

Okawa Ryuhou Profile

2018-07-16 15:08:56 | 日記

Okawa Ryuhou Profile
Founder and president of science group of happiness
Born in Tokushima Prefecture on July 7, 1956 (Showa 31).

After graduating from the University of Tokyo law graduate, he joined a major general trading company and worked at the New York headquarters, while studying international financial theory at the New York City University graduate school.

In 1981, he realized that he was "El Cantarele", who made great efforts and had a great mission of human relief. In 1986, founded "Science of Happiness." Believers are spreading to more than 100 countries, and there are more than 700

locations, branches and branches etc. throughout the country and the whole world, and about 10,000 mission sites are deployed.

The number of preaching exceeds 2,700 (of which more than 100 English thesis), the work has been translated into 30 languages, and the publication score exceeds 2,300 worldwide.

Many of the works including "The Law of the Sun" (published by Happiness Science Publication) are best sellers, million sellers. In addition, the movie "Closer to the mind" (published in May 2018), "Farewell Youth, Though Youth.

" (Actual Public · Public May), "Law of the Universe - Dawn Hen -" (Animation · Fall Public), "My girlfriend is a witchcraft" (live-action / released in 2019), etc.

We are conducting and planning 15 movie theaters movies. Founder of Happy Science University and Happy Science Academy (Junior High School, High School), Founder and President of Happiness Realization Party, HS Founder and Honorary President, HS Founder and Honorary President, Founder of Happy Science Publishing Co., Ltd. Chairman of Tar Production Co., Ltd., and Chairman of ARI Production Co., Ltd.


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