported on Friday, after a high-profile case of sexual assault by a British man in Beijing last week and amid a push by the authorities to rein in foreigners illegally in the country.

The companies, the search giant Baidu and the huge social media hub Sina Weibo, have joined to call for users “to expose bad behavior by foreigners in China,” according to the report, which follows fury online after the alleged assault earlier this month that has galvanized social media anger in China.

Video posted on the Chinese video-sharing site Youku last week is said to have been recorded during the assault on a woman in Beijing. In the clip, which has been viewed millions of times already, the woman can be heard saying, “Help! I don’t know him,” in reference to the assailant. Chinese men then appear to attack the man, identified in a report from Xinhua, the state news agency, as an intoxicated British national with a tourist visa.

The video shows only parts of a fight between the Chinese men and the foreigner. By the end of the clip, the British man is in the street, barely moving, his shirt torn. It was not clear who made the recording or who edited and posted it.

A torrent of online comments, many of them obscene, celebrated the apparent actions of the Chinese men, according to a selection of responses translated by the blog Ministry of Tofu.

vera-vera-c: Isn’t this too audacious and licentious?! Actually, can our country at least try to control or reduce the population of foreign expats? They have come and occupied all the good places. The country, already packed with people, is now (accommodating) so many foreign nationals. So this won’t stop until we are crammed to death?!

sO__Dan: The blows were way too light.

nic-yang: He had the gall to play the bully on the Chinese territory! Beat him! Give him a good beating! Great job, Beijing bros!
More than one of the comments also connected the actions of the drunk foreigner in China with anger over the perceived lack of international respect for Chinese sovereignty behind a territorial dispute with the Philippines over a shoal in the sea between the two nations. According to the Ministry of Tofu, one of the comments posted on Weibo in response to the clip came from a blogger named Taufpate, who said: “Let’s keep sharing this video. I was so upset when I was watching the video. The Philippines is bullying China. Fine. Now this … foreigner has even come to our own land and bullied the Chinese girl!”

The blog China Smack translated similar comments as well as a statement posted on the verified Weibo account of the Beijing police department, which is investigating the incident. The police statement said:

From police investigations, on 2012 May 8th around 11 p.m., a foreign national male began molesting a woman in public after drinking. When passersby saw, they stopped him and called the police. The police immediately rushed to the scene and arrested the man. Afterward, the police put him in a detainment room for him to sober up and is currently being detained for investigation in accordance to law. This man is a British national and holds a tourist visa. At present, this case is currently in legal proceedings.
A handful of online commenters took a contrary view, claiming that the alleged assault may have to be a setup to ensnare the drunk foreign man, possibly to extort him. Another blog, Beijing Cream, said the men who attacked the Briton may also have been arrested though no police statement to that effect appears to have been issued.

The episode came days before a push by authorities in the Chinese capital against foreigners who enter the country illegally, overstay their visas or work without the proper papers. Global Times, the nationalistic state-run newspaper, linked the alleged assault and others like it to the clampdown on visa scofflaws that began this week in Beijing.

Authorities are encouraging residents who know of foreigners staying illegally in the country to report those violations to the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau. The report on the news organization’s English-language site singled out the Sanlitun area of the capital ― where numerous embassies, high-end shops and bars catering to Westerners are situated ― as one of the “key places” for residents to be on the look out for foreigners there illegally.

According to a Xinhua report:

The campaign, which will run until the end of August, will include household checks in Wangjing, Sanlitun and Wudaokou, areas of the city known for their high concentration of foreign residents, as well as on-the-spot street checks that will require foreigners to present valid identification, according to a spokesman from the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.
A day after the campaign began, the host of an English-language program on China Central Television, Yang Rui, applauded the effort in a strongly-worded post on the social media site Weibo, according to a translation by Global Times highlighted by flabbergasted foreign journalists in China.

“The Ministry of Public Security is getting rid of foreign trash right now, arresting foreign scum and protecting innocent Chinese girls from them,” read the post on Mr. Yang’s Weibo account. “Foreigners who can’t find a job in their home country come to China and get involved in illegal business activities such as human trafficking and espionage; they also like to distribute lies which discredit China to persuade locals to move abroad.”

The Economist’s Gady Epstein said that Mr. Yang later softened his town in a later post, suggesting “we must guard against xenophobia.”

排外主義 ネオナチ 中国

mozu ‏@mozumozumozu

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2012年5月20日 - 0:42 webから · 詳細





頑張れ 337番 ペンギン族の英雄になるかもしれない。







(2012年5月19日16時07分 読売新聞)



19 May 2012 Last updated at 02:02 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
US baby boomers urged to take hepatitis C blood test

Many infections of hepatitis C come from sharing needles to inject drugs. Before widespread screening began in 1992, it was also transmitted through blood transfusions.

2012年05月19日 10:28 法/政治







(2012年5月19日19時23分 読売新聞)



































獣婚 他

2012年05月19日 14時39分29秒 | Weblog


2012年05月17日 23:16 エネルギー


Japan Times のあれも、NYTのあれも、オリエンタリズム趣味の読者にウケるだろう書き手を使ってしまう傾向の結果か?

NYPD loses face and first Occupy Wall Street trial
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Published: 16 May, 2012

In The First Occupy Wall Street Protest Trial, Acquittal
By Nick Pinto Wed., May 16 2012 at 9:29 AM Comments (18)
Categories: Occupy Wall Street

Police brutality.

NDAA: Indefinite detention stopped? Not so fast
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Published: 17 May, 2012, 20:20

A US judge ruled on Wednesday that the indefinite military detention of American citizens, as allowed in the National Defense Authorization Act that President Barack Obama signed on December 31, 2011, is unconstitutional.
For now, American citizens will be excluded from the NDAA’s nasty laws that allow the government to detain persons with suspected ties to terrorist groups behind bars without ever pressing charges. Civilians the world over still face persecution, however, as the controversial legislation continues to allow for their imprisonment.

起訴前拘留 外人差別

Milestone for US as more than half of births come from minority groups
US census figures show Hispanic families driving demographic change as white babies now account for 49.6% of total birthsEd Pilkington in New York

guardian.co.uk, Thursday 17 May 2012 18

Sacha Baron Cohen criticised over 'negative stereotypes' of Arabs
Arab-Americans describe The Dictator as 'modern-day minstrel show' that may increase prejudice towards their community
Share 71

Ben Child
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 17 May 2012 12.19 BST

His clumsy camel-riding antics on the Croisette may have made Sacha Baron Cohen the toast of Cannes yesterday, but not everyone is happy with the British comic's portrayal of a fictional Middle Eastern autocrat in his new film The Dictator. The 40-year-old actor has come under fire from an Arab-American group which says his portrayal reinforces negative stereotypes about their community at a time when prejudice towards US citizens of Middle Eastern origin has never been more prevalent.

The Dictator Trailer (Sacha Baron Cohen)


英語ゴシップ・サイトに記事掲載されてます~。http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/69070980.html RT @hashimoto_tokyo Togetter:http://togetter.com/li/302901 ビートたけし「同性婚が認められたらそのうち動物との結婚も認められるようになったりね」

Gay rights campaigners in Japan hit out Thursday at Takeshi “Beat” Kitano after the award-winning actor-director compared same-sex marriage with bestiality.

Kitano, whose yakuza gangster films are popular around the world, enraged activists with his comments on a popular current affairs show as guests were being asked for their opinions on Barack Obama’s stance on gay marriage.

“Obama supports gay marriage. You would support a marriage to an animal eventually, then,” Kitano said after being shown footage of people celebrating the U.S. president’s comments.

Gays and lesbians do not usually encounter outright hostility in Japan, but there are few rights built into law for same-sex couples and there is little public debate on gay marriage.

Taiga Ishikawa, a gay activist and Tokyo assembly member who was among those shown celebrating in the program on Saturday, said the remark was unbecoming for someone of Kitano’s global stature.

“He is a world famous film director. It is disappointing that such an influential figure made that kind of negative comment,” Ishikawa told AFP.

“As a movie director, he must be a person with a great sense of imagination. I wish he had been able to put himself in the position of gay and lesbian people in society.”

Kitano, whose 1997 film Hana-bi won the Golden Lion at Venice, is a regular feature on Japanese television, hosting his own weekly show.

Last week Obama became the first sitting U.S. president to openly back gay marriage, an issue that sharply divides America.

Earlier this week, Tokyo Disney Resort confirmed same-sex wedding ceremonies could be held at hotels inside the popular theme park.

Read more at ONTD: http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/69070980.html#ixzz1vH55jz7h

23時間 suzuky ‏@suzuky
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suzuky ‏@suzuky
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Takeshi Kitano Compares Homosexuality to Bestiality?

ビートたけし 「オバマが同性婚支持だって。そのうち動物との結婚もできるよ」 → 渡辺えり発狂










suzuky ‏@suzuky



これが というわけではないが、欧米を引き合いにして、あるいは含意して、自国を卑下して、自分を持ち上げようというリベラル風味の風潮はいつごろからはじめったのだろうか?

The Chrysanthemum Sniffer May 16, 2012 at 11:26 pm

Debito.org used to be about how to improve Japan. That is, Debito’s original crusade was to challenge Japan’s legal system and appeal to a sense of moral justice among its citizens to have both them and the state do the right thing. In the past Debito has said that he likes Japan, and that he would like to see it take seriously its responsibilities as a member of the international community that supports the rule of law.
That’s generally a liberal position and one I happened to share, though I disagreed with his methods and his sense of proportionality. That is, I think discrimination against Debito’s audience of English-teaching expatriates is not terribly serious and thus I understand both why it is not a top priority for Japanese policymakers and why arguments that it should be falls on deaf ears. Nevertheless, I thought Debito’s heart was in the right place


空 May 19, 2012 at 9:26 am

VK May 19, 2012 at 12:45 pm

Interestingly, these assumptions have a real-life impact. In the US in popular surveys, there is a far greater proportion of people who blame social and health problems on individual responsibility than on environmental influences than in West European countries – with a corresponding impact on policy. Income inequality in the US is not properly discussed even by the Democratic Party, while conservative European Parties do acknowledge it as an issue that can cause social problems.
I think it becomes interesting in East Asia because of the greater emphasis placed on your relationships to others as the source of who you are, and as a result the far smaller emphasis based on universal principles of human behaviour. Ad hoc and evolved solutions are far less ideologically offensive


「死刑容認85%」ホント? 廃止議連が世論調査批判





2012年05月18日 04時58分56秒 | Weblog
これからの消費税の話をしよう 「正義」はあるか







So the libertarian position on taxation is no taxes. Period.




