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Pregnant? Don't expect your job back マタハラ

2013年12月11日 19時06分50秒 | Weblog
マタハラ 【マタハラ】



The Independent

Pregnant? Don't expect your job back

PAUL GALLAGHER Author Biography Sunday 08 December 2013

The number of women forced out of their jobs because they are either pregnant or on maternity leave has more than doubled in the past decade, according to a major report.

Research published today estimates that about 60,000 women suffer such discrimination annually, while the introduction earlier this year of £1,200 up front tribunal fees has exacerbated the problem by deterring tens of thousands from taking legal action against their employer.

One in three of those who unfairly lose their jobs and win a tribunal are paid no compensation at all, and only four in 10 tribunal awards are paid in full. Since 2008, as many as 250,000 women have been forced out of their job simply for being pregnant or taking maternity leave, according to the report by the charity Maternity Action.

"All the evidence suggests that an ever growing number of employers are getting away with unlawful behaviour,"

In one extreme case, an employer put pressure on a woman in the early stages of pregnancy to have an abortion or else face the sack.

A recent survey by the law firm Slater & Gordon estimated that 50,000 women are losing their jobs while on maternity leave each year, and only 4 per cent of those surveyed had sought legal advice. Maternity Action believes its figure of 60,000 – based on the 2005 finding that only 3 per cent of women subjected to this discrimination bring a tribunal claim and there are now 1,800 tribunals a year – could be an underestimate.





