『子供たちにとっての本当の教科書とは何か』 ★学習探偵団の挑戦★



2018年08月18日 | 学ぶ



 年間を通じた課外学習のメインでもある「渓流教室」では、二泊三日の日程で、赤目四十八滝に続く渓流でカワムツやオイカワ・ヨシノボリ・沢ガニを捕まえたり(後で胃袋にもおさまります)、ヒグラシの声をBGMに、岩の上からきれいに澄んだ水の中に飛び込んだりと、一日中遊びほうけます。とはいっても 、毎年必ず何かハプニングも待っているので、「遊び」は決して遊びだけに終わりません今回の朝のツバメも子どもたちの教科書です。














To teachers all over the world 6
 In those days of your daily life when you become curious about things and want to know about their surroundings, it is the catalyst of studying. By gaining those strong motivations, you will know the necessity for this studying to pass the entrance examinations as a part of your dreams coming true. The reason why is that you will reflect upon your future, and realize its importance. That is the very opposite from the current abstract learning method using only textbooks.
 Before the former words, Dr. Masukawa says this.
You learn not only things written in a textbook, but you must work hard to examine and think about those things that interest you, that’s much better. 
 (“Masukawa Hakase No Roman Ahureru Tokubetsu Zyugyo ”  written by Masukawa Tosihide  The Asahi Gakusei Shinbun:This title is translated in English into “Dr. Masukawa’s special class of full of dreams”)

The reason why I underlined these words, is that we must carefully and deeply think about
the meaning behind these words, or behind the another recollections of many great men. I wonder if we would feel interested in or be curious about those things that are written in the textbooks in the same as these great people did. 
 Most great people and geniuses, who are naturally sensitive and talented enough, usually felt wonderment and interest about things in textbooks. But there are few ordinary people that feel interested or curious about their surroundings that are written textbooks.
 However they scarcely tell us how and why they could get such a sense about their surroundings. The reason why is that they had many experiences to think about the things of their surroundings, and since this kind of thought comes naturally, it is of no importance if other people have or don’t have this sense of wonderment.
 Even most great people don’t know why and how an ordinary child turns out to be a specially talented child. They never think about that. It becomes natural for them to not think about. Why did Dr. Masukawa feel wonder about things in textbooks?  Is it natural?

 But, I conceive, it must have depended on them to be so sensitive about so many observations of their surroundings during childhood. That is to say, most of learning matters written in textbooks are abstractions from things in surroundings or environment. They probably had looked at them (; things written in textbooks) in reality more clearly and in a much better way than ordinary people and had sympathy and felt kinship with them. If not, they wouldn’t feel wonder and have questions, because they didn’t get evidence to compare with each other.
 That is to say, children must care about things of their surroundings, and find something interesting, or of wonder. That’s KANKAKU(環覚) for children to get first. KANKAKU motivates them to watch things carefully, examine them and to think about them.
 Such many experiences give children the joy of studying. Children aren’t willing to study things unknown and strange by textbooks only like Edison. They have nothing in common with them, and don’t find any reason to study. “Sympathy and Kinship” is “ 馴染みNAJIMI and親近感SINKINKAN” in Japanese.
 To make matters worse, at present, there is lots of IT equipment around children, and they must not break this equipment because it is too precious and complicated. Most of them don’t examine or can’t watch what is inside of such equipment.   
 But it’s the best way for children to learn something important and get such precious things or treasures that they break them and try to rebuild them up again and again. And then, they understand that there are things that they must not and can never break in the world.

 Without breaking out and building up, they have less chance to find the joy of knowing about mechanisms and the make-up of things around them. They don’t know much about things around them.
 I doubt that current things in daily life give few opportunities for small children to feel wonders and get a different view point. How often does “Slow thinking” and “Slow watching” are activities prepared for them in their daily lives?
 Do you know that those insufficient surroundings for small children lay around them? If you don’t notice that, you would not be able to give your boys and girls a sense of things about their surroundings.
One of most important requirements to give a sense of these things about their surroundings to your children is to give them daily opportunities of “Slow thinking” and “Slow watching”.