経産前事務次官、責任逃れ発言繰り返す 原発国会事故調


Britain's visa system: a V-sign to visitors
Heathrow is a symbol of an immigration system that deters one in four visitors. This torture by visa must end
Share 89


Ian Birrell
guardian.co.uk, Monday 14 May 201

But why do we need to be so unwelcoming to those wanting to come for a business meeting, a shopping trip or sightseeing? Few countries make it easy to obtain a visa. But Britain turns it into torture with a system judged the worst in Europe. It is so bad one in four people abandon plans to visit, costing the country an estimated £750m each year.

There was an Iranian scientist invited to a crucial conference whose passport was held for eight weeks, causing him to miss the event and waste £800 on flights. The Indian singer, forced to abandon a major concert after his first visa difficulty in two decades of touring. The West Indies cricket tour stripped of players. Or the Turk charged £545 for his visa. "Should I read a hidden message?" he asked. "Don't come."

Visitors are told to apply for visas online, whether they have internet access or not. Supporting documents such as bank statements and employers' letters must be translated into English. There are over-long forms and interviews can be hundreds of miles away – Russia has five centres, all in one corner of the country, while some Middle East and African countries have none, so applicants must go to a neighbouring nation. There are hefty fees (they can be twice the average weekly wage), fingerprinting and, possibly, medical tests. Passports must be handed over for perhaps a month – a month with no work for business people or performers. And still there is a one in 10 chance of rejection – and as inspectors have found, mistakes are commonplace and applicants turned down for failing to provide information they were never told they needed.

Alice, a 30-year-old Kenyan, was promoted after six years working for a British charity and invited to an induction course. Despite holding a masters degree and living in a large house, she was told she could not be trusted to return since she was not married. "I was very offended," she said. "The language was rude and it was racist to assume I'm so poor and desperate I'd give up everything to disappear in your country."

Convicted murderer, 24, who has served seven years in jail freed on bail after judges rule he is victim of 'serious miscarriage of justice'
Jubilant family greet Sam Hallam, 24, outside court after he walks out on bail after serving seven years in jail for murder he always denied
Appeal Court hears police did not investigate Hallam's alibi and prosecutors failed to disclose vital evidence to defence team during trial
Relatives celebrate after years of insisting guilty verdict was unsafe
Judge will rule tomorrow whether to order a retrial or quash the conviction
Campaigners who fought for Hallam's release say he has 'lost the best years of his life'
Actor Ray Winstone criticised the police and has demanded answers after Hallam walked free

PUBLISHED: 17:46 GMT, 16 May 2012 | UPDATED: 20:30 GMT, 16 May 2012

Hallam who lived with his family in Hoxton was just 17 when arrested.
He was jailed for life at the Old Bailey in 2005 for the murder of 21-year-old Ethiopian trainee chef Essayas Kassahun in 2004.It was recommended he serve a minimum of 12 years.
He has been locked up since October 2004, so has spent seven years and seven months in custody.
Kassahun had come to the aid of a friend who was being attacked on Old Street, Central London, by a mob of youths over a trivial perceived insult.
Hallam, who claimed to be playing football at the time, was convicted on the basis of disputed identification evidence from two witnesses who placed him at the scene of the killing.
His first appeal was rejected in March 2007, although the court then found 'significant and substantial inconsistencies and difficulties in the prosecution evidence'.
But following a lengthy campaign by his family and friends, including actor Ray Winstone, Hallam who had hoped for a career in the army had his case referred back to court by the Criminal Cases Review Commission which investigates miscarriages of justice.
He was one of seven originally charged with the murder. One other man Bullabeck Ring-Biong was also convicted and jailed for life.


Comic translator convicted of possessing child pornography... after police seize his collection of Japanese manga cartoons
PUBLISHED: 20:15 GMT, 16 May 2012 | UPDATED: 21:48 GMT, 16 May 2012

'I would feel completely finished with Sweden. It feels so incredibly strange that I should be regarded as a criminal for having looked at some imaginary drawings.'
Chief prosecutor in the case, Hedvig Trost said: 'Children should never be depicted in a sexual context, regardless of whether it is in a photograph or a drawing.

アニメ 漫画 ポルノ

Are U.S. Troops In Australia A Hedge Against China?

U.S. Shifts Marines From Japan

The U.S. recently agreed with Japan to relocate Marines from Okinawa to Darwin, where, Krause says, they will have much more room to train.

"There are increasing pressures on the U.S. in Okinawa and in Guam on training ranges," he says. "We have a training range in northern Australia the size of Belgium. We're happy to share."

He also insists that Australia intends to maintain good relations with both its biggest trading partner, China, and its main military ally, the US.

"From our point of view, one of the underlying assumptions is that you can have more than one friend," he says. "And they can be quite different friends, so you don't have to choose. And we aren't choosing."



2012年05月17日 02時01分17秒 | Weblog


Germans arrest Sea Shepherd founder
Published: 14 May 12 07:56 CET
Updated: 14 May 12 16:44 CET

A German court on Monday ordered Paul Watson, the founder of marine conservation group Sea Shepherd, to remain in custody a day after his arrest on a warrant from Costa Rica.
The veteran anti-whaling campaigner, a Canadian national, was detained in Frankfurt on Sunday on charges stemming from a high seas confrontation over shark finning in 2002.

He is accused of having "put a ship's crew in danger" in the incident, a Frankfurt prosecutor said.

A media report in Australia, citing Costa Rican reports, said he also faced an outstanding warrant for attempted murder during the same incident.

"The German police have said that the warrant for Captain Watson's arrest is in response to an alleged violation of ships traffic in Costa Rica, which occurred during the filming of 'Sharkwater' in 2002," Sea Shepherd said.

The specific "violation of ships traffic" incident took place in Guatemalan waters when Sea Shepherd encountered an illegal shark finning operation, run by a Costa Rican ship called the Varadero, it added in a statement.

Sea Shepherd is best known for its annual pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet in Antarctica, using increasingly militant ways to halt the hunt.

This year, after setting off from Australia, the group hurled stink bombs at the boats on the high seas and used ropes to try to tangle their propellers in a series of exchanges which saw the whalers retaliate with water cannon.

The whaling fleet killed less than a third of the animals it planned to because of the sabotage attempts.



社会運動論研究会ブログ~「在特会」「行動する保守」など排外主義運動に関する聞き取り資料 http://blog.livedoor.jp/socialmovements/archives/52277997.html



在特会の論理(2) : 「心震える歴史」を経験したB氏の場合



Greece's neo-Nazi Golden Dawn is a European problem
When people are pushed to the brink, ugly things happen: something the troika, especially Merkel, should never forget.
Last Modified: 16 May 2012

let's set a few things straight. First of all, Golden Dawn, despite its recent claims, is indeed a neo-Nazi party. Their ideology, which they describe on their website as "Popular and Social Nationalism", gives their precise coordinates within Nazi ideology.

So do the origins of their party, which was founded by Nikolaos Michaloliakos in 1985 under a direct order from the imprisoned leader of the Greek junta, George Papadopoulos. And so do their self-representation, language and tactics. The official publication of Golden Dawn runs articles praising the Nazis and often places photographs of Hitler, Himmler, and Nazi gatherings on its front cover. The members of the organisation have the same uneducated, invented, and highly idiosyncratic understanding of ancient Greece as the Nazis did.


Left-wingers: we torched EU taskmaster's car
Published: 16 May 12 08:47 CET


German left-wing extremists have claimed responsibility for an arson attack against the man they hold responsible for impovershing the Greek people. The attackers burned his wife’s car and threw paint and stones at his house.

遠藤 雅裕/中央大学法学部教授
専門分野 言語学


鳩山氏“県外・国外移設 模索を”
5月15日 17時42分



‏ @mozumozumozu

Beware of Chinese Jingoism | China Power http://j.mp/KKW1zK @Diplomat_APACさんから
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Giantpanda Says:
May 15th, 2012 at 9:13 pm
@Jiong, as a caucasian married to a Chinese I have experienced some pretty foul racism in China. Including being called a whore, while walking down the street with my husband. My children will never be considered Chinese, despite their names and ancestry. My in-laws feel it’s perfectly fine to talk about “lao wai” and “riben guizi” in front of my face. China has a 4,000 year old tradition of cultural imperialism, and I think it’s only a matter of time before the old ideas of ethnic superiority raise their heads again (it’s no mistake that China is named the “middle kingdom” – the centre of the world). Yet you are right, the Chinese will never ignore you for being foreign, their micro-agressions are much more on the side of paying you far too much attention!

– Let’s get back on track with a conversation about Japan (or if comparing, including Japan), please.

中国 外人


Ministers failed to take full account of cuts impact, says equality watchdog


Shadow home secretary and equalities minister Yvette Cooper said it was further evidence of the Government's “deeply unfair” approach to cutting the deficit.

“Decisions by David Cameron and George Osborne are already hitting women and families hardest, helping millionaires whilst those on low and middle income pay much more,” she said.

“Now this report shows ministers didn't even properly consider the impact of their plans on inequality in advance.


