『子供たちにとっての本当の教科書とは何か』 ★学習探偵団の挑戦★



2018年08月11日 | 学ぶ



 OB教室で、中一の英語を知らない時から、ロングマンベーシックも使うことをすすめ週一で一年間、CAMBRIDGEのgrade reader"Logan’s Choice”に夢中で向かうようになっているH君を見て、心からそう思います。


今、「人生に必要な物理50」(ジョアン・ベイカー著 和田純夫監訳 西田美緒子翻訳 近代科学社)を読んでいますが、大学受験や高校受験の問題に出てきそうな、環境の物理へのしくみの数々が、丁寧に解説されています。レビューを見ても結構高評価なのですが、本来は、こういう本を、一生懸命何とか読もうとするのは、おとなではなく小中学生であってほしい、と感じました。




To teachers all over the world 5
 Their teaching methods were most natural for children to learn and study, because of this the two boys experienced the joy of studying from those methods. Besides developing confidence they could discover the wonders of things and their surroundings. That is most important for children to live well throughout their lives.
 Now, think about the teaching methods of Edison’s mother and Feynman’s father again.
 Even if they were raising their child today, they would probably put priority on the same methods, I believe. For children, it brings the most happiness to know that they increase their power to live more than before and not to be forced to study by someone else’s desire, because that’s the very power for children to live well after there. You will have more powerful in your life to learn and study about your surroundings, and their make-up and mechanisms.

 Another notable point that we can make, is that two parents had provided Britannica for their children, and intended it them to arouse their questions and wonders. As a result both children had access to accurate knowledge and realized the depth and width of studying.
 First of all, these two parents convinced their children that they had limited knowledges of surroundings.
That was the first step to bring a sense of things in their surroundings. Such a sense motivates them to find interesting things and the wonders of their surroundings. It also motivates them to examine closely and find out more about them. That’s the GAKUTAIRYOKU, "学体力” I said.
 The joy of solving the questions of the wonders that they found, showed them that the environment was the happiest theme park and an amazing wonderland. From this they intended to find more interesting and wonderful things around them, and could create “the superlative textbook for themselves”

 Isaac Newton once said, 
 I seem myself to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. (Isaac Newton) 

 Newton said that the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before him. But I want to tell you that “the great ocean of truth” lay before every child all over the world, it is however, a pity, that they have never watched their surroundings carefully. They don’t interact with their surroundings but only use textbooks. 
 And almost all of them don’t know that reality, and further more they don’t know about there being any pebbles or any shells on the sea-shore, because there is no sea-shore, and pebbles, and shells in textbooks. Of course, they can’t compare these things to be smoother or prettier than ordinary.