NATO killed 72 Libyan civilians: study


リビア 戦争犯罪 コラテラル

BRUSSELS – NATO’s bombing campaign in Libya left 72 civilians dead last year, a leading human rights group said Monday, accusing the military alliance of failing to acknowledge the deaths.

In a 76-page report, Human Rights Watch urged NATO to provide “prompt and suitable compensation” to families for the civilian deaths, injuries and loss of property.

HRW’s field investigation at the sites of eight NATO air strikes found that 20 women and 24 children were among the 72 people killed.

“To date, NATO has failed to acknowledge these casualties or to examine how and why they occurred,” the New York-based group said in the report.

元最高検検事、筑波大学名誉教授 土本武司 小沢氏の「共謀」なぜ認めぬのか







Doug Says:
May 16th, 2012 at 11:19 am

When I come across friends or acquaintances that constantly complain about Japan with nothing positive to say (perhaps that would have been a better way to phrase my statement), yes…I do ask “Why do you stay?” – I think it is a logical question…why stay somewhere you do not like? Why not go where you will be happier and enjoy your life more? I do know some people that are in situations where they cannot leave (due to family, etc.) – and yeah, that is a shame.


Sex game murder victim 'paid killer to do it'
Published: 12 May 12 14:02 CET

A man who killed a bank manager during a sex game and boiled his severed head in a pan has told investigators he was paid to do so by his victim, it emerged.
Man dismembered and cooked after sex games - National (25 Jan 12)
Investigators now believe the victim of the gruesome murder which took place in Berlin on January 5 paid his killer €1,000 to suffocate him during a sadomasochistic sex game, the Berliner Zeitung newspaper reported on Saturday.

Prosecutors have now charged the 43-year-old unemployed Berliner with “murder for sexual pleasure.”

The case echoes that of the German cannibal Armin Meiwes, who was jailed for life in 2006 for castrating, killing and partially eating another man - who apparently wanted to die and be eaten.

ドイツ 変態 人肉食 カニバリズム サドマゾ

jane grey on May 15, 2012 at 4:55 am said:
Sora is not Japanese. He has been called out so many times on the fact that when he wants to, he can write perfect English, and then at other times he makes erratic errors. As for his Japanese, sure, he knows lots of Kanji, and really ‘bookish’ grammar, but try writing in spoken Japanese (like most Japanese when they e-mail; no particles, etc), and he doesn’t have a clue and all of a sudden he wants to ‘correct’ your sentences into something far too convoluted. He comes across as one of these State-side kanji freaks, who maybe studied in Japan for a year.
If you call him out on this at Tepido, KY Jelly will ban you.


金で買えないもの 他

2012年05月16日 03時15分05秒 | Weblog
What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets [ペーパーバック]
Michael Sandel (著)


Justice でもそうであったが、リベラルのロールズ、リバタリアンのノチックの著作に比べてかなりわかりやすい、というのが一番注目に値する。






page 114
 面白いのは、スイスのある地方で、放射性廃棄物を処理の必要性を説いたら、その道義に感銘して、引き受けるという人が多かったが、、受け入れてくれたら、金を出す、と おまけをつけたら、受け入れ支持が減ったのだそうな。 金を出されたからやる、というのと、大義のためにやる、というのでは意味が違うし、金を出されてしまっては、やる価値が低減してしまう場合もあるわけである。 


page 203

At the time of rising inequality、the marketization of everything means that people of affluence and people of modest means lead increasingly separate lives. We live and work and shop and play in different places....
Democracy does not require perfect equality but it does require that citizens share in a common life. What matters is that people of different backgrounds and social positions encounter one another, and bump up against one another in the course of every day life. For this is how we learn to negotiate and abide our differences and how we come to care for the common good.



page 13
Disillusion with politics has deepened as citizen grow frustrated with a political system unable to act for the public good, or to address the questions that matter most.




Wall Street Journal


: review



Independent は経済学者による反論を含んだ書評。

We might agree that the new markets in financial indices of agricultural commodity prices, created by Goldman Sachs and others, are intolerable. For me, the reason is the utilitarian one that they are making very poor people go hungry.



Time to Admit Defeat: Greece Can No Longer Delay Euro Zone Exit http://j.mp/LMhyYj @SPIEGELONLINEさんから
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2012年5月15日 - 16:25 Tweet Buttonから · このツイートをサイ


Time to Admit Defeat
Greece Can No Longer Delay Euro Zone Exit

Part 4: Scenarios for a Greek Exit

If the drachma returns, it will drastically lose value against the euro, with experts expecting a devaluation of at least 50 percent. Insiders say that a loss of up to 80 percent is even possible. Banks and companies with foreign debts denominated in euros could no longer service them and would have to file for bankruptcy.

As a result, Greece would plunge into an even deeper recession. The IMF estimates a decline in economic output of more than 10 percent for the first year following the return of the drachma. This would set the country back by years in economic terms.

But after that, according to the IMF, the Greek economy will grow even faster than it would without the devaluation. "The turbulence could last one or two years," says Hans-Werner Sinn, president of the influential Munich-based Ifo Institute for Economic Research. But after that, he adds, things will improve again.

The professor's prognosis is based on two assumptions. First, because imports will become more expensive, the Greeks will buy more domestic products, eating Greek instead of Dutch tomatoes, for example. At the same time, the country's exports will become cheaper, making it more competitive. The result: Greek olive oil will displace Spanish oil in German supermarkets.

Tourist Attraction

Many countries have successfully exported their way out of their plights in the past through currency devaluation: Sweden in the wake of the banking crash in the early 1990s, South Korea following the 1997 Asian financial crisis and Argentina after the end of the dollar regime in 2001. In all of these countries, the economy crashed initially, only to recover all the more vigorously in the end.

Greece can reduce its foreign trade deficit by exporting more and importing less. In the last decade, its trade deficit was at a near-record 10 percent. Even in 2010, when the crisis hit with full force, the country imported €32 billion more in goods than it sold abroad. As a result, Greece, supposedly an agricultural country, is still a net importer of food products.

Another economic sector on which many are pinning their hopes is also likely to benefit from the return of the drachma: tourism. A vacation in Greece has become too expensive for many foreigners. But with the new currency, the country could compete once again with its toughest rivals, Turkey and North Africa.

The Fitch rating agency estimates that public-sector claims against Greece will grow to more than €300 billion this year. If the majority of these claims became worthless, the German finance minister alone would face a loss of tens of billions of euros.

This is a large amount, and yet most economists believe it is manageable. It would roughly correspond to the German government's net borrowing for this year. In other words, the economic damage of a Greek withdrawal from the euro for Germany would remain within limits. "The Greek economy is simply too insignificant for that," says the Oxford-based German economist Clemens Fuest


ギリシャ再選挙へ 「緊縮か、ユーロ離脱か」 欧州債務危機深刻化の恐れも



性暴力被害、24時間支援 6月から東京で電話相談開始








mozu ‏ @mozumozumozu
China and Japan Fall Out Over Uighurs http://j.mp/KqboiR @WSJさんから ともあれ筋は通ったな
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Updated May 15, 2012, 10:39 a.m. ET
China and Japan Fall Out Over Uighurs


VK May 16, 2012 at 12:56 am

@Ken Y-N (aka Tepido Naruhodo):
Actually, I’m not too happy with the idea of labelling a single ethnic grouping as a “community” just because of their ethnicity.
You’re right not to be happy. I don’t know how better to put it than that there’s a lot of crap thinking about ethnicity and what it means for individuals. People have multiple ethnicities: you yourself (afaik from that profile about WJT) are a Scot, a Briton, a European, white, a Westerner – and that’s quite aside from the issue of whether that matters more to you than the company you work for, being a biker, a blogger, or an immigrant to Japan or that part of Japan you call home.
“Community” is a tedious modern media invention that justifies pigeon-holing under the guise of empathy. What matters, in the jargon, is salience. Which categories are politically and emotionally important? For me for example, that’s prinarily being a parent (and the partner of a working mother) and an education worker. It’s purely emotional after that that I’m a foreigner – and to be honest, that’s as more a European in a foreign-means-American environment than a westerner. My Japanese needs to be better (that I’m a language learner is another identity) but as the kind of foreigner I am, I don’t have a salient “NJ” identity. I have more in common with a Japanese university teacher than with a 22-year-old Australian on a gap year.
There used to be a time where people dreamt that race would matter less and economics would matter more. (Level3 – this is genuine left-wingery). But for Arudou I think it has always been about being a White Guy In Japan. I’m really not sure he misinterpreted that comment about Koreans and Chinese.



2012年05月15日 17時43分36秒 | Weblog

学童保育ですが…会話は英語のみ 名古屋で人気


'Black lifestyle' in Japan

黒肌ファッション ブラックフェイス ガングロ

2011/08/25 にアップロード
A pale skin resembles beauty in Japan, but that no longer doesn't count for everyone. Hina lives her life according to the 'B-style', or the 'black lifestyle'. This includes going to the tanning salon regularly to become as dark as American hip hop artists.

Tkyosam and his African brother

What's good about Japan.

What about sex, I love it. Yellow one is good.



2人ともドレスでOK 同性婚の挙式で東京ディズニー直営ホテル
2012.5.14 19:04









Women's voices must be heard
Young, vulnerable girls were groomed by a sex ring yet much of the media focuses only on ethnicity of the convicted men.
Last Modified: 12 May 2012

It must be remembered that this case is not about the racist distortions of white supremacist political parties. Nor is it about the 59-year-old convicted gang leader's self-pitying claims that society's failure to protect the girls is being blamed on what he called "a weak minority group" - meaning his ethnic group.

This case is about how young girls were violated because their vulnerability and poverty was noticed and exploited by a group of criminals with the cash and resources to exploit them.

A close-knit group of "small business men" chose to become pimps and rapists and, as do all abusers, they saw an opportunity to select their victims. In this case, the victims came from a poor town in northern England with high unemployment. The culprits used age-old methods of force and coercion to target emotionally isolated girls - described by the police as coming from "chaotic backgrounds" - into their ugly world of sexual exploitation.

イギリス 少女に売春をさせていたグループが摘発されたが、加害者グループが右翼が敵対する民族に属していたので、右翼が民族問題にしてしまったが、問題はあいもかわらず、少女たちの社会的脆弱性が搾取されているということで、そこに焦点をあてるべきだ、と。



‏ @mozumozumozu

Former News of the World reporter claims journalists made up stories http://j.mp/Kl8b43 @guardianさんから 違法行為や捏造の背景に「恐怖の文化」があったと。
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 News of the World 以外CNNやNYTなど他のところでもそうなんだろうな。

ウイグル代表入国 中国が反発


平成18年に電源喪失リスク指摘文書 東電会長「私には届かず」


無罪確定のシー・シェパード関係者に80万円 歌山地裁、刑事補償決定
2012.5.15 13:23




現代の拷問! 股間に洗濯挟み、尻にアイロン…陸曹候補生11人に暴行、5人停職処分
2012.5.15 14:18 [事件・トラブル]




純粋な動機 他

2012年05月14日 09時38分44秒 | Weblog
RE: Debito arudou - Microagression ?
"I don't like him at all."

We like you ♪♪

性同一性障害―撮影スタッフも“カミングアウト” 京都の公立高教師追ったドキュメンタリー映画

スタッフも混乱 自らの性別にゆらぎが…






男女の役割というのは ホルモンやらなんやら生物的基礎はあってもそれに決定づけられることなく、社会的なものなので、揺らぎがあってもおかしくはない。

映画『Coming Out Story~カミングアウトストーリー』予告編 - YouTube


2012年05月13日 12:23 本






Pensioner stabs his wife to death before killing himself by taking deadly substance
The bodies of Ronald and Christine Pearmain were discovered at their home in Hertfordshire
Detectives say they are not looking for anyone else in connection with the two deaths
PUBLISHED: 15:00 GMT, 13 May 2012


Obese Britain: NHS paid for 20 children as young as 15 to have invasive weight-loss surgery in past two years
PUBLISHED: 08:39 GMT, 13 May 2012 | UPDATED: 11:43 GMT, 13 May 2012


Parental Abductions
Tuesday, 1 May 12



Uncle Sam fabricates crimes due to political agenda - Bout
Get short URL email story to a friend print version
Published: 13 May, 2012, 18:09

Convicted arms trafficker Victor Bout told RT in an exclusive interview his case is purely political. Bout says his false conviction exposes America's justice system as one of a police state on the brink of dictatorship.
Bout, who continues to maintain his innocence, is serving 25 years for conspiring to kill US citizens and sell arms to Colombian militants.
This week, it was decided that Bout will be sent from a New York prison to a super-maximum security prison, despite his trial judge recommending medium-security confinement.
The Colorado prison is known as the 'Alcatraz of the Rockies', and houses America's most-dangerous and violent criminals. Bout's lawyer is fighting to overturn the decision.

RT: You’re in a process of appeal and you’ve also asked Russia’s State Duma to file a complaint against the US and Thailand. What are you hoping for legally and politically?
VB: Legally the lawyers would know better the precedent of American law and what my perspectives are and what they are going to do. But I have almost no hope because this system works so that once you’re put under judicial decisions – no judge, even the Supreme Court, would ever cancel that. Because this is a “truth in Über state”. Nobody can ever reconsider that decision. [In the US] it is accepted that juries cannot fail.

RT: Critics of your case have been saying it is anti-Russian. Is it the case?
VB: Of course it is anti-Russian. Look at what happened in Thailand during the extradition procedure. The criminal court of Bangkok denied the extradition. They applied tremendous pressure on the government of Thailand and actually bought me out, not extradited. We submitted an appeal to the Thai court and it is still not finished. The pressure was so huge they had to pass me to the American side. My case is still on the shelves in Thailand.
If there is a political will of the Thai government and they want to prove they have real, not mock, justice, and that they are not a colony of the US – they have to do a decision on my case.
RT: Will there be more ‘manufactured crimes’ when foreigners are brought unlawfully to American soil?
VB: The FBI and the DEA are manufacturing crimes regularly.
I closely monitor such cases… This is how they fight their war on terror, because terror is not a state or a person.
RT: You said you’ll be able to return home earlier than your term is over. How is that?
VB: My case is purely political. Despite the American procedures the Russian public knows the truth.
My case shows the real condition of the American justice system of a police state close to dictatorship.



Protect women from violence

Posted: 05/12/2012 01:29:29 PM PDT

Republicans have objected to provisions and stalled the Violence Against Women Reauthorization. The protection and defense of women against violence may be next on their chopping block.
As I thought about Mother's Day, I thought what a wonderful time to honor mothers across America. Then I was quickly reminded about the war on women. Because I worked for the San Bernardino Sexual Assault Services, what stood out most to me was the Violence Against Women Act and the need to continue and expand programs and amendments to protect and defend women against violence in America.

In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner. That's an average of three women every day. Of all the women murdered in the U.S., approximately one-third were killed by an intimate partner. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year. Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day.

母の日 女性虐待

May 13, 2012, 1:55 AM
Mother’s Day ― Live on The Local

Kimie Bunyasaranand
‏ @Kimie_B

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women―more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. #CUNYMothersday
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Domestic Violence Statistics

Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.
Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Most often, the abuser is a member of her own family.
Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women―more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.
Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.
Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup.
Everyday in the US, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends.

Jewpan 他

2012年05月12日 07時15分36秒 | Weblog






Doug Says:
May 11th, 2012 at 8:14 am
Jim (#25)

I think a comparison to victims of Domestic Violence is way over the top. Jim, are you still in Japan? Therefore do you suffer from Stockholm Syndrome or should you be compared to a victim of domestic violence.

I have a good friend who was a victim of domestic violence. You should talk to her and share your comparison with her….I think you would find your comparison is beyond ridiculous and she would take a great deal of offense at the comparison.

Personally I do not deride or care if someone chose to stay in Japan or leave. It is a personal decision and should be respected. For those that left responsibly (gave notice to employers, etc.) my hats off to you for doing what you thought was the right thing. As Becky said above…for those that sent families home and followed…very admirable if you were doing what you did in the belief it would protect your family. I hope things work out well wherever you end up. What is not acceptable are the people that left jobs without even bothering to notify their companies (no phone call, anything).

For those that are staying and deriding the country (beyond reasonable complaints)….I guess if you are not a citizen why stay? Although I disagree with the recent post about it being time to give up on Japan, I respect the author for writing the post and acting on it.

Maybe some people are stuck here due to family situations..I do not know.

Debito-san pursuing the onsen in Otaru (especially when they wanted to admit one child and deny entry to the other) was a very righteous cause. Denial of access to rental property is another one. The Gaijin Crime magazine…fingerprinting at every entry…yes…good issues. But it seems this site is becoming a bit more polarized and I am not sure I agree with the microagression post or with this one.

In post 21, Eric says “Let’s face it: there will always be a certain percentage of Japanese who will look upon NJ with suspicion, disdain and even hatred”

I travel all over Japan for my work and I agree but I believe this percentage is relatively small.

“… and there will always be a certain percentage of NJ who will suffer Stockholm syndrome and start adopting the attitudes of these racist Japanese. They are, as I’ve said elsewhere, pets who start to resemble their owners…”

If you could expand this thought a bit more I would be interested to hear what you have to say…basically are you only referring to foreigners in Japan that criticize other foreigners? Or is your scope beyond that.

I guess I could claim that I am feeling like a victim of “microagressions” while reading some of the posts here….

はい、また、有道ブログにさようなら、組 といっていいでしょうーー歓迎!

Keep in mind you get nothing by associating with Debito et al; no reliable information, no viable solution. Rather whatever you do, you'll be seen as just a Japan hater.

We support "flyjins" who leave Debito org

2.5 Oyajis LIVE: Negativity, Cultural Adjustment, and Microagression





Attempted Online Dating FAIL バーチャル出会い系の失敗・・・(字幕付き!)

lol her accent is so posh!! most amusing ;)
HappyBerryCrochet 2 週間前 4

FU-KIN WIERD... Even though I'm british, her accent is awesome!
Danoftouni 2 週間前

Micro-aggression ?

昼のチャイムにもお弁当にもびっくり 中国から来た美人奈良県国際交流員が奮闘中
2012.5.10 12:55


国際交流員 JETプログラムを通じて地方公共団体に配属される。観光客誘致や地域住民との交流への協力などが主な役割。これまで県はアメリカ、フランス、韓国などから招致している。中国出身の国際交流員は平成17年度以降、牛楊陽さんで4人目となる


東電値上げ申請 丁寧な説明で理解を求めよ(5月12日付・読売社説)

東電値上げ―脱原発につなげてこそ 2012年5月12日 朝日社説


米の慰安婦碑 政府も公式に撤去求めよ
2012.5.12 03:22 (1/2ページ)産経社説



11 May 2012 Last updated at 01:32 GMT

Why was the US military teaching 'total war' on Islam?

Martin Dempsey has ordered an investigation into how the class was approved for teaching
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How secure will the US feel in 2021?
America's top military officer has condemned a course taught about Islam at one of America's top military schools as "totally objectionable".

It is not surprising. The story, first broken by Wired, is fairly astonishing, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, must be furious.

The course taught officers there was no such thing as moderate Islam and that they should consider the religion their enemy.

It advocated "total war" against all the world's Muslims, including possible nuclear attacks on the holy cities of Mecca and Medina and the wiping out civilian populations.

The Pentagon has confirmed the course material found on their website is authentic.

11 May 2012 Last updated at 07:25 GMT

Protest in Philippines over South China Sea stand-off

11 May 2012 Last updated at 09:47 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Gambling row hits South Korea monks

Jinje, the highest spiritual leader of the Jogye order made a public apology vowing "self-repentance"
The leader of South Korea's biggest Buddhist order has apologised after monks were filmed apparently gambling illegally.

Six leaders of the Jogye order offered to resign on Thursday after the secretly-filmed footage emerged.

Film apparently showing monks playing poker at a luxury hotel, some smoking and drinking, was aired on television.

Gambling is illegal in South Korea, apart from in designated places such as casinos catering mostly to tourists.

Gambling is also a violation of the code of conduct for monks of the Jogye order.

ギャンブル 賭博

11 May 2012 Last updated at 09:31 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Undercover agent in al-Qaeda bomb plot 'was British'

The man who foiled a Yemen-based al-Qaeda "underwear bomb" plot was a British man of Middle Eastern origin, according to US media.

容疑者 出身 at large 逃亡中

'I've escaped a dark place': Mother who had eyes gouged out describes how she has rebuilt her life as ex-lover is jailed indefinitely for monstrous attack
Tina Nash was subjected to 'sickening' 12-hour ordeal at her home
She was also left with a broken nose and jaw in an assault described as 'the most harrowing' police had seen
The 32-year-old said the worst thing was not being able to see her children
Abusive Shane Jenkin jailed indefinitely for GBH today
He will be detained at a secure psychiatric hospital
Mother of two said she is stronger than ever and ready to move on with life
She had helped her violent partner get out of jail on several occasions
He attacked her nine times in the year leading up to him blinding her
PUBLISHED: 09:19 GMT, 11 May 2012 | UPDATED: 14:27 GMT, 11 May 2012

The mother-of-two was brutally beaten by Jenkin in the assault at her home last year. He broke her nose and jaw, throttled her until she was unconscious, and then gouged out her eyes.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2142833/Tina-Nash-Mother-eyes-gouged-brutal-boyfriend-inspired-attack.html#ixzz1uZVxJYao



Tina Nash talks about moving on after her boyfriend blinded her (Breakfast, 11.5.12)

UK addicted to sleeping pills: Stress-related insomnia on rise since start of the economic crunch
NHS spending £50million a year on the drugs
That's a rise of one-sixth over the past three years
Experts fear patients may be getting hooked
PUBLISHED: 23:11 GMT, 10 May 2012 | UPDATED: 07:06 GMT, 11 May 2012

睡眠障害 中毒

How a violent past leads women to be more prone to having 'risky' sex

Women in violent areas prone to risky behaviour
'Community violence' highest risk factor
Prone to having multiple partners, using no protection and using drugs or alcohol before sex

PUBLISHED: 09:13 GMT, 11 May 2012


好感度 ほか

2012年05月11日 22時00分19秒 | Weblog
How the world fell out of love with Europe
With the eurozone crisis showing no signs of waning, people around the globe are looking to less traditional models, a new poll shows


Poll shows Americans' pessimism on economy growing
Associated Press

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/05/10/3605109/poll-shows-americans-pessimism.html#storylink=cpy

WASHINGTON -- Americans are growing more pessimistic about the economy and handling it remains President Barack Obama's weak spot and biggest challenge in his bid for a second term, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.

And the gloomier outlook extends across party lines, including a steep decline in the share of Democrats who call the economy "good," down from 48 percent in February to just 31 percent now.

Almost two-thirds of Americans - 65 percent - disapprove of Obama's handling of gas prices, up from 58 percent in February. Nearly half, 44 percent, "strongly disapprove." And just 30 percent said they approve, down from 39 percent in February.


日経平均、終値も9000円割れ 3カ月ぶり

北朝鮮のGPS妨害で墜落か 無人偵察ヘリ、1人死亡 韓国軍が調査
2012.5.11 10:20





Prince Charles reads the weather forecast for Scotland

Stupid Journalism: Marie Claire Article About Anorexia in Japan

Georgia Hanias

Maeve McClenaghan




摂食障害 拒食症 偏向報道

America is fat - and getting fatter
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Published: 09 May, 2012

Is healthy weight impossible for many Americans?

By Sharon Begley

updated 5/8/2012 9:37:54 AM ET
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America's obesity epidemic is so deeply rooted that it will take dramatic and systemic measures -- from overhauling farm policies and zoning laws to, possibly, introducing a soda tax -- to fix it, the influential Institute of Medicine said on Tuesday.

In an ambitious 478-page report, the IOM refutes the idea that obesity is largely the result of a lack of willpower on the part of individuals. Instead, it embraces policy proposals that have met with stiff resistance from the food industry and lawmakers, arguing that multiple strategies will be needed to make the U.S. environment less "obesogenic."
The IOM, part of the National Academies, offers advice to the government and others on health issues. Its report was released at the Weight of the Nation conference, a three-day meeting hosted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cable channel HBO will air a documentary of the same name next week.
"People have heard the advice to eat less and move more for years, and during that time a large number of Americans have become obese," committee member Shiriki Kumanyika of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine told Reuters. "That advice will never be out of date. But when you see the increase in obesity you ask, what changed? And the answer is, the environment. The average person cannot maintain a healthy weight in this obesity-promoting environment."
A study funded by the CDC and released on Monday projected that by 2030, 42 percent of American adults will be obese, compared to 34 percent today and 11 percent will be severely obese, compared to 6 percent today.
Video: Lose weight and keep it off
Another one-third of American adults are overweight today, and one-third of children aged 2 to 19 are overweight or obese. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index - a measure of height to weight - of 30 or greater. Overweight means a BMI of 25 to 29.9.


Teenage girl who weighed just six stone wrongly diagnosed with eating disorder when she had a deadly brain tumour
Nichole Bain, 19, was suffering from severe headaches and sickness when she visited her GP in Blackburn, Lancashire
She actually had a malignant brain tumour the size of a 50p coin
PUBLISHED: 12:01 GMT, 11 May 2012 | UPDATED: 14:25 GMT, 11 May 2012
Comments (14)

A teenager weighing just six stone was wrongly diagnosed as an anorexic by doctors when she actually had a potentially deadly brain tumour.

Miss Bain was 15 and weighed 8.5-stone when in December 2008 she began suffering from severe headaches and constant sickness.
Her doctor first said she suffered from migraines, then celiac disease and even bizarrely said she was 'standing up too fast'.
She was finally diagnosed with anorexia in April 2009 after her weight dropped to just six stone.

節食障害 医療過誤

Moscow police disperse opposition’s peaceful promenade, over 200 arrests (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
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Published: 08 May, 2012

Police have dispersed the “popular promenade” in Central Moscow, a new form of peaceful demonstration led by Russia's opposition. Over 200 arrests have been made as anti-government rallies continue for a third day.
Police say some of the protesters have been arrested more than once, as they continued breaking law and order in the city’s streets after being released.

Moscow rally cop brutality: Victim mystery (VIDEO)
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Published: 11 May, 2012

Additional video and screenshots paint a different picture, showing footage from after the incident where the victim is more clearly visible.
Upon closer scrutiny the blogger suggests that it is not a pregnant woman in the video but an adolescent boy.
Investigation underway


偏向報道 ロシア

Arudou Debito (Randy Collinsさんより)
水曜日 3:48 ·

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell ties the ongoing abductions of American children to Japan to the North Korean abduction of Japanese citizens in the past.

ここの引用がTepido で、話題にされている

7:29pm, EDT
Marine who criticized Obama on Facebook: I wish I could take it back





Frederick Gundlach I hear that this really pissed off the Japanese, but I'm not sure it's unfair; and, in certain matters, they need some pissing off.
水曜日 3:54 · 3

Mike DeJong Gents, journalism isn't dead. It just doesn't exist in Japan. I worked at NHK where the government line was strictly enforced. News copy is even sent to the Communications Ministry for vetting. It's a joke.
水曜日 5:49 (携帯より)
Christopher Savoie Can I quote you as a "former journalist at NHK" source in my article, Mike?
水曜日 6:02
Mike DeJong Can you quote me as an unnamed source? I'm not allowed to criticize them in print due to contractual reasons (I sued them and got a settlement).
水曜日 6:17 (携帯より)
Mike DeJong You could mention that when I asked a senior manager why foreign journalists were not allowed to write news copy (the merely rewrite) or gather stories I was told "you foreigners don't understand the Japanese mindset."
水曜日 6:26 (携帯より)
Mike DeJong From what I hear, foreign journalists are treated the same way at the Yomiuri. No writing - just re-writing.
水曜日 6:28 (携帯より)
Christopher Savoie Can you get me a source intro so I can also be a proper journalist and cross-check? Thanks!
水曜日 6:28
Mike DeJong Sure. Go ahead.
水曜日 6:29 (携帯より)
Christopher Savoie Just email me. Let's not kill this thread ;-)
水曜日 6:29
Mike DeJong When I was at NHK World, there were no foreign producers nor even any female producers! All middle-aged Japanese males. It was quite a shock from Western newsrooms.
水曜日 6:31 (携帯より)
Mike DeJong Like most everything else here, Japanese journalism - or what passes for it - is bound by cultural factors: a) a reluctance to stand out (hence the pack-journalism mentality of Press Clubs), and b) an extreme deference to authority. That's why many Japanese news stories begin with "government sources say..." etc.
水曜日 7:01 · 1
Mike DeJong I remember reading a story this spring that went something like "government officials in (so and so) Prefecture say cherry blossoms have been spotted for the first time this year..." So even sakura stories have to be sanctioned by officials before being reported.
水曜日 7:02 · 1
Mike DeJong One time at NHK, we were doing a mock earthquake drill (this was before 3/11) when a real earthquake hit. But instead of reporting it, we went ahead with our fake broadcast and didn't tell viewers about the real quake for two hours. We needed official confirmation from the Meteorological Agency first. It was asinine but typical of the way things are done at NHK.
水曜日 7:07 · 1
Steve van Dresser As noted in Wikipedia, “In 1944, the Japanese authorities extended the mobilization of Japanese civilians for labor to the Korean peninsula. Of the 5,400,000 Koreans conscripted, about 670,000 were taken to mainland Japan . . .”

And the Japanese have the audacity to complain about 20 or so Japanese abducted to North Korea? The Japanese government should apologize and compensate the 5 million Koreans conscripted 70 years ago before uttering a single word about the actions of North Korea 35 years ago.
水曜日 11:47 · 1
Christopher Savoie Let alone China and Unit 731, Steve...
水曜日 11:48

USG Asst Sec of State links post-divorce Japan child abductions with DPRK abductions of Japanese

Posted by debito on May 10th, 2012


Japan Abductees' Families Offended by U.S. Official's Remarks

Washington, May 7 (Jiji Press)--A group of families of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea decades ago said Monday that they have protested a U.S. diplomat's remarks apparently likening the abductions to cases of Japanese women taking their children with them to Japan after divorces with American husbands.
The Japanese families made the comments at a press conference in Washington after they held talks with the U.S. diplomat, Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, earlier in the day.
According to Teruaki Masumoto, secretary-general of the Japanese group, Campbell brought up the subject of child custody during the meeting, saying that it has been a serious issue in the United States.
Campbell was quoted by Masumoto as saying that when U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Roos visited the sites of North Korea's abductions, there were calls in the United States for Roos' dismissal, in apparent frustration with his failure to have Tokyo resolve the issue of parental child abductions.
Campbell asked the Japanese group to give consideration to the issue of child custody, while promising to continue cooperating to solve the issue of the North Korean abductions, Masumoto said.

U.S. to keep urging N. Korea to resolve Japanese abduction issue

WASHINGTON (Kyodo) -- The United States will continue asking Pyongyang to move toward resolution of the abductions of Japanese citizens by North Korean agents, a U.S. official said Tuesday.
"In support of Japanese efforts to resolve this issue, we continue to press North Korea to immediately address Japan's concerns and to follow through on its August 2008 agreement to conduct the full investigation of the abduction cases," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a daily briefing.
North Korea pledged to launch a reinvestigation on the abduction cases involving Japanese in working-level talks between Tokyo and Pyongyang in August 2008.
Her remarks came after Kurt Campbell, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, on Monday angered the families of some abduction victims and Japanese lawmakers by raising the issue of parental child abduction and noting the importance of resolving both issues.
Nuland said the purpose of the meeting with the group "was to discuss DPRK abductions of Japanese nationals," adding, "The U.S. certainly does not link these two issues. DPRK is the acronym for North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
"Both are important, clearly, and we're going to continue to do our utmost to make progress on both," she added.
The United States and other countries are pressing Japan to sign an international treaty on dealing with cases of parental child abductions.
When Campbell, the top U.S. diplomat on East Asian policy, stressed the importance of the parental child abduction issue, Teruaki Masumoto, whose sister Rumiko was abducted by North Korean agents, protested the U.S. side that the two issues should not be treated in the same manner.
May 09, 2012(Mainichi Japan)

U.S. Not Linking Parental Abductions, N. Korea Kidnap: Spokesman

Washington, May 8 (Jiji Press)--The United States "certainly does not link" the issues of North Korea's abductions of Japanese nationals and cases of Japanese women taking their children with them to Japan after divorces with their American husbands, Department of State spokesman Mark Toner said Tuesday.
The comment came after an association of families of Japanese citizens kidnapped to North Korea decades ago criticized U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell's remarks understood to liken the parental abductions to the crime by the reclusive Asian nation.
Campbell, who is in charge of East Asian and Pacific affairs, made the remarks at a meeting with members of the families' group and some Japanese lawmakers here on Monday.
Noting that the two issues are clearly important, Toner said at a daily press briefing, "We are going to continue to do our utmost to make progress on both."
In support of Japan's efforts to resolve the North Korean abduction issue, the United States is continuing to press the country to "immediately address Japan's concerns and to follow through on its August 2008 agreement to conduct a full reinvestigation of the abduction cases," he said.

拉致と子の連れ去り「結びつけていない」 家族会抗議に米国務省が釈明
2012.5.9 13:51 [米国]





Kin of Japanese abductees disheartened by scarce U.S. support

WASHINGTON (Kyodo) -- A member of a group of families of Japanese victims of abduction by North Korea on Thursday expressed disappointment at what they see as the lack of substantive support from the United States for resolving the issue despite repeated pledges by both governments to cooperate closely on the matter.

Shigeo Iizuka, head of the Association of the Families of Victims Kidnapped by North Korea, told reporters in Washington, "The United States has always said Japan is an ally and it never forgets the abduction issue...but I don't see anything on which the two countries have worked together (to help resolve the abduction issue)."

"The Japanese government has also said it would work closely with the United States, but I'm not sure what working closely means," Iizuka said.

His remarks came as the families and supporting lawmakers wrapped up their visit to the United States from Sunday.

"While there are few Japanese people who are not aware of this problem, most people in the United States are not interested in the matter," Iizuka said, adding that the families of the abductees cannot give up their effort to resolve the issue.

According to the members, they met with Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives and a Republican from Florida, on Wednesday and she agreed with the Japanese delegation on the need to press North Korea to resolve the problem.

With regard to David Sneddon, a native of Utah who the group alleges was kidnapped by North Korea while vacationing in southwestern China in 2004, Ros-Lehtinen noted congressmen from Utah are now looking into the case and that, based on the result of their investigation, she will discuss the matter at Congress and with the State Department, the members said.

May 11, 2012(Mainichi Japan)

「まったくおかしい」 米下院委員長が米高官を批判 子供連れ去りと拉致同一発言で
2012.5.11 10:41 [米国]





David Cole
David Cole is Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center and author of several books including "The Torture Memos: Rationalizing the Unthinkable" (2009).
No accountability for torture
A US appeals court dismissed a case brought by Jose Padilla, a terrorism suspect detained without charges and tortured.
Last Modified: 10 May 2012 09:07

Washington, DC - Sometimes I think being American means never having to say you're sorry. On Wednesday, May 2, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, a federal appeals court in San Francisco, unanimously dismissed a lawsuit against former Justice Department lawyer John Yoo by José Padilla, the US citizen picked up at O'Hare Airport and held in military custody as an "enemy combatant" for three and a half years, during which he says he was subject to physical and psychological abuse.

As an official in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel from 2001 to 2003, Yoo wrote multiple memos designed to deny "enemy combatants" legal protections that might get in the way of our holding them incommunicado, depriving them of sleep, slamming them into walls, forcing them into painful stress positions, and waterboarding them. Padilla alleged that Yoo's memos provided the basis for his years in detention, of which 21 months were in incommunicado isolation, and authorised his captors to subject him to abuse. As a result, he claims, he was threatened with death and serious physical abuse; shackled in painful stress positions for hours at a time; administered psychotropic drugs; denied medical care; and exposed to extreme temperatures.

International criminal lawyer discusses Guantanamo trial
The court dismissed the case before the truth of these allegations could be tested. It reasoned that even if Padilla's allegations were true, it was not "clearly established" that his treatment violated the Constitution, and therefore the suit must be dismissed. John Yoo could not even be sued for the nominal damages of one dollar that Padilla and his mother sought as a way of emphasising that their desire was for vindication of their rights, not remuneration.



2012年05月11日 03時04分32秒 | Weblog

A Night in Nagoya

I always enjoy your videos~ ^.^
I have a question, though, about Nagoya. There's a high chance I'll be studying abroad at Nanzan come next fall, but I heard that the American students who are there this year have been troubled by the people in the city. I can't imagine it's anything more than each student's personal experience, but I'd still like to know your opinion. Do you, as a foreigner, find the people of Nagoya any less hospitable than those of any other Japanese city?
anifanatical 1 日前
I am a foreigner studying in Nagoya (Nagoya University) and I never had any kind of trouble here with Japanese people. It has been three years since I came to Japan and I have been witness to a great hospitality but nothing else! I believe, you will be welcomed here and if you speak Japanese you will be more than welcomed! Good luck!
tugbajp09 anifanatical さんへの返信 1 日前
I agree!
geofinjapan tugbajp09 さんへの返信 6 時間前
No, I've never had any trouble here. I suppose if you go out drinking late at night looking for trouble you could probably find it, but the Japanese people in Nagoya, as anywhere in Japan, are generally quite hospitable. Nanzan is a great school!  I'm sure you'll have a good experience there.
geofinjapan anifanatical さんへの返信 6 時間前

キム・テヒさんのCM降板要求 ロート製薬を強要容疑 元市民団体関係者逮捕「日本の領土に関わる」





製薬会社に因縁付けた疑いで逮捕 韓国人女優のCM起用で
2012年5月10日 12時44分








(2012年5月10日13時34分 読売新聞)


Aceface ‏ @Aceface4ever

返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録

4269(事実上のちくわ) ‏ @SEXhsKF7

“横田夫妻がすべてを語った「政治家に利用されてきた」 - 雑誌記事:@niftyニュース” http://htn.to/ENwuAy



拉致と主権侵害 国家テロへ日米が共闘を









生活保護見直し 自立を促し不正許さぬ制度に(5月11日付・読売社説


May 10, 2012

2012年05月10日 13時00分14秒 | Weblog

新日鉄対ポスコ 日本の技術流出を食い止めよ(5月10日付・読売社説)







そうだと思うが、朝日、というのは、いつもこんな感じで、騒ぐのが遅い。消費税でも、東電問題でも、最終的に国民の負担を国民は覚悟しているだろうが、それ以前に国や当事者が身を削る相応の責任を負うべきなのは当然である。 朝日は、消費税の問題でも、東電の問題でも、手遅れの国の対応に対して、言い訳がましく、手遅れの評論をしているようにみえる。

オバマ氏、同性婚支持を表明 歴代米大統領で初めて


‏ @suzuky

返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録


事柄に対する直接的評価というよりも、、”先進国”という他者から非難の視線に対する反応=恥 他人の顔色をうかがう傾向が、こうした言論の動機になっているのかもしれない。

'If you complain about racism, your career is finished,' says Met detective Gurpal Singh Virdi
New Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe has promised to drive racism out of the force. But one officer, sacked after being smeared by his colleagues, believes his words are hollow

Speaking to The Independent, the retiring officer said: "The Met never wants to learn lessons from people like me. It's more likely they will be getting out the champagne."

The 53-year-old was sacked in 1998 after being erroneously charged with sending racist, National Front hate mail to black colleagues at Ealing police station. His house was searched for seven hours in the presence of his children.

DS Virdi says the raid, authorised by then Deputy Commissioner John Stevens, came weeks after he had threatened to go over the head of his superiors regarding what he felt was a sloppy investigation of a racist, near-fatal stabbing of an Iraqi and an Indian boy by five white males. DS Virdi had pointed out the parallels between the investigation and that into Stephen Lawrence's murder five years earlier; weeks later he was arrested and suspended.

"My career finished in 1998," he said. "As soon as you raise your head above the parapet, your career is finished, and everyone in the police service knows that... Most people keep silent because they know that, even if you complain, the investigation won't be done properly... That hasn't changed."

It took a year for the Crown Prosecution Service to decide there was insufficient evidence to prosecute him, not least because the racist mail continued while Virdi sat at home.

Nevertheless, Scotland Yard seemed determined to make an example of him, perfectly timed to coincide with the bashing they were getting in the Lawrence public inquiry, and he was sacked in 2000. Later that year an employment tribunal found that the Met's investigation had racially discriminated against DS Virdi.

Over the past five years, DS Virdi says he has supported a number of ethnic minority officers, from trainees to high-ranking officials, who have made allegations of racism but do not believe their complaints were properly investigated.

"The majority of allegations of racism and corruption have not been properly investigated – in fact they usually protect the racists rather than the victims," he said. "That has not changed.

"There have only been a dozen people, including mixed-race officers, who have survived 30 years. Most of them realise that their careers will never go anywhere and so they just go."

Born in India, Virdi grew up in Southall, west London. His father served in Delhi police, but when Virdi joined the Met in 1982, it was against his parents' wishes. He had an unblemished career in uniformed, CID and specialist squads until he was arrested in 1998.

警察による差別、警察の内部差別 腐敗警察 police brutality ハーフ

Cher Goes Off on Mitt Romney, "Right Wing Racist Homophobic Women Hating Tea Bagger Masters"
May 9th, 2012 6:40 AM by Free Britney

Read more celebrity gossip at:

The truth about 'Asian sex gangs'
Despite the conviction of nine Asian men for child exploitation in Rochdale and worrying signs in the statistics, racial profiling won't help potential victims
Share 114

Ella Cockbain and Helen Brayley
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 8 May 2012


NYPD facing court challenge over controversial stop-and-frisk tactics
Federal lawsuit passes key legal hurdles and looks set to throw focus on NYPD policy that critics say amounts to racial profiling
Share 321

Ryan Devereaux in New York
guardian.co.uk, Friday 4 May 2012

The number of reported encounters has soared under Kelly and New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. In 2002, NYPD officers recorded 97,296 stop-and-frisks. Nine years later, that figure increased to a record-breaking total of 684,300.

Every year the vast majority of those stopped – generally 85% or more – have been African Americans or Latinos, and about nine out of 10 were released without a charge or a summons. The NYPD says the stop-and-frisk policy has reduced crime; this is disputed by its critics, who say it has increased racial tensions in the city. In one of her rulings, the judge in the federal case said the links are "not clear".

職務質問 レイシャルプロファイリング

空 May 10, 2012 at 11:36 am

Anonymous Says:
May 9th, 2012 at 4:57 pm
Nope Pondscum, my Japanese wife sat down and read all the comments, and out of those 104 comments, only 10 agreed that calling a “haafu” a “gaijin” is wrong.
Comment 007, 008, 020, 023, 046, 056, 059, 097, 099, 104. You might possibly argue for 5 more, but that’s still under 15%!
Over 85% of people on that board (which is a standard mainstream board, not an extremist “2ch” board at all) gave a wide range of excuses as to why calling a “haafu” a “gaijin” is OK.
Well perhaps his Japanese wife as well Justin Anonymous can’t read Japanese. Anonymous Justin is extremely misleading for non-Japanese who can’t read Japanese.
滝クリを「外人」と差別発言 フジテレビアナに批判集中
2009/10/ 1 20:03
The head line says the Fuiji announcer under fire, calling Takigawa ”gaijin”
He came under fire under 2 channel thread with netizens saying that “why the hell is he making discriminatory statement to the person quitting the job? ” “I can’t forgive someone who bullies Takigawa, my dear girl.”
I agree with Pondscum.
Overwhelming majority of people are blaming Hasegawa for his discriminatory attitude against a foreigner or an woman, or a person outside of fuji organization.
Some blame Hasegawa for calling Takigawa, “gaijin” because she is Japanese while saying gaijin is not a discriminatory term.
1)blaming Hasegawa, the fuji announcer who called Takigawa gajin.

2)blaming the fuji TV station/TV program
3)claiming that “gaijin” is not a discriminatory term,

4) blaming the article on J cast

5)blaming Takigawa for not being talented.

6)defending Hasagwa
7)defending Fuji TV station

? Neither of above.

Anonymous,Justin Harry. let’s study Japanese.
I happened to meet a quarter Spanish woman the other day. She is beautiful but I didn’t notice she was a “quarter” until she herself said she was a “quarter” and went Spain to study. I asked her how old she was and if she was bullied at school. She said she was born in 1977 and she was not bullied at school.
言われてみればそうかな、といった感じですが、むしろ、外国人のほうから、ヨーロッパ系が入っているといわれるそうです。 クオーターということで、目立ったか、と聞きましたら、彼女の場合、おっとりしているとか、他の点で目立ったといっていました。
Now that she told so, I could tell some European features in her face. She said gaijin-san often told her she had European linage from her appearances. She thinks she is friendly to everyone partly because she has European backgrounds .I asked if she stood out at school, she said, she stood out all right but not because she was a quarter but because she was a slow-tempo person etc.
There is no denying the fact that some haafus were bullied at school because they were different, namely,” haafu”, but it is too simple and too easy to generalize their diverse experiences.
For your reference, the followings are some videos I picked up on my blogs;
ハーフのアイデンティティ~Hapami: Hapa Japan主催の花見イベントで~
【わぃわぃTV】多文化なルーツに誇りを!Shake Forwardアーティストと交流
One thing is certain. Whatever is happening to the foreigners and haafu in Japan, whatever problems they might be facing, Debito org has no reliable information, no useful solutions to provide.
As a side, somebody might want to tell Debito what Harry and Justin told about Debito and the fact that Anonymous is identical with Justin and Harry. It is interesting to see how Debito will react.


‘Exodus’ of disaster-panicked foreigners from post-3.11 Japan doesn’t add up

Mainichi Daily News May 9, 2012, courtesy of MS


Where have all the foreigners gone?

One year ago ― less than two months after the Great East Japan Earthquake and with the Fukushima nuclear crisis in flux ― anyone walking the streets of Tokyo might very well have asked that question. With Japan in the teeth of disaster, it seemed as though the country’s foreign population had evaporated, an image reinforced by news footage of gargantuan queues at Narita International Airport check-in counters.

Some 531,000 foreigners left Japan in the four weeks after the March 11, 2011 disaster, according to a Ministry of Justice announcement of April 15 that year.  It was mass panic, a rush for the last lifeboats on the Titanic. The expatriate community had left Japan for dead.

Or had they?

Of those 531,000 people who left in the first month, about 302,000 had obtained re-entry permits, suggesting most were at least considering coming back.

Furthermore, a look at foreign resident numbers and the job market for foreign talent months after the disaster show that the exodus was in the end more a trickle than a flood, and perhaps only an acceleration of pre-existing trends.

Certainly in the days after the quake, with a nuclear crisis and all its potential horrors brewing at the Fukushima nuclear plant ― about 225 kilometers from the heart of Tokyo ― the first reaction of many was to get somewhere else in a hurry. Canadian Jason Yu, a senior IT manager at the Tokyo offices of a European investment bank, says more than half his predominantly foreign staff disappeared soon after the disaster.

“We had around 120 (workers), and I’d say about 70 left,” he says. “It was really something, because one day they were there, and then they weren’t.”

According to Yu, amid the hysteric coverage of the nuclear disaster in the Western media and a general sense that the government wasn’t telling the whole story, his firm allowed employees to leave if they didn’t feel safe and return when they were ready.
Eventually, of the some 70 who had left ― many with families ― about 50 returned to their posts. However, “a lot of them moved on” to jobs outside Japan when their contracts ended that summer.

“That was typical,” says Christine Wright, managing director of Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan, a recruiting firm that also does broad research on employment trends. “There was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction,” where lots of people left, if not Japan, then the Kanto area, and then came back.

The rush for the exits was not, however, entirely illusory. Hays Japan saw a wave of openings in the “professional contractors” area, which includes IT and other positions where Japanese language proficiency is not necessarily a requirement. With so many foreigners in certain fields having absconded, Wright says some of Hays’ client firms expressed a preference for Japanese candidates with good English skills, as they were seen as more likely to stay long-term. Furthermore, “a lot of roles that can be (filled) by a non-Japanese speaker have been off-shored” to places like Hong Kong and Singapore, she adds.

So how great was the exodus?

“When you look at the statistics, the losses weren’t all that huge,” Nana Oishi, associate professor of sociology at Tokyo’s Sophia University, told the Mainichi. According to Oishi, the Ministry of Justice ― which administers Japan’s immigration system ― has not released how many of the half a million-plus foreigners who left Japan from March 12 to April 8, 2011 have returned. However, what the ministry will say is that the total foreign population in the country fell from 2,134,151 in December 2010, to 2,078,480 by December 2011 ― a loss of 55,671 people, or just 2.6 percent.

Moreover, the loss was not disproportionately greater than those of preceding years. Japan’s foreign population peaked at 2,217,426 in 2008 ― the year of the Lehman Shock ― and has been in decline ever since, dropping by 31,305 from the end of 2008 to the end of 2009, and by 51,970 in the same period in 2009-2010.

A closer look at the foreign population by resident status furthermore shows that the decline was far from an across-the-board phenomenon, with some categories even posting significant gains. The number of technical trainees, for example, jumped to 141,994 in December 2011 from 100,008 at the same time the previous year ― a 42 percent rise. Permanent residents went from 964,195 to 987,519, up 2.4 percent; investor and business manager visa holders from 10,908 to 11,778, an 8 percent climb; and teacher numbers inched up 0.9 percent, from 10,012 to 10,106.

Even in categories that saw declining numbers, the justice ministry statistics show a pattern of losses predating 3.11 by years. “Specialist in humanities and international services” visa holder numbers peaked in 2009, and have since been drifting downwards by several hundred annually. The number of foreign engineers, which dropped by 8.5 percent to 42,634 between December 2010 and December 2011, had already fallen from a high of 52,273 in 2008 to 46,592 by the end of 2010. Intra-company transferee numbers ― those posted to Japan by their firms ― have also been declining since 2008.

What’s more, according to justice ministry statistics, the inflow of foreign workers has also been in annual decline since a 2004 peak of about 158,900, dropping to some 52,500 by 2010.

In other words, not all the blame for even the modest drop in the foreign population can be put on disaster panic, as the overall numbers ― and those in certain professional categories in particular ― had been in decline for some time.

What the earthquake and the nuclear crisis have done, according to Oishi, is accelerate pre-existing trends. First of all, Oishi and Wright point out, off-shoring of back-office and non-Japanese speaking jobs was already in progress when the disaster hit. Furthermore, there was already employee attrition in some sectors for reasons completely divorced from the disaster. As Jason Yu points out, there were already staff cuts and transfers going on at the investment bank where he works before 3.11 because “it was not a good year” financially, “so you can’t say people left just because of the earthquake.”

Even the outflow of foreigners with children, which Yu says accounted for a significant portion of those who left his firm, was not all down to the disasters, according to Oishi.

“When the earthquake happened, that trend accelerated because of the radiation issue,” she says, but she points out that the departure of skilled foreign workers with kids, too, was a pre-existing trend. In a paper published on April 13 in the journal American Behavioral Scientist, Oishi points out that concerns over the quality of Japanese public education and the high cost of international schools ― which do not receive government funding ― was already pushing skilled foreigners with families out of the country.

The fear and the airport lines in the weeks after the earthquake and meltdowns were real. Over the long term, however, it can be said that there was no “exodus” of foreigners, but rather a smaller-scale reshuffle of certain types of foreign residents that was sped up by 3.11. “You can’t really say the quake chased away skilled workers,” says Oishi.

In fact, asked if the disasters had impacted firms’ drive to internationalize their workforces, Hays’ Christine Wright said, “One year on, no.”

According to Wright, Hays Japan’s business in foreign talent has jumped to “record levels. We’ve got record levels of vacancies, record levels of placements, so our business is performing at the best it’s performed” in the firm’s 11 years in Japan.

Furthermore, Wright says that the initial post-quake preference for Japanese candidates has weakened and “the market for foreign talent in the future … will continue to increase,” with fluent bilinguals and those capable of filling leadership positions particularly in demand.

The image of foreigners streaming out of Japan in March and April 2011 was a strong one. Wright says that she was thanked by Japanese associates for staying, and that her business relationships with some clients even improved when it became clear she would not be absconding.

More than a year on, however, government statistics and employment trends show that the exodus was if not entirely imaginary then at least ephemeral. The reality is, the foreign population remains in the millions, job openings for foreigners and foreigners hoping to fill them remain plentiful, and Japan remains a major destination among the globally mobile. (By Robert Sakai-Irvine, Staff Writer)

 Flyjn 問題に収束といったところか。


Thursday, May 10, 2012

More than a 'few' foreigners split

The May 6 editorial "'Flyjin' rather few" states that "The survey ...did not determine exactly how many of those 25 percent eventually returned to Tokyo" after the 3/11 disasters. But it should be patently obvious how many did ― all of them!

The survey was conducted in Tokyo by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and covered 169 foreigners living in Tokyo at the time the survey was conducted. Of those 169, 25 percent temporarily left following 3/11. What the survey did not determine was exactly how many foreigners left Tokyo in the aftermath of 3/11 and had not returned as of the date of the survey.

Ministry of Justice statistics shed a clearer light on the situation. The file available (www.moj.go.jp/content/000073059.pdf) shows that in the week leading up to 3/11, about 140,000 foreigners left (about 29,000 of whom held re-entry permits ― in other words, residents not tourists) and about 157,000 foreigners entered (about 30,000 of whom were residents). This is roughly similar to the numbers from previous years for a similar period, so it is reasonable to assume in a "normal" week in March that about 30,000 foreign residents leave Japan and a similar number re-enter.

From the week starting March 12, almost 245,000 foreigners left, of whom almost half (121,000) were residents. For the week beginning March 19, the exodus continued with a full 71.5 percent, or almost 107,000, of the departures that week being residents. Meanwhile, the number of foreigners entering Japan fell dramatically in the two weeks right after 3/11, including residents with re-entry permits who returned in slightly smaller numbers than the "norm" ― 21,000 the first week and 29,000 the next.

Overall from March 12 to April 8, 2011, 302,490 foreign residents left Japan (more than 250 percent of "normal" departures for a similar period), while 170,124 foreign residents returned, including 120,507 in a huge spike the last week of March and the first week of April. This spike can only be attributed to the return of a large number of foreign residents who, having fled during the previous two weeks, realized that their departure had been unnecessary.

More pre-3/11 foreign residents returned in subsequent months, but there can be little disputing the fact that more than 180,000 foreign residents left Japan immediately after 3/11. That number is almost 10 percent of the total number of foreign residents in Japan ― rather more than "rather few."

トニーラズロさん 他

2012年05月09日 11時04分11秒 | Weblog

ライター トニー・ラズロさん

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Scott Brown
‏ @samurairunning
RT You've got enemies? Good. That means you actually stood up for something in your life @idillionaire @jakeadelstein
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U.S. regrets airstrike that mistakenly killed six family members

KABUL, Afghanistan ― The U.S. military claimed responsibility and expressed regret for an airstrike that mistakenly killed six members of a family in southwestern Afghanistan, Afghan and U.S. military officials confirmed Monday.

The attack, which took place Friday night, was first revealed by the governor of Helmand province, Muhammad Gulab Mangal, on Monday. His spokesman, Dawoud Ahmadi, said that after an investigation they had determined that a family home in Sangin district had been attacked by mistake by the U.S, which was called in to respond to a Taliban attack.

Mangal summoned the U.S. regional commander Maj. Gen. Charles M. Gurganus of the marines to complain and Gurganus apologized, Ahmadi said.


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‏ @suzuky


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2012年5月8日 - 20:12 webから · このツイートをサイトに埋め込む

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Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Aides Order Journalists to Stand or Leave at Press Conference in Greece

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By GIANLUCA MEZZOFIORE: Subscribe to Gianluca's RSS feed
May 8, 2012 3:11

Stunned reporters were ordered to stand or leave at a press conference Monday of Greece's far-right Golden Dawn party, which obtained 7 percent of the vote at parliamentary elections.
A video published on YouTube shows muscly aides urging journalists to stand as a sign of respect to party leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos.

Those who refused to do so were expelled from the room.
Considered a hard-right, neo-Nazi party, the Golden Dawn has seen its support jump from the 0.29 per cent of vote received at the last general election in 2009.
Threats to journalists are not new to the party's agenda. Last month, Greek journalist Xenia Kounalaki wrote an article about Golden Dawn in the German weekly Der Spiegel. She immediately received an attack on the party's website.
"It was a 2,500-word-long personal attack," she recalled as quoted by The Guardian. "[They] recounted my entire career, mocked my alleged foreign roots (I was born in Hamburg) and even, for no apparent reason, mentioned my 13-year-old daughter."

"The unnamed authors indirectly threatened me as well, 'To put it in the mother tongue of foreign Xenia: "Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat, kommt Attentat!"' In other words, watch your back."
EU commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso has questioned the neo-Nazi label for Golden Dawn. "We have to define what a neo-Nazi party is. This can only be done at national level," he said.
Michaloliakos rejected any affiliation with Nazism, even though the party's emblem, a squared spiral, and its colours recall closely the swastika.
He made a Hitler-style salute when elected in 2010 to Athens city council.
Michaloliakos lashed out at corrupt politicians who "betrayed" the country.
"They slandered us, slung mud at us and shut us out of all the news media - the TV channels of the corrupt elite - and we beat them," the 55-year-old leader said after the vote.
"The day of national revolution by the Greeks has begun against those who are selling us out and looting the sweat of the Greek people."
The party's main policy is to get rid of all illegal immigrants. "No one should fear me if they are a good Greek citizen. If they are traitors - I don't know," Michaloliakos said.
Golden Dawn appealed to nationalist sentiment rising in the country after the austerity measures demanded by the European Union and the IMF helped plunge Greece into economic turmoil.


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